- /* Copyright 1991-1992 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- .data
- .globl _copyright_wind_river
- .long _copyright_wind_river
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01f,23aug92,jcf changed bxxx to jxx.
- 01e,05jun92,kdl changed external branches to jumps (and bsr's to jsr's).
- 01d,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01c,30mar92,kdl added include of "uss_fp.h"; commented-out ".set" directives
- (SPR #1398).
- 01b,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed copyright notice
- 01a,28jan91,kdl original US Software version.
- */
- /*
- | ttl FPAC 68K/DPFNCS: IEEE Double Precision Functions
- |DPFNCS idnt 1,0 ; IEEE Double Precision Functions
- | ; DPFNCS.A68
- |
- |* * * * * * * * * *
- |
- | 68000 DPAC -- Double Precision Functions
- |
- | Copyright (C) 1984 - 1990 By
- | United States Software Corporation
- | 14215 N.W. Science Park Drive
- | Portland, Oregon 97229
- |
- | This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- | and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
- | and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.
- | This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided
- | or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to
- | and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- |
- | The information in this software is subject to change without
- | notice and should not be construed as a commitment by United
- | States Software Corporation.
- |
- | Version: See VSNLOG.TXT
- | Released: 01 Jan 1984
- |
- |* * * * * * * * * *
- |
- |
- | Double Precision Floating Point Function library.
- |
- | These functions operate on double precision floating point values,
- | yielding double precision floating point results. All functions
- | process the value on top of the stack and return a result on the
- | stack. The XTOI function expects its integer argument in D0.
- |
- |
- | ========== ===================== ====================================
- | EXP -708.40 < a < 709.78 e to the power specified.
- | (if out of range, 0.0 or +INF)
- |
- | LN a > 0.0 natural log of value specified.
- | (invalid opn if neg or zero)
- |
- | XTOI all value pairs number raised to integer power.
- |
- | ATN any numeric value arc whose tanget is given value
- | (no domain restriction, result in
- | the range is -PI/2 to +PI/2)
- |
- | SQRT a >= 0.0 square root of the given value
- | (invalid operation if negative)
- |
- | COS All trigonometric functions
- | SIN expect a radian mode argument
- | TAN whose magnitude is < 65536 (2^16)
- |
- */
- #define _ASMLANGUAGE
- #include "uss_fp.h"
- | page
- |
- | opt BRS ; Default forward branches to SHORT
- |
- .globl DPEXP
- .globl DPLN
- .globl DPLOG
- .globl DPXTOI
- .globl DPSQRT
- .globl DPATN
- .globl DPCOS
- .globl DPSIN
- .globl DPTAN
- |
- |
- | xref DPMUL ;Floating point operations
- | xref DPDIV
- | xref DPRDIV
- | xref DPADD
- | xref DAINT ;Basic floating point functions
- | xref DFLOAT
- | xref DINT
- |
- | xref DNANRS
- | xref DINFRS
- | xref DUNFRS
- | xref DZERRS
- |
- |
- |
- |
- | .set DBIAS,1023
- |
- |
- | xref FPERR
- |
- |
- /*
- |
- |
- |
- | ### SUBTTL DPEXP: Exponentiation of e Function
- | page
- |
- |
- | EXP: Calculate e to the power specified by the stack argument.
- | The result is returned on the stack.
- | placed at DI.
- |
- | FPERR is set upon overflow, underflow, or NaN argument.
- |
- | Algorithm:
- | The argument is multiplied by 1/LN 2. The integer portion of the
- | product becomes the two*s exponent. A Taylor series approximation
- | about zero is used to compute 2**FRAC(ARG * 1/LN 2).
- |
- */
- .text
- |
- |
- | ??? (LN 2)^16/16! = 1.3570 24794 87551 47193 D-16
- | ??? DC.L $3CA38E89,$AE79F8B4
- | (LN 2)^15/15! = 3.1324 36707 08842 86216 D-15
- .long 0x3CEC36E8,0x43B04022
- | (LN 2)^14/14! = 6.7787 26354 82254 56335 D-14
- .long 0x3D331496,0x4D5878A9
- | (LN 2)^13/13! = 1.3691 48885 39041 28881 D-12
- .long 0x3D781619,0x3166D0F9
- | (LN 2)^12/12! = 2.5678 43599 34882 05142 D-11
- .long 0x3DBC3BD6,0x50FC2986
- | (LN 2)^11/11! = 4.4455 38271 87081 14976 D-10
- .long 0x3DFE8CAC,0x7351BB25
- | (LN 2)^10/10! = 7.0549 11620 80112 33299 D-09
- .long 0x3E3E4CF5,0x158B8ECA
- | (LN 2)^ 9/ 9! = 1.0178 08600 92396 99728 D-07
- .long 0x3E7B5253,0xD395E7C4
- | (LN 2)^ 8/ 8! = 1.3215 48679 01443 09488 D-06
- .long 0x3EB62C02,0x23A5C824
- | (LN 2)^ 7/ 7! = 1.5252 73380 40598 40280 D-05
- .long 0x3EEFFCBF,0xC588B0C7
- | (LN 2)^ 6/ 6! = 1.5403 53039 33816 09954 D-04
- .long 0x3F243091,0x2F86C787
- | (LN 2)^ 5/ 5! = 1.3333 55814 64284 43423 D-03
- .long 0x3F55D87F,0xE78A6731
- | (LN 2)^ 4/ 4! = 9.6181 29107 62847 71620 D-03
- .long 0x3F83B2AB,0x6FBA4E77
- | (LN 2)^ 3/ 3! = 5.5504 10866 48215 79953 D-02
- .long 0x3FAC6B08,0xD704A0C0
- | (LN 2)^ 2/ 2! = 2.4022 65069 59100 71233 D-01
- .long 0x3FCEBFBD,0xFF82C58F
- | (LN 2)^1/ 1! = 6.9314 71805 59945 30942 D-01
- DLN2:
- .long 0x3FE62E42,0xFEFA39EF
- | 1.0000 00000 00000 00000 D+00
- .long 0x3FF00000,0x00000000
- |
- | .set DNEXPC,16 | Number of constants in DEXP poly
- |
- | 1 / LN 2 = 1.4426 95040 88896 34074 D+00
- .long 0x3FF71547,0x652B82FE
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |dsw 0
- bsr DPFADJ | Set-up for DP functions
- |
- jvs DFNANR | NaN parm -> NaN result
- jcc DEXP01 | J/ arg not INF
- |
- jmi DFUNFR | -INF parm -> underflow result
- jra DFPINR | +INF parm -> positive INF result
- |
- DEXP01:
- movel DINLN2+4,sp@- | 1/LN 2 on stack
- movel DINLN2+0,sp@-
- jsr DPMUL | Convert to 2^ function
- |
- movew sp@,d1
- andiw #0x7FF0,d1
- cmpiw #16*DBIAS+144,d1
- jhi DEXP10 | J/ overflow or underflow >= +/- 2^10
- jne DEXP20 | J/ within range < +/- 2^09
- tstb sp@
- jpl DEXP20 | J/ result >= 1.0
- |
- movel sp@,d2 | Examine top 12 bits of mantissa
- rorl #8,d2
- andiw #0x0FFF,d2
- cmpiw #0x0FF8,d2
- jcs DEXP20 | J/ result >= 2^-1022
- |
- DEXP10:
- tstb sp@
- jpl DFPINR | J/ DP function +INF result
- jra DFUNFR | J/ DP function underflow result
- |
- DEXP20:
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | Double the argument on the stack
- |
- jsr DINT
- |
- movew d1,a7@(8) | Save result of DINT
- |
- negl d1
- negxl d0 | Negate integer
- jsr DFLOAT
- jsr DPADD | Special DFRAC
- |
- pea DEXPCN
- movel sp@+,a6 | Point a6 to constant list
- moveq #DNEXPC ,d0 | d0 holds the number of constants
- moveq #DNEXPC, d0 | d0 holds the number of constants
- moveq #16,d0 | XXX DEBUG DEBUG
- bsr DXSER | Polynomial series
- |
- movew a7@(8),d0 | Fetch power of two scaling
- lslw #4,d0
- swap d0
- clrw d0
- addl sp@+,d0 | Combine with DXSER result
- |
- movel sp@,a7@(4) | Downshift result
- movel d0,sp@
- jmp a4@ | Return
- /*
- |
- | ### SUBTTL DPLOG, DPLN: Logarithm Functions
- | page
- |
- |
- | The natural logarithm of the double precision floating point
- | value on the stack is computed using a split domain polynomial
- | approximation. The common log is computed by scaling the
- | result of the natural log computation.
- |
- |
- | The argument, (after the two's power scaling, 2.0 > arg' >= 1.0),
- | is sorted into one of five classes. Within that class, a center
- | point with a known log value is used in combination with a 9th
- | degree Chebyshey polynomial approximation, to calculate a
- | logarithm.
- |
- | The center point of each class is adjusted so that its natural
- | logarithm expressed in double precision form is accurate to
- | more than 80 bits.
- |
- | log(arg) = two's log + center point log + polynomial approximation
- |
- | Polynomial approximation:
- |
- | log((1-t)/(1+t)) = t*(c1*t^8 + c2*t^6 + c3*t^4 + c4*t^2 + c5)
- | (accurate with 1.0E-17 for t within 0.1 of 1.0)
- |
- | t = - (center - arg')/(center + arg') [to calc log of arg'/center]
- |
- */
- |dsw 0 | LN constants list
- |
- | c1 = 0.22330 022
- .long 0x3FCC951A,0x03000000
- | c2 = 0.28571 20487
- .long 0x3FD2491B,0x30450000
- | c3 = 0.40000 00018 947
- .long 0x3FD99999,0x9BA26900
- | c4 = 0.66666 66666 66105
- .long 0x3FE55555,0x55554192
- | c5 = 2.00000 00000 00000 00000
- .long 0x40000000,0x00000000
- |
- | .set DNLNCN,5 | Number of constants in DLN poly
- |
- |
- |dsw 0 | Center Points
- | Center #1 = 1.0000 00000 00000 00000
- .long 0x3FF00000,0x00000000
- | Center #2 = 1.1892 07115 00272 05647 (close to 2^(1/4))
- .long 0x3FF306FE,0x0A31B713
- | Center #3 = 1.4142 13562 37309 38548 (close to 2^(1/2))
- .long 0x3FF6A09E,0x667F3BC7
- | Center #4 = 1.6817 92830 50742 54625 (close to 2^(3/4))
- .long 0x3FFAE89F,0x995AD39D
- | Center #5 = 2.0000 00000 00000 00000
- | --- shifted to 1.0 center..
- |
- |dsw 0 | DLNCEN values adj for exact ln values
- | LN(Center #2) = 0.17328 67951 39985 90522
- .long 0x3FC62E42,0xFEFA39E0
- | LN(Center #3) = 0.34657 35902 79971 81045
- .long 0x3FD62E42,0xFEFA39E0
- | LN(Center #4) = 0.51986 03854 19956 82749
- .long 0x3FE0A2B2,0x3F3BAB60
- |
- |
- | 1 / LN 10 = 0.43429 44819 03251 82765
- DILN10:
- .long 0x3FDBCB7B,0x1526E50E
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |dsw 0
- moveq #-1,d0 | Signal common log scaling
- jra DLN000
- |
- |dsw 0
- clrb d0 | Signal no post calculation scaling
- |
- DLN000:
- bsr DPFADJ | Adjust parameter on stack
- |
- jvs DFNANR | J/ NaN arg -> NaN result
- jmi DFNANR | J/ Neg arg -> NaN result
- jeq DFMINR | J/ 0.0 arg -> -INF result
- jcs DFPINR | J/ +INF arg -> +INF result
- |
- moveb d0,a7@(10) | Save natural/common flag
- |
- movew sp@,d1 | Prepare to calc parm sign and exp
- lsrw #4,d1 | Position exponent (right justified)
- subiw #DBIAS,d1
- movew d1,a7@(8) | /* Save two's exponent value */
- |
- lslw #4,d1 | Scale parameter
- subw d1,sp@
- |
- clrw d0 | Set class number to 0
- movel sp@,d1
- lsrl #8,d1 | d1.W = 0xEMMM
- |
- cmpiw #0xF000+371,d1
- jcs DLN050 | J/ < 1 + 371/4096 (1.090576)
- addqw #8,d0
- cmpiw #0xF000+1216,d1
- jcs DLN050 | J/ < 1 + 1216/4096 (1.296875)
- addqw #8,d0
- cmpiw #0xF000+2221,d1
- jcs DLN050 | J/ < 1 + 2221/4096 (1.542236)
- addqw #8,d0
- cmpiw #0xF000+3416,d1
- jcs DLN050 | J/ < 1 + 3416/4096 (1.833984)
- addqw #1,a7@(8) | /* Class 4: Bump two's exp, then class 0 */
- clrw d0
- subib #0x10,a7@(1) | Reduce scaled exponent
- |
- DLN050:
- moveb d0,a7@(11) | Save center number
- |
- pea DLNCEN
- movel sp@+,a2
- movel a2@(4,d0:W),sp@- |Place center on stack
- movel a2@(0,d0:W),sp@-
- |
- movel a7@(12),sp@- | Copy scaled argument
- movel a7@(12),sp@-
- |
- movel a2@(4,d0:W),sp@- |Place center on stack
- movel a2@(0,d0:W),sp@-
- |
- jsr DPADD | /* Calc (CENTER + PARM') */
- |
- movel sp@,d0 | Exch top stack item w/ 3rd
- movel a7@(16),d1
- movel d1,sp@
- movel d0,a7@(16)
- movel a7@(4),d0
- movel a7@(20),d1
- movel d1,a7@(4)
- movel d0,a7@(20)
- |
- bset #7,a7@(8) | Negate CENTER
- |
- jsr DPADD | /* Calc - (CENTER - PARM') */
- jsr DPRDIV | /* T = - (CENTER-PARM')/(CENTER+PARM) */
- |
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | Duplicate t
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- |
- pea DLNCNS
- movel sp@+,a6 | Poly approx
- moveq #DNLNCN,d0
- bsr DX2SER
- |
- jsr DPMUL | Times t
- clrw d0
- moveb a7@(11),d0
- jeq DLN060 | J/ center = 0 -> no additive log val
- |
- pea DLNLOG-8
- movel sp@+,a6
- movel a6@(4,d0:W),sp@-
- movel a6@(0,d0:W),sp@-
- jsr DPADD | Add in center log value
- |
- DLN060:
- movew a7@(8),d1 | /* Get two's exponent value */
- clrl d0
- extl d1
- jpl DLN061
- moveq #-1,d0
- DLN061:
- |dsw 0
- |
- jsr DFLOAT
- |
- movel DLN2+4,sp@- | Log of 2 on stack
- movel DLN2+0,sp@-
- jsr DPMUL
- jsr DPADD
- |
- tstb a7@(10)
- jeq DLN070 | J/ natural log
- |
- movel DILN10+4,sp@- | Scaling value
- movel DILN10+0,sp@-
- jsr DPMUL
- |
- DLN070:
- movel a7@(4),a7@(8)
- movel sp@+,sp@
- jmp a4@
- /*
- | ### SUBTTL DPXTOI: Floating Point Number to Integer Power Function
- | page
- |
- | X to I power Function.
- |
- | The double precision floating point value on the stack is
- | raised to the power specified in D0.W then returned on stack.
- |
- | A shift and multiply technique is used (possibly with a trailing
- | recipication.
- |
- |
- |
- */
- |dsw 0
- bsr DPFADJ
- |
- jvs DFNANR | J/ NaN arg -> NaN result
- jcc DPXT10 | J/ arg is not INF
- |
- tstw d0
- jeq DFNANR | J/ arg is +/- INF, I is 0 -> NaN
- jmi DFUNFR | J/ x is +/- INF, I < 0 -> underflow
- |
- rorw #1,d0
- andw sp@,d0
- jmi DFMINR | J/ arg is -INF, I is +odd -> -INF
- jra DFPINR | else -> +INF
- |
- |
- DPXT10:
- jne DPXT15 | J/ parm is a number <> 0.0
- |
- tstw d0
- jmi DFPINR | J/ 0.0 to -int -> +INF
- jeq DFNANR | J/ 0.0 to 0 -> NaN
- jra DFZERR | J/ 0.0 to +int -> 0.0
- |
- DPXT15:
- tstw d0
- jeq DFONER | J/ num to 0 -> 1.0
- |
- movew d0,a7@(10) | Save int as its own sign flag
- jpl DPXT20
- negw d0
- DPXT20:
- |dsw 0
- |
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | Result init to parm value
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- |
- moveq #16,d1 | Find MS bit of power
- DPXT21:
- lslw #1,d0
- jcs DPXT22 | J/ MS bit moved into carry
- dbra d1,DPXT21 | Dec d1 and jump (will always jump)
- |
- DPXT22:
- movew d0,a7@(16) | Power pattern on stack
- moveb d1,a7@(19) | Bit slots left count on stack
- |
- |
- DPXT30:
- subqb #1,a7@(19) | Decrement bit slots left
- jeq DPXT35 | J/ evaluation complete
- |
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | Square result value
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- jsr DPMUL | Square it
- |
- lslw a7@(16) | Shift power pattern
- jcc DPXT30 | J/ this product bit not set
- |
- movel a7@(12),sp@- | Copy parm value
- movel a7@(12),sp@-
- jsr DPMUL
- jra DPXT30
- |
- DPXT35:
- tstb a7@(18) | Check for recipocation
- jpl DPXT36 | J/ no recipocation
- |
- clrl sp@- | Place 1.0 on stack
- movel #0x3FF00000,sp@-
- jsr DPRDIV
- |
- DPXT36:
- movel sp@+,a7@(8) | Shift result value
- movel sp@+,a7@(8)
- addql #4,sp | Delete excess stack area
- jmp a4@ | Return.
- /*
- |
- | ### SUBTTL DPSQRT: Square Root Function
- | page
- |
- | Square Root Function.
- |
- | Take square root of the double precision floating point value
- | on the top of the stack.
- |
- | Use the Newton iteration technique to compute the square root.
- |
- | X(n+1) = (X(n) + Z/X(n)) / 2
- |
- | The two*s exponent is scaled to restrict the solution domain to 1.0
- | through 4.0. A linear approximation to the square root is used to
- | produce a first guess with greater than 4 bits of accuracy. Three
- | successive iterations are performed in registers to obtain accuracy
- | of about 30 bits. The final iteration is performed in the floating
- | point domain.
- |
- |
- */
- |dsw 0
- bsr DPFADJ
- |
- jvs DFNANR | J/ NaN arg -> NaN result
- jmi DFNANR | J/ neg arg -> NaN result
- jcs DFPINR | J/ +INF arg -> +INF result
- jeq DFZERR | J/ 0.0 arg -> 0.0 result
- |
- movew sp@,d1 | Get S/E/M word
- subiw #16*DBIAS,d1 | Extract argument's two's exp
- andib #0xE0,d1 | Make it a factor of two
- subw d1,sp@ | /* Scale arg. range to 4.0 > arg' >= 1.0 */
- asrw #1,d1 | Square root of scaled two power
- movew d1,a7@(8) | /* Save two's exp of result on stack */
- |
- movel sp@,d1 | Create fixed point integer for approx
- movew a7@(4),d2
- lsll #8,d1 | /* Produce arg' * 2^30 in d1 */
- lsll #3,d1
- lsrl #5,d2
- orw d2,d1
- bset #31,d1 | Set implicit bit
- jeq DPSQ10 | /* J/ arg' >= 2.0 */
- |
- lsrl #1,d1 | Adjust d1
- |
- DPSQ10:
- movew #42720-65536,d2 | d2 = 0.325926 * 2^17
- swap d1 | /* d1.W = arg' * 2^14 */
- mulu d1,d2 | /* d2 = arg' * 0.325926 * 2^31 */
- swap d2
- addiw #23616,d2 | + 0.7207 * 2^15 - to 4+ bits
- subxw d3,d3
- orw d3,d2 | Top out approximation at 1.99997
- |
- swap d1
- lsrl #1,d1 | /* Arg' * 2^29 in d1 (prevent overflow) */
- |
- movel d1,d3 | Copy into d3
- divu d2,d3 | /* Arg'/X0 * 2^14 in d3 */
- lsrw #1,d2
- addw d3,d2 | X1 in d2 - to 8 bits
- |
- movel d1,d3 | Second in-register iteration
- divu d2,d3
- lsrw #1,d2
- addw d3,d2 | X2 in d2 - to 16 bits
- |
- movel d1,d3
- divu d2,d3
- movew d3,d4
- clrw d3
- swap d4
- divu d2,d3
- movew d3,d4 | 32 bit division result
- swap d2
- clrw d2
- lsrl #1,d2
- addl d4,d2 | X3 in d2 - to 29 bits
- subxl d4,d4
- orl d4,d2 | Top out at 1.9999999995
- |
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | /* Down shift arg' */
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- |
- lsll #1,d2 | Create DP of X3 (good to 29 bits) ...
- clrl d3 | ... in d2:d3
- movew d2,d3
- andiw #0xFFF,d3
- eorw d3,d2
- oriw #DBIAS,d2 | Scale to floating point
- moveq #12,d0 | Shift count in d0
- rorl d0,d2 | Position bits
- rorl d0,d3
- |
- movel d2,a7@(8) | /* On stack: X4, arg', X4, <flags> */
- movel d3,a7@(12)
- movel d3,sp@-
- movel d2,sp@-
- jsr DPDIV | Last iter - to X4 - in DP domain
- jsr DPADD
- subiw #0x0010,sp@ | "Divide" by 2
- |
- movew a7@(8),d7
- addw d7,sp@ | Scale result
- movel a7@(4),a7@(8) | Down shift result
- movel sp@+,sp@
- jmp a4@
- /*
- | ### SUBTTL DPATN: Arctangent Function
- | page
- |
- | ARCTANGENT Function.
- |
- | The arctangent of the double precision floating point value at SI is
- | computed by using a split domain with a polynomial approximation.
- | A principal range radian value is returned.
- |
- | The domain is split at 0.125 (eight) intervals. A polynomial is
- | used to approximate the arctangent for magnitudes less than 1/16.
- |
- | Using the trigonometric identity:
- | ARCTAN(y) + ARCTAN(z) = ARCTAN((y+z)/(1+yz))
- | If z = (x-y)/(1+xy) then ARCTAN((y+z)/(1+yz)) = ARCTAN(x).
- |
- | ARCTAN(-v) = -ARCTAN(v) * make argument positive
- | ARCTAN(1/v) = PI/2 - ARCTAN(v) * reduce argument to <= 1.0
- |
- |
- | ARCTANGENT approximation polynomical coefficients
- |
- | C4 = 1.1022 81616 12614 90000E-01
- */
- .long 0x3FBC37E9,0xAD397134
- | C3 = -1.4285 41305 08745 00000E-01
- .long 0xBFC2490B,0x4D511901
- | C2 = 1.9999 99958 01446 40000E-01
- .long 0x3FC99999,0x90956BB6
- | C1 = -3.3333 33333 31284 50000E-01
- .long 0xBFD55555,0x5554C529
- | C0 = 1.0000 00000 00000 00000E+00
- .long 0x3FF00000,0x00000000
- |
- | .set NDATNC,5
- |
- |
- |
- | Table of ARCTANGENT values at 0.125 intervals
- |
- | ATAN(1/8) = 1.2435 49945 46761 43503E-01
- .long 0x3FBFD5BA,0x9AAC2F6E
- | ATAN(2/8) = 2.4497 86631 26864 15417E-01
- .long 0x3FCF5B75,0xF92C80DE
- | ATAN(3/8) = 3.5877 06702 70572 22040E-01
- .long 0x3FD6F619,0x41E4DEF1
- | ATAN(4/8) = 4.6364 76090 00806 11621E-01
- .long 0x3FDDAC67,0x0561BB4F
- | ATAN(5/8) = 5.5859 93153 43562 43597E-01
- .long 0x3FE1E00B,0xABDEFEB4
- | ATAN(6/8) = 6.4350 11087 93284 38680E-01
- .long 0x3FE4978F,0xA3269EE1
- | ATAN(7/8) = 7.1882 99996 21624 50542E-01
- .long 0x3FE700A7,0xC5784634
- | ATAN(8/8) = 7.8539 81633 97448 30962E-01 ( = PI/4)
- .long 0x3FE921FB,0x54442D18
- |
- |
- | DP PI/2 (duplicate of DPIO2 because of assembler bug)
- |
- .long 0x3FF921FB,0x54442D18
- |
- |
- |dsw 0
- bsr DPFADJ
- |
- jvs DFNANR | J/ NaN arg -> NaN result
- jcc DPAT10 | J/ not INF
- |
- movel DXPIO2+0,d1 | Get top long word of PI/2
- roxll #1,d1
- roxlw sp@ | INF sign bit into X
- roxrl #1,d1 | PI/2 given sign of INF
- addql #4,sp | Delete four bytes from the stack
- movel DXPIO2+4,a7@(4)
- movel d1,sp@
- jmp a4@
- |
- DPAT10:
- jeq DFZERR | J/ 0.0 arg -> 0.0 result
- |
- bclr #7,sp@ | Insure argument positive
- sne d0 | Create flag byte (0xFF iff negative)
- andib #0x80,d0 | Keep sign bit only
- moveb d0,a7@(10) | Save flag byte
- |
- movew sp@,d1
- cmpiw #16*DBIAS,d1
- jle DPAT20 | J/ arg < 1 + 1/16
- |
- addqb #1,a7@(10)
- |
- clrl sp@- | Place 1.0 onstack
- movel #0x3FF00000,sp@-
- jsr DPRDIV | Invert the number
- |
- DPAT20:
- movew sp@,d1
- cmpiw #16*DBIAS-64,d1
- jlt DPAT30 | J/ arg < 1/16
- |
- moveb d1,d2 | Number of sixteenths in d2
- andib #0x0F,d2
- orib #0x10,d2 | Implicit bit
- lsrw #4,d1
- moveq #-1,d3
- subb d1,d3
- lsrb d3,d2
- addqb #1,d2
- lsrb #1,d2 | Rounded eighths in d2.B
- |
- clrl d0
- clrl d1
- moveb d2,d1 | 64 bit integer in d0:d1
- |
- lslb #3,d2
- addb d2,a7@(10) | Save 8 * eigths on stack
- |
- jsr DFLOAT
- subiw #16*3,sp@ | Produce y, floating point eighths
- |
- moveq #4-1,d0
- DPAT25:
- movel a7@(12),sp@-
- dbra d0,DPAT25 | On stack: y, arg', y, arg', <temps>
- |
- jsr DPMUL | /* arg'*y */
- clrl sp@- | Place 1.0 on stack
- movel #0x3FF00000,sp@-
- jsr DPADD | /* 1.0 + arg'*y */
- |
- movel a7@(16),d0 | Exchange stack item
- movel a7@(20),d1
- movel sp@,a7@(16)
- movel a7@(4),a7@(20)
- movel d0,sp@
- movel d1,a7@(4) | On stack: arg', y, (1+arg'*y), <tmps>
- bset #7,a7@(8) | Negate y
- jsr DPADD | /* (arg'-y) */
- jsr DPRDIV | /* (arg'-y) / (1 + arg'*y) */
- |
- DPAT30:
- |dsw 0
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | Duplicate z
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- |
- pea DATNCN
- movel sp@+,a6 | Polynomial approximation to small ATN
- moveq #NDATNC,d0
- bsr DX2SER
- jsr DPMUL | Complete approximation
- |
- moveb a7@(10),d0
- andiw #0x0078,d0 | Trim to table index
- jeq DPAT40 | J/ y = 0.0, ARCTAN(y) = 0.0
- |
- pea DATNTB-8
- movel sp@+,a6
- movel a6@(4,d0:W),sp@-
- movel a6@(0,d0:W),sp@-
- jsr DPADD | Add in ARCTAN(y)
- |
- DPAT40:
- btst #0,a7@(10) | Check for inversion
- jeq DPAT50 | J/ no inversion
- |
- bset #7,sp@ | Negate ARCTAN
- movel DXPIO2+4,sp@-
- movel DXPIO2+0,sp@-
- jsr DPADD | Inversion via subtraction
- |
- DPAT50:
- tstb a7@(10) | Check sign of result
- jpl DPAT60 | J/ positive
- |
- bset #7,sp@ | Negate result
- |
- DPAT60:
- movel a7@(4),a7@(8) | Downshift result
- movel sp@+,sp@
- jmp a4@
- /*
- |
- | ### SUBTTL DPCOS, DPSIN, DPTAN: Trigonometric Functions
- | page
- |
- |
- | The support routine DTRGSV converts the radian mode argument to
- | an quadrant value between -0.5 and 0.5 (quadrants). The sign of the
- | is saved (the argument is forced non-negative). Computations are
- | performed for values quadrant values of -0.5 to 0.5* other values
- | are transformed as per the following transformation formulae
- | and table:
- |
- | Let: z = shifted quadrant value
- | Recall: sin(-x) = -sin(x) tan(-x) = -tan(x)
- | cos(-x) = cos(x)
- |
- | l========l=================l=================l=================l
- | l QUAD l SIN l COS l TAN l
- | l========l=================l=================l=================l
- | l 0 l sin(z) l cos(z) l tan(z) l
- | l 1 l cos(z) l -sin(z) l -1/tan(z) l
- | l 2 l -sin(z) l -cos(z) l tan(z) l
- | l 3 l -cos(z) l sin(z) l -1/tan(z) l
- | l========l=================l=================l=================l
- |
- | The sign of the argument is, by the equations above, important only
- | when computing SIN and TAN.
- |
- | Chebyshev Polynomials are used to approximate the trigonometric
- | value in the range -0.5 to 0.5 quandrants. (Note: constants are
- | adjusted to reflect calculations done in quadrant mode instead
- | of radian mode).
- |
- |
- |
- | C16 = 6.5659 63114 97947 23622E-11
- */
- .long 0x3DD20C62,0xC2F2D7F5
- | C14 = -6.3866 03083 79185 22411E-09
- .long 0xBE3B6E24,0xF44B128F
- | C12 = 4.7108 74778 81817 15037E-07
- .long 0x3E9F9D38,0xA3763CC3
- | C10 = -2.5202 04237 30606 05481E-05
- .long 0xBEFA6D1F,0x2A204A8C
- | C08 = 9.1926 02748 39426 58024E-04
- .long 0x3F4E1F50,0x6891BABB
- | C06 = -2.0863 48076 33529 96087E-02
- .long 0xBF955D3C,0x7E3CBFFA
- | C04 = 2.5366 95079 01048 01364E-01
- .long 0x3FD03C1F,0x081B5AC4
- | C02 = -1.2337 00550 13616 98274E+00
- .long 0xBFF3BD3C,0xC9BE45DE
- | C00 = 1.0000 00000 00000 00000E+00
- .long 0x3FF00000,0x00000000
- |
- | .set NDCOSC,9
- |
- |
- |
- | C15 = -6.6880 35109 81146 72325E-10
- .long 0xBE06FADB,0x9F155744
- | C13 = 5.6921 72921 96792 68118E-08
- .long 0x3E6E8F43,0x4D018D63
- | C11 = -3.5988 43235 21208 53405E-06
- .long 0xBECE3074,0xFDE8871F
- | C09 = 1.6044 11847 87359 82187E-04
- .long 0x3F250783,0x487EE782
- | C07 = -4.6817 54135 31868 81007E-03
- .long 0xBF732D2C,0xCE62BD86
- | C05 = 7.9692 62624 61670 45121E-02
- .long 0x3FB466BC,0x6775AAE2
- | C03 = -6.4596 40975 06246 25366E-01
- .long 0xBFE4ABBC,0xE625BE53
- | C01 = 1.5707 96326 79489 66192E+00
- DPIO2:
- .long 0x3FF921FB,0x54442D18
- |
- | .set NDSINC,8
- |
- |
- |
- | Q3 = 1.7732 32244 08118 84863E+01
- .long 0x4031BB79,0x7BC569F8
- | Q2 = -8.0485 82645 07638 77427E+02
- .long 0xC08926DD,0xB9C83D02
- | Q1 = 6.4501 55566 23337 83845E+03
- .long 0x40B93227,0xD3304CB9
- | Q0 = -5.6630 29630 56808 22115E+03
- .long 0xC0B61F07,0x95DE70E0
- |
- | .set NDTNQC,4
- |
- |
- | P3 = 1.0000 00000 00000 00000E+00
- .long 0x3FF00000,0x00000000
- | P2 = -1.5195 78275 66504 79235E+02
- .long 0xC062FEA6,0x85FF2B0D
- | P1 = 2.8156 53021 77302 44048E+03
- .long 0x40A5FF4E,0x58DEAD6E
- | P0 = -8.8954 66142 22700 41047E+03
- .long 0xC0C15FBB,0xAA8C6A22
- |
- | .set NDTNPC,4
- |
- |
- | INV2PI = 1 / 2*PI = 1.5915 49430 91895 33577E-01
- .long 0x3FC45F30,0x6DC9C883
- |
- |
- |
- bsr DTRGSV | Prepare argument for operation
- |
- moveb d0,d1 | Copy into d1
- andib #3,d0 | Strip sign bit
- addqb #1,d0
- rorb #2,d0 | Move sign bit to B7
- moveb d0,a7@(8) | Save it
- rorb #1,d1
- jcs DSINOP | Compute sine
- |
- |
- pea DCOSCN
- movel sp@+,a6
- moveq #NDCOSC,d0
- bsr DX2SER
- |
- moveb a7@(8),d0
- andib #0x80,d0 | Isolate sign bit
- eorb d0,sp@
- |
- movel a7@(4),a7@(8)
- movel sp@+,sp@
- jmp a4@
- |
- |
- |
- |
- bsr DTRGSV | Prepare argument
- |
- addib #0x7E,a7@(8) | Compute sign
- rorb #1,d0
- jcs DCOSOP
- |
- |
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | Duplicate argument
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- |
- pea DSINCN
- movel sp@+,a6
- moveq #NDSINC,d0
- bsr DX2SER
- jsr DPMUL
- |
- jra DTRGFN
- |
- |
- |
- |
- bsr DTRGSV | Prepare argument
- |
- rorb #1,d0
- andib #0x80,d0
- eorb d0,a7@(8)
- |
- moveq #4-1,d1 | Double duplication of argument
- DPTN01:
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- dbra d1,DPTN01
- |
- pea DTNPCN
- movel sp@+,a6
- moveq #NDTNPC,d0
- bsr DX2SER
- jsr DPMUL
- |
- movel a7@(8),d0
- movel a7@(12),d1
- movel sp@,a7@(8)
- movel a7@(4),a7@(12)
- movel d0,sp@
- movel d1,a7@(4)
- |
- pea DTNQCN
- movel sp@+,a6
- moveq #NDTNQC,d0
- bsr DX2SER
- |
- btst #0,a7@(16)
- jne DPTN20 | J/ reverse division
- |
- jsr DPDIV
- jra DTRGFN
- |
- DPTN20:
- jsr DPRDIV
- jra DTRGFN
- /*
- |
- | page
- |
- | Trigonometric Service Routine
- |
- | The double precision floating point value to be processed is on the
- | stack. Excess 2 PI's are removed from the argument. The range of
- | the argument is then scaled to within PI/4 of 0. The shift size
- | (in number of quadrants) is returned in D0. The original sign bit
- | is returned in the D0.B sign bit.
- |
- | If the argument is NaN, +INF, -INF, or too large (>= 2^16), this
- | routine causes a return to the caller with a NaN result.
- |
- */
- moveal sp@+,a6 | DTRGSV return addr
- |
- bsr DPFADJ
- jcs DFNANR | Return NAN if +/- INF
- jvs DFNANR | Return NaN if NaN
- |
- clrw a7@(8) | Create arg type return byte
- |
- roxlw sp@ | Sign bit into X
- roxrw a7@(8) | Sign bit into temp byte
- roxrw sp@ | Restore DP value (with sign = +)
- |
- cmpiw #16*DBIAS+256,sp@
- jge DFNANR | J/ return NaN if ABS(arg) >= 2^16
- |
- movel DIN2PI+4,sp@- | Scale arg by 1/(2*PI)
- movel DIN2PI+0,sp@-
- jsr DPMUL
- |
- cmpiw #16*DBIAS,sp@
- jlt DTS10 | /* J/ no excess two PI's */
- |
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | Double the scaled argument
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- jsr DINT
- negl d1
- negxl d0
- jsr DFLOAT
- jsr DPADD
- |
- DTS10:
- tstw sp@
- jeq DTS20
- |
- addiw #16*3,sp@ | Multiply value by 8
- cmpiw #16*DBIAS,sp@
- jlt DTS20 | J/ < 1
- |
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | Double parameter
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- jsr DINT
- addqb #1,d1
- lsrb #1,d1
- addb d1,a7@(8) | Mix quadrant number with sign bit
- |
- lslb #1,d1
- negl d1
- negxl d0
- jsr DFLOAT
- jsr DPADD
- |
- DTS20:
- tstw sp@
- jeq DTS30 | J/ arg = 0.0
- |
- subiw #16*1,sp@ | Range result to -0.5 to 0.5
- |
- DTS30:
- andib #0x83,a7@(8) | Limit quadrant shift to 0 thru 3
- moveb a7@(8),d0 | Return cntl byte in d0 and at a7@(8)
- jmp a6@
- /*
- |
- | ### SUBTTL Polynomial Evaluation Routine
- | page
- |
- | Polynomial Evaluation Routines.
- |
- | A list of constants is pointed to by A6. X is on the stack. D0
- | contains the number of constants (the polynomial degree plus one).
- |
- | A6 enters pointing to C[1]. Upon return, the value on stack has
- | been replaced with:
- | DXSER = C[1]*X^(N-1) + C[2]*X^(N-2) + ... + C[N-1]*X + C[N]
- |
- | DX2SER = C[1]*X^(2N-2) + C[2]*X^(2N-4) + ... + C[N-1]*X^2 + C[N]
- |
- |
- */
- moveal a4,a5 | Save a4 in a5
- bsr DPFADJ
- |
- moveb d0,a7@(8) | Save count
- |
- movel a7@(4),sp@- | Square the argument
- movel a7@(4),sp@-
- jsr DPMUL
- jra DXSR01 | J/ join DXSER routine
- |
- moveal a4,a5
- bsr DPFADJ
- |
- moveb d0,a7@(8)
- |
- DXSR01:
- movel a6@(4),sp@- | Place C[1] on stack as accum
- movel a6@,sp@-
- addql #8,a6
- |
- subqb #1,a7@(16)
- |
- DXSR02:
- movel a7@(12),sp@- | Copy X
- movel a7@(12),sp@-
- jsr DPMUL
- movel a6@(4),sp@- | Add in next coefficient
- movel a6@,sp@-
- addql #8,a6 | Advance to next coefficient
- jsr DPADD
- |
- subqb #1,a7@(16)
- jne DXSR02 | J/ more coefficients
- |
- movel a7@(4),a7@(16) | Adjust return
- movel sp@+,a7@(8)
- addql #8,sp
- |
- moveal a4,a3
- moveal a5,a4 | Restore return address
- jmp a3@
- /*
- |
- | ### SUBTTL Function Completion Segments
- | page
- |
- | DPFADJ - Adjust the stack for double precision functions.
- | Move the return address to the function caller into A4.
- | Shift the double precision floating point argument down
- | four bytes, leaving a temporary area of four bytes at
- | 8(A7) thru 11(A7). Set the condition code bits N, Z,
- | C (INF), and V (NaN) to quickly type the argument.
- |
- */
- moveal sp@+,a3 | Function return addr
- moveal sp@,a4 | Caller return addr
- movel a7@(4),sp@ | Down shift parameter
- movel a7@(8),a7@(4)
- |
- movew sp@,d2 | Get SEM word
- rolw #1,d2
- cmpiw #32*0x7FF,d2
- jcs DPFA10 | J/ not INF or NaN
- |
- andiw #0x1E,d2
- jeq DPFA05
- |
- orib #0x02,ccr | Set -V- bit -> NaN argument
- jmp a3@
- |
- DPFA05:
- tstb sp@ | /* Set N bit as req'd, clear Z bit. */
- orib #0x01,ccr | Set -C- bit -> INF argument
- jmp a3@
- |
- DPFA10:
- tstw sp@ | /* Set N, Z bits as req'd, clear V, C */
- jmp a3@
- |
- |
- |
- |dsw 0 | Result is positive overflow
- moveq #0,d0 | Sign is positive
- jra DFIN01
- |
- |dsw 0 | Result in negative overflow
- moveq #-1,d0 | Sign is negative
- |
- DFIN01:
- moveaw d0,a2 | Sign into a2
- addql #8,sp | Delete twelve bytes from the stack
- addql #4,sp
- moveal a4,a0 | Return addr in a0
- jmp DINFRS | (Use DPOPNS exception return)
- |
- |
- |dsw 0 | Result is NaN
- addql #8,sp | Delete twelve bytes from the stack
- addql #4,sp
- moveal a4,a0
- jmp DNANRS
- |
- |
- |dsw 0 | Result is zero
- addql #8,sp
- addql #4,sp
- moveal a4,a0
- jmp DZERRS
- |
- |
- |dsw 0 | Underflow result
- addql #8,sp | Delete twelve bytes from the stack
- addql #4,sp
- moveal a4,a0 | Return address into a0
- jmp DUNFRS
- |
- |
- |dsw 0 | Result is 1.0
- addql #4,sp
- movel #0x3FF00000,sp@
- clrl a7@(4)
- clrb FPERR
- jmp a4@
- |
- | end