- /* qPriBMapALib.s - i80x86 optimized bit-mapped priority queue internals */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01d,22aug01,hdn added FUNC/FUNC_LABEL, replaced .align with .balign
- 01c,01jun93,hdn updated to 5.1.
- - fixed #else and #endif
- - changed VOID to void
- - changed copyright notice
- 01b,13oct92,hdn debugged.
- 01a,07apr92,hdn written based on TRON version.
- */
- /*
- This module contains internals to the VxWorks kernel.
- These routines have been coded in assembler because they have been optimized
- for performance.
- The C code versions of these routines can be found in qPriBMapLib.c.
- Unlike 68K, Highest priority bit is LSB in the meta-map and bit-map.
- .ne 36
- 68K:
- .CS
- priority = 255 - priority
- * is highest priority (255)
- $ is lowest priority (0)
- 31 0
- metaBMap *------- -------- -------- -------$
- 7 0
- bMap[0] -------$
- :
- :
- bMap[31] *-------
- listArray[0] ----------- --------- ---------
- $ pNext ---------> | pNext ---> | pNext ---> 0
- ----------- --------- ---------
- $ pPrev --+ 0 <--- pPrev | <--- pPrev | <---+
- ----------- | --------- --------- |
- | |
- +-----------------------------------+
- :
- :
- listArray[255] ----------- ---------
- * pNext ---------> | pNext ---> 0
- ----------- ---------
- * pPrev --+ 0 <--- pPrev | <---+
- ----------- | --------- |
- | |
- +----------------------+
- .CE
- .ne 36
- i80x86:
- .CS
- priority = priority
- * is highest priority (0)
- $ is lowest priority (255)
- 0 31
- metaBMap *------- -------- -------- -------$
- 0 7
- bMap[0] *-------
- :
- :
- bMap[31] -------$
- listArray[0] ----------- --------- ---------
- * pNext ---------> | pNext ---> | pNext ---> 0
- ----------- --------- ---------
- * pPrev --+ 0 <--- pPrev | <--- pPrev | <---+
- ----------- | --------- --------- |
- | |
- +-----------------------------------+
- :
- :
- listArray[255] ----------- ---------
- $ pNext ---------> | pNext ---> 0
- ----------- ---------
- $ pPrev --+ 0 <--- pPrev | <---+
- ----------- | --------- |
- | |
- +----------------------+
- .CE
- */
- #define _ASMLANGUAGE
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "asm.h"
- #include "qPriNode.h"
- .data
- .globl FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- .long FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- #ifndef PORTABLE
- /* internals */
- .globl GTEXT(qPriBMapPut)
- .globl GTEXT(qPriBMapGet)
- .globl GTEXT(qPriBMapRemove)
- .text
- .balign 16
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriBMapPut - insert the specified TCB into the ready queue
- *
- *void qPriBMapPut (pQPriBMapHead, pQPriNode, key)
- * Q_PRI_BMAP_HEAD *pQPriBMapHead;
- * Q_PRI_NODE *pQPriNode;
- * int key;
- */
- pushl %ebx
- pushl %esi
- pushl %edi
- movl SP_ARG1+12(%esp),%edx /* %edx = ARG1 (pMHead) */
- movl SP_ARG2+12(%esp),%ecx /* %ecx = ARG2 (pPriNode) */
- movl SP_ARG3+12(%esp),%eax /* %eax = ARG3 (key) */
- movl (%edx),%ebx /* %ebx = highest node ready */
- cmpl $0,%ebx
- je qPriBMap0
- cmpl Q_PRI_NODE_KEY(%ebx),%eax /* is eax higher priority? */
- jge qPriBMap1
- qPriBMap0:
- movl %ecx,(%edx) /* pPriNode is highest priority */
- qPriBMap1:
- movl %eax,Q_PRI_NODE_KEY(%ecx) /* move key into pPriNode */
- /* qPriBMapMapSet - set the bits in the bit-map for the specified priority
- * %eax = priority
- * returns void
- */
- movl 4(%edx),%esi /* %esi = pMList (metaMap) */
- btsl %eax,4(%esi) /* set %eax bit # in bit-map */
- leal 0x24(%esi,%eax,8),%ebx /* %ebx = pList */
- shrl $3,%eax /* %eax = top five bits of %eax */
- btsl %eax,(%esi) /* set %eax bit # of meta-map */
- movl 4(%ebx),%edi /* %edi = pList->tail = pPrev */
- /* dllAdd - add node to end of list
- * %ebx = pList
- * %edi = pLastNode
- * %ecx = pNode
- * returns void
- */
- movl %edi,%esi /* %esi = pPrev->next */
- cmpl $0,%edi
- jne qPriBMap2
- movl %ebx,%esi /* %esi = pList->head */
- qPriBMap2:
- movl %ecx,(%esi) /* (%esi) = pNode */
- movl %ecx,4(%ebx) /* pList->tail = pNode */
- movl $0,(%ecx) /* pNode->next = pNext */
- movl %edi,4(%ecx) /* pNode->previous = pPrev */
- popl %edi
- popl %esi
- popl %ebx
- ret
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriBMapGet -
- *
- *Q_PRI_NODE *qPriBMapGet (pQPriBMapHead)
- * Q_PRI_BMAP_HEAD *pQPriBMapHead;
- */
- .balign 16,0x90
- movl SP_ARG1(%esp),%edx /* %edx = pMHead */
- pushl (%edx)
- cmpl $0,(%edx)
- je qPriBMapG1 /* if highNode is NULL we're done */
- pushl %edx /* push pMHead */
- call FUNC(qPriBMapRemove) /* delete the node */
- addl $4,%esp /* clean up second argument */
- qPriBMapG1:
- popl %eax /* return node */
- ret
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriBMapRemove
- *
- *void qPriBMapRemove (pQPriBMapHead, pQPriNode)
- * Q_PRI_BMAP_HEAD *pQPriBMapHead;
- * Q_PRI_NODE *pQPriNode;
- */
- .balign 16,0x90
- FUNC_LABEL(qPriBMapRemove)
- pushl %ebx
- pushl %esi
- pushl %edi
- movl SP_ARG1+12(%esp),%edx /* %edx = ARG1 (pMHead) */
- movl SP_ARG2+12(%esp),%ecx /* %ecx = ARG2 (pPriNode) */
- movl Q_PRI_NODE_KEY(%ecx),%eax /* %eax = key */
- movl 4(%edx),%ebx /* %ebx = pMList (metaMap) */
- leal 0x24(%ebx,%eax,8),%esi /* %esi = pList */
- /* dllRemove - delete a node from a doubly linked list
- * %esi = pList
- * %ecx = pNode
- * returns void
- */
- movl 4(%ecx),%ebx /* %ebx = pNode->previous */
- movl %ebx,%edi /* %edi = pNode->previous */
- cmpl $0,%ebx
- jne qPriBMapR1
- movl %esi,%edi /* %edi = pList */
- qPriBMapR1:
- pushl (%ecx)
- popl (%edi) /* pNode->next into (%edi) */
- movl (%ecx),%edi /* %edi = pNode->next */
- cmpl $0,%edi /* (pNode->next == NULL)? */
- jne qPriBMapR3
- movl %esi,%edi /* %edi = pList */
- qPriBMapR3:
- movl %ebx,4(%edi) /* pNode->previous into 4(%edi) */
- movl (%esi),%edi
- cmpl $0,%edi /* if (pList->head == NULL) */
- je clearMaps /* then we clear maps */
- cmpl (%edx),%ecx /* if not deleting highest priority */
- jne qPriBMapDExit /* then we are done */
- movl %edi,(%edx) /* update the highest priority task */
- jmp qPriBMapDExit
- .balign 16,0x90
- clearMaps:
- /* qPriBMapMapClear - clear the bits in the bit-maps for the specified priority
- * %eax = priority,
- * %ebx = &qPriBMapMetaMap,
- * returns void
- */
- movl 4(%edx),%ebx /* %ebx = pMList (meta-map) */
- btrl %eax,4(%ebx) /* clear bit in bit-map */
- shrl $3,%eax /* %eax = top five bits of %eax */
- cmpb $0,4(%ebx,%eax,1)
- jne qPriBMapNoMeta /* if not zero, we're done */
- btrl %eax,(%ebx) /* clear bit in meta-map too */
- qPriBMapNoMeta:
- cmpl (%edx),%ecx /* have we deleted highest priority */
- jne qPriBMapDExit
- /* qPriBMapMapHigh - return highest priority task
- * %ebx = &qPriBMapMetaMap,
- * returns priority in d0
- */
- movl (%ebx),%eax
- bsfl %eax,%esi /* find the top meta priority */
- je qPriBMapR11 /* if no bit is set, it is ERROR */
- movzbl 4(%ebx,%esi,1),%eax
- bsfl %eax,%eax /* find the top bitmap priority */
- je qPriBMapR11 /* if no bit is set, it is ERROR */
- shll $3,%esi /* multiply meta priority by 8 */
- orl %esi,%eax /* add to the priority */
- andl $0xff,%eax
- qPriBMapR10:
- movl 0x24(%ebx,%eax,8),%eax /* get highest task into highNode */
- movl %eax,(%edx)
- qPriBMapDExit:
- popl %edi
- popl %esi
- popl %ebx
- ret
- .balign 16,0x90
- qPriBMapR11: /* It should not happen */
- xorl %eax,%eax
- jmp qPriBMapR10
- #endif /* !PORTABLE */