- /* aioPxLib.c - asynchronous I/O (AIO) library (POSIX) */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01k,17jul00,jgn merge DOT-4 pthreads changes
- 01j,26sep01,jgn disable manual generation for aio_fsync (SPR #34282)
- 01i,04feb99,vcm adding errno code for aio_return()
- 01h,15jan95,rhp fix typo.
- jdi doc cleanup.
- 01g,08apr94,kdl changed aio_show() reference to aioShow().
- 01f,01feb94,dvs documentation changes.
- 01e,26jan94,kdl commented out aio_fsync().
- 01d,21jan94,kdl minor doc cleanup; made driver-related routines NOMANUAL.
- 01c,12jan94,kdl changed aioInit() to aioPxLibInit(); added include of
- private/schedP.h; general cleanup.
- 01b,06dec93,dvs minor configuration related changes; changed S_aioLib* to
- S_aioPxLib*
- 01a,04apr93,elh written.
- */
- /*
- This library implements asynchronous I/O (AIO) according to the definition
- given by the POSIX standard 1003.1b (formerly 1003.4, Draft 14). AIO
- provides the ability to overlap application processing and I/O operations
- initiated by the application. With AIO, a task can perform I/O simultaneously
- to a single file multiple times or to multiple files.
- After an AIO operation has been initiated, the AIO proceeds in
- logical parallel with the processing done by the application.
- The effect of issuing an asynchronous I/O request is as if a separate
- thread of execution were performing the requested I/O.
- The AIO library is initialized by calling aioPxLibInit(), which
- should be called once (typically at system start-up) after the I/O system
- has already been initialized.
- The file to be accessed asynchronously is opened via the standard open
- call. Open returns a file descriptor which is used in subsequent AIO
- calls.
- The caller initiates asynchronous I/O via one of the following routines:
- .IP aio_read() 15
- initiates an asynchronous read
- .IP aio_write()
- initiates an asynchronous write
- .IP lio_listio()
- initiates a list of asynchronous I/O requests
- .LP
- Each of these routines has a return value and error value
- associated with it; however, these values indicate only whether the AIO
- request was successfully submitted (queued), not the ultimate success or
- failure of the AIO operation itself.
- There are separate return and error values associated with the success or
- failure of the AIO operation itself. The error status can be retrieved
- using aio_error(); however, until the AIO operation completes, the error
- status will be EINPROGRESS. After the AIO operation completes, the return
- status can be retrieved with aio_return().
- The aio_cancel() call cancels a previously submitted AIO request. The
- aio_suspend() call waits for an AIO operation to complete.
- Finally, the aioShow() call (not a standard POSIX function) displays
- outstanding AIO requests.
- Each of the calls described above takes an AIO control block (`aiocb') as
- an argument. The calling routine must allocate space for the `aiocb', and
- this space must remain available for the duration of the AIO operation.
- (Thus the `aiocb' must not be created on the task's stack unless the
- calling routine will not return until after the AIO operation is complete
- and aio_return() has been called.) Each `aiocb' describes a single AIO
- operation. Therefore, simultaneous asynchronous I/O operations using the
- same `aiocb' are not valid and produce undefined results.
- The `aiocb' structure and the data buffers referenced by it are used
- by the system to perform the AIO request. Therefore, once the `aiocb' has
- been submitted to the system, the application must not modify the `aiocb'
- structure until after a subsequent call to aio_return(). The aio_return()
- call retrieves the previously submitted AIO data structures from the system.
- After the aio_return() call, the calling application can modify the
- `aiocb', free the memory it occupies, or reuse it for another AIO call.
- As a result, if space for the `aiocb' is allocated off the stack
- the task should not be deleted (or complete running) until the `aiocb'
- has been retrieved from the system via an aio_return().
- The `aiocb' is defined in aio.h. It has the following elements:
- .CS
- struct
- {
- int aio_fildes;
- off_t aio_offset;
- volatile void * aio_buf;
- size_t aio_nbytes;
- int aio_reqprio;
- struct sigevent aio_sigevent;
- int aio_lio_opcode;
- AIO_SYS aio_sys;
- } aiocb
- .CE
- .IP `aio_fildes'
- file descriptor for I/O.
- .IP `aio_offset'
- offset from the beginning of the file where the
- AIO takes place. Note that performing AIO on the file does not
- cause the offset location to automatically increase as in read and write;
- the caller must therefore keep track of the location of reads and writes made
- to the file (see POSIX COMPLIANCE below).
- .IP `aio_buf'
- address of the buffer from/to which AIO is requested.
- .IP `aio_nbytes'
- number of bytes to read or write.
- .IP `aio_reqprio'
- amount by which to lower the priority of an AIO request. Each
- AIO request is assigned a priority; this priority, based on the calling
- task's priority, indicates the desired order of execution relative to
- other AIO requests for the file. The `aio_reqprio' member allows the
- caller to lower (but not raise) the AIO operation priority by the
- specified value. Valid values for `aio_reqprio' are in the range of zero
- through AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX. If the value specified by `aio_req_prio'
- results in a priority lower than the lowest possible task priority, the
- lowest valid task priority is used.
- .IP `aio_sigevent'
- (optional) if nonzero, the signal to return on completion of an operation.
- .IP `aio_lio_opcode'
- operation to be performed by a lio_listio() call; valid entries include
- .IP `aio_sys'
- a Wind River Systems addition to the `aiocb' structure; it is
- used internally by the system and must not be modified by the user.
- .LP
- A writer could be implemented as follows:
- .CS
- if ((pAioWrite = calloc (1, sizeof (struct aiocb))) == NULL)
- {
- printf ("calloc faileden");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pAioWrite->aio_fildes = fd;
- pAioWrite->aio_buf = buffer;
- pAioWrite->aio_offset = 0;
- strcpy (pAioWrite->aio_buf, "test string");
- pAioWrite->aio_nbytes = strlen ("test string");
- pAioWrite->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_NONE;
- aio_write (pAioWrite);
- /@ .
- .
- do other work
- .
- .
- @/
- /@ now wait until I/O finishes @/
- while (aio_error (pAioWrite) == EINPROGRESS)
- taskDelay (1);
- aio_return (pAioWrite);
- free (pAioWrite);
- .CE
- A reader could be implemented as follows:
- .CS
- /@ initialize signal handler @/
- action1.sa_sigaction = sigHandler;
- action1.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
- sigemptyset(&action1.sa_mask);
- sigaction (TEST_RT_SIG1, &action1, NULL);
- if ((pAioRead = calloc (1, sizeof (struct aiocb))) == NULL)
- {
- printf ("calloc faileden");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pAioRead->aio_fildes = fd;
- pAioRead->aio_buf = buffer;
- pAioRead->aio_nbytes = BUF_SIZE;
- pAioRead->aio_sigevent.sigev_signo = TEST_RT_SIG1;
- pAioRead->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
- pAioRead->aio_sigevent.sigev_value.sival_ptr = (void *)pAioRead;
- aio_read (pAioRead);
- /@
- .
- .
- do other work
- .
- .
- @/
- .CE
- The signal handler might look like the following:
- .CS
- void sigHandler
- (
- int sig,
- struct siginfo info,
- void * pContext
- )
- {
- struct aiocb * pAioDone;
- pAioDone = (struct aiocb *) info.si_value.sival_ptr;
- aio_return (pAioDone);
- free (pAioDone);
- }
- .CE
- Currently VxWorks does not support the O_APPEND flag in the open call.
- Therefore, the user must keep track of the offset in the file that
- the asynchronous writes occur (as in the case of reads). The `aio_offset'
- field is used to specify that file position.
- In addition, VxWorks does not currently support synchronized I/O.
- SEE ALSO: POSIX 1003.1b document
- As it currently stands, aioLib could be better integrated into the I/O
- system. aioDrvTable and aioFdTable could be integrated with drvTable and
- fdTable respectively. Also, the hook routines aioFdNew and aioFdFree
- could be eliminated. However we choose not to do this (for now) to
- avoid increasing the size of the I/O structures (thus causing the user
- to have to recompile their applications). This should be changed
- later.
- Although the interface between aioLib and AIO drivers has been defined,
- currently there is only support to use it with the AIO system driver. Work
- needs to be done (as well as modifications to the xxxFsLib and scsiLib)
- before it can be implemented in our block devices.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "aio.h"
- #include "private/iosLibP.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "qFifoLib.h"
- #include "timers.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "tickLib.h"
- #include "private/mutexPxLibP.h"
- #include "private/schedP.h"
- #define __PTHREAD_SRC
- #include "pthread.h"
- /* defines */
- #define AIO_LOCK() (semTake (&aioSem, WAIT_FOREVER))
- #define AIO_UNLOCK() (semGive (&aioSem))
- /* typedefs */
- typedef struct /* each parameter */
- {
- AIO_DEV * pDev; /* device */
- int retVal; /* return value */
- int errorVal; /* error value */
- FUNCPTR syncRtn; /* sync routine */
- } ARGS;
- /* globals */
- FUNCPTR aioPrintRtn = NULL;
- /* locals */
- LOCAL AIO_DRV_ENTRY * aioDrvTable = NULL; /* driver table */
- LOCAL AIO_FD_ENTRY * aioFdTable = NULL; /* fd table */
- LOCAL AIO_CLUST * aioClustTable = NULL; /* cluster table */
- LOCAL int aioClustMax; /* max clusters */
- LOCAL SEMAPHORE aioSem; /* AIO semaphore */
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL STATUS aioSubmit (struct aiocb * pAiocb, int op, AIO_CLUST * pClust);
- LOCAL int aioListEach (struct aiocb * list[], int num, FUNCPTR routine,
- int arg1, int arg2);
- LOCAL BOOL aioListSubmit (struct aiocb * pAiocb, AIO_CLUST * pClust,
- BOOL * pFailed);
- LOCAL BOOL aioListClust (struct aiocb * pAiocb, AIO_CLUST * pClust,
- int bogus);
- LOCAL BOOL aioListError (struct aiocb * pAiocb, int * pError, int bogus);
- LOCAL BOOL aioListWait (struct aiocb * pAiocb, AIO_WAIT_ID * pAioId,
- int bogus);
- LOCAL BOOL aioListUnwait (struct aiocb * pAiocb, AIO_WAIT_ID * pAioId,
- int bogus);
- LOCAL STATUS aioSyncNode (DL_NODE * pFdNode, ARGS * pArgs);
- LOCAL void aioClustRet (struct aiocb * pAiocb, AIO_CLUST * pClust);
- LOCAL AIO_CLUST * aioClustGet (void);
- /* I/O hook routines */
- LOCAL void aioFdFree (int fd);
- LOCAL void aioFdNew (int fd);
- extern BOOL iosLibInitialized;
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioPxLibInit - initialize the asynchronous I/O (AIO) library
- *
- * This routine initializes the AIO library. It should be called only
- * once after the I/O system has been initialized. <lioMax> specifies the
- * maximum number of outstanding lio_listio() calls at one time. If <lioMax>
- * is zero, the default value of AIO_CLUST_MAX is used.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- *
- * INTERNAL: This library relies on the fact that the IOS library
- * has been installed because it uses the variables maxDrivers and maxFiles.
- * This can be better integrated into the I/O system but for now we do this
- * to avoid adding entries to the drvTable and fdTable.
- */
- STATUS aioPxLibInit
- (
- int lioMax /* max outstanding lio calls */
- )
- {
- int ix; /* index */
- if (!iosLibInitialized)
- {
- errno = S_aioPxLib_IOS_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR); /* ios not initialized */
- }
- if (aioDrvTable != NULL)
- return (OK); /* already initialized */
- /* Allocate memory for the AIO driver table */
- if ((aioDrvTable = calloc (maxDrivers, sizeof (AIO_DRV_ENTRY))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Allocate memory for the AIO fd table */
- if ((aioFdTable = calloc (maxFiles, sizeof (AIO_FD_ENTRY))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- for (ix = 0; ix < maxFiles; ix++)
- {
- AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry = &aioFdTable [ix];
- pEntry->pFdEntry = &fdTable [ix];
- semMInit (&pEntry->ioQSem, SEM_DELETE_SAFE | SEM_Q_PRIORITY);
- }
- /* Allocate and initialize the cluster table */
- aioClustMax = (lioMax == 0) ? AIO_CLUST_MAX : lioMax;
- if ((aioClustTable = calloc (aioClustMax, sizeof (AIO_CLUST))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR); /* memory problem */
- for (ix = 0 ; ix < aioClustMax; ix++)
- aioClustTable [ix].inuse = FALSE;
- /* Initialize semaphore that protects data structures created above */
- /* Hook into the ios system */
- iosFdNewHookRtn = aioFdNew;
- iosFdFreeHookRtn = aioFdFree;
- return (OK);
- }
- /* POSIX specified routines */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aio_read - initiate an asynchronous read (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine asynchronously reads data based on the following parameters
- * specified by members of the AIO control structure <pAiocb>. It reads
- * `aio_nbytes' bytes of data from the file `aio_fildes' into the buffer
- * `aio_buf'.
- *
- * The requested operation takes place at the absolute position in the file
- * as specified by `aio_offset'.
- *
- * `aio_reqprio' can be used to lower the priority of the AIO request; if
- * this parameter is nonzero, the priority of the AIO request is
- * `aio_reqprio' lower than the calling task priority.
- *
- * The call returns when the read request has been initiated or queued to the
- * device. aio_error() can be used to determine the error status and of the
- * AIO operation. On completion, aio_return() can be used to determine the
- * return status.
- *
- * `aio_sigevent' defines the signal to be generated on completion
- * of the read request. If this value is zero, no signal is generated.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if the read queued successfully, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- *
- * INCLUDE FILES: aio.h
- *
- * SEE ALSO: aio_error(), aio_return(), read()
- *
- */
- int aio_read
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb /* AIO control block */
- )
- {
- return (aioSubmit (pAiocb, IO_READ, NULL));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aio_write - initiate an asynchronous write (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine asynchronously writes data based on the following parameters
- * specified by members of the AIO control structure <pAiocb>. It writes
- * `aio_nbytes' of data to the file `aio_fildes' from the buffer `aio_buf'.
- *
- * The requested operation takes place at the absolute position in the file
- * as specified by `aio_offset'.
- *
- * `aio_reqprio' can be used to lower the priority of the AIO request; if
- * this parameter is nonzero, the priority of the AIO request is
- * `aio_reqprio' lower than the calling task priority.
- *
- * The call returns when the write request has been initiated or queued to
- * the device. aio_error() can be used to determine the error status and of
- * the AIO operation. On completion, aio_return() can be used to determine
- * the return status.
- *
- * `aio_sigevent' defines the signal to be generated on completion
- * of the write request. If this value is zero, no signal is generated.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if write queued successfully, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- *
- * INCLUDE FILES: aio.h
- *
- * SEE ALSO: aio_error(), aio_return(), write()
- *
- */
- int aio_write
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb /* AIO control block */
- )
- {
- return (aioSubmit (pAiocb, IO_WRITE, NULL));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * lio_listio - initiate a list of asynchronous I/O requests (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine submits a number of I/O operations (up to AIO_LISTIO_MAX)
- * to be performed asynchronously. <list> is a pointer to an array of
- * `aiocb' structures that specify the AIO operations to be performed.
- * The array is of size <nEnt>.
- *
- * The `aio_lio_opcode' field of the `aiocb' structure specifies the AIO
- * operation to be performed. Valid entries include LIO_READ, LIO_WRITE, and
- * LIO_NOP. LIO_READ corresponds to a call to aio_read(), LIO_WRITE
- * corresponds to a call to aio_write(), and LIO_NOP is ignored.
- *
- * The <mode> argument can be either LIO_WAIT or LIO_NOWAIT. If <mode> is
- * LIO_WAIT, lio_listio() does not return until all the AIO operations
- * complete and the <pSig> argument is ignored. If <mode> is LIO_NOWAIT, the
- * lio_listio() returns as soon as the operations are queued. In this case,
- * if <pSig> is not NULL and the signal number indicated by
- * `pSig->sigev_signo' is not zero, the signal `pSig->sigev_signo' is
- * delivered when all requests have completed.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if requests queued successfully, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- *
- * INCLUDE FILES: aio.h
- *
- * SEE ALSO: aio_read(), aio_write(), aio_error(), aio_return().
- */
- int lio_listio
- (
- int mode, /* LIO_WAIT or LIO_NOWAIT */
- struct aiocb * list[], /* list of operations */
- int nEnt, /* size of list */
- struct sigevent * pSig /* signal on completion */
- )
- {
- AIO_CLUST * pClust; /* cluster */
- int errorVal = 0; /* error value */
- STATUS retVal = OK; /* return value */
- BOOL submitFailed = FALSE; /* submit failed */
- /* Validate parameters */
- if (((mode != LIO_WAIT) && (mode != LIO_NOWAIT)) || (nEnt > AIO_LISTIO_MAX))
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (ERROR); /* invalid parameter */
- }
- if ((pSig != NULL) && (pSig->sigev_notify == SIGEV_SIGNAL) &&
- ((pSig->sigev_signo < 1) || (pSig->sigev_signo > _NSIGS)))
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (ERROR); /* safety check */
- }
- /* Obtain a free cluster */
- if ((pClust = aioClustGet ()) == NULL)
- return (ERROR); /* no clusters available */
- if ((mode == LIO_NOWAIT) && (pSig != NULL) &&
- (pSig->sigev_notify == SIGEV_SIGNAL))
- {
- sigPendInit (&pClust->sigpend);
- pClust->sigpend.sigp_info.si_signo = pSig->sigev_signo;
- pClust->sigpend.sigp_info.si_value = pSig->sigev_value;
- pClust->sigpend.sigp_info.si_code = SI_ASYNCIO;
- }
- else
- pClust->sigpend.sigp_info.si_signo = 0;
- /* Link up cluster and submit AIO requests */
- aioListEach (list, nEnt, aioListClust, (int) pClust, 0);
- aioListEach (list, nEnt, aioListSubmit, (int) pClust, (int) &submitFailed);
- if (mode == LIO_NOWAIT)
- {
- if (submitFailed)
- {
- errno = EIO;
- return (ERROR); /* submit failed */
- }
- else
- return (OK); /* don't wait for I/O */
- }
- /* Wait for I/O completion */
- mutex_lock (&pClust->lock);
- retVal = OK;
- while ((pClust->refCnt > 0) && (retVal == OK))
- retVal = cond_timedwait (&pClust->wake, &pClust->lock, NULL);
- mutex_unlock (&pClust->lock);
- if (retVal != OK)
- {
- errno = retVal;
- return (ERROR); /* signal */
- }
- /* Check for I/O errors */
- aioListEach (list, nEnt, aioListError, (int) &errorVal, 0);
- if (errorVal)
- {
- errno = EIO;
- return (ERROR); /* an AIO request failed */
- }
- return (OK); /* I/O completed successfully */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aio_suspend - wait for asynchronous I/O request(s) (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine suspends the caller until one of the following occurs:
- * .iP
- * at least one of the previously submitted asynchronous I/O operations
- * referenced by <list> has completed,
- * .iP
- * a signal interrupts the function, or
- * .iP
- * the time interval specified by <timeout> has passed
- * (if <timeout> is not NULL).
- * .LP
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if an AIO request completes, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- *
- * INCLUDE FILES: aio.h
- *
- * INTERNAL: We make the task safe from deletion so the (stack) variables
- * that were added to the wait list don't get hosed. This could have
- * been implemented with taskDeleteHooks.
- */
- int aio_suspend
- (
- const struct aiocb * list[], /* AIO requests */
- int nEnt, /* number of requests */
- const struct timespec * timeout /* wait timeout */
- )
- {
- AIO_WAIT_ID aioId; /* AIO Id */
- int numDone; /* num completed */
- STATUS retVal = OK; /* return value */
- int savtype; /* saved cancellation type */
- /* Initialize the wait structure */
- bzero ((caddr_t) &aioId, sizeof (AIO_WAIT_ID));
- aioId.done = FALSE;
- /* Link into pthreads support code */
- if (_func_pthread_setcanceltype != NULL)
- {
- _func_pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &savtype);
- }
- mutex_init (&aioId.lock, NULL);
- cond_init (&aioId.wake, NULL);
- taskSafe (); /* TASK_SAFE */
- /* Submit wait requests */
- numDone = aioListEach ((struct aiocb **) list, nEnt, aioListWait,
- (int) &aioId, 0);
- if (numDone == nEnt)
- {
- /* All wait requests got submitted - wait for one to complete */
- mutex_lock (&aioId.lock);
- retVal = OK;
- while ((!aioId.done) && (retVal == OK))
- retVal = cond_timedwait (&aioId.wake, &aioId.lock, timeout);
- mutex_unlock (&aioId.lock);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Wait requests didn't all get submited */
- if (errno != AIO_COMPLETED) /* not completed successfully */
- retVal = errno;
- numDone = nEnt; /* cancel to the one failed */
- }
- /* Cancel outstanding wait requests */
- aioListEach ((struct aiocb **) list, numDone, aioListUnwait, (int) &aioId,
- 0);
- taskUnsafe (); /* TASK_UNSAFE */
- /* Link into pthreads support code */
- if (_func_pthread_setcanceltype != NULL)
- {
- _func_pthread_setcanceltype(savtype, NULL);
- }
- if (retVal != OK)
- {
- errno = retVal;
- return (ERROR); /* error occurred */
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************* *
- *
- * aio_cancel - cancel an asynchronous I/O request (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine attempts to cancel one or more asynchronous I/O request(s)
- * currently outstanding against the file descriptor <fildes>. <pAiocb>
- * points to the asynchronous I/O control block for a particular request to
- * be cancelled. If <pAiocb> is NULL, all outstanding cancelable
- * asynchronous I/O requests associated with <fildes> are cancelled.
- *
- * Normal signal delivery occurs for AIO operations that are successfully
- * cancelled. If there are requests that cannot be cancelled, then the normal
- * asynchronous completion process takes place for those requests when they
- * complete.
- *
- * Operations that are cancelled successfully have a return status of -1
- * and an error status of ECANCELED.
- *
- * AIO_CANCELED if requested operations were cancelled,
- * AIO_NOTCANCELED if at least one operation could not be cancelled,
- * AIO_ALLDONE if all operations have already completed, or
- * ERROR if an error occurred.
- *
- *
- * INCLUDE FILES: aio.h
- *
- * SEE ALSO: aio_return(), aio_error()
- */
- int aio_cancel
- (
- int fildes, /* file descriptor */
- struct aiocb * pAiocb /* AIO control block */
- )
- {
- FUNCPTR ioctlRtn; /* ioctl routine */
- AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry; /* fd entry */
- DL_NODE * pNode; /* fd node */
- AIO_SYS * pReq; /* AIO request */
- int value; /* driver parameter */
- int cancelled = 0; /* num cancelled */
- int retVal = OK; /* return value */
- if ((pEntry = aioEntryFind (fildes)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- ioctlRtn = aioDrvTable [pEntry->drv_num].ioctl;
- value = pEntry->drv_value;
- if (pAiocb != NULL) /* cancel a single request */
- {
- if (pAiocb->aio_state == AIO_COMPLETED)
- return (AIO_ALLDONE);
- if (((* ioctlRtn) (value, FAIO_CANCEL, pAiocb)) == OK)
- return (AIO_CANCELED);
- }
- /* Cancel all requests on the file descriptor */
- semTake (&pEntry->ioQSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- for (pNode = DLL_FIRST (&pEntry->ioQ); pNode != NULL;
- pNode = DLL_NEXT (pNode))
- {
- pReq = FD_NODE_TO_SYS (pNode);
- if (pReq->state != AIO_COMPLETED)
- {
- if ((* ioctlRtn) (value, FAIO_CANCEL, pReq->pAiocb) == ERROR)
- else
- cancelled ++;
- }
- }
- semGive (&pEntry->ioQSem);
- if (retVal == AIO_NOTCANCELED)
- return (AIO_NOTCANCELED); /* couldn't cancel */
- if (cancelled)
- return (AIO_CANCELED); /* cancelled */
- return (AIO_ALLDONE);
- }
- #if FALSE /* not ready for primetime - kdl 1/26/94 */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aio_fsync - asynchronous file synchronization (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine asynchronously forces all I/O operations associated
- * with the file, indicated by `aio_fildes', queued at the time aio_fsync() is
- * called to the synchronized I/O completion state. aio_fsync() returns
- * when the synchronization request has be initiated or queued to the file or
- * device.
- *
- * The value of <op> is ignored. It currently has no meaning in VxWorks.
- *
- * If the call fails, the outstanding I/O operations are not guaranteed to
- * have completed. If it succeeds, only the I/O that was queued at the time
- * of the call is guaranteed to the relevant completion state.
- *
- * The `aio_sigevent' member of the <pAiocb> defines an optional signal to be
- * generated on completion of aio_fsync().
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if queued successfully, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- *
- * INCLUDE FILES: aio.h
- *
- * SEE ALSO: aio_error(), aio_return()
- *
- * Asynchronously synchronize a file?????? Excuse me? Sounds like an
- * oxymoron (or at least moronic). At any rate this is hard to implement
- * correctly.
- *
- */
- int aio_fsync
- (
- int op, /* operation */
- struct aiocb * pAiocb /* AIO control block */
- )
- {
- FUNCPTR ioctlRtn; /* ioctl routine */
- AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry; /* fd entry */
- if (pAiocb == NULL)
- return (OK); /* not sure what POSIX means */
- if ((pEntry = aioEntryFind (pAiocb->aio_fildes)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Submit sync request */
- if (aioSubmit (pAiocb, IO_SYNC, NULL) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Push request to head of work queue */
- ioctlRtn = aioDrvTable [pEntry->drv_num].ioctl;
- (* ioctlRtn) (pEntry->drv_value, FAIO_PUSH, pAiocb);
- return (OK);
- }
- #endif /* FALSE */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aio_error - retrieve error status of asynchronous I/O operation (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine returns the error status associated with the I/O operation
- * specified by <pAiocb>. If the operation is not yet completed, the error
- * status will be EINPROGRESS.
- *
- * EINPROGRESS if the AIO operation has not yet completed,
- * OK if the AIO operation completed successfully,
- * the error status if the AIO operation failed,
- * otherwise ERROR.
- *
- *
- * INCLUDE FILES: aio.h
- *
- */
- int aio_error
- (
- const struct aiocb * pAiocb /* AIO control block */
- )
- {
- int state; /* AIO request state */
- if (pAiocb != NULL)
- {
- state = pAiocb->aio_state;
- if (state == AIO_COMPLETED)
- return (pAiocb->aio_errorVal); /* return error value */
- if ((state >= AIO_READY) && (state <= AIO_RUNNING))
- return (EINPROGRESS); /* still running */
- }
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (ERROR); /* unsure about pAiocb */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aio_return - retrieve return status of asynchronous I/O operation (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine returns the return status associated with the I/O operation
- * specified by <pAiocb>. The return status for an AIO operation is the
- * value that would be returned by the corresponding read(), write(), or
- * fsync() call. aio_return() may be called only after the AIO operation
- * has completed (aio_error() returns a valid error code--not EINPROGRESS).
- * Furthermore, aio_return() may be called only once; subsequent
- * calls will fail.
- *
- * RETURNS: The return status of the completed AIO request, or ERROR.
- *
- *
- * INCLUDE FILES: aio.h
- */
- size_t aio_return
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb /* AIO control block */
- )
- {
- int retVal; /* return value */
- AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry; /* fd entry */
- FAST AIO_SYS * pReq; /* AIO request */
- if (pAiocb == NULL)
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (ERROR); /* invalid parameter */
- }
- if ((pEntry = aioEntryFind (pAiocb->aio_fildes)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- pReq = &pAiocb->aio_sys;
- if (pReq->state != AIO_COMPLETED)
- {
- errno = EINPROGRESS;
- return (ERROR); /* not done yet */
- }
- /* Remove the aiocb from the fd list if the aiocb was
- * submitted correctly.
- */
- semTake (&pEntry->ioQSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (pReq->pAiocb != NULL)
- dllRemove (&pEntry->ioQ, &pReq->fdNode);
- semGive (&pEntry->ioQSem);
- /* Wait here until all call to suspend (on this aiocb)
- * wake up and are deleted from wait list. aioDone wakes up
- * each individual suspend.
- * aio_suspend() removes them from the wait list.
- */
- mutex_lock (&pReq->lock);
- while (lstCount (&pReq->wait) > 0)
- cond_timedwait (&pReq->wake, &pReq->lock, NULL);
- mutex_unlock (&pReq->lock);
- sigPendDestroy (&pReq->sigpend);
- retVal = pAiocb->aio_retVal;
- bzero ((char *) pReq, sizeof (AIO_SYS));
- return (retVal);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSubmit - submit an AIO request
- *
- * This routine fills in the AIO_SYS portion, of the AIO control block (pAiocb)
- * then passes the request to the AIO driver by calling the driver supplied
- * insert routine.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, ERROR otherwise
- *
- *
- * The state leaving this routine is AIO_READY. The driver provided insert
- * routine must mark the state as AIO_QUEUED after inserting it onto the
- * workQ.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS aioSubmit
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- int op, /* operation */
- AIO_CLUST * pClust /* cluster */
- )
- {
- FUNCPTR insertRtn; /* insert routine */
- AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry; /* fd entry */
- AIO_SYS * pReq; /* AIO request */
- int prio = 0; /* priority */
- if (pAiocb == NULL)
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (ERROR); /* safety check */
- }
- if ((pAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify == SIGEV_SIGNAL) &&
- ((pAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_signo < 1) ||
- (pAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_signo > _NSIGS)))
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (ERROR); /* safety check */
- }
- pReq = &pAiocb->aio_sys; /* clear AIO_SYS */
- bzero ((char *) pReq, sizeof (AIO_SYS));
- if ((pEntry = aioEntryFind (pAiocb->aio_fildes)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* #ifdef _POSIX_PRIORITIZED_IO (says POSIX) but implementing
- * this here is easy. Let the driver decide what to do with it.
- */
- if ((pAiocb->aio_reqprio < 0) ||
- (pAiocb->aio_reqprio > AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX))
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (ERROR); /* invalid priority */
- }
- /* Determine the effective priority - use VxWorks numbering */
- taskPriorityGet (taskIdSelf (), &prio);
- prio = min ((pAiocb->aio_reqprio + prio), VXWORKS_LOW_PRI);
- /* initialize the AIO control block */
- pReq->ioNode.op = op; /* fill in the ioNode */
- pReq->ioNode.prio = prio;
- pReq->ioNode.doneRtn = aioDone;
- pReq->ioNode.taskId = taskIdSelf ();
- pReq->ioNode.errorVal= EINPROGRESS;
- pReq->ioNode.retVal = OK;
- pReq->pAiocb = pAiocb; /* back pointer */
- pReq->pClust = pClust; /* cluster */
- lstInit (&pReq->wait); /* initailize wait */
- mutex_init (&pReq->lock, NULL);
- cond_init (&pReq->wake, NULL);
- pReq->state = AIO_READY; /* mark it ready */
- semTake (&pEntry->ioQSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (!pEntry->ioQActive)
- {
- semGive (&pEntry->ioQSem);
- errno = EBADF;
- return (ERROR); /* was deleted */
- }
- dllAdd (&pEntry->ioQ, &pReq->fdNode); /* add it to fd list */
- semGive (&pEntry->ioQSem);
- insertRtn = aioDrvTable [pEntry->drv_num].insert;
- return ((* insertRtn) (pEntry->drv_value, pAiocb, prio));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioListEach - call routine for each element in list
- *
- * This routine calls the passed routine <routine> with arguments <arg1>
- * and <arg2> for each element in <list> which is non null. <list>
- * has <num> elements. aioListEach calls the passed function <routine>
- * until <routine> returns a value of FALSE.
- *
- * RETURNS: the index of in <list> which caused aioList() to stop (return FALSE)
- * or <num> if all members of the list element returned TRUE.
- */
- LOCAL int aioListEach
- (
- struct aiocb * list[], /* list of operations */
- int num, /* size of list */
- FUNCPTR routine, /* routine to call */
- int arg1, /* argument */
- int arg2 /* argument */
- )
- {
- int ix; /* index */
- for (ix = 0; ix < num; ix++)
- {
- if (list [ix] != NULL)
- {
- if (((* routine) (list [ix], arg1, arg2)) == FALSE)
- return (ix);
- }
- }
- return (num);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioListSubmit - submit a list of AIO requests (aioListEach routine)
- *
- * This routine is called from lio_listio() to submit the list of AIO
- * requests. aioListSubmit submits each element of the list, even of
- * on fails.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL aioListSubmit
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- AIO_CLUST * pClust, /* cluster */
- BOOL * pFailed /* set if submit failed */
- )
- {
- int op = pAiocb->aio_lio_opcode;
- switch (op)
- {
- case LIO_READ : op = IO_READ; break;
- case LIO_WRITE : op = IO_WRITE; break;
- case LIO_NOP : return (TRUE); /* NOP is dumb, but valid */
- }
- if (aioSubmit (pAiocb, op, pClust) == ERROR)
- {
- AIO_DONE_SET (pAiocb, ERROR, errno);
- *pFailed = TRUE; /* notify caller failure */
- aioClustRet (pAiocb, pClust);
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioListClust - cluster AIO requests together (aioListEach routine)
- *
- * This routine is called from lio_listio() to cluster the list of AIO
- * requests together.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL aioListClust
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- AIO_CLUST * pClust, /* cluster */
- int bogus1 /* not used */
- )
- {
- if (pAiocb->aio_lio_opcode != LIO_NOP)
- pClust->refCnt++; /* count number of aiocbs */
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioListError - check for errors in list (aioListEach routine)
- *
- * This routine is called from lio_listio() to check if any of the completed
- * AIO requests in the list failed.
- *
- * RETURNS: FALSE if any request failed, TRUE otherwise.
- */
- LOCAL BOOL aioListError
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- int * pError, /* error */
- int bogus /* not used */
- )
- {
- if ((pAiocb->aio_lio_opcode != LIO_NOP) &&
- (pAiocb->aio_state == AIO_COMPLETED) &&
- (pAiocb->aio_retVal == ERROR))
- {
- *pError = pAiocb->aio_errorVal;
- return (FALSE);
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioListWait - add wait request to AIO control block (aioListEach routine).
- *
- * This routine is called from aio_suspend() to add the <pAioId> to the wait
- * list associated with <pAiocb>.
- *
- * RETURNS: FALSE if an error occurred or any request had completed
- * TRUE otherwise
- */
- LOCAL BOOL aioListWait
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- AIO_WAIT_ID * pAioId, /* AIO id */
- int bogus /* not used */
- )
- {
- FAST AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry; /* fd entry */
- STATUS retVal = TRUE; /* return value */
- AIO_SYS * pReq = &pAiocb->aio_sys;
- if ((pEntry = aioEntryFind (pAiocb->aio_fildes)) == NULL)
- return (FALSE); /* invalid file */
- mutex_lock (&pReq->lock);
- if ((pReq->state >= AIO_READY) && (pReq->state <= AIO_RUNNING))
- lstAdd (&pReq->wait, &pAioId->node);
- else
- {
- errno = (pReq->state == AIO_COMPLETED) ? AIO_COMPLETED : EINVAL;
- retVal = FALSE;
- }
- mutex_unlock (&pReq->lock);
- return (retVal);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioListUnwait - delete previous wait request (aioListEach routine).
- *
- * This routine cancels a previous wait request. It deletes the <pAioId>
- * from the wait list associated with <pAiocb>.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL aioListUnwait
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- AIO_WAIT_ID * pAioId, /* AIO id */
- int bogus /* not used */
- )
- {
- mutex_lock (&pAiocb->aio_sys.lock);
- lstDelete (&pAiocb->aio_sys.wait, &pAioId->node);
- mutex_unlock (&pAiocb->aio_sys.lock);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioClustGet - get a free cluster
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to a cluster structure or NULL.
- */
- LOCAL AIO_CLUST * aioClustGet (void)
- {
- int ix; /* index */
- AIO_CLUST * pClust; /* AIO cluster */
- AIO_LOCK (); /* lock access */
- for (ix = 0; ix < aioClustMax; ix++)
- {
- if (!aioClustTable [ix].inuse)
- {
- aioClustTable [ix].inuse = TRUE;
- break; /* got free cluster */
- }
- }
- AIO_UNLOCK (); /* unlock access */
- if (ix >= aioClustMax)
- {
- errno = EAGAIN;
- return (NULL); /* none available */
- }
- /* Initialize cluster */
- pClust = &aioClustTable [ix];
- pClust->refCnt = 0;
- mutex_init (&pClust->lock, NULL);
- cond_init (&pClust->wake, NULL);
- return (pClust);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioDone - AIO completed
- *
- * This routine gets called on completion of an AIO operation. It notifies
- * any waiting tasks of the AIO completion. When aioDone is called the
- * AIO request should not be associated with any driver workQ and the
- * state should have been set to AIO_COMPLETED and the return and error
- * values set. aioDone shouldnt't be called from interrupt service
- * routine (if so, it gets deffered to excTask).
- *
- *
- */
- void aioDone
- (
- AIO_SYS * pReq /* AIO request */
- )
- {
- AIO_WAIT_ID * pWaitId; /* wait request id */
- struct aiocb * pAiocb = pReq->pAiocb; /* AIO control block */
- if (INT_CONTEXT ())
- {
- excJobAdd ((VOIDFUNCPTR) aioDone, (int) pReq, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return;
- }
- if (aioPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioPrintRtn) ("aioDone: aiocb (0x%x) retVal %d error 0x%xn",
- (int) pAiocb, pAiocb->aio_retVal,
- pAiocb->aio_errorVal, 0, 0, 0);
- /* Wake tasks waiting in aio_suspend */
- mutex_lock (&pReq->lock);
- for (pWaitId = (AIO_WAIT_ID *) lstFirst (&pReq->wait); (pWaitId != NULL);
- pWaitId = (AIO_WAIT_ID *) lstNext (&pWaitId->node))
- {
- mutex_lock (&pWaitId->lock);
- if (!pWaitId->done)
- pWaitId->done = TRUE;
- cond_signal (&pWaitId->wake);
- mutex_unlock (&pWaitId->lock);
- }
- mutex_unlock (&pReq->lock);
- /* We lock out the task because even though we signaled it
- * we don't want it to run until we marked it completed.
- */
- taskLock ();
- if (pReq->pClust != NULL)
- aioClustRet (pAiocb, pReq->pClust);
- /* Send a caller specified signal */
- if (pAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify == SIGEV_SIGNAL)
- {
- if (aioPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioPrintRtn) ("aioDone: signal %dn",
- pAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_signo, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- sigPendInit (&pReq->sigpend);
- pReq->sigpend.sigp_info.si_signo = pAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_signo;
- pReq->sigpend.sigp_info.si_code = SI_ASYNCIO;
- pReq->sigpend.sigp_info.si_value = pAiocb->aio_sigevent.sigev_value;
- sigPendKill (pReq->ioNode.taskId, &pReq->sigpend);
- }
- pReq->state = AIO_COMPLETED;
- taskUnlock ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioClustRet - return a cluster
- *
- * This routine frees <pClust> and signals/wakes up the initiating task if
- * <pAiocb> is the last AIO request in the cluster.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void aioClustRet
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- AIO_CLUST * pClust /* AIO cluster */
- )
- {
- BOOL returnClust; /* cluster goes to table */
- int signo; /* signal number */
- int taskId; /* lio_listio() task */
- if (pClust == NULL)
- return;
- mutex_lock (&pClust->lock);
- returnClust = ((pClust->refCnt > 0) && (--pClust->refCnt == 0));
- mutex_unlock (&pClust->lock);
- /* If we are the last one in the cluster. Signal/wake up the caller
- * and return the cluster.
- */
- if (returnClust)
- {
- signo = pClust->sigpend.sigp_info.si_signo;
- taskId = pAiocb->aio_sys.ioNode.taskId;
- if (aioPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioPrintRtn) ("clust done signal (%d) to task %xn", signo,
- taskId, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- /* send the user defined signal */
- if (signo != 0)
- {
- sigPendKill (taskId, &pClust->sigpend);
- }
- else
- {
- /* wake up waiting process */
- cond_signal (&pClust->wake);
- }
- pClust->inuse = FALSE; /* free cluster */
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioDrvInstall - install an AIO driver
- *
- * This routine is called by an I/O driver to specify it supports AIO and
- * to insert it's AIO routines into the AIO driver table. <drvnum> is
- * the driver number to install. <pInsert> is the AIO insert routine.
- * <pIoctl> the the AIO ioctl routine. <flags> gets filled into the
- * driver specific flags member of the AIO_DRV_ENTRY structure.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- *
- * INTERNAL: The aioDrvTable is similar to the drvTable in iosLib.
- * aioDrvTable (and this routine) might go away if aioLib is more
- * integrated into iosLib. Don't man this page until driver interface
- * is documented and supported.
- *
- */
- STATUS aioDrvInstall
- (
- int drvnum, /* driver number */
- FUNCPTR pInsert, /* insert routine */
- FUNCPTR pIoctl, /* ioctl routine */
- int flags /* driver flags */
- )
- {
- AIO_LOCK ();
- if ((drvnum < 0) || (drvnum >= maxDrivers) || aioDrvTable [drvnum].inuse)
- {
- errno = S_aioPxLib_DRV_NUM_INVALID;
- return (ERROR); /* invalid driver number */
- }
- aioDrvTable [drvnum].insert = pInsert; /* add to driver table */
- aioDrvTable [drvnum].ioctl = pIoctl;
- aioDrvTable [drvnum].flags = flags;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioDrvFlagsGet - get AIO driver flags
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- */
- STATUS aioDrvFlagsGet
- (
- int fd, /* file descriptor */
- int * pFlags /* return flags */
- )
- {
- AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry; /* fd entry */
- if ((pEntry = aioEntryFind (fd)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR); /* error condition */
- *pFlags = aioDrvTable [pEntry->drv_num].flags;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioDrvFlagsSet - set AIO driver flags
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- */
- STATUS aioDrvFlagsSet
- (
- int fd, /* file descriptor */
- int flags /* flags to set */
- )
- {
- AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry; /* fd entry */
- if ((pEntry = aioEntryFind (fd)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR); /* error condition */
- aioDrvTable [pEntry->drv_num].flags |= flags;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioNext - obtain next AIO request to initiate
- *
- * This routine obtains the next available AIO request in the work queue.
- * It finds the first request where the state is AIO_QUEUED.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to next queued AIO control block or NULL
- *
- */
- AIO_SYS * aioNext
- (
- AIO_DEV * pDev /* AIO device */
- )
- {
- AIO_SYS * pReq = NULL; /* AIO request */
- LIST * pWorkQ = &pDev->ioQ.workQ; /* work queue */
- IOQ_LOCK (&pDev->ioQ);
- for (pReq = (AIO_SYS *) lstFirst (pWorkQ); (pReq != NULL);
- pReq = (AIO_SYS *) lstNext (&pReq->ioNode.node))
- {
- if (pReq->state == AIO_QUEUED)
- {
- pReq->state = AIO_RUNNING;
- break;
- }
- }
- IOQ_UNLOCK (&pDev->ioQ);
- return (pReq);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioCancel - cancel an AIO request
- *
- * This routine tries to cancel an AIO request. If the state of the AIO
- * request is not running, the request is deleted from the work queue
- * <pDev->workQ> and completed with a return value of -1 and an error
- * value of ECANCELED.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if request is RUNNING, otherwise OK.
- *
- */
- STATUS aioCancel
- (
- AIO_DEV * pDev, /* AIO device */
- struct aiocb * pAiocb /* AIO control block */
- )
- {
- int state; /* state */
- IO_Q * pQ = &pDev->ioQ; /* queue */
- AIO_SYS * pReq = &pAiocb->aio_sys;/* AIO request */
- IOQ_LOCK (pQ); /* lock the ioQ */
- state = pReq->state;
- if (state == AIO_RUNNING)
- {
- return (ERROR); /* can't cancel running */
- }
- if (state == AIO_QUEUED)
- IOQ_WORK_DELETE (pQ, &pReq->ioNode);
- else
- {
- if (state == AIO_WAIT)
- IOQ_WAIT_DELETE (pQ, &pReq->ioNode);
- }
- AIO_DONE_SET (pAiocb, ERROR, ECANCELED); /* mark it as cancelled */
- IOQ_UNLOCK (pQ); /* unlock ioQ */
- ioQNodeDone (&pReq->ioNode);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioPush - push a queued request to head of work queue.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- *
- */
- STATUS aioPush
- (
- AIO_DEV * pDev, /* AIO device */
- struct aiocb * pAiocb /* AIO request */
- )
- {
- IO_Q * pQ = &pDev->ioQ;
- IO_NODE * pNode = &pAiocb->aio_sys.ioNode;
- IOQ_LOCK (pQ);
- if (pAiocb->aio_state == AIO_QUEUED)
- {
- IOQ_WORK_DELETE (pQ, pNode);
- IOQ_WORK_ADD_HEAD (pQ, pNode);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSync - synchronize
- *
- * This routine synchronizes all AIO requests assoicated with file descriptor
- * <pAiocb->aio_fildes>. <syncReqRtn> specifies a driver provided
- * synchronization routine that gets called for each request associated with
- * the above specified file. After each AIO request has been synchronized,
- * it is returned to the library via aioDone.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if couldn't find entry.
- *
- */
- STATUS aioSync
- (
- AIO_DEV * pDev, /* AIO device */
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* aio control block */
- FUNCPTR syncReqRtn /* routine to sync a request */
- )
- {
- FAST AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry; /* fd entry */
- ARGS args;
- int fd = pAiocb->aio_fildes;
- if ((pEntry = aioEntryFind (fd)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- args.pDev = pDev; /* device */
- args.retVal = OK; /* return */
- args.errorVal = 0; /* errno */
- args.syncRtn = syncReqRtn;
- semTake (&pEntry->ioQSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- dllEach (&pEntry->ioQ, aioSyncNode, (int) &args);
- semGive (&pEntry->ioQSem);
- if (ioctl (fd, FIOSYNC, 0) == ERROR)
- ioctl (fd, FIOFLUSH, 0);
- /* one for the aio_fsync() request */
- IOQ_LOCK (&pDev->ioQ);
- AIO_DONE_SET (pAiocb, args.retVal, args.errorVal);
- IOQ_WORK_DELETE (&pDev->ioQ, &pAiocb->aio_sys.ioNode);
- IOQ_UNLOCK (&pDev->ioQ);
- ioQNodeDone (&pAiocb->aio_sys.ioNode);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSyncNode - synchronize an AIO request
- *
- * This routine gets called from aioSync for each AIO request on the fd list.
- * It calls the driver provided sync routine for each request whose
- * state is not completed.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS aioSyncNode
- (
- DL_NODE * pFdNode, /* node on fd list */
- ARGS * pArgs /* arguments */
- )
- {
- AIO_SYS * pReq; /* AIO request */
- BOOL retVal = TRUE; /* return value */
- pReq = FD_NODE_TO_SYS (pFdNode);
- if (pReq->state != AIO_COMPLETED)
- {
- if (((* pArgs->syncRtn) (pArgs->pDev, pReq)) == ERROR)
- {
- pArgs->retVal = ERROR;
- pArgs->errorVal = errno;
- retVal = FALSE;
- }
- }
- return (retVal);
- }
- /* The following routines are support routines for iosLib. They wont
- * be needed if fully integerated into the I/O system.
- */
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioFdNew - initialize an AIO file descriptor
- *
- * This routine gets called from iosFdNew when allocating a new file
- * descriptor.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void aioFdNew
- (
- int fd /* file descriptor */
- )
- {
- AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry = &aioFdTable [STD_UNFIX(fd)];
- semTake (&pEntry->ioQSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- dllInit (&pEntry->ioQ);
- pEntry->ioQActive = TRUE;
- semGive (&pEntry->ioQSem);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioFdFree - free a file descriptor
- *
- * This routine gets called from iosFdFree after closing a file descriptor.
- * It cancels (or waits for, if it can't cancel) all the outstanding AIO
- * submitted to file descriptor <fd>.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void aioFdFree
- (
- int fd /* file descriptor */
- )
- {
- AIO_SYS * pReq; /* AIO request */
- DL_NODE * pNode; /* fd node */
- FAST AIO_FD_ENTRY * pEntry = &aioFdTable [STD_UNFIX(fd)];
- semTake (&pEntry->ioQSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- {
- if ((pNode = DLL_FIRST (&pEntry->ioQ)) == NULL)
- break; /* list empty */
- pReq = FD_NODE_TO_SYS (pNode);
- /* Try to cancel it. If can't, then wait for it */
- if (aio_cancel (fd, pReq->pAiocb) == AIO_NOTCANCELED)
- aio_suspend ((const struct aiocb **) &pReq->pAiocb, 1,
- (const struct timespec *) NULL);
- dllRemove (&pEntry->ioQ, pNode); /* remove it */
- }
- pEntry->ioQActive = FALSE;
- semGive (&pEntry->ioQSem);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioEntryFind - find the aio fd entry
- *
- * aiEntryFind validates <fd> and finds the AIO_FD_ENTRY associated with
- * <fd>.
- *
- * RETURNS: a pointer to the AIO_FD_ENTRY or NULL if error.
- *
- */
- AIO_FD_ENTRY * aioEntryFind
- (
- int fd /* file descriptor */
- )
- {
- int xfd = STD_MAP (fd); /* mapped fd */
- if (FD_CHECK (xfd) == NULL)
- {
- errno = EBADF;
- return (NULL); /* file descriptor invalid */
- }
- return (&aioFdTable [xfd]);
- }