- /* mmuPro32Lib.c - MMU library for PentiumPro/2/3/4 32 bit mode */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01m,23may02,hdn aligned PT/DT at mmuPageSize boundary for 4MB page size
- 01l,16may02,hdn moved the GDT reloading to sysPhysMemTop() in sysLib.c
- 01k,09nov01,hdn deferred TLB flush in mmuVirtualPageCreate() at init time
- 01j,27aug01,hdn made MMU_TLB_FLUSH, updated MMU_LOCK/MMU_UNLOCK macros.
- deferred TLB & Cache flush at initialization time.
- initialized oldIntLev to shut off warnings.
- 01i,30mar99,hdn doc: cleanup.
- 01h,09feb98,wsl add comment to document ERRNO value
- 01g,05oct98,jmp doc: cleanup.
- 01f,17sep98,hdn renamed mmuEnabled to mmuPro32Enabled.
- 01e,21apr98,hdn added documentation for new features.
- 01d,13apr98,hdn added support for 4KB/4MB page for PentiumPro.
- 01c,07jan95,hdn re-initialized the GDT in mmuLibInit().
- 01b,01nov94,hdn added a support for COPY_BACK cache mode for Pentium.
- 01a,26jul93,hdn written based on mc68k's version.
- */
- /*
- mmuPro32Lib.c provides the architecture dependent routines that directly control
- the memory management unit. It provides 10 routines that are called by the
- higher level architecture independent routines in vmLib.c:
- mmuPro32LibInit() - initialize module
- mmuTransTblCreate() - create a new translation table
- mmuTransTblDelete() - delete a translation table.
- mmuPro32Enable() - turn MMU on or off
- mmuStateSet() - set state of virtual memory page
- mmuStateGet() - get state of virtual memory page
- mmuPageMap() - map physical memory page to virtual memory page
- mmuGlobalPageMap() - map physical memory page to global virtual memory page
- mmuTranslate() - translate a virtual address to a physical address
- mmuCurrentSet() - change active translation table
- Applications using the MMU will never call these routines directly;
- the visible interface is supported in vmLib.c.
- mmuLib supports the creation and maintenance of multiple translation tables,
- one of which is the active translation table when the MMU is enabled.
- Note that VxWorks does not include a translation table as part of the task
- context; individual tasks do not reside in private virtual memory. However,
- we include the facilities to create multiple translation tables so that
- the user may create "private" virtual memory contexts and switch them in an
- application specific manner. New
- translation tables are created with a call to mmuTransTblCreate(), and installed
- as the active translation table with mmuCurrentSet(). Translation tables
- are modified and potentially augmented with calls to mmuPageMap() and
- mmuStateSet().
- The state of portions of the translation table can be read with calls to
- mmuStateGet() and mmuTranslate().
- The traditional VxWorks architecture and design philosophy requires that all
- objects and operating systems resources be visible and accessible to all agents
- (tasks, isrs, watchdog timers, etc) in the system. This has traditionally been
- insured by the fact that all objects and data structures reside in physical
- memory; thus, a data structure created by one agent may be accessed by any
- other agent using the same pointer (object identifiers in VxWorks are often
- pointers to data structures.) This creates a potential
- problem if you have multiple virtual memory contexts. For example, if a
- semaphore is created in one virtual memory context, you must guarantee that
- that semaphore will be visible in all virtual memory contexts if the semaphore
- is to be accessed at interrupt level, when a virtual memory context other than
- the one in which it was created may be active. Another example is that
- code loaded using the incremental loader from the shell must be accessible
- in all virtual memory contexts, since code is shared by all agents in the
- system.
- This problem is resolved by maintaining a global "transparent" mapping
- of virtual to physical memory for all the contiguous segments of physical
- memory (on board memory, i/o space, sections of vme space, etc) that is shared
- by all translation tables; all available physical memory appears at the same
- address in virtual memory in all virtual memory contexts. This technique
- provides an environment that allows
- resources that rely on a globally accessible physical address to run without
- modification in a system with multiple virtual memory contexts.
- An additional requirement is that modifications made to the state of global
- virtual memory in one translation table appear in all translation tables. For
- example, memory containing the text segment is made read only (to avoid
- accidental corruption) by setting the appropriate writable bits in the
- translation table entries corresponding to the virtual memory containing the
- text segment. This state information must be shared by all virtual memory
- contexts, so that no matter what translation table is active, the text segment
- is protected from corruption. The mechanism that implements this feature is
- architecture dependent, but usually entails building a section of a
- translation table that corresponds to the global memory, that is shared by
- all other translation tables. Thus, when changes to the state of the global
- memory are made in one translation table, the changes are reflected in all
- other translation tables.
- mmuLib provides a separate call for constructing global virtual memory -
- mmuGlobalPageMap() - which creates translation table entries that are shared
- by all translation tables. Initialization code in usrConfig makes calls
- to vmGlobalMap() (which in turn calls mmuGlobalPageMap()) to set up global
- transparent virtual memory for all
- available physical memory. All calls made to mmuGlobalPageMap() must occur
- before any virtual memory contexts are created; changes made to global virtual
- memory after virtual memory contexts are created are not guaranteed to be
- reflected in all virtual memory contexts.
- Most MMU architectures will dedicate some fixed amount of virtual memory to
- a minimal section of the translation table (a "segment", or "block"). This
- creates a problem in that the user may map a small section of virtual memory
- into the global translation tables, and then attempt to use the virtual memory
- after this section as private virtual memory. The problem is that the
- translation table entries for this virtual memory are contained in the global
- translation tables, and are thus shared by all translation tables. This
- condition is detected by vmMap, and an error is returned, thus, the lower
- level routines in mmuPro32Lib.c (mmuPageMap(), mmuGlobalPageMap()) need not
- perform any error checking.
- A global variable `mmuPageBlockSize' should be defined which is equal to
- the minimum virtual segment size. mmuLib must provide a routine
- mmuGlobalInfoGet(), which returns a pointer to the globalPageBlock[] array.
- This provides the user with enough information to be able to allocate virtual
- memory space that does not conflict with the global memory space.
- This module supports the PentiumPro/2/3/4 MMU:
- .CS
- |
- |
- -------------------------------------
- top level |pde |pde |pde |pde |pde |pde | ...
- -------------------------------------
- | | | | | |
- | | | | | |
- ---------- | v v v v
- | |
- v v
- ---- ----
- l |pte | |pte |
- o ---- ----
- w |pte | |pte |
- e ---- ----
- r |pte | |pte |
- l ---- ----
- e |pte | |pte |
- v ---- ----
- e . .
- l . .
- . .
- .CE
- where the top level consists of an array of pointers (Page Directory Entry)
- held within a single 4k page. These point to arrays of Page Table Entry
- arrays in the lower level. Each of these lower level arrays is also held
- within a single 4k page, and describes a virtual space of 4 MB (each Page
- Table Entry is 4 bytes, so we get 1000 of these in each array, and each Page
- Table Entry maps a 4KB page - thus 1000 * 4096 = 4MB.)
- To implement global virtual memory, a separate translation table called
- mmuGlobalTransTbl is created when the module is initialized. Calls to
- mmuGlobalPageMap will augment and modify this translation table. When new
- translation tables are created, memory for the top level array of sftd's is
- allocated and initialized by duplicating the pointers in mmuGlobalTransTbl's
- top level sftd array. Thus, the new translation table will use the global
- translation table's state information for portions of virtual memory that are
- defined as global. Here's a picture to illustrate:
- .CS
- | |
- | |
- ------------------------- -------------------------
- top level |pde |pde | NULL| NULL| |pde |pde | NULL| NULL|
- ------------------------- -------------------------
- | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | |
- ---------- | v v ---------- | v v
- | ------ NULL NULL | | NULL NULL
- | | | |
- o------------------------------------ |
- | | |
- | o-----------------------------------------
- | |
- v v
- ---- ----
- l |pte | |pte |
- o ---- ----
- w |pte | |pte |
- e ---- ----
- r |pte | |pte |
- l ---- ----
- e |pte | |pte |
- v ---- ----
- e . .
- l . .
- . .
- .CE
- Note that with this scheme, the global memory granularity is 4MB. Each time
- you map a section of global virtual memory, you dedicate at least 4MB of
- the virtual space to global virtual memory that will be shared by all virtual
- memory contexts.
- The physical memory that holds these data structures is obtained from the
- system memory manager via memalign to insure that the memory is page
- aligned. We want to protect this memory from being corrupted,
- so we invalidate the descriptors that we set up in the global translation
- that correspond to the memory containing the translation table data structures.
- This creates a "chicken and the egg" paradox, in that the only way we can
- modify these data structures is through virtual memory that is now invalidated,
- and we can't validate it because the page descriptors for that memory are
- in invalidated memory (confused yet?)
- So, you will notice that anywhere that page table descriptors (pte's)
- are modified, we do so by locking out interrupts, momentarily disabling the
- MMU, accessing the memory with its physical address, enabling the MMU, and
- then re-enabling interrupts (see mmuStateSet(), for example.)
- Support for two new page attribute bits are added for PentiumPro's enhanced
- MMU. They are Global bit (G) and Page-level write-through/back bit (PWT).
- Global bit indicates a global page when set. When a page is marked global and
- the page global enable (PGE) bit in register CR4 is set, the page-table or
- page-directory entry for the page is not invalidated in the TLB when register
- CR3 is loaded or a task switch occurs. This bit is provided to prevent
- frequently used pages (such as pages that contain kernel or other operating
- system or executive code) from being flushed from the TLB.
- Page-level write-through/back bit (PWT) controls the write-through or write-
- back caching policy of individual pages or page tables. When the PWT bit is
- set, write-through caching is enabled for the associated page or page table.
- When the bit is clear, write-back caching is enabled for the associated page
- and page table.
- Following macros are used to describe these attribute bits in the physical
- memory descriptor table sysPhysMemDesc[] in sysLib.c.
- VM_STATE_WBACK - use write-back cache policy for the page
- VM_STATE_WBACK_NOT - use write-through cache policy for the page
- VM_STATE_GLOBAL - set page global bit
- VM_STATE_GLOBAL_NOT - not set page global bit
- Support for two page size (4KB and 4MB) are added also.
- The linear address for 4KB pages is divided into three sections:
- Page directory entry - bits 22 through 31.
- Page table entry - Bits 12 through 21.
- Page offset - Bits 0 through 11.
- The linear address for 4MB pages is divided into two sections:
- Page directory entry - Bits 22 through 31.
- Page offset - Bits 0 through 21.
- These two page size is configurable by VM_PAGE_SIZE macro in config.h.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "private/vmLibP.h"
- #include "arch/i86/mmuPro32Lib.h"
- #include "arch/i86/vxI86Lib.h"
- #include "mmuLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL void mmuMemPagesWriteDisable (MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl);
- LOCAL STATUS mmuPteGet (MMU_TRANS_TBL *pTransTbl, void *virtAddr,
- PTE **result);
- LOCAL MMU_TRANS_TBL *mmuTransTblCreate ();
- LOCAL STATUS mmuTransTblInit (MMU_TRANS_TBL *newTransTbl);
- LOCAL STATUS mmuTransTblDelete (MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl);
- LOCAL STATUS mmuVirtualPageCreate (MMU_TRANS_TBL *thisTbl,
- void *virtPageAddr);
- LOCAL STATUS mmuStateSet (MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl, void *pageAddr,
- UINT stateMask, UINT state);
- LOCAL STATUS mmuStateGet (MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl, void *pageAddr,
- UINT *state);
- LOCAL STATUS mmuPageMap (MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl, void *virtualAddress,
- void *physPage);
- LOCAL STATUS mmuGlobalPageMap (void *virtualAddress, void *physPage);
- LOCAL STATUS mmuTranslate (MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl, void *virtAddress,
- void **physAddress);
- LOCAL void mmuCurrentSet (MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl);
- /* kludgey static data structure for parameters in __asm__ directives. */
- LOCAL int mmuPageSize;
- BOOL mmuPro32Enabled = FALSE;
- /* a translation table to hold the descriptors for the global transparent
- * translation of physical to virtual memory
- */
- LOCAL MMU_TRANS_TBL mmuGlobalTransTbl;
- /* initially, the current trans table is a dummy table with MMU disabled */
- LOCAL MMU_TRANS_TBL *mmuCurrentTransTbl = &mmuGlobalTransTbl;
- /* array of booleans used to keep track of sections of virtual memory defined
- * as global.
- */
- LOCAL BOOL *globalPageBlock;
- LOCAL STATE_TRANS_TUPLE mmuStateTransArrayLocal [] =
- {
- };
- LOCAL MMU_LIB_FUNCS mmuLibFuncsLocal =
- {
- mmuPro32LibInit,
- mmuTransTblCreate,
- mmuTransTblDelete,
- mmuPro32Enable,
- mmuStateSet,
- mmuStateGet,
- mmuPageMap,
- mmuGlobalPageMap,
- mmuTranslate,
- mmuCurrentSet
- };
- IMPORT int mmuStateTransArraySize;
- IMPORT int mmuPageBlockSize;
- IMPORT int sysProcessor;
- LOCAL BOOL firstTime = TRUE;
- /* MMU_UNLOCK and MMU_LOCK are used to access page table entries that are in
- * virtual memory that has been invalidated to protect it from being corrupted
- * MMU_UNLOCK and MMU_LOCK makes no function call, so no worry about stack
- * mismatch in virtual/physical address space, or the called out function's
- * disapearance. It is guaranteed that this code is in physical memory.
- */
- #define MMU_ON()
- do { int tempReg; WRS_ASM ("movl %%cr0,%0; orl $0x80010000,%0;
- movl %0,%%cr0; jmp 0f; 0:" : "=r" (tempReg) : : "memory"); } while (0)
- #define MMU_OFF()
- do { int tempReg; WRS_ASM ("movl %%cr0,%0; andl $0x7ffeffff,%0;
- movl %0,%%cr0; jmp 0f; 0:" : "=r" (tempReg) : : "memory"); } while (0)
- #define MMU_UNLOCK(wasEnabled, oldLevel)
- do { if (((wasEnabled) = mmuPro32Enabled) == TRUE)
- {INT_LOCK (oldLevel); MMU_OFF (); }
- } while (0)
- #define MMU_LOCK(wasEnabled, oldLevel)
- do { if ((wasEnabled) == TRUE)
- {MMU_ON (); INT_UNLOCK (oldLevel);}
- } while (0)
- /* inline version of mmuI86TLBFlush() */
- #define MMU_TLB_FLUSH()
- do { int tempReg; WRS_ASM ("pushfl; cli; movl %%cr3,%0;
- movl %0,%%cr3; jmp 0f; 0: popfl; " : "=r" (tempReg) : : "memory");
- } while (0)
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuPro32LibInit - initialize module
- *
- * Build a dummy translation table that will hold the page table entries
- * for the global translation table. The MMU remains disabled upon
- * completion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if no error, ERROR otherwise
- *
- */
- STATUS mmuPro32LibInit
- (
- int pageSize /* system pageSize (must be 4KB or 4MB) */
- )
- {
- PTE *pDirectoryTable;
- int ix;
- /* initialize the data objects that are shared with vmLib.c */
- mmuStateTransArray = &mmuStateTransArrayLocal [0];
- mmuStateTransArraySize =
- sizeof (mmuStateTransArrayLocal) / sizeof (STATE_TRANS_TUPLE);
- mmuLibFuncs = mmuLibFuncsLocal;
- mmuPageBlockSize = PAGE_BLOCK_SIZE;
- /* we assume a 4KB or 4MB page size */
- if ((pageSize != PAGE_SIZE_4KB) && (pageSize != PAGE_SIZE_4MB))
- {
- errno = S_mmuLib_INVALID_PAGE_SIZE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- mmuPro32Enabled = FALSE;
- mmuPageSize = pageSize;
- /* allocate the global page block array to keep track of which parts
- * of virtual memory are handled by the global translation tables.
- * Allocate on page boundry so we can write protect it.
- */
- globalPageBlock = (BOOL *) memalign (mmuPageSize, mmuPageSize);
- bzero ((char *) globalPageBlock, mmuPageSize);
- /* build a dummy translation table which will hold the pte's for
- * global memory. All real translation tables will point to this
- * one for controling the state of the global virtual memory
- */
- /* allocate a page to hold the directory table */
- mmuGlobalTransTbl.pDirectoryTable = pDirectoryTable =
- (PTE *) memalign (mmuPageSize, mmuPageSize);
- if (pDirectoryTable == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* invalidate all the directory table entries */
- for (ix = 0; ix < (PD_SIZE / sizeof(PTE)); ix++)
- {
- pDirectoryTable[ix].field.present = 0;
- pDirectoryTable[ix] = 0;
- pDirectoryTable[ix] = 0;
- pDirectoryTable[ix].field.pwt = 0;
- pDirectoryTable[ix].field.pcd = 0;
- pDirectoryTable[ix].field.access = 0;
- pDirectoryTable[ix].field.dirty = 0;
- if (pageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4KB)
- pDirectoryTable[ix].field.pagesize = 0;
- else
- pDirectoryTable[ix].field.pagesize = 1;
- pDirectoryTable[ix] = 0;
- pDirectoryTable[ix].field.avail = 0;
- pDirectoryTable[ix] = -1;
- }
- /* set CR4 register: PAE=0 PSE=1 */
- vxCr4Set ((vxCr4Get() & ~CR4_PAE) | CR4_PSE );
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuPteGet - get the pte for a given page
- *
- * mmuPteGet traverses a translation table and returns the (physical) address of
- * the pte for the given virtual address.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if there is no virtual space for the given address
- *
- */
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *pTransTbl, /* translation table */
- void *virtAddr, /* virtual address */
- PTE **result /* result is returned here */
- )
- {
- PTE *pDte;
- PTE *pPageTable;
- pDte = &pTransTbl->pDirectoryTable
- [((UINT) virtAddr & DIR_BITS) >> DIR_INDEX];
- if (mmuPageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4KB)
- {
- pPageTable = (PTE *) (pDte->bits & PTE_TO_ADDR_4KB);
- if ((UINT) pPageTable == (0xffffffff & PTE_TO_ADDR_4KB))
- return (ERROR);
- *result = &pPageTable [((UINT) virtAddr & TBL_BITS) >> TBL_INDEX];
- }
- else
- {
- if ((UINT) pDte == (0xffffffff & PTE_TO_ADDR_4MB))
- return (ERROR);
- *result = pDte;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuTransTblCreate - create a new translation table.
- *
- * create a i86 translation table. Allocates space for the MMU_TRANS_TBL
- * data structure and calls mmuTransTblInit on that object.
- *
- * RETURNS: address of new object or NULL if allocation failed,
- * or NULL if initialization failed.
- */
- LOCAL MMU_TRANS_TBL *mmuTransTblCreate
- (
- )
- {
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *newTransTbl;
- newTransTbl = (MMU_TRANS_TBL *) malloc (sizeof (MMU_TRANS_TBL));
- if (newTransTbl == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- if (mmuTransTblInit (newTransTbl) == ERROR)
- {
- free ((char *) newTransTbl);
- return (NULL);
- }
- return (newTransTbl);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuTransTblInit - initialize a new translation table
- *
- * Initialize a new translation table. The directory table is copyed from the
- * global translation mmuGlobalTransTbl, so that we
- * will share the global virtual memory with all
- * other translation tables.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if unable to allocate memory for directory table.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS mmuTransTblInit
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *newTransTbl /* translation table to be inited */
- )
- {
- FAST PTE *pDirectoryTable;
- /* allocate a page to hold the directory table */
- newTransTbl->pDirectoryTable = pDirectoryTable =
- (PTE *) memalign (mmuPageSize, mmuPageSize);
- if (pDirectoryTable == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* copy the directory table from mmuGlobalTransTbl,
- * so we get the global virtual memory
- */
- bcopy ((char *) mmuGlobalTransTbl.pDirectoryTable,
- (char *) pDirectoryTable, PD_SIZE);
- /* write protect virtual memory pointing to the the directory table in
- * the global translation table to insure that it can't be corrupted
- */
- mmuStateSet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, (void *) pDirectoryTable,
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuTransTblDelete - delete a translation table.
- *
- * mmuTransTblDelete deallocates all the memory used to store the translation
- * table entries. It does not deallocate physical pages mapped into the
- * virtual memory space.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS mmuTransTblDelete
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl /* translation table to be deleted */
- )
- {
- FAST int ix;
- FAST PTE *pDte = transTbl->pDirectoryTable;
- FAST PTE *pPageTable;
- /* write enable the physical page containing the directory table */
- mmuStateSet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, transTbl->pDirectoryTable,
- /* deallocate only non-global page blocks */
- if (mmuPageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4KB)
- for (ix = 0; ix < (PT_SIZE / sizeof(PTE)); ix++, pDte++)
- if ((pDte->field.present == 1) && !globalPageBlock[ix])
- {
- pPageTable = (PTE *) (pDte->bits & PTE_TO_ADDR_4KB);
- mmuStateSet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, pPageTable,
- free (pPageTable);
- }
- /* free the page holding the directory table */
- free (transTbl->pDirectoryTable);
- /* free the translation table data structure */
- free (transTbl);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuVirtualPageCreate - set up translation tables for a virtual page
- *
- * simply check if there's already a page table that has a
- * pte for the given virtual page. If there isn't, create one.
- *
- * RETURNS OK or ERROR if couldn't allocate space for a page table.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS mmuVirtualPageCreate
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *thisTbl, /* translation table */
- void *virtPageAddr /* virtual addr to create */
- )
- {
- PTE *pDte;
- FAST PTE *pPageTable;
- PTE *dummy;
- if (mmuPteGet (thisTbl, virtPageAddr, &dummy) == OK)
- return (OK);
- if (mmuPageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4KB)
- {
- pPageTable = (PTE *) memalign (mmuPageSize, mmuPageSize);
- if (pPageTable == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* invalidate every page in the new page block */
- for (ix = 0; ix < (PT_SIZE / sizeof(PTE)); ix++)
- {
- pPageTable[ix].field.present = 0;
- pPageTable[ix] = 0;
- pPageTable[ix] = 0;
- pPageTable[ix].field.pwt = 0;
- pPageTable[ix].field.pcd = 0;
- pPageTable[ix].field.access = 0;
- pPageTable[ix].field.dirty = 0;
- pPageTable[ix].field.pagesize = 0;
- pPageTable[ix] = 0;
- pPageTable[ix].field.avail = 0;
- pPageTable[ix] = -1;
- }
- /* write protect the new physical page containing the pte's
- for this new page block */
- mmuStateSet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, pPageTable,
- }
- else
- pPageTable = (PTE *) ((int)virtPageAddr & ADDR_TO_PAGEBASE);
- /* unlock the physical page containing the directory table,
- so we can modify it */
- mmuStateSet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, thisTbl->pDirectoryTable,
- pDte = &thisTbl->pDirectoryTable
- [((UINT) virtPageAddr & DIR_BITS) >> DIR_INDEX];
- /* modify the directory table entry to point to the new page table */
- pDte-> = (UINT) pPageTable >> ADDR_TO_PAGE;
- pDte->field.present = 1;
- pDte-> = 1;
- /* write protect the directory table */
- mmuStateSet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, thisTbl->pDirectoryTable,
- /* defer the TLB flush to the mmuCurrentSet() at init time */
- if (!firstTime)
- {
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuStateSet - set state of virtual memory page
- *
- * mmuStateSet is used to modify the state bits of the pte for the given
- * virtual page. The following states are provided:
- *
- * MMU_STATE_WBACK MMU_STATE_WBACK_NOT write_back/write_through
- *
- * these may be or'ed together in the state parameter. Additionally, masks
- * are provided so that only specific states may be set:
- *
- *
- * These may be or'ed together in the stateMask parameter.
- *
- * Accesses to a virtual page marked as invalid will result in a page fault.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if virtual page does not exist.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS mmuStateSet
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl, /* translation table */
- void *pageAddr, /* page whose state to modify */
- UINT stateMask, /* mask of which state bits to modify */
- UINT state /* new state bit values */
- )
- {
- PTE *pPte;
- int oldIntLev = 0;
- BOOL wasEnabled;
- if (mmuPteGet (transTbl, pageAddr, &pPte) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- /* modify the pte with MMU turned off and interrupts locked out */
- MMU_UNLOCK (wasEnabled, oldIntLev);
- pPte->bits = (pPte->bits & ~stateMask) | (state & stateMask);
- MMU_LOCK (wasEnabled, oldIntLev);
- /* defer the TLB and Cache flush to the mmuCurrentSet() */
- if (!firstTime)
- {
- cacheArchClearEntry (DATA_CACHE, pPte);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuStateGet - get state of virtual memory page
- *
- * mmuStateGet is used to retrieve the state bits of the pte for the given
- * virtual page. The following states are provided:
- *
- * MMU_STATE_WBACK MMU_STATE_WBACK_NOT write_back/write_through
- *
- * these are or'ed together in the returned state. Additionally, masks
- * are provided so that specific states may be extracted from the returned state:
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if virtual page does not exist.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS mmuStateGet
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl, /* translation table */
- void *pageAddr, /* page whose state we're querying */
- UINT *state /* place to return state value */
- )
- {
- PTE *pPte;
- if (mmuPteGet (transTbl, pageAddr, &pPte) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- *state = pPte->bits;
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuPageMap - map physical memory page to virtual memory page
- *
- * The physical page address is entered into the pte corresponding to the
- * given virtual page. The state of a newly mapped page is undefined.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if translation table creation failed.
- */
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl, /* translation table */
- void *virtualAddress, /* virtual address */
- void *physPage /* physical address */
- )
- {
- PTE *pPte;
- int oldIntLev = 0;
- BOOL wasEnabled;
- BOOL status = mmuPteGet (transTbl, virtualAddress, &pPte);
- if ((mmuPageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4KB) && (status != OK))
- {
- /* build the translation table for the virtual address */
- if (mmuVirtualPageCreate (transTbl, virtualAddress) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if (mmuPteGet (transTbl, virtualAddress, &pPte) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- }
- MMU_UNLOCK (wasEnabled, oldIntLev);
- if (mmuPageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4MB)
- (int)physPage &= ADDR_TO_PAGEBASE;
- pPte-> = (UINT)physPage >> ADDR_TO_PAGE;
- MMU_LOCK (wasEnabled, oldIntLev);
- cacheArchClearEntry (DATA_CACHE, pPte);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuGlobalPageMap - map physical memory page to global virtual memory page
- *
- * mmuGlobalPageMap is used to map physical pages into global virtual memory
- * that is shared by all virtual memory contexts. The translation tables
- * for this section of the virtual space are shared by all virtual memory
- * contexts.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if no pte for given virtual page.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS mmuGlobalPageMap
- (
- void *virtualAddress, /* virtual address */
- void *physPage /* physical address */
- )
- {
- PTE *pPte;
- int oldIntLev = 0;
- BOOL wasEnabled;
- BOOL status = mmuPteGet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, virtualAddress, &pPte);
- if ((mmuPageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4KB) && (status != OK))
- {
- /* build the translation table for the virtual address */
- if (mmuVirtualPageCreate (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, virtualAddress) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if (mmuPteGet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, virtualAddress, &pPte) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- /* the globalPageBlock array is write protected */
- mmuStateSet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, globalPageBlock,
- globalPageBlock [((UINT) virtualAddress & DIR_BITS) >> DIR_INDEX] =
- mmuStateSet (&mmuGlobalTransTbl, globalPageBlock,
- }
- MMU_UNLOCK (wasEnabled, oldIntLev);
- if (mmuPageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4MB)
- (int)physPage &= ADDR_TO_PAGEBASE;
- pPte-> = (UINT)physPage >> ADDR_TO_PAGE;
- MMU_LOCK (wasEnabled, oldIntLev);
- /* defer the TLB and Cache flush to the mmuCurrentSet() */
- if (!firstTime)
- {
- cacheArchClearEntry (DATA_CACHE, pPte);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuTranslate - translate a virtual address to a physical address
- *
- * Traverse the translation table and extract the physical address for the
- * given virtual address from the pte corresponding to the virtual address.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if no pte for given virtual address.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS mmuTranslate
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl, /* translation table */
- void *virtAddress, /* virtual address */
- void **physAddress /* place to return result */
- )
- {
- PTE *pPte;
- if (mmuPteGet (transTbl, virtAddress, &pPte) != OK)
- {
- errno = S_mmuLib_NO_DESCRIPTOR;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (pPte->field.present == 0)
- {
- errno = S_mmuLib_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* add offset into page */
- if (mmuPageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4KB)
- *physAddress = (void *)((UINT)(pPte->bits & PTE_TO_ADDR_4KB) +
- ((UINT)virtAddress & OFFSET_BITS_4KB));
- else
- *physAddress = (void *)((UINT)(pPte->bits & PTE_TO_ADDR_4MB) +
- ((UINT)virtAddress & OFFSET_BITS_4MB));
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuCurrentSet - change active translation table
- *
- * mmuCurrent set is used to change the virtual memory context.
- * Load the CRP (root pointer) register with the given translation table.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void mmuCurrentSet
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl /* new active translation table */
- )
- {
- FAST int oldLev;
- if (firstTime)
- {
- mmuMemPagesWriteDisable (&mmuGlobalTransTbl);
- mmuMemPagesWriteDisable (transTbl);
- /* perform the deferred TLB and Cache flush */
- /* MMU_TLB_FLUSH (); */ /* done by following mmuPro32PdbrSet () */
- if (sysProcessor != X86CPU_386)
- WRS_ASM ("wbinvd"); /* flush the entire cache */
- firstTime = FALSE;
- }
- oldLev = intLock ();
- mmuCurrentTransTbl = transTbl;
- mmuPro32PdbrSet (transTbl);
- intUnlock (oldLev);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mmuMemPagesWriteDisable - write disable memory holding a table's descriptors
- *
- * Memory containing translation table descriptors is marked as read only
- * to protect the descriptors from being corrupted. This routine write protects
- * all the memory used to contain a given translation table's descriptors.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void mmuMemPagesWriteDisable
- (
- MMU_TRANS_TBL *transTbl
- )
- {
- void *thisPage;
- int ix;
- if (mmuPageSize == PAGE_SIZE_4KB)
- for (ix = 0; ix < (PD_SIZE / sizeof(PTE)); ix++)
- {
- thisPage = (void *) (transTbl->pDirectoryTable[ix].bits &
- if ((int)thisPage != (0xffffffff & PTE_TO_ADDR_4KB))
- mmuStateSet (transTbl, thisPage, MMU_STATE_MASK_WRITABLE,
- }
- mmuStateSet (transTbl, transTbl->pDirectoryTable, MMU_STATE_MASK_WRITABLE,
- }