- /* dbgTaskLib.c - Task breakpoint handling */
- /* Copyright 1997-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01h,19apr02,jhw Prevent breakpoint removal when running in System
- Mode (SPR 75987).
- 01g,09nov01,jhw Revert WDB_INFO to be inside of WIND_TCB.
- 01f,17oct01,jhw Access WDB_INFO from WIND_TCB pointer pWdbInfo.
- 01e,03feb99,cpd Fix for SPR24102: Added Windview instrumentation when
- lockCnt is directly decremented, rather than taskUnlock.
- 01d,19jan99,elg Restore PC for MIPS (SPR 24356)
- 01c,21apr98,dbt code cleanup.
- 01b,13mar98,dbt moved _func_wdbIsNowExternal to wdbDbgLib.c (scalability
- problem).
- 01a,05dec97,dbt written based on wdbTaskBpLib.c.
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines for task mode debugging. Those routines
- are all OS specific and are used by both target shell debugger and
- WDB debugger in task mode.
- The facilities provided by routines in this library are :
- - task deletion and switch handling.
- - breakpoint exceptions handling.
- - task continue and task step handling.
- We should avoid all direct calls to WDB routines without using a pointer.
- This is necessary because target shell debugger and WDB debugger must be
- independant.
- Since target shell debugger is based on WDB debugger, it is normal to see
- references to some WDB defines (WDB_CTX_LOAD for example) in this file.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- #include "stddef.h"
- #include "sigLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "taskHookLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbDbgLib.h"
- #include "private/taskLibP.h"
- #include "private/kernelLibP.h"
- /* defines */
- #define DBG_INFO(p) (&(((WIND_TCB *)(p))->wdbInfo))
- /* externals */
- extern FUNCPTR _func_wdbIsNowExternal; /* pointer on wdbIsNowExternal()
- routine */
- /* globals */
- int dbgLockUnbreakable; /* taskLock()'ed tasks are unbreakable */
- int dbgSafeUnbreakable; /* taskSafe()'ed tasks are unbreakable */
- int dbgUnbreakableOld; /* unbreakable even if !WDB_ACTION_STOP */
- FUNCPTR _func_dbgHostNotify = NULL; /* routine to call to notify the host
- when a breakpoint is encountered */
- FUNCPTR _func_dbgTargetNotify = NULL; /* routine to call to notify the target
- when a breakpoint is encountered */
- /* locals */
- static int taskTraceData;
- static int isrTraceData;
- static INSTR * taskNpc; /* next pc of the task */
- static INSTR taskNpcInstr; /* next instruction of the task */
- static INSTR * isrNpc; /* next pc at interrrupt level */
- static INSTR isrNpcInstr; /* next instruction at int. level */
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- /* forward static declarations */
- LOCAL void dbgTaskDoIgnore (REG_SET * pRegs);
- LOCAL void dbgTaskDoneIgnore (REG_SET * pRegs);
- LOCAL void dbgTaskSwitch (WIND_TCB * pOldTcb, WIND_TCB * pNewTcb);
- LOCAL void dbgTaskDeleteHook (WIND_TCB * pTcb);
- LOCAL void dbgTaskBpInstall (int tid);
- LOCAL BOOL dbgBrkIgnoreDefault (void);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskBpHooksInstall - install tasking breakpoint hooks
- *
- * This routine installs breakpoint hooks. One for task switch, one for
- * task deletion and one for modification of task flags.
- *
- * RETURNS : N/A.
- *
- */
- void dbgTaskBpHooksInstall
- (
- void
- )
- {
- static BOOL dbgTaskBpHooksInstalled = FALSE;
- if (!dbgTaskBpHooksInstalled)
- {
- /* task switch hook */
- taskSwitchHookAdd ((FUNCPTR) dbgTaskSwitch);
- /* task delete hook */
- taskDeleteHookAdd ((FUNCPTR) dbgTaskDeleteHook);
- /* set break remove/install hook routine for taskOptionsSet */
- taskBpHookSet ((FUNCPTR) dbgTaskBpInstall);
- dbgTaskBpHooksInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskCont - Handle a continue request
- *
- * The dbgTaskCont() function is used to continue a task.
- *
- * WDB_ERR_INVALID_CONTEXT if the task is not suspended or
- * if we can't resume it. OK otherwise.
- *
- */
- STATUS dbgTaskCont
- (
- UINT32 taskId /* Id of task to continue */
- )
- {
- if (!taskIsSuspended(taskId))
- /*
- * Check if there is a breakpoint at current pc or if the last
- * encountered breakpoint still exist (needed for data access
- * breakpoints).
- */
- taskLock (); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- if ((wdbDbgBpFind ((INSTR *)(((WIND_TCB *)taskId)->regs.reg_pc),
- taskId) == OK) ||
- (wdbDbgBpFind ((INSTR *)(DBG_INFO(taskId)->bpAddr),
- taskId) == OK))
- {
- DBG_INFO(taskId)->wdbState |= WDB_STEP_OVER;
- }
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- if (taskResume (taskId) != OK)
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskStep - Handle a step request
- *
- * The dbgTaskStep() function is used to step a task.
- *
- * WDB_ERR_INVALID_CONTEXT if the task is not suspended or
- * if we can't resume it. OK otherwise.
- *
- */
- STATUS dbgTaskStep
- (
- UINT32 contextId, /* Id of task to step */
- UINT32 startAddr, /* start address */
- UINT32 endAddr /* end address */
- )
- {
- if (!taskIsSuspended(contextId))
- if (startAddr == 0 && endAddr == 0)
- DBG_INFO(contextId)->wdbState |= WDB_STEP;
- else
- {
- if (DBG_INFO(contextId)->wdbState & WDB_QUEUED)
- DBG_INFO(contextId)->wdbState |= WDB_STEP_RANGE;
- DBG_INFO(contextId)->wdbEvtList.wdb1 = (void *) startAddr;
- DBG_INFO(contextId)->wdbEvtList.wdb2 = (void *) endAddr;
- }
- if (taskResume (contextId) != OK)
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskDeleteHook - remove task-specific BP's when a task exits
- *
- * This hook removes the task-specific breakpoints when a task exits.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTaskDeleteHook
- (
- WIND_TCB * pTcb /* TCB of the deleted task */
- )
- {
- dll_t * pDll;
- dll_t * pDllNext;
- int level;
- /* remove events still queued in the task TCB */
- level = intLock ();
- if (DBG_INFO(pTcb)->wdbState & WDB_QUEUED)
- {
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState &= ~WDB_QUEUED;
- dll_remove ((dll_t *)&(DBG_INFO(pTcb)->wdbEvtList));
- }
- intUnlock (level);
- /* delete task specific breakpoints */
- taskLock (); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- for (pDll = dll_head(&bpList); pDll != dll_end(&bpList); pDll = pDllNext)
- {
- pDllNext = dll_next(pDll);
- /* We remove only breakpoints specific to deleted task. */
- if (BP_BASE(pDll)->bp_task == (int) pTcb)
- wdbDbgBpRemove (BP_BASE(pDll));
- }
- taskUnlock (); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskBpInstall - install breakpoints for the current task
- *
- * This routine installs BP's for the new task and remove ones for
- * the old task.
- *
- * RETURNS : N/A.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTaskBpInstall
- (
- int tid /* id of the task */
- )
- {
- dll_t * pDll;
- BOOL stepping; /* task is stepping */
- BOOL breakable; /* task is breakable */
- BOOL bpi; /* breakpoint is installed */
- int level; /* interrupt lock level */
- BRKPT * pBp;
- WIND_TCB * pTcb = (tid == 0 ? taskIdCurrent : (WIND_TCB *)tid);
- DBG_REGS dbgRegs;
- #endif
- /* do not install or remove breakpoints when in system mode */
- if ((_func_wdbIsNowExternal != NULL) && _func_wdbIsNowExternal())
- return;
- /* clean local debug register buffer and the debug registers */
- memset (&dbgRegs, 0, sizeof (DBG_REGS));
- wdbDbgRegsClear ();
- #endif /* DBG_HARDWARE_BP */
- /* set local flags */
- stepping = DBG_INFO(pTcb)->wdbState & WDB_STEPING;
- breakable = !(pTcb->options & VX_UNBREAKABLE);
- /*
- * Iterate through the breakpoint list and remove/install the
- * breakpoints appropriate to the current task.
- */
- for (pDll = dll_head(&bpList); pDll != dll_end(&bpList);
- pDll = dll_next(pDll))
- {
- pBp = BP_BASE(pDll);
- /* should the breakpoint be installed? */
- bpi = !(stepping ||
- ((pBp->bp_task != BP_ANY_TASK) && (pBp->bp_task != (int)pTcb)) ||
- ((!breakable) && (pBp->bp_action & WDB_ACTION_STOP)) ||
- ((!breakable) && dbgUnbreakableOld));
- /* does the current BP state match the requested BP state? */
- if ((pBp->bp_flags & BP_INSTALLED) != bpi)
- {
- level = intLock ();
- if (bpi)
- {
- pBp->bp_flags |= BP_INSTALLED;
- /* install software breakpoint only */
- if ((pBp->bp_flags & BRK_HARDWARE) == 0)
- usrBreakpointSet (pBp->bp_addr, DBG_BREAK_INST);
- }
- else
- {
- /* remove software breakpoint only */
- if ((pBp->bp_flags & BRK_HARDWARE) == 0)
- usrBreakpointSet (BP_BASE(pDll)->bp_addr,
- BP_BASE(pDll)->bp_instr);
- BP_BASE(pDll)->bp_flags &= ~BP_INSTALLED;
- }
- intUnlock(level);
- }
- /* fill local dbgRegs structure with the HW breakpoint info */
- if (bpi && (pBp->bp_flags & BRK_HARDWARE))
- wdbDbgHwBpSet (&dbgRegs, pBp->bp_flags & BRK_HARDMASK,
- (UINT32) pBp->bp_addr);
- #endif /* DBG_HARDWARE_BP */
- }
- /*
- * Set CPU debug registers with the new info.
- * This structure contains only hardware breakpoints for the new task.
- */
- wdbDbgRegsSet (&dbgRegs); /* set debug registers. */
- #endif /* DBG_HARDWARE_BP */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskSwitch - system task switch routine
- *
- * Tasking breakpoints are set during context switches using this routine.
- * This allows breakpoints to not affect certain tasks.
- *
- * RETURNS : N/A.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTaskSwitch
- (
- WIND_TCB * pOldTcb, /* pointer to tcb of switch-from task */
- WIND_TCB * pNewTcb /* pointer to tcb of switch-to task */
- )
- {
- /*
- * Don't do task BP switch hook if the agent is in system mode.
- * This test is only usefull if we use WDB breakpoints.
- */
- if ((_func_wdbIsNowExternal != NULL) && _func_wdbIsNowExternal())
- return;
- /* perform some cleanup on the old task */
- if (TASK_ID_VERIFY(pOldTcb) == OK) /* suicide runs delete hook 1st */
- {
- if (DBG_INFO(pOldTcb)->wdbState & WDB_CLEANME)
- {
- taskSuspend((int) pOldTcb);
- taskRegsSet((int) pOldTcb, DBG_INFO(pOldTcb)->wdbRegisters);
- #if CPU_FAMILY==MC680X0
- pOldTcb->foroff = 0;
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY==MC680X0 */
- DBG_INFO(pOldTcb)->wdbState &= ~WDB_CLEANME;
- }
- if (DBG_INFO(pOldTcb)->wdbState & WDB_STEPING)
- {
- usrBreakpointSet (taskNpc, taskNpcInstr);
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- wdbDbgTraceModeClear (&pOldTcb->regs, taskTraceData);
- }
- }
- /*
- * If we are stepping, remove all BP's and set trace mode.
- *
- * else, if we are not stepping, remove breakpoints for the old task and
- * install them for new task.
- */
- if (DBG_INFO(pNewTcb)->wdbState & WDB_STEPING)
- {
- /* remove all the breakpoints for this task */
- wdbDbgBpRemoveAll();
- /*
- * if Single Step Mode (i.e. Trace Mode) doesn't exist on the CPU,
- * insert a breakpoint on the next instruction.
- */
- taskNpc = wdbDbgGetNpc(&pNewTcb->regs);
- taskNpcInstr = *taskNpc;
- usrBreakpointSet (taskNpc, DBG_BREAK_INST);
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- taskTraceData = wdbDbgTraceModeSet (&pNewTcb->regs);
- }
- else
- {
- /* remove breakpoints for old task and install them for new task */
- dbgTaskBpInstall((int)pNewTcb);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgBrkIgnoreDefault - true if in situation to ignore breakpoint
- *
- * This is the default boolean function whose output determines whether the
- * current task is in a situation where a breakpoint is to be ignored. This
- * routine is called indirectly via the global variable dbgBrkIgnore from the
- * routine dbgBreakpoint.
- *
- * This routine specifies to ignore breakpoints if the breakpoint occurred in
- * any of these situations:
- * (1) at interrupt level
- * (2) within kernel
- * (3) while task was unbreakable
- * (4) while preemption was disabled and dbgLockUnbreakable is TRUE
- * (5) while task was safe from deletion and dbgSafeUnbreakable is TRUE
- *
- * Note that (3) is actually an assertion because currently breakpoints are
- * removed when a task is unbreakable. But it might change someday.
- *
- * MS - removed check for (3) since I want to optionally allow non-breaking
- * windview "eventpoints" in VX_UNBREAKABLE tasks (e.g., VX_UNBREAKABLE
- * just means that the eventpoint can't cause the task to stop).
- *
- * TRUE if we should ignore the breakpoint FALSE otherwise
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL dbgBrkIgnoreDefault
- (
- void
- )
- {
- return ((intCnt > 0) ||
- (kernelState == TRUE) ||
- #if FALSE
- (taskIdCurrent->options & VX_UNBREAKABLE) ||
- #endif /* FALSE */
- ((taskIdCurrent->lockCnt != 0) && (dbgLockUnbreakable)) ||
- ((taskIdCurrent->safeCnt != 0) && (dbgSafeUnbreakable)));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskBpBreakpoint - generic task breakpoint handling
- *
- * This routines is the handler for breakpoints. It executes the actions
- * binded to the breakpoint (notify the host, notify the target, call a
- * user's specified routine or stop the task).
- *
- * RETURNS : N/A.
- *
- */
- void dbgTaskBpBreakpoint
- (
- int level, /* level of interupt lock */
- void * pInfo, /* pointer on info */
- REG_SET * pRegisters, /* task registers before breakpoint exception */
- void * pDbgRegs, /* pointer to debug registers */
- BOOL hardware /* indicates if it is a hardware breakpoint */
- )
- {
- BRKPT bpInfo; /* breakpoint info structure */
- UINT32 type = 0; /* breakpoint type */
- UINT32 addr; /* breakpoint address */
- /* If the os wants us to ignore the break point, then do so */
- if (dbgBrkIgnoreDefault ())
- {
- dbgTaskDoIgnore (pRegisters);
- }
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- taskLock(); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- intUnlock(level);
- /*
- * By default (software break point), the break point address is the
- * pc of the task.
- */
- addr = (UINT32) pRegisters->reg_pc;
- /* If it is a hardware break point, update type and addr variable. */
- if (hardware)
- wdbDbgHwBpFind (pDbgRegs, &type, &addr);
- #endif /* DBG_HARDWARE_BP */
- /*
- * Find in the break point list the one we have encountered and fill in the
- * bpInfo structure.
- */
- wdbDbgBpGet ((INSTR *) addr, (int)taskIdCurrent, type, &bpInfo);
- /*
- * On some CPU (eg I960CX), the hardware breakpoint exception is sent only
- * after the instruction was executed. In that case, we consider that
- * the breakpoint address is the address where the processor is stopped.
- */
- #if DBG_HARDWARE_BP && defined (BRK_INST)
- if (type == (BRK_INST | BRK_HARDWARE))
- addr = (UINT32) pRegisters->reg_pc;
- #endif /* DBG_HARDWARE_BP && defined (BRK_INST) */
- /*
- * Remove ACTION_STOP action if task is unbreakable. This is usefull
- * when two or more breakpoints are set at the same address, one with
- * action stop specified and one without.
- * XXX : this should be tested in wdbDbgBpGet() but in order to remove
- * all OS references in this routine used by the standalone agent debugger,
- * we can't check unbreakable flag in the task TCB.
- */
- if (taskIdCurrent->options & VX_UNBREAKABLE)
- bpInfo.bp_action &= ~WDB_ACTION_STOP;
- /* store the break point address */
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->bpAddr = addr;
- /* check the action associated to the break point */
- if (bpInfo.bp_action & WDB_ACTION_CALL)
- bpInfo.bp_callRtn (bpInfo.bp_callArg, pRegisters);
- if (bpInfo.bp_action & WDB_ACTION_NOTIFY)
- {
- /* notify the host if the notify function pointer is initialised */
- if (_func_dbgHostNotify != NULL)
- _func_dbgHostNotify (taskIdCurrent, pRegisters, addr);
- /* notify the target if the notify function pointer is initialised */
- if (_func_dbgTargetNotify != NULL)
- _func_dbgTargetNotify (bpInfo.bp_flags, addr, pRegisters);
- }
- /*
- * On MIPS CPUs, when a breakpoint exception occurs in a branch delay slot,
- * the PC has been changed in the breakpoint handler to match with the
- * breakpoint address.
- * Once the matching has been made, the PC is modified to have its normal
- * value (the preceding jump instruction).
- */
- if (pRegisters->cause & CAUSE_BD) /* Are we in a branch delay slot ? */
- pRegisters->reg_pc--;
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY == MIPS */
- if (bpInfo.bp_action & WDB_ACTION_STOP)
- {
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbRegisters = pRegisters;
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState |= WDB_CLEANME;
- taskUnlock(); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- for (;;)
- taskSuspend((int)taskIdCurrent);
- }
- /* !WDB_ACTION_STOP means continue (e.g., step over this break point) */
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState |= WDB_STEP_OVER;
- wdbDbgBpRemoveAll();
- taskNpc = wdbDbgGetNpc (pRegisters);
- taskNpcInstr = *taskNpc;
- usrBreakpointSet (taskNpc, DBG_BREAK_INST);
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- taskTraceData = wdbDbgTraceModeSet (pRegisters);
- intLock();
- /* Unlock task without rescheduling */
- taskIdCurrent->lockCnt--;
- /* Indicate change of taskLock state to WindView */
- /* windview -level 3 event logging */
- /* windview -level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_OBJ_TASK, taskIdCurrent);
- #endif
- WDB_CTX_LOAD (pRegisters);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskBpTrace - generic task trace (step) handling
- *
- * This routines is the handler for trace break point.
- *
- * RETURNS : N/A.
- *
- */
- void dbgTaskBpTrace
- (
- int level, /* level of interupt lock */
- void * pInfo, /* pointer to info saved on stack */
- REG_SET * pRegisters /* pointer to saved registers */
- )
- {
- int wdbState;
- if (isrTraceData != 0)
- dbgTaskDoneIgnore (pRegisters);
- #else /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- usrBreakpointSet (taskNpc, taskNpcInstr);
- #endif /* !DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- wdbDbgTraceModeClear (pRegisters, taskTraceData);
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->bpAddr = (UINT32) pRegisters->reg_pc;
- if (DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState & WDB_STEP_OVER)
- {
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState &= ~WDB_STEP_OVER;
- dbgTaskBpInstall ((int)taskIdCurrent);
- WDB_CTX_LOAD (pRegisters);
- }
- if ((DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState & WDB_STEP_RANGE) &&
- (DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbEvtList.wdb1 <=
- (void *) pRegisters->reg_pc) &&
- ((void *) pRegisters->reg_pc <
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbEvtList.wdb2))
- {
- taskNpc = wdbDbgGetNpc(pRegisters);
- taskNpcInstr = *taskNpc;
- usrBreakpointSet (taskNpc, DBG_BREAK_INST);
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- taskTraceData = wdbDbgTraceModeSet (pRegisters);
- WDB_CTX_LOAD (pRegisters);
- }
- taskLock(); /* LOCK PREEMPTION */
- intUnlock(level);
- /* blindly assume WDB_STEP or WDB_STEP_RANGE was set */
- wdbState = DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState;
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState &= ~(WDB_STEP_TARGET | WDB_STEP_RANGE);
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbRegisters = pRegisters;
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState |= WDB_CLEANME;
- /* check if step was issued from target shell or WDB */
- if ((wdbState & WDB_STEP_TARGET) == WDB_STEP_TARGET)
- {
- if (_func_dbgTargetNotify != NULL)
- _func_dbgTargetNotify (BP_STEP, pRegisters->reg_pc, pRegisters);
- }
- else
- {
- if (_func_dbgHostNotify != NULL)
- _func_dbgHostNotify (taskIdCurrent, pRegisters, pRegisters->reg_pc);
- }
- taskUnlock(); /* UNLOCK PREEMPTION */
- for (;;)
- taskSuspend((int) taskIdCurrent);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskBpTrap - Trap handler.
- *
- * This routine handles bp's and trace's with one function if no trace mode
- *
- * RETURNS : N/A.
- *
- */
- void dbgTaskBpTrap
- (
- int level, /* level of interupt lock */
- INSTR * addr, /* break point address */
- void * pInfo, /* pointer on info */
- REG_SET * pRegisters, /* task regs before break point exception */
- void * pDbgRegs, /* pointer to debug register set */
- BOOL hardware /* indicates if it is a hardware break point */
- )
- {
- /* remove all break point */
- wdbDbgBpRemoveAll ();
- /* step from a break point we were forced to ignore (e.g., in an ISR)? */
- if (isrTraceData != 0)
- {
- dbgTaskDoneIgnore (pRegisters);
- }
- /* do we have to ignore this break point (e.g., it's in an ISR)? */
- if (dbgBrkIgnoreDefault ())
- {
- dbgTaskDoIgnore (pRegisters);
- }
- if (DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState & WDB_STEPING)
- dbgTaskBpTrace (level, pInfo, pRegisters);
- else
- dbgTaskBpBreakpoint (level, pInfo, pRegisters, pDbgRegs, hardware);
- }
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskDoIgnore - ignore current BP by stepping over it
- *
- * This routine assumes break point are uninstalled and interrupts
- * are locked.
- *
- * RETURNS : N/A.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTaskDoIgnore
- (
- REG_SET * pRegs /* pointer to saved registers */
- )
- {
- if (DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState & WDB_STEPING)
- usrBreakpointSet (taskNpc, taskNpcInstr);
- isrNpc = wdbDbgGetNpc (pRegs);
- isrNpcInstr = *isrNpc;
- usrBreakpointSet (isrNpc, DBG_BREAK_INST);
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- isrTraceData = wdbDbgTraceModeSet (pRegs);
- WDB_CTX_LOAD (pRegs);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTaskDoneIgnore - the step over from "dbgTaskDoIgnore" has completed
- *
- * The step over from "dbgTaskDoIgnore" has completed. We can now clear
- * trace mode and restore the task break point if we are not stepping.
- *
- * RETURNS : N/A.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTaskDoneIgnore
- (
- REG_SET * pRegs /* task registers before exception */
- )
- {
- /* clear trace mode */
- wdbDbgTraceModeClear (pRegs, isrTraceData);
- /* we are no longer stepping from ISR */
- isrTraceData = 0;
- /* restore instructions */
- usrBreakpointSet (isrNpc, isrNpcInstr);
- if (DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState & WDB_STEPING)
- {
- if (INT_CONTEXT())
- usrBreakpointSet (taskNpc, DBG_BREAK_INST);
- else
- DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState &= ~WDB_STEPING;
- }
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- /* If we are not stepping, install break point for the current task */
- if (!(DBG_INFO(taskIdCurrent)->wdbState & WDB_STEPING))
- dbgTaskBpInstall ((int)taskIdCurrent);
- /* reload task context */
- WDB_CTX_LOAD (pRegs);
- }