- /* mbufLib.c - BSD mbuf interface library */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01i,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01l, base 01h
- 01h,25aug98,n_s corrected error handling of buffer allocate calls. spr #22104
- 01g,19sep97,vin added clBlk specific code, changed pointers to refcounts
- of clusters to refcounts since refcount has been moved to
- clBlk
- 01f,12aug97,vin changed mBlkGet to take _pNetDpool
- 01e,22nov96,vin added cluster support replaced m_get(..) with mBlkGet(..).
- 01d,29aug96,vin made the code use only m_get.
- 01c,06jun96,vin made compatible with BSD4.4 mbufs.
- 01b,13nov95,dzb changed to validate mbufId.type off MBUF_VALID (SPR #4066).
- 01a,08nov94,dzb written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines to create, build, manipulate, and
- delete BSD mbufs. It serves as a back-end to the zbuf API provided
- by zbufLib.
- Note: The user should protect mbufs before calling these routines. For many
- operations, it may be appropriate to guard with the spl semaphore.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "zbufLib.h"
- #include "mbufLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "memPartLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #endif
- /* globals */
- MBUF_ID _mbufIdHead = NULL; /* Head ID of free chain */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL BOOL mbufInit = FALSE; /* library initialized ? */
- LOCAL MBUF_DESC mbufDescHead = NULL; /* Head of free desc list */
- /* declare mbuf interface function table */
- LOCAL ZBUF_FUNC mbufFunc =
- {
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufCreate,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufDelete,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufInsert,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufInsertBuf,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufInsertCopy,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufExtractCopy,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufCut,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufSplit,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufDup,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufLength,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufSegFind,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufSegNext,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufSegPrev,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufSegData,
- (FUNCPTR) _mbufSegLength
- };
- /* static function declarations */
- LOCAL void _mbufBufFree (MBUF_DESC mbufDesc, VOIDFUNCPTR freeRtn,
- int freeArg);
- LOCAL MBUF_SEG * _mbufSegFindPrev (MBUF_ID mbufId, MBUF_SEG mbufSeg,
- int *pOffset);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufLibInit - initialize the BSD mbuf interface library
- *
- * This routine initializes the BSD mbuf interface library and publishes
- * the mbufLib API to the caller. Lists of free ID structures and
- * free mbuf cluster descriptors are allocated in this routine.
- *
- * The mbufLib API func table "mbufFunc" is published to the caller upon
- * completion of initialization. Typically, this func table is used by
- * the zbuf facility to call mbuf routines within this library to perform
- * buffering operations. Even though the zbuf interface defines the ZBUF_FUNC
- * struct, it doesn't necessarily mean that zbufs must be present. This
- * library may be used even if zbufs have been scaled out of the system.
- *
- * A pointer to a func table containing the mbufLib API,
- * or NULL if the mbuf interface could not be initialized.
- *
- */
- void * _mbufLibInit (void)
- {
- int ix; /* counter for list init */
- if (mbufInit == TRUE) /* already initialized ? */
- return ((void *) &mbufFunc);
- if ((_mbufIdHead = (MBUF_ID) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof (struct mbufId) *
- MBUF_ID_INC))) == NULL) /* alloc space for ID list */
- return (NULL);
- if ((mbufDescHead = (MBUF_DESC) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof (struct mbufDesc) *
- MBUF_DESC_INC))) == NULL) /* alloc space for desc list */
- {
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)_mbufIdHead);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* divide up into an sll of free mbuf ID's, _mbufIdHead as the head */
- for (ix = 0; ix < (MBUF_ID_INC - 1); ix++)
- _mbufIdHead[ix].mbufIdNext = &_mbufIdHead[ix + 1];
- _mbufIdHead[ix].mbufIdNext = NULL;
- /* divide up into an sll of free buf desc, mbufDescHead as the head */
- for (ix = 0; ix < (MBUF_DESC_INC - 1); ix++)
- mbufDescHead[ix].mbufDescNext = &mbufDescHead[ix + 1];
- mbufDescHead[ix].mbufDescNext = NULL;
- mbufInit = TRUE; /* init successful */
- return ((void *) &mbufFunc); /* return mbuf func table */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufCreate - create an empty mbuf ID
- *
- * This routine creates an mbuf ID, which remains empty (i.e., does not
- * contain any mbufs) until mbufs are added by the mbuf insertion routines.
- * Operations performed on mbufs require an mbuf ID, which is returned by
- * this routine.
- *
- * An mbuf ID, or NULL if an mbuf ID could not be created.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: _mbufCreate
- *
- */
- MBUF_ID _mbufCreate (void)
- {
- MBUF_ID mbufId; /* obtained mbuf ID */
- int ix; /* counter for list init */
- int lockKey = intLock (); /* int lock cookie */
- if ((mbufId = _mbufIdHead) != NULL) /* free list empty ? */
- {
- _mbufIdHead = mbufId->mbufIdNext; /* pop first ID off list */
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- mbufId->type = MBUF_VALID; /* init new ID type */
- mbufId->mbufHead = NULL; /* init new ID head */
- }
- else /* list is empty */
- {
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- if ((mbufId = (MBUF_ID) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof (struct mbufId) *
- MBUF_ID_INC))) != NULL) /* alloc more IDs */
- {
- for (ix = 0; ix < (MBUF_ID_INC - 1); ix++) /* into an sll */
- mbufId[ix].mbufIdNext = &mbufId[ix + 1];
- lockKey = intLock ();
- mbufId[ix].mbufIdNext = _mbufIdHead;
- _mbufIdHead = mbufId->mbufIdNext; /* hook head onto new list */
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- mbufId->type = MBUF_VALID; /* init new ID type */
- mbufId->mbufHead = NULL; /* init new ID head */
- }
- }
- return (mbufId); /* return new ID */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufDelete - delete an mbuf ID and free any associated mbufs
- *
- * This routine will free any mbufs associated with <mbufId>, then
- * delete the mbuf ID itself. <mbufId> should not be used after this
- * routine executes successfully.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the mbuf ID could not be deleted.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: _mbufCreate
- *
- */
- STATUS _mbufDelete
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId /* mbuf ID to free */
- )
- {
- /* already free ? */
- if (mbufId == NULL || mbufId->type != MBUF_VALID)
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_INVALID; /* invalid if already free */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- MBUF_ID_DELETE(mbufId); /* delete mbuf ID */
- return (OK); /* return OK, always */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufInsert - insert an mbuf chain into another mbuf chain
- *
- * This routine inserts all <mbufId2> mbufs into <mbufId1> at the
- * specified byte location
- *
- * The location of insertion is specified by <mbufSeg> and <offset>. Note
- * that insertion within a chain occurs before the byte location specified
- * by <mbufSeg> and <offset>. Additionally, note that <mbufSeg> and <offset>
- * must be "NULL" and "0", respectively, when inserting into an empty mbuf ID.
- *
- * After all the <mbufId2> mbufs are inserted into <mbufId1>, the mbuf ID
- * <mbufId2> is deleted. <mbufId2> should not be used after this routine
- * executes successfully.
- *
- * The mbuf pointer associated with the first inserted mbuf,
- * or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- MBUF_SEG _mbufInsert
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId1, /* mbuf ID to insert <mbufId2> into */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg, /* mbuf base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- MBUF_ID mbufId2 /* mbuf ID to insert into <mbufId1> */
- )
- {
- MBUF_ID mbufIdNew; /* dummy ID for dup operation */
- MBUF_SEG * pMbufPrev; /* mbuf prev to insert */
- MBUF_SEG mbufEnd; /* last Id2 mbuf */
- int maxLen = MBUF_END; /* offset for last Id2 byte */
- /* find the mbuf ptr previous to the point of insertion */
- if ((pMbufPrev = _mbufSegFindPrev (mbufId1, mbufSeg, &offset)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- if ((mbufEnd = _mbufSegFind (mbufId2, NULL, &maxLen)) == NULL)
- return (NULL); /* find end mbuf of Id2 */
- if (offset == 0) /* if prepend... */
- {
- mbufEnd->m_next = *pMbufPrev;
- *pMbufPrev = mbufId2->mbufHead;
- }
- else /* else insert... */
- {
- mbufSeg = *pMbufPrev; /* find insertion mbuf */
- if ((mbufIdNew = _mbufDup (mbufId1, mbufSeg, offset,
- mbufSeg->m_len - offset)) == NULL)
- return (NULL); /* dup later portion */
- mbufSeg->m_len = offset; /* shorten to first portion */
- mbufIdNew->mbufHead->m_next = mbufSeg->m_next;
- mbufEnd->m_next = mbufIdNew->mbufHead; /* insert Id2 */
- mbufSeg->m_next = mbufId2->mbufHead;
- MBUF_ID_DELETE_EMPTY(mbufIdNew); /* delete dup ID */
- }
- mbufEnd = mbufId2->mbufHead; /* save head for return */
- if (mbufId2->type == MBUF_VALID)
- {
- MBUF_ID_DELETE_EMPTY(mbufId2); /* delete ref to Id2 */
- }
- return (mbufEnd); /* return inserted mbuf */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufInsertBuf - create a cluster from a buffer and insert into an mbuf chain
- *
- * This routine creates an mbuf cluster from the user buffer <buf> and
- * inserts it at the specified byte location in <mbufId>.
- *
- * The location of insertion is specified by <mbufSeg> and <offset>. Note
- * that insertion within a chain occurs before the byte location specified
- * by <mbufSeg> and <offset>. Additionally, note that <mbufSeg> and <offset>
- * must be "NULL" and "0", respectively, when inserting into an empty mbuf ID.
- *
- * The user provided free routine <freeRtn> will be called when the mbuf
- * cluster created from <buf> is not being referenced by any more mbufs.
- * If <freeRtn> is NULL, the mbuf will function normally, except that the
- * user will not be notified when no more mbufs reference cluster containing
- * <buf>. <freeRtn> will be called from the context of the task that last
- * references the cluster. <freeRtn> should be declared as follows:
- * .CS
- * void freeRtn
- * (
- * caddr_t buf, /@ pointer to user buffer @/
- * int freeArg /@ user provided argument to free routine @/
- * )
- * .CE
- *
- * The mbuf pointer associated with the inserted mbuf cluster,
- * or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- MBUF_SEG _mbufInsertBuf
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID which buffer is inserted */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg, /* mbuf base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- caddr_t buf, /* user buffer for mbuf cluster */
- int len, /* number of bytes to insert */
- VOIDFUNCPTR freeRtn, /* user free routine */
- int freeArg /* argument to free routine */
- )
- {
- MBUF_ID mbufIdNew; /* mbuf ID containing <buf> */
- MBUF_DESC mbufDesc; /* desc for <buf> cluster */
- MBUF_SEG mbufNew; /* mbuf for <buf> cluster */
- CL_BLK_ID pClBlk; /* pointer to cluster blk */
- int lockKey; /* int lock cookie */
- int ix; /* counter for list init */
- if (len <= 0) /* have to insert some bytes */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_LENGTH_INVALID;
- return (NULL);
- }
- MBUF_ID_CREATE (mbufIdNew); /* create new mbuf ID for buf */
- if (mbufIdNew == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- lockKey = intLock ();
- if ((mbufDesc = mbufDescHead) != NULL) /* free list empty ? */
- {
- mbufDescHead = mbufDesc->mbufDescNext; /* pop first desc off list */
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- }
- else /* list is empty */
- {
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- if ((mbufDesc = (MBUF_DESC) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof (struct mbufDesc) *
- MBUF_DESC_INC))) != NULL) /* alloc more desc's */
- {
- for (ix = 0; ix < (MBUF_DESC_INC - 1); ix++)
- mbufDesc[ix].mbufDescNext = &mbufDesc[ix + 1];
- lockKey = intLock ();
- mbufDesc[ix].mbufDescNext = mbufDescHead;
- mbufDescHead = mbufDesc->mbufDescNext;/* hook head onto new list */
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- }
- }
- if (mbufDesc == NULL) /* able to get a new desc ? */
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- mbufDesc->buf = buf;
- /* get mbuf for cluster */
- if ( (mbufNew = mBlkGet (_pNetDpool, M_WAIT, MT_DATA)) == NULL)
- {
- /* release on fail */
- lockKey = intLock ();
- mbufDescHead = mbufDesc;
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- return (NULL);
- }
- pClBlk = clBlkGet (_pNetDpool, M_WAIT);
- if (pClBlk == NULL) /* out of cl Blks */
- {
- m_free (mbufNew);
- lockKey = intLock ();
- mbufDescHead = mbufDesc;
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- return (NULL);
- }
- mbufNew->pClBlk = pClBlk;
- /* build <buf> into an mbuf cluster */
- mbufNew->m_data = buf;
- mbufNew->m_len = len;
- mbufNew->m_flags |= M_EXT;
- mbufNew->m_extBuf = buf;
- mbufNew->m_extSize = len;
- mbufNew->m_extFreeRtn = (FUNCPTR) _mbufBufFree;
- mbufNew->m_extRefCnt = 1;
- mbufNew->m_extArg1 = (int) mbufDesc;
- mbufNew->m_extArg2 = (int) freeRtn;
- mbufNew->m_extArg3 = freeArg;
- mbufIdNew->mbufHead = mbufNew; /* put cluster into new ID */
- /* insert the new mbuf ID with <buf> into <mbufId> */
- if ((mbufSeg = _mbufInsert (mbufId, mbufSeg, offset, mbufIdNew)) == NULL)
- {
- mbufNew->m_extArg2 = (int)NULL; /* don't call freeRtn on fail */
- MBUF_ID_DELETE(mbufIdNew);
- }
- return (mbufSeg); /* return inserted mbuf */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufBufFree - free a user cluster buffer
- *
- * This routine is called when a cluster buffer is deleted, and no other
- * mbuf clusters share the buffer space. This routine calls the user free
- * routine connected in _mbufInsertBuf(), then pushes the buffer decsriptor
- * back onto the desc free list.
- *
- * N/A
- *
- */
- LOCAL void _mbufBufFree
- (
- MBUF_DESC mbufDesc, /* desc of mbuf to free */
- VOIDFUNCPTR freeRtn, /* user free routine */
- int freeArg /* argument to free routine */
- )
- {
- int lockKey; /* int lock cookie */
- if (freeRtn != NULL) /* call free rtn if present */
- (*freeRtn) (mbufDesc->buf, freeArg);
- lockKey = intLock ();
- mbufDesc->mbufDescNext = mbufDescHead; /* push desc onto free list */
- mbufDescHead = mbufDesc;
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufInsertCopy - copy buffer data into an mbuf chain
- *
- * This routine copies <len> bytes of data from the user buffer <buf> and
- * inserts it at the specified byte location in <mbufId>. The user buffer
- * is in no way tied to the mbuf chain after this operation; a separate copy
- * of the data is made.
- *
- * The location of insertion is specified by <mbufSeg> and <offset>. Note
- * that insertion within a chain occurs before the byte location specified
- * by <mbufSeg> and <offset>. Additionally, note that <mbufSeg> and <offset>
- * must be "NULL" and "0", respectively, when inserting into an empty mbuf ID.
- *
- * The mbuf pointer associated with the first inserted mbuf,
- * or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- MBUF_SEG _mbufInsertCopy
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID into which data is copied */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg, /* mbuf base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- caddr_t buf, /* buffer from which data is copied */
- int len /* number of byte to copy */
- )
- {
- MBUF_ID mbufIdNew; /* dummy ID for dup operation */
- MBUF_SEG mbufNew; /* mbuf for copy */
- MBUF_SEG * pMbufPrev; /* mbuf previous to mbufNew */
- int length; /* length of each copy */
- if (len <= 0) /* have to copy some bytes */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_LENGTH_INVALID;
- return (NULL);
- }
- MBUF_ID_CREATE (mbufIdNew); /* create new ID for copy */
- if (mbufIdNew == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- pMbufPrev = &mbufIdNew->mbufHead; /* init prev ptr to head */
- while (len) /* while more to copy */
- {
- /* obtain a new mbuf with a data buffer pointed */
- if ( (mbufNew = mBufClGet (M_WAIT, MT_DATA, len, FALSE)) == NULL)
- {
- /* release on fail */
- MBUF_ID_DELETE(mbufIdNew);
- return (NULL);
- }
- length = min (len, mbufNew->m_extSize); /* num for copy */
- bcopy (buf, mtod (mbufNew, char *), length);
- buf += length; /* bump to new buf position */
- len -= length;
- mbufNew->m_len = length; /* set len to num copied */
- *pMbufPrev = mbufNew; /* hook prev into new */
- pMbufPrev = &mbufNew->m_next; /* update prev mbuf ptr */
- }
- /* insert the new mbuf ID with copied data into <mbufId> */
- if ((mbufSeg = _mbufInsert (mbufId, mbufSeg, offset, mbufIdNew)) == NULL)
- {
- /* release on fail */
- MBUF_ID_DELETE(mbufIdNew);
- return (NULL);
- }
- return (mbufSeg); /* return inserted mbuf */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufExtractCopy - copy data from an mbuf chain to a buffer
- *
- * This routine copies <len> bytes of data from <mbufId> to the user
- * buffer <buf>.
- *
- * The starting location of the copy is specified by <mbufSeg> and <offset>.
- *
- * The number of bytes to be copied is given by <len>. If this parameter
- * is negative, or is larger than the number of bytes in the chain after the
- * specified byte location, the rest of the chain will be copied.
- * The bytes to be copied may span more than one mbuf.
- *
- * The number of bytes copied from the mbuf chain to the buffer,
- * or ERROR if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- int _mbufExtractCopy
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID from which data is copied */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg, /* mbuf base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- caddr_t buf, /* buffer into which data is copied */
- int len /* number of bytes to copy */
- )
- {
- caddr_t buf0 = buf; /* save starting position */
- int length; /* length of each copy */
- /* find the starting location for copying */
- if ((mbufSeg = _mbufSegFind (mbufId, mbufSeg, &offset)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (len < 0) /* negative = rest of chain */
- len = INT_MAX;
- while (len && (mbufSeg != NULL)) /* while more to copy */
- {
- length = min (len, (mbufSeg->m_len - offset)); /* num for copy */
- bcopy (mtod (mbufSeg, char *) + offset, buf, length);
- buf += length; /* bump to new buf position */
- len -= length;
- mbufSeg = mbufSeg->m_next; /* bump to next mbuf in chain */
- offset = 0; /* no more offset */
- }
- return ((int) buf - (int) buf0); /* return num bytes copied */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufCut - cut bytes from an mbuf chain
- *
- * This routine deletes <len> bytes from <mbufId> starting at the specified
- * byte location.
- *
- * The starting location of deletion is specified by <mbufSeg> and <offset>.
- *
- * The number of bytes to be cut is given by <len>. If this parameter
- * is negative, or is larger than the number of bytes in the chain after the
- * specified byte location, the rest of the chain will be deleted.
- * The bytes to be deleted may span more than one mbuf. If all the bytes
- * in any one mbuf are deleted, then the mbuf will be returned to the
- * system. No mbuf may have zero bytes left in it.
- *
- * Deleting bytes out of the middle of an mbuf will cause the mbuf to
- * be split into two mbufs. The first mbuf will contain the portion
- * of the mbuf before the deleted bytes, while the other mbuf will
- * contain the end portion that remains after <len> bytes are deleted.
- *
- * This routine returns the mbuf pointer associated with the mbuf just
- * after the deleted bytes. In the case where bytes are cut off the end
- * of an mbuf chain, a value of MBUF_NONE is returned.
- *
- * The mbuf pointer associated with the mbuf following the deleted bytes,
- * or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- MBUF_SEG _mbufCut
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID from which bytes are cut */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg, /* mbuf base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- int len /* number of bytes to cut */
- )
- {
- MBUF_ID mbufIdNew; /* dummy ID for dup operation */
- MBUF_SEG * pMbufPrev; /* mbuf prev deleted mbuf */
- int length; /* length of each cut */
- /* find the mbuf ptr previous to the cut */
- if ((pMbufPrev = _mbufSegFindPrev (mbufId, mbufSeg, &offset)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- if ((mbufSeg = *pMbufPrev) == NULL) /* find cut mbuf */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND;
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (len < 0) /* negative = rest of chain */
- len = INT_MAX;
- while (len && (mbufSeg != NULL)) /* while more to cut */
- {
- length = min (len, (mbufSeg->m_len - offset)); /* num for cut */
- len -= length;
- if (offset != 0) /* if !cutting off front... */
- {
- if (mbufSeg->m_len != (offset + length))/* cut from middle*/
- {
- /* duplicate portion remaining after bytes to be cut */
- if ((mbufIdNew = _mbufDup (mbufId, mbufSeg, offset + length,
- mbufSeg->m_len - offset - length)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- mbufIdNew->mbufHead->m_next = mbufSeg->m_next;
- mbufSeg->m_next = mbufIdNew->mbufHead;/* hook in saved data */
- mbufSeg->m_len = offset; /* shorten to later portion */
- MBUF_ID_DELETE_EMPTY(mbufIdNew);/* delete dup ID */
- return (mbufSeg->m_next); /* return next real mbuf */
- }
- else /* cut to end */
- {
- mbufSeg->m_len -= length; /* decrease by len deleted */
- pMbufPrev = &mbufSeg->m_next; /* update previous */
- mbufSeg = mbufSeg->m_next; /* bump current mbuf to next */
- }
- offset = 0; /* no more offset */
- }
- else /* cutting off front... */
- {
- if (length == mbufSeg->m_len) /* cutting whole mbuf ? */
- {
- mbufSeg = m_free (mbufSeg); /* free and get next mbuf */
- *pMbufPrev = mbufSeg; /* hook prev to next mbuf */
- }
- else /* cut off front portion */
- {
- mbufSeg->m_data += length; /* bump up offset */
- mbufSeg->m_len -= length; /* taken from front */
- }
- }
- }
- if (mbufSeg == NULL) /* special case - cut off end */
- return (MBUF_NONE);
- return (mbufSeg); /* return next real mbuf */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufSplit - split an mbuf chain into two separate mbuf chains
- *
- * This routine splits <mbufId> into two separate chains at the specified
- * byte location. The first portion remains in <mbufId>, while the end
- * portion is returned in a newly created mbuf ID.
- *
- * The location of the split is specified by <mbufSeg> and <offset>.
- *
- * The mbuf ID of a newly created chain containing the end portion of <mbufId>,
- * or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- MBUF_ID _mbufSplit
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID to split into two */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg, /* mbuf base for <offset> */
- int offset /* relative byte offset */
- )
- {
- MBUF_ID mbufIdNew; /* mbuf ID of later portion */
- MBUF_SEG * pMbufPrev; /* mbuf prev to insert */
- /* find the mbuf ptr previous to the split */
- if ((pMbufPrev = _mbufSegFindPrev (mbufId, mbufSeg, &offset)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- if (offset == 0) /* in middle of mbuf */
- {
- MBUF_ID_CREATE (mbufIdNew); /* create ID for end portion */
- if (mbufIdNew == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- mbufIdNew->mbufHead = *pMbufPrev; /* hook in new head */
- *pMbufPrev = NULL; /* tie off first portion */
- }
- else /* split on mbuf boundary */
- {
- mbufSeg = *pMbufPrev; /* find split mbuf */
- if ((mbufIdNew = _mbufDup (mbufId, mbufSeg, offset,
- mbufSeg->m_len - offset)) == NULL)
- return (NULL); /* dup later portion */
- mbufIdNew->mbufHead->m_next = mbufSeg->m_next;
- mbufSeg->m_len = offset;
- mbufSeg->m_next = NULL; /* tie off first portion */
- }
- return (mbufIdNew); /* return ID for end */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufDup - duplicate an mbuf chain
- *
- * This routine duplicates <len> bytes of <mbufId> starting at the specified
- * byte location, and returns the mbuf ID of the newly created duplicate mbuf.
- *
- * The starting location of duplication is specified by <mbufSeg> and <offset>.
- * The number of bytes to be duplicated is given by <len>. If this
- * parameter is negative, or is larger than the than the number of bytes
- * in the chain after the specified byte location, the rest of the chain will
- * be duplicated.
- *
- * Duplication of mbuf data only involves copying of the data when the mbuf
- * is not a cluster. If the mbuf to be duplicated is a cluster, the mbuf
- * pointer information is duplicated, while the data is not. This implies
- * that that the mbuf data is shared among all clusters associated
- * with a particular cluster data buffer.
- *
- * The mbuf ID of a newly created dupicate mbuf chain,
- * or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- MBUF_ID _mbufDup
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID to duplicate */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg, /* mbuf base for <offset> */
- int offset, /* relative byte offset */
- int len /* number of bytes to duplicate */
- )
- {
- MBUF_ID mbufIdNew; /* mbuf ID of duplicate */
- MBUF_SEG mbufNew; /* mbuf for duplicate */
- MBUF_SEG * pMbufPrev; /* mbuf prev to mbufNew */
- /* find the starting location for duplicate */
- if ((mbufSeg = _mbufSegFind (mbufId, mbufSeg, &offset)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- if (len < 0) /* negative = rest of chain */
- len = INT_MAX;
- MBUF_ID_CREATE (mbufIdNew); /* get ID for duplicate */
- if (mbufIdNew == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- pMbufPrev = &mbufIdNew->mbufHead; /* init prev ptr to head */
- while (len && (mbufSeg != NULL)) /* while more to duplicate */
- {
- /* get mbuf for duplicate */
- if ( (mbufNew = mBlkGet (_pNetDpool, M_WAIT, mbufSeg->m_type)) == NULL)
- {
- /* release on fail */
- MBUF_ID_DELETE(mbufIdNew);
- return (NULL);
- }
- mbufNew->m_len = min (len, (mbufSeg->m_len - offset));
- len -= mbufNew->m_len; /* num to duplicate */
- /* copy the cluster header mbuf info to duplicate */
- mbufNew->m_data = mtod (mbufSeg, char *) + offset;
- mbufNew->m_flags = mbufSeg->m_flags;
- mbufNew->m_ext = mbufSeg->m_ext;
- /* bump share count */
- {
- int s = intLock ();
- ++(mbufNew->m_extRefCnt);
- intUnlock (s);
- }
- *pMbufPrev = mbufNew; /* hook prev into duplicate */
- pMbufPrev = &mbufNew->m_next; /* update prev mbuf ptr */
- mbufSeg = mbufSeg->m_next; /* bump original chain */
- offset = 0; /* no more offset */
- }
- return (mbufIdNew); /* return ID of duplicate */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufLength - determine the legnth in bytes of an mbuf chain
- *
- * This routine returns the number of bytes in the mbuf chain <mbufId>.
- *
- * The number of bytes in the mbuf chain,
- * or ERROR if the operation failed
- *
- */
- int _mbufLength
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId /* mbuf ID to find length of */
- )
- {
- MBUF_SEG mbuf;
- int length = 0; /* total length */
- if (mbufId == NULL ||
- mbufId->type != MBUF_VALID) /* invalid ID ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_INVALID;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- for (mbuf = mbufId->mbufHead; mbuf != NULL; mbuf = mbuf->m_next)
- length += mbuf->m_len;
- return (length); /* return total length */
- }
- #if FALSE
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufSegJoin - coalesce two adjacent mbuf cluster fragments.
- *
- * This routine combines two or more contiguous mbufs into a single
- * mbuf. Such an operation is only feasible for joining mbufs
- * that have the same freeRtn and freeArg, and that follow eachother in
- * the chain. This could be useful for coalescing mbufs fragmented
- * by split operations.
- *
- * Not in service yet -> not clear that it is a useful routine.
- *
- */
- STATUS _mbufSegJoin
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID containing mbufs to join */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg /* first mbuf to join */
- )
- {
- MBUF_SEG mbufNext;
- STATUS status = ERROR;
- if (mbufId == NULL
- || mbufId->type != MBUF_VALID) /* invalid ID ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_INVALID;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (mbufId->mbufHead == NULL) /* is this chain empty ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_EMPTY;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (mbufSeg == NULL) /* use head if mbuf NULL */
- mbufSeg = mbufId->mbufHead;
- while ((mbufNext = mbufSeg->m_next) != NULL) /* join */
- {
- if (!(M_HASCL(mbufSeg)) || !(M_HASCL(mbufNext)))
- break; /* must be clusters */
- if ((mtod (mbufSeg, int) + mbufSeg->m_len) != (mtod (mbufNext, int)))
- break; /* data must be adjacent */
- /* check that mbuf params are the exact same */
- if ((mbufSeg->m_type != mbufNext->m_type) ||
- (mbufSeg->m_flags != mbufNext->m_flags) ||
- (mbufSeg->m_extBuf != mbufNext->m_extBuf) ||
- (mbufSeg->m_extRefCnt != mbufNext->m_extRefCnt) ||
- (mbufSeg->m_extFreeRtn != mbufNext->m_extFreeRtn) ||
- (mbufSeg->m_extArg1 != mbufNext->m_extArg1) ||
- (mbufSeg->m_extArg2 != mbufNext->m_extArg2) ||
- (mbufSeg->m_extArg3 != mbufNext->m_extArg3) ||
- (mbufSeg->m_extSize != mbufNext->m_extSize))
- break;
- mbufSeg->m_len += mbufNext->m_len; /* join */
- mbufSeg->m_next = m_free (mbufNext); /* bump */
- status = OK;
- }
- return (status);
- }
- #endif /* FALSE */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufSegFindPrev - find the mbuf prev to a specified byte location
- *
- * This routine finds the mbuf in <mbufId> that is previous to the byte
- * location specified by <mbufSeg> and <pOffset>. Once found, a pointer
- * to the m_next pointer of that mbuf is returned by this routine,
- * and the offset to the specified location is returned in <pOffset>.
- *
- * This routine is similar to _mbufSegFind(), except that a pointer to the
- * previous mbuf's m_next is returned by this routine, instead of the mbuf
- * itself. Additionally, the end boundary case differs. This routine will
- * return a valid pointer and offset when the specified byte is the byte just
- * past the end of the chain. Return values for this "imaginary" byte
- * will also be returned when an offset of MBUF_END is passed in.
- *
- * A pointer to the m_next pointer of the mbuf previous to the mbuf associated
- * with the mbuf containing the specified byte, or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- LOCAL MBUF_SEG * _mbufSegFindPrev
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID to examine */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg, /* mbuf base for <pOffset> */
- int * pOffset /* relative byte offset */
- )
- {
- MBUF_SEG * pMbufPrev; /* prev ptr for return */
- MBUF_SEG mbuf; /* mbuf in chain */
- int offset; /* offset in bytes */
- int length; /* length counter */
- if (mbufId == NULL
- || mbufId->type != MBUF_VALID) /* invalid ID ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_INVALID;
- return (NULL);
- }
- pMbufPrev = &mbufId->mbufHead; /* init prev ptr to head */
- if ((mbuf = mbufId->mbufHead) == NULL) /* is this chain empty ? */
- {
- if ((mbufSeg == NULL) && (*pOffset == 0))/* empty mbuf ID ? */
- return (pMbufPrev); /* OK, if explicit */
- else /* else error condition */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_EMPTY;
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- if ((offset = *pOffset) == MBUF_BEGIN) /* shortcut to head of chain */
- {
- *pOffset = 0;
- return (pMbufPrev);
- }
- else if (offset == MBUF_END) /* shortcut to end of chain */
- {
- if (mbufSeg != NULL)
- mbuf = mbufSeg; /* set base as <mbufSeg> */
- for (; mbuf->m_next != NULL; mbuf = mbuf->m_next)
- ; /* find last mbuf in chain */
- *pOffset = 0; /* imaginary byte past mbuf */
- return (&mbuf->m_next);
- }
- else if (offset < 0) /* counting backwards ? */
- {
- if ((mbufSeg == NULL) || (mbufSeg == mbufId->mbufHead))
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_OFFSET_INVALID;
- return (NULL); /* offset before head */
- }
- for (length = 0; (mbuf->m_next != NULL) && (mbuf->m_next != mbufSeg);
- mbuf = mbuf->m_next)
- {
- length += mbuf->m_len; /* find length up to base */
- pMbufPrev = &mbuf->m_next;
- }
- if (mbuf->m_next == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND;
- return (NULL); /* couldn't find base mbufSeg */
- }
- if (-(offset) < mbuf->m_len) /* within one mbuf */
- {
- *pOffset += mbuf->m_len;
- return (pMbufPrev);
- }
- if ((offset += length + mbuf->m_len) < 0)/* adjust to positive */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_OFFSET_INVALID;
- return (NULL);
- }
- mbuf = mbufId->mbufHead;
- pMbufPrev = &mbufId->mbufHead; /* init prev ptr to head */
- }
- else if ((mbufSeg != NULL) && (mbufSeg != mbuf))/* new base, init head */
- {
- if (offset < mbufSeg->m_len) /* dest within this base ? */
- {
- if ((mbuf = _mbufSegPrev (mbufId, mbufSeg)) != NULL)
- return (&mbuf->m_next); /* located previous mbuf */
- else
- return (NULL);
- }
- mbuf = mbufSeg; /* set base as <mbufSeg> */
- }
- for (; (mbuf != NULL) && (offset >= mbuf->m_len); mbuf = mbuf->m_next)
- {
- offset -= mbuf->m_len; /* find right mbuf in chain */
- pMbufPrev = &mbuf->m_next;
- }
- if ((mbuf == NULL) && (offset != 0))
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_OFFSET_INVALID;
- return (NULL); /* too large offset */
- }
- *pOffset = offset; /* return new offset */
- return (pMbufPrev); /* return found mbuf */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufSegFind - find the mbuf containing a specified byte location
- *
- * This routine finds the mbuf in <mbufId> that contains the byte location
- * specified by <mbufSeg> and <pOffset>. Once found, the mbuf is returned
- * by this routine, and the offset to the specified location is returned
- * in <pOffset>.
- *
- * <mbufSeg> determines the base from which <pOffset> is counted.
- * If <mbufSeg> is NULL, then <pOffset> starts from the beginning of <mbufId>.
- * If <mbufSeg> is not NULL, then <pOffset> starts relative to that
- * mbuf. Byte locations after <mbufSeg> would be specified with a
- * positive offset, whereas locations previous to <mbufSeg> would be
- * accessed with a negative offset.
- *
- * <pOffset> is a pointer to a byte offset into the mbuf chain, with offset 0
- * being the first byte of data in the mbuf. The offset does not reset
- * for each mbuf in the chain when counting through <mbufId>. For example,
- * if offset 100 is the last byte in a particular mbuf, offset 101 will be
- * the first byte in the next mbuf. Also, the offset may be a negative value.
- * An offset of -1 locates the last byte in the previous mbuf. If offset -55
- * is the first byte in a mbuf, an offset -56 would be the last byte in the
- * preceding mbuf.
- *
- * The last byte in the mbuf chain may be specified by passing in an offset of
- * MBUF_END, which would cause this routine to return the last mbuf
- * in the chain, and return an offset to the last byte in that mbuf.
- * Likewise, an offset of MBUF_BEGIN may be passed in to specify the
- * first byte in the chain, causing the routine to return the first mbuf
- * in the chain, and return an offset of 0.
- *
- * If the <mbufSeg>, <pOffset> pair specify a byte location past the end
- * of the chain, or before the first byte in the chain, NULL is returned by
- * this routine.
- *
- * An mbuf pointer associated with the mbuf containing the specified byte,
- * or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- MBUF_SEG _mbufSegFind
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID to examine */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg, /* mbuf base for <pOffset> */
- int * pOffset /* relative byte offset */
- )
- {
- MBUF_SEG mbuf; /* mbuf in chain */
- int offset; /* offset in bytes */
- int length; /* length counter */
- if (mbufId == NULL
- || mbufId->type != MBUF_VALID) /* invalid ID ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_INVALID;
- return (NULL);
- }
- if ((mbuf = mbufId->mbufHead) == NULL) /* is this chain empty ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_EMPTY;
- return (NULL);
- }
- if ((offset = *pOffset) == MBUF_BEGIN) /* shortcut to head of chain */
- {
- *pOffset = 0;
- return (mbuf);
- }
- else if (offset == MBUF_END) /* shortcut to end of chain */
- {
- if (mbufSeg != NULL)
- mbuf = mbufSeg; /* set base as <mbufSeg> */
- for (; mbuf->m_next != NULL; mbuf = mbuf->m_next)
- ; /* find last mbuf in chain */
- *pOffset = mbuf->m_len - 1; /* stuff new offset */
- return (mbuf);
- }
- else if (offset < 0) /* counting backwards ? */
- {
- if ((mbufSeg == NULL) || (mbufSeg == mbufId->mbufHead))
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_OFFSET_INVALID;
- return (NULL); /* offset before head */
- }
- for (length = 0; (mbuf->m_next != NULL) && (mbuf->m_next != mbufSeg);
- mbuf = mbuf->m_next)
- length += mbuf->m_len; /* find length up to base */
- if (mbuf->m_next == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND;
- return (NULL); /* couldn't find base mbufSeg */
- }
- if (-(offset) < mbuf->m_len) /* within one mbuf */
- {
- *pOffset += mbuf->m_len;
- return (mbuf);
- }
- if ((offset += length + mbuf->m_len) < 0)/* adjust to positive */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_OFFSET_INVALID;
- return (NULL);
- }
- mbuf = mbufId->mbufHead;
- }
- else if (mbufSeg != NULL)
- mbuf = mbufSeg; /* set base as <mbufSeg> */
- for (; (mbuf != NULL) && (offset >= mbuf->m_len); mbuf = mbuf->m_next)
- offset -= mbuf->m_len; /* find right mbuf in chain */
- if (mbuf == NULL)
- errno = S_mbufLib_OFFSET_INVALID;
- else
- *pOffset = offset; /* return new offset */
- return (mbuf); /* return found mbuf */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufSegNext - get the next mbuf in an mbuf chain
- *
- * This routine finds the mbuf in <mbufId> that is just after the
- * mbuf <mbufSeg>. If <mbufSeg> is NULL, the mbuf after the first
- * mbuf in <mbufId> is returned. If <mbufSeg> is the last mbuf in
- * <mbufId>, NULL is returned
- *
- * An mbuf pointer associated with the mbuf after <mbufSeg>,
- * or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- MBUF_SEG _mbufSegNext
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID to examine */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg /* mbuf to get next mbuf */
- )
- {
- if (mbufId == NULL
- || mbufId->type != MBUF_VALID) /* invalid ID ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_INVALID;
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (mbufId->mbufHead == NULL) /* is this chain empty ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_EMPTY;
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* get mbuf after <mbufSeg> (or start of chain if <mbufSeg> is NULL) */
- if (mbufSeg == NULL)
- return (mbufId->mbufHead->m_next);
- else
- return (mbufSeg->m_next);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufSegPrev - get the previous mbuf in an mbuf chain
- *
- * This routine finds the mbuf in <mbufId> that is just previous
- * to the mbuf <mbufSeg>. If <mbufSeg> is NULL, or is the first
- * mbuf in <mbufId>, NULL will be returned.
- *
- * An mbuf pointer associated with the mbuf previous to <mbufSeg>,
- * or NULL if the operation failed.
- *
- */
- MBUF_SEG _mbufSegPrev
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID to examine */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg /* mbuf to get previous mbuf */
- )
- {
- MBUF_SEG mbuf = mbufId->mbufHead;/* mbuf in chain */
- if (mbufId == NULL ||
- mbufId->type != MBUF_VALID) /* invalid ID ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_INVALID;
- return (NULL);
- }
- if ((mbufSeg == NULL) || (mbufSeg == mbuf))
- return (NULL); /* no previous to first mbuf */
- /*
- * Find <mbufSeg> and return a pointer to the previous mbuf.
- * Note: OK if <mbufSeg> is not found... the return will be NULL anyway.
- */
- for (; (mbuf != NULL) && (mbuf->m_next != mbufSeg); mbuf = mbuf->m_next)
- ;
- if (mbuf == NULL) /* could not find mbufSeg */
- errno = S_mbufLib_SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND;
- return (mbuf);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufSegData - determine the location of data in an mbuf
- *
- * This routine returns the location of the first byte of data in the mbuf
- * <mbufSeg>. If <mbufSeg> is NULL, the location of data in the first mbuf
- * in <mbufId> is returned.
- *
- * A pointer to the first byte of data in the specified mbuf,
- * or NULL if the mbuf chain is empty.
- *
- */
- caddr_t _mbufSegData
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID to examine */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg /* mbuf to get pointer to data */
- )
- {
- if (mbufId == NULL
- || mbufId->type != MBUF_VALID) /* invalid ID ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_INVALID;
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (mbufId->mbufHead == NULL) /* is this chain empty ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_EMPTY;
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* get data location <mbufSeg> (or start of chain if <mbufSeg> is NULL) */
- if (mbufSeg == NULL)
- return (mtod (mbufId->mbufHead, caddr_t));
- else
- return (mtod (mbufSeg, caddr_t));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _mbufSegLength - determine the length of an mbuf
- *
- * This routine returns the number of bytes in the mbuf <mbufSeg>.
- * If <mbufSeg> is NULL, the length of the first mbuf in <mbufId> is
- * returned.
- *
- * The number of bytes in the specified mbuf, or ERROR if incorrect parameters.
- *
- */
- int _mbufSegLength
- (
- MBUF_ID mbufId, /* mbuf ID to examine */
- MBUF_SEG mbufSeg /* mbuf to determine length of */
- )
- {
- if (mbufId == NULL
- || mbufId->type != MBUF_VALID) /* invalid ID ? */
- {
- errno = S_mbufLib_ID_INVALID;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (mbufId->mbufHead == NULL) /* is this chain empty ? */
- {
- if (mbufSeg == NULL) /* empty mbuf chain */
- return (0);
- errno = S_mbufLib_SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get length of <mbufSeg> (or start of chain if <mbufSeg> is NULL) */
- if (mbufSeg == NULL)
- return (mbufId->mbufHead->m_len);
- else
- return (mbufSeg->m_len);
- }