- /* distIfUdp.c - distributed objects UDP adapter library (VxFusion option) */
- /* Copyright 1999-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01l,22oct01,jws fix diab compiler warnings (SPR 71117)
- 01k,11jun99,drm Changing flags to host byte order before checking for
- broadcast flag.
- 01j,24may99,drm Adding vxfusion prefix to VxFusion related includes.
- 01i,19may99,drm Changing WindMP to VxFusion.
- 01h,25feb99,drm added additional status output during initialization
- 01g,22feb99,drm adding #include for distNetLib.h
- 01f,30oct98,drm documentation updates
- 01e,29oct98,drm removed maxTBufs argument to distIfUdpInit
- 01d,01sep98,drm removed pDistIf definition
- 01c,04aug98,drm cleanup and bug fixes
- 01b,20may98,drm removed compiler warning messages
- 01a,04apr98,jag written.
- */
- /*
- This module implements a UDP adapter for VxFusion. This is the default
- adapter that VxFusion uses when it starts up.
- There are only two external routines: distIfUdpInit() and distIfUdpStart().
- Both are called by the VxFusion initialization routine distInit() and should
- not be called directly by the user.
- This module is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- message queues option, VxFusion.
- INCLUDE FILES: distIfUdp.h
- SEE ALSO: distLib
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "inetLib.h"
- #include "sockLib.h"
- #include "netLib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "wdLib.h"
- #include "usrLib.h"
- #include "sys/ioctl.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "net/if.h"
- #include "selectLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "vxfusion/distIfLib.h"
- #include "vxfusion/distStatLib.h"
- #include "vxfusion/distNetLib.h"
- #include "drv/vxfusion/distIfUdp.h"
- /* defines */
- #define UNUSED_ARG(x) if (sizeof(x)) {}; /* suppress compiler warning */
- #define SOCKOPT_ON 1 /* 1 = on for setsockopt() */
- #define sleep(timeO) taskDelay (timeO * (sysClkRateGet())) /* macro */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL DIST_IF distIfUdp; /* used to set pDistIf */
- LOCAL BOOL distIfUdpInstalled = FALSE; /* indicates whether driver installed */
- LOCAL BOOL distIfUdpStarted = FALSE; /* indicates whether driver started */
- LOCAL int ioSocket = 0; /* socket used to send/rcv messages */
- LOCAL unsigned long myIpAddr = 0; /* used to uniquely identify node */
- LOCAL unsigned long myIpBcastAddr = 0; /* address used to broadcast packets */
- /* forward declarations */
- STATUS distIfUdpStart (void *pConf); /* startup function */
- LOCAL STATUS distIfUdpSend (DIST_NODE_ID nodeIdDest,
- int priority); /* send function */
- LOCAL int distIfUdpIoctl (int func, ...); /* ioctl function */
- LOCAL void distIfUdpInputTask (void); /* input function */
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distIfUdpInit - initialize the UDP driver (VxFusion option)
- *
- * Initialize the UDP driver for VxFusion.
- *
- * is
- * i This routine initializes the UDP driver by doing the following:
- *
- *
- * Temporarily opening a socket in order to determine the IP address, netmask,
- * and broadcast address for that interface.
- *
- * Filling in the DIST_IF structure which provides the upper layers with some
- * necessary information about the adapter and transport
- * ie
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the operation fails
- */
- STATUS distIfUdpInit
- (
- void * pConf, /* not currently used */
- FUNCPTR * pStartup /* Ptr to startup routine */
- )
- {
- int bsocket; /* socket used to obtain broadcast address */
- int retVal; /* variable used to check return value */
- struct ifreq ifr; /* interface request struct for socket ioctls */
- struct in_addr ifAddr; /* ip address for the interface */
- struct in_addr ifMask; /* netmask for the interface*/
- *pStartup = (FUNCPTR) (distIfUdpStart);
- if (distIfUdpInstalled)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInit() - already initalized.n");
- #endif
- return (OK);
- }
- /*
- * Temporarily open a socket in order to determine the node IP address,
- * netmask, and broadcast address.
- */
- bsocket = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0);
- if (bsocket == -1)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInit() - can't open RAW socket (errno = %d)n",
- errno);
- printf ("Unable to initialize VxFusion UDP adapter.n");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- bzero ((char *)&ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq));
- if ((strlen (pConf) + 1) > IFNAMSIZ)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInit() - interface name too long");
- printf ("Unable to initialize VxFusion UDP adapter.n");
- close (bsocket);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- strcpy (ifr.ifr_name, (char *) pConf);
- /* Get interface IP address */
- retVal = ioctl (bsocket, (int)SIOCGIFADDR, (int)&ifr);
- if (retVal != 0)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInit() - ioctl SIOCGIFADDR failed (errno = %d)n",
- errno);
- printf ("Unable to initialize VxFusion UDP adapter.n");
- close (bsocket);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- ifAddr.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr;
- myIpAddr = ntohl (ifAddr.s_addr);
- /* Get interface IP Netmask */
- retVal = ioctl (bsocket, (int)SIOCGIFNETMASK, (int)&ifr);
- if (retVal != 0)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInit() - ioctl SIOCGIFNETMASK failed (errno=%d)n",
- errno);
- printf ("Unable to initialize VxFusion UDP adapter.n");
- close (bsocket);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- ifMask.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr;
- close (bsocket);
- /*
- * Extract network address and fill host portion with ones
- * in order to create broadcast address.
- */
- myIpBcastAddr = (ifAddr.s_addr & ifMask.s_addr) | ~ifMask.s_addr;
- myIpBcastAddr = ntohl (myIpBcastAddr);
- /* Fill in the distIfUdp structure */
- distIfUdp.distIfName = "UDP adapter";
- distIfUdp.distIfMTU = UDP_MTU_BUF_SZ;
- distIfUdp.distIfHdrSize = sizeof (NET_HDR);
- distIfUdp.distIfBroadcastAddr = myIpBcastAddr;
- distIfUdp.distIfRngBufSz = UDP_RING_BUF_SZ;
- distIfUdp.distIfMaxFrags = UDP_MAX_FRAGS;
- distIfUdp.distIfSend = distIfUdpSend;
- distIfUdp.distIfIoctl = distIfUdpIoctl;
- pDistIf = &distIfUdp;
- distIfUdpInstalled = TRUE;
- printf ("VxFusion UDP adapter initialized OKn");
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distIfUdpStart - start the UDP adapter (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine creates a socket that is used for communications. After
- * enabling the broadcast option on the socket, it spawns the input task.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to perform the socket operations or
- * spawn the input task
- */
- STATUS distIfUdpStart
- (
- void * pConf /* ptr to configuration data - not used here */
- )
- {
- int optval; /* options value for setsockopt() */
- struct sockaddr_in addrToListen; /* socket info needed for bind() call */
- UNUSED_ARG(pConf);
- if (distIfUdpStarted)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpStart() - already started.n");
- #endif
- return (OK);
- }
- /* Open socket */
- if ((ioSocket = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpStart() - ioSocket open failed (errno = %d)n",
- errno);
- printf ("Unable to start VxFusion UDP adapter.n");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Enable broadcast option for socket. */
- optval = SOCKOPT_ON;
- if ((setsockopt (ioSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *)&optval,
- sizeof (optval))) < 0)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpStart() - setsockopt SO_BROADCAST failed ");
- printf ("(errno = %d)n", errno);
- printf ("Unable to start VxFusion UDP adapter.n");
- close (ioSocket);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Initialize source address. */
- bzero ((char *)&addrToListen, sizeof (addrToListen));
- addrToListen.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- addrToListen.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addrToListen.sin_port = htons (UDP_IO_PORT);
- /* Bind to the socket */
- if ((bind (ioSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&addrToListen,
- sizeof (addrToListen))) < 0)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpStart() - ioSocket bind failed (errno = %d)n",
- errno);
- printf ("Unable to start VxFusion UDP adapter.n");
- close (ioSocket);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Spawn Input task */
- if ((taskSpawn ("tDiUdpNet", 50, VX_SUPERVISOR_MODE,
- 5000, (FUNCPTR) distIfUdpInputTask,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) == ERROR)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpStart() - can't spawn distIfUdpInputTask task ");
- printf ("(errno = %d)n", errno);
- printf("Unable to start VxFusion UDP adapter.n");
- close (ioSocket);
- return (ERROR); /* taskSpawn() failed */
- }
- distIfUdpStarted = TRUE;
- printf ("VxFusion UDP adapter started OKn");
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distIfUdpInputTask - receives a broadcast and node to node messages (VxFusion option)
- *
- * The purpose of this routine is to receive a message from the network and
- * send it on up to the upper layers using distNetInput().
- *
- * This task does a select on a file descripter set containing the socket
- * file descripter. When a message is received, it will be checked to see if
- * the source of the message was this node. If this node was the source, then
- * the message is discarded because the upper layers do not expect to receive
- * broadcast messages from itself. NOTE: This is probably unnecessary for
- * in most cases as the Ethernet driver should already filter out such
- * messages.
- *
- * If the message appears to be a valid message, a TBuf is allocated and the
- * message is copied into it. The header fields of the TBuf are reconstructed
- * from the adapter specific header. Finally, the message length is checked
- * with the expected message length before sending the packet upward using
- * distNetInput().
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void distIfUdpInputTask (void)
- {
- char inputMessage [UDP_MTU_BUF_SZ]; /* input buffer */
- struct sockaddr_in srcAddr; /* sender of the message */
- fd_set readFds; /* set containing bcast & unicast sockets*/
- int msgLen; /* length of msg received from socket */
- int srcAddrLen; /* length of the sender's address */
- DIST_NODE_ID sourceNodeId; /* node ID of the sender */
- NET_HDR * pUdpHdr; /* ptr to msg's adapter specific header */
- DIST_TBUF * pTBuf; /* ptr to buffer msg will be copied into */
- /* Initialize source address. */
- bzero ((char *)&srcAddr, sizeof (srcAddr));
- srcAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- srcAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- srcAddrLen = sizeof (srcAddr);
- {
- FD_ZERO (&readFds);
- FD_SET (ioSocket, &readFds);
- if ((select (FD_SETSIZE, &readFds, NULL, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
- {
- close (ioSocket);
- printf ("distIfUdpInputTask() - select returned an errorn");
- #endif
- return;
- }
- distStat.ifInReceived++;
- if ((msgLen = recvfrom (ioSocket, (caddr_t) &inputMessage,
- sizeof (inputMessage), 0, (struct sockaddr *)
- &srcAddr, &srcAddrLen)) < 0)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInputTask() - got an error from recvfromn");
- #endif
- distStat.ifInDiscarded++;
- continue; /* Skip for now */
- }
- /* Check for buffer too small */
- if (msgLen < sizeof (NET_HDR))
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInputTask() - got packet which is too smalln");
- #endif
- distStat.ifInLength++;
- distStat.ifInDiscarded++;
- continue;
- }
- /* Get node ID */
- sourceNodeId = ntohl (srcAddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
- /*
- * If this packet is a broadcast that was sent from this node, we
- * may get a copy of the packet if it isn't discarded by the
- * ethernet driver. If it isn't discarded by the ethernet driver,
- * we need to discard broadcast packets sent from ourself.
- */
- pUdpHdr = (NET_HDR *) inputMessage;
- if ( ( ntohs (pUdpHdr->pktFlags) & DIST_TBUF_FLAG_BROADCAST) &&
- (myIpAddr == sourceNodeId))
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInputTask() - discarded loop broadcastn");
- #endif
- distStat.ifInDiscarded++;
- continue;
- }
- /* Allocate Input buffer */
- if ((pTBuf = distTBufAlloc ()) == NULL)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInputTask() - failed to allocate a buffern");
- #endif
- distStat.ifInDiscarded++;
- continue;
- }
- bcopy (inputMessage,
- ((char *)pTBuf->pTBufData - sizeof (NET_HDR)),
- msgLen);
- pUdpHdr = (NET_HDR *) ((char *)pTBuf->pTBufData - sizeof (NET_HDR));
- pTBuf->tBufId = ntohs (pUdpHdr->pktId);
- pTBuf->tBufAck = ntohs (pUdpHdr->pktAck);
- pTBuf->tBufSeq = ntohs (pUdpHdr->pktFragSeq);
- pTBuf->tBufNBytes = ntohs (pUdpHdr->pktLen);
- pTBuf->tBufType = ntohs (pUdpHdr->pktType);
- pTBuf->tBufFlags = ntohs (pUdpHdr->pktFlags);
- /*
- * Check for the right packet length. The packet length
- * should be equivalent to the sum of the number of bytes
- * in the data portion and the size of the adapter specific
- * header (NET_HDR for UDP).
- */
- if ((pTBuf->tBufNBytes + sizeof (NET_HDR)) != msgLen)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpInputTask() - invalid packet lengthn");
- #endif
- distTBufFree (pTBuf);
- distStat.ifInLength++;
- distStat.ifInDiscarded++;
- continue;
- }
- printf ("distIfUdpInputTask() - got a packet (type %d) from 0x%lxn",
- pTBuf->tBufType, sourceNodeId);
- #endif
- /* Send the packet up the stack */
- distNetInput (sourceNodeId, ntohs (pUdpHdr->priority), pTBuf);
- } /* end FOREVER */
- #if 0 /* someday, we might actually break out of FOREVER */
- close (ioSocket);
- return;
- #endif
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distIfUdpSend - convert header to network byte order and send packet out (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This routine fills in the adapter specific header using the information
- * in the TBuf and then sends the packet out.
- *
- * The calling routine will free the TBuf passed to distIfUdpSend(). While
- * this implies that the TBuf does not need to be freed here, it also
- * implies that this routine must finish using the TBuf before it returns.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the operation fails
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS distIfUdpSend
- (
- DIST_NODE_ID nodeIdDest, /* destination node */
- DIST_TBUF * pTBuf, /* TBuf to send */
- int priority /* packet priority */
- )
- {
- NET_HDR * pUdpHdr;
- struct sockaddr_in dstAddr;
- distStat.ifOutReceived++;
- /* Access pre-allocated UDP NET_HDR header from data buffer */
- pUdpHdr = (NET_HDR *) ((char *)pTBuf->pTBufData - sizeof (NET_HDR));
- pUdpHdr->pktId = htons (pTBuf->tBufId); /* packet ID */
- pUdpHdr->pktAck = htons (pTBuf->tBufAck); /* last packet ID acked */
- pUdpHdr->pktFragSeq = htons (pTBuf->tBufSeq); /* fragmented seq number */
- pUdpHdr->pktLen = htons (pTBuf->tBufNBytes); /* packet length */
- pUdpHdr->pktType = htons (pTBuf->tBufType); /* pkt type(DATA,ACK,...)*/
- pUdpHdr->pktFlags = htons (pTBuf->tBufFlags); /* flgs: HDR,MORE_MF,BCAST*/
- pUdpHdr->priority = htons ((short)priority); /* packet priority */
- dstAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- dstAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (nodeIdDest);
- dstAddr.sin_port = htons (UDP_IO_PORT);
- printf ("distIfUdpSend() - sending a packet (type %d) to =0x%lxn",
- pTBuf->tBufType, nodeIdDest);
- #endif
- /* Send the packet out */
- if ((sendto (ioSocket, (caddr_t) pUdpHdr,
- (pTBuf->tBufNBytes + sizeof (NET_HDR)), 0,
- (struct sockaddr *) &dstAddr, sizeof (dstAddr))) < 0)
- {
- printf ("distIfUdpSend() - sendto() failedn");
- #endif
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * distIfUdpIoctl - I/O control function for the adapter (VxFusion option)
- *
- * This is the I/O control function for the UDP adapter. Since the UDP
- * adapter does not currently implement any control functions, this function
- * will simply return ERROR in response to any call.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled distributed
- * message queues option, VxFusion.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL int distIfUdpIoctl
- (
- int func, /* control function to perform */
- ... /* optional arguments */
- )
- {
- UNUSED_ARG(func);
- return (ERROR);
- }