- /* semALib.s - i80x86 internal VxWorks binary semaphore assembly library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01l,20mar02,hdn preserved previous state of the int enable bit (spr 74016)
- 01k,09nov01,pcm added VxWorks semaphore events
- 01j,23aug01,hdn added FUNC/FUNC_LABEL, replaced .align with .balign
- 01i,30apr98,cjtc bug fixes in semaphore instrumentation
- 01h,28apr98,pr fixed problem with registers in WV code.
- 01g,16apr98,pr cleanup.
- 01f,17feb98,pr added WindView 2.0 code.
- 01f,24jun97,sub fixed semTakeGlobal and semGiveGlobal for VxMP - SPR # 8833
- 01e,29jul96,sbs Made windview conditionally compile.
- 01d,08aug94,hdn added support for WindView.
- 01c,02jun93,hdn split into sem[CM]ALib.s to increase modularity.
- added shared memory semaphores support.
- added signal restart.
- updated to 5.1
- - fixed #else and #endif
- - changed copyright notice
- 01b,13oct92,hdn debugged.
- 01a,07apr92,hdn written based on TRON version.
- */
- /*
- This module contains internals to the VxWorks kernel.
- These routines have been coded in assembler because they are optimized for
- performance.
- */
- #define _ASMLANGUAGE
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "vwModNum.h"
- #include "asm.h"
- #include "eventLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "private/classLibP.h"
- #include "private/taskLibP.h"
- #include "private/eventP.h"
- .data
- .globl FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- .long FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- #ifndef PORTABLE
- /* externals */
- .globl FUNC(semIntRestrict)
- .globl FUNC(semInvalid)
- .globl FUNC(semGiveDefer)
- .globl FUNC(windExit)
- .globl FUNC(windPendQPut)
- .globl FUNC(windPendQGet)
- .globl VAR(smObjPoolMinusOne)
- /* internals */
- .globl GTEXT(semGive) /* optimized semGive demultiplexer */
- .globl GTEXT(semTake) /* optimized semTake demultiplexer */
- .globl GTEXT(semBGive) /* optimized binary semaphore give */
- .globl GTEXT(semBTake) /* optimized binary semaphore take */
- .globl GTEXT(semQGet) /* semaphore queue get routine */
- .globl GTEXT(semQPut) /* semaphore queue put routine */
- .globl GTEXT(semOTake) /* optimized old semaphore take */
- .globl GTEXT(semClear) /* optimized old semaphore semClear */
- .globl GTEXT(semEvRsrcSend)
- .text
- .balign 16
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semGiveKern - add give routine to work queue
- *
- */
- semGiveKern:
- jmp FUNC(semGiveDefer) /* let C rtn defer work and ret */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semGive - give a semaphore
- *
- *
- *STATUS semGive (semId)
- * SEM_ID semId; /* semaphore id to give *
- */
- .balign 16, 0x90
- semGiveReturn: /* This small block is before the semGive */
- popfl /* as the default branch for a conditional */
- ret /* jump is jump back. */
- .balign 16,0x90
- FUNC_LABEL(semGive)
- movl SP_ARG1(%esp),%ecx /* semId goes into %ecx */
- testl $1,%ecx /* is it a global semId */
- jne semGiveGlobal /* if LSB is 1, its a global sem */
- xorl %edx, %edx /* Clear edx */
- /*
- * windview instrumentation - BEGIN
- * semGive: object status class
- */
- cmpl FUNC(evtAction), %edx /* is WindView on? */
- je noSemGiveEvt
- cmpl $FUNC(semClass),(%ecx) /* check validity */
- je objOkGive
- cmpl $FUNC(semInstClass),(%ecx) /* check validity */
- jne noSemGiveEvt /* invalid semaphore */
- objOkGive:
- movl $ WV_CLASS_3_ON,%eax
- andl FUNC(wvEvtClass),%eax /* is event collection on? */
- cmpl $ WV_CLASS_3_ON,%eax /* is event collection on? */
- jne trgCheckSemGive
- pushl %eax
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl %edx
- /* is this semaphore object instrumented? */
- movl (%ecx),%eax /* %ecx - semId */
- cmpl $0,SEM_INST_RTN(%eax) /* event routine attached? */
- je trgNoSemGive
- /* log event for this object */
- pushl %edx /* $0 */
- pushl %edx /* $0 */
- movw SEM_RECURSE(%ecx),%dx /* recursively called */
- pushl %edx
- movl SEM_STATE(%ecx),%edx /* state/count/owner */
- pushl %edx
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl $ 3 /* number of paramters */
- pushl $ EVENT_SEMGIVE /* EVENT_SEMGIVE, event id */
- movl SEM_INST_RTN(%eax),%edx /* get logging routine */
- call *%edx /* call routine */
- addl $28,%esp
- trgNoSemGive:
- popl %edx
- popl %ecx /* semId */
- popl %eax
- trgCheckSemGive:
- movl $ TRG_CLASS_3,%eax
- orl $ TRG_ON,%eax
- cmpl FUNC(trgEvtClass),%eax /* any trigger? */
- jne noSemGiveEvt
- movl FUNC(_func_trgCheck),%eax /* triggering routine */
- cmpl %edx, %eax /* Note: %edx = 0 */
- je noSemGiveEvt
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl %edx
- pushl %edx /* $0 */
- pushl %edx /* $0 */
- movw SEM_RECURSE(%ecx),%dx /* recursively called */
- pushl %edx
- movl SEM_STATE(%ecx),%edx /* state/count/owner */
- pushl %edx
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl %ecx /* objId */
- pushl $ EVENT_SEMGIVE /* EVENT_SEMGIVE, event id */
- call *%eax /* call triggering routine */
- addl $32,%esp
- popl %edx
- popl %ecx /* semId */
- noSemGiveEvt:
- /* windview instrumentation - END */
- movl FUNC(kernelState),%eax /* are we in kernel state? */
- cmpl %edx, %eax /* %edx already 0 */
- jne semGiveKern /* %eax = 0 if we are not */
- movb SEM_TYPE(%ecx),%dl /* put the sem class into %edx */
- andb $ SEM_TYPE_MASK,%dl /* mask %edx to MAX_SEM_TYPE value */
- jne semGiveNotBinary /* optimize for BINARY if %edx == 0 */
- /*
- * assumptions are:
- * - %ecx = semId (%ecx is a volatile register)
- */
- FUNC_LABEL(semBGive)
- pushfl /* save IF in EFLAGS */
- cmpl $FUNC(semClass),(%ecx) /* check validity */
- /*
- * FIXME-PR: if this is going to be part of the kernel
- * permanently, it should be rearranged. It
- * does an extra instruction that is not needed.
- */
- je objOkBGive /* object is okay */
- /* windview - check the validity of instrumented class */
- cmpl $FUNC(semInstClass),(%ecx) /* check validity */
- jne semIsInvalidUnlock /* semaphore id error */
- objOkBGive:
- #else
- jne semIsInvalidUnlock /* invalid semaphore */
- movl SEM_Q_HEAD(%ecx),%eax
- movl SEM_STATE(%ecx), %edx /* %edx = previous semOwner */
- movl %eax,SEM_STATE(%ecx)
- testl %eax, %eax /* is new semOwner NULL? */
- jne FUNC(semQGet) /* if not empty, get from q */
- cmpl SEM_EVENTS_TASKID (%ecx), %eax
- jz semGiveReturn /* skip if taskId == NULL */
- testl %edx, %edx /* is prev semOwner NULL? */
- jnz FUNC(semEvRsrcSend) /* if not, jump */
- ret /* return OK */
- .balign 16,0x90
- semGiveNotBinary:
- /*
- * Call semGive indirectly via semGiveTbl. Note that the index could
- * equal zero after it is masked. semBGive is the zeroeth element
- * of the table, but for it to function correctly in the optimized
- * version above, we must be certain not to clobber %ecx. Note, also
- * that old semaphores will also call semBGive above.
- */
- movl FUNC(semGiveTbl)(,%edx,4),%edx
- jmp *%edx /* invoke give rtn, it will ret */
- .balign 16,0x90
- semGiveGlobal:
- addl FUNC(smObjPoolMinusOne),%ecx /* convert id to local addr */
- movb 7(%ecx),%dl /* get semaphore type in %dl */
- /* offset 7 is used as the type
- * is stored in network order
- */
- andl $ SEM_TYPE_MASK,%edx /* mask %edx to MAX_SEM_TYPE */
- movl FUNC(semGiveTbl)(,%edx,4),%edx /* %edx is the give rtn. */
- pushl %ecx /* push converted semId */
- call *%edx /* call appropriate give rtn. */
- addl $4,%esp /* clean up */
- ret
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semEvRsrcSend - send a semaphore event on semGive
- *
- * This sub-routine is only executed if a semaphore state change has occurred,
- * and semId->events.taskId is not NULL.
- *
- * assumptions are:
- * - %ecx = semId (%ecx is a volatile register)
- * - %eax = 0
- */
- .balign 16, 0x90
- FUNC_LABEL(semEvRsrcSend)
- movl $1, FUNC(kernelState) /* ENTER KERNEL */
- movl FUNC(errno), %eax
- pushl %esi /* Save %esi */
- pushl %edi /* Save %edi */
- pushl %ebx /* Save %ebx */
- pushl %eax /* Save errno */
- movl %ecx, %esi /* %esi = semId */
- /*
- * Both semId->events.options and semId->options are being pushed
- * onto the stack. But where is semId->options? SEM_TYPE is located
- * at offset 0x04, and SEM_OPTIONS is located at offset 0x05. As the
- * x86 series is little-endian, semId->options will be loaded into the
- * %bh portion of the %ebx register. It should also be noted that both
- * semId->options and semId->events.options are a single byte.
- */
- movl SEM_EVENTS_OPTIONS (%ecx), %edi /* Get semId->events.options */
- movl SEM_TYPE (%ecx), %ebx /* Get semId->options */
- movl SEM_EVENTS_REGISTERED (%ecx), %edx
- movl SEM_EVENTS_TASKID (%ecx), %eax
- pushl %edx /* semId->events.registered param */
- pushl %eax /* semId->events.taskId param */
- call FUNC(eventRsrcSend) /* eventRsrcSend (%eax, %edx) */
- addl $8, %esp /* Remove params from stack */
- /*
- * This next block does the C code
- * if ((evSendStatus != OK) && !(semOptions & EVENT_SEND_NOTIFY_ERROR))
- * Two tests can be condensed into one since ...
- * OK & x = 0, and ERROR & x = x
- * Thus (evSendStatus & semOptions & EVENT_SEND_NOTIFY_ERROR) works.
- * To avoid extra jumps (and flushing of the pipeline), the setXX
- * commands are used.
- */
- movl %eax, %edx /* edx = %eax (backup) */
- xorl %ecx, %ecx /* Clear <retStatus> */
- andl %ebx, %eax /* %eax = {0, semOptions << 8} */
- testl $(SEM_EVENTSEND_ERR_NOTIFY << 8), %eax
- setz %cl /* 1 if will return OK, 0 if ERROR */
- /*
- * "if ((evtOptions & EVENTS_SEND_ONCE) || (evSendStatus != OK))"
- * combined into one test. semId->events.taskId is cleared if the
- * if-statement was TRUE. No branching--cool.
- */
- xorl %eax, %eax /* Clear %eax */
- decl %ecx /* retStatus = {OK, ERROR} */
- orl %edi, %edx /* Combine two tests into one */
- incl %eax /* %eax = $EVENTS_SEND_ONCE */
- movl $S_eventLib_EVENTSEND_FAILED, %edi /* new errno */
- andl %edx, %eax /* %eax = {1,0} */
- popl %ebx /* old <errno> */
- decl %eax /* %eax = {0x0, 0xffffffff} */
- subl %ebx, %edi /* new <errno> - old <errno> */
- andl %eax, SEM_EVENTS_TASKID (%esi) /* {0, unchanged} */
- andl %ecx, %edi /* %edi = {0, new errno - old errno} */
- movl %ecx, %esi /* Save <retStatus> */
- addl %ebx, %edi /* %edi = {old errno, new errno} */
- call FUNC(windExit) /* EXIT KERNEL */
- movl %edi, FUNC(errno) /* Restore errno */
- movl %esi, %eax /* Restore <retStatus> */
- popl %ebx /* Restore %ebx */
- popl %edi /* Restore %edi */
- popl %esi /* Restore %esi */
- ret
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semIsInvalid - unlock interupts and call semInvalid ().
- */
- .balign 16,0x90
- semIsInvalidUnlock:
- semIsInvalid:
- jmp FUNC(semInvalid) /* let C rtn do work and ret */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semTake - take a semaphore
- *
- * STATUS semTake
- * (
- * SEM_ID semId, /@ semaphore ID to give @/
- * int timeout /@ timeout in ticks @/
- * )
- */
- .balign 16,0x90
- FUNC_LABEL(semTake)
- movl SP_ARG1(%esp),%ecx /* semId goes into %ecx */
- testl $1,%ecx /* is it a global semId */
- jne semTakeGlobal /* if LSB is 1, its a global sem */
- /*
- * windview instrumentation - BEGIN
- * semTake: object status class
- */
- cmpl $0,FUNC(evtAction) /* is WindView on? */
- je noSemTakeEvt
- cmpl $FUNC(semClass),(%ecx) /* check validity */
- je objOkTake
- cmpl $FUNC(semInstClass),(%ecx) /* check validity */
- jne noSemTakeEvt /* invalid semaphore */
- objOkTake:
- movl $ WV_CLASS_3_ON,%eax
- andl FUNC(wvEvtClass),%eax /* is event collection on? */
- cmpl $ WV_CLASS_3_ON,%eax /* is event collection on? */
- jne trgCheckSemTake
- pushl %eax
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl %edx
- /* is this semaphore object instrumented? */
- movl (%ecx),%eax /* %ecx - semId */
- cmpl $0,SEM_INST_RTN(%eax) /* event routine attached? */
- je trgNoSemTake
- /* log event for this object */
- pushl $0
- pushl $0
- movl $0,%edx
- movw SEM_RECURSE(%ecx),%dx /* recursively called */
- pushl %edx
- movl SEM_STATE(%ecx),%edx /* state/count/owner */
- pushl %edx
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl $ 3 /* number of paramters */
- pushl $ EVENT_SEMTAKE /* EVENT_SEMTAKE, event id */
- movl SEM_INST_RTN(%eax),%edx /* get logging routine */
- call *%edx /* call routine */
- addl $28,%esp
- trgNoSemTake:
- popl %edx
- popl %ecx /* semId */
- popl %eax
- trgCheckSemTake:
- movl $ TRG_CLASS_3,%eax
- orl $ TRG_ON,%eax
- cmpl FUNC(trgEvtClass),%eax /* any trigger? */
- jne noSemTakeEvt
- movl FUNC(_func_trgCheck),%eax /* triggering routine */
- cmpl $0,%eax
- je noSemTakeEvt
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl %edx
- pushl $ 0 /* 0 */
- pushl $ 0 /* 0 */
- movl $0,%edx
- movw SEM_RECURSE(%ecx),%dx /* recursively called */
- pushl %edx
- movl SEM_STATE(%ecx),%edx /* state/count/owner */
- pushl %edx
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl %ecx /* objId */
- pushl $ EVENT_SEMTAKE /* EVENT_SEMTAKE, event id */
- call *%eax /* call triggering routine */
- addl $32,%esp
- popl %edx
- popl %ecx /* semId */
- noSemTakeEvt:
- /* windview instrumentation - END */
- movb SEM_TYPE(%ecx),%dl /* get semaphore class into %edx */
- andl $ SEM_TYPE_MASK,%edx /* mask %edx to sane value */
- jne semTakeNotBinary /* optimize binary semaphore %edx==0 */
- /*
- * assumptions are:
- * - %ecx = semId (%ecx is a volatile register)
- */
- FUNC_LABEL(semBTake)
- cmpl $0, FUNC(intCnt) /* is it in ISR? */
- jne FUNC(semIntRestrict) /* yes: let C do the work */
- pushfl /* save IF in EFLAGS */
- cmpl $FUNC(semClass),(%ecx) /* check validity */
- je objOkBTake /* object is okay */
- /* windview - check the validity of instrumented class */
- cmpl $FUNC(semInstClass),(%ecx) /* check validity */
- jne semIsInvalidUnlock /* semaphore id error */
- objOkBTake:
- #else
- jne semIsInvalidUnlock /* invalid semaphore */
- movl SEM_STATE(%ecx),%eax /* test for owner */
- testl %eax,%eax /* is the sem owned? */
- jne FUNC(semQPut) /* if sem is owned we block */
- movl FUNC(taskIdCurrent),%edx
- movl %edx,SEM_STATE(%ecx) /* set the owner */
- ret /* %eax is still 0 for OK */
- .balign 16,0x90
- semTakeNotBinary:
- movl FUNC(semTakeTbl)(,%edx,4),%edx
- jmp *%edx /* invoke take rtn, it will ret */
- .balign 16,0x90
- semTakeGlobal:
- addl FUNC(smObjPoolMinusOne),%ecx /* convert id to local addr */
- movb 7(%ecx),%dl /* get semaphore type in %dl */
- /* offset 7 is used as the type
- * is stored in network order
- */
- andl $ SEM_TYPE_MASK,%edx /* mask %edx to MAX_SEM_TYPE */
- movl FUNC(semTakeTbl)(,%edx,4),%edx /* %edx is the take rtn. */
- pushl SP_ARG2(%esp) /* push timeout */
- pushl %ecx /* push converted semId */
- call *%edx /* call appropriate take rtn. */
- addl $8,%esp /* clean up */
- ret
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semQGet - unblock a task from the semaphore queue head
- *
- * assumptions are:
- * - %ecx = semId (%ecx is a volatile register)
- * - (%esp + 0x0) = EFLAGS
- * - (%esp + 0x4) = retAddr
- * - (%esp + 0x8) = semId
- */
- .balign 16,0x90
- movl $1,FUNC(kernelState) /* KERNEL ENTER */
- /*
- * windview instrumentation - BEGIN
- * semGive: task transition state class
- */
- cmpl $0,FUNC(evtAction) /* is WindView on? */
- je noSemQGetEvt
- movl $ WV_CLASS_2_ON,%eax
- andl FUNC(wvEvtClass),%eax /* is event collection on? */
- cmpl $ WV_CLASS_2_ON,%eax /* is event collection on? */
- jne trgCheckSemQGet
- movl FUNC(_func_evtLogM1),%edx /* event log routine */
- cmpl $0,%edx
- je noSemQGetEvt
- pushl %ecx /* push semId */
- call *%edx /* call event log routine */
- addl $4,%esp /* restore stack pointer */
- popl %ecx /* pop semId */
- trgCheckSemQGet:
- movl $ TRG_CLASS_2,%eax
- orl $ TRG_ON,%eax
- cmpl FUNC(trgEvtClass),%eax /* any trigger? */
- jne noSemQGetEvt
- movl FUNC(_func_trgCheck),%edx /* triggering routine */
- cmpl $0,%edx
- je noSemQGetEvt
- xorl %eax, %eax /* Clear %eax */
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl %eax /* 0 */
- pushl %eax /* 0 */
- pushl %eax /* 0 */
- pushl %eax /* 0 */
- pushl %ecx /* push semId */
- pushl %ecx /* objId */
- call *%edx /* call triggering routine */
- addl $32,%esp
- popl %ecx /* semId */
- noSemQGetEvt:
- /* windview instrumentation - END */
- leal SEM_Q_HEAD(%ecx),%edx
- pushl %edx /* push the pointer to qHead */
- call FUNC(windPendQGet) /* unblock someone */
- addl $4,%esp /* clean up */
- call FUNC(windExit) /* KERNEL EXIT */
- ret /* windExit sets %eax */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semQPut - block current task on the semaphore queue head
- *
- * assumptions are:
- * - %ecx = semId (%ecx is a volatile register)
- * - (%esp + 0x0) = EFLAGS
- * - (%esp + 0x4) = retAddr
- * - (%esp + 0x8) = semId
- * - (%esp + 0xc) = timeout
- */
- .balign 16,0x90
- movl $1,FUNC(kernelState) /* KERNEL ENTER */
- /*
- * windview instrumentation - BEGIN
- * semTake: task transition state class
- */
- cmpl $0,FUNC(evtAction) /* is WindView on? */
- je noSemQPutEvt
- movl $ WV_CLASS_2_ON,%eax
- andl FUNC(wvEvtClass),%eax /* is event collection on? */
- cmpl $ WV_CLASS_2_ON,%eax /* is event collection on? */
- jne trgCheckSemQPut
- movl FUNC(_func_evtLogM1),%edx /* call event log routine */
- cmpl $0,%edx
- je trgCheckSemQPut
- pushl %ecx /* push semId */
- call *%edx
- addl $4,%esp /* restore stack pointer */
- popl %ecx /* pop semId */
- trgCheckSemQPut:
- movl $ TRG_CLASS_2,%eax
- orl $ TRG_ON,%eax
- cmpl FUNC(trgEvtClass),%eax /* any trigger? */
- jne noSemQPutEvt
- movl FUNC(_func_trgCheck),%edx /* triggering routine */
- cmpl $0,%edx
- je noSemQPutEvt
- pushl %ecx /* semId */
- pushl $ 0 /* 0 */
- pushl $ 0 /* 0 */
- pushl $ 0 /* 0 */
- pushl $ 0 /* 0 */
- pushl %ecx /* push semId */
- pushl %ecx /* objId */
- call *%edx /* call triggering routine */
- addl $32,%esp
- popl %ecx /* semId */
- noSemQPutEvt:
- /* windview instrumentation - END */
- pushl SP_ARG2(%esp) /* push the timeout */
- leal SEM_Q_HEAD(%ecx),%eax
- pushl %eax /* push the &semId->qHead */
- call FUNC(windPendQPut) /* block on the semaphore */
- addl $8,%esp /* tidy up */
- testl %eax,%eax /* if (windPendQPut() != OK) */
- jne semQPutFail /* put failed */
- call FUNC(windExit) /* else KERNEL EXIT */
- testl %eax,%eax /* if (windExit() != OK) */
- jne semWindExitNotOk /* RESTART */
- ret /* done */
- .balign 16,0x90
- semWindExitNotOk:
- cmpl $1,%eax /* check for RESTART retVal */
- je semRestart
- ret /* EAX = ERROR */
- .balign 16,0x90
- semQPutFail:
- call FUNC(windExit) /* KERNEL EXIT */
- movl $-1,%eax /* return ERROR */
- ret /* return to sender */
- .balign 16,0x90
- semRestart:
- pushl SP_ARG2(%esp) /* push the timeout */
- movl FUNC(_func_sigTimeoutRecalc),%eax
- call *%eax /* recalc the timeout */
- addl $4,%esp /* clean up */
- movl %eax,SP_ARG2(%esp) /* and store it */
- jmp FUNC(semTake) /* start the whole thing over */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semOTake - VxWorks 4.x semTake
- *
- * Optimized version of semOTake. This inserts the necessary argument of
- * WAIT_FOREVER for semBTake.
- */
- .balign 16,0x90
- FUNC_LABEL(semOTake)
- pushl $-1 /* push WAIT_FOREVER on stack */
- movl SP_ARG1+4(%esp),%ecx /* put semId in %ecx */
- pushl %ecx /* put semId on stack */
- call FUNC(semBTake) /* do semBTake */
- addl $8,%esp /* cleanup */
- ret
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * semClear - VxWorks 4.x semClear
- *
- * Optimized version of semClear. This inserts the necessary argument of
- * NO_WAIT for semBTake().
- */
- .balign 16,0x90
- FUNC_LABEL(semClear)
- pushl $0 /* push NO_WAIT on stack */
- movl SP_ARG1+4(%esp),%ecx /* put semId in %ecx */
- pushl %ecx /* put semId on stack */
- call FUNC(semBTake) /* do semBTake */
- addl $8,%esp /* cleanup */
- ret
- #endif /* !PORTABLE */