- /* dosFsFat.c - DOS file system File Allocation Table Handler */
- /* Copyright 1987-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01q,10jan02,chn Renamed some functions to clear up sector/cluster confusion
- 01p,10dec01,jkf SPR#72039, various fixes from Mr. T. Johnson.
- 01o,12oct01,jkf adapted debugging code to be more portable.
- 01n,02oct01,jkf replaced diab changes lost in 01m.
- 01m,20sep01,jkf SPR#69031, common code for both AE & 5.x.
- 01l,08oct99,jkf added ifdef for HP native tools to ignore GNUish debug macro's
- 01k,31aug99,jkf changes for new CBIO API.
- 01j,31jul99,jkf T2 merge, tidiness & spelling.
- 01i,21dec98,mjc fixed bug in fat16Seek(), changed name of <contigEnd>
- field in structure <DOS_FILE_HDL> to <contigEndPlus1>
- 01h,23nov98,mjc avoided disk access for seek within contiguous file area;
- 01j,23sep98,vld added FAT mirroring disabling;
- added routine fat16SyncToggle()
- 01f,20sep98,mjc descriptor structure name changed from DOS_FAT16_DESC
- 01e,17sep98,vld added argument "number of FAT copy" to cluster read/write
- routines;
- cluster writing routines extended with a"raw" data
- write to FAT copies other, then active one;
- routine fat16ClustValueSet() extended to support
- FAT copy initialization;
- 01d,12jul98,mjc cluster group allocation factor changed from
- constant to global variable fatClugFac.
- Assert header files including was moved
- to be after #ifdef DEBUG statement to allow
- NDEBUG definition in case when DEBUG is undefined.
- fat16ContigAlloc() algorithm was changed to 1st fit.
- 01c,01jul98,lrn doc reviewed
- 01b,29jun98,mjc added FAT32, tested
- 01a,23feb98,mjc initially written written.
- */
- /*
- This module is part of dosFsLib and is designed to manage the three
- different File Allocation Table formats: FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32.
- These formats are similar thus are implemented in a single module
- without the ability to scale out one of these formats for systems which
- do not intend to use them.
- This FAT handler does not keep any part of the File Allocation Table in
- memory, depending entirely on the underlying CBIO module, typically the
- Disk Cache for the ability to access any FAT entry of any size, i.e.
- byte-wise access to any particular disk sector.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "private/dosFsVerP.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "private/print64Lib.h"
- #include "private/dosFsLibP.h"
- #include "private/dosFsFatP.h"
- /* macros */
- #define _TO_STR(z) _TO_TMP(z)
- #define _TO_TMP(z) #z
- #undef ERR_MSG
- #undef DBG_MSG
- #undef ERR_PRINT
- #ifdef DEBUG
- # undef LOCAL
- # define LOCAL
- # define ERR_PRINT /* include errnoSetOut() */
- # define errnoSet( err ) errnoSetOut( __FILE__, __LINE__, #err, (err) )
- # define DBG_MSG(lvl, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
- { if ((lvl) <= fat16Debug)
- printErr (__FILE__" : "_TO_STR(__LINE__)" : "fmt, a1, a2,
- a3, a4, a5, a6); }
- # define ERR_MSG(lvl, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
- { logMsg (__FILE__" : "_TO_STR(__LINE__)" : "fmt, (int)(a1),
- (int)(a2), (int)(a3), (int)(a4), (int)(a5), (int)(a6)); }
- #else /* NO DEBUG */
- # undef NDEBUG
- # define NDEBUG
- /* fixme: quick dirty hack for native HP native tools build, HP simulator */
- # if (CPU == SIMHPPA)
- /* Allow TOOL=hp to build, will cause no effect warnings when TOOL=gnu */
- # define DBG_MSG
- # define ERR_MSG
- # else
- # define DBG_MSG(lvl, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) {}
- # define ERR_MSG(lvl, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
- { if ((lvl) <= fat16Debug)
- logMsg (__FILE__" : "_TO_STR(__LINE__)" : %s : "fmt,
- (int)(a1), (int)(a2), (int)(a3), (int)(a4), (int)(a5),
- (int)(a6)); }
- # endif /* (CPU == SIMHPPA) */
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- #include "assert.h"
- /* defines */
- /* File System Information Sector number */
- #define FSINFO_SEC_NUM 1
- /* Offset of free clusters count field in the File System Information Sector */
- #define FSINFO_SIGN 484
- #define FSINFO_FREE_CLUSTS 488
- #define FSINFO_NEXT_FREE 492
- /* Read FAT entry error code */
- #define FAT_CBIO_ERR 1
- /* Mutex semaphore options */
- #define ENTRY_READ(pFd, copy, entry)
- pFatDesc->entryRead ((pFd), (copy), (entry))
- #define ENTRY_WRITE(pFd, copy, entry, value)
- pFatDesc->entryWrite ((pFd), (copy), (entry), (value))
- /* typedefs */
- /* globals */
- int fat16Debug = 0; /* debug level */
- int fatClugFac = 10000; /* cluster allocation group size factor */
- /* locals */
- #ifdef ERR_PRINT
- /*******************************************************************************
- * errnoSetOut - put error message
- *
- * This routine is called instead errnoSet during debugging.
- */
- LOCAL VOID errnoSetOut(char * pFile, int line, const char * pStr, int errCode )
- {
- /* If it is not errno clearing or setting to previously stored value
- * (in <errnoBuf> variable), print the error information.
- */
- if( errCode != OK && strcmp( pStr, "errnoBuf" ) != 0 )
- printf( "ERROR from %s : line %d : %s = %p, task %pn",
- pFile, line, pStr, (void *)errCode, (void *)taskIdSelf() );
- errno = errCode;
- }
- #endif /* ERR_PRINT */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16MirrorSect - mirror FAT sector
- *
- * This routine copies last modified sector of Primary FAT copy to appropriate
- * sectors of another FAT copies.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat16MirrorSect
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd /* pointer to file descriptor */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio = pVolDesc->pCbio;
- /* pointer to CBIO device */
- FAST uint32_t srcSecNum = pFd->pFileHdl->fatSector;
- FAST uint32_t dstSecNum;
- FAST int fatNum; /* FAT copy number */
- uint8_t fsinfoBuf [8];
- if (srcSecNum == 0)
- return OK;
- /* FAT copies synchronization might be disabled */
- if ( ! pFatDesc->syncEnabled)
- return OK;
- /*
- * TBD: mirroring disabled (FAT32)
- * ? Maybe it is worth adding callbacks to process CBIO write errors ?
- */
- for (fatNum = 1, dstSecNum = srcSecNum + pVolDesc->secPerFat;
- fatNum < pVolDesc->nFats;
- fatNum++, dstSecNum += pVolDesc->secPerFat)
- {
- if (cbioBlkCopy (pCbio, srcSecNum, dstSecNum, 1) != OK)
- return ERROR;
- /* ...??? */
- }
- if (pVolDesc->fatType == FAT32)
- {
- VX_TO_DISK_32 (pFatDesc->fatEntFreeCnt, &fsinfoBuf[0]);
- VX_TO_DISK_32 (pFatDesc->groupAllocStart, &fsinfoBuf[4]);
- (addr_t)fsinfoBuf, sizeof (fsinfoBuf), CBIO_WRITE, NULL))
- return ERROR;
- }
- return OK;
- } /* fat16MirrorSect */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16SyncToggle - toggle FAT copies mirroring.
- *
- * This routine enables/disables FAT copes mirroring. When mirroring
- * is enabled all reserved FAT copes are synchronized with active one.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void fat16SyncToggle
- (
- BOOL syncEnable
- )
- {
- MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (MS_FAT_DESC_ID)pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- block_t srcSec, dstSec, secNum;
- uint8_t copyNum;
- pFatDesc->syncEnabled = syncEnable;
- if (! syncEnable)
- return;
- /* synchronize FAT copies */
- /* copy by one sector. It permits always one read - multi write */
- srcSec = pFatDesc->fatStartSec +
- pVolDesc->pFatDesc->activeCopyNum * pVolDesc->secPerFat;
- for (secNum = 0; secNum < pVolDesc->secPerFat; secNum ++, srcSec ++ )
- {
- for (dstSec = pFatDesc->fatStartSec + secNum, copyNum = 0;
- copyNum < pVolDesc->nFats;
- dstSec += pVolDesc->secPerFat, copyNum ++ )
- {
- if (copyNum == pVolDesc->pFatDesc->activeCopyNum)
- continue;
- cbioBlkCopy (pVolDesc->pCbio, srcSec, dstSec, 1);
- }
- }
- } /* fat16SyncToggle() */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat12EntRead - read FAT entry from disk
- *
- * This routine reads the file allocation table (FAT) entry from a dosFs
- * volume.
- *
- * This routine only reads from the first copy of the FAT on disk, even if
- * other copies exist.
- *
- * RETURNS: Contents of the entry, or FAT_CBIO_ERR if error accessing disk.
- */
- LOCAL uint32_t fat12EntRead
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t copyNum,/* fat copy number */
- FAST uint32_t cluster /* entry number */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio = pVolDesc->pCbio;
- /* pointer to CBIO device */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t fatEntry;/* FAT entry */
- FAST uint32_t fatOff; /* offset in the FAT */
- FAST block_t secNum; /* sector number to read/write */
- FAST off_t secOff; /* offset in the sector */
- FAST uint32_t nBytes; /* number of bytes */
- uint8_t valBuf [2];
- /* buffer for value in the entry */
- assert ( copyNum < pVolDesc->nFats);
- assert ( (cluster >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (cluster < pFatDesc->nFatEnts) );
- /* Offset of the entry in the FAT in bytes */
- fatOff = cluster + (cluster >> 1); /* index = cluster * 1.5 */
- /* Number of sector containing the entry */
- secNum = pFatDesc->fatStartSec + copyNum * pVolDesc->secPerFat +
- (fatOff >> pVolDesc->secSizeShift);
- /* Offset of the entry in the sector */
- secOff = fatOff & (pVolDesc->bytesPerSec - 1);
- /* Number of bytes to read */
- nBytes = pVolDesc->bytesPerSec - secOff;
- if (nBytes > 2)
- nBytes = 2;
- /* Read entry from disk */
- if (cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum, secOff, (addr_t)valBuf, nBytes, CBIO_READ,
- &pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie) != OK)
- {
- pFd->fatHdl.errCode = FAT_CBIO_ERR;
- return FAT_CBIO_ERR; /* read error */
- }
- if (nBytes == 1)
- if (cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum + 1, 0, (addr_t)(&valBuf[1]), 1,
- CBIO_READ, &pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie) != OK)
- {
- pFd->fatHdl.errCode = FAT_CBIO_ERR;
- return FAT_CBIO_ERR; /* read error */
- }
- fatEntry = valBuf [0] | (valBuf [1] << 8);
- /* copy word, swapping bytes */
- if (cluster & 0x1) /* if cluster number is ODD */
- fatEntry = (fatEntry >> 4) & 0xfff; /* keep high order 12 bits */
- else /* if cluster number is EVEN */
- fatEntry &= 0xfff; /* keep low order 12 bits */
- return fatEntry;
- } /* fat12EntRead */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat12EntWrite - write FAT entry to disk
- *
- * This routine writes the file allocation table (FAT) entry to a dosFs
- * volume.
- *
- * This routine reads the file allocation table (FAT) entry for the
- * specified cluster and returns it to the caller.
- *
- * If the value to be written is too large to fit in a FAT entry
- * (12 bits), it is truncated (high order bits are discarded).
- *
- * This routine only writes to the first copy of the FAT on disk, even if
- * other copies exist.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if error accessing disk.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat12EntWrite
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t copyNum,/* fat copy number */
- FAST uint32_t cluster,/* entry number */
- FAST uint32_t value /* value to write */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio = pVolDesc->pCbio;
- /* pointer to CBIO device */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t fatOff; /* offset in the FAT */
- FAST block_t secNum; /* sector number to read/write */
- FAST off_t secOff; /* offset in the sector */
- FAST uint32_t nBytes; /* number of bytes */
- cookie_t cookie; /* CBIO dev. cookie */
- uint8_t valBuf [2];
- /* buffer for value in the entry */
- assert ( copyNum < pVolDesc->nFats);
- assert ( (cluster >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (cluster < pFatDesc->nFatEnts) );
- assert ( copyNum != pVolDesc->pFatDesc->activeCopyNum ||
- ( (value == pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail) ||
- ((value >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (value < pFatDesc->nFatEnts)) ||
- (value == pFatDesc->dos_fat_eof) ) );
- cookie = pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie;
- /* Offset of the entry in the FAT in bytes */
- fatOff = cluster + (cluster >> 1); /* index = cluster * 1.5 */
- /* Number of sector containing the entry */
- secNum = pFatDesc->fatStartSec + copyNum * pVolDesc->secPerFat +
- (fatOff >> pVolDesc->secSizeShift);
- /* Mirror last modified FAT sector if entry is situated in other sector */
- if (pFd->pFileHdl->fatSector != secNum &&
- copyNum == pVolDesc->pFatDesc->activeCopyNum)
- {
- fat16MirrorSect (pFd);
- pFd->pFileHdl->fatSector = secNum;
- }
- /* Offset of the entry in the sector */
- secOff = fatOff & (pVolDesc->bytesPerSec - 1);
- /* Number of bytes to write */
- nBytes = pVolDesc->bytesPerSec - secOff;
- if (nBytes > 2)
- nBytes = 2;
- /* Read previous entry value */
- if (cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum, secOff,(addr_t) valBuf, nBytes,
- CBIO_READ, &cookie) != OK)
- return ERROR; /* read error */
- if (nBytes == 1)
- if (cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum + 1, 0,(addr_t) (&valBuf[1]), 1,
- CBIO_READ, &pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie) != OK)
- return ERROR; /* read error */
- if (cluster & 0x1) /* if cluster number is ODD */
- {
- valBuf [0] &= 0x0f; /* clear high order 4 bits */
- valBuf [0] |= (value << 4); /* put in low bits of value */
- valBuf [1] = (value >> 4); /* next byte is high bits */
- }
- else /* if cluster number is EVEN */
- {
- valBuf [0] = value; /* this byte gets low bits */
- valBuf [1] &= 0xf0; /* clear low bits next byte */
- valBuf [1] |= (value >> 8) & 0x0f; /* put in high bits */
- }
- /* Write entry to disk */
- if (cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum, secOff,(addr_t)valBuf, nBytes, CBIO_WRITE,
- &cookie) != OK)
- return ERROR;
- if (nBytes == 1)
- if (cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum + 1, 0, (addr_t)(&valBuf [1]), 1,
- CBIO_WRITE, &pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie) != OK)
- return ERROR;
- return OK;
- } /* fat12EntWrite */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16EntRead - read FAT entry from disk
- *
- * This routine reads the file allocation table (FAT) entry from a dosFs
- * volume.
- *
- * This routine only reads from the first copy of the FAT on disk, even if
- * other copies exist.
- *
- * RETURNS: Contents of the entry, or FAT_CBIO_ERR if error accessing disk.
- */
- LOCAL uint32_t fat16EntRead
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t copyNum,/* fat copy number */
- FAST uint32_t entry /* entry number */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio = pVolDesc->pCbio;
- /* pointer to CBIO device */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST block_t secNum; /* sector number to read/write */
- FAST off_t secOff; /* offset in the sector */
- uint8_t valBuf [2];
- /* buffer for value in the entry */
- assert ( copyNum < pVolDesc->nFats);
- assert ( (entry >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (entry < pFatDesc->nFatEnts) );
- /* Offset of the entry in the FAT in bytes */
- entry <<= 1;
- /* Number of sector containing the entry */
- secNum = pFatDesc->fatStartSec + copyNum * pVolDesc->secPerFat +
- (entry >> pVolDesc->secSizeShift);
- /* Offset of the entry in the sector */
- secOff = entry & (pVolDesc->bytesPerSec - 1);
- /* Read entry from disk */
- if (cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum, secOff, (addr_t)valBuf, 2, CBIO_READ,
- &pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie) != OK)
- {
- pFd->fatHdl.errCode = FAT_CBIO_ERR;
- return FAT_CBIO_ERR; /* read error */
- }
- return (valBuf [0] | (valBuf [1] << 8));
- /* copy word, swapping bytes */
- } /* fat16EntRead */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16EntWrite - write FAT entry to disk
- *
- * This routine writes the file allocation table (FAT) entry to a dosFs
- * volume.
- *
- * This routine only writes to the first copy of the FAT on disk, even if
- * other copies exist.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if error accessing disk.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat16EntWrite
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t copyNum,/* fat copy number */
- FAST uint32_t entry, /* entry number */
- FAST uint32_t value /* value to write */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio = pVolDesc->pCbio;
- /* pointer to CBIO device */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST block_t secNum; /* sector number to read/write */
- FAST off_t secOff; /* offset in the sector */
- uint8_t valBuf [2];
- /* buffer for value in the entry */
- assert ( copyNum < pVolDesc->nFats);
- assert ( (entry >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (entry < pFatDesc->nFatEnts) );
- assert ( copyNum != pVolDesc->pFatDesc->activeCopyNum ||
- ( (value == pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail) ||
- ((value >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (value < pFatDesc->nFatEnts)) ||
- (value == pFatDesc->dos_fat_eof) ) );
- /* Offset of the entry in the FAT in bytes */
- entry <<= 1;
- /* Number of sector containing the entry */
- secNum = pFatDesc->fatStartSec + copyNum * pVolDesc->secPerFat +
- (entry >> pVolDesc->secSizeShift);
- /* Mirror last modified FAT sector if entry is situated in other sector */
- if (pFd->pFileHdl->fatSector != secNum &&
- copyNum == pVolDesc->pFatDesc->activeCopyNum)
- {
- fat16MirrorSect (pFd);
- pFd->pFileHdl->fatSector = secNum;
- }
- /* Offset of the entry in the sector */
- secOff = entry & (pVolDesc->bytesPerSec - 1);
- valBuf [0] = value & 0xff; /* this byte gets low bits */
- valBuf [1] = (value >> 8) & 0xff; /* next byte gets high bits */
- /* Write entry to disk */
- return cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum, secOff, (addr_t)valBuf, 2, CBIO_WRITE,
- &pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie);
- } /* fat16EntWrite */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat32EntRead - read FAT entry from disk
- *
- * This routine reads the file allocation table (FAT) entry from a dosFs
- * volume.
- *
- * This routine only reads from the first copy of the FAT on disk, even if
- * other copies exist.
- *
- * RETURNS: Contents of the entry, or FAT_CBIO_ERR if error accessing disk.
- */
- LOCAL uint32_t fat32EntRead
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t copyNum,/* fat copy number */
- FAST uint32_t entry /* entry number */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio = pVolDesc->pCbio;
- /* pointer to CBIO device */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST block_t secNum; /* sector number to read/write */
- FAST off_t secOff; /* offset in the sector */
- uint8_t valBuf [4];
- uint8_t highByteMask = 0x0f;
- /* do not mask high bits when non active copy is being written */
- if (copyNum != pVolDesc->pFatDesc->activeCopyNum)
- highByteMask = 0xff;
- /* buffer for value in the entry */
- assert ( copyNum < pVolDesc->nFats);
- assert ( (entry >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (entry < pFatDesc->nFatEnts) );
- /* Offset of the entry in the FAT in bytes */
- entry <<= 2;
- /* Number of sector containing the entry */
- secNum = pFatDesc->fatStartSec + copyNum * pVolDesc->secPerFat +
- (entry >> pVolDesc->secSizeShift);
- /* Offset of the entry in the sector */
- secOff = entry & (pVolDesc->bytesPerSec - 1);
- /* Read entry from disk */
- if (cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum, secOff, (addr_t)valBuf, 4, CBIO_READ,
- &pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie) != OK)
- {
- pFd->fatHdl.errCode = FAT_CBIO_ERR;
- return FAT_CBIO_ERR; /* read error */
- }
- return (valBuf [0] | (valBuf [1] << 8) | (valBuf [2] << 16) |
- ((valBuf [3] & highByteMask) << 24));/* mask highest 4 bits */
- } /* fat32EntRead */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat32EntWrite - write FAT entry to disk
- *
- * This routine writes the file allocation table (FAT) entry to a dosFs
- * volume.
- *
- * This routine only writes to the first copy of the FAT on disk, even if
- * other copies exist.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if error accessing disk.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat32EntWrite
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t copyNum,/* fat copy number */
- FAST uint32_t entry, /* entry number */
- FAST uint32_t value /* value to write */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio = pVolDesc->pCbio;
- /* pointer to CBIO device */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST block_t secNum; /* sector number to read/write */
- FAST off_t secOff; /* offset in the sector */
- uint8_t valBuf [4];
- /* buffer for value in the entry */
- uint8_t highByteMask = 0x0f;
- /* do not mask high bits when non active copy is being written */
- if (copyNum != pVolDesc->pFatDesc->activeCopyNum)
- highByteMask = 0xff;
- assert ( copyNum < pVolDesc->nFats);
- assert ( (entry >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (entry < pFatDesc->nFatEnts) );
- assert ( highByteMask == 0xff ||
- ( (value == pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail) ||
- ((value >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (value < pFatDesc->nFatEnts)) ||
- (value == pFatDesc->dos_fat_eof) ) );
- /* Offset of the entry in the FAT in bytes */
- entry <<= 2;
- /* Number of sector containing the entry */
- secNum = pFatDesc->fatStartSec + copyNum * pVolDesc->secPerFat +
- (entry >> pVolDesc->secSizeShift);
- /* Mirror last modified FAT sector if entry is situated in other sector */
- if (pFd->pFileHdl->fatSector != secNum && highByteMask != 0xff )
- {
- fat16MirrorSect (pFd);
- pFd->pFileHdl->fatSector = secNum;
- }
- /* Offset of the entry in the sector */
- secOff = entry & (pVolDesc->bytesPerSec - 1);
- valBuf [0] = value & 0xff; /* */
- valBuf [1] = (value >> 8) & 0xff; /* */
- valBuf [2] = (value >> 16) & 0xff; /* */
- valBuf [3] = (value >> 24) & highByteMask; /* */
- /* Write entry to disk */
- return cbioBytesRW (pCbio, secNum, secOff, (addr_t)valBuf, 4, CBIO_WRITE,
- &pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie);
- } /* fat32EntWrite */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16ContigGet - get next section of contiguous clusters in file chain
- *
- * This routine reads FAT entries starting from the passed cluster number, and
- * returns number of contiguous clusters in the file chain starting from the
- * passed one up to number of clusters requested.
- *
- * If starting cluster number is out of legal cluster number range, a 0 is
- * returned, except of the following 2 cases:
- *
- * 1) If start cluster number is 0 .
- *
- * 2) If start cluster number is end of file .
- *
- * This routine checks the File Allocation Table (FAT) to determine the
- * length, in clusters, of a contiguous section of a file. The starting
- * cluster to check is passed as an input parameter. The number of
- * contiguous clusters beginning with that cluster (including the starting
- * cluster itself) is returned. The minimum returned value is 1.
- *
- * RETURNS: Number of contiguous clusters in chain starting from the passed one,
- * or 0 if starting cluster number is illegal or disk access error.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat16ContigGet
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t numClusts /* num. of clusters to follow */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_FILE_HDL_ID pFileHdl = pFd->pFileHdl;
- /* pointer to file handle */
- FAST DOS_FAT_HDL_ID pFatHdl = &(pFd->fatHdl);
- /* pointer to FAT handle */
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT handler descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t startClust; /* starting cluster number */
- FAST uint32_t nextClust; /* next cluster number */
- FAST uint32_t cluster; /* cluster number */
- FAST uint32_t maxClust; /* maximum cluster number */
- startClust = nextClust = pFatHdl->nextClust;
- cluster = pFatHdl->lastClust;
- if ((startClust < DOS_MIN_CLUST) || (startClust >= pFatDesc->nFatEnts))
- {
- if ((startClust == 0) && (cluster == 0)) /* file just open */
- startClust = pFileHdl->startClust;
- if (startClust > pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad) /* end of file chain */
- {
- startClust = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- cluster);
- }
- if ((startClust < DOS_MIN_CLUST) || (startClust >= pFatDesc->nFatEnts))
- {
- assert ((startClust == 0) || (startClust > pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad));
- pFatHdl->nextClust = startClust;
- return ERROR;
- }
- }
- if ( (startClust < pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1) &&
- (startClust >= pFileHdl->startClust) )
- { /* in contiguous area */
- cluster = startClust + numClusts; /* lastClust + 1 */
- /* numClusts can be avoided in the function calls and changed
- * to pFatDesc->fatGroupSize inside the function
- */
- if (cluster >= pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1)
- {
- cluster = pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1; /* lastClust + 1 */
- nextClust = pFatDesc->dos_fat_eof;
- }
- else
- nextClust = cluster;
- DBG_MSG (2, "Get from contiguous area.n", 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- }
- else
- { /* out of contiguous area */
- /* Count number of contiguous clusters starting from <startClust> */
- maxClust = startClust + numClusts;
- if (maxClust > pFatDesc->nFatEnts)
- maxClust = pFatDesc->nFatEnts;
- cluster = startClust; /* initialize cluster number */
- while (cluster < maxClust)
- {
- nextClust = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- cluster); /* follow chain */
- if (nextClust != ++cluster)
- break; /* end of contiguous area */
- }
- if (pFatHdl->errCode == FAT_CBIO_ERR)
- return ERROR;
- }
- #ifdef __unused
- assert ( ((nextClust >= DOS_MIN_CLUST)&&
- (nextClust < pFatDesc->nFatEnts)) ||
- ((nextClust > pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad) &&
- (nextClust <= pFatDesc->dos_fat_eof)) );
- #endif
- /* Store contents of last entry in contiguous section */
- pFatHdl->nextClust = nextClust;
- pFatHdl->lastClust = cluster - 1;
- pFd->curSec = CLUST_TO_SEC (pVolDesc, startClust);
- pFd->nSec = (cluster - startClust) * pVolDesc->secPerClust;
- DBG_MSG (2, "Get %ld clusters starting from cluster %ldn",
- cluster - startClust, startClust,3,4,5,6);
- return OK;
- } /* fat16ContigGet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16MarkAlloc - allocate a contiguous set of clusters
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if was unable to allocate requested amount of space
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat16MarkAlloc
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t firstClust, /* initial cluster to search */
- FAST uint32_t numClusts /* number of clusters needed */
- )
- {
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pFd->pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t curClust; /* current cluster number */
- assert ((firstClust >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) &&
- (firstClust < pFatDesc->nFatEnts));
- assert (numClusts <= (pFatDesc->nFatEnts - DOS_MIN_CLUST));
- /* Build cluster chain in FAT */
- for (curClust = firstClust;
- curClust < (firstClust + numClusts - 1);
- curClust++)
- {
- /* Each entry = next clust. num. */
- if (ENTRY_WRITE (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- curClust, curClust + 1) != OK)
- return ERROR; /* disk access error */
- /* Update free clusters counter */
- pFatDesc->fatEntFreeCnt--;
- }
- /* Mark last entry as end of file cluster chain */
- if (ENTRY_WRITE (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum, curClust,
- pFatDesc->dos_fat_eof) != OK)
- return ERROR; /* disk access error */
- pFatDesc->fatEntFreeCnt--;
- return OK;
- } /* fat16MarkAlloc */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16GetNext - get/allocate next cluster for file
- *
- * This routine searches the File Allocation Table (FAT) for a sequence
- * of contiguous free clusters, and allocates clusters to extend the
- * current chain if requested to do so.
- *
- * RETURNS: resulting chain of sectors in the File Descriptor structure.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat16GetNext
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint_t allocPolicy /* allocation policy */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_FILE_HDL_ID pFileHdl = pFd->pFileHdl;
- /* pointer to file handle */
- FAST DOS_FAT_HDL_ID pFatHdl = &pFd->fatHdl;
- /* pointer to FAT handle */
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t startClust; /* */
- FAST uint32_t numClusts; /* */
- FAST uint32_t prevClust; /* */
- FAST uint32_t firstClust; /* */
- FAST uint32_t contigCount; /* count of fit clusters */
- FAST uint32_t curClust; /* current cluster number */
- FAST uint32_t fatEntry; /* FAT entry */
- FAST uint32_t maxClust; /* maximum cluster number */
- FAST uint32_t pass; /* */
- /* Try to follow file chain */
- if (fat16ContigGet (pFd, pFatDesc->fatGroupSize) == OK)
- return OK;
- if (pFatHdl->errCode == FAT_CBIO_ERR)
- return ERROR;
- /* Can't follow file chain */
- if ((allocPolicy & FAT_ALLOC) == 0) /* not alloc */
- return ERROR;
- firstClust = pFatHdl->nextClust;
- prevClust = pFatHdl->lastClust;
- startClust = 0;
- /* Set number of clusters to allocate.
- */
- if (pFatDesc->groupAllocStart == 0) /* no free groups in prev. alloc. */
- allocPolicy = FAT_ALLOC_ONE;
- numClusts = (allocPolicy == (uint_t)FAT_ALLOC_ONE) ?
- 1 : pFatDesc->fatGroupSize;
- /* Set initial cluster number to try allocation from.
- */
- if (firstClust > pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad) /* end of file chain */
- startClust = prevClust;
- else if ((firstClust == 0) && (prevClust == 0)) /* it is a new file */
- startClust = (allocPolicy == (uint_t)FAT_ALLOC_ONE) ?
- pFatDesc->clustAllocStart : pFatDesc->groupAllocStart;
- if (startClust == 0)
- {
- return ERROR;
- }
- /* Try finding a set of clusters starting at or after the initial one.
- * Continue searching upwards until end of FAT.
- */
- maxClust = pFatDesc->nFatEnts - 1;
- curClust = startClust; /* start from initial cluster number */
- firstClust = 0;
- contigCount = 0;
- semTake (pFatDesc->allocSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
- {
- while (curClust <= maxClust)
- {
- fatEntry = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- curClust);
- if ((fatEntry == FAT_CBIO_ERR)&&(pFatHdl->errCode == FAT_CBIO_ERR))
- goto group_alloc_error;
- if (fatEntry == pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail)
- { /* free space */
- if (contigCount == 0)
- firstClust = curClust;/* this one will be new start */
- if (++contigCount == numClusts) /* one more found */
- goto group_alloc; /* quit if enough found */
- }
- else /* allocated space */
- {
- contigCount = 0;
- }
- curClust++;
- } /* while */
- /*
- * Try finding a contiguous area starting before the current cluster
- * Note that the new contiguous area could include the initial cluster
- */
- maxClust = startClust - 1;
- curClust = DOS_MIN_CLUST; /* start from lowest cluster number */
- contigCount = 0;
- } /* for */
- if (firstClust == 0)
- {
- errnoSet (S_dosFsLib_DISK_FULL);
- ERR_MSG (1, "!!! DISK FULL !!!n", 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- goto group_alloc_error; /* could not find space */
- }
- pFatDesc->groupAllocStart = 0;
- numClusts = 1;
- group_alloc: /* Allocate the found chain */
- if (fat16MarkAlloc (pFd, firstClust, numClusts) != OK)
- goto group_alloc_error;
- semGive (pFatDesc->allocSem);
- DBG_MSG (1, "Allocated %ld clusters starting from cluster %ldn",
- contigCount, firstClust,3,4,5,6);
- /* */
- if (startClust == prevClust)
- {
- /* Add just allocated contiguous section to the file chain */
- if (ENTRY_WRITE (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- prevClust, firstClust) != OK)
- return ERROR;
- if (firstClust == pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1)
- pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1 = firstClust + numClusts;
- DBG_MSG (1, " ----- Old end %ld -----n", prevClust,2,3,4,5,6);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Advance start allocation cluster number */
- if (allocPolicy == (uint_t)FAT_ALLOC_ONE)
- pFatDesc->clustAllocStart = firstClust + 1;
- else
- if (pFatDesc->groupAllocStart != 0)
- pFatDesc->groupAllocStart = firstClust + numClusts;
- DBG_MSG (1, " ----- Old start %ld -----n", startClust,2,3,4,5,6);
- DBG_MSG (1, " ----- New start %ld -----n", firstClust,2,3,4,5,6);
- pFileHdl->startClust = firstClust;
- pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1 = firstClust + numClusts;
- }
- pFatHdl->nextClust = pFatDesc->dos_fat_eof;
- pFatHdl->lastClust = firstClust + numClusts - 1;
- pFd->curSec = CLUST_TO_SEC (pVolDesc, firstClust);
- pFd->nSec = numClusts * pVolDesc->secPerClust;
- return OK;
- group_alloc_error:
- semGive (pFatDesc->allocSem);
- return ERROR;
- } /* fat16GetNext */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16Truncate - truncate chain starting from cluster
- *
- * This routine is used when removing files and directories as well as
- * when truncating files. It will follow
- * a chain of cluster entries in the file allocation table (FAT), freeing each
- * as it goes.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if invalid cluster encountered in chain
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat16Truncate
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t sector, /* sector to truncate from */
- FAST uint32_t flag /* FH_INCLUDE or FH_EXCLUDE */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_FILE_HDL_ID pFileHdl = pFd->pFileHdl;
- /* pointer to file handle */
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t curClust; /* current cluster */
- FAST uint32_t nextClust; /* next cluster in chain */
- FAST uint32_t cluster; /* cluster to truncate from */
- if (sector == FH_FILE_START)
- {
- cluster = pFileHdl->startClust;
- pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1 = 0;
- if (cluster < DOS_MIN_CLUST)
- {
- errnoSet (S_dosFsLib_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* ??? */
- return ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (sector < pVolDesc->dataStartSec)
- {
- errnoSet (S_dosFsLib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return ERROR;
- }
- cluster = SEC_TO_CLUST (pVolDesc, sector);
- }
- if (cluster >= pFatDesc->nFatEnts)
- {
- errnoSet (S_dosFsLib_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* ??? */
- return ERROR;
- }
- switch (flag )
- {
- case FH_INCLUDE:
- if ((sector == FH_FILE_START) ||
- (((sector - pVolDesc->dataStartSec) %
- pVolDesc->secPerClust) == 0))
- {
- curClust = cluster;
- break;
- }
- case FH_EXCLUDE:
- /* Read cluster to truncate from, including this one */
- curClust = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- cluster);
- if (curClust > pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad)
- return OK; /* end of file */
- if ((curClust < DOS_MIN_CLUST) || (curClust >= pFatDesc->nFatEnts))
- return ERROR; /* */
- /* Mark passed cluster as end of file */
- if (ENTRY_WRITE (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- cluster, pFatDesc->dos_fat_eof) != OK)
- return ERROR; /* disk access error */
- break;
- default:
- {
- errnoSet (S_dosFsLib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return ERROR;
- }
- }
- if ( (curClust < pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1) &&
- (curClust >= pFileHdl->startClust) )
- pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1 = curClust;
- if (pFatDesc->groupAllocStart == 0)
- pFatDesc->groupAllocStart = curClust;
- /* Adjust single cluster allocation start point to start of the disk */
- if (pFatDesc->clustAllocStart > curClust)
- pFatDesc->clustAllocStart = curClust;
- /* Free a chain of clusters */
- while ((curClust >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) && (curClust < pFatDesc->nFatEnts))
- {
- /* get next cluster in chain */
- nextClust = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- curClust);
- /* free current cluster (mark cluster in FAT as available) */
- if (ENTRY_WRITE (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- curClust, pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail) != OK)
- return ERROR;
- /* Update free clusters counter */
- pFatDesc->fatEntFreeCnt++;
- curClust = nextClust; /* do next cluster */
- }
- if (curClust <= pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad) /* If not end of file */
- return ERROR;
- return OK;
- } /* fat16Truncate */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16Seek - seek cluster within file chain
- *
- * Returns a particular cluster relative to the cluster chain beginning
- * which is noted in the file descriptor structure.
- * It is used to seek in to a file.
- *
- * RETURNS: requested position is returned in the file descriptor structure
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat16Seek
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t sector, /* sector to seek from */
- FAST uint32_t sectOff /* sector offset within file */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t nextClust; /* next cluster number */
- FAST uint32_t count; /* count of clusters */
- FAST uint32_t cluster; /* cluster to seek from */
- FAST uint32_t clustOff; /* */
- if (sector == FH_FILE_START)
- {
- pFd->fatHdl.nextClust = 0;
- pFd->fatHdl.lastClust = 0;
- pFd->fatHdl.cbioCookie = 0;
- pFd->curSec = 0;
- pFd->nSec = 0;
- cluster = pFd->pFileHdl->startClust;
- if (cluster == 0)
- return OK;
- if (cluster < DOS_MIN_CLUST)
- return ERROR;
- }
- else
- {
- if (sector < pVolDesc->dataStartSec)
- return ERROR;
- /* cluster to seek from */
- cluster = SEC_TO_CLUST (pVolDesc, sector);
- /* offset from start of cluster */
- sectOff += (sector - pVolDesc->dataStartSec) % pVolDesc->secPerClust;
- }
- if (cluster >= pFatDesc->nFatEnts)
- return ERROR;
- clustOff = sectOff / pVolDesc->secPerClust;
- sectOff %= pVolDesc->secPerClust;
- /* Skip contiguous area */
- if ( (cluster < pFd->pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1) &&
- (cluster >= pFd->pFileHdl->startClust) )
- {
- count = min (clustOff, pFd->pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1 - cluster - 1);
- cluster += count;
- clustOff -= count;
- }
- for (count = 0; count < clustOff; count++)
- {
- nextClust = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- cluster); /* follow chain */
- /* If end of cluster chain, bad cluster number or disk access error */
- if ((nextClust < DOS_MIN_CLUST) || (nextClust >= pFatDesc->nFatEnts))
- return ERROR;
- cluster = nextClust; /* do next cluster */
- }
- pFd->fatHdl.nextClust = cluster;
- if (fat16ContigGet (pFd, pFatDesc->fatGroupSize) != OK)
- return ERROR;
- pFd->curSec += sectOff;
- pFd->nSec -= sectOff;
- return OK;
- } /* fat16Seek */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16NFree - count number of free bytes on disk
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: amount of free space is returned in file descriptor handle
- */
- LOCAL fsize_t fat16NFree
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd /* pointer to file descriptor */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t clustNum; /* cluster number */
- FAST uint32_t fatEntry; /* */
- FAST uint32_t freeCount; /* */
- freeCount = pFatDesc->fatEntFreeCnt;
- if(freeCount == 0xffffffff)
- {
- freeCount = 0;
- /* Read file allocation table (FAT) to find unused clusters */
- for (clustNum=DOS_MIN_CLUST; clustNum < pFatDesc->nFatEnts; clustNum++)
- {
- fatEntry = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- clustNum);
- if ((fatEntry == FAT_CBIO_ERR)&&
- (pFd->fatHdl.errCode == FAT_CBIO_ERR))
- return ERROR;
- if (fatEntry == pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail)
- freeCount++;
- }
- pFatDesc->fatEntFreeCnt = freeCount;
- }
- return ( (((fsize_t)freeCount) * pVolDesc->secPerClust) <<
- pVolDesc->secSizeShift );
- } /* fat16NFree */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16ContigChk - check file chain for contiguity
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if an illegal cluster number is encountered
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat16ContigChk
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd /* pointer to file descriptor */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_FILE_HDL_ID pFileHdl = pFd->pFileHdl;
- /* pointer to file handle */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pFd->pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT handler descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t nextClust; /* next cluster number */
- FAST uint32_t cluster; /* cluster number */
- cluster = pFileHdl->startClust;
- if (cluster == 0)
- return OK;
- if ((cluster < DOS_MIN_CLUST) || (cluster >= pFatDesc->nFatEnts))
- {
- return ERROR;
- }
- {
- nextClust = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- cluster); /* follow chain */
- if (nextClust != ++cluster)
- break; /* end of contiguous area */
- }
- if (pFd->fatHdl.errCode == FAT_CBIO_ERR)
- return ERROR;
- pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1 = cluster;
- if (nextClust > pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad) /* end of file chain */
- return OK;
- if ((nextClust < DOS_MIN_CLUST) || (nextClust >= pFatDesc->nFatEnts))
- {
- }
- return ERROR;
- } /* fat16ContigChk */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16MaxContigClustersGet - return size of largest contiguous space on disk
- *
- * RETURNS: max contiguous space in clusters
- */
- LOCAL size_t fat16MaxContigClustersGet
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t * pMaxStart /* were to return start clust */
- )
- {
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pFd->pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT handler descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t fatEntry; /* */
- FAST uint32_t curClust; /* */
- FAST uint32_t firstContig; /* 1st clust. of contig area */
- FAST uint32_t contigCount; /* count of fit clusters */
- FAST uint32_t maxStart; /* */
- FAST uint32_t maxCount; /* */
- firstContig = DOS_MIN_CLUST;
- contigCount = 0;
- maxStart = 0;
- maxCount = 0;
- for (curClust = DOS_MIN_CLUST; curClust < pFatDesc->nFatEnts; curClust++)
- {
- fatEntry = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- curClust);
- if ((fatEntry == FAT_CBIO_ERR)&&(pFd->fatHdl.errCode == FAT_CBIO_ERR))
- return 0;
- if (fatEntry == pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail)
- { /* free space */
- contigCount++; /* one more found */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Check for maximum */
- if (contigCount > maxCount)
- {
- maxStart = firstContig;
- maxCount = contigCount;
- }
- firstContig = curClust + 1; /* next one will be new start */
- contigCount = 0;
- }
- } /* for */
- if (contigCount > maxCount)
- {
- maxStart = firstContig;
- maxCount = contigCount;
- }
- *pMaxStart = maxStart;
- return (maxCount);
- } /* fat16MaxContigClustersGet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16ContigAlloc - allocate <numSect> contiguous chain
- *
- * This function employs the Best Fit algorithm to locate a
- * contiguous fragment of space for the requested size
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if requested space is not available
- */
- LOCAL STATUS fat16ContigAlloc
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t number /* number of sectors needed */
- )
- {
- FAST DOS_FILE_HDL_ID pFileHdl = pFd->pFileHdl;
- /* pointer to file handle */
- FAST DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- FAST MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- /* pointer to FAT handler descriptor */
- FAST uint32_t fatEntry; /* */
- FAST uint32_t curClust; /* */
- FAST uint32_t firstContig; /* 1st clust. of contig area */
- FAST uint32_t contigCount; /* count of fit clusters */
- FAST uint32_t bestCount; /* */
- uint32_t bestStart; /* */
- if (number == (uint32_t)CONTIG_MAX)
- {
- semTake (pFatDesc->allocSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- number = fat16MaxContigClustersGet (pFd, &bestStart);
- if (number == 0)
- {
- errnoSet (S_dosFsLib_DISK_FULL);
- goto contig_alloc_error;
- }
- goto contig_alloc;
- }
- /* Convert number of sectors needed to number of clusters */
- number = (number + pVolDesc->secPerClust - 1) / pVolDesc->secPerClust;
- firstContig = DOS_MIN_CLUST;
- contigCount = 0;
- bestStart = 0;
- bestCount = pFatDesc->nFatEnts;
- semTake (pFatDesc->allocSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- for (curClust = DOS_MIN_CLUST;
- /* firstContig <= (pFatDesc->nFatEnts - number); ??? for 1st fit ??? */
- curClust < (pFatDesc->nFatEnts - number);
- curClust++)
- {
- fatEntry = ENTRY_READ (pFd, pFatDesc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum,
- curClust);
- if ((fatEntry == FAT_CBIO_ERR)&&(pFd->fatHdl.errCode == FAT_CBIO_ERR))
- goto contig_alloc_error;
- #if FALSE /* best fit */
- if (fatEntry == pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail)
- { /* free space */
- contigCount++; /* one more found */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Check for best fit */
- if ((contigCount >= number) && (contigCount < bestCount))
- { /* most close from above */
- bestStart = firstContig;
- bestCount = contigCount;
- if (contigCount == number)
- break; /* fit exactly */
- }
- firstContig = curClust + 1; /* next one will be new start */
- contigCount = 0;
- }
- #else /* 1st fit */
- if (fatEntry == pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail)
- { /* free space */
- if (++contigCount == number) /* one more found */
- {
- bestStart = firstContig; /* ??? temporary solution */
- bestCount = contigCount; /* ??? temporary solution */
- goto contig_alloc; /* quit if enough found */
- }
- }
- else /* allocated space */
- {
- firstContig = curClust + 1; /* next one will be new start */
- contigCount = 0;
- }
- #endif /* FALSE */
- } /* for */
- if (bestStart == 0)
- {
- if (contigCount < number)
- {
- errnoSet (S_dosFsLib_NO_CONTIG_SPACE);
- goto contig_alloc_error;
- }
- bestStart = firstContig;
- }
- contig_alloc:
- if (fat16MarkAlloc (pFd, bestStart, number) != OK)
- goto contig_alloc_error;
- semGive (pFatDesc->allocSem);
- DBG_MSG (1, "Allocated %ld clusters starting from cluster %ldn",
- number, bestStart,3,4,5,6);
- pFileHdl->startClust = bestStart;
- pFileHdl->contigEndPlus1 = bestStart + number;
- return OK;
- contig_alloc_error:
- semGive (pFatDesc->allocSem);
- return ERROR;
- } /* fat16ContigAlloc */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16MaxContigSectors - max free contiguous chain length in sectors
- *
- * RETURNS: size of the max contiguous free space in sectors
- */
- static size_t fat16MaxContigSectors
- (
- FAST DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd /* pointer to file descriptor */
- )
- {
- uint32_t maxStart;
- return (fat16MaxContigClustersGet (pFd, &maxStart) * pFd->pVolDesc->secPerClust);
- } /* fat16MaxContigSectors */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16Show - display handler specific data
- *
- */
- LOCAL void fat16Show
- (
- DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc /* pointer to volume descriptor */
- )
- {
- MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (MS_FAT_DESC_ID) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- DOS_FILE_DESC fileDesc = { 0 }; /* pointer to file descriptor */
- fileDesc.pVolDesc = pVolDesc;
- printf ("FAT handler information:n");
- printf ("------------------------n");
- printf (" - allocation group size: %ld clustersn",
- pFatDesc->fatGroupSize);
- print64Fine (" - free space on volume: ", fat16NFree (&fileDesc),
- " bytesn", 10);
- } /* fat16Show */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16ClustValueSet - set value to a particular FAT entry
- *
- */
- STATUS fat16ClustValueSet
- (
- DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- uint32_t copyNum, /* fat copy number */
- uint32_t clustNum, /* cluster number to check */
- uint32_t value,
- uint32_t nextClust
- )
- {
- DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc = pFd->pVolDesc;
- MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- switch (value)
- {
- value = pFatDesc->dos_fat_avail;
- break;
- case DOS_FAT_EOF:
- value = pFatDesc->dos_fat_eof;
- break;
- case DOS_FAT_BAD:
- assert (FALSE);
- value = pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad;
- break;
- assert (FALSE);
- value = pFatDesc->dos_fat_reserv;
- break;
- assert ((nextClust >= DOS_MIN_CLUST) &&
- (nextClust < pFd->pVolDesc->nFatEnts));
- value = nextClust;
- break;
- case DOS_FAT_RAW:
- value = nextClust;
- break;
- {
- CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio = pVolDesc->pCbio;
- cookie_t cookie = (cookie_t) NULL;
- uint8_t wBuf [64];
- /* fill one sector (<value> = sector number) */
- value = pFatDesc->fatStartSec + (copyNum * pVolDesc->secPerFat);
- bfill ((char *)wBuf, sizeof (wBuf), nextClust );
- for ( clustNum = 0;
- clustNum < pFd->pVolDesc->bytesPerSec;
- clustNum += sizeof (wBuf) )
- {
- if (cbioBytesRW (pCbio, value, clustNum, (addr_t)wBuf,
- sizeof (wBuf), CBIO_WRITE,
- &cookie) != OK)
- {
- return ERROR;
- }
- }
- /* copy first sector to other FAT sectors */
- for ( nextClust = value++;
- value < nextClust + pVolDesc->secPerFat;
- value ++ )
- {
- if (cbioBlkCopy (pCbio, nextClust, value, 1) != OK)
- return ERROR;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- default:
- assert (FALSE);
- }
- return ENTRY_WRITE (pFd, copyNum, clustNum, value);
- } /* fat16ClustValueSet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16ClustValueGet - get value corresponding to this cluster number in FAT
- *
- * Get the value of a particular FAT entry, resulting in the
- * number of the next cluster in chain, or one of the following:
- *
- * DOS_FAT_AVAIL - available cluster
- * DOS_FAT_EOF - end of file's cluster chain
- * DOS_FAT_BAD - bad cluster (damaged media)
- * DOS_FAT_ALLOC - allocated cluster
- * DOS_FAT_INVAL - invalid cluster (illegal value)
- * DOS_FAT_RESERV - reserved cluster
- *
- * RETURNS: cluster number or special value above
- */
- uint32_t fat16ClustValueGet
- (
- DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, /* pointer to file descriptor */
- uint32_t copyNum, /* fat copy number */
- uint32_t clustNum, /* cluster number to check */
- uint32_t * pNextClust /* */
- )
- {
- MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc = (void *) pFd->pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- clustNum &= 0x0fffffff; /* high 4 bits in FAT32 are reserved */
- if (clustNum == 0)
- return DOS_FAT_AVAIL;
- if (clustNum > pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad)
- return DOS_FAT_EOF;
- if (clustNum == pFatDesc->dos_fat_bad)
- return DOS_FAT_BAD;
- if (clustNum >= pFatDesc->dos_fat_reserv)
- return DOS_FAT_RESERV;
- if ((clustNum < DOS_MIN_CLUST) || (clustNum >= pFd->pVolDesc->nFatEnts))
- return DOS_FAT_INVAL;
- *pNextClust = ENTRY_READ (pFd, copyNum, clustNum);
- if (pFd->fatHdl.errCode == FAT_CBIO_ERR)
- return DOS_FAT_ERROR;
- return DOS_FAT_ALLOC;
- } /* fat16ClustValueGet */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16VolUnmount - unmount volume
- *
- * This routine frees all resources, that were allocated for the volume.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void fat16VolUnmount
- (
- DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc /* */
- )
- {
- return;
- } /* fat16VolUnmount */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fat16VolMount - mount volume
- *
- * Initialize a new volume
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if FAT is illegal
- */
- STATUS fat16VolMount
- (
- DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc, /* */
- void * arg /* unused */
- )
- {
- FAST CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio = pVolDesc->pCbio;
- /* pointer to CBIO device */
- MS_FAT_DESC_ID pFat16Desc;
- DOS_FILE_DESC fileDesc = { 0 }; /* file descriptor */
- uint8_t fsinfoBuf [8]; /* FSINFO sector data */
- /*
- * if previous volume had alternative FAT structure,
- * unmount previous FAT handler and
- * allocate FAT handler descriptor
- */
- if (pVolDesc->pFatDesc != NULL &&
- pVolDesc->pFatDesc->volUnmount != fat16VolUnmount &&
- pVolDesc->pFatDesc->volUnmount != NULL)
- {
- /* Unmount previous FAT handler */
- pVolDesc->pFatDesc->volUnmount( pVolDesc );
- }
- /* Allocate FAT handler descriptor */
- pVolDesc->pFatDesc =
- KHEAP_REALLOC((char *)pVolDesc->pFatDesc, sizeof( *pFat16Desc));
- if (pVolDesc->pFatDesc == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- pFat16Desc = (void *)pVolDesc->pFatDesc;
- bzero( (void *)pFat16Desc, sizeof( *pFat16Desc) );
- fileDesc.pVolDesc = pVolDesc; /* for fat16NFree() */
- /* Number of FAT entries = count of clusters available for files + 2 */
- pVolDesc->nFatEnts = pFat16Desc->nFatEnts =
- ( ((pVolDesc->totalSec - pVolDesc->dataStartSec) /
- pVolDesc->secPerClust) + DOS_MIN_CLUST );
- if (pVolDesc->fatType == FAT32)
- {
- /* activeFatStart ??? */
- (addr_t)fsinfoBuf, sizeof (fsinfoBuf), CBIO_READ, NULL) != OK)
- goto mount_error;
- /* Fill free FAT entries count */
- pFat16Desc->fatEntFreeCnt = DISK_TO_VX_32 (&fsinfoBuf[0]);
- /* Fill start cluster for cluster groups allocation */
- pFat16Desc->groupAllocStart = DISK_TO_VX_32 (&fsinfoBuf[4]);
- if ( (pFat16Desc->groupAllocStart < DOS_MIN_CLUST) ||
- (pFat16Desc->groupAllocStart >= pFat16Desc->nFatEnts) )
- pFat16Desc->groupAllocStart = DOS_MIN_CLUST;
- pFat16Desc->entryRead = fat32EntRead;
- pFat16Desc->entryWrite = fat32EntWrite;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_reserv = 0x0ffffff0;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_bad = 0x0ffffff7;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_eof = 0x0fffffff;
- }
- else
- {
- /* activeFatStart ??? */
- /* -1 in fatEntFreeCnt cause fat16NFree() to fill this field */
- pFat16Desc->fatEntFreeCnt = -1;
- /* Fill cluster groups allocation start cluster */
- pFat16Desc->groupAllocStart = DOS_MIN_CLUST;
- if (pVolDesc->fatType == FAT16)
- {
- pFat16Desc->entryRead = fat16EntRead;
- pFat16Desc->entryWrite = fat16EntWrite;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_reserv = 0xfff0;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_bad = 0xfff7;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_eof = 0xffff;
- }
- else if (pVolDesc->fatType == FAT12)
- {
- pFat16Desc->entryRead = fat12EntRead;
- pFat16Desc->entryWrite = fat12EntWrite;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_reserv = 0xff0;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_bad = 0xff7;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_eof = 0xfff;
- }
- else
- goto mount_error;
- }
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.volUnmount = fat16VolUnmount;
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.getNext = fat16GetNext;
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.contigChk = fat16ContigChk;
- pFat16Desc-> = fat16Show;
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.truncate = fat16Truncate; /*FIOTRUNC*/
- pFat16Desc-> = fat16Seek; /*FIOSEEK*/
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.contigAlloc = fat16ContigAlloc;/*FIOCONTIG*/
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.maxContig
- = fat16MaxContigSectors; /*FIONCONTIG*/
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.nFree = fat16NFree; /*FIONFREE*/
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.flush = fat16MirrorSect; /*FIOFLUSH*/
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.syncToggle = fat16SyncToggle;
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.clustValueSet = fat16ClustValueSet;
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.clustValueGet = fat16ClustValueGet;
- pFat16Desc->fatStartSec = pVolDesc->nReservedSecs;
- /* current version uses only fat copy 0 as active */
- pFat16Desc->dosFatDesc.activeCopyNum = 0;
- /* Number of clusters in allocation group = ???
- * must be calculated in future
- */
- pFat16Desc->fatGroupSize = pFat16Desc->nFatEnts / fatClugFac + 1;
- pFat16Desc->dos_fat_avail = 0x00000000;
- pFat16Desc->syncEnabled = TRUE; /* enable FAT copies mirroring */
- pFat16Desc->allocSem = semMCreate (ALLOC_SEM_OPTIONS);
- if (NULL == pFat16Desc->allocSem)
- {
- goto mount_error;
- }
- pFat16Desc->clustAllocStart = DOS_MIN_CLUST;
- fat16NFree (&fileDesc); /* fill 'fatEntFreeCnt' if it equals -1 */
- return OK;
- mount_error:
- fat16VolUnmount (pVolDesc);
- return ERROR;
- } /* fat16VolMount */
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * dosFsFatInit - init handler and install it into dosFsLib
- *
- * This function must be called to install the FAT handler,
- * which is mandatory, once during system initialization.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if failed to install
- */
- STATUS dosFsFatInit ( void )
- {
- hdlr.mountRtn = fat16VolMount;
- hdlr.arg = NULL;
- return dosFsHdlrInstall (dosFatHdlrsList, &hdlr);
- } /* dosFsFatInit() */