- /* m2RipLib.c - VxWorks interface routines to RIP for SNMP Agent */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01n,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01o, base 01m (VIRTUAL_STACK)
- 01m,30jun98,spm corrected authentication to allow change to shorter key
- 01l,26jun98,spm changed RIP_MCAST_ADDR constant from string to value; altered
- multicast group handling to comply with ANVL RIP tests
- 01k,25oct97,kbw making minor man page fixes
- 01j,06oct97,gnn cleaned up issues with IMPORT of ripState
- 01i,15may97,gnn cleaned up some warnings; #ifdef'd out some test code
- 01h,08may97,gnn fixed the authentication string code.
- 01g,30apr97,kbw fiddled man page text
- 01f,28apr97,gnn fixed some of the documentation
- 01e,24apr97,gnn fixed an errno value
- 01d,20apr97,kbw fixed man page format, spell check
- 01c,17apr97,gnn modified interfaces and variable to follow standards.
- 01b,14apr97,gnn added documentation for MIB-II stuff.
- 01a,01apr97,gnn written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides routines to initialize the group, access the
- group global variables, read the table of network interfaces that RIP
- knows about, and change the state of such an interface. For a broader
- description of MIB-II services, see the manual entry for m2Lib.
- This library can be initialized and deleted by calling m2RipInit() and
- m2RipDelete() respectively, if only the RIP group's services are needed.
- If full MIB-II support is used, this group and all other groups can be
- initialized and deleted by calling m2Init() and m2Delete().
- The group global variables are accessed by calling
- m2RipGlobalCountersGet() as follows:
- .CS
- M2_RIP2_GLOBAL_GROUP ripGlobal;
- if (m2RipGlobalCountersGet (&ripGlobal) == OK)
- /@ values in ripGlobal are valid @/
- .CE
- To retrieve the RIP group statistics for a particular interface you call the
- m2RipIfStatEntryGet() routine a pointer to an M2_RIP2_IFSTAT_ENTRY structure
- that contains the address of the interface you are searching for. For example:
- .CS
- ripIfStat.rip2IfStatAddress = inet_addr("");
- if (m2RipIfStatEntryGet(M2_EXACT_VALUE, &ripIfStat) == OK)
- /@ values in ripIfState are valid @/
- .CE
- To retrieve the configuration statistics for a particular interface the
- m2RipIfConfEntryGet() routine must be called with an IP address encoded in an
- M2_RIP2_IFSTAT_ENTRY structure which is passed as the second argument. For
- example:
- .CS
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAddress = inet_addr("");
- if (m2RipIfConfEntryGet(M2_EXACT_VALUE, &ripIfConf) == OK)
- /@ values in ripIfConf are valid @/
- .CE
- To set the values of for an interface the m2RipIfConfEntrySet() routine must
- be called with an IP address in dot notation encoded into an
- M2_RIP2_IFSTAT_ENTRY structure, which is passed as the second argument. For
- example:
- .CS
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAddress = inet_addr("");
- /@ Set the authorization type. @/
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthType = M2_rip2IfConfAuthType_simplePassword;
- bzero(ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthKey, 16);
- bcopy("Simple Password ", ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthKey, 16);
- /@ We only accept version 1 packets. @/
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfSend = M2_rip2IfConfSend_ripVersion1;
- /@ We only send version 1 packets. @/
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfReceive = M2_rip2IfConfReceive_rip1;
- /@ Default routes have a metric of 2 @/
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfDefaultMetric = 2;
- /@ If the interface is invalid it is turned off, we make it valid. @/
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfStatus = M2_rip2IfConfStatus_valid;
- if (m2RipIfConfEntrySet(varsToSet, &ripIfConf) == OK)
- /@ Call succeded. @/
- .CE
- INCLUDE FILES: rip/m2RipLib.h rip/defs.h
- ripLib
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "rip/m2RipLib.h"
- #include "rip/defs.h"
- #include "m2Lib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "inetLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsRip.h"
- #endif
- /* defines */
- #define same(a1, a2)
- (memcmp((a1)->sa_data, (a2)->sa_data, 14) == 0)
- /* typedefs */
- /* globals */
- extern struct interface *ripIfNet;
- #endif
- /* locals */
- /* forward declarations */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2RipInit - initialize the RIP MIB support
- *
- * This routine sets up the RIP MIB and should be called before any
- * other m2RipLib routine.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- */
- STATUS m2RipInit (void)
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2RipDelete - delete the RIP MIB support
- *
- * This routine should be called after all m2RipLib calls are completed.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- */
- STATUS m2RipDelete (void)
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2RipGlobalCountersGet - get MIB-II RIP-group global counters
- *
- * This routine fills in an M2_RIP2_GLOBAL_GROUP structure pointed to
- * by <pRipGlobal> with the values of the MIB-II RIP-group global counters.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2RipInit()
- */
- STATUS m2RipGlobalCountersGet
- (
- M2_RIP2_GLOBAL_GROUP* pRipGlobal
- )
- {
- extern RIP ripState;
- #endif
- if (pRipGlobal == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet(S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- bcopy((char *)&ripState.ripGlobal, (char *)pRipGlobal,
- sizeof(M2_RIP2_GLOBAL_GROUP));
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2RipIfStatEntryGet - get MIB-II RIP-group interface entry
- *
- * This routine retrieves the interface statistics for the interface serving
- * the subnet of the IP address contained in the M2_RIP2_IFSTAT_ENTRY
- * structure. <pRipIfStat> is a pointer to an M2_RIP2_IFSTAT_ENTRY structure
- * which the routine will fill in upon successful completion.
- *
- * This routine either returns an exact match if <search> is M2_EXACT_VALUE,
- * or the next value greater than or equal to the value supplied if the
- * <search> is M2_NEXT_VALUE.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if either <pRipIfStat> is invalid or an exact match
- * failed.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2RipInit()
- */
- STATUS m2RipIfStatEntryGet
- (
- int search,
- )
- {
- struct interface* pIfp;
- struct interface* pIfpSaved = NULL;
- struct sockaddr_in address;
- unsigned long ipAddrSaved = -1;
- unsigned long currIpAddr;
- address.sin_addr.s_addr = pRipIfStat->rip2IfStatAddress;
- address.sin_family = AF_INET;
- if (search == M2_EXACT_VALUE)
- {
- pIfpSaved = ripIfLookup((struct sockaddr *)&address);
- if (pIfpSaved == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet(S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (pIfp = ripIfNet; pIfp; pIfp = pIfp->int_next)
- {
- currIpAddr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)&pIfp->int_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr);
- if ((currIpAddr >= ntohl(address.sin_addr.s_addr)) &&
- (currIpAddr < ipAddrSaved))
- {
- pIfpSaved = pIfp;
- ipAddrSaved = currIpAddr;
- }
- }
- if (pIfpSaved == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet(S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- bcopy((char *)&pIfpSaved->ifStat, (char *)pRipIfStat,
- sizeof(M2_RIP2_IFSTAT_ENTRY));
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2RipIfConfEntryGet - get MIB-II RIP-group interface entry
- *
- * This routine retrieves the interface configuration for the interface serving
- * the subnet of the IP address contained in the M2_RIP2_IFCONF_ENTRY structure
- * passed to it. <pRipIfConf> is a pointer to an M2_RIP2_IFCONF_ENTRY
- * structure which the routine will fill in upon successful completion.
- *
- * This routine either returns an exact match if <search> is M2_EXACT_VALUE,
- * or the next value greater than or equal to the value supplied if the
- * <search> is M2_NEXT_VALUE.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <pRipIfConf> was invalid or the interface was
- * not found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2RipInit()
- */
- STATUS m2RipIfConfEntryGet
- (
- int search,
- )
- {
- struct interface* pIfp;
- struct sockaddr_in address;
- struct interface* pIfpSaved = NULL;
- unsigned long ipAddrSaved = -1;
- unsigned long currIpAddr;
- address.sin_addr.s_addr = pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfAddress;
- address.sin_family = AF_INET;
- if (search == M2_EXACT_VALUE)
- {
- pIfpSaved = ripIfLookup((struct sockaddr *)&address);
- if (pIfpSaved == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet(S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (pIfp = ripIfNet; pIfp; pIfp = pIfp->int_next)
- {
- currIpAddr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)&pIfp->int_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr);
- if ((currIpAddr >= ntohl(address.sin_addr.s_addr)) &&
- (currIpAddr < ipAddrSaved))
- {
- pIfpSaved = pIfp;
- ipAddrSaved = currIpAddr;
- }
- }
- if (pIfpSaved == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet(S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- bcopy((char *)&pIfpSaved->ifConf, (char *)pRipIfConf,
- sizeof(M2_RIP2_IFCONF_ENTRY));
- return (OK);
- }
- #if 0
- void m2RipIfConfTest
- (
- char* pIpAddr
- )
- {
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAddress = inet_addr(pIpAddr);
- if (m2RipIfConfEntryGet(M2_EXACT_VALUE, &ripIfConf) != OK)
- return;
- printf("IP Address: %snAuthType: %ldnAuthKey: %snSend: %ldn",
- inet_ntoa(ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAddress),
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthType,
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthKey,
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfSend);
- printf("Receive: %ldnDefault Metric: %ldnStatus: %ldn",
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfReceive,
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfDefaultMetric,
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfStatus);
- }
- #endif
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2RipIfConfEntrySet - set MIB-II RIP-group interface entry
- *
- * This routine sets the interface configuration for the interface serving
- * the subnet of the IP address contained in the M2_RIP2_IFCONF_ENTRY structure.
- *
- * <pRipIfConf> is a pointer to an M2_RIP2_IFCONF_ENTRY structure which the
- * routine places into the system based on the <varToSet> value.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <pRipIfConf> is invalid or the interface cannot
- * be found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2RipInit()
- */
- STATUS m2RipIfConfEntrySet
- (
- unsigned int varToSet,
- )
- {
- struct interface* pIfp;
- struct sockaddr_in address;
- IMPORT RIP ripState;
- #endif
- BOOL changeFlag = FALSE; /* Changing receive control switch? */
- address.sin_addr.s_addr = pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfAddress;
- address.sin_family = AF_INET;
- pIfp = ripIfLookup((struct sockaddr *)&address);
- if (pIfp == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet(S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (varToSet & M2_RIP2_IF_CONF_DOMAIN)
- {
- bcopy(pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfDomain, pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfDomain,
- 2);
- }
- if (varToSet & M2_RIP2_IF_CONF_AUTH_TYPE)
- {
- pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfAuthType = pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfAuthType;
- }
- if (varToSet & M2_RIP2_IF_CONF_AUTH_KEY)
- {
- bzero (pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfAuthKey, AUTHKEYLEN);
- strncpy(pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfAuthKey, pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfAuthKey,
- }
- if (varToSet & M2_RIP2_IF_CONF_SEND)
- {
- pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfSend = pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfSend;
- }
- if (varToSet & M2_RIP2_IF_CONF_RECEIVE)
- {
- if (pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfReceive != pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfReceive)
- changeFlag = TRUE;
- if (changeFlag)
- {
- /* Add to multicast group if changing to RIPv2 packets only. */
- if (pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfReceive == M2_rip2IfConfReceive_rip2)
- if (ripState.s != 0)
- ripSetInterfaces(ripState.s, (UINT32)RIP_MCAST_ADDR);
- /*
- * ANVL 16.1 - remove from multicast group if changing to
- * receive any RIPv1 packets.
- */
- if (pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfReceive == M2_rip2IfConfReceive_rip2)
- if (ripState.s != 0)
- ripClearInterfaces(ripState.s, (UINT32)RIP_MCAST_ADDR);
- pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfReceive = pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfReceive;
- }
- }
- {
- pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfDefaultMetric =
- pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfDefaultMetric;
- }
- if (varToSet & M2_RIP2_IF_CONF_STATUS)
- {
- pIfp->ifConf.rip2IfConfStatus = pRipIfConf->rip2IfConfStatus;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- #if 0
- void m2RipIfConfSetTest
- (
- char* pIpAddr,
- long authType, /* Authentication type */
- char authKey[15], /* Key */
- long send, /* What version to send */
- long receive, /* What version to listen to */
- long defaultMetric, /* Default metric for default route */
- long status /* Putting M2_rip2IfConfStatus_invalid */
- /* here turns the interface off */
- )
- {
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAddress = inet_addr(pIpAddr);
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthType = authType;
- bzero(ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthKey, 16);
- strcpy(ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthKey, authKey);
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfSend = send;
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfReceive = receive;
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfDefaultMetric = defaultMetric;
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfStatus = status;
- if (m2RipIfConfEntrySet(0xff, &ripIfConf) != OK)
- return;
- if (m2RipIfConfEntryGet(M2_EXACT_VALUE, &ripIfConf) != OK)
- return;
- printf("IP Address: %snAuthType: %ldnAuthKey: %snSend: %ldn",
- inet_ntoa(ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAddress),
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthType,
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfAuthKey,
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfSend);
- printf ("Receive: %ldnDefault Metric: %ldnStatus: %ldn",
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfReceive,
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfDefaultMetric,
- ripIfConf.rip2IfConfStatus);
- }
- #endif