- /* unldLib.c - object module unloading library */
- /* Copyright 1992-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01r,15may02,jn improve explanation of shell commands
- 01q,18mar02,jn remove dependence on usrLib (call to ld)
- 01p,30oct96,elp Added syncUnldRtn function pointer (symtbls synchro).
- 01o,09aug96,dbt check segment size in macro IN_TEXT_SEGMENT (SPR #3908).
- Updated copyright.
- 01n,10oct95,jdi doc: added .tG Shell to unld(); changed .pG Cross-Dev to .tG.
- 01m,11feb95,jdi doc format repair.
- 01l,02nov93,caf made unldTextInUse() static, like its prototype.
- 01l,20may94,dvs fixed references to unallocated memory in reld() (SPR 3005)
- 01k,25aug93,srh added call to C++ run-time for static dtors (spr 2341)
- 01j,22aug93,jmm added call to bdall() from unld{ByModuleId} ()
- 01i,18aug93,jmm removed checking of ether hook routines for unld
- 01h,13aug93,jmm added code to test hook routines before unld() (spr 2054)
- 01g,25nov92,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 01f,30oct92,jmm fixed adding "/" separator in reld() (spr 1717)
- 01e,16sep92,kdl added "/" separator when combining path & name in reld().
- 01d,02sep92,jmm changed name of symFlags field in reld()
- 01c,29jul92,jmm cleaned up warning messages
- 01b,21jul92,rdc mods to support text segment write protection.
- 01a,26may92,jmm written
- */
- /*
- This library provides a facility for unloading object modules. Once an
- object module has been loaded into the system (using the facilities
- provided by loadLib), it can be removed from the system by calling one
- of the unld...() routines in this library.
- Unloading of an object module does the following:
- .IP (1) 4
- It frees the space allocated for text, data,
- and BSS segments, unless loadModuleAt() was called with specific
- addresses, in which case the user is responsible for freeing the space.
- .IP (2)
- It removes all symbols associated with the object module from the
- system symbol table.
- .IP (3)
- It removes the module descriptor from the module list.
- .LP
- Once the module is unloaded, any calls to routines in that module from
- other modules will fail unpredictably. The user is responsible for
- ensuring that no modules are unloaded that are used by other modules.
- unld() checks the hooks created by the following routines to
- ensure none of the unloaded code is in use by a hook:
- taskCreateHookAdd()
- taskDeleteHookAdd()
- taskHookAdd()
- taskSwapHookAdd()
- taskSwitchHookAdd()
- However, unld() f2does notfP check the hooks created by these routines:
- etherInputHookAdd()
- etherOutputHookAdd()
- excHookAdd()
- rebootHookAdd()
- moduleCreateHookAdd()
- The routines unld() and reld() are 'shell commands'. That is,
- they are designed to be used only in the shell, and not in code
- running on the target. In future releases, calling unld() and
- reld() directly from code may not be supported.
- INCLUDE FILES: unldLib.h, moduleLib.h
- SEE ALSO: loadLib, moduleLib,
- .tG "Cross-Development"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "a_out.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "loadLib.h"
- #include "moduleLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "symLib.h"
- #include "symbol.h"
- #include "sysSymTbl.h"
- #include "unldLib.h"
- #include "private/vmLibP.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "usrLib.h"
- #include "etherLib.h"
- #include "private/cplusLibP.h"
- #include "private/taskLibP.h"
- #include "private/funcBindP.h"
- #define IN_TEXT_SEGMENT(adrs, segment) (((void *) (adrs) >= (segment)->address) &&
- (((void *) (adrs) <= (void *) (((int) (segment)->address) + (segment)->size))) &&
- (segment->size != 0))
- /* globals */
- /* locals */
- /* forward static functions */
- static BOOL unldSymbols (char *name, int val, SYM_TYPE type, int deleteGroup,
- UINT16 group, SYMBOL *pSymbol);
- static STATUS unldTextInUse (MODULE_ID moduleId);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * unld - unload an object module by specifying a file name or module ID
- *
- * This routine unloads the specified object module from the system. The
- * module can be specified by name or by module ID. For a.out and ECOFF
- * format modules, unloading does the following:
- * .IP (1) 4
- * It frees the space allocated for text, data,
- * and BSS segments, unless loadModuleAt() was called with specific
- * addresses, in which case the user is responsible for freeing the space.
- * .IP (2)
- * It removes all symbols associated with the object module from the
- * system symbol table.
- * .IP (3)
- * It removes the module descriptor from the module list.
- * .LP
- *
- * For other modules of other formats, unloading has similar effects.
- *
- * Before any modules are unloaded, all breakpoints in the system are deleted.
- * If you need to keep breakpoints, set the options parameter to
- * UNLD_KEEP_BREAKPOINTS. No breakpoints can be set in code that is unloaded.
- *
- * This routine is a 'shell command'. That is, it is designed to be
- * used only in the shell, and not in code running on the target. In
- * future releases, calling unld() directly from code may not be
- * supported.
- *
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell,"
- * windsh,
- * .tG "Shell"
- */
- STATUS unld
- (
- void * nameOrId, /* name or ID of the object module file */
- int options
- )
- {
- MODULE_ID moduleId;
- /* Given the name, find the right module id, then call unldByModuleId(). */
- if (((moduleId = moduleIdFigure (nameOrId))) != NULL)
- return (unldByModuleId (moduleId, options));
- else
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * unldByModuleId - unload an object module by specifying a module ID
- *
- * This routine unloads an object module that has a module ID
- * matching <moduleId>.
- *
- * See the manual entries for unld() or unldLib for more information on
- * module unloading.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: unld()
- */
- STATUS unldByModuleId
- (
- MODULE_ID moduleId, /* module ID to unload */
- int options
- )
- {
- SEGMENT_ID segmentId;
- int pageSize;
- int segSize;
- MODULE syncBuf;
- /* store unloaded module info to be able to synchronize host symtbl */
- if (syncUnldRtn != NULL)
- memcpy (&syncBuf, moduleId, sizeof (MODULE));
- /* Make sure the text segment isn't in use */
- if (unldTextInUse (moduleId) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Give C++ run-time a chance to call static destructors */
- cplusUnloadFixup (moduleId);
- /* If options isn't set to 1, delete all breakpoints in the system */
- if (_func_bdall != NULL && !(options & UNLD_KEEP_BREAKPOINTS))
- (*_func_bdall) (0);
- /* Free all segments */
- while ((segmentId = moduleSegGet (moduleId)))
- {
- /*
- * If the segment is marked to dynamically free space, do so
- */
- if (segmentId->flags & SEG_FREE_MEMORY)
- {
- /* make sure it's not write protected */
- if (segmentId->flags & SEG_WRITE_PROTECTION)
- {
- pageSize = VM_PAGE_SIZE_GET ();
- /* round seg size to intergral num pages */
- segSize = segmentId->size / pageSize * pageSize + pageSize;
- if (VM_STATE_SET (NULL, segmentId->address, segSize,
- return (ERROR);
- }
- free (segmentId->address);
- }
- free (segmentId);
- }
- /*
- * Remove all symbols from the symbol table that match the group
- * ID #. If they're common symbols, delete their storage space.
- */
- symEach (sysSymTbl, (FUNCPTR) unldSymbols, (int) moduleId->group);
- /* Remove the module itself */
- if (moduleDelete (moduleId) != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((~options & UNLD_SYNC) && (syncUnldRtn != NULL))
- (* syncUnldRtn) (&syncBuf);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * unldByNameAndPath - unload an object module by specifying a name and path
- *
- * This routine unloads an object module specified by <name> and <path>.
- *
- * See the manual entries for unld() or unldLib for more information on
- * module unloading.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: unld()
- */
- STATUS unldByNameAndPath
- (
- char * name, /* name of the object module to unload */
- char * path, /* path to the object module to unload */
- int options /* options, currently unused */
- )
- {
- MODULE_ID moduleId;
- /*
- * Given the name and path, find the right module id, then call
- * unldByModuleId().
- */
- if ((moduleId = moduleFindByNameAndPath (name, path)) != NULL)
- return (unldByModuleId (moduleId, options));
- else
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * unldByGroup - unload an object module by specifying a group number
- *
- * This routine unloads an object module that has a group number
- * matching <group>.
- *
- * See the manual entries for unld() or unldLib for more information on
- * module unloading.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: unld()
- */
- STATUS unldByGroup
- (
- UINT16 group, /* group number to unload */
- int options /* options, currently unused */
- )
- {
- MODULE_ID moduleId;
- /*
- * Given the name, find the right module id, then call unldByModuleId().
- */
- if ((moduleId = moduleFindByGroup (group)) != NULL)
- return (unldByModuleId (moduleId, options));
- else
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * unldSymbols - support routine for unldByModuleId
- *
- * This routine is used by unldByModuleId() as an argument to symEach().
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL unldSymbols
- (
- char * name, /* not used */
- int val, /* not used */
- SYM_TYPE type, /* not used */
- int deleteGroup, /* group number to delete */
- UINT16 group, /* group number of current symbol*/
- SYMBOL * pSymbol /* a pointer to the symbol itself */
- )
- {
- if (group == deleteGroup)
- {
- if (symTblRemove (sysSymTbl, pSymbol) != OK)
- {
- printf ("got bad symbol, %#xn", (UINT) pSymbol);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * if the type is N_COMM, then free the memory associated
- * with the symbol.
- */
- if ((pSymbol->type & N_COMM) == N_COMM)
- {
- free (pSymbol->value);
- }
- /* free the space allocated for the symbol itself */
- symFree (sysSymTbl, pSymbol);
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * reld - reload an object module
- *
- * This routine unloads a specified object module from the system, and
- * then calls loadModule() to load a new copy of the same name.
- *
- * If the file was originally loaded using a complete pathname, then
- * reld() will use the complete name to locate the file. If
- * the file was originally loaded using a partial pathname, then the
- * current working directory must be changed to the working
- * directory in use at the time of the original load.
- *
- * Valid values for the options parameter are the same as those allowed
- * for the function unld().
- *
- * This routine is a 'shell command'. That is, it is designed to be
- * used only in the shell, and not in code running on the target. In
- * future releases, calling reld() directly from code may not be
- * supported.
- *
- * RETURNS: A module ID (type MODULE_ID), or NULL.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: unld()
- */
- MODULE_ID reld
- (
- void * nameOrId, /* name or ID of the object module file */
- int options /* options used for unloading */
- )
- {
- MODULE_ID moduleId;
- MODULE_ID newModuleId;
- char fileName [NAME_MAX + PATH_MAX];
- int fd;
- int flags;
- /*
- * Given the name, find the right module id, then call unldByModuleId()
- * and loadModule().
- */
- if (((moduleId = moduleIdFigure (nameOrId))) != NULL)
- {
- /* build the new file name before destroying module */
- strcpy (fileName, moduleId->path);
- if (moduleId->path [0] != EOS)
- strcat (fileName, "/");
- strcat (fileName, moduleId->name);
- flags = moduleId->flags;
- unldByModuleId (moduleId, options);
- /* reload module */
- fd = open (fileName, O_RDONLY, 0);
- if (fd == ERROR)
- return (NULL);
- newModuleId = loadModule (fd, flags);
- close (fd);
- return (newModuleId);
- }
- else
- return (NULL);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * unldTextSegmentCheck - check that text segment is not in use by hook routine
- *
- * unldTextSegmentCheck returns TRUE if the segment is not a text segment,
- * or if the text segment is not used by any hook routines.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE, or FALSE if the text segment is in use by a hook routine.
- *
- */
- BOOL unldTextSegmentCheck
- (
- SEGMENT_ID segmentId,
- MODULE_ID moduleId,
- int unused
- )
- {
- int hookNumber;
- /* If it's not a text segment, just return TRUE */
- if (segmentId->type != SEGMENT_TEXT)
- return (TRUE);
- /* The exception hook is a simple variable */
- if (IN_TEXT_SEGMENT (excExcepHook, segmentId))
- return (FALSE);
- /* check the various task hooks */
- for (hookNumber = 0; hookNumber < VX_MAX_TASK_CREATE_RTNS; hookNumber++)
- if (IN_TEXT_SEGMENT (taskCreateTable [hookNumber], segmentId))
- return (FALSE);
- for (hookNumber = 0; hookNumber < VX_MAX_TASK_DELETE_RTNS; hookNumber++)
- if (IN_TEXT_SEGMENT (taskDeleteTable [hookNumber], segmentId))
- return (FALSE);
- for (hookNumber = 0; hookNumber < VX_MAX_TASK_SWAP_RTNS; hookNumber++)
- if (IN_TEXT_SEGMENT (taskSwapTable [hookNumber], segmentId))
- return (FALSE);
- for (hookNumber = 0; hookNumber < VX_MAX_TASK_SWITCH_RTNS; hookNumber++)
- if (IN_TEXT_SEGMENT (taskSwitchTable [hookNumber], segmentId))
- return (FALSE);
- /* Didn't find anything, return TRUE */
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * unldTextInUse - check to see if text segment is used by a hook
- *
- * unldTextSegment checks the system hook routines to see if any of them
- * use text that is about to be unloaded. Modules that have hooks using
- * their text cannot be unloaded.
- *
- * unldTextSegmentUsed checks the hooks created by the following routines:
- *
- * STATUS taskCreateHookAdd
- * STATUS taskDeleteHookAdd
- * LOCAL STATUS taskHookAdd
- * STATUS taskSwapHookAdd
- * STATUS taskSwitchHookAdd
- *
- * unldTextSegmentUsed DOES NOT check the hooks created by these routines:
- *
- * STATUS etherInputHookAdd
- * etherOutputHookAdd
- * void excHookAdd
- * STATUS rebootHookAdd
- * STATUS moduleCreateHookAdd
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the text segment is in use.
- *
- */
- static STATUS unldTextInUse
- (
- MODULE_ID moduleId /* module ID to check */
- )
- {
- if (moduleSegEach (moduleId, unldTextSegmentCheck, 0) != NULL)
- {
- errno = S_unldLib_TEXT_IN_USE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- else
- return (OK);
- }