- /* muxTkLib.c - MUX toolkit Network Interface Library */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02k,05nov01,vvv fixed compilation warning
- 02j,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 02m, base 02i (SPR #70512 etc)
- 02i,09nov00,spm removed pNptCookie from END_OBJ for binary compatibility;
- fixed handling of output protocols
- 02h,29oct00,ham doc: removed reference to old SENS docs(SPR #35134).
- 02h,24oct00,niq Merging in RFC2233 changes from tor2_0.open_stack-f1 branch
- 02f,18oct00,ann applyingthe fix for Jitterbug #25 regarding
- mac address not being filled correctly
- 02e,16may00,ann merging from post R1 on openstack branch to
- incorporate RFC2233 implementation
- 02c,10mar00,ead fixed MIB-2 counter updates to use new
- RFC 2233 m2IfLib
- 02g,18oct00,niq Correct the order in which protocols are inserted in the
- muxTkBind call
- 02f,16oct00,spm merged version 02g from tor3_0_x branch (base version 02b):
- adds multiple SNARF protocol support, code cleanup, and
- backward compatibility fixes; overrides 02d and 02e changes
- 02e,25apr00,pul fixing SPR 30584
- 02d,17apr00,pul fixed TSR 153280, TSR 156655 which are part of the NPT patch
- 02c,12apr00,pul modified _muxTkSend() to free an MBlk that could be allocated
- by the addressForm() routine when the driver send() routine
- returns an error
- 02b,06oct99,pul removing references to mCastMapFunc and rtRequestFunc
- 02a,04oct99,pul adding a new semaphore to protect the Bib entry traversal
- + fixed SPR # 28427
- 01z,07jul99,pul To modify description for man page generation
- 01y,07jun99,sj resurrect network layer pkt in _muxTkSend if endSend fails
- 01x,29apr99,pul Upgraded NPT phase3 code to tor2.0.0
- 01w,29mar99,pul altered bind query, member name
- 01v,29mar99,pul altered muxTkPollReceive to return correct error.
- 01u,26mar99,pul removed all muxSvcFunc related stuff.
- 01t,25mar99,sj muxEndRcvRtn undoes MAC header strip after calling outputFilter
- 01s,24mar99,sj MUX_ID is installed as pSpare by muxTkBind + hook re-org
- 01r,19mar99,sj copy protocol type in to the BIB in muxTkBindUpdate
- 01q,18mar99,sj some clean up: collocated future release code at the end
- 01p,09mar99,sj muxTkBind can bind to ENDs
- 01o,05mar99,sj eliminated hooks; not cleanly though. next version will do that
- 01n,22feb99,sj added muxTkSend and muxTkPollSend and muxTkPollReceive
- 01m,26jan99,sj moved BIB entry definition from here to muxLibP.h
- 01l,10Nov98,sj more doc fixes
- 01k,09Nov98,sj made logMsgs in muxTkLibInit conditional on muxTkDebug
- 01j,09Nov98,sj return OK from muxTkLibInit
- 01i,08Nov98,sj populate hooks only if not done already
- 01h,06Nov98,sj forward declaration for nptHookRtn
- 01g,03Nov98,pul modified muxMCastMapFuncGet to accept net svc type and net
- drv type
- 01f,03Nov98,pul added muxMCastMapFuncGet, muxMCastMapFuncDel and comments
- 01e,03Nov98,pul moved definition of MUX_BIND_ENTRY and MUX_SVC_FUNCS here.
- modified muxTkLibInit to populate nptHook. Allocated
- muxBindBase array during muxTkBibInit().
- 01d,02Nov98,sj doc update
- 01c,27Oct98,pul removed muxTkSend for future release
- 01b,10Oct98,pul Introduced hooks for ipProto module
- 01a,05Oct98,pul Written
- */
- /*
- This library provides additional APIs offered by the Network Protocol
- Toolkit (NPT) architecture. These APIs extend the original release of
- the MUX interface.
- A NPT driver is an enhanced END but retains all of the END's functionality.
- NPT also introduces the term "network service sublayer" or simply "service
- sublayer" which is the component that interfaces between the network service
- (or network protocol) and the MUX. This service sublayer may be built in
- to the network service or protocol rather than being a separate component.
- The muxLib routines for binding protocols to END drivers also use certain
- routines from this library so that the BIB accurately reflects all bindings
- between protocols and drivers. Since all information in the BIB is also
- stored elsewhere, the BIB array should be removed to avoid the predefined
- limit it imposes on the number of active bindings.
- INCLUDE FILES: vxWorks.h, taskLib.h, stdio.h, errno.herrnoLib.h, lstlib.h,
- logLib.h, string.h, m2Lib.h, net/if.h, bufLib.h, semlib.h, end.h, muxLib.h,
- muxTkLib.h, netinet/if_ether.h, net/mbuf.h
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "lstLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "m2Lib.h"
- #include "net/if.h" /* Needed for IFF_LOAN flag. */
- #include "bufLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "end.h" /* Necessary for any END as well as the MUX */
- #include "muxLib.h"
- #include "private/muxLibP.h"
- #include "muxTkLib.h"
- #include "netinet/if_ether.h"
- #include "net/mbuf.h"
- #include "memPartLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* defines */
- #define STREQ(A, B) (strcmp ( (A), (B)) == 0)
- #define TK_DRV_CHECK(pBib) ((((MUX_ID)pBib)->flags & BIB_TK_DRV) ? TRUE : FALSE)
- #define TK_DRV_SET(pBib) (((MUX_ID)pBib)->flags |= BIB_TK_DRV)
- #define TK_DRV_CLEAR(pBib) (((MUX_ID)pBib)->flags &= ~BIB_TK_DRV)
- #define DRV_ENTRY_CHECK(pBib) ((((MUX_ID)pBib)->flags & BIB_DRV_ENTRY) ? TRUE :
- #define PROTO_ENTRY_CHECK(pBib) ((((MUX_ID)pBib)->flags & BIB_PROTO_ENTRY) ?
- /* externs */
- /* globals */
- SEM_ID muxBibLock = NULL; /* To protect the traversal of Bib entries */
- int muxTkDebug = 0;
- int muxMaxBinds = 8; /* Default (unless overridden by project facility). */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL MUX_ID muxBindBase;
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL int muxTkBibEntryGet (END_OBJ * pEnd);
- LOCAL void muxTkBibEntryFill (int index, int netSvcType, void * netCallbackId);
- LOCAL void muxTkBibEntryFree (MUX_ID muxId);
- LOCAL int muxEndRcvRtn (void *, long, M_BLK_ID, LL_HDR_INFO *, void *);
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkDrvCheck - checks if the device is an NPT or an END interface
- *
- * This function returns 1 if the driver indicated by <pDevName> is of the
- * Toolkit (NPT) paradigm, and 0 (zero) if it is an END. This routine is
- * called by the network service sublayer so that it can discover the driver
- * type before it binds to it via the MUX.
- *
- * All network drivers having the same device name but different unit numbers
- * are of the same type (NPT or END), so passing just the device name as an
- * argument is sufficient
- *
- * .IP <pDevName>
- * Expects a pointer to a string containing the name of the device
- *
- * RETURNS: 1 for an NPT driver, 0 for an END or other driver, or ERROR (-1)
- * if no device is found with the given name
- *
- * SEE ALSO: muxTkBind(), muxBind()
- */
- int muxTkDrvCheck
- (
- char * pDevName /* device name */
- )
- {
- int count;
- BOOL found = FALSE;
- /* find the BIB entry for the device and return the tkFlag status */
- semTake (muxBibLock, WAIT_FOREVER);
- for (count = 0; count < muxMaxBinds; count++)
- {
- if (STREQ(muxBindBase[count].devName, pDevName))
- {
- found = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- semGive (muxBibLock);
- if (found)
- return (TK_DRV_CHECK(&muxBindBase[count]));
- else
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkCookieGet - returns the cookie for a device
- *
- * This routine returns the cookie for a device.
- *
- * RETURNS: a cookie to the device or NULL if unsuccessful
- *
- */
- void *muxTkCookieGet
- (
- char *pName, /* Device Name */
- int unit /* Device Unit */
- )
- {
- int count = 0;
- END_OBJ *pEnd;
- pEnd = endFindByName (pName, unit);
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_muxLib_NO_DEVICE);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* find the BIB entry for the device */
- for (; (count < muxMaxBinds) && (muxBindBase[count].pEnd != pEnd); count++);
- /* if there is a match, return it */
- if (muxBindBase[count].pEnd == pEnd)
- return (&muxBindBase[count]);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkBind - bind an NPT protocol to a driver
- *
- * A network protocol, network service, or service sublayer uses this routine
- * to bind to a specific driver. This bind routine is valid both for END and
- * NPT drivers, but the specified stack routine parameters must use the NPT
- * function prototypes, and are somewhat different from those used with
- * muxBind().
- *
- * The driver is specified by the <pName> and <unit> arguments, (for example,
- * ln and 0, ln and 1, or ei and 0).
- *
- * .IP <pName> 20
- * Expects a pointer to a character string that contains the name of the
- * device that this network service wants to use to send and receive packets.
- * .IP <unit>
- * Expects the unit number of the device of the type indicated by <pName>.
- * .IP <stackRcvRtn>
- * Expects a pointer to the function that the MUX will call when it
- * wants to pass a packet up to the network service. For a description of
- * how to write this routine, see the
- * .I "WindNet TCP/IP Network Programmer's Guide"
- * .IP <stackShutdownRtn>
- * Expects a pointer to the function that the MUX will call to
- * shutdown the network service. For a description of how to write such
- * a routine, see the
- * .I "WindNet TCP/IP Network Programmer's Guide"
- * .IP <stackTxRestartRtn>
- * Expects a pointer to the function that the MUX will call after packet
- * transmission has been suspended, to tell the network service that it can
- * continue transmitting packets. For a description of how to write this
- * routine, see the
- * .I "WindNet TCP/IP Network Programmer's Guide"
- * .IP <stackErrorRtn>
- * Expects a pointer to the function that the MUX will call to give errors
- * to the network service. For a description of how to write this routine,
- * see the section
- * .I "WindNet TCP/IP Network Programmer's Guide"
- * .IP <type>
- * Expects a value that indicates the protocol type. The MUX uses this type
- * to prioritize a network service as well as to modify its capabilities. For
- * example, a network service of type MUX_PROTO_SNARF has the highest priority
- * (see the description of protocol prioritizing provided in
- * .I "WindNet TCP/IP Network Programmer's Guide."
- * Aside from MUX_PROTO_SNARF and MUX_PROTO_PROMISC, valid network service
- * types include any of the values specified in RFC 1700, or can be
- * user-defined.
- *
- * The <stackRcvRtn> is called whenever the MUX has a packet of the specified
- * type. If the type is MUX_PROTO_PROMISC, the protocol is considered
- * promiscuous and will get all of the packets that have not been consumed
- * by any other protocol. If the type is MUX_PROTO_SNARF, it will get all of
- * the packets that the MUX sees.
- *
- * If the type is MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT, this network service is an output protocol
- * and all packets that are to be output on this device are first passed to
- * <stackRcvRtn> routine rather than being sent to the device. This can be
- * used by a network service that needs to send packets directly to another
- * network service, or in a loop-back test. If the <stackRcvRtn> returns OK,
- * the packet is consumed and as no longer available. The <stackRcvRtn> for an
- * output protocol may return ERROR to indicate that it wants to look at the
- * packet without consuming it.
- * .IP <pProtoName>
- * Expects a pointer to a character string for the name of this
- * network service. This string can be NULL, in which case a network service
- * name is assigned internally.
- * .IP <pNetCallbackId>
- * Expects a pointer to a structure defined by the protocol. This argument
- * is passed up to the protocol as the first argument of all the callbacks.
- * This argument corresponds to the <pSpare> argument in muxBind()
- * .IP <pNetSvcInfo>
- * Reference to an optional structure specifying network service layer
- * information needed by the driver
- * .IP <pNetDrvInfo>
- * Reference to an optional structure specifying network driver information
- * needed by the network protocol, network service, or service sublayer
- *
- * RETURNS: A cookie that uniquely represents the binding instance, or NULL
- * if the bind fails.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: muxBind()
- *
- */
- void * muxTkBind
- (
- char * pName, /* interface name, for example, ln, ei,... */
- int unit, /* unit number */
- BOOL (*stackRcvRtn) (void*,long, M_BLK_ID, void *),
- /* receive function to be called. */
- STATUS (*stackShutdownRtn) (void *),
- /* routine to call to shutdown the stack */
- STATUS (*stackTxRestartRtn) (void *),
- /* routine to tell the stack it can transmit */
- void (*stackErrorRtn) (void*, END_ERR*),
- /* routine to call on an error. */
- long type, /* protocol type from RFC1700 and many */
- /* other sources (for example, 0x800 is IP) */
- char * pProtoName, /* string name for protocol */
- void * pNetCallbackId, /* returned to network service sublayer during recv */
- void * pNetSvcInfo, /* reference to netSrvInfo structure */
- void * pNetDrvInfo /* reference to netDrvInfo structure */
- )
- {
- NET_PROTOCOL * pNewProto = NULL;
- NODE * pFinal = NULL; /* Last snarf protocol, if any. */
- END_OBJ * pEnd;
- int index = 0;
- FUNCPTR ioctlRtn = NULL;
- BOOL tkFlag = FALSE;
- if (muxTkDebug)
- logMsg ("Start of muxTkBindn", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
- /* Check to see if we have a valid device. */
- pEnd = endFindByName (pName, unit);
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_muxLib_NO_DEVICE);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (muxTkDebug)
- logMsg ("Found the END objectn", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
- /*
- * Query for the END bind routine and call it if available;
- * if the driver rejects the bind there's no need to proceed
- */
- if((ioctlRtn = pEnd->pFuncTable->ioctl) != NULL)
- {
- FUNCPTR bindRtn = NULL;
- END_QUERY endQuery = {END_BIND_QUERY, 4, {0,0,0,0} };
- if ((*ioctlRtn) (pEnd,EIOCQUERY, &endQuery) == OK)
- {
- bindRtn = *(FUNCPTR *)endQuery.queryData;
- if ((*bindRtn) (pEnd, pNetSvcInfo,
- pNetDrvInfo, type) == ERROR)
- {
- if (muxTkDebug)
- logMsg ("muxTkBind: EndBind failedn", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- /* check if we are allowed to continue with this protocol type */
- if (type == MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT)
- {
- /*
- * Check to see if this is an OUTPUT protocol and allow only
- * one output filter per END
- */
- if (pEnd->outputFilter)
- {
- errnoSet (S_muxLib_ALREADY_BOUND);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Get the appropriate place in the protocol list if necessary.
- * For standard protocols, also check if the protocol number
- * is available.
- */
- if (type != MUX_PROTO_PROMISC)
- {
- /* Get the first standard protocol and last snarf protocol, if any. */
- if (pEnd->snarfCount)
- {
- pFinal = lstNth (&pEnd->protocols, pEnd->snarfCount);
- pNode = (NET_PROTOCOL *)lstNext (pFinal);
- }
- else
- pNode = (NET_PROTOCOL *)lstFirst (&pEnd->protocols);
- }
- if (type != MUX_PROTO_SNARF && type != MUX_PROTO_PROMISC)
- {
- for ( ; pNode != NULL;
- pNode = (NET_PROTOCOL *)lstNext (&pNode->node) )
- {
- if (pNode->type == type)
- {
- errnoSet (S_muxLib_ALREADY_BOUND);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* find an empty slot in the BIB */
- if ((index = muxTkBibEntryGet (pEnd)) < 0)
- {
- if (muxTkDebug)
- logMsg ("muxTkBind: No more Bind entries", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
- return (NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- tkFlag = TK_DRV_CHECK(&muxBindBase[index]);
- }
- /* Allocate a new protocol structure and bind the protocol to the END. */
- if (pNewProto == NULL)
- {
- /* free BIB entry */
- bzero ((void *)&muxBindBase[index], sizeof(MUX_BIND_ENTRY));
- logMsg ("muxBind cannot allocate protocol node", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- errnoSet (S_muxLib_ALLOC_FAILED);
- return (NULL);
- }
- bzero ( (char *)pNewProto, sizeof(NET_PROTOCOL));
- /* bind the protocol to the END */
- if (type != MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT)
- {
- /* populate all fields in the new protocol node */
- pNewProto->stackShutdownRtn = stackShutdownRtn;
- pNewProto->stackTxRestartRtn = stackTxRestartRtn;
- pNewProto->stackErrorRtn = stackErrorRtn;
- }
- pNewProto->type = type;
- /* Indicate that muxTkBind() was used. */
- pNewProto->nptFlag = TRUE;
- if (tkFlag != TRUE && type != MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT)
- {
- /* Use a wrapper receive routine when sending data with END devices. */
- pNewProto->stackRcvRtn = muxEndRcvRtn;
- }
- else
- {
- pNewProto->stackRcvRtn = stackRcvRtn;
- }
- /*
- * For all input protocols bound using muxTkBind,
- * install the BIB entry pointer as the call back ID.
- */
- pNewProto->pSpare = &muxBindBase[index];
- if (type != MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT)
- {
- /* copy the protocol name or generate one if not available */
- if (pProtoName != NULL)
- {
- strncpy (pNewProto->name, pProtoName, 32);
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf (pNewProto->name, "Protocol %d",
- lstCount (&pEnd->protocols));
- }
- }
- /* Insert the protocol in the END_OBJ protocol list */
- switch (type)
- {
- lstAdd (&pEnd->protocols, &pNewProto->node);
- break;
- default:
- /* Add a standard or snarf protocol after any existing ones. */
- lstInsert(&pEnd->protocols, pFinal, &pNewProto->node);
- break;
- }
- if (type == MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT)
- {
- /* For an OUTPUT protocol place the filter in the END object itself. */
- pEnd->outputFilter = pNewProto;
- pEnd->pOutputFilterSpare = pNetCallbackId;
- muxBindBase[index].pEnd->outputFilter->stackRcvRtn = muxEndRcvRtn;
- pEnd->outputFilter->stackRcvRtn = stackRcvRtn;
- }
- muxBindBase[index].netStackRcvRtn = stackRcvRtn;
- /* fill the rest of the BIB entry */
- muxTkBibEntryFill (index, type, pNetCallbackId);
- if (type == MUX_PROTO_SNARF) /* Increase the count. */
- (pEnd->snarfCount)++;
- pNewProto->pNptCookie = &muxBindBase[index];
- return (&muxBindBase[index]);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkReceive - receive a packet from a NPT driver
- *
- * This is the routine that the NPT driver calls to hand a packet to the MUX.
- * This routine forwards the received 'mBlk' chain to the network service
- * sublayer by calling its registered stackRcvRtn().
- *
- * Typically, a driver includes an interrupt handling routine to process
- * received packets. It should keep processing to a minimum during interrupt
- * context and then arrange for processing of the received packet within
- * task context.
- *
- * Once the frame has been validated, the driver should pass it to the MUX
- * with the 'receiveRtn' member of its END_OBJ structure. This routine has
- * the same prototype as (and typically is) muxTkReceive().
- *
- * Depending on the protocol type (for example, MUX_PROTO_SNARF or
- * MUX_PROTO_PROMISC), this routine either forwards the received packet chain
- * unmodified or it changes the data pointer in the 'mBlk' to strip off the
- * frame header before forwarding the packet.
- *
- * .IP <pCookie>
- * Expects the END_OBJ pointer returned by the driver's endLoad() or
- * nptLoad() function
- *
- * .IP <pMblk>
- * Expects a pointer to the 'mBlk' structure containing the packet that has
- * been received
- *
- * .IP <netSvcOffset>
- * Expects an offset into the frame to the point where the data field (the
- * network service layer header) begins
- *
- * .IP <netSvcType>
- * Expects the network service type of the service for which the packet is
- * destined (typically this value can be found in the header of the received
- * frame)
- *
- * .IP <uniPromiscuous>
- * Expects a boolean set to TRUE when driver is in promiscuous mode and
- * receives a unicast or a multicast packet not intended for this device.
- * When TRUE the packet is not handed over to network services other than
- * those registered as SNARF or PROMISCUOUS.
- *
- * .IP <pSpareData>
- * Expects a pointer to any spare data the driver needs to pass up to the
- * network service layer, or NULL
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS muxTkReceive
- (
- void * pCookie, /* cookie passed in endLoad() call */
- M_BLK_ID pMblk, /* a buffer passed to us. */
- long netSvcOffset, /* offset to network datagram in the packet */
- long netSvcType, /* network service type */
- BOOL uniPromiscuous, /* TRUE when driver is in promiscuous mode */
- void * pSpareData /* out of band data */
- )
- {
- NET_PROTOCOL * pProto;
- END_OBJ * pEnd;
- long type;
- M_BLK_ID pMblkOrig;
- int count;
- pEnd = (END_OBJ *)pCookie;
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_muxLib_NO_DEVICE);
- if (pMblk)
- netMblkClChainFree (pMblk);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Grab a new block and parse out the header information. */
- count = lstCount (&pEnd->protocols);
- if (count <= 0)
- {
- if (pMblk)
- netMblkClChainFree (pMblk);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- pProto = (NET_PROTOCOL *)lstFirst (&pEnd->protocols);
- if (pProto == NULL)
- {
- if (pMblk)
- netMblkClChainFree (pMblk);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Ignore incoming data if an output protocol is the only entry. */
- if (count == 1 && pProto->type == MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT)
- {
- if (pMblk)
- netMblkClChainFree (pMblk);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Loop through the protocol list.
- * If a protocol's receive routine returns TRUE, that means it has
- * consumed the packet.
- * The protocol's receive routine should always return FALSE if other
- * protocols have to see the packet.
- * SNARF protocols have the priority over every other protocol.
- * PROMISC protocols have the least priority.
- */
- type = netSvcType;
- for (; pProto != NULL; pProto = (NET_PROTOCOL *)lstNext (&pProto->node))
- {
- MUX_ID muxId = (MUX_ID)(pProto->pSpare);
- void * pNetCallbackId = NULL;
- if (pProto->type == MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT)
- continue;
- if (muxId)
- pNetCallbackId = muxId->pNetCallbackId;
- if (pProto->type == MUX_PROTO_SNARF)
- {
- if ((pProto->stackRcvRtn) && (*pProto->stackRcvRtn)
- (pNetCallbackId, type, pMblk, pSpareData) == TRUE)
- return (OK);
- }
- else if (pProto->type == type && !uniPromiscuous)
- {
- /* Make sure the entire Link Hdr is in the first M_BLK */
- pMblkOrig = pMblk;
- if (pMblk->mBlkHdr.mLen < netSvcOffset &&
- (pMblk = m_pullup (pMblk, netSvcOffset)) == NULL)
- {
- pMblk = pMblkOrig;
- break;
- }
- /* remove the MAC header and set the packet length accordingly */
- pMblk->mBlkHdr.mData += netSvcOffset;
- pMblk->mBlkHdr.mLen -= netSvcOffset;
- pMblk->mBlkPktHdr.len -= netSvcOffset;
- if ((pProto->stackRcvRtn) &&
- (((*pProto->stackRcvRtn) (pNetCallbackId, type, pMblk,
- pSpareData)) == TRUE))
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- else if (pProto->type == MUX_PROTO_PROMISC)
- {
- if ((pProto->stackRcvRtn) &&
- (((*pProto->stackRcvRtn) (pNetCallbackId, type, pMblk,
- pSpareData)) == TRUE))
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- }
- /* if the flow comes here then pMblk is not freed */
- if (pMblk)
- netMblkClChainFree (pMblk);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * _muxTkSend - A private function common to both muxTkSend and muxTkPollSend
- *
- * This routine does all of the processing required prior to a muxTkSend() or
- * muxTkPollSend() and calls the driver's send() or pollSend() routine; a
- * pointer to which is passed as the last argument. All other arguments are
- * the same as muxTkSend() or muxTkPollSend()
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: muxTkSend(), muxTkPollSend, muxSend(), muxPollSend
- *
- */
- (
- MUX_ID muxId, /* cookie returned by muxTkBind */
- M_BLK_ID pNBuff, /* data to be sent */
- char * dstMacAddr, /* destination MAC address */
- USHORT netType, /* network protocol that is calling us: redundant? */
- void * pSpareData, /* spare data passed on each send */
- FUNCPTR sendRtn /* the driver's send routine: poll or regular */
- )
- {
- LL_HDR_INFO llHdrInfo;
- END_OBJ * pEnd = muxId->pEnd;
- /* we need these two M_BLKs for endAddressForm */
- M_BLK srcAddr = {{NULL,NULL,NULL,0,MT_IFADDR,0,0}, {NULL,0}, NULL};
- M_BLK dstAddr = {{NULL,NULL,NULL,0,MT_IFADDR,0,0}, {NULL,0}, NULL};
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* bump MIB2 statistic */
- if (pNBuff != NULL &&
- (pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mFlags & M_BCAST ||
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mFlags & M_MCAST))
- {
- if (pEnd->flags & END_MIB_2233)
- {
- /*
- * Do nothing as ifOutNUcastPkts is updated by the
- * m2PktCountRtn function specified in the END objects
- * M2_ID.
- */
- }
- else /* (RFC1213 style counters supported) XXX */
- {
- ++(pEnd->mib2Tbl.ifOutNUcastPkts);
- }
- }
- if (pEnd->outputFilter)
- {
- pOut = pEnd->outputFilter;
- if (pOut->stackRcvRtn (pEnd->pOutputFilterSpare, netType, pNBuff,
- pSpareData) == TRUE)
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- if (!TK_DRV_CHECK(muxId))
- {
- M_BLK_ID pSrcAddr = &srcAddr;
- M_BLK_ID pDstAddr = &dstAddr;
- M_BLK_ID pMacFrame = NULL;
- char srcMacAddr[64];
- /* copy END MAC addr into a temporary buffer */
- bzero (srcMacAddr, 64);
- if (pEnd->flags & END_MIB_2233)
- bcopy(END_ALT_HADDR(pEnd),srcMacAddr,END_ALT_HADDR_LEN(pEnd));
- else
- bcopy(END_HADDR(pEnd),srcMacAddr,END_HADDR_LEN(pEnd));
- pDstAddr->mBlkHdr.mData = dstMacAddr;
- pDstAddr->mBlkHdr.mLen = END_HADDR_LEN(pEnd);
- pDstAddr->mBlkHdr.reserved = netType;
- pSrcAddr->mBlkHdr.mData = srcMacAddr;
- pSrcAddr->mBlkHdr.mLen = END_HADDR_LEN(pEnd);
- if (pEnd->pFuncTable->formAddress &&
- ((pMacFrame = pEnd->pFuncTable->formAddress (pNBuff, pSrcAddr,
- pDstAddr, FALSE))
- != NULL))
- {
- STATUS status;
- /*
- * if we get here, we send the fully formed MAC frame to
- * the END driver
- */
- status = sendRtn (pEnd, pMacFrame);
- if (status != OK)
- {
- /*
- * resurrect the network layer packet
- */
- if (pMacFrame == pNBuff)
- {
- if (pEnd->pFuncTable->packetDataGet (pNBuff, &llHdrInfo)
- == ERROR)
- {
- if (pNBuff)
- netMblkClChainFree (pNBuff);
- return ERROR;
- }
- /* point to the network pkt header, and adjust the length */
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mData += llHdrInfo.dataOffset;
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mLen -= llHdrInfo.dataOffset;
- if(pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mFlags & M_PKTHDR)
- pNBuff->mBlkPktHdr.len -= llHdrInfo.dataOffset;
- #if 0
- logMsg("_muxTkSendErrorn",1,2,3,4,5,6);
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- if(pMacFrame)
- {
- netMblkClFree(pMacFrame);
- }
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mFlags |= M_PKTHDR;
- }
- }
- return(status);
- }
- else
- {
- if (pNBuff)
- netMblkClChainFree (pNBuff);
- return ERROR;
- }
- }
- else /* NPT driver */
- {
- /* if we get here we send the packet to the driver */
- return (sendRtn (pEnd, pNBuff, dstMacAddr, netType, pSpareData));
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkSend - send a packet out on a Toolkit or END network interface
- *
- * This routine uses <pCookie> to find a specific network interface and
- * uses that driver's send routine to transmit a packet.
- *
- * The transmit entry point for an NPT driver uses the following prototype:
- * .CS
- * STATUS nptSend
- * (
- * END_OBJ * pEND, /@ END object @/
- * M_BLK_ID pPkt, /@ network packet to transmit @/
- * char * pDstAddr, /@ destination MAC address @/
- * int netType /@ network service type @/
- * void * pSpareData /@ optional network service data @/
- * )
- * .CE
- *
- * The transmit entry point for an END driver the following prototype:
- * .CS
- * STATUS endSend
- * (
- * void * pEND, /@ END object @/
- * M_BLK_ID pPkt, /@ Network packet to transmit @/
- * )
- * .CE
- *
- * An END driver must continue to provide the addressForm() entry point to
- * construct the appropriate link-level header. The <pDst> and <pSrc> M_BLK
- * arguments to that routine supply the link-level addresses with the
- * 'mData' and 'mLen' fields. The reserved field of the destination M_BLK
- * contains the network service type. Both arguments f2mustfP
- * be treated as read-only.
- *
- * To send a fully formed physical layer frame to a device using an NPT
- * driver (which typically forms the frame itself), set the M_L2HDR flag
- * in the 'mBlk' header.
- *
- * A driver may be written so that it returns the error END_ERR_BLOCK if
- * the driver has insufficient resources to transmit data. The network
- * service sublayer can use this feedback to establish a flow control
- * mechanism by holding off on making any further calls to muxTkSend()
- * until the device is ready to restart transmission, at which time the
- * device should call muxTxRestart() which will call the service sublayer's
- * stackRestartRtn() that was registered for the interface at bind time.
- *
- * .IP <pCookie>
- * Expects the cookie returned from muxTkBind(). This Cookie
- * identifies the device to which the MUX has bound this protocol.
- *
- * .IP <pNBuff>
- * The network packet to be sent, formed into an 'mBlk' chain.
- *
- * .IP <dstMacAddr>
- * Destination MAC address to which packet is to be sent, determined
- * perhaps by calling the address resolution function that was registered
- * for this service/device interface.
- *
- * .IP <netType>
- * Network service type of the sending service. This will be used to
- * identify the payload type in the MAC frame.
- *
- * .IP <pSpareData>
- * Reference to any additional data the network service wants to pass to the
- * driver during the send operation.
- *
- * NOTE: A driver may return END_ERR_BLOCK if it is temporarily unable
- * to complete the send, and then call muxTxRestart() to indicate that it
- * is again able to send data. If the driver has been written in this way,
- * muxTkSend() will pass the ERR_END_BLOCK back as its own return value and
- * the service can wait for its stackRestartRtn() callback routine to be
- * called before trying the send operation again.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK; ENETDOWN, if <pCookie> doesn't represent a valid device;
- * or an error, if the driver's send() routine fails.
- *
- */
- STATUS muxTkSend
- (
- void * pCookie, /* returned by muxTkBind()*/
- M_BLK_ID pNBuff, /* data to be sent */
- char * dstMacAddr, /* destination MAC address */
- USHORT netType, /* network protocol that is calling us */
- /** is netType redundant? **/
- void * pSpareData /* spare data passed on each send */
- )
- {
- MUX_ID muxId = (MUX_ID)pCookie;
- END_OBJ * pEnd = muxId->pEnd;
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_muxLib_NO_DEVICE);
- if (pNBuff)
- netMblkClChainFree (pNBuff);
- return (ENETDOWN);
- }
- else
- {
- FUNCPTR sendRtn = pEnd->pFuncTable->send;
- return (_muxTkSend (muxId, pNBuff, dstMacAddr, netType, pSpareData,
- sendRtn));
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkPollSend - send a packet out in polled mode to an END or NPT interface
- *
- * This routine uses <pCookie> to find a specific network interface and
- * use that driver's pollSend() routine to transmit a packet.
- *
- * This routine replaces the muxPollSend() routine for both END and NPT
- * drivers.
- *
- * When using this routine, the driver does not need to call muxAddressForm()
- * to complete the packet, nor does it need to prepend an 'mBlk' of type
- * MF_IFADDR containing the destination address.
- *
- * An NPT driver's pollSend() entry point is called based on this prototype:
- * .CS
- * STATUS nptPollSend
- * (
- * END_OBJ * pEND, /@ END object @/
- * M_BLK_ID pPkt, /@ network packet to transmit @/
- * char * pDstAddr, /@ destination MAC address @/
- * long netType /@ network service type @/
- * void * pSpareData /@ optional network service data @/
- * )
- * .CE
- *
- * The pollSend() entry point for an END uses this prototype:
- * .CS
- * STATUS endPollSend
- * (
- * END_OBJ * pEND, /@ END object @/
- * M_BLK_ID pPkt, /@ network packet to transmit @/
- * )
- * .CE
- *
- * An END driver must provide the addressForm() entry point to
- * construct the appropriate link-level header. The <pDst> and <pSrc> M_BLK
- * arguments to that routine supply the link-level addresses with the
- * mData and mLen fields. The reserved field of the destination M_BLK
- * contains the network service type. Both arguments f2mustfP be treated as
- * read-only.
- *
- * .IP <pCookie>
- * Expects the cookie returned from muxBind() or muxTkBind(). This cookie
- * identifies the device to which the MUX has bound this protocol.
- *
- * .IP <pNBuff>
- * The network packet to be sent.
- *
- * .IP <dstMacAddr>
- * Destination MAC address to which packet is to be sent
- *
- * .IP <netType>
- * Network service type that will be used to identify the payload data in
- * the MAC frame.
- *
- * .IP <pSpareData>
- * Reference to any additional data the network service wants to pass to the
- * driver during the send operation.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, ENETDOWN if <pCookie> doesn't represent a valid device,
- * or an error if the driver's pollSend() routine fails.
- *
- */
- STATUS muxTkPollSend
- (
- void * pCookie, /* returned by muxTkBind()*/
- M_BLK_ID pNBuff, /* data to be sent */
- char * dstMacAddr, /* destination MAC address */
- USHORT netType, /* network protocol that is calling us */
- /** is netType redundant? **/
- void * pSpareData /* spare data passed on each send */
- )
- {
- MUX_ID muxId = (MUX_ID)pCookie;
- END_OBJ * pEnd = muxId->pEnd;
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- {
- if (pNBuff)
- netMblkClChainFree (pNBuff);
- errnoSet (S_muxLib_NO_DEVICE);
- return (ENETDOWN);
- }
- else
- {
- FUNCPTR sendRtn = pEnd->pFuncTable->pollSend;
- return (_muxTkSend (muxId, pNBuff, dstMacAddr, netType,
- pSpareData, sendRtn));
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkPollReceive - poll for a packet from a NPT or END driver
- *
- * This is the routine that an upper layer can call to poll for a packet.
- * Any service type retrieved from the MAC frame is passed via the reserved
- * member of the M_BLK header.
- *
- * This API effectively replaces muxPollReceive() for both END and NPT drivers.
- *
- * For an NPT driver its pollReceive() entry point is called based on the new
- * prototype:
- * .CS
- * STATUS nptPollReceive
- * (
- * END_OBJ * pEND, /@ END object @/
- * M_BLK_ID pPkt, /@ network packet buffer @/
- * long * pNetSvc, /@ service type from MAC frame @/
- * long * pNetOffset, /@ offset to network packet @/
- * void * pSpareData /@ optional network service data @/
- * )
- * .CE
- *
- * The pollReceive() entry point for an END driver uses the original prototype:
- * .CS
- * STATUS endPollRcv
- * (
- * END_OBJ * pEND, /@ END object @/
- * M_BLK_ID pPkt, /@ network packet buffer @/
- * )
- * .CE
- *
- * An END driver must continue to provide the packetDataGet() entry point
- *
- * .IP <pCookie>
- * Expects the cookie that was returned from muxBind() or muxTkBind().
- * This "cookie" identifies the driver.
- *
- * .IP <pNBuff>
- * Expects a pointer to a buffer chain into which incoming data will be put.
- *
- * .IP <pSpareData>
- * A pointer to any optional spare data provided by a NPT driver. Always
- * NULL with an END driver.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK; EAGAIN, if no packet was available; ENETDOWN, if the 'pCookie'
- * does not represent a loaded driver; or an error value returned from the
- * driver's registered pollReceive() function.
- *
- */
- STATUS muxTkPollReceive
- (
- void * pCookie, /* cookie from muxTkBind routine */
- M_BLK_ID pNBuff, /* a vector of buffers passed to us */
- void * pSpare /* a reference to spare data is returned here */
- )
- {
- int error = OK;
- MUX_ID muxId = (MUX_ID)pCookie;
- END_OBJ * pEnd = muxId->pEnd;
- FUNCPTR pollRcvRtn;
- LL_HDR_INFO llHdrInfo;
- int netPktOffset = 0;
- int netSvcType = 0;
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_muxLib_NO_DEVICE);
- return (ENETDOWN);
- }
- pollRcvRtn = pEnd->pFuncTable->pollRcv;
- if (!TK_DRV_CHECK(muxId))
- {
- /* call END poll receive routine */
- if ((error = pollRcvRtn (pEnd, pNBuff)) == OK)
- {
- if (pEnd->pFuncTable->packetDataGet (pNBuff,&llHdrInfo) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- }
- netPktOffset = llHdrInfo.dataOffset;
- netSvcType = llHdrInfo.pktType;
- if (pSpare)
- *(UINT32 *)pSpare = (UINT32)NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- error = pollRcvRtn (pEnd, pNBuff,&netSvcType,
- &netPktOffset, pSpare);
- if (error != OK)
- return error;
- }
- /* restore the network layer packet for a non SNARF protocol */
- if (muxId->netSvcType != MUX_PROTO_SNARF)
- {
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mData += netPktOffset;
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mLen -= netPktOffset;
- }
- /* Save the service type returned by the driver in the reserved field. */
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.reserved = (USHORT)netSvcType;
- return (error);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkPollReceive2 - muxTkPollReceive + muxTkReceive
- *
- * Combines muxTkPollReceive and muxTkReceive.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if the packet is passed up the stack
- *
- */
- STATUS muxTkPollReceive2
- (
- void * pCookie, /* cookie from muxTkBind routine */
- M_BLK_ID pNBuff
- )
- {
- MUX_ID muxId = (MUX_ID)pCookie;
- END_OBJ * pEnd = muxId->pEnd;
- FUNCPTR pollRcvRtn;
- int netPktOffset = 0;
- int netSvcType = 0;
- pollRcvRtn = pEnd->pFuncTable->pollRcv;
- if (pollRcvRtn (pEnd, pNBuff, &netSvcType, &netPktOffset, NULL) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* restore the network layer packet for a non SNARF protocol */
- if (((MUX_ID)pCookie)->netSvcType != MUX_PROTO_SNARF)
- {
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mData += netPktOffset;
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.mLen -= netPktOffset;
- }
- /* Save the service type returned by the driver in the reserved field. */
- pNBuff->mBlkHdr.reserved = (USHORT)netSvcType;
- muxTkReceive (pCookie, pNBuff, netPktOffset, netSvcType,
- ((END_OBJ *)pCookie)->flags & IFF_PROMISC, NULL);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxEndRcvRtn - wrapper stack receive routine for END drivers
- *
- * This routine is installed as the stackRcvRoutine() for all END drivers bound
- * to with the muxTkBind() call. This allows muxTkBind() to support both END
- * and NPT drivers and thus eliminates the need to call muxTkDrvCheck().
- *
- * For incoming data, the <pCookie> argument is equal to the value from the
- * muxBind() routine (if it had been used). For an NPT output filter bound
- * to an END device, the <pCookie> argument is equal to NULL.
- *
- * The <pSpare> argument is equal to the address of the BIB entry for the
- * protocol/device binding.
- *
- *
- */
- int muxEndRcvRtn
- (
- void * pCookie, /* muxReceive cookie, or NULL */
- long type, /* network service type */
- M_BLK_ID pMblk, /* MAC frame */
- LL_HDR_INFO * pLinkHdrInfo, /* link level information */
- void * pSpare /* pSpare argument (from muxBind) */
- )
- {
- BOOL retVal = FALSE;
- MUX_ID muxId = (MUX_ID) pSpare;
- END_OBJ * pEnd = muxId->pEnd;
- if (pLinkHdrInfo == NULL || pEnd == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- /* point to network packet and adjust the length */
- pMblk->mBlkHdr.mData += pLinkHdrInfo->dataOffset;
- pMblk->mBlkHdr.mLen -= pLinkHdrInfo->dataOffset;
- pMblk->mBlkPktHdr.len -= pLinkHdrInfo->dataOffset;
- /* call the registered network service's stack recv routine */
- retVal = muxId->netStackRcvRtn (muxId->pNetCallbackId,type,pMblk,NULL);
- if (muxId->netSvcType == MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT && retVal == FALSE)
- {
- /*
- * if we are called via the output filter mechanism and the
- * filter does not consume the packet we need to undo the stripping
- * of the MAC header
- */
- pMblk->mBlkHdr.mData -= pLinkHdrInfo->dataOffset;
- pMblk->mBlkHdr.mLen += pLinkHdrInfo->dataOffset;
- pMblk->mBlkPktHdr.len += pLinkHdrInfo->dataOffset;
- }
- return (retVal);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkBibEntryGet - find the next available slot in the BIB
- *
- * This is a internal function called to find the next available entry in
- * the BIB. For the first protocol that binds to a particular device the
- * entry that was partially filled at the time of driver load, using
- * muxDevLoad(), is used. For the second protocol onwards a new entry is
- * claimed
- *
- * RETURNS : muxId or NULL.
- */
- int muxTkBibEntryGet
- (
- END_OBJ * pEnd /* the END the protocol is trying to bind to */
- )
- {
- int multBinds = 0;
- int count = 0;
- int index = -1;
- NET_PROTOCOL * pProto;
- /*
- * mutual exclusion begins here and we keep it till we have a valid
- * BIB index
- */
- if (semTake (muxBibLock, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR)
- return (-1);
- /* are one or more protocols already bound to this device ? */
- multBinds = lstCount (&pEnd->protocols);
- /*
- * KLUDGE to accomodate muxBind
- */
- if (multBinds == 1)
- {
- pProto = (NET_PROTOCOL *)lstFirst (&pEnd->protocols);
- if (! pProto->nptFlag)
- multBinds = 0;
- }
- /*
- * if this is the first protocol being registered with this device,
- * we simply use search for and use the BIB slot in which the driver
- * was loaded using muxDevLoad(); else we find the next available slot
- * in the BIB
- */
- if (!multBinds)
- {
- for (count = 0; count < muxMaxBinds; count++)
- {
- if (STREQ(muxBindBase[count].devName, pEnd-> &&
- muxBindBase[count].unitNo == pEnd->devObject.unit)
- {
- index = count;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (count = 0; (count < muxMaxBinds) &&
- (muxBindBase[count].pEnd != NULL); count++)
- ;
- /*
- * these fields in the BIB entry need to be filled only when
- * more than one protocol is bound to the same device
- */
- if (count < muxMaxBinds)
- {
- index = count;
- /* reserve this slot for us */
- muxBindBase[index].pEnd = pEnd;
- muxBindBase[index].unitNo = pEnd->devObject.unit;
- strcpy(muxBindBase[count].devName, pEnd->;
- if ((END_IOCTL(pEnd)(pEnd, EIOCGNPT, NULL)) == OK)
- {
- TK_DRV_SET(&muxBindBase[count]);
- }
- else
- {
- TK_DRV_CLEAR(&muxBindBase[count]);
- }
- }
- }
- /* say that a protocol has taken this slot */
- muxBindBase[index].flags |= BIB_PROTO_ENTRY;
- /* we have the BIB index and we are clear to release muxLock */
- semGive (muxBibLock);
- return (index);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkBibEntryFill - fill and complete the BIB entry
- *
- * This is a internal function called to complete the BIB entry that was
- * claimed using muxTkBibEntryGet()
- *
- * RETURNS : muxId or NULL.
- */
- void muxTkBibEntryFill
- (
- int index, /* BIB entry pointer */
- int netSvcType, /* protocol that is being bound */
- void * pNetCallbackId /* protocols callback Id */
- )
- {
- M2_ID * pM2ID;
- long netDrvType = 0;
- /* get the MAC type from the END MIB table */
- if (muxBindBase[index].pEnd->flags & END_MIB_2233)
- {
- muxIoctl(&muxBindBase[index], EIOCGMIB2233, (caddr_t)&pM2ID);
- netDrvType = pM2ID->m2Data.mibIfTbl.ifType;
- }
- else /* (RFC1213 style counters supported) XXX */
- {
- muxIoctl(&muxBindBase[index], EIOCGMIB2, (caddr_t)&mib2Tbl);
- netDrvType = mib2Tbl.ifType;
- }
- /* populate the rest of the BIB entry */
- muxBindBase[index].netSvcType = netSvcType;
- muxBindBase[index].netDrvType = netDrvType;
- muxBindBase[index].pNetCallbackId = pNetCallbackId;
- /* populate the BIB entry with the registered network service functions */
- muxBindBase[index].addrResFunc = muxAddrResFuncGet (netDrvType,netSvcType);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkBibEntryFree - free the BIB entry
- *
- * This is a internal function called to free the said BIB entry
- *
- */
- LOCAL void muxTkBibEntryFree
- (
- MUX_ID muxId /* BIB entry pointer */
- )
- {
- if (muxId == NULL)
- return;
- /*
- * we bzero the entry if it is a driver load entry and no protocols
- * are bound OR if it is not a driver load entry and a protocol is
- * bound at this entry
- */
- if (((DRV_ENTRY_CHECK(muxId) == TRUE) &&
- ((DRV_ENTRY_CHECK(muxId) == FALSE) &&
- {
- bzero ((void *)muxId, sizeof(MUX_BIND_ENTRY));
- }
- else if ((PROTO_ENTRY_CHECK(muxId) == TRUE) &&
- {
- /* here we simply clean up the protocol information */
- muxId->flags &= ~BIB_PROTO_ENTRY;
- muxId->addrResFunc = NULL;
- muxId->netSvcType = 0;
- muxId->netDrvType = 0;
- muxId->pNetCallbackId = NULL;
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkBibShow - show the BIB entries
- *
- * This is an unpublished BIB show routine
- *
- */
- void muxTkBibShow (void)
- {
- int i;
- int count = 0;
- MUX_ID muxId = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < muxMaxBinds; i++)
- {
- if (muxBindBase[i].pEnd == NULL)
- {
- continue;
- }
- else if (++count == 1)
- {
- /* print banner */
- printf("n%5s %8s %8s %8s %8s n", "Slot#",
- "Svc Type", "Drv Name", "Drv Unit", "DRV_ENT");
- printf("%4s %8s %8s %8s %8s nn", "----",
- "--------", "--------", "--------", "--------");
- }
- muxId = &muxBindBase[i];
- printf ("%5d 0x%x %8s %8d %8s n", i,
- (UINT)muxId->netSvcType, muxId->devName, muxId->unitNo,
- (char *)(DRV_ENTRY_CHECK(muxId) ? "DRV_ENTRY" : " "));
- }
- }
- /*
- * The functions below are called by the SENS MUX API implementation to upgrade
- * to NPT infrastructure using the BIB
- */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkBibInit - Initialize the BIB
- *
- * This initializes the MUX BIB used by NPT to store binding information. This
- * routine also initializes the list to store the MUX service functions.
- *
- * Note: This routine is called by muxLibInit()
- *
- */
- STATUS muxTkBibInit (void)
- {
- int count;
- if (muxBibLock != NULL)
- return (OK);
- muxBibLock = semBCreate (SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_FULL);
- if (muxBibLock == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* allocate the BIB table */
- muxBindBase = (MUX_ID) KHEAP_ALLOC(muxMaxBinds * sizeof (MUX_BIND_ENTRY));
- if (muxBindBase == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Initialize the BIB table */
- for (count = 0; count < muxMaxBinds; count++)
- bzero ((char*) &muxBindBase[count], sizeof(MUX_BIND_ENTRY));
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkDevLoadUpdate - Hook routine called from muxDevLoad
- *
- * This is called from muxDevLoad() to load the driver into the BIB.
- * The driver is queried for NPT/END mode of operation and the receive
- * routine in the END_OBJ is set accordingly.
- *
- * RETURNS: muxId or NULL.
- */
- void * muxTkDevLoadUpdate
- (
- END_OBJ * pEnd
- )
- {
- int count = 0; /* index for BIB */
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* Take the Bib semaphore and create an Entry in the BIB table */
- semTake (muxBibLock, WAIT_FOREVER);
- while ( (muxBindBase[count].pEnd != NULL) && (count < muxMaxBinds))
- {
- count++;
- }
- semGive (muxBibLock);
- if (count == muxMaxBinds)
- return (NULL);
- muxBindBase[count].unitNo = pEnd->devObject.unit;
- strcpy (muxBindBase[count].devName, pEnd->;
- muxBindBase[count].pEnd = pEnd;
- muxBindBase[count].flags = BIB_DRV_ENTRY;
- /* set the toolkit flag and the MUX receive routine */
- if ((END_IOCTL(pEnd)(pEnd, EIOCGNPT, NULL)) == OK)
- {
- TK_DRV_SET(&muxBindBase[count]);
- pEnd->receiveRtn = (FUNCPTR)muxTkReceive;
- }
- else
- {
- TK_DRV_CLEAR(&muxBindBase[count]);
- pEnd->receiveRtn = (FUNCPTR)muxReceive;
- }
- return (&muxBindBase[count]);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkUnbindUpdate - free the BIB entry upon unbind
- *
- * This routine is called by muxUnbind()
- *
- */
- void muxTkUnbindUpdate
- (
- void * pCookie /* bind cookie */
- )
- {
- MUX_ID muxId = (MUX_ID) pCookie;
- muxTkBibEntryFree (muxId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkBindUpdate - Hook routine is called from muxBind
- *
- * This hook is called from muxBind() to update the BIB introduced by NPT
- * Finds an entry in the mux BIB and fills in the relevant information
- *
- * RETURNS : muxId or NULL.
- */
- void * muxTkBindUpdate
- (
- END_OBJ * pEnd, /* the END being bound to */
- NET_PROTOCOL * pProto /* the protocol node added to the END */
- )
- {
- int index = -1;
- BOOL tkFlag = FALSE;
- int netSvcType = 0;
- void * pNetCallbackId = NULL;
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* find and get a BIB entry */
- if ((index = muxTkBibEntryGet (pEnd)) < 0)
- return (NULL);
- else
- {
- if ((tkFlag = TK_DRV_CHECK(&muxBindBase[index])) == TRUE)
- {
- /*
- * cannot bind to a NPT driver using muxBind; free BIB entry
- * and return
- */
- muxTkBibEntryFree (&muxBindBase[index]);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- if (pProto != NULL)
- {
- netSvcType = pProto->type;
- pNetCallbackId = pProto->pSpare;
- muxBindBase[index].netStackRcvRtn = pProto->stackRcvRtn;
- }
- /* complete the BIB entry */
- muxTkBibEntryFill (index, netSvcType,pNetCallbackId);
- return (&muxBindBase[index]);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * muxTkUnloadUpdate - delete the entries in the BIB
- *
- * This hook is called from muxDevUnload() when a device is being unloaded and
- * the corresponding entry in the BIB is to be removed
- *
- */
- STATUS muxTkUnloadUpdate
- (
- END_OBJ * pEnd
- )
- {
- int count = 0; /* index */
- BOOL error = FALSE;
- /* delete the corresponding entry in the BIB table */
- semTake (muxBibLock, WAIT_FOREVER);
- for (count = 0; count < muxMaxBinds; count++)
- {
- /* commented out since T2 NPT
- if (STREQ(muxBindBase[count].devName, pEnd-> &&
- muxBindBase[count].unitNo==pEnd->devObject.unit &&
- (DRV_ENTRY_CHECK(&muxBindBase[count]) == TRUE))
- */
- if (muxBindBase[count].pEnd == pEnd)
- {
- if (muxBindBase[count].netSvcType == MUX_PROTO_OUTPUT)
- muxTkBibEntryFree(&muxBindBase[count]);
- if (DRV_ENTRY_CHECK(&muxBindBase[count]) == TRUE)
- {
- muxTkBibEntryFree (&muxBindBase[count]);
- error = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- semGive (muxBibLock);
- return (error);
- }