- /* fppArchLib.c - floating-point coprocessor support library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01j,25mar02,hdn added two APIs to detect illegal FPU usage (spr 70187)
- 01i,20nov01,hdn doc clean up for 5.5
- 01h,21aug01,hdn imported SSE support from T31 ver 01k
- 01g,21apr99,hdn changed selector of the emulator exception handler.
- 01f,14jun95,hdn added support for fpp emulation library from USS.
- 01e,25may95,ms added fppRegsToCtx and fppCtxToRegs.
- 01d,10aug93,hdn added two global variables for fppProbeSup().
- 01c,03jun93,hdn updated to 5.1
- - moved fppInit(), fppCreateHook(), fppSwapHook(),
- fppTaskRegsShow() to src/all/fppLib.c.
- - changed to pointer to floating-point register to
- fppTasksRegs{S,G}et().
- - added arrays fpRegIndex[], fpCtlRegIndex[].
- - added fppArchTastInit().
- - included regs.h, intLib.h.
- - changed functions to ansi style
- - changed VOID to void
- 01b,29sep92,hdn fixed a bug.
- 01a,07apr92,hdn written based on TRON version.
- */
- /*
- This library provides a low-level interface to the Intel Architecture
- Floating-Point Unit (FPU). Routines fppTaskRegsShow(), fppTaskRegsSet(),
- and fppTaskRegsGet() inspect and set coprocessor registers on a per task
- basis. The routine fppProbe() checks for the presence of the
- Intel Architecture FPU. With the exception of fppProbe(), the higher
- level facilities in dbgLib and usrLib should be used instead of these
- routines.
- There are two kind of floating-point contexts and set of routines for
- each kind. One is 108 bytes for older FPU (i80387, i80487, Pentium)
- and older MMX technology and fppSave(), fppRestore(), fppRegsToCtx(),
- and fppCtxToRegs() are used to save and restore the context, convert to
- or from the FPPREG_SET.
- The other is 512 bytes for newer FPU, newer MMX technology and streaming
- SIMD technology (PentiumII, III, 4) and fppXsave(), fppXrestore(),
- fppXregsToCtx(), and fppXctxToRegs() are used to save and restore
- the context, convert to or from the FPPREG_SET.
- Which to use is automatically detected by checking CPUID information in
- fppArchInit(). And fppTaskRegsSet() and fppTaskRegsGet() access the
- appropriate floating-point context. The bit interrogated for the
- automatic detection is the "Fast Save and Restore" feature flag.
- To activate floating-point support, fppInit() must be called before any
- tasks using the coprocessor are spawned. If INCLUDE_FLOATING_POINT is
- defined in configAll.h, this is done by the root task, usrRoot(), in
- usrConfig.c.
- Saving and restoring floating-point registers adds to the context switch
- time of a task.
- Therefore, floating-point registers are f2notfP saved and restored for
- f2everyfP task. Only those tasks spawned with the task option VX_FP_TASK
- will have floating-point state, MMX technology state, and streaming SIMD
- state saved and restored.
- f3NOTE:fP If a task does any floating-point operations, MMX operations,
- and streaming SIMD operation, it must be spawned with VX_FP_TASK.
- It is deadly to execute any floating-point operations in a task spawned
- without VX_FP_TASK option, and very difficult to find. To detect that
- illegal/unintentional/accidental floating-point operations, a new API and
- mechanism is added. The mechanism is to enable or disable the FPU by
- toggling the TS flag in the CR0 in the new task switch hook routine -
- fppArchSwitchHook() - respecting the VX_FP_TASK option. If VX_FP_TASK
- option is not set in the switching-in task, the FPU is disabled. Thus
- the device-not-available exception will be raised if that task does any
- floating-point operations. This mechanism is disabled in the default.
- To enable, call the enabler - fppArchSwitchHookEnable() - with a
- parameter TRUE(1). A parameter FALSE(0) disables the mechanism.
- A task with VX_FP_TASK option saves and restores the FPU and MMX state
- when performing a context switch. Therefore, the application does not
- have to save or restore the FPU and MMX state if the FPU and MMX
- instructions are not mixed within a task. Because the MMX registers
- are aliased to the FPU registers, care must be taken when making
- transitions between FPU instructions and MMX instructions to prevent
- the loss of data in the FPU and MMX registers and to prevent incoherent
- or unexpected result. When mixing MMX and FPU instructions within a
- task, follow these guidelines from Intel:
- - Keep the code in separate modules, procedures, or routines.
- - Do not rely on register contents across transitions between FPU
- and MMX code modules.
- - When transitioning between MMX code and FPU code, save the MMX
- register state (if it will be needed in the future) and execute
- an EMMS instruction to empty the MMX state.
- - When transitioning between FPU and MMX code, save the FPU state,
- if it will be needed in the future.
- The XMM registers and the FPU/MMX registers represent separate
- execution environments, which has certain ramifications when executing
- SSE, SSE2, MMX and FPU instructions in the same task context:
- - Those SSE and SSE2 instruction that operate only on the XMM
- registers (such as the packed and scalar floating-point
- instructions and the 128-bit SIMD integer instructions) can be
- executed in the same instruction stream with 64-bit SIMD integer
- or FPU instructions without any restrictions. For example, an
- application can perform the majority of its floating-point
- computations in the XMM registers, using the packed and scalar
- floating-point instructions, and at the same time use the FPU
- to perform trigonometric and other transcendental computations.
- Likewise, an application can perform packed 64-bit and 128-bit
- SIMD integer operations can be executed together without
- restrictions.
- - Those SSE and SSE2 instructions that operate on MMX registers
- CVTPI2PD, MOVDQ2Q, MOVQ2DQ, PADDQ, and PSUBQ instructions) can
- also be executed in the same instruction stream as 64-bit SIMD
- integer or FPU instructions, however, here they subject to the
- restrictions on the simultaneous use of MMX and FPU instructions,
- which mentioned in the previous paragraph.
- Floating-point registers are f2notfP saved and restored for interrupt
- service routines connected with intConnect(). However, if necessary,
- an interrupt service routine can save and restore floating-point registers
- by calling routines in fppALib. See the manual entry for intConnect() for
- more information.
- There are six FPU exceptions that can send an exception to the CPU. They
- are controlled by Exception Mask bits of the Control Word register. VxWorks
- disables them in the default configuration. They
- are:
- - Precision
- - Overflow
- - Underflow
- - Division by zero
- - Denormalized operand
- - Invalid Operation
- SEE ALSO: fppALib, intConnect(), Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "objLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "taskArchLib.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "iv.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- #include "fppLib.h"
- #include "vxLib.h"
- #include "taskHookLib.h"
- /* externals */
- IMPORT int sysCsExc;
- IMPORT void intVecSet2 (FUNCPTR * vec, FUNCPTR func, int idtGate,
- int idtSelector);
- /* globals */
- REG_INDEX fpRegName [] = /* FP non-control register name and offset */
- {
- {"st/mm0", FPREG_FPX(0)},
- {"st/mm1", FPREG_FPX(1)},
- {"st/mm2", FPREG_FPX(2)},
- {"st/mm3", FPREG_FPX(3)},
- {"st/mm4", FPREG_FPX(4)},
- {"st/mm5", FPREG_FPX(5)},
- {"st/mm6", FPREG_FPX(6)},
- {"st/mm7", FPREG_FPX(7)},
- {NULL, 0},
- };
- REG_INDEX fpCtlRegName [] = /* FP control register name and offset */
- {
- {"fpcr", FPREG_FPCR},
- {"fpsr", FPREG_FPSR},
- {"fptag", FPREG_FPTAG},
- {"op", FPREG_OP},
- {"ip", FPREG_IP},
- {"cs", FPREG_CS},
- {"dp", FPREG_DP},
- {"ds", FPREG_DS},
- {NULL, 0},
- };
- int fppFsw = 0;
- int fppFcw = 0;
- VOIDFUNCPTR emu387Func = NULL; /* func ptr to trap handler */
- VOIDFUNCPTR emuInitFunc = NULL; /* func ptr to initializer */
- VOIDFUNCPTR _func_fppSaveRtn = NULL; /* func ptr to fppSave/fppXsave */
- VOIDFUNCPTR _func_fppRestoreRtn = NULL; /* func ptr to fppRestore/fppXrestore */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL FP_CONTEXT * pFppInitContext; /* pointer to initial FP context */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppArchInit - initialize floating-point coprocessor support
- *
- * This routine must be called before using the floating-point coprocessor.
- * It is typically called from fppInit().
- *
- */
- void fppArchInit (void)
- {
- /* initialize the function pointer and the CR4 OSFXSR bit */
- if (sysCpuId.featuresEdx & CPUID_FXSR)
- {
- _func_fppSaveRtn = fppXsave; /* new FP save routine */
- _func_fppRestoreRtn = fppXrestore; /* new FP restore routine */
- vxCr4Set (vxCr4Get () | CR4_OSFXSR); /* set OSFXSR bit */
- }
- else
- {
- _func_fppSaveRtn = fppSave; /* old FP save routine */
- _func_fppRestoreRtn = fppRestore; /* old FP restore routine */
- vxCr4Set (vxCr4Get () & ~CR4_OSFXSR); /* clear OSFXSR bit */
- }
- fppCreateHookRtn = (FUNCPTR) NULL;
- /* allocate and initialize the initial FP_CONTEXT */
- pFppInitContext = (FP_CONTEXT *) memalign
- (*_func_fppSaveRtn) (pFppInitContext);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppArchTaskCreateInit - initialize floating-point coprocessor support for task
- *
- * It might seem odd that we use a bcopy() to initialize the floating point
- * context when a fppSave() of an idle frame would accomplish the same thing
- * without the cost of a 108/512 byte data structure. The problem is that we
- * are not guaranteed to have an idle frame. Consider the following scenario:
- * a floating point task is midway through a floating point instruction when
- * it is preempted by a *non-floting point* task. In this case the swap-in
- * hook does not save the coprocessor state as an optimization. Now if we
- * create a floating point task the initial coprocessor frame would not be
- * idle but rather mid-instruction. To make matters worse when get around
- * to saving the original fp task's floating point context frame, it would be
- * incorrectly saved as idle! One solution would be to fppSave() once to
- * the original fp task's context, then fppSave() an idle frame to the new task,
- * and finally restore the old fp task's context (in case we return to it
- * before another fp task). The problem with this approach is that it is
- * *slow* and considering the fact that preemption is locked, the 108/512 bytes
- * don't look so bad anymore. Indeed, when this approach is adopted by all
- * architectures we will not need to lock out preemption anymore.
- *
- */
- void fppArchTaskCreateInit
- (
- FP_CONTEXT * pFpContext /* pointer to FP_CONTEXT */
- )
- {
- if (sysCpuId.featuresEdx & CPUID_FXSR)
- {
- bcopyLongs ((char *) pFppInitContext, (char *)pFpContext,
- (sizeof (FPX_CONTEXT) >> 2)); /* copy 512>>2 longs */
- }
- else
- {
- bcopyLongs ((char *) pFppInitContext, (char *)pFpContext,
- (sizeof (FPO_CONTEXT) >> 2)); /* copy 108>>2 longs */
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppRegsToCtx - convert FPREG_SET to FPO_CONTEXT.
- */
- void fppRegsToCtx
- (
- FPREG_SET * pFpRegSet, /* input - fpp reg set */
- FP_CONTEXT * pFpContext /* output - fpp context */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- for (ix = 0; ix < FP_NUM_REGS; ix++)
- fppDtoDx ((DOUBLEX *)&pFpContext->u.o.fpx[ix],
- (double *)&pFpRegSet->fpx[ix]);
- pFpContext->u.o.fpcr = pFpRegSet->fpcr;
- pFpContext->u.o.fpsr = pFpRegSet->fpsr;
- pFpContext->u.o.fptag = pFpRegSet->fptag;
- pFpContext->u.o.op = pFpRegSet->op;
- pFpContext->u.o.ip = pFpRegSet->ip;
- pFpContext->u.o.cs = pFpRegSet->cs;
- pFpContext->u.o.dp = pFpRegSet->dp;
- pFpContext->u.o.ds = pFpRegSet->ds;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppCtxToRegs - convert FPO_CONTEXT to FPREG_SET.
- */
- void fppCtxToRegs
- (
- FP_CONTEXT * pFpContext, /* input - fpp context */
- FPREG_SET * pFpRegSet /* output - fpp register set */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- for (ix = 0; ix < FP_NUM_REGS; ix++)
- fppDxtoD ((double *)&pFpRegSet->fpx[ix],
- (DOUBLEX *)&pFpContext->u.o.fpx[ix]);
- pFpRegSet->fpcr = pFpContext->u.o.fpcr;
- pFpRegSet->fpsr = pFpContext->u.o.fpsr;
- pFpRegSet->fptag = pFpContext->u.o.fptag;
- pFpRegSet->op = pFpContext->u.o.op;
- pFpRegSet->ip = pFpContext->u.o.ip;
- pFpRegSet->cs = pFpContext->u.o.cs;
- pFpRegSet->dp = pFpContext->u.o.dp;
- pFpRegSet->ds = pFpContext->u.o.ds;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppXregsToCtx - convert FPREG_SET to FPX_CONTEXT.
- */
- void fppXregsToCtx
- (
- FPREG_SET * pFpRegSet, /* input - fpp reg set */
- FP_CONTEXT * pFpContext /* output - fpp context */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- for (ix = 0; ix < FP_NUM_REGS; ix++)
- fppDtoDx ((DOUBLEX *)&pFpContext->u.x.fpx[ix],
- (double *)&pFpRegSet->fpx[ix]);
- pFpContext->u.x.fpcr = pFpRegSet->fpcr;
- pFpContext->u.x.fpsr = pFpRegSet->fpsr;
- pFpContext->u.x.fptag = pFpRegSet->fptag;
- pFpContext->u.x.op = pFpRegSet->op;
- pFpContext->u.x.ip = pFpRegSet->ip;
- pFpContext->u.x.cs = pFpRegSet->cs;
- pFpContext->u.x.dp = pFpRegSet->dp;
- pFpContext->u.x.ds = pFpRegSet->ds;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppXctxToRegs - convert FPX_CONTEXT to FPREG_SET.
- */
- void fppXctxToRegs
- (
- FP_CONTEXT * pFpContext, /* input - fpp context */
- FPREG_SET * pFpRegSet /* output - fpp register set */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- for (ix = 0; ix < FP_NUM_REGS; ix++)
- fppDxtoD ((double *)&pFpRegSet->fpx[ix],
- (DOUBLEX *)&pFpContext->u.x.fpx[ix]);
- pFpRegSet->fpcr = pFpContext->u.x.fpcr;
- pFpRegSet->fpsr = pFpContext->u.x.fpsr;
- pFpRegSet->fptag = pFpContext->u.x.fptag;
- pFpRegSet->op = pFpContext->u.x.op;
- pFpRegSet->ip = pFpContext->u.x.ip;
- pFpRegSet->cs = pFpContext->u.x.cs;
- pFpRegSet->dp = pFpContext->u.x.dp;
- pFpRegSet->ds = pFpContext->u.x.ds;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppTaskRegsGet - get the floating-point registers from a task TCB
- *
- * This routine copies the floating-point registers of a task
- * (control, status, and tag) to the locations whose pointers are passed as
- * parameters. The floating-point registers are copied in
- * an array containing the 8 registers.
- *
- * NOTE
- * This routine only works well if <task> is not the calling task.
- * If a task tries to get its own registers, the values will be stale
- * (i.e., left over from the last task switch).
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if there is no floating-point
- * support or there is an invalid state.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: fppTaskRegsSet()
- */
- STATUS fppTaskRegsGet
- (
- int task, /* task to get info about */
- FPREG_SET * pFpRegSet /* pointer to floating-point register set */
- )
- {
- WIND_TCB * pTcb = taskTcb (task);
- FP_CONTEXT * pFpContext;
- if ((pTcb == NULL) ||
- ((pFpContext = pTcb->pFpContext) == (FP_CONTEXT *)NULL))
- return (ERROR); /* no coprocessor support */
- if (sysCpuId.featuresEdx & CPUID_FXSR)
- fppXctxToRegs (pFpContext, pFpRegSet);
- else
- fppCtxToRegs (pFpContext, pFpRegSet);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppTaskRegsSet - set the floating-point registers of a task
- *
- * This routine loads the specified values into the specified task TCB.
- * The 8 registers st/mm0 - st/mm7 are copied to the array <fpregs>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if there is no floating-point
- * support or there is an invalid state.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: fppTaskRegsGet()
- */
- STATUS fppTaskRegsSet
- (
- int task, /* task whose registers are to be set */
- FPREG_SET * pFpRegSet /* pointer to floating-point register set */
- )
- {
- WIND_TCB * pTcb = taskTcb (task);
- FP_CONTEXT * pFpContext;
- if ((pTcb == NULL) ||
- ((pFpContext = pTcb->pFpContext) == (FP_CONTEXT *)NULL))
- return (ERROR); /* no coprocessor support */
- if (sysCpuId.featuresEdx & CPUID_FXSR)
- fppXregsToCtx (pFpRegSet, pFpContext);
- else
- fppRegsToCtx (pFpRegSet, pFpContext);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppProbe - probe for the presence of a floating-point coprocessor
- *
- * This routine determines whether there is an Intel Architecture
- * Floating-Point Unit (FPU) in the system.
- *
- * This routine sets the illegal coprocessor op-code trap vector and executes
- * a coprocessor instruction. If the instruction causes an exception,
- * fppProbe() will return ERROR. Note that this routine saves and restores
- * the illegal coprocessor op-code trap vector that was present prior to this
- * call.
- *
- * The probe is only performed the first time this routine is called.
- * The result is stored in a static and returned on subsequent
- * calls without actually probing.
- *
- * OK if the floating-point coprocessor is present, otherwise ERROR.
- */
- STATUS fppProbe (void)
- {
- static int fppProbed = -2; /* -2 = not done, -1 = ERROR, 0 = OK */
- if (fppProbed == -2)
- {
- fppProbed = fppProbeSup (); /* check ET bit in %cr0 */
- if (fppProbed == ERROR)
- {
- if ((emuInitFunc != NULL) && (emu387Func != NULL))
- {
- intVecSet2 ((FUNCPTR *)IV_NO_DEVICE, (FUNCPTR)emu387Func,
- IDT_TRAP_GATE, sysCsExc);
- (* emuInitFunc) (); /* initialize the emulator */
- fppProbed = OK; /* pretend as we have 80387 */
- }
- }
- }
- return (fppProbed);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppArchSwitchHook - switch hook routine to set or clear the TS flag in CR0
- *
- * This routine is a switch hook routine to set or clear the TS flag in CR0.
- * The purpose of toggling the TS bit is to detect an illegal FPU/MMX
- * instruction usage without the task option VX_FP_TASK. The TS flag is set
- * when the new task's VX_FP_TASK bit is set, and cleared otherwise.
- * Setting the TS flag generates the device-not-available exception prior
- * to the execution of a FPU/MMX instruction. Since the MP flag in CR0 is
- * cleared in the default, the execution of WAIT/FWAIT instruction does not
- * raise the exception. The swap hook routines or switch hook routines that
- * are executed prior to this routine may need to clear the TS bit by itself
- * before using the FPU/MMX instructions.
- *
- */
- void fppArchSwitchHook
- (
- WIND_TCB * pOldTcb, /* pointer to old task's WIND_TCB */
- WIND_TCB * pNewTcb /* pointer to new task's WIND_TCB */
- )
- {
- INT32 tempReg;
- /* enable(clear the TS flag) or disbale(set the TS flag) FPU */
- if (pNewTcb->options & VX_FP_TASK)
- {
- WRS_ASM ("clts"); /* clear TS */
- }
- else
- {
- WRS_ASM ("movl %%cr0,%0; orl $0x8,%0; movl %0,%%cr0;"
- : "=r" (tempReg) : : "memory"); /* set TS */
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppArchSwitchHookEnable - enable or disable the switch hook routine
- *
- * This routine is enables or disables the architecture specific FPU switch
- * hook routine that detect the illegal FPU/MMX usage.
- * Ths usage of this mechanism is optional, and disabled in the default.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the associated Add/Delete routine failed.
- */
- STATUS fppArchSwitchHookEnable
- (
- BOOL enable /* TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable */
- )
- {
- static INT32 oldCr0 = 0; /* default: TS flag cleared */
- INT32 tempReg;
- if (enable)
- {
- if (taskSwitchHookAdd ((FUNCPTR) fppArchSwitchHook) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- /* save the TS flag */
- oldCr0 = vxCr0Get ();
- /* enable(clear the TS flag) or disbale(set the TS flag) FPU */
- if (taskIdCurrent->options & VX_FP_TASK)
- {
- WRS_ASM ("clts"); /* clear TS */
- }
- else
- {
- WRS_ASM ("movl %%cr0,%0; orl $0x8,%0; movl %0,%%cr0;"
- : "=r" (tempReg) : : "memory"); /* set TS */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (taskSwitchHookDelete ((FUNCPTR) fppArchSwitchHook) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- /* restore the TS flag */
- if (oldCr0 & CR0_TS)
- {
- WRS_ASM ("movl %%cr0,%0; orl $0x8,%0; movl %0,%%cr0;"
- : "=r" (tempReg) : : "memory"); /* set TS */
- }
- else
- {
- WRS_ASM ("clts"); /* clear TS */
- }
- }
- return (OK);
- }