- /* cisShow.c - PCMCIA CIS show library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,10oct01,dat SPR 70829, add note about VX_FP_TASK being necessary
- 01d,21jun00,rsh upgrade to dosFs 2.0
- 01c,28mar96,jdi doc: cleaned up language and format.
- 01b,22feb96,hdn cleaned up
- 01a,09feb95,hdn written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides a show routine for CIS tuples. This is provided
- for engineering debug use.
- This module uses floating point calculations. Any task calling cisShow()
- needs to have the VX_FP_TASK bit set in the task flags.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "drv/pcmcia/pcmciaLib.h"
- #include "drv/pcmcia/cisLib.h"
- /* defines */
- /* imports */
- /* globals */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL u_char cisFuncid = 0;
- LOCAL CIS_TUPLE *cisCdefault = (CIS_TUPLE *)0;
- LOCAL u_char systemInitByte = 0;
- LOCAL u_int deviceInfos = 0;
- LOCAL double speedMantisa [] = {0.0, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,
- 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 };
- LOCAL double speedExponent [] = {1.0e-9, 10.0e-9, 100.0e-9, 1.0e-6,
- 10.0e-6, 100.0e-6, 1.0e-3, 10.0e-3 };
- LOCAL u_int deviceSize [] = {512, 2000, 8000, 32000, 128000,
- 512000, 2000000, 0 };
- LOCAL char *interfaceType[] = {"memory", "IO", "reserved", "reserved",
- "custom interface 0", "custom interface 1",
- "custom interface 2", "custom interface 3" };
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL void cisTupleShow (int sock);
- LOCAL void cisConfigShow (int sock);
- LOCAL void cisShowDevice (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowVers1 (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowVers2 (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowFormat (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowGeometry (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowJedec (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowDevgeo (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowManfid (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowFuncid (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowFunce (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceSerial (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceModem (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceDmodem (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceFmodem (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceVmodem (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowConfig (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL void cisShowCtable (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCpower (u_char *pChar, u_char featureSelection);
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCtiming (u_char *pChar, u_char featureSelection);
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCio (u_char *pChar, u_char featureSelection);
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCirq (u_char *pChar, u_char featureSelection);
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCmem (u_char *pChar, u_char featureSelection);
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCmisc (u_char *pChar, u_char featureSelection);
- LOCAL void cisShowCsub (CIS_TUPLE *pTuple);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShow - show CIS information
- *
- * This routine shows CIS information.
- *
- * NOTE: This routine uses floating point calculations. The calling task needs
- * to be spawned with the VX_FP_TASK flag. If this is not done, the data
- * printed by cisShow may be corrupted and unreliable.
- *
- */
- void cisShow
- (
- int sock /* socket no. */
- )
- {
- cisTupleShow (sock);
- cisConfigShow (sock);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisTupleShow - Traverse the tuple link list, and show information in a tuple.
- *
- * This routine traverses the link list of tuples and shows CIS (Configuration
- * Information Structure) in each tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisTupleShow
- (
- int sock /* socket no. */
- )
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CARD *pCard = &pCtrl->card[sock];
- DL_LIST *pList = &pCard->cisTupleList;
- DL_NODE *pNode;
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple;
- for (pNode = DLL_FIRST(pList); pNode != NULL; pNode = DLL_NEXT(pNode))
- {
- pTuple = (CIS_TUPLE *)((char *)pNode + sizeof(DL_NODE));
- switch (pTuple->code)
- {
- printf ("Device information tuple for common memoryn");
- cisShowDevice (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Device information tuple for attribute memoryn");
- cisShowDevice (pTuple);
- break;
- case CISTPL_VERS_1:
- printf ("Level-1 version/product-information tuplen");
- cisShowVers1 (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Geometry tuplen");
- cisShowGeometry (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("JEDEC tuple for common memoryn");
- cisShowJedec (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("JEDEC tuple for attribute memoryn");
- cisShowJedec (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Device geometry tuple for common memoryn");
- cisShowDevgeo (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Device geometry tuple for attribute memoryn");
- cisShowDevgeo (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Manufacturer identification tuplen");
- cisShowManfid (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Function identification tuplen");
- cisShowFuncid (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Function extension tuplen");
- cisShowFunce (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Configuration tuplen");
- cisShowConfig (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Configuration table entry tuplen");
- cisShowCtable (pTuple);
- break;
- case CISTPL_VERS_2:
- printf ("Level-2 version/product-information tuplen");
- cisShowVers2 (pTuple);
- break;
- printf ("Format tuplen");
- cisShowFormat (pTuple);
- break;
- case CISTPL_END:
- break;
- default:
- printf ("Unsupported tuple 0x%xn", pTuple->code);
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisConfigShow - Show information in a configuration table link list.
- *
- * This routine traverses the link list of configuration table and shows
- * information in each entry.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisConfigShow
- (
- int sock /* socket no. */
- )
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CARD *pCard = &pCtrl->card[sock];
- DL_LIST *pList = &pCard->cisConfigList;
- DL_NODE *pNode;
- CIS_CONFIG *pConfig;
- int ix;
- printf ("socket = %dn", sock);
- printf ("configReg base= 0x%-8x mask = 0x%-8xn",
- pCard->regBase, pCard->regMask);
- for (pNode = DLL_FIRST(pList); pNode != NULL; pNode = DLL_NEXT(pNode))
- {
- pConfig = (CIS_CONFIG *)pNode;
- printf ("index = 0x%-8xn", pConfig->index);
- printf ("interface = 0x%-8xn", pConfig->interfaceType);
- printf ("Vcc nom = 0x%-8x min = 0x%-8x max = 0x%-8xn",
- pConfig->vcc[0], pConfig->vcc[1], pConfig->vcc[2]);
- printf ("Vpp1 nom = 0x%-8x min = 0x%-8x max = 0x%-8xn",
- pConfig->vpp1[0], pConfig->vpp1[1], pConfig->vpp1[2]);
- printf ("Vpp2 nom = 0x%-8x min = 0x%-8x max = 0x%-8xn",
- pConfig->vpp2[0], pConfig->vpp2[1], pConfig->vpp2[2]);
- printf ("IO Bus width = 0x%-8x Lines = 0x%-8x Ranges = 0x%-8xn",
- pConfig->ioBuswidth, pConfig->ioAddrlines, pConfig->ioRanges);
- for (ix = 0; ix < pConfig->ioRanges; ix++)
- printf (" start = 0x%-8x stop = 0x%-8xn",
- pConfig->io[ix].start, pConfig->io[ix].stop);
- printf ("IRQ Mode = 0x%-8x Mask = 0x%-8xn",
- pConfig->irqMode, pConfig->irqMask);
- printf ("IRQ Level = 0x%-8x Special = 0x%-8x Bitmap = 0x%4xn",
- pConfig->irqLevel, pConfig->irqSpecial, pConfig->irqBit.s);
- for (ix = 0; ix < 8; ix++)
- {
- if ((pConfig->mem[ix].length == 0) &&
- (pConfig->mem[ix].cAddr == 0) &&
- (pConfig->mem[ix].hAddr == 0))
- continue;
- printf (" length = 0x%-8x cAddr = 0x%-8x hAddr = 0x%-8xn",
- pConfig->mem[ix].length, pConfig->mem[ix].cAddr,
- pConfig->mem[ix].hAddr);
- }
- printf ("twins = 0x%-8x audio = 0x%-8xn",
- pConfig->twins, pConfig->audio);
- printf ("readonly = 0x%-8x pwrdown = 0x%-8xnn",
- pConfig->readonly, pConfig->pwrdown);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowDevice - Show information in device information tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the device information tuple. Uses floating
- * point calculations. The calling task needs to have VX_FP_TASK bit set
- * in its task flags.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowDevice
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char *pEnd = pChar + pTuple->link;
- BOOL speedExtended = FALSE;
- BOOL typeExtended = FALSE;
- u_char unit;
- u_int size;
- double speed;
- while ((pChar < pEnd) && (*pChar != 0xff))
- {
- deviceInfos++;
- switch (*pChar & 0xf0)
- {
- case DTYPE_NULL:
- printf (" Not a memory devicen");
- break;
- case DTYPE_ROM:
- printf (" Masked ROMn");
- break;
- printf (" One-time programmable ROMn");
- break;
- printf (" UV EPROMn");
- break;
- printf (" EEPROMn");
- break;
- printf (" Flash EPROMn");
- break;
- case DTYPE_SRAM:
- printf (" SRAMn");
- break;
- case DTYPE_DRAM:
- printf (" DRAMn");
- break;
- printf (" Function-specific memory address rangen");
- break;
- typeExtended = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- printf (" Reserved device typen");
- }
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf (" Always writablen");
- else
- printf (" WPS and WP signal indicates itn");
- switch (*pChar & 0x07)
- {
- break;
- case DSPEED_250NS:
- printf (" 250nsn");
- break;
- case DSPEED_200NS:
- printf (" 200nsn");
- break;
- case DSPEED_150NS:
- printf (" 150nsn");
- break;
- case DSPEED_100NS:
- printf (" 100nsn");
- break;
- case DSPEED_EXT:
- speedExtended = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- printf (" Reserved device speedn");
- }
- pChar++;
- while (speedExtended)
- {
- if ((*pChar & 0x80) == 0x00)
- speedExtended = FALSE;
- speed = speedMantisa[(*pChar & 0x78) >> 3] *
- speedExponent[(*pChar & 0x07)];
- printf (" Speed=%1.9fn", speed);
- pChar++;
- }
- while (typeExtended)
- {
- if ((*pChar & 0x80) == 0x00)
- typeExtended = FALSE;
- pChar++;
- }
- unit = ((*pChar & 0xf8) >> 3) + 1;
- size = deviceSize[*pChar & 0x07];
- printf (" Device size = %d * 0x%x = 0x%xn", unit, size, unit * size);
- pChar++;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowVers1 - Show information in level-1 version/product information tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the level-1 version/product information tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowVers1
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char *pEnd = pChar + pTuple->link;
- printf (" Major version number = %dn", *pChar++);
- printf (" Minor version number = %dn ", *pChar++);
- while ((pChar < pEnd) && (*pChar != 0xff))
- pChar += printf ("%s", pChar) + 1;
- printf ("n");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowGeometry - Show information in geometry tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the geometry tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowGeometry
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- CIS_BYTE2 cylinder;
- printf (" Sectors/track = %dn", *pChar++);
- printf (" Tracks/cylinder = %dn", *pChar++);
- cylinder.c[0] = *pChar++;
- cylinder.c[1] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Cylinder = %dn", cylinder.s);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowJedec - Show information in JEDEC programming information tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the JEDEC programming information tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowJedec
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char *pEnd = pChar + pTuple->link;
- while ((pChar < pEnd) && (deviceInfos-- != 0))
- {
- printf (" Manufacturer ID = 0x%xn", *pChar++);
- printf (" Manufacturer's info = 0x%xn", *pChar++);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowDevgeo - Show information in Device geometry tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Device geometry tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowDevgeo
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char *pEnd = pChar + pTuple->link;
- while ((pChar < pEnd) && (*pChar != 0xff))
- {
- printf (" Internal bus width of card = %d bytesn",
- 1 << (*pChar++ - 1));
- printf (" Erase geometry block size = %dn", 1 << (*pChar++ - 1));
- printf (" Read geometry block size = %dn", 1 << (*pChar++ - 1));
- printf (" Write geometry block size = %dn", 1 << (*pChar++ - 1));
- printf (" Partition size = %dn", 1 << (*pChar++ - 1));
- printf (" Interleave size = %dn", 1 << (*pChar++ - 1));
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowManfid - Show information in Manufacturer ID tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Manufacturer ID tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowManfid
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- CIS_BYTE2 manufacturerCode;
- CIS_BYTE2 manufacturerInfo;
- manufacturerCode.c[0] = *pChar++;
- manufacturerCode.c[1] = *pChar++;
- manufacturerInfo.c[0] = *pChar++;
- manufacturerInfo.c[1] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Manufacturer code = 0x%xn", manufacturerCode.s);
- printf (" Manufacturer info = 0x%xn", manufacturerInfo.s);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowFuncid - Show information in Function ID tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Function ID tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowFuncid
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- switch (*pChar++)
- {
- case FUNC_MULTI:
- cisFuncid = FUNC_MULTI;
- printf (" Multi functionn");
- break;
- cisFuncid = FUNC_MEMORY;
- printf (" Memoryn");
- break;
- cisFuncid = FUNC_SERIAL;
- printf (" Serial portn");
- break;
- cisFuncid = FUNC_PARALLEL;
- printf (" Parallel portn");
- break;
- cisFuncid = FUNC_FIXEDDISK;
- printf (" Fixed diskn");
- break;
- case FUNC_VIDEO:
- cisFuncid = FUNC_VIDEO;
- printf (" Video adaptorn");
- break;
- case FUNC_LAN:
- cisFuncid = FUNC_LAN;
- printf (" Network LAN adaptorn");
- break;
- case FUNC_AIMS:
- cisFuncid = FUNC_AIMS;
- printf (" AIMSn");
- break;
- default:
- printf (" Reservedn");
- break;
- }
- systemInitByte |= *pChar;
- if (systemInitByte & 0x01)
- printf (" System initialization is POSTn");
- else
- printf (" System initialization is ROMn");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowFunce - Show information in Function extension tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Function extension tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowFunce
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- if (cisFuncid == FUNC_SERIAL)
- {
- switch (*pChar & 0x0f)
- {
- case 0x00:
- case 0x08:
- case 0x09:
- case 0x0a:
- printf (" Serial port interfacen");
- cisShowFunceSerial (pTuple);
- break;
- case 0x01:
- case 0x05:
- case 0x06:
- case 0x07:
- printf (" Modem interfacen");
- cisShowFunceModem (pTuple);
- break;
- case 0x02:
- printf (" Data modem interfacen");
- cisShowFunceDmodem (pTuple);
- break;
- case 0x03:
- printf (" Facsimile modem interfacen");
- cisShowFunceFmodem (pTuple);
- break;
- case 0x04:
- printf (" Voice modem interfacen");
- cisShowFunceVmodem (pTuple);
- break;
- default:
- printf (" Reservedn");
- }
- }
- if (cisFuncid == FUNC_FIXEDDISK)
- {
- switch (*pChar++)
- {
- case 0x01:
- if (*pChar == 0x01)
- printf (" ATA interfacen");
- else
- printf (" Non ATA interfacen");
- break;
- case 0x02:
- if ((*pChar & 0x03) == 0x00)
- printf (" Vpp power not requiredn");
- else if ((*pChar & 0x03) == 0x01)
- printf (" Vpp power required for media modification accessn");
- else if ((*pChar & 0x03) == 0x02)
- printf (" Vpp power required for all media accessn");
- else if ((*pChar & 0x03) == 0x03)
- printf (" Vpp power required continuouslyn");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf (" Silicon devicen");
- else
- printf (" Rotating devicen");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf (" Serial number is guaranteed uniquen");
- else
- printf (" Serial number may not be uniquen");
- pChar++;
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf (" Sleep mode supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Sleep mode not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf (" Standby mode supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Standby mode not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf (" Idle mode supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Idle mode not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf (" Drive automatically minimize powern");
- else
- printf (" Low power mode use required to minimize powern");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf (" Some primary or secondly IO addressing modes exclude 3F7 and/or 377 for floppy interfacen");
- else
- printf (" All primary and secondly IO addressing modes include ports 3F7/377n");
- if (*pChar & 0x20)
- printf (" Index bit is supported or emulatedn");
- else
- printf (" Index bit is not supported or emulatedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- printf (" -IOis16 is asserted only for data register on twin-card configurationn");
- else
- printf (" -IOis16 use is unspecified on twin-card configurationn");
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowFunceSerial - Show information in Serial port Function extension tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Serial port Function extension tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceSerial
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- pChar++; /* skip the type of extended data */
- switch (*pChar++)
- {
- case 0x0:
- printf (" 8250 UART is presentn");
- break;
- case 0x01:
- printf (" 16450 UART is presentn");
- break;
- case 0x02:
- printf (" 16550 UART is presentn");
- break;
- default:
- printf (" Reservedn");
- }
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf (" Space parity supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Space parity not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf (" Mark parity supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Mark parity not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf (" Odd parity supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Odd parity not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf (" Even parity supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Even parity not supportedn");
- pChar++;
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf (" 5 bit data format is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" 5 bit data format is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf (" 6 bit data format is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" 6 bit data format is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf (" 7 bit data format is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" 7 bit data format is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf (" 8 bit data format is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" 8 bit data format is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf (" 1 stop bit is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" 1 stop bit is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x20)
- printf (" 1.5 stop bit is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" 1.5 stop bit is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- printf (" 2 stop bit is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" 2 stop bit is not supportedn");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowFunceModem - Show information in Modem Function extension tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Modem Function extension tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceModem
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- CIS_BYTE4 rxBuf;
- CIS_BYTE4 txBuf;
- pChar++;
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf (" Tx xon/xoff is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Tx xon/xoff is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf (" Rx xon/xoff is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Rx xon/xoff is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf (" Tx CTS is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Tx CTS is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf (" Rx RTS is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Rx RTS is not supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf (" Transparent flow control is supportedn");
- else
- printf (" Transparent flow control is not supportedn");
- pChar++;
- printf (" Size of command buffer = 0x%xn", (*pChar++ + 1) * 4);
- rxBuf.c[0] = *pChar++;
- rxBuf.c[1] = *pChar++;
- rxBuf.c[2] = *pChar++;
- rxBuf.c[3] = 0x00;
- printf (" Size of rx buffer = 0x%xn", rxBuf.l);
- txBuf.c[0] = *pChar++;
- txBuf.c[1] = *pChar++;
- txBuf.c[2] = *pChar++;
- txBuf.c[3] = 0x00;
- printf (" Size of tx buffer = 0x%xn", txBuf.l);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowFunceDmodem - Show information in Data Modem Function extension tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Data Modem Function extension tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceDmodem
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char *pEnd = pChar + pTuple->link;
- CIS_BYTE2 maxdataRate;
- pChar++;
- maxdataRate.c[1] = *pChar++;
- maxdataRate.c[0] = *pChar++;
- printf (" DTE to UART max data rate = %dn", maxdataRate.s);
- printf (" Modulation standart: ");
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("Bell-103 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf ("V.21 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf ("V.23 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf ("V.22-A&B ");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf ("Bell-212A ");
- if (*pChar & 0x20)
- printf ("V.22-bis ");
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- printf ("V.26 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x80)
- printf ("V.26-bis ");
- pChar++;
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("V.27-bis ");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf ("V.29 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf ("V.32 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf ("V.32-bis ");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf ("VFAST ");
- printf ("n");
- pChar++;
- printf (" Error correction/detection protocol: ");
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("MNP2-4 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf ("V.42/LAPM ");
- printf ("n");
- pChar++;
- printf (" Data compression protocol: ");
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("V.42-bis ");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf ("MNP5 ");
- printf ("n");
- pChar++;
- printf (" Command protocols: ");
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("AT1 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf ("AT2 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf ("AT3 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf ("MNP-AT ");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf ("V.25-bis ");
- if (*pChar & 0x20)
- printf ("V.25-A ");
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- printf ("DMCL ");
- printf ("n");
- pChar++;
- printf (" Escape mechanisms: ");
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("BREAK ");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf ("+++ ");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf ("user defined ");
- printf ("n");
- pChar++;
- printf (" Data encryption: reservedn");
- pChar++;
- printf (" End user feature selection: ");
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("caller ID decodingn");
- else
- printf ("caller ID not decodingn");
- pChar++;
- printf (" Country code: ");
- while ((pChar < pEnd) && (*pChar != 0xff))
- printf ("0x%x ", *pChar++);
- printf ("n");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowFunceFmodem - Show information in Fax Modem Function extension tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Fax Modem Function extension tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceFmodem
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char *pEnd = pChar + pTuple->link;
- CIS_BYTE2 maxdataRate;
- if ((*pChar & 0xf0) == 0x10)
- printf (" EIA/TIA-578 Service Class 1n");
- if ((*pChar & 0xf0) == 0x20)
- printf (" EIA/TIA-578 Service Class 2n");
- if ((*pChar & 0xf0) == 0x30)
- printf (" EIA/TIA-578 Service Class 3n");
- pChar++;
- maxdataRate.c[1] = *pChar++;
- maxdataRate.c[0] = *pChar++;
- printf (" DTE to UART max data rate = %dn", maxdataRate.s * 75);
- printf (" Moduration standard: ");
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("V.21-C2 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf ("V.27ter ");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf ("V.29 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf ("V.17 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf ("V.33 ");
- printf ("n");
- pChar++;
- printf (" Document Facsimile Feature Selection: ");
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("T.3 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf ("T.4 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf ("T.6 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf ("error-correction-mode ");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf ("voice-request ");
- if (*pChar & 0x20)
- printf ("polling ");
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- printf ("file-transfer ");
- if (*pChar & 0x80)
- printf ("password ");
- printf ("n");
- pChar += 2;
- printf (" Country code: ");
- while ((pChar < pEnd) && (*pChar != 0xff))
- printf ("0x%x ", *pChar++);
- printf ("n");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowFunceVmodem - Show information in Voice Modem Function extension tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Voice Modem Function extension tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowFunceVmodem
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- CIS_BYTE2 maxdataRate;
- printf (" Service class %dn", (*pChar & 0xf0) >> 14);
- pChar++;
- maxdataRate.c[1] = *pChar++;
- maxdataRate.c[0] = *pChar++;
- printf (" DTE to UART max data rate = %dn", maxdataRate.s * 75);
- while (*pChar != 0x00)
- {
- printf (" Sample rate = %dn", *pChar * 1000 + *(pChar+1) * 10);
- pChar += 2;
- }
- pChar++;
- while (*pChar != 0x00)
- {
- printf (" Sample size = %d.%dn", *pChar, *(pChar+1));
- pChar += 2;
- }
- printf (" Voice compression methods: reservedn");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowConfig - Show information in Configuration tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Configuration tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowConfig
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char *pEnd = pChar + pTuple->link;
- u_char mask[16];
- u_char cisCentries;
- u_int addrSize;
- u_int maskSize;
- u_int ix;
- u_int size;
- CIS_BYTE4 base;
- CIS_BYTE4 interface;
- CIS_TUPLE subtuple;
- addrSize = (*pChar & 0x03) + 1;
- maskSize = ((*pChar & 0x3c) >> 2) + 1;
- printf (" Sizeof configuration register base address = %dn", addrSize);
- printf (" Sizeof configuration register presence mask = %dn", maskSize);
- pChar++;
- if (pChar > pEnd)
- return;
- cisCentries = *pChar++;
- printf (" Last index = %dn", cisCentries);
- base.l = 0;
- for (ix = 0; ix < addrSize; ix++)
- base.c[ix] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Base address = 0x%xn", base.l);
- printf (" Mask = ");
- for (ix = 0; ix < maskSize; ix++)
- {
- mask[ix] = *pChar++;
- printf ("0x%x ", mask[ix]);
- }
- printf ("n");
- pChar++;
- while ((pChar < pEnd) && (*pChar != 0xff))
- {
- subtuple.code = *pChar++;
- = *pChar++;
- pEnd = pChar +;
- size = ((*pChar & 0xc0) >> 6) + 1;
- interface.l = 0;
- for (ix = 0; ix < size; ix++)
- interface.c[ix] = *pChar++;
- pChar++;
- printf (" ");
- while ((pChar < pEnd) && (*pChar != 0xff))
- pChar += printf ("%s", pChar) + 1;
- printf ("n");
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowCtable - Show information in Configuration tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Configuration tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowCtable
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char featureSelection;
- u_char index;
- index = *pChar & 0x3f;
- printf (" Index = %dn", index);
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- cisCdefault = pTuple;
- if (*pChar++ & 0x80)
- {
- printf (" Interface type is %sn", interfaceType[*pChar & 0x07]);
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf (" BVDs Activen");
- else
- printf (" BVDs Inactiven");
- if (*pChar & 0x20)
- printf (" WP Activen");
- else
- printf (" WP Inactiven");
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- printf (" RdyBsy Activen");
- else
- printf (" RdyBsy Inactiven");
- if (*pChar & 0x80)
- printf (" M Wait Requiredn");
- else
- printf (" M Wait Not requiredn");
- pChar++;
- }
- featureSelection = *pChar++;
- if (featureSelection & 0x03)
- {
- printf (" Power descriptionn");
- pChar = cisShowCpower (pChar, featureSelection);
- }
- if (featureSelection & 0x04)
- {
- printf (" Timing descriptionn");
- pChar = cisShowCtiming (pChar, featureSelection);
- }
- if (featureSelection & 0x08)
- {
- printf (" IOspace descriptionn");
- pChar = cisShowCio (pChar, featureSelection);
- }
- if (featureSelection & 0x10)
- {
- printf (" IRQ descriptionn");
- pChar = cisShowCirq (pChar, featureSelection);
- }
- if (featureSelection & 0x60)
- {
- printf (" MEMspace descriptionn");
- pChar = cisShowCmem (pChar, featureSelection);
- }
- if (featureSelection & 0x80)
- {
- printf (" Misc descriptionn");
- pChar = cisShowCmisc (pChar, featureSelection);
- }
- cisShowCsub ((CIS_TUPLE *)pChar);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowCpower - Show information in Power description structure.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Power description structure.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to next entry.
- */
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCpower
- (
- u_char *pChar, /* pointer to power description */
- u_char featureSelection /* feature selection byte */
- )
- {
- u_char parameterSelection;
- char *pV = "";
- u_int ix;
- featureSelection &= 0x03;
- for (ix = 1; ix <= featureSelection; ix++)
- {
- if (ix == 1)
- pV = "Vcc";
- if ((ix == 2) && (featureSelection == 2))
- pV = "Vpp";
- if ((ix == 2) && (featureSelection == 3))
- pV = "Vpp1";
- if (ix == 3)
- pV = "Vpp2";
- parameterSelection = *pChar++;
- if (parameterSelection & 0x01)
- do {
- printf (" %s nominal V = 0x%xn", pV, *pChar++ & 0x7f);
- } while (*(pChar-1) & 0x80);
- if (parameterSelection & 0x02)
- do {
- printf (" %s minimum V = 0x%xn", pV, *pChar++ & 0x7f);
- } while (*(pChar-1) & 0x80);
- if (parameterSelection & 0x04)
- do {
- printf (" %s maximum V = 0x%xn", pV, *pChar++ & 0x7f);
- } while (*(pChar-1) & 0x80);
- if (parameterSelection & 0x08)
- do {
- printf (" %s static I = 0x%xn", pV, *pChar++ & 0x7f);
- } while (*(pChar-1) & 0x80);
- if (parameterSelection & 0x10)
- do {
- printf (" %s average I = 0x%xn", pV, *pChar++ & 0x7f);
- } while (*(pChar-1) & 0x80);
- if (parameterSelection & 0x20)
- do {
- printf (" %s no peak I = 0x%xn", pV, *pChar++ & 0x7f);
- } while (*(pChar-1) & 0x80);
- if (parameterSelection & 0x40)
- do {
- printf (" %s power down I = 0x%xn", pV, *pChar++ & 0x7f);
- } while (*(pChar-1) & 0x80);
- }
- return (pChar);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowCtiming - Show information in Timing description structure.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Timing description structure.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to next entry.
- */
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCtiming
- (
- u_char *pChar, /* pointer to timing description */
- u_char featureSelection /* feature selection byte */
- )
- {
- u_int waitScale = *pChar & 0x03;
- u_int busyScale = (*pChar & 0x1c) >> 2;
- u_int reservedScale = (*pChar & 0xe0) >> 5;
- BOOL speedExtended;
- double waitTime;
- double busyTime;
- double reservedTime;
- pChar++;
- if (waitScale != 0x03)
- {
- speedExtended = TRUE;
- while (speedExtended)
- {
- if ((*pChar & 0x80) == 0x00)
- speedExtended = FALSE;
- waitTime = speedMantisa [(*pChar & 0x78) >> 3] *
- speedExponent [(*pChar & 0x07)] * waitScale;
- printf (" Wait time = %1.9fn", waitTime);
- pChar++;
- }
- }
- else
- printf (" Wait signal is not usedn");
- if (busyScale != 0x07)
- {
- speedExtended = TRUE;
- while (speedExtended)
- {
- if ((*pChar & 0x80) == 0x00)
- speedExtended = FALSE;
- busyTime = speedMantisa [(*pChar & 0x78) >> 3] *
- speedExponent [(*pChar & 0x07)] * busyScale;
- printf (" Busy time = %1.9fn", busyTime);
- pChar++;
- }
- }
- else
- printf (" Ready/Busy signal is not usedn");
- if (reservedScale != 0x07)
- {
- speedExtended = TRUE;
- while (speedExtended)
- {
- if ((*pChar & 0x80) == 0x00)
- speedExtended = FALSE;
- reservedTime = speedMantisa [(*pChar & 0x78) >> 3] *
- speedExponent [(*pChar & 0x07)] * reservedScale;
- printf (" Reserved time = %1.9fn", reservedTime);
- pChar++;
- }
- }
- else
- printf (" No reserved-time is definedn");
- return (pChar);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowCio - Show information in IO description structure.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the IO description structure.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to next entry.
- */
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCio
- (
- u_char *pChar, /* pointer to IO description */
- u_char featureSelection /* feature selection byte */
- )
- {
- CIS_BYTE4 addr;
- CIS_BYTE4 length;
- u_int ioRanges;
- u_int addrSize;
- u_int lengthSize;
- printf (" IO address lines = %dn", *pChar & 0x1f);
- printf (" Bus width = ");
- if (*pChar & 0x20)
- printf ("8 ");
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- printf ("16 ");
- printf ("n");
- if (*pChar++ & 0x80)
- {
- ioRanges = (*pChar & 0x07) + 1;
- addrSize = (*pChar & 0x30) >> 4;
- lengthSize = (*pChar & 0xc0) >> 6;
- pChar++;
- while (ioRanges--)
- {
- addr.l = 0;
- length.l = 0;
- if (addrSize == 1)
- addr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- if (addrSize == 2)
- {
- addr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- addr.c[1] = *pChar++;
- }
- if (addrSize == 3)
- {
- addr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- addr.c[1] = *pChar++;
- addr.c[2] = *pChar++;
- addr.c[3] = *pChar++;
- }
- if (lengthSize == 1)
- length.c[0] = *pChar++;
- if (lengthSize == 2)
- {
- length.c[0] = *pChar++;
- length.c[1] = *pChar++;
- }
- if (lengthSize == 3)
- {
- length.c[0] = *pChar++;
- length.c[1] = *pChar++;
- length.c[2] = *pChar++;
- length.c[3] = *pChar++;
- }
- printf (" Addr = 0x%x length = 0x%xn", addr.l, length.l + 1);
- }
- }
- return (pChar);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowCirq - Show information in IRQ description structure.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the IRQ description structure.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to next entry.
- */
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCirq
- (
- u_char *pChar, /* pointer to IRQ description */
- u_char featureSelection /* feature selection byte */
- )
- {
- u_int ix;
- printf (" Interrupt request mode is ");
- if (*pChar & 0x80)
- printf ("Share ");
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- printf ("Pulse ");
- if (*pChar & 0x20)
- printf ("Level ");
- printf ("n");
- printf (" Interrupt request line is ");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- {
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf ("VEND ");
- if (*pChar & 0x04)
- printf ("BERR ");
- if (*pChar & 0x02)
- printf ("IOCK ");
- if (*pChar & 0x01)
- printf ("NMI ");
- for (ix = 0; ix < 8; ix++)
- if (*(pChar+1) & (1 << ix))
- printf ("%d ", ix);
- for (ix = 0; ix < 8; ix++)
- if (*(pChar+2) & (1 << ix))
- printf ("%d ", ix + 8);
- pChar += 3;
- }
- else
- {
- printf ("%d", *pChar & 0x0f);
- pChar++;
- }
- printf ("n");
- return (pChar);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowCmem - Show information in Memory description structure.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Memory description structure.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to next entry.
- */
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCmem
- (
- u_char *pChar, /* pointer to memory description */
- u_char featureSelection /* feature selection byte */
- )
- {
- u_char addrSize;
- u_char lengthSize;
- u_char windows;
- u_char hostaddr;
- CIS_BYTE4 cAddr;
- CIS_BYTE4 hAddr;
- CIS_BYTE4 length;
- if ((featureSelection & 0x60) == 0x20)
- {
- length.l = 0;
- length.c[0] = *pChar++;
- length.c[1] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Length = 0x%x cardAddress = 0n", length.l * 256);
- }
- else if ((featureSelection & 0x60) == 0x40)
- {
- length.l = 0;
- cAddr.l = 0;
- length.c[0] = *pChar++;
- length.c[1] = *pChar++;
- cAddr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- cAddr.c[1] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Length = 0x%x cardAddress = 0x%xn",
- length.l * 256, cAddr.l * 256);
- }
- else if ((featureSelection & 0x60) == 0x60)
- {
- windows = (*pChar & 0x07) + 1;
- lengthSize = (*pChar & 0x18) >> 3;
- addrSize = (*pChar & 0x60) >> 5;
- hostaddr = *pChar & 0x80;
- while (windows--)
- {
- length.l = 0;
- cAddr.l = 0;
- hAddr.l = 0;
- if (lengthSize == 1)
- length.c[0] = *pChar++;
- if (lengthSize == 2)
- {
- length.c[0] = *pChar++;
- length.c[1] = *pChar++;
- }
- if (lengthSize == 3)
- {
- length.c[0] = *pChar++;
- length.c[1] = *pChar++;
- length.c[2] = *pChar++;
- length.c[3] = *pChar++;
- }
- if (addrSize == 1)
- cAddr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- if (addrSize == 2)
- {
- cAddr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- cAddr.c[1] = *pChar++;
- }
- if (addrSize == 3)
- {
- cAddr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- cAddr.c[1] = *pChar++;
- cAddr.c[2] = *pChar++;
- cAddr.c[3] = *pChar++;
- }
- if (hostaddr == 0x80)
- {
- if (addrSize == 1)
- hAddr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- if (addrSize == 2)
- {
- hAddr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- hAddr.c[1] = *pChar++;
- }
- if (addrSize == 3)
- {
- hAddr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- hAddr.c[1] = *pChar++;
- hAddr.c[2] = *pChar++;
- hAddr.c[3] = *pChar++;
- }
- }
- printf (" Length = 0x%x cardAddress = 0x%x hostAddress = 0x%xn",
- length.l * 256, cAddr.l * 256, hAddr.l * 256);
- }
- }
- return (pChar);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowCmisc - Show information in Misc description structure.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Misc description structure.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to next entry.
- */
- LOCAL u_char *cisShowCmisc
- (
- u_char *pChar, /* pointer to misc description */
- u_char featureSelection /* feature selection byte */
- )
- {
- BOOL extension = TRUE;
- while (extension)
- {
- if ((*pChar & 0x80) == 0x00)
- extension = FALSE;
- printf (" Max twins = %dn", *pChar & 0x07);
- if (*pChar & 0x08)
- printf (" Audion");
- if (*pChar & 0x10)
- printf (" Read onlyn");
- if (*pChar & 0x20)
- printf (" Power down bit is supportedn");
- if (*pChar & 0x40)
- printf (" Reservedn");
- pChar++;
- }
- return (pChar);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowCsub - Show information in Sub tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the Sub tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowCsub
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char *pEnd = pChar + pTuple->link;
- while ((pTuple->code == 0xc0) || (pTuple->code == 0xc1))
- {
- printf (" Configuration subtuplen");
- printf (" ");
- while ((pChar < pEnd) && (*pChar != 0xff))
- pChar += printf ("%s", pChar) + 1;
- printf ("n");
- pTuple = (CIS_TUPLE *)pEnd;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowVers2 - Show information in level-2 version/product information tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the level-2 version/product information tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowVers2
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- CIS_BYTE2 index;
- pChar++;
- printf (" Level of compliance = %dn", *pChar++);
- index.c[0] = *pChar++;
- index.c[1] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Address of first data byte in card = 0x%xn", index.s);
- pChar += 2;
- printf (" Vender specific bytes = 0x%x 0x%xn", *pChar++, *pChar++);
- printf (" Number of copies of the CIS = 0x%xn", *pChar++);
- printf (" ");
- pChar += printf ("%s", pChar) + 1;
- printf ("n ");
- printf ("%sn", pChar);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cisShowFormat - Show information in format tuple.
- *
- * This routine shows CIS in the format tuple.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void cisShowFormat
- (
- CIS_TUPLE *pTuple /* pointer to a tuple */
- )
- {
- u_char *pChar = (u_char *)pTuple + sizeof(CIS_TUPLE);
- u_char type;
- u_char flag;
- u_char edc;
- CIS_BYTE4 offset;
- CIS_BYTE4 nBytes;
- CIS_BYTE4 nBlocks;
- CIS_BYTE4 edcLoc;
- CIS_BYTE4 addr;
- CIS_BYTE2 blockSize;
- type = *pChar++;
- if (type == 0)
- printf (" Format type = Diskn");
- else if (type == 0)
- printf (" Format type = Memoryn");
- else
- printf (" Format type = Vender specific 0x%xn", type);
- edc = *pChar++;
- printf (" EDC type = 0x%xn", (edc & 0x78) >> 3);
- printf (" EDC length = 0x%xn", (edc & 0x07));
- offset.c[0] = *pChar++;
- offset.c[1] = *pChar++;
- offset.c[2] = *pChar++;
- offset.c[3] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Address of first data byte = 0x%xn", offset.l);
- nBytes.c[0] = *pChar++;
- nBytes.c[1] = *pChar++;
- nBytes.c[2] = *pChar++;
- nBytes.c[3] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Number of data bytes = 0x%xn", nBytes.l);
- if (type == 0)
- {
- blockSize.c[0] = *pChar++;
- blockSize.c[1] = *pChar++;
- nBlocks.c[0] = *pChar++;
- nBlocks.c[1] = *pChar++;
- nBlocks.c[2] = *pChar++;
- nBlocks.c[3] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Block size = %dn", 1 << blockSize.s);
- printf (" Number of data blocks = %dn", nBlocks.l);
- edcLoc.c[0] = *pChar++;
- edcLoc.c[1] = *pChar++;
- edcLoc.c[2] = *pChar++;
- edcLoc.c[3] = *pChar++;
- if ((edc == 1) || (edc == 2))
- printf (" EDC Location = 0x%xn", edcLoc.l);
- else if (edc == 3)
- printf (" EDC PCC = 0x%xn", edcLoc.c[0]);
- }
- else if (type == 1)
- {
- flag = *pChar++;
- pChar++;
- addr.c[0] = *pChar++;
- addr.c[1] = *pChar++;
- addr.c[2] = *pChar++;
- addr.c[3] = *pChar++;
- edcLoc.c[0] = *pChar++;
- edcLoc.c[1] = *pChar++;
- edcLoc.c[2] = *pChar++;
- edcLoc.c[3] = *pChar++;
- printf (" Flags = 0x%xn", flag);
- if (flag & 1)
- printf (" Mapped physical address = 0x%xn", addr.l);
- printf (" EDC location = 0x%xn", edcLoc.l);
- }
- }