- /* m2IpLib.c - MIB-II IP-group API for SNMP agents */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01o,06mar02,vvv fixed m2IpAtransTblEntryGet to retrieve all entries
- (SPR #72963)
- 01n,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 02b, base 01k (SPRs 69556, 63629,
- 68525, 67888, etc)
- 01m,24oct00,niq Merging RFC2233 changes from tor2_0.open_stack-f1 branch
- 01o,18may00,pul modified m2IpRouteTblEntrySet() to pass
- FALSE to routeEntryFill to support addition of network routes.
- 01n,18may00,ann merging from post R1 to include RFC2233
- 01l,07feb00,ann changing the references to the code in m2IfLib
- 01k,16mar99,spm recovered orphaned code from tor1_0_1.sens1_1 (SPR #25770)
- 01j,29sep98,spm added support for dynamic routing protocols (SPR #9374)
- 01i,30dec97,vin fixed SPR 20090
- 01h,26aug97,spm removed compiler warnings (SPR #7866)
- 01g,17may96,rjc routeEntryFill called with 1 less parmam. fixed.
- 01f,03apr96,rjc set the m2RouteSem semaphore to NULL in in m2IpDelete
- 01e,25jan95,jdi doc cleanup.
- 01d,11nov94,rhp fixed typo in library man page
- 01c,11nov94,rhp edited man pages
- 01b,03mar94,elh modifed m2IpRouteTblEntrySet to return ERROR if rtioctl
- failed.
- 01a,08dec93,jag written
- */
- /*
- This library provides MIB-II services for the IP group. It provides
- routines to initialize the group, access the group scalar variables, read
- the table IP address, route and ARP table. The route and ARP table can
- also be modified. For a broader description of MIB-II services,
- see the manual entry for m2Lib.
- To use this feature, include the following component:
- To use this library, the MIB-II interface group must also be initialized;
- see the manual entry for m2IfLib. This library (m2IpLib) can be
- initialized and deleted by calling m2IpInit() and m2IpDelete()
- respectively, if only the IP group's services are needed. If full MIB-II
- support is used, this group and all other groups can be initialized and
- deleted by calling m2Init() and m2Delete().
- The following example demonstrates how to access and change IP scalar
- variables:
- .CS
- M2_IP ipVars;
- int varToSet;
- if (m2IpGroupInfoGet (&ipVars) == OK)
- /@ values in ipVars are valid @/
- /@ if IP is forwarding packets (MIB-II value is 1) turn it off @/
- if (ipVars.ipForwarding == M2_ipForwarding_forwarding)
- {
- /@ Not forwarding (MIB-II value is 2) @/
- ipVars.ipForwarding = M2_ipForwarding_not_forwarding;
- varToSet |= M2_IPFORWARDING;
- }
- /@ change the IP default time to live parameter @/
- ipVars.ipDefaultTTL = 55;
- if (m2IpGroupInfoSet (varToSet, &ipVars) == OK)
- /@ values in ipVars are valid @/
- .CE
- The IP address table is a read-only table. Entries to this table can be
- retrieved as follows:
- .CS
- M2_IPADDRTBL ipAddrEntry;
- /@ Specify the index as zero to get the first entry in the table @/
- ipAddrEntry.ipAdEntAddr = 0; /@ Local IP address in host byte order @/
- /@ get the first entry in the table @/
- if ((m2IpAddrTblEntryGet (M2_NEXT_VALUE, &ipAddrEntry) == OK)
- /@ values in ipAddrEntry in the first entry are valid @/
- /@ Process first entry in the table @/
- /@
- * For the next call, increment the index returned in the previous call.
- * The increment is to the next possible lexicographic entry; for
- * example, if the returned index was the index passed in the
- * next invocation should be If an entry in the table
- * matches the specified index, then that entry is returned.
- * Otherwise the closest entry following it, in lexicographic order,
- * is returned.
- @/
- /@ get the second entry in the table @/
- if ((m2IpAddrTblEntryGet (M2_NEXT_VALUE, &ipAddrEntryEntry) == OK)
- /@ values in ipAddrEntry in the second entry are valid @/
- .CE
- The IP Address Translation Table (ARP table) includes the functionality of
- the AT group plus additional functionality. The AT group is supported
- through this MIB-II table. Entries in this table can be added and
- deleted. An entry is deleted (with a set operation) by setting the
- `ipNetToMediaType' field to the MIB-II "invalid" value (2). The
- following example shows how to delete an entry:
- .CS
- /@ Specify the index for the connection to be deleted in the table @/
- atEntry.ipNetToMediaIfIndex = 1 /@ interface index @/
- /@ destination IP address in host byte order @/
- atEntry.ipNetToMediaNetAddress = 0x930b2e08;
- /@ mark entry as invalid @/
- atEntry.ipNetToMediaType = M2_ipNetToMediaType_invalid;
- /@ set the entry in the table @/
- if ((m2IpAtransTblEntrySet (&atEntry) == OK)
- /@ Entry deleted successfully @/
- .CE
- The IP route table allows for entries to be read, deleted, and modified. This
- example demonstrates how an existing route is deleted:
- .CS
- M2_IPROUTETBL routeEntry;
- /@ Specify the index for the connection to be deleted in the table @/
- /@ destination IP address in host byte order @/
- routeEntry.ipRouteDest = 0x930b2e08;
- /@ mark entry as invalid @/
- routeEntry.ipRouteType = M2_ipRouteType_invalid;
- /@ set the entry in the table @/
- if ((m2IpRouteTblEntrySet (M2_IP_ROUTE_TYPE, &routeEntry) == OK)
- /@ Entry deleted successfully @/
- .CE
- m2Lib, m2SysLib, m2IfLib, m2IcmpLib, m2UdpLib, m2TcpLib
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "m2Lib.h"
- #include "private/m2LibP.h"
- #include "netLib.h"
- #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
- #include <netinet/ip.h>
- #include <netinet/ip_var.h>
- #include <net/route.h>
- #include <net/radix.h>
- #include <netinet/in_var.h>
- #include <netinet/if_ether.h>
- #include <net/if_dl.h>
- #include <net/if_arp.h>
- #include "ioctl.h"
- #include "net/mbuf.h"
- #include "tickLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "routeLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "memPartLib.h"
- #include "routeEnhLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- #include "wrn/fastPath/fastPathLib.h"
- #endif /* ROUTER_STACK */
- /* defines */
- #define M2_MAX_ROUTE_DEFAULT 40
- /* globals */
- LOCAL int m2RouteTableSaved;
- LOCAL int m2RouteTableSize;
- LOCAL int m2NumRouteEntries;
- LOCAL M2_IPROUTETBL * m2RouteTable;
- LOCAL SEM_ID m2RouteSem;
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /*
- * The zero object id is used throught out the MIB-II library to fill OID
- * requests when an object ID is not provided by a group variable.
- */
- LOCAL M2_OBJECTID ipZeroObjectId = { 2, {0,0} };
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL int m2RouteTableGet();
- LOCAL int routeCacheInit (struct radix_node *rn, void * pRtArg);
- /* external declarations */
- extern SEM_ID m2InterfaceSem;
- IMPORT struct radix_node_head *rt_tables[]; /* table of radix nodes */
- IMPORT struct llinfo_arp llinfo_arp;
- IMPORT int _ipCfgFlags;
- IMPORT int ipMaxUnits;
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- IMPORT int arpioctl (int, caddr_t);
- IMPORT void routeEntryFill (struct ortentry *, int, int, BOOL);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IpInit - initialize MIB-II IP-group access
- *
- * This routine allocates the resources needed to allow access to the MIB-II
- * IP variables. This routine must be called before any IP variables
- * can be accessed. The parameter <maxRouteTableSize> is used to increase the
- * default size of the MIB-II route table cache.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the route table or the route semaphore cannot be allocated.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2IpGroupInfoGet(), m2IpGroupInfoSet(), m2IpAddrTblEntryGet(),
- * m2IpAtransTblEntrySet(), m2IpRouteTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntrySet(),
- * m2IpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IpInit
- (
- int maxRouteTableSize /* max size of routing table */
- )
- {
- /* initialize the routing table stuff */
- if (m2RouteTable == NULL)
- {
- /* only initialized the first time called */
- m2RouteTableSaved = 0;
- m2RouteTableSize = (maxRouteTableSize == 0) ?
- M2_MAX_ROUTE_DEFAULT : maxRouteTableSize ;
- m2RouteTable = (M2_IPROUTETBL *) KHEAP_ALLOC(m2RouteTableSize *
- sizeof (M2_IPROUTETBL));
- if (m2RouteTable == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- bzero ((char *)m2RouteTable, m2RouteTableSize * sizeof (M2_IPROUTETBL));
- }
- if (m2RouteSem == NULL)
- {
- m2RouteSem = semMCreate (SEM_Q_PRIORITY | SEM_INVERSION_SAFE |
- if (m2RouteSem == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_CANT_CREATE_ROUTE_SEM);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- (void) m2RouteTableGet (m2RouteTable, m2RouteTableSize);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IpGroupInfoGet - get the MIB-II IP-group scalar variables
- *
- * This routine fills in the IP structure at <pIpInfo> with the
- * values of MIB-II IP global variables.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <pIpInfo> is not a valid pointer.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * SEE ALSO: m2IpInit(), m2IpGroupInfoSet(), m2IpAddrTblEntryGet(),
- * m2IpAtransTblEntrySet(), m2IpRouteTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntrySet(),
- * m2IpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IpGroupInfoGet
- (
- M2_IP * pIpInfo /* pointer to IP MIB-II global group variables */
- )
- {
- /* Validate Pointer to IP structure */
- if (pIpInfo == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (_ipCfgFlags & IP_DO_FORWARDING)
- pIpInfo->ipForwarding = M2_ipForwarding_forwarding;
- else
- pIpInfo->ipForwarding = M2_ipForwarding_not_forwarding;
- pIpInfo->ipDefaultTTL = ipTimeToLive;
- pIpInfo->ipInReceives = _ipstat.ips_total;
- pIpInfo->ipInHdrErrors = _ipstat.ips_badsum + _ipstat.ips_tooshort +
- _ipstat.ips_toosmall + _ipstat.ips_badhlen +
- _ipstat.ips_badlen + _ipstat.ips_badoptions +
- _ipstat.ips_badvers;
- pIpInfo->ipInAddrErrors = _ipstat.ips_cantforward;
- pIpInfo->ipForwDatagrams = _ipstat.ips_forward;
- pIpInfo->ipReasmReqds = _ipstat.ips_fragments;
- pIpInfo->ipReasmFails = _ipstat.ips_fragdropped +
- _ipstat.ips_fragtimeout;
- pIpInfo->ipReasmOKs = _ipstat.ips_reassembled;
- pIpInfo->ipInDiscards = _ipstat.ips_toosmall;
- pIpInfo->ipInUnknownProtos = _ipstat.ips_noproto;
- pIpInfo->ipInDelivers = _ipstat.ips_delivered;
- pIpInfo->ipOutRequests = _ipstat.ips_localout;
- pIpInfo->ipFragOKs = _ipstat.ips_fragmented;
- pIpInfo->ipFragFails = _ipstat.ips_cantfrag;
- pIpInfo->ipFragCreates = _ipstat.ips_ofragments;
- pIpInfo->ipOutDiscards = _ipstat.ips_odropped;
- pIpInfo->ipOutNoRoutes = _ipstat.ips_noroute;
- #else
- pIpInfo->ipInReceives = ipstat.ips_total;
- pIpInfo->ipInHdrErrors = ipstat.ips_badsum + ipstat.ips_tooshort +
- ipstat.ips_toosmall + ipstat.ips_badhlen +
- ipstat.ips_badlen + ipstat.ips_badoptions +
- ipstat.ips_badvers;
- pIpInfo->ipInAddrErrors = ipstat.ips_cantforward;
- pIpInfo->ipForwDatagrams = ipstat.ips_forward;
- pIpInfo->ipReasmReqds = ipstat.ips_fragments;
- pIpInfo->ipReasmFails = ipstat.ips_fragdropped +
- ipstat.ips_fragtimeout;
- pIpInfo->ipReasmOKs = ipstat.ips_reassembled;
- pIpInfo->ipInDiscards = ipstat.ips_toosmall;
- pIpInfo->ipInUnknownProtos = ipstat.ips_noproto;
- pIpInfo->ipInDelivers = ipstat.ips_delivered;
- pIpInfo->ipOutRequests = ipstat.ips_localout;
- pIpInfo->ipFragOKs = ipstat.ips_fragmented;
- pIpInfo->ipFragFails = ipstat.ips_cantfrag;
- pIpInfo->ipFragCreates = ipstat.ips_ofragments;
- pIpInfo->ipOutDiscards = ipstat.ips_odropped;
- pIpInfo->ipOutNoRoutes = ipstat.ips_noroute;
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- pIpInfo->ipReasmTimeout = IPFRAGTTL;
- /*
- * The MIB-II defines this variable to be the number of routing entries
- * that were discarded to free up buffer space. The BSD VxWorks
- * implementation does not free routes to free buffer space.
- */
- pIpInfo->ipRoutingDiscards = 0;
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IpGroupInfoSet - set MIB-II IP-group variables to new values
- *
- * This routine sets one or more variables in the IP group, as specified in the
- * input structure <pIpInfo> and the bit field parameter <varToSet>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <pIpInfo> is not a valid pointer, or <varToSet> has
- * an invalid bit field.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * SEE ALSO: m2IpInit(), m2IpGroupInfoGet(), m2IpAddrTblEntryGet(),
- * m2IpAtransTblEntrySet(), m2IpRouteTblEntryGet(),
- * m2IpRouteTblEntrySet(), m2IpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IpGroupInfoSet
- (
- unsigned int varToSet, /* bit field used to set variables */
- M2_IP * pIpInfo /* ptr to the MIB-II IP group global variables */
- )
- {
- /* Validate pointer and variable */
- if (pIpInfo == NULL ||
- (varToSet & (M2_IPFORWARDING | M2_IPDEFAULTTTL)) == 0)
- {
- if (pIpInfo == NULL)
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- else
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_VAR_TO_SET);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * This variable is toggle from NOT forwarding to forwarding, and vice versa
- */
- if (varToSet & M2_IPFORWARDING)
- {
- if (pIpInfo->ipForwarding == M2_ipForwarding_not_forwarding)
- _ipCfgFlags &= (~IP_DO_FORWARDING);
- else
- _ipCfgFlags |= IP_DO_FORWARDING;
- /* Inform Fastpath about the change */
- FFL_CALL (ffLibIpConfigFlagsChanged, (_ipCfgFlags));
- #endif /* ROUTER_STACK */
- }
- /*
- * Set the new time. The calling routine is expected to have verified that
- * the new time is a valid value.
- */
- if (varToSet & M2_IPDEFAULTTTL)
- ipTimeToLive = pIpInfo->ipDefaultTTL;
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IpAddrTblEntryGet - get an IP MIB-II address entry
- *
- * This routine traverses the IP address table and does an M2_EXACT_VALUE or
- * a M2_NEXT_VALUE search based on the <search> parameter. The calling
- * routine is responsible for supplying a valid MIB-II entry index in the
- * input structure <pIpAddrTblEntry>. The index is the local IP
- * address. The first entry in the table is retrieved by doing a NEXT search
- * with the index field set to zero.
- *
- * OK, ERROR if the input parameter is not specified, or a match is not found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2Lib, m2IpInit(), m2IpGroupInfoGet(), m2IpGroupInfoSet(),
- * m2IpAtransTblEntrySet(), m2IpRouteTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntrySet(),
- * m2IpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IpAddrTblEntryGet
- (
- int search, /* M2_EXACT_VALUE or M2_NEXT_VALUE */
- M2_IPADDRTBL * pIpAddrTblEntry /* ptr to requested IP address entry */
- )
- {
- struct in_ifaddr * pIfAddr; /* Pointer to IP list of internet addr */
- struct in_ifaddr * pIfAddrSaved; /* Pointer to IP entry */
- unsigned long ipAddrSaved; /* IP address selected */
- unsigned long ipAddr; /* Caller IP address Table index req */
- unsigned long currIpAddr; /* Current IP address Table index req */
- int netLock; /* Used to secure the Network Code Access */
- /* Validate the input pointer */
- if (pIpAddrTblEntry == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Setup variables to be used in the table search */
- pIfAddrSaved = NULL; /* Nothing found yeat */
- ipAddrSaved = -1; /* Largest IP address */
- /* Requested IP address */
- ipAddr = pIpAddrTblEntry->ipAdEntAddr;
- netLock = splnet (); /* Get exclusive access to Network Code */
- /* Search the IP list of internet addresses to satisfy the request */
- for (pIfAddr = _in_ifaddr; pIfAddr != NULL; pIfAddr = pIfAddr->ia_next)
- #else
- for (pIfAddr = in_ifaddr; pIfAddr != NULL; pIfAddr = pIfAddr->ia_next)
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- {
- currIpAddr = ntohl((IA_SIN(pIfAddr)->sin_addr.s_addr));
- if (search == M2_EXACT_VALUE)
- {
- if (ipAddr == currIpAddr)
- {
- /*
- * Match found. Save a pointer to the entry and the ip address
- */
- pIfAddrSaved = pIfAddr;
- ipAddrSaved = currIpAddr;
- break; /* Found EXACT Match */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * A NEXT search is satisfied by an IP address lexicographicaly
- * greater than the input IP address. Because IP addresses are not
- * in order in the IP list, the list must be traverse complety
- * before a selection is made.
- */
- if (currIpAddr >= ipAddr && currIpAddr < ipAddrSaved)
- {
- /* Save possible IP address selection */
- pIfAddrSaved = pIfAddr;
- ipAddrSaved = currIpAddr;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Entry not found */
- if (pIfAddrSaved == NULL)
- {
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Fill the request structure with the found entry */
- pIpAddrTblEntry->ipAdEntIfIndex = pIfAddrSaved->ia_ifp->if_index;
- pIpAddrTblEntry->ipAdEntNetMask = pIfAddrSaved->ia_subnetmask;
- if (pIfAddrSaved->ia_ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST)
- pIpAddrTblEntry->ipAdEntBcastAddr =
- (ntohl(pIfAddrSaved->ia_netbroadcast.s_addr)) & 1;
- else
- pIpAddrTblEntry->ipAdEntBcastAddr = 1;
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- pIpAddrTblEntry->ipAdEntAddr = ipAddrSaved;
- pIpAddrTblEntry->ipAdEntReasmMaxSize = IP_MAXPACKET; /* Fromp ip.h */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IpAtransTblEntryGet - get a MIB-II ARP table entry
- *
- * This routine traverses the ARP table and does an M2_EXACT_VALUE or a
- * M2_NEXT_VALUE search based on the <search> parameter. The calling
- * routine is responsible for supplying a valid MIB-II entry index in the
- * input structure <pReqIpatEntry>. The index is made up of the network
- * interface index and the IP address corresponding to the physical address.
- * The first entry in the table is retrieved by doing a NEXT search with the
- * index fields set to zero.
- *
- * OK, ERROR if the input parameter is not specified, or a match is not found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2Lib, m2IpInit(), m2IpGroupInfoGet(), m2IpGroupInfoSet(),
- * m2IpAtransTblEntrySet(), m2IpRouteTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntrySet(),
- * m2IpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IpAtransTblEntryGet
- (
- int search, /* M2_EXACT_VALUE or M2_NEXT_VALUE */
- M2_IPATRANSTBL * pReqIpAtEntry /* ptr to the requested ARP entry */
- )
- {
- unsigned long ipAddrSaved; /* Used for a NEXT search */
- unsigned long currIpAddr; /* Current IP address Table index req */
- int ix; /* All purpose loop Index */
- int netLock; /* Use to secure the Network Code Access */
- int maxIndex; /* max. possible index value */
- int currIndex; /* current interface index required */
- struct llinfo_arp * pLnkInfo;
- struct rtentry * pRtEnt;
- struct rtentry * pRtEntMatch;
- /* Validate Pointer to ARP request structure */
- if (pReqIpAtEntry == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Initialize all local variable before the Network Semaphore is taken */
- ix = 0;
- pRtEntMatch = NULL; /* initialized to NULL */
- maxIndex = ipMaxUnits + 1; /* largest possible value */
- ipAddrSaved = -1; /* Largest IP address */
- /* Convert IP address to network byte order */
- netLock = splnet (); /* Get exclusive access to Network Code */
- /*
- * Traverse the ARP Table. The whole table is searched
- */
- pLnkInfo = _llinfo_arp.la_next;
- while (pLnkInfo != &_llinfo_arp)
- #else
- pLnkInfo = llinfo_arp.la_next;
- while (pLnkInfo != &llinfo_arp)
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- {
- pRtEnt = pLnkInfo->la_rt;
- pLnkInfo = pLnkInfo->la_next;
- currIpAddr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)
- rt_key(pRtEnt))->sin_addr.s_addr);
- currIndex = pRtEnt->rt_ifp->if_index;
- if (search == M2_NEXT_VALUE)
- {
- /*
- * A NEXT search is satisfied by an IP address lexicographicaly
- * equal to or greater than the input IP address. Because IP
- * addresses are not in order in the ARP table, the list must
- * be traverse completely before a selection is made.
- */
- if (((currIndex > pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaIfIndex) ||
- ((currIndex == pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaIfIndex) &&
- (currIpAddr >= pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaNetAddress))) &&
- ((currIndex < maxIndex) || ((currIndex == maxIndex) &&
- (currIpAddr < ipAddrSaved))))
- {
- pRtEntMatch = pRtEnt; /* Found a Candidate */
- ipAddrSaved = currIpAddr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Search for an EXACT match in the ARP Table */
- if (pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaNetAddress == currIpAddr)
- {
- pRtEntMatch = pRtEnt; /* Found Requested Entry */
- ipAddrSaved = currIpAddr;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* pRtEntMatch is pointer to the route for the IP address found
- * The interface pointer is obtained from pRtEntMatch. This pointer is
- * used as a key to search the MIB-II interface table,
- * once the key is matched the interface number is found.
- */
- if (pRtEntMatch != NULL)
- {
- /* Search for Interface number in the MIB-II interface table */
- pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaIfIndex = pRtEntMatch->rt_ifp->if_index;
- /* Fill requested ARP entry */
- pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaNetAddress = ipAddrSaved;
- pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaType =
- (pRtEntMatch->rt_rmx.rmx_expire == 0) ?
- M2_ipNetToMediaType_static :
- M2_ipNetToMediaType_dynamic;
- bcopy (LLADDR((struct sockaddr_dl *)pRtEntMatch->rt_gateway),
- (char *) pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.phyAddress,
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.addrLength = ETHERADDRLEN;
- return (OK);
- }
- splx (netLock); /* Give up exclusive access to Network Code */
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IpAtransTblEntrySet - add, modify, or delete a MIB-II ARP entry
- *
- * This routine traverses the ARP table for the entry specified in the parameter
- * <pReqIpAtEntry>. An ARP entry can be added, modified, or deleted. A MIB-II
- * entry index is specified by the destination IP address and the physical media
- * address. A new ARP entry can be added by specifying all the fields in the
- * parameter <pReqIpAtEntry>. An entry can be modified by specifying the MIB-II
- * index and the field that is to be modified. An entry is deleted by
- * specifying the index and setting the type field in the input parameter
- * <pReqIpAtEntry> to the MIB-II value "invalid" (2).
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is not specified, the physical address
- * is not specified for an add/modify request, or the ioctl() request to the ARP
- * module fails.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2IpInit(), m2IpGroupInfoGet(), m2IpGroupInfoSet(),
- * m2IpAddrTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntrySet(),
- * m2IpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IpAtransTblEntrySet
- (
- M2_IPATRANSTBL * pReqIpAtEntry /* pointer to MIB-II ARP entry */
- )
- {
- int ioctlCmd; /* ARP module IOCTL command value */
- struct arpreq arpCmd; /* ARP module IOCTL command structure */
- struct sockaddr_in * pIpAddr; /* Pointer to an IP address */
- struct sockaddr * pPhyAddr; /* Pointer to an ethernet address */
- /* Validate Pointer to ARP request structure */
- if (pReqIpAtEntry == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Initialize ARP module IOCTL variables */
- bzero ((char *)&arpCmd, sizeof(struct arpreq));
- pIpAddr = (struct sockaddr_in *) &arpCmd.arp_pa; /* Protocol address */
- pIpAddr->sin_family = AF_INET;
- pIpAddr->sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- pIpAddr->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaNetAddress);
- /* Copy the Ethernet address in the IOCTL structure */
- if (pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.addrLength > 0)
- {
- pPhyAddr = &arpCmd.arp_ha;
- pPhyAddr->sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
- bcopy ((char *) pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.phyAddress,
- pPhyAddr->sa_data,
- pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.addrLength );
- }
- arpCmd.arp_flags = 0;
- /* Check if the ARP entry is to be deleted, Added or Modified */
- if (pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaType == M2_ipNetToMediaType_invalid)
- {
- /*
- * Request to DELETE the specified ARP entry. The hardware address
- * is optional. However, if the IP address is not found in the ARP
- * table the request to delete the ARP entry can fail.
- */
- ioctlCmd = SIOCDARP;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Request to ADD or MODIFY the specified ARP entry. The hardware
- * address must be specified. If this is not the case then fail.
- */
- if (pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.addrLength <= 0)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- ioctlCmd = SIOCSARP;
- if (pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaType == M2_ipNetToMediaType_dynamic)
- arpCmd.arp_flags &= ~ATF_PERM;
- if (pReqIpAtEntry->ipNetToMediaType == M2_ipNetToMediaType_static)
- arpCmd.arp_flags |= ATF_PERM;
- }
- /* Issue IOCTL command to the ARP module */
- if (arpioctl (ioctlCmd, (caddr_t)&arpCmd) != 0)
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IpRouteTblEntryGet - get a MIB-2 routing table entry
- *
- * This routine retrieves MIB-II information about an entry in
- * the network routing table and returns it in the caller-supplied structure
- * <pIpRouteTblEntry>.
- *
- * The routine compares routing table entries to the address specified by the
- * `ipRouteDest' member of the <pIpRouteTblEntry> structure, and retrieves an
- * entry chosen by the <search> type (M2_EXACT_VALUE or M2_NEXT_VALUE, as
- * described in the manual entry for m2Lib).
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * SEE ALSO: m2Lib, m2IpInit(), m2IpGroupInfoGet(), m2IpGroupInfoSet(),
- * m2IpAddrTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntrySet(),
- * m2IpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IpRouteTblEntryGet
- (
- int search, /* M2_EXACT_VALUE or M2_NEXT_VALUE */
- M2_IPROUTETBL * pIpRouteTblEntry /* route table entry */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- int index;
- unsigned long nextLarger;
- unsigned long tableDest;
- unsigned long dstIpAddr;
- /* Validate the arguments */
- if ((pIpRouteTblEntry == NULL) || ((search != M2_EXACT_VALUE) &&
- (search != M2_NEXT_VALUE)))
- {
- errnoSet(S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR); /* invalid argument */
- }
- dstIpAddr = pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteDest;
- semTake (m2RouteSem, WAIT_FOREVER); /* protect the cache */
- /* Reread the route table if it has since been modified. */
- if (m2RouteTableGet (m2RouteTable, m2RouteTableSize) == ERROR)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- semGive (m2RouteSem);
- return (ERROR); /* no such entry */
- }
- nextLarger = 0xffffffff; /* will decrease to the proper route address */
- /* Find Match */
- for (ix = 0, index = m2NumRouteEntries; ix < m2NumRouteEntries; ix++)
- {
- /* XXX */
- tableDest = ntohl (m2RouteTable [ix].ipRouteDest);
- if (search == M2_EXACT_VALUE)
- {
- if (dstIpAddr == tableDest)
- {
- index = ix;
- break; /* found exact match */
- }
- }
- else /* (search == M2_NEXT_VALUE) */
- {
- /* Find the next dest value. The alternative to
- * going through the entire array each time is to sort it.
- * Which is more expensive is dependent on how often
- * new routes get added to the table, how often this is used,
- * and how long the list is.
- */
- if ((tableDest >= dstIpAddr) && (tableDest < nextLarger))
- {
- nextLarger = tableDest;
- index = ix;
- }
- }
- }
- if (index >= m2NumRouteEntries)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- semGive (m2RouteSem);
- return (ERROR); /* no such entry */
- }
- /* fill in return structure */
- bcopy ((char *) &m2RouteTable [index], (char *) pIpRouteTblEntry,
- sizeof (M2_IPROUTETBL));
- pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteAge =
- (tickGet () - pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteAge) / sysClkRateGet ();
- semGive (m2RouteSem); /* release cache */
- pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteDest = ntohl (pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteDest);
- pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteNextHop = ntohl (pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteNextHop);
- pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteMask = ntohl (pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteMask);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IpRouteTblEntrySet - set a MIB-II routing table entry
- *
- * This routine adds, changes, or deletes a network routing table entry.
- * The table entry to be modified is specified by the `ipRouteDest' and
- * `ipRouteNextHop' members of the <pIpRouteTblEntry> structure.
- *
- * The <varToSet> parameter is a bit-field mask that specifies which values
- * in the route table entry are to be set.
- *
- * If <varToSet> has the M2_IP_ROUTE_TYPE bit set and `ipRouteType' has the
- * value of M2_ROUTE_TYPE_INVALID, then the the routing table entry is
- * deleted.
- *
- * If <varToSet> has the either the M2_IP_ROUTE_DEST, M2_IP_ROUTE_NEXT_HOP
- * and the M2_IP_ROUTE_MASK bits set, then a new route entry is added
- * to the table.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- * m2IpInit(), m2IpGroupInfoGet(), m2IpGroupInfoSet(),
- * m2IpAddrTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntryGet(), m2IpRouteTblEntrySet(),
- * m2IpDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IpRouteTblEntrySet
- (
- int varToSet, /* variable to set */
- M2_IPROUTETBL * pIpRouteTblEntry /* route table entry */
- )
- {
- struct sockaddr_in ipRouteMask;
- struct ortentry route;
- /* Convert from host order to network order */
- pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteDest = htonl(pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteDest);
- pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteNextHop = htonl(pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteNextHop);
- bzero ((char *)&ipRouteMask, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
- ipRouteMask.sin_family = AF_INET;
- ipRouteMask.sin_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- /* delete the route */
- if ((varToSet & M2_IP_ROUTE_TYPE) &&
- (pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteType == M2_ipRouteType_invalid))
- {
- if (m2IpRouteTblEntryGet (M2_EXACT_VALUE, pIpRouteTblEntry) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- ipRouteMask.sin_addr.s_addr = (u_long)pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteMask;
- routeEntryFill (&route, pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteDest,
- pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteNextHop, FALSE);
- route.rt_flags |= RTF_MGMT;
- /*
- * Remove the matching route. Report the change using
- * both routing socket messages and direct callbacks.
- */
- return (rtrequestDelEqui (&route.rt_dst,
- (struct sockaddr *)&ipRouteMask,
- &route.rt_gateway, route.rt_flags, 3,
- }
- /* otherwise change it */
- if (varToSet & (M2_IP_ROUTE_DEST | M2_IP_ROUTE_NEXT_HOP |
- {
- /* Fill in the route mask */
- ipRouteMask.sin_addr.s_addr = (u_long)pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteMask;
- routeEntryFill (&route, pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteDest,
- pIpRouteTblEntry->ipRouteNextHop, FALSE);
- route.rt_flags |= RTF_MGMT;
- /*
- * Add the requested route using the default weight value. Report
- * the change using both routing socket messages and direct callbacks.
- */
- if (rtrequestAddEqui (&route.rt_dst, (struct sockaddr *)&ipRouteMask,
- &route.rt_gateway, route.rt_flags,
- M2_ipRouteProto_netmgmt, 0, TRUE, TRUE,
- NULL) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /* generic structure for traversing the route table XXX move elsewhere */
- typedef struct
- {
- ULONG arg1;
- ULONG arg2;
- ULONG arg3;
- /*
- * Function to pass to rn_walktree().
- * Return non-zero error to abort walk.
- */
- LOCAL int routeCacheInit
- (
- struct radix_node * rn,
- void * pRtArg
- )
- {
- M2_IPROUTETBL * pRouteCache; /* the route table cache */
- M2_IPROUTETBL * pEntry; /* pointer to route cache */
- int routeCacheSize; /* size of cache */
- int * pRouteCacheIx;
- struct sockaddr_in * pSin; /* address pointer */
- struct rtentry * pRoute = (struct rtentry *)rn;
- pRouteCache =(M2_IPROUTETBL *)((RT_TBL_ARGS *)pRtArg)->arg1;
- routeCacheSize = (int )((RT_TBL_ARGS *)pRtArg)->arg2;
- pRouteCacheIx = (int * )&((RT_TBL_ARGS *)pRtArg)->arg3;
- if (*pRouteCacheIx >= routeCacheSize) /* terminate the table walk */
- return (ENOMEM);
- if ((pRoute->rt_flags & RTF_UP) == 0) /* go to the next entry */
- return (OK); /* route not up */
- /* Get the next entry to add */
- pEntry = &pRouteCache [*pRouteCacheIx];
- pSin = (struct sockaddr_in *) pRoute->rt_gateway;
- /* test whether the gateway is of type AF_LINK and if so
- * test whether it is a real arp entry because interfaces
- * initialized with RTF_CLONE flag have a dummy gateway of
- * type AF_LINK. If it is a real arp entry then skip to next
- * entry, we are only dealing with gateways of type AF_INET
- */
- if (pRoute->rt_gateway->sa_family == AF_LINK)
- {
- if (((struct sockaddr_dl *)pSin)->sdl_alen)
- pSin = NULL;
- else
- pSin = (struct sockaddr_in *)pRoute->rt_ifa->ifa_addr;
- }
- if (pSin == NULL)
- return (OK);
- pEntry->ipRouteNextHop = pSin->sin_addr.s_addr;
- pSin = (struct sockaddr_in *) rt_key(pRoute);
- pEntry->ipRouteDest = pSin->sin_addr.s_addr;
- /* Loop through the interface table looking for a match
- * on the ifp.
- */
- pEntry->ipRouteIfIndex = pRoute->rt_ifp->if_index;
- /* fill in the route mask */
- if (rt_mask(pRoute) == NULL) /* implicit mask of 0xffffffff */
- pEntry->ipRouteMask = ~0L; /* host route */
- else
- pEntry->ipRouteMask = ((struct sockaddr_in *)
- rt_mask(pRoute))->sin_addr.s_addr;
- /* XXX this may not be necessary condition taken care in the above else */
- if (pEntry->ipRouteDest == 0L)
- pEntry->ipRouteMask = 0L; /* default route */
- pEntry->ipRouteAge = pRoute->rt_mod; /* initialize last modified */
- /* is it a direct or indirect route ? */
- if (pRoute->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY)
- {
- pEntry->ipRouteMetric1 = 1; /* 1 means non local */
- pEntry->ipRouteType = M2_ipRouteType_indirect;
- }
- else
- pEntry->ipRouteType = M2_ipRouteType_direct;
- if (pRoute->rt_flags & RTF_MGMT)
- pEntry->ipRouteProto = M2_ipRouteProto_netmgmt;
- else if (pRoute->rt_flags & (RTF_DYNAMIC | RTF_MODIFIED))
- pEntry->ipRouteProto = M2_ipRouteProto_icmp;
- else
- {
- /*
- * Routes created using the routeLib API store the correct protocol
- * value using the RT_PROTO_SET macro. The RT_PROTO_GET macro
- * retrieves that information. All routing protocols must alter
- * the kernel routing table using the routeLib API so that the
- * IP group MIB variables can return the correct settings. Both RIP
- * and OSPF comply with this requirement.
- */
- pEntry->ipRouteProto = RT_PROTO_GET (pSin);
- if (pEntry->ipRouteProto == M2_ipRouteProto_rip)
- {
- /*
- * The VxWorks RIP implementation stores the advertised metric
- * in the (normally unused) rmx_hopcount field of the kernel's
- * routing table. Use that value instead of the simple 0/1
- * boolean for local or remote routes assigned earlier.
- */
- pEntry->ipRouteMetric1 = pRoute->rt_rmx.rmx_hopcount;
- }
- else if (pEntry->ipRouteProto == 0)
- {
- /*
- * Entries added through ioctl() calls on a routing socket or
- * otherwise created directly without using the API have an
- * undefined value of 0 in the protocol type field. Replace it
- * with the correct setting.
- */
- if (pRoute->rt_flags & RTF_LLINFO)
- {
- /*
- * Sanity check: handle route entries for link-level
- * protocols such as ARP in case they are not ignored
- * as expected.
- */
- pEntry->ipRouteProto = M2_ipRouteProto_other;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Handle protocol-independent locally generated entries. */
- pEntry->ipRouteProto = M2_ipRouteProto_local;
- }
- }
- }
- (*pRouteCacheIx)++; /* increment the index */
- return (0);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2RouteTableGet - get a copy of the network routing table.
- *
- * This routine gets a copy of the network routing table and puts
- * it into a pre-allocated route table cache. The route table cache is
- * specified by <pRouteCache> and the size of the cache is <routeCacheSize>.
- *
- * RETURNS: the number of entries in the route table cache.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS m2RouteTableGet
- (
- M2_IPROUTETBL * pRouteCache, /* the route table cache */
- int routeCacheSize /* size of cache */
- )
- {
- M2_IPROUTETBL * pEntry; /* pointer to route cache */
- int routeCacheIx; /* route cache index */
- int spl; /* for splnet */
- struct radix_node_head * rnh; /* pointer to radix node hd*/
- RT_TBL_ARGS rtTblArgs;
- if (rtmodified == m2RouteTableSaved)
- return (OK); /* cache still valid */
- /* Validate argument */
- if (pRouteCache == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR); /* bad parameter passed */
- }
- /* If the network interface table has been changed, re-read it */
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER); /* protect interface */
- /* Clear out the routing table and rebuild it */
- bzero ((char *) pRouteCache, routeCacheSize * (sizeof (M2_IPROUTETBL)));
- for (routeCacheIx = 0; routeCacheIx < routeCacheSize; routeCacheIx++)
- {
- pEntry = &pRouteCache [routeCacheIx];
- /* fill in defaults */
- pEntry->ipRouteMetric2 = -1;
- pEntry->ipRouteMetric3 = -1;
- pEntry->ipRouteMetric4 = -1;
- pEntry->ipRouteMetric5 = -1;
- bcopy ((char *) &ipZeroObjectId, (char *) &pEntry->ipRouteInfo,
- sizeof (ipZeroObjectId));
- }
- routeCacheIx = 0;
- rnh = rt_tables[AF_INET];
- if (rnh == NULL)
- return (0);
- rtTblArgs.arg1 = (ULONG) pRouteCache;
- rtTblArgs.arg2 = (ULONG) routeCacheSize;
- rtTblArgs.arg3 = (ULONG) routeCacheIx;
- spl = splnet ();
- rn_walktree(rnh, routeCacheInit, (void *)&rtTblArgs);
- m2RouteTableSaved = rtmodified;
- m2NumRouteEntries = rtTblArgs.arg3; /* Number of routes in the system */
- splx (spl);
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK); /* return the number of entries */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IpDelete - delete all resources used to access the IP group
- *
- * This routine frees all the resources allocated when the IP group was
- * initialized. The IP group should not be accessed after this routine has been
- * called.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: m2IpInit(), m2IpGroupInfoGet(), m2IpGroupInfoSet(),
- * m2IpAddrTblEntryGet(), m2IpAtransTblEntrySet(), m2IpRouteTblEntryGet(),
- * m2IpRouteTblEntrySet()
- */
- STATUS m2IpDelete (void)
- {
- /* Free route semaphore */
- if (m2RouteSem != NULL)
- {
- semDelete (m2RouteSem);
- m2RouteSem = NULL;
- }
- /* Free route table */
- if (m2RouteTable != NULL)
- {
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)m2RouteTable);
- m2RouteTable = NULL;
- }
- return (OK);
- }