- /* m2UdpLib.c - MIB-II UDP-group API for SNMP agents */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01i, base 01d (SPR #68597, VS)
- 01d,08mar97,vin added changes to accomodate changes in pcb structure.
- 01c,25jan95,jdi doc cleanup.
- 01b,11nov94,rhp edited man pages
- 01a,08dec93,jag written
- */
- /*
- This library provides MIB-II services for the UDP group. It provides
- routines to initialize the group, access the group scalar variables, and
- read the table of UDP listeners. For a broader description of MIB-II
- services, see the manual entry for m2Lib.
- To use this feature, include the following component:
- This library can be initialized and deleted by calling
- m2UdpInit() and m2UdpDelete() respectively, if only the UDP group's services
- are needed. If full MIB-II support is used, this group and all other
- groups can be initialized and deleted by calling m2Init() and m2Delete().
- The group scalar variables are accessed by calling m2UdpGroupInfoGet()
- as follows:
- .CS
- M2_UDP udpVars;
- if (m2UdpGroupInfoGet (&udpVars) == OK)
- /@ values in udpVars are valid @/
- .CE
- The UDP table of listeners can be accessed in lexicographical order.
- The first entry in the table can be accessed by setting the table
- index to zero in a call to m2UdpTblEntryGet(). Every other entry
- thereafter can be accessed by incrementing the index returned from the
- previous invocation to the next possible lexicographical index, and
- repeatedly calling m2UdpTblEntryGet() with the M2_NEXT_VALUE constant
- as the search parameter. For example:
- .CS
- M2_UDPTBL udpEntry;
- /@ Specify zero index to get the first entry in the table @/
- udpEntry.udpLocalAddress = 0; /@ local IP Address in host byte order @/
- udpEntry.udpLocalPort = 0; /@ local port Number @/
- /@ get the first entry in the table @/
- if ((m2UdpTblEntryGet (M2_NEXT_VALUE, &udpEntry) == OK)
- /@ values in udpEntry in the first entry are valid @/
- /@ process first entry in the table @/
- /@
- * For the next call, increment the index returned in the previous call.
- * The increment is to the next possible lexicographic entry; for
- * example, if the returned index was the index passed in the
- * next invocation should be If an entry in the table
- * matches the specified index, then that entry is returned.
- * Otherwise the closest entry following it, in lexicographic order,
- * is returned.
- @/
- /@ get the second entry in the table @/
- if ((m2UdpTblEntryGet (M2_NEXT_VALUE, &udpEntry) == OK)
- /@ values in udpEntry in the second entry are valid @/
- .CE
- m2Lib, m2IfLib, m2IpLib, m2IcmpLib, m2TcpLib, m2SysLib
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "vwModNum.h"
- #include "m2Lib.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include <net/route.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <netinet/ip.h>
- #include <netinet/ip_var.h>
- #include <netinet/udp.h>
- #include <netinet/udp_var.h>
- #include <netinet/in_pcb.h>
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* external declarations */
- extern struct udpstat udpstat; /* UDP statistics variable */
- extern struct inpcbhead udb; /* UDP link list of listen requests */
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2UdpInit - initialize MIB-II UDP-group access
- *
- * This routine allocates the resources needed to allow access to the UDP
- * MIB-II variables. This routine must be called before any UDP variables
- * can be accessed.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * m2UdpGroupInfoGet(), m2UdpTblEntryGet(), m2UdpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2UdpInit (void)
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2UdpGroupInfoGet - get MIB-II UDP-group scalar variables
- *
- * This routine fills in the UDP structure at <pUdpInfo> with the MIB-II
- * UDP scalar variables.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <pUdpInfo> is not a valid pointer.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2UdpInit(), m2UdpTblEntryGet(), m2UdpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2UdpGroupInfoGet
- (
- M2_UDP * pUdpInfo /* pointer to the UDP group structure */
- )
- {
- /* Validate Pointer to UDP structure */
- if (pUdpInfo == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pUdpInfo->udpNoPorts = udpstat.udps_noport +
- udpstat.udps_noportbcast;
- pUdpInfo->udpOutDatagrams = udpstat.udps_opackets;
- /* The number UDP packets deliever to UDP users. */
- pUdpInfo->udpInDatagrams = udpstat.udps_ipackets -
- (udpstat.udps_hdrops +
- udpstat.udps_badsum +
- udpstat.udps_badlen +
- udpstat.udps_noportbcast +
- udpstat.udps_fullsock);
- /* The number UDP packets not deliever due to errors */
- pUdpInfo->udpInErrors = udpstat.udps_hdrops +
- udpstat.udps_badsum +
- udpstat.udps_badlen;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2UdpTblEntryGet - get a UDP MIB-II entry from the UDP list of listeners
- *
- * This routine traverses the UDP table of listeners and does an
- * M2_EXACT_VALUE or a M2_NEXT_VALUE search based on the
- * <search> parameter. The calling routine is responsible for
- * supplying a valid MIB-II entry index in the input structure
- * <pUdpEntry>. The index is made up of the IP address and the local
- * port number. The first entry in the table is retrieved by doing a
- * M2_NEXT_VALUE search with the index fields set to zero.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is not specified or a match is not
- * found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2Lib, m2UdpInit(), m2UdpGroupInfoGet(), m2UdpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2UdpTblEntryGet
- (
- int search, /* M2_EXACT_VALUE or M2_NEXT_VALUE */
- M2_UDPTBL * pUdpEntry /* ptr to the requested entry with index */
- )
- {
- M2_UDPTBL savedEntry; /* Possible M2_NEXT_VALUE Entry in UDP */
- /* table */
- M2_UDPTBL currEntry;
- int netLock; /* Use to secure the Network Code Access */
- struct inpcb * pPcb; /* Pointer to UDP Listener structure. */
- /* Validate Pointer to UDP Table Entry structure */
- if (pUdpEntry == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Initialize Entry for M2_NEXT_VALUE entry search. Not used in
- * M2_EXACT_VALUE search.
- */
- savedEntry.udpLocalAddress = -1; /* Largest possible value. */
- savedEntry.udpLocalPort = -1; /* Largest possible value. */
- netLock = splnet (); /* Get exclusive access to Network Code */
- for (pPcb = udb.lh_first; pPcb != NULL; pPcb = pPcb->inp_list.le_next )
- {
- currEntry.udpLocalAddress = ntohl (pPcb->inp_laddr.s_addr);
- currEntry.udpLocalPort = ntohs (pPcb->inp_lport);
- if (search == M2_EXACT_VALUE)
- {
- /* Check that the specified index matches the current entry */
- if ((pUdpEntry->udpLocalAddress == currEntry.udpLocalAddress) &&
- (pUdpEntry->udpLocalPort == currEntry.udpLocalPort))
- {
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- return (OK); /* The answer is in the structure pUdpEntry */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * A NEXT search is satisfied by an entry that is lexicographicaly
- * equal to or greater than the input UDP connection entry. Because
- * the UDP connection list is not in order, the list must be
- * traverse completely before a selection is made. The rules for a
- * lexicographical comparison are built in the next statement.
- */
- if (((currEntry.udpLocalAddress > pUdpEntry->udpLocalAddress) ||
- ((currEntry.udpLocalAddress == pUdpEntry->udpLocalAddress) &&
- (currEntry.udpLocalPort >= pUdpEntry->udpLocalPort))) &&
- ((currEntry.udpLocalAddress < savedEntry.udpLocalAddress) ||
- ((currEntry.udpLocalAddress == savedEntry.udpLocalAddress) &&
- (currEntry.udpLocalPort < savedEntry.udpLocalPort))))
- {
- /*
- * Save the entry which qualifies as the NEXT greater
- * lexicographic entry. Because the table is not order the
- * search must proceed to the end of the table.
- */
- savedEntry.udpLocalAddress = currEntry.udpLocalAddress;
- savedEntry.udpLocalPort = currEntry.udpLocalPort;
- }
- }
- }
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- /* If a match was found fill, the requested structure */
- if (savedEntry.udpLocalPort != -1)
- {
- pUdpEntry->udpLocalAddress = savedEntry.udpLocalAddress;
- pUdpEntry->udpLocalPort = savedEntry.udpLocalPort;
- return (OK);
- }
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2UdpDelete - delete all resources used to access the UDP group
- *
- * This routine frees all the resources allocated at the time the group was
- * initialized. The UDP group should not be accessed after this routine has been
- * called.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * m2UdpInit(), m2UdpGroupInfoGet(), m2UdpTblEntryGet()
- */
- STATUS m2UdpDelete (void)
- {
- return (OK);
- }