- /* Copyright 1991-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01c,14jul99,tdl added FUNC / FUNC_LABEL
- 01b,24oct96,yp stuck in a # in USSC mailing addr so cpp will work
- 01a,24jan95,hdn original US Software version.
- */
- #* * * * * * * * * *
- # Filename: EMUOPER.ASM
- #
- # Copyright (C) 1990,1991 By
- # # United States Software Corporation
- # # 14215 N.W. Science Park Drive
- # # Portland, Oregon 97229
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- # and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
- # and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.
- # This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided
- # or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to
- # and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without
- # notice and should not be construed as a commitment by United
- # States Software Corporation.
- #
- # Version: V3.09 01/19/95 GOFAST WRS GNU version of GF-PROT
- # Released: 1 March 1991
- #
- #* * * * * * * * * *
- #define _ASMLANGUAGE
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "asm.h"
- .data
- .globl FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- .long FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- .include "emuIncALib.s"
- .text
- # extrn roundi:near,rounde:near,chkarg:near
- # extrn retnan:near,tnormal:near,renorm:near,getqn:near
- # extrn mul10:near,shiftr:near,exproc:near,exprop:near
- # extrn exret:near
- #CGROUP GROUP emuseg
- #hwseg segment RW para public 'DATA'
- # assume ds:DGROUP, es:DGROUP, ss:DGROUP
- # extrn h_ctrl:word,h_stat:word,s_iptr:dword,s_memp:dword
- #hwseg ends
- #emuseg segment public USE32 'CODE'
- # assume cs:CGROUP
- __lib:
- # subttl Convert To Internal Floating-Point Format
- # page
- # convert 16-bit or 32-bit integer to extended floating-point
- # input: *eax = signed integer
- # output: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- .globl witoep,wiep
- witoep:
- movswl (%eax),%edx
- jmp wiep2
- .globl sitoep
- sitoep:
- movl (%eax),%edx #pick up number
- wiep2: #SAVEII
- movl %esi,s_iptr
- movl %eax,s_memp
- wiep: movl $31,%ecx #initial sign -> cx
- xorl %eax,%eax
- orl %edx,%edx #weed out zero
- jz liep20
- jns siep5 #if negative, set sign, negate
- orl $0x80000000,%ecx
- negl %edx
- siep5: bsrl %edx,%esi
- subl %esi,%ecx
- shll %cl,%edx
- negw %cx
- addw $tBIAS+31,%cx
- ret
- # convert 64-bit integer to extended floating-point
- # input: *eax = signed integer
- # output: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- .globl litoep
- litoep:
- movl %esi,s_iptr
- movl %eax,s_memp
- movl 4(%eax),%edx #pick up number
- movl (%eax),%eax
- movl %eax,%ecx #jump if all zero
- orl %edx,%ecx
- jz liep20
- movl $tBIAS+63,%ecx #initial exponent -> cx
- orl %edx,%edx #if negative, set sign, negate
- jns liep5
- orl $0x80000000,%ecx
- notl %edx
- negl %eax
- sbbl $-1,%edx
- js liep7
- liep5: decl %ecx #shift left until high bit = 1
- addl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jns liep5
- liep7: ret
- liep20: movl $0x00010000,%ecx #zero
- ret
- # convert 10-byte packed decimal integer to extended floating-point
- # input: *eax = signed integer
- # output: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- .globl pdtoep
- pdtoep:
- movl $9,%ecx #set up loop counter and pointer
- lea 9(%eax),%edi
- xorl %edx,%edx #initialize mantissa
- xorl %eax,%eax
- pdep3: call mul10 #multiply mantissa by 10
- decl %edi #pick up next 2-digit
- movb (%edi),%bl
- pushl %ebx #add low digit to mantissa
- shrb $4,%bl
- andl $0x0f,%ebx
- addl %ebx,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- call mul10 #again multiply mantissa by 10
- popl %ebx #add high digit to mantissa
- andl $0x0f,%ebx
- addl %ebx,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- loop pdep3 #loop for all digits
- movl %eax,%ecx #jump if all zero
- orl %edx,%ecx
- jz pdep20
- movl $tBIAS+63,%ecx #initial exponent -> cx
- pdep5: decl %ecx #shift left until high bit = 1
- addl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jns pdep5
- pdep7: movb 9(%edi),%bl #set the sign bit
- andb $0x80,%bl
- shll $24,%ebx
- orl %ebx,%ecx
- ret
- pdep20: movl $0x00010000,%ecx #zero
- jmp pdep7
- # convert single-precision to extended floating-point
- # input: *eax = single-precision
- # output: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- .globl fptoep
- fptoep:
- movl %esi,s_iptr
- movl %eax,s_memp
- movl (%eax),%edx #pick up number
- movl %edx,%ecx #sign, exponent to ecx
- sarl $23,%ecx
- andl $0x800000ff,%ecx
- shll $9,%edx #mantissa -> edx:eax
- xorl %eax,%eax
- cmpb $0,%cl #go handle zero and denormal
- jz fpep20
- cmpb $-1,%cl #go handle INF and NaN
- jz dpep30
- rcrl $1,%edx
- fpep7: addw $tBIAS-sBIAS,%cx #adjust bias
- ret
- fpep20: shrl $1,%edx #this is either zero or denormal
- jz dpep29 # zero if mantissa = 0
- orb $denorm,h_stat
- call exprop
- incl %ecx
- fpep21: decw %cx
- addl %edx,%edx
- jns fpep21
- jmp fpep7
- # convert double-precision to extended floating-point
- # input: eax -> double-precision
- # output: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- .globl dptoep
- dptoep:
- movl %esi,s_iptr
- movl %eax,s_memp
- movl 4(%eax),%edx #pick up number
- movl (%eax),%eax
- movl %edx,%ecx #sign, exponent to ecx
- sarl $20,%ecx
- andl $0x800007ff,%ecx
- shldl $12,%eax,%edx #mantissa -> edx:eax
- shll $11,%eax
- orw %cx,%cx
- jz dpep20
- cmpw $0x7ff,%cx
- jz dpep30
- rcrl $1,%edx
- dpep7: addw $tBIAS-lBIAS,%cx #adjust exponent bias
- dpep9: ret
- dpep30: orl $0x00027fff,%ecx #this is INF or NaN
- movl %edx,%ebx # INF if mantissa 800..00
- shrdl $1,%ecx,%edx
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jz dpep9
- nanret: btl $30,%edx
- jc dpep32
- orw $invop,h_stat
- call exproc
- btsl $30,%edx
- dpep32: xorl %ebx,%ebx
- ret
- dpep20: shrl $1,%edx #this is either zero or denormal
- movl %edx,%ebx # zero if mantissa = 0
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jz dpep29
- orb $denorm,h_stat
- call exprop
- incl %ecx
- dpep21: decw %cx
- addl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jns dpep21
- jmp dpep7
- dpep29: btsl $16,%ecx #zero
- ret
- # convert extended floating-point number to internal formal
- # input: EP in *ss:eax
- # output: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- .globl eptoep
- eptoep:
- movl 4(%eax),%edx #pick up the number
- movzwl 8(%eax),%ecx
- movl (%eax),%eax
- addw %cx,%cx
- rcrl $1,%ecx
- jz epe11 #tags: 10 = INF, denormal, illegal
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx # 01 = zero
- jz epe6
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns epe6
- movl %edx,%ebx
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jz epe6
- ret
- epe6: btsl $17,%ecx #illegal etc
- ret
- epe11: movl %edx,%ebx #this is zero or denormal
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jnz epe6
- btsl $16,%ecx
- ret
- # subttl Convert From Internal Floating-Point Format
- # page
- # convert extended floating-point to 16 or 32 bit integer
- # input: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- # output: eax = signed integer
- .globl eptowi
- eptowi:
- movl $15,%ebx #integer size
- jmp epsi1
- .globl eptosi
- eptosi:
- movl $31,%ebx #integer size
- epsi1: testl $0x00020000,%ecx #weed out specials
- jnz epsi20
- epsi3: subw $tBIAS,%cx #subtract the bias
- cmpw %bx,%cx #if exponent too large, return INF
- jge epsi32
- subw $63,%cx #here shift right
- negw %cx
- call shiftr
- call roundi #IEEE rounding
- adcl $0,%eax
- orl %ecx,%ecx #if negative take 2s complement
- jns epsi11
- negl %eax
- epsi11: ret #return
- epsi20: rorl $8,%ecx #check for stack underflow
- cmpb $3,%ch
- roll $8,%ecx
- jz epsi80
- orw %cx,%cx #specials, but denormals go back
- jz epsi3
- jmp epsi30
- epsi32: jg epsi30 #overflow
- addl %edx,%edx
- orl %eax,%edx
- jz epsi34
- epsi30: orb $invop,h_stat #either +INF or -INF
- call exproc
- epsi34: movl $1,%eax
- movb %bl,%cl
- shll %cl,%eax
- ret
- epsi80: orb $stacku,h_stat #stack underflow
- call exproc
- jmp epsi34
- # convert extended floating-point to 64-bit integer
- # input: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- # output: edx:eax = signed integer
- .globl eptoli
- eptoli:
- testl $0x00020000,%ecx #weed out specials
- jnz epli20
- epli3: subw $tBIAS,%cx #subtract the bias
- cmpw $63,%cx #if exponent too large, return INF
- je epli32
- jg epli30
- subw $63,%cx #here shift right
- negw %cx
- call shiftr
- call roundi #do IEEE rounding
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- orl %ecx,%ecx #if negative take 2s complement
- jns epli11
- notl %edx
- negl %eax
- sbbl $-1,%edx
- epli11: ret #return
- epli20: shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #check for stack underflow
- cmpb $3,%bl
- jz epli80
- orw %cx,%cx #specials, but denormals go back
- jz epli3
- jmp epli30
- epli32: addl %edx,%edx #treat 0x80000000 as special case
- orl %eax,%edx
- jz epli34
- epli30: orb $invop,h_stat #either +INF or -INF
- call exproc
- epli34: movl $0x80000000,%edx
- xorl %eax,%eax
- jmp epli11
- epli80: orb $stacku,h_stat #stack underflow
- call exproc
- jmp epli34
- # convert EP to 10-byte packed-decimal integer
- # input: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- # edi pointer to result area
- # output: signed integer in result area
- .globl eptopd
- eppd20: shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #check for stack underflow
- cmpb $3,%bl
- jz eppd80
- orw %cx,%cx #specials, but denormals go back
- jz eppd3
- eppd30: orb $invop,h_stat #either +INF or -INF
- call exproc
- eppd34: movl $0xffff8000,%eax
- movl %eax,6(%edi)
- movl $6,%ecx
- repz
- stosb
- ret
- eppd80: orb $stacku,h_stat #stack underflow
- call exproc
- jmp eppd34
- eppd33: subl $9,%edi #number too big
- jmp eppd30
- eptopd:
- movl %ecx,6(%edi) #store the sign
- btl $17,%ecx #weed out specials
- jc eppd20
- eppd3: subw $tBIAS+63,%cx #subtract the bias
- jge eppd30
- negw %cx
- call shiftr
- call roundi #do IEEE rounding
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- movl %edx,%esi #get the digits by dividing with 10
- movl $9,%ecx
- pushl %ebp
- movl $10,%ebp
- eppd11: xchgl %esi,%eax
- xorl %edx,%edx
- divl %ebp
- xchgl %esi,%eax
- divl %ebp
- movb %dl,%bl
- xchgl %esi,%eax
- xorl %edx,%edx
- divl %ebp
- xchgl %esi,%eax
- divl %ebp
- shlb $4,%dl
- orb %bl,%dl
- movb %dl,(%edi)
- incl %edi
- loop eppd11
- popl %ebp
- orl %eax,%eax
- jnz eppd33
- ret
- # convert extended floating-point to single-precision floating-point
- # input: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- # output: eax = floating-point
- .globl eptofp
- epfp2: shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #check for stack underflow
- cmpb $3,%bl
- jz epfp38
- btsl $16,%ecx #check zero, denormal
- jc epfp9
- orw %cx,%cx
- jz epfp3
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns epfp36
- jmp epfp30
- eptofp:
- testl $0x00030000,%ecx #jump if special value
- jnz epfp2
- epfp3: addw $sBIAS-tBIAS,%cx #adjust the bias
- cmpw $0,%cx #weed out underflow and overflow
- jle epfp20
- cmpw $0x0ff,%cx
- jnc epfp32
- epfp6: addl %edx,%edx #shift left to delete hidden bit
- epfp7: movl %edx,%ebx #set rounding bits
- shll $23,%ebx
- addl $-1,%eax
- adcl %ebx,%ebx
- jz epfp71
- movb $0x80,%bl
- epfp71: rcrb $1,%bl
- epfp8: shldl $9,%ecx,%eax #combine sign, exponent, mantissa
- movb %cl,%al
- shldl $23,%edx,%eax
- orb %cl,%cl #set underflow if necessary
- jnz epfp11
- testb $underf,h_ctrl
- jz epfp13
- orb %bl,%bl
- jz epfp11
- epfp13: orb $underf,h_stat
- call exproc
- epfp11: call roundi #IEEE rounding
- adcl $0,%eax
- ret
- epfp9: addl %ecx,%ecx #return signed zero
- rcrl $1,%eax
- ret
- epfp20: negw %cx #underflow, we return zero or denormal
- jz epfp7
- cmpw $25,%cx
- jc epfp23
- movw $25,%cx
- epfp23: xorl %ebx,%ebx
- shrdl %cl,%edx,%ebx
- shrl %cl,%edx
- xorw %cx,%cx
- orl %ebx,%ebx
- jz epfp7
- orb $1,%dl
- jmp epfp7
- epfp30: btcl $31,%edx #this is NaN or INF
- orl %edx,%eax
- jnz epfp34
- movw $2*sBIAS+1,%cx
- jmp epfp7
- epfp32: orb $overf,h_stat #this is overflow
- call exproc
- movw $2*sBIAS,%cx
- movl $-1,%edx
- jmp epfp7
- epfp38: call getqn
- orb $stacku,h_stat
- jmp epfp39
- epfp36: call getqn #this is NaN
- jmp epfp37
- epfp34: btl $30,%edx
- jc epfp35
- epfp37: orb $invop,h_stat
- epfp39: call exproc
- btsl $30,%edx
- epfp35: movw $2*sBIAS+1,%cx
- addl %edx,%edx
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- jmp epfp8
- # convert extended floating-point to double-precision floating-point
- # input: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- # output: edx:eax = double-precision
- .globl eptodp
- epdp32: orb $overf,h_stat #this is overflow
- call exproc
- movw $0x7fe,%cx
- movl $-1,%edx
- movl %edx,%eax
- jmp epdp6
- epdp2: shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #check for stack underflow
- cmpb $3,%bl
- jz epdp38
- btsl $16,%ecx #check zero, denormal
- jc epdp3
- orw %cx,%cx
- jz epdp4
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns epdp36
- jmp epdp30
- epdp3: movl %ecx,%edx #return zero
- andl $0x80000000,%edx
- ret
- eptodp:
- testl $0x00030000,%ecx #jump if special value
- jnz epdp2
- epdp4: addw $lBIAS-tBIAS,%cx #adjust the bias
- jle epdp20 # weed out underflow and overflow
- cmpw $0x07ff,%cx
- jnc epdp32
- epdp6: addl %eax,%eax #shift left mantissa to delete hidden bit
- adcl %edx,%edx
- xorl %ebx,%ebx #discarded bits into ebx
- shrdl $12,%eax,%ebx
- shrdl $12,%edx,%eax #shift right everything 12 bits
- shrdl $11,%ecx,%edx
- btl $31,%ecx
- rcrl $1,%edx
- epdp8: orl %ebx,%ebx #exact = no rounding
- jz epdp19
- testb $0x0c,h_ctrl+1 #quick round
- jnz epdp14
- btl $0,%eax
- adcl $-1,%ebx
- jns epdp17
- epdp18: #PREEX precis+rup
- orw $precis+rup,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL1
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL1:
- addl $1,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- ret
- epdp17: #PREEXS precis
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL2
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL2:
- epdp19: andb $0x0fd,h_stat+1
- ret
- epdp14: roll $8,%ebx #IEEE rounding
- cmpl $0x0ff,%ebx
- jna epdp11
- orb $0x40,%bl
- epdp11: call roundi
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- ret
- epdp20: negw %cx #this is zero or denormal
- jz epdp7
- cmpw $53,%cx
- jc epdp21
- movw $53,%cx
- epdp21: shrl $1,%edx
- rcrl $1,%eax
- jnc epdp22
- orl $1,%eax
- epdp22: decw %cx
- jnz epdp21
- epdp7: xorl %ebx,%ebx #discarded bits into ebx
- shrdl $12,%eax,%ebx
- shrdl $12,%edx,%eax #shift right everything 12 bits
- shrdl $11,%ecx,%edx
- btl $31,%ecx
- rcrl $1,%edx
- testb $underf,h_ctrl #set underflow if necessary
- jz epdp13
- orl %ebx,%ebx
- jz epdp19
- epdp13: orb $underf,h_stat
- call exproc
- jmp epdp8
- epdp30: movl %edx,%ebx #this is INF or NaN
- addl %ebx,%ebx
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jnz epdp34
- movw $0x7ff,%cx
- jmp epdp6
- epdp38: call getqn
- orb $stacku,h_stat
- jmp epdp39
- epdp36: call getqn #this is NaN
- jmp epdp37
- epdp34: btl $30,%edx
- jc epdp35
- epdp37: orb $invop,h_stat
- epdp39: call exproc
- btsl $30,%edx
- epdp35: movw $2*lBIAS+1,%cx
- andw $0xf800,%ax
- jmp epdp6
- # round extended floating-point to whole floating-point
- # input: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- # output: EP in ecx:edx:eax no decimals
- .globl eptown
- epwn2: call chkarg #check for stack underflow, NaN
- jc epwn82
- btl $16,%ecx #check zero, denormal
- jc epwn82
- orw %cx,%cx
- jz epwn85
- cmpw $1,%cx
- jz epwn43
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns stdnan
- epwn82: ret #INF
- epwn85: orw $denorm+precis,h_stat
- call exproc
- epwn43: orb $1,%bl
- epwn40: movb $0,%bl #here answer is 0 or 1 or -1
- jnz epwn41
- shldl $8,%edx,%ebx
- addl %edx,%edx
- epwn41: orl %eax,%edx
- jz epwn42
- orb $0x40,%bl
- epwn42: xorl %edx,%edx
- xorl %eax,%eax
- andl $0x80000000,%ecx
- movw $0x3fff,%cx
- call roundi
- jc epwn16
- addl $0xc001,%ecx
- ret
- eptown:
- testl $0x00030000,%ecx #jump if special value
- jnz epwn2
- epwn3: movl %ecx,%esi #number of bits to clear
- movw $tBIAS+63,%si
- subw %cx,%si
- jle epwn8
- cmpw $64,%si #over not needed
- jnc epwn40
- xchgl %esi,%ecx
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- cmpb $32,%cl #clear decimal bits
- jc epwn21
- xchgl %ebx,%eax
- xchgl %eax,%edx
- jz epwn22
- cmpl %ebx,%edx
- rcrl $1,%ebx
- epwn21: shrdl %cl,%eax,%ebx
- shrdl %cl,%edx,%eax
- shrl %cl,%edx
- epwn22: roll $8,%ebx
- cmpl $0x100,%ebx
- jc epwn23
- orb $0x20,%bl
- epwn23: call roundi
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- cmpb $32,%cl
- jc epwn24
- xchgl %eax,%edx
- shrl $1,%eax
- adcl $0,%esi
- epwn24: shldl %cl,%eax,%edx
- adcl $0,%esi
- shll %cl,%eax
- xchgl %esi,%ecx
- epwn16: btsl $31,%edx #set high mantissa bit
- epwn8: ret
- # extract exponent and mantissa from extended floating-point
- # input: EP in ecx:edx:eax
- # output: mantissa as EP in ecx:edx:eax
- # [edi] exponent as EP
- .globl xtract
- xtr2: btl $16,%ecx #check zero, denormal
- jc xtr80
- orw %cx,%cx
- jz xtr23
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns xtr92
- jmp xtr90
- xtr23: call tnormal #normalize
- jmp xtr3
- xtract:
- movl %ecx,%ebx #save original sign
- andl $0x80000000,%ebx
- testl $0x00030000,%ecx #jump if special value
- jnz xtr2
- xtr3: pushl %edx #save the argument
- pushl %eax
- movswl %cx,%edx #convert real exponent to EP floating-point
- subl $tBIAS,%edx
- call wiep
- orw %cx,%cx
- jnz xtr7
- orl %ebx,%ecx
- xtr7: #PUTEP
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- popl %eax #restore original argument
- popl %edx
- movl $0x3fff,%ecx #make exponent 1
- orl %ebx,%ecx
- ret
- xtr80: orb $zerod,h_stat #argument was 0, store -INF
- call exproc
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl $0x80000000,4(%edi)
- movl $0x80007fff,8(%edi)
- ret
- xtr92: call getqn #invalid
- jmp xtr97
- xtr90: movl %edx,%ebx #either NaN or INF
- addl %ebx,%ebx
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jnz xtr95
- movl %eax,(%edi) #argument was INF, store INF
- movl $0x7fff,8(%edi)
- movl $0x80000000,%edx
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- ret
- xtr95: btl $30,%edx #NaN, make into quiet
- jc xtr96
- xtr97: orb $invop,h_stat
- call exproc
- btsl $30,%edx
- xtr96: #PUTEP
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- ret
- # add integer to exponent or EP
- # input: integer EP in ecx:edx:eax
- # [edi] EP
- # output: EP scaled in ecx:edx:eax
- .globl scale
- scaw: call retnan #remove NaNs and invalids
- movb $0,%bl
- movl %ecx,%esi #set denormal exception if either
- addl %esi,%esi # argument denormal
- cmpl $0x00040000,%esi
- jz sca24
- movl 8(%edi),%esi
- addl %esi,%esi
- cmpl $0x00040000,%esi
- jnz sca26
- movb $1,8(%edi)
- sca24: orb $denorm,h_stat
- call exproc
- sca26: testb $0x01,10(%edi) #cases x = 0
- jz sca28
- cmpl $0x00027fff,%ecx
- jz stdnan
- scazer: xorl %edx,%edx #return zero
- xorl %eax,%eax
- movl $0x00010000,%ecx
- jmp sca17
- sca28: cmpw $0x7fff,8(%edi) #cases x = INF
- jnz sca30
- cmpl $0x80027fff,%ecx
- jz stdnan
- #GETEP #return x
- movl (%edi),%eax
- movl 4(%edi),%edx
- movl 8(%edi),%ecx
- ret
- sca30: cmpl $0x80027fff,%ecx #cases n = INF
- jz scazer
- cmpl $0x00027fff,%ecx
- jz sca17
- jmp sca4
- sca40: movl $-2,%ebx #this is special cases for integer
- jmp sca9
- sca44: xorl %ebx,%ebx
- jmp sca9
- scale:
- andb $0x0fd,h_stat+1
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #weed out special arguments
- orb 10(%edi),%bl
- jnz scaw
- sca4: movl %ecx,%esi #save the sign
- subw $tBIAS+15,%cx #calculate shift count
- ja sca40
- negw %cx
- cmpw $16,%cx
- jnc sca44
- addb $16,%cl
- shrl %cl,%edx #integer -> bx
- movl %edx,%ebx
- sca9: #GETEP #load the EP
- movl (%edi),%eax
- movl 4(%edi),%edx
- movl 8(%edi),%ecx
- andl $0xffff,%ebx #we need 32-bit integers
- andl $0xffff,%ecx
- sarl $31,%esi #make twos complement of integer
- xorl %esi,%ebx
- subl %esi,%ebx
- addl %ebx,%ecx #add integer to exponent
- jle sca70
- cmpl $0x7fff,%ecx
- jge sca74
- orl %edx,%edx #also check for denormal
- jns sca78
- movb $0,%bl #no extra bits here
- sca17: roll $16,%ecx #put sign in place
- movb 11(%edi),%ch
- roll $16,%ecx
- ret
- sca70: cmpl $0xffff8000,%ecx #renormalization needed
- jge sca71
- movw $0x8000,%cx
- sca71: clc
- jmp sca78
- sca74: stc
- sca78: movb $0,%bl
- call renorm
- jmp sca17
- itsstu: orb $stacku,h_stat
- jmp nan3
- itsnan: btl $30,%edx
- jc nan9
- stdnan: orb $invop,h_stat
- nan3: call getqn
- call exproc
- btsl $30,%edx
- nan9: xorl %ebx,%ebx
- ret
- # subttl CCALL Arithmetic Operations
- # page
- # examine an EP operand
- # input: ecx:edx:eax
- # output: condition bits in al
- .globl epexam
- epexam:
- xorl %ebx,%ebx #first set sign bit
- shldl $2,%ecx,%ebx
- testl $0x00030000,%ecx #check for specials
- jnz exa10
- exa8: orb $4,%bl #regular bit
- exa9: movb %bl,%al #return bits
- ret
- exa10: btl $16,%ecx #check for zero, NaN, unsupported
- jc exa12
- orw %cx,%cx
- jz exa14
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns exa9
- exa20: orb $0x01,%bl #INF or NaN
- addl %edx,%edx
- orl %eax,%edx
- jnz exa9
- jmp exa8
- exa14: orb $0x4,%bl #denormal case
- exa12: orb $0x40,%bl #zero case
- jmp exa9
- # compare two EP operands
- # input: cx:edx:eax
- # in epcomu quiet NaN will not cause exception
- # output: ST - input -> condition bits in al
- .globl epcomp, epcomu, xcmp
- epcomu:
- movb $1,%bl #unordered entry
- jmp cmp1
- epcomp:
- movb $0,%bl #Intel entry
- cmp1: movl 8(%edi),%esi #sign, exponent of B
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #weed out special arguments
- orb 10(%edi),%bl
- jnz cmpw
- cmp7: movl %ecx,%ebx #set bit in bh if both negative
- andl %esi,%ebx
- shrl $23,%ebx
- subl (%edi),%eax #compare hook line and sinker
- sbbl 4(%edi),%edx
- sbbl %esi,%ecx
- jz cmp10
- setnl %al
- cmp8: xorb %bh,%al #if both negative, complement answer
- cmp9: andb $0x0b8,h_stat+1
- orb %al,h_stat+1
- ret
- cmp10: orl %eax,%edx #possibly equal
- movb $1,%al
- jnz cmp8
- cmpeq: movb $0x40,%al
- jmp cmp9
- cmpw: andb $0x0b8,h_stat+1
- orb $0x45,h_stat+1
- call retnan
- xcmp: shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #two zeroes are equal regardless of sign
- andb 10(%edi),%bl
- testb $1,%bl
- jnz cmpeq
- movl %ecx,%ebx #set denormal exception if either
- addl %ebx,%ebx # argument denormal
- cmpl $0x00040000,%ebx
- jz cmpw2
- movl %esi,%ebx
- addl %ebx,%ebx
- cmpl $0x00040000,%ebx
- jnz cmpw4
- cmpw2: orb $denorm,h_stat
- testb $denorm,h_ctrl
- jnz cmpw4
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- cmpw4: orw %cx,%cx #adjust exponent of pseudo-denormal
- jnz cmpw5
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns cmpw5
- incl %ecx
- cmpw5: orw %si,%si
- jnz cmpw6
- testb $0x80,7(%edi)
- jz cmpw6
- incl %esi
- cmpw6: andl $0x8000ffff,%ecx
- andl $0x8000ffff,%esi
- jmp cmp7
- # add/subtract from registers to stack
- # input: ecx:edx:eax = EP number
- # result: registers = ST + number
- .globl epadd,epadd1,epsub,epsubr
- epsub:
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #weed out special arguments
- orb 10(%edi),%bl
- jnz sub2
- movl 8(%edi),%esi
- xorl $0x80000000,%esi
- jmp epadd2
- sub2: call retnan #handle special arguments
- xorb $0x80,11(%edi)
- jmp addw
- epsubr:
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #weed out special arguments
- orb 10(%edi),%bl
- jnz subr2
- xorl $0x80000000,%ecx
- jmp epadd1
- subr2: call retnan #handle special arguments
- xorl $0x80000000,%ecx
- addw: testb $0x02,%bl #zero is handled normally
- jz epadd1
- call retnan #first remove NaNs and invalids
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #weed out A = INF
- jnz addw3
- cmpw %cx,8(%edi)
- jnz addrta
- movl %ecx,%esi
- xorl 8(%edi),%esi
- jns addrta
- jmp stdnan
- addrtb: #GETEP #return B or A as such
- movl (%edi),%eax
- movl 4(%edi),%edx
- movl 8(%edi),%ecx
- addrta: movb $0,%bl
- ret
- addw3: cmpw $0x7fff,8(%edi) #weed out B = INF
- jz addrtb
- call tnormal #normalize arguments
- xchgl %eax,(%edi)
- xchgl %edx,4(%edi)
- xchgl %ecx,8(%edi)
- call tnormal
- jmp epadd1
- epadd:
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #weed out special arguments
- orb 10(%edi),%bl
- jnz addw
- epadd1: movl 8(%edi),%esi #the other exponent
- epadd2: cmpw %si,%cx #if exponent of A > exponent of B,
- jl add7 # we swap arguments
- movl $0,%ebx
- je add34
- xchgl %eax,(%edi)
- xchgl %edx,4(%edi)
- xchgl %ecx,%esi
- add7: subw %si,%cx
- negw %cx
- call shiftr #shift mantissa right by cl
- movw %si,%cx #load the exponent
- add34: andl $0x8000ffff,%ecx #clear special bits
- xorl %ecx,%esi #go subtract if different signs
- js add20
- addl (%edi),%eax #add mantissas
- adcl 4(%edi),%edx
- jnc add15
- rcrl $1,%edx
- rcrl $1,%eax
- rcrb $1,%bl
- incl %ecx
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx
- je add19
- add15: orw %cx,%cx #renormalize if needed
- jle add28
- ret
- add20: sbbl (%edi),%eax #subtract mantissas
- sbbl 4(%edi),%edx
- jnc add24
- xorl $0x80000000,%ecx
- notl %edx
- notl %eax
- negb %bl
- sbbl $-1,%eax
- sbbl $-1,%edx
- add24: jns add25 #weed out not-normal, possible all-zero
- orw %cx,%cx
- jle add19
- ret
- add25: je add27 #here needs normalizing, or is zero
- add26: decw %cx
- addb %bl,%bl
- adcl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jns add26
- orw %cx,%cx
- jle add19
- ret
- add28: orl %edx,%edx #this may be 0+0
- jnz add19
- movb %bl,%dl
- orl %eax,%edx
- jnz add22
- btsl $16,%ecx
- ret
- add27: orb %bl,%dl #here may be all zero
- orl %eax,%edx
- jz addzer
- add22: xorl %edx,%edx
- add19: call renorm #normalize
- ret
- addzer: movl $0x00010000,%ecx #result went all the way to zero
- movb h_ctrl+1,%bh
- andb $0x0c,%bh
- cmpb $0x04,%bh
- jnz add18
- btsl $31,%ecx
- add18: ret
- # multiply registers to stack
- # input: cx:edx:eax = EP number
- # result: registers = ST * number
- .globl epmul,epmul1
- mulzer: shrl $16,%ecx
- movb $1,%cl
- shll $16,%ecx
- xorl %edx,%edx
- jmp mulin2
- mulinf: orl $0x00027fff,%ecx #return INF
- movl $0x80000000,%edx
- mulin2: xorl %eax,%eax
- xorb %bl,%bl
- jmp mul21
- mulw: call retnan #weed out NaN arguments
- movl %ecx,%esi #weed out special cases
- addl 8(%edi),%esi
- btrl $31,%esi
- cmpl $0x37fff,%esi
- jz stdnan
- testb $1,%bl
- jnz mulzer
- cmpw $0x7fff,%si
- jnc mulinf
- call tnormal #normalize arguments if needed
- xchgl %eax,(%edi)
- xchgl %edx,4(%edi)
- xchgl %ecx,8(%edi)
- call tnormal
- jmp epmul1
- epmul:
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #weed out special arguments
- orb 10(%edi),%bl
- jnz mulw
- epmul1: pushl %ebp #save exponent, sign, FP stack pointer
- pushl %ecx
- movl %eax,%esi #save A0123
- movl %edx,%ecx
- mull (%edi) # A23 * B23
- xchgl %eax,%esi
- movl %edx,%ebx
- mull 4(%edi) # A23 * B01
- addl %eax,%ebx
- adcl $0,%edx
- movl %edx,%ebp
- movl (%edi),%eax # A01 * B23
- mull %ecx
- addl %eax,%ebx
- adcl %edx,%ebp
- movl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%eax
- xchgl %ecx,%eax
- mull 4(%edi) # A01 * B01
- addl %ebp,%eax
- adcl %ecx,%edx
- popl %ecx #exponent
- js mul42 #possibly normalize
- addl %ebx,%ebx
- adcl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- decl %ecx
- mul42: addl $-1,%esi #set rounding bits
- adcl %ebx,%ebx
- jz mul43
- movb $0x80,%bl
- mul43: rcrb $1,%bl
- popl %ebp #restore base pointer
- subw $tBIAS-2,%cx #calculate new exponent
- addw 8(%edi),%cx
- jo mul44
- decw %cx
- jle mul45
- mul21: roll $8,%ecx #put in sign
- xorb 11(%edi),%cl
- rorl $8,%ecx
- ret #return
- mul44: stc #here re-normalize
- jmp mul46
- mul45: clc
- mul46: call renorm
- jmp mul21
- # divide registers to stack
- # input: cx:edx:eax = EP number
- # result: registers = ST / number
- .globl epdiv,epdivr,epdiv1
- divw61: orb $zerod,h_stat
- call exproc
- jmp mulinf
- divw: call retnan #weed out NaN arguments
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #weed out A = INF
- jnz divw3
- cmpw %cx,8(%edi)
- jz stdnan
- jmp mulinf
- divw3: cmpw $0x7fff,8(%edi) #weed out B = INF
- jz mulzer
- btl $16,%ecx #if A = 0 and B = 0 return NaN
- jnc divw7
- testb $1,10(%edi)
- jnz stdnan
- jmp mulzer
- divw7: testb $1,10(%edi) #if B = 0 "zero divide"
- jnz divw61
- call tnormal #normalize arguments
- xchgl %eax,(%edi)
- xchgl %edx,4(%edi)
- xchgl %ecx,8(%edi)
- call tnormal
- xchgl %eax,(%edi)
- xchgl %edx,4(%edi)
- xchgl %ecx,8(%edi)
- jmp epdiv1
- epdivr:
- xchgl (%edi),%eax
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgl 8(%edi),%ecx
- epdiv:
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #weed out special arguments
- orb 10(%edi),%bl
- jnz divw
- epdiv1: pushl %ebp #save exponent, sign
- pushl %ecx
- movl $1,%ebp #first bit = 0
- cmpl 4(%edi),%edx #jump if x < y
- jc div50
- subl 0(%edi),%eax #get first bit
- sbbl 4(%edi),%edx
- jnc div49
- movl %eax,%edx #prevent overflow
- xorl %eax,%eax
- movl %eax,%ecx
- jmp div31
- div49: decl %ebp #first bit = 1
- div50: divl 4(%edi) # q = A0123 / B01 -> ebx
- movl %eax,%ecx # r -> esi
- movl %edx,%esi
- mull 0(%edi) # x * B23 -> edx:eax
- xchgl %edx,%esi #subtract that from qA23
- negl %eax
- sbbl %esi,%edx
- jnc div41
- div31: decl %ecx
- addl 0(%edi),%eax
- adcl 4(%edi),%edx
- jnc div31
- div41: cmpl 4(%edi),%edx #prevent overflow
- jnz div51
- movl %eax,%esi
- xorl %eax,%eax
- movl %eax,%ebx
- subl 0(%edi),%esi
- jmp div32
- div51: divl 4(%edi) # x = A0123 / B01 -> bx
- movl %eax,%ebx
- movl %edx,%esi
- mull 0(%edi) #then q * B23 -> edx:eax
- negl %eax #subtract that from qA23
- sbbl %edx,%esi
- jnc div42
- div32: decl %ebx
- addl 0(%edi),%eax
- adcl 4(%edi),%esi
- jnc div32
- div42: movl %esi,%edx #set rounding bit, first bit flag
- orl %eax,%edx
- xchgl %ebx,%edx
- jz div54
- movb $0x80,%bl
- addl %eax,%eax
- adcl %esi,%esi
- jc div43
- subl 0(%edi),%eax
- sbbl 4(%edi),%esi
- cmc
- div43: rcrb $1,%bl
- div54: movl %edx,%eax #load result to edx:eax
- movl %ecx,%edx
- popl %ecx #restore registers
- cmpl $1,%ebp #handle first bit
- jnc div57
- rcrl $1,%edx
- rcrl $1,%eax
- rcrb $1,%bl
- incw %cx
- div57: popl %ebp
- subw 8(%edi),%cx #calculate new exponent
- addw $tBIAS-0,%cx
- jo div23
- decw %cx
- jle div24
- div21: roll $8,%ecx #put in sign
- xorb 11(%edi),%cl
- rorl $8,%ecx
- ret
- div23: stc #renormalize if needed
- jmp div26
- div24: clc
- div26: call renorm
- jmp div21
- # partial remainder, Intel version
- # input: cx:edx:eax = EP number
- # result: registers = ST % number
- .globl eprem
- res88: cmpw $-1,%cx #here exponent of A < exponent of B
- jnz rem83 # return A unless A > B/2
- pushl %eax # in which case return A-B
- pushl %edx
- shll $1,(%edi)
- rcll $1,4(%edi)
- btrl $31,%edx
- jmp res17
- rem87: btl $16,%ebx #branch if IEEE remainder
- jc res88
- rem83: jmp rem16
- remw: andb $0x0fb,h_stat+1 #clear C2
- call retnan #remove NaNs and invalids
- andb $0x0b8,h_stat+1 #clear condition codes
- btl $16,%ecx #if B = 0 or A = INF return NaN
- jc stdnan
- cmpw $0x7fff,%si
- jz stdnan
- call tnormal #normalize arguments
- xchgl %eax,(%edi)
- xchgl %edx,4(%edi)
- xchgl %ecx,%esi
- cmpw $0x7fff,%si
- jz rem17
- btl $16,%ecx
- jc rem19
- call tnormal
- jmp rem3
- eprem:
- movl 8(%edi),%esi
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #weed out special arguments
- orb 10(%edi),%bl
- jnz remw
- andb $0x0b8,h_stat+1 #clear condition codes
- xchgl (%edi),%eax #swap registers
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgl %esi,%ecx
- rem3: movb $0,%bl #initialize quotient
- subw %si,%cx #get the shift count
- js rem87
- cmpw $64,%cx #maximum shift count 64
- jl rem4
- addw %cx,%si
- orb $32,%cl
- andw $63,%cx
- subw %cx,%si
- orb $0x04,h_stat+1
- rem4: movw %si,8(%edi)
- pushl %ebp #save registers
- movl (%edi),%ebp
- movl 4(%edi),%esi
- rem5: subl %ebp,%eax #divide using shift-subtract
- sbbl %esi,%edx
- jnc rem9
- addl %ebp,%eax
- adcl %esi,%edx
- rem9: cmc
- rem11: adcb %bl,%bl
- decb %cl
- js rem15
- addl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jnc rem5
- subl %ebp,%eax
- sbbl %esi,%edx
- jmp rem11
- rem15: popl %ebp #restore registers
- testb $0x04,h_stat+1 #if C2 is set (incomplete)
- jnz rem16 # leave Q zero
- testl $0x10000,%ebx #branch if IEEE remainder
- jnz res18
- rem41: andl $7,%ebx #massage quotient for the required form
- rorw $1,%bx # bits are discontinuous and reversed
- shrb $4,%bh
- rorw $1,%bx
- shrb $2,%bh
- shlb $7,%bl
- shll $1,%ebx
- orb %bh,h_stat+1
- rem16: movw 8(%edi),%cx #normalize
- rem17: xorb %bl,%bl
- call renorm
- rem19: ret
- res18: pushl %eax #save remainder
- pushl %edx
- res17: addl %eax,%eax #if next quotent bit would be 0, we are
- adcl %edx,%edx # done
- setc %bh
- subl (%edi),%eax
- sbbl 4(%edi),%edx
- sbbb $0,%bh
- jc res42
- movl %ebx,%esi #next bit is one, if all the rest are 0,
- andl $1,%esi # and Q is even, we are likewise done
- orl %edx,%esi
- orl %eax,%esi
- jz res42
- incl %ebx #here we round up the quotient
- popl %edx
- popl %eax
- subl (%edi),%eax
- sbbl 4(%edi),%edx
- notl %edx
- negl %eax
- sbbl $-1,%edx
- btcl $31,%ecx
- jmp rem41
- res42: popl %edx
- popl %eax
- jmp rem41
- # square-root
- # input: ecx:edx:eax = EP number
- # result: ST = sqrt(number)
- .globl epsqrt
- sqr89: ret
- sqrw: xorl %ebx,%ebx
- btl $16,%ecx #zero returns as such
- jc sqr89
- orw %cx,%cx #check for unsupported
- jz sqrw5
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns stdnan
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #check for NaN
- jnz sqrw5
- movl %edx,%ebx
- addl %ebx,%ebx
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jnz nanret
- sqrw5: orl %ecx,%ecx #negative is illegal
- js stdnan
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #+INF returns as such
- jz sqr89
- call tnormal #normalize
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- jmp sqr2
- epsqrt:
- testl $0x80030000,%ecx #jump if special value
- jnz sqrw
- sqr2:
- pushl %ebp #save registers
- pushl %edi
- xorl %ebx,%ebx #save x, possibly shifted right by 1
- movl %eax,%esi
- andb $1,%cl
- shrdl %cl,%esi,%ebx
- shrdl %cl,%edx,%esi
- pushl %esi
- pushl %ebx
- incl %ecx #load high 30 or 31 bits -> esi:edi
- shrdl %cl,%edx,%eax
- shrl %cl,%edx
- movl %edx,%esi
- movl %eax,%edi
- testb $1,%cl #get first estimate with a*x+b
- movl $0x4d12cfe4,%ebx
- jz sqr3
- movl $0x6cff9300,%ebx
- sqr3: shldl $17,%esi,%eax
- mulw %bx
- shrl $16,%ebx
- addw %dx,%bx
- movl %esi,%eax #16-bit iteration y = (x/y + y)/2
- shldl $16,%esi,%edx
- divw %bx
- shrw $1,%bx
- addw %ax,%bx
- sbbw $0,%bx
- shll $16,%ebx
- movl %esi,%edx #32-bit iteration y = (x/y + y)/2
- movl %edi,%eax
- divl %ebx
- shrl $1,%ebx
- addl %eax,%ebx
- sbbl $0,%ebx
- movl %esi,%edx #64-bit iteration y = (x/y + y)/2
- movl %edi,%eax
- divl %ebx
- movl %eax,%ecx
- xorl %eax,%eax
- divl %ebx
- xorl %edx,%edx
- shrl $1,%ebx
- rcrl $1,%edx
- addl %edx,%eax
- adcl %ebx,%ecx
- movl %eax,%ebx #mantissa of y -> ecx:ebx
- mull %eax #calculate y^2 -> (none):si:edi:ebp
- movl %eax,%ebp
- movl %edx,%edi
- movl %ecx,%eax
- mull %eax
- movl %eax,%esi
- movl %ebx,%eax
- mull %ecx
- addl %eax,%edi
- adcl %edx,%esi
- addl %eax,%edi
- adcl %edx,%esi
- movl %ebx,%eax #mantissa of y -> ecx:eax
- popl %ebx #now y^2 - x into si:edi:ebp
- subl %ebx,%edi
- popl %ebx
- sbbl %ebx,%esi
- js sqr37
- jz sqr35
- sqr31: subl $1,%eax #try out next smallest y
- sbbl $0,%ecx
- stc #new residue = old - 2y + 1
- sbbl %eax,%ebp
- sbbl %ecx,%edi
- sbbl $0,%esi
- subl %eax,%ebp
- sbbl %ecx,%edi
- sbbl $0,%esi
- jns sqr31 #more if we are still above real sqrt(x)
- cmc
- sqr32: sbbb %bl,%bl #1/2 bit here, never exactly half
- orb $0x40,%bl
- sqr33: movl %ecx,%edx
- popl %edi #restore registers
- popl %ebp
- movl 8(%edi),%ecx #calculate new exponent
- shrw $1,%cx
- adcw $0x1fff,%cx
- ret
- sqr37: stc #try next largest x
- adcl %eax,%ebp
- adcl %ecx,%edi
- adcl $0,%esi
- addl %eax,%ebp
- adcl %ecx,%edi
- adcl $0,%esi
- jns sqr32 #quit if differential > 0
- addl $1,%eax
- adcl $0,%ecx
- jmp sqr37
- sqr35: movl %edi,%ebx #see if we have an exact answer
- orl %ebp,%ebx
- jz sqr33
- jmp sqr31
- #__lib endp
- #emuseg ends
- # end