- /* ioQLib.c - I/O queue library for async I/O */
- /* Copyright 1984-1994 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01c,26jan94,kdl changed name from ioQPxLib.c to ioQLib.c.
- 01b,05jan94,kdl general cleanup.
- 01a,04apr93,elh written.
- */
- /*
- This library is used in conjuction with asynchronous I/O. It defines
- the I/O queues used by AIO drivers, as well as the functions to
- manipulate these queues. To use this library, the driver mantains a
- definition of an IO_Q in its driver specific structures. The IO_Q
- structure defines the work queue, the wait queue and the lock routines
- to synchronize access to these queues. Each I/O operation is defined by
- the ioNode structure.
- The I/O queues are currently written as linked lists. This is probably
- not reasonable for I/O drivers. These routines should (are expected to)
- change if/when true asynchronous drivers are written for VxWorks.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "ioQLib.h"
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ioQInit - initialize an I/O queue structure.
- *
- * This routine initializes the I/O work and wait queue associated with <pQ>.
- * <pLock> and <pUnlock> are the routines which provide mutual exclusion
- * of the queue.
- *
- */
- void ioQInit
- (
- IO_Q * pQ, /* queue */
- VOIDFUNCPTR pLock, /* lock routine */
- VOIDFUNCPTR pUnlock, /* unlock routine */
- int lockArg /* lock/unlock arg */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize linked lists */
- lstInit (&pQ->workQ);
- lstInit (&pQ->waitQ);
- /* Set up queue function pointers */
- pQ->lock = pLock;
- pQ->unlock = pUnlock;
- pQ->lockArg = lockArg;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ioQAdd - add an I/O node to an I/O queue.
- *
- * This routine adds <pNode> to the queue <pQ>. Requests are queued in priority
- * order according to <prio>.
- *
- */
- void ioQAdd
- (
- LIST * pQ, /* I/O queue */
- IO_NODE * pNode, /* I/O node */
- int prio /* priority */
- )
- {
- IO_NODE * pTemp; /* temp var */
- pNode->prio = prio;
- for (pTemp = (IO_NODE *) lstFirst (pQ); (pTemp != NULL);
- pTemp = (IO_NODE *) lstNext (&pTemp->node))
- {
- if (prio < pTemp->prio)
- {
- lstInsert (pQ, pTemp->node.previous, &pNode->node);
- return;
- }
- }
- lstAdd (pQ, &pNode->node);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ioQNodeDone - node completed
- *
- * ioQNodeDone gets called on completion of I/O node <pNode>.
- *
- */
- void ioQNodeDone
- (
- IO_NODE * pNode /* I/O Node */
- )
- {
- (* pNode->doneRtn) (pNode);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ioQEach - call routine for node on queue.
- *
- * This routine calls <pRoutine> with arguments <arg1> and <arg2>. It does
- * this for each node on list <pQ> until <pRoutine> returns FALSE or until
- * the end of the list is reached.
- *
- * RETURNS: the pointer to the node which returned false or
- * NULL if all elements in the list were processed.
- */
- IO_NODE * ioQEach
- (
- LIST * pQ, /* I/O list */
- FUNCPTR pRoutine, /* routine to call */
- int arg1, /* argument 1 */
- int arg2 /* argument 2 */
- )
- {
- IO_NODE * pNode; /* I/O node */
- IO_NODE * pNext; /* next I/O node */
- for (pNode = (IO_NODE *) lstFirst (pQ); (pNode != NULL);)
- {
- pNext = (IO_NODE *) lstNext (&pNode->node);
- if (((* pRoutine) (pNode, arg1, arg2)) == FALSE)
- break;
- pNode = pNext;
- }
- return (pNode);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ioQLockSem - lock I/O queue with semaphores
- *
- * This routine provides mutual exclusion to the I/O queues with semaphores.
- * It is an example lock routine that can be passed to ioQInit.
- *
- */
- void ioQLockSem
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore */
- )
- {
- semTake (semId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ioQUnlockSem - unlock I/O queue with semaphores
- *
- * This routine provides mutual exclusion to the I/O queues with semaphores.
- * It is an example lock routine that can be passed to ioQInit.
- *
- */
- void ioQUnlockSem
- (
- SEM_ID semId /* semaphore */
- )
- {
- semGive (semId);
- }