- /* wdbNetromPktDrv.c - NETROM packet driver for the WDB agent */
- /* Copyright 1995-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01i,18oct01,jhw Fixed documentation build errors.
- 01h,25jul96,ms more debug support.
- 01g,29feb96,ms call config_dpram first in init code (SPR 5759).
- 01f,24oct95,ms changed to udpscrmode. Allowed start before kernel.
- 01e,14oct95,jdi doc: cleanup.
- 01d,09oct95,ms made it work with an external mode agent (SPR #4494).
- 01c,26sep95,ms docs.
- 01b,27jun95,ms modified for tornado.
- + tpr added pollDelay variable in wdbNetromPollTask() and
- wdbNetromPktDevInit()
- 01a,06Jun95,sub written.
- */
- /*
- This is a lightweight NETROM driver that interfaces with the WDB agent's
- UDP/IP interpreter. It allows the WDB agent to communicate with the host
- using the NETROM ROM emulator. It uses the emulator's read-only protocol
- for bi-directional communication.
- It requires that NetROM's udpsrcmode option is on.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbCommIfLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbMbufLib.h"
- #include "drv/wdb/wdbNetromPktDrv.h"
- #include "netinet/in_systm.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "netinet/ip.h"
- #include "netinet/udp.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "private/funcBindP.h"
- #include "wdb/dptarget.c"
- /* some handy macros */
- #undef DBG_PUT
- #define DBG_PUT if (wdbIsNowTasking() && wdbNetromDebug && _func_printErr)
- _func_printErr
- #define RESET_INPUT(pDev) {pDev->bytesRead=UDP_IP_HDR_SIZE-UDPSRC_HDR_SIZE;
- pDev->inBufFull=FALSE;}
- #define IP_HDR_SIZE 20
- #define UDP_HDR_SIZE 8
- #define UDPSRC_HDR_SIZE 6
- /* forward static declarations */
- static STATUS wdbNetromPoll (void *pDev);
- static STATUS wdbNetromPktTx (void *pDev, struct mbuf * pMbuf);
- static STATUS wdbNetromModeSet (void *pDev, uint_t newMode);
- /* user configurable variables */
- int wdbNetromPollPri = 200;
- int wdbNetromDebug = 0; /* print debug message to the console
- * for all NetROM I/O packets */
- int wdbNetromTest = 0; /* print "WDB NetROM communication ready" to
- * NetROM's debug port during initialization.
- * To see this message, you must telnet to
- * the NetROM's debug port:
- * telnet netromIp 1235
- * Note: VxWorks initialization will halt
- * until you have connected to the debug port!
- * If you don't see this message, then the
- * NetROM connection is no good.
- */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbNetromPollTask - fake an input ISR when a packet arrives
- */
- static void wdbNetromPollTask
- (
- void * pDev,
- int pollDelay
- )
- {
- int key;
- for (;;)
- {
- taskDelay (pollDelay);
- key = intLock ();
- wdbNetromPoll (pDev);
- intUnlock (key);
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbNetromPktDevInit - initialize a NETROM packet device for the WDB agent
- *
- * This routine initializes a NETROM packet device. It is typically
- * called from usrWdb.c when the WDB agents NETROM communication path
- * is selected.
- * The <dpBase> parameter is the address of NetROM's dualport RAM.
- * The <width> parameter is the width of a word in ROM space, and can be
- * 1, 2, or 4 to select 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit width
- * respectivly (use the macro WDB_NETROM_WIDTH in configAll.h
- * for this parameter).
- * The <index> parameter refers to which byte of the ROM contains pod zero.
- * The <numAccess> parameter should be set to the number of accesses to POD
- * zero that are required to read a byte. It is typically one, but some boards
- * actually read a word at a time.
- * This routine spawns a task which polls the NetROM for incomming
- * packets every <pollDelay> clock ticks.
- *
- */
- void wdbNetromPktDevInit
- (
- WDB_NETROM_PKT_DEV *pPktDev, /* packet device to initialize */
- caddr_t dpBase, /* address of dualport memory */
- int width, /* number of bytes in a ROM word */
- int index, /* pod zero's index in a ROM word */
- int numAccess, /* to pod zero per byte read */
- void (*stackRcv)(), /* callback when packet arrives */
- int pollDelay /* poll task delay */
- )
- {
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.mode = WDB_COMM_MODE_POLL | WDB_COMM_MODE_INT;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.mtu = NETROM_MTU;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.stackRcv = stackRcv;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.devId = (void *)pPktDev;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.pollRtn = wdbNetromPoll;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.pktTxRtn = wdbNetromPktTx;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.modeSetRtn = wdbNetromModeSet;
- RESET_INPUT (pPktDev);
- DBG_PUT ("calling config_dpram with dpBase = 0x%x, width = %d,n"
- "index = %d, numAccess = %dn", dpBase, width, index, numAccess);
- config_dpram (dpBase, width, index, DPF_READONLY_TGT, numAccess);
- DBG_PUT ("calling set_dp_blockion");
- set_dp_blockio (0, 0); /* non-blocking I/O */
- DBG_PUT ("calling ra_resyncn");
- ra_resync();
- if (wdbNetromTest)
- {
- char * msg = "nWDB NetROM communication readyn";
- DBG_PUT ("calling ra_putmsgn");
- ra_putmsg (msg, strlen(msg));
- }
- DBG_PUT ("spawning tNetromPolln");
- if (taskIdCurrent && (pollDelay != -1))
- taskSpawn ("tNetromPoll", wdbNetromPollPri, 0, 5000,
- (int (*)()) wdbNetromPollTask,
- (int)pPktDev, pollDelay,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbNetromPktFree - clear a receive packet
- */
- static void wdbNetromPktFree
- (
- )
- {
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbNetromPoll - poll device for data
- *
- */
- STATUS wdbNetromPoll
- (
- void * devId
- )
- {
- struct mbuf * pMbuf;
- int numBytes;
- struct udphdr * pUdpHdr;
- struct ip * pIpHdr;
- char * pUdpsrcHdr;
- if (pDev->inBufFull)
- {
- DBG_PUT ("netrom: multiple packets recieved - dropping last packetn");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- switch (ra_getmsg(pDev->inBuf + pDev->bytesRead,
- NETROM_MTU - pDev->bytesRead, &numBytes))
- {
- case GM_NODATA:
- return (ERROR);
- pDev->bytesRead += numBytes;
- /* convert the NETROM udpsrcmode header into a UDP/IP header */
- pUdpsrcHdr = (char *)pDev->inBuf + UDP_IP_HDR_SIZE
- pIpHdr = (struct ip *)pDev->inBuf;
- pUdpHdr = (struct udphdr *)((int)pIpHdr + IP_HDR_SIZE);
- bcopy (pUdpsrcHdr, (char *)&pIpHdr->ip_src, 4);
- pUdpHdr->uh_sport = *(short *)(pUdpsrcHdr + 4);
- pIpHdr->ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP;
- pUdpHdr->uh_dport = htons(WDBPORT);
- DBG_PUT ("ra_getmsg: %d byte packet from IP 0x%x port 0x%xn",
- pDev->bytesRead, pIpHdr->ip_src, pUdpHdr->uh_sport);
- pMbuf = wdbMbufAlloc();
- if (pMbuf == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- wdbMbufClusterInit (pMbuf, pDev->inBuf, pDev->bytesRead,
- (int (*)())wdbNetromPktFree, (int)pDev);
- pDev->inBufFull = TRUE;
- (*pDev->wdbDrvIf.stackRcv) (pMbuf);
- return (OK);
- case GM_NOTDONE:
- DBG_PUT ("ra_getmsg: partial readn");
- pDev->bytesRead += numBytes;
- return (OK);
- DBG_PUT ("ra_getmsg: input buffer overflow ignoredn");
- return (ERROR);
- default:
- DBG_PUT ("ra_getmsg: unknown return valuen");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbNetromModeSet - set device mode
- */
- static STATUS wdbNetromModeSet
- (
- void * pDev,
- uint_t newMode
- )
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbNetromPktTx - transmit a packet
- */
- static STATUS wdbNetromPktTx
- (
- void *pDev,
- struct mbuf * pMbuf
- )
- {
- struct udphdr * pUdpHdr;
- struct ip * pIpHdr;
- struct mbuf * pFirstMbuf = pMbuf;
- char data [NETROM_MTU];
- int len = 0;
- /* convert the UDP/IP header into a NETROM udpsrcmode header */
- /* XXX - assume UDP/IP header is in first mbuf */
- pIpHdr = mtod (pMbuf, struct ip *);
- pUdpHdr = (struct udphdr *)((int)pIpHdr + IP_HDR_SIZE);
- bcopy ((char *)&pIpHdr->ip_dst, &data[0], 4);
- bcopy ((char *)&pUdpHdr->uh_dport, &data[4], 2);
- len = 6;
- pMbuf = pMbuf->m_next;
- while (pMbuf != NULL)
- {
- if (len + pMbuf->m_len > NETROM_MTU)
- break;
- bcopy (mtod (pMbuf, char *), &data[len], pMbuf->m_len);
- len += pMbuf->m_len;
- pMbuf = pMbuf->m_next;
- }
- wdbMbufChainFree (pFirstMbuf);
- DBG_PUT ("packet to IP 0x%x port 0x%xn", pIpHdr->ip_dst,
- pUdpHdr->uh_dport);
- ra_putmsg (data, len);
- return (OK);
- }