- /* l_do_func.s - Motorola 68040 FP routine jump table (LIB) */
- /* Copyright 1991-1993 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- .data
- .globl _copyright_wind_river
- .long _copyright_wind_river
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01g,31may96,ms updated to mototorola version 2.3
- 01f,14jun95,tpr changed fbxx to fbxxl.
- 01e,21jul93,kdl added .text (SPR #2372).
- 01d,23aug92,jcf changed bxxx to jxx.
- 01c,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01b,09jan92,kdl added modification history; general cleanup.
- 01a,15aug91,kdl original version, from Motorola FPSP v2.0.
- /
- /*
- __l_do_funcsa 3.4 2/18/91
- Do_func performs the unimplemented operation. The operation
- to be performed is determined from the lower 7 bits of the
- extension word (except in the case of fmovecr and fsincos).
- The opcode and tag bits form an index into a jump table in
- tbldosa. Cases of zero, infinity and NaN are handled in
- __l_do_func by forcing the default result. Normalized and
- denormalized (there are no unnormalized numbers at this
- point) are passed onto the emulation code.
- CMDREG1B and STAG are extracted from the fsave frame
- and combined to form the table index. The function called
- will start with a0 pointing to the ETEMP operand. Dyadic
- functions can find FPTEMP at a0@(-12).
- Called functions return their result in fp0. Sincos returns
- sin(x) in fp0 and cos(x) in fp1.
- Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
- All Rights Reserved
- The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- actual or intended publication of such source code.
- DO_FUNC idnt 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
- section 8
- */
- #include "fpsp040L.h"
- | xref __l_t_dz2
- | xref __l_t_operr
- | xref __l_t_inx2
- | xref __l_t_resdnrm
- | xref __l_dst_nan
- | xref __l_src_nan
- | xref __l_nrm_set
- | xref __l_sto_cos
- | xref __l_slognp1,__l_slogn,__l_slog10,__l_slog2
- | xref __l_slognd,__l_slog10d,__l_slog2d
- | xref __l_smod,__l_srem
- | xref __l_sscale
- PONE: .long 0x3fff0000,0x80000000,0x00000000 | +1
- MONE: .long 0xbfff0000,0x80000000,0x00000000 | -1
- PZERO: .long 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000 | +0
- MZERO: .long 0x80000000,0x00000000,0x00000000 | -0
- PINF: .long 0x7fff0000,0x00000000,0x00000000 | +inf
- MINF: .long 0xffff0000,0x00000000,0x00000000 | -inf
- QNAN: .long 0x7fff0000,0xffffffff,0xffffffff | non-signaling nan
- PPIBY2: .long 0x3FFF0000,0xC90FDAA2,0x2168C235 | +PI/2
- MPIBY2: .long 0xbFFF0000,0xC90FDAA2,0x2168C235 | -PI/2
- |
- | These routines load forced values into fp0. They are called
- | by index into tbldo.
- |
- | Load a signed zero to fp0 and set inex2/ainex
- |
- .text
- .globl __l_snzrinx
- __l_snzrinx:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | get sign of source operand
- jne ld_mzinx | if negative, branch
- bsrl __l_ld_pzero | bsr so we can return and set inx
- jra __l_t_inx2 | now, set the inx for the next inst
- ld_mzinx:
- bsrl __l_ld_mzero | if neg, load neg zero, return here
- jra __l_t_inx2 | now, set the inx for the next inst
- |
- | Load a signed zero to fp0| do not set inex2/ainex
- |
- .globl __l_szero
- __l_szero:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | get sign of source operand
- jne __l_ld_mzero | if neg, load neg zero
- jra __l_ld_pzero | load positive zero
- |
- | Load a signed infinity to fp0| do not set inex2/ainex
- |
- .globl __l_sinf
- __l_sinf:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | get sign of source operand
- jne __l_ld_minf | if negative branch
- jra __l_ld_pinf
- |
- | Load a signed one to fp0| do not set inex2/ainex
- |
- .globl __l_sone
- __l_sone:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | check sign of source
- jne __l_ld_mone
- jra __l_ld_pone
- |
- | Load a signed pi/2 to fp0| do not set inex2/ainex
- |
- .globl __l_spi_2
- __l_spi_2:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | check sign of source
- jne __l_ld_mpi2
- jra __l_ld_ppi2
- |
- | Load either a +0 or +inf for plus/minus operand
- |
- .globl __l_szr_inf
- __l_szr_inf:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | check sign of source
- jne __l_ld_pzero
- jra __l_ld_pinf
- |
- | Result is either an operr or +inf for plus/minus operand
- | [Used by __l_slogn, __l_slognp1, __l_slog10, and __l_slog2]
- |
- .globl __l_sopr_inf
- __l_sopr_inf:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | check sign of source
- jne __l_t_operr
- jra __l_ld_pinf
- |
- |
- .globl __l_sslognp1
- __l_sslognp1:
- fmovemx a0@,fp0-fp0
- fcmpb #-1,fp0
- fbgtl __l_slognp1
- fbeql __l_t_dz2 | if = -1, divide by zero exception
- fmovel #0,FPSR | clr N flag
- jra __l_t_operr | take care of operands < -1
- |
- |
- .globl __l_setoxm1i
- __l_setoxm1i:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | check sign of source
- jne __l_ld_mone
- jra __l_ld_pinf
- |
- |
- | Test for 1.0 as an input argument, returning +zero. Also check
- | the sign and return operr if negative.
- |
- .globl __l_sslogn
- __l_sslogn:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- jne __l_t_operr | take care of operands < 0
- cmpiw #0x3fff,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | test for 1.0 input
- jne __l_slogn
- cmpil #0x80000000,a0@(LOCAL_HI)
- jne __l_slogn
- tstl a0@(LOCAL_LO)
- jne __l_slogn
- fmovex PZERO,fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_sslognd
- __l_sslognd:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- jeq __l_slognd
- jra __l_t_operr | take care of operands < 0
- |
- | FLOG10
- |
- .globl __l_sslog10
- __l_sslog10:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- jne __l_t_operr | take care of operands < 0
- cmpiw #0x3fff,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | test for 1.0 input
- jne __l_slog10
- cmpil #0x80000000,a0@(LOCAL_HI)
- jne __l_slog10
- tstl a0@(LOCAL_LO)
- jne __l_slog10
- fmovex PZERO,fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_sslog10d
- __l_sslog10d:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- jeq __l_slog10d
- jra __l_t_operr | take care of operands < 0
- |
- | FLOG2
- |
- .globl __l_sslog2
- __l_sslog2:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- jne __l_t_operr | take care of operands < 0
- cmpiw #0x3fff,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | test for 1.0 input
- jne __l_slog2
- cmpil #0x80000000,a0@(LOCAL_HI)
- jne __l_slog2
- tstl a0@(LOCAL_LO)
- jne __l_slog2
- fmovex PZERO,fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_sslog2d
- __l_sslog2d:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- jeq __l_slog2d
- jra __l_t_operr | take care of operands < 0
- |
- | FMOD
- |
- __l_pmodt:
- | | 0x21 fmod
- | | dtag,stag
- .long __l_smod | 00,00 norm,norm = normal
- .long __l_smod_oper | 00,01 norm,zero = nan with operr
- .long __l_smod_fpn | 00,10 norm,inf = fpn
- .long __l_smod_snan | 00,11 norm,nan = nan
- .long __l_smod_zro | 01,00 zero,norm = +-zero
- .long __l_smod_oper | 01,01 zero,zero = nan with operr
- .long __l_smod_zro | 01,10 zero,inf = +-zero
- .long __l_smod_snan | 01,11 zero,nan = nan
- .long __l_smod_oper | 10,00 inf,norm = nan with operr
- .long __l_smod_oper | 10,01 inf,zero = nan with operr
- .long __l_smod_oper | 10,10 inf,inf = nan with operr
- .long __l_smod_snan | 10,11 inf,nan = nan
- .long __l_smod_dnan | 11,00 nan,norm = nan
- .long __l_smod_dnan | 11,01 nan,zero = nan
- .long __l_smod_dnan | 11,10 nan,inf = nan
- .long __l_smod_dnan | 11,11 nan,nan = nan
- .globl __l_pmod
- __l_pmod:
- clr.b FPSR_QBYTE(a6) | clear quotient field
- bfextu a6@(STAG){#0:#3},d0 | stag = d0
- bfextu a6@(DTAG){#0:#3},d1 | dtag = d1
- |
- | Alias extended denorms to norms for the jump table.
- |
- bclr #2,d0
- bclr #2,d1
- lslb #2,d1
- orb d0,d1 | d1{3:2} = dtag, d1{1:0} = stag
- | | Tag values:
- | | 00 = norm or denorm
- | | 01 = zero
- | | 10 = inf
- | | 11 = nan
- lea __l_pmodt,a1
- movel a1@(d1:w:4),a1
- jmp a1@
- __l_smod_snan:
- jra __l_src_nan
- __l_smod_dnan:
- jra __l_dst_nan
- __l_smod_oper:
- jra __l_t_operr
- __l_smod_zro:
- moveb a6@(ETEMP),d1 | get sign of src op
- moveb a6@(FPTEMP),d0 | get sign of dst op
- eorb d0,d1 | get exor of sign bits
- btst #7,d1 | test for sign
- jeq __l_smod_zsn | if clr, do not set sign big
- bset #q_sn_bit,a6@(FPSR_QBYTE) | set q-byte sign bit
- __l_smod_zsn:
- btst #7,d0 | test if + or -
- jeq __l_ld_pzero | if pos then load +0
- jra __l_ld_mzero | else neg load -0
- __l_smod_fpn:
- moveb a6@(ETEMP),d1 | get sign of src op
- moveb a6@(FPTEMP),d0 | get sign of dst op
- eorb d0,d1 | get exor of sign bits
- btst #7,d1 | test for sign
- jeq __l_smod_fsn | if clr, do not set sign big
- bset #q_sn_bit,a6@(FPSR_QBYTE) | set q-byte sign bit
- __l_smod_fsn:
- tstb a6@(DTAG) | filter out denormal destination case
- jpl __l_smod_nrm |
- lea a6@(FPTEMP),a0 | a0<- addr(FPTEMP)
- jra __l_t_resdnrm | force UNFL(but exact) result
- __l_smod_nrm:
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr /* | use user's rmode and precision */
- fmovex a6@(FPTEMP),fp0 | return dest to fp0
- rts
- |
- | FREM
- |
- __l_premt:
- | | 0x25 frem
- | | dtag,stag
- .long __l_srem | 00,00 norm,norm = normal
- .long __l_srem_oper | 00,01 norm,zero = nan with operr
- .long __l_srem_fpn | 00,10 norm,inf = fpn
- .long __l_srem_snan | 00,11 norm,nan = nan
- .long __l_srem_zro | 01,00 zero,norm = +-zero
- .long __l_srem_oper | 01,01 zero,zero = nan with operr
- .long __l_srem_zro | 01,10 zero,inf = +-zero
- .long __l_srem_snan | 01,11 zero,nan = nan
- .long __l_srem_oper | 10,00 inf,norm = nan with operr
- .long __l_srem_oper | 10,01 inf,zero = nan with operr
- .long __l_srem_oper | 10,10 inf,inf = nan with operr
- .long __l_srem_snan | 10,11 inf,nan = nan
- .long __l_srem_dnan | 11,00 nan,norm = nan
- .long __l_srem_dnan | 11,01 nan,zero = nan
- .long __l_srem_dnan | 11,10 nan,inf = nan
- .long __l_srem_dnan | 11,11 nan,nan = nan
- .globl __l_prem
- __l_prem:
- clr.b FPSR_QBYTE(a6) | clear quotient field
- bfextu a6@(STAG){#0:#3},d0 | stag = d0
- bfextu a6@(DTAG){#0:#3},d1 | dtag = d1
- |
- | Alias extended denorms to norms for the jump table.
- |
- bclr #2,d0
- bclr #2,d1
- lslb #2,d1
- orb d0,d1 | d1{3:2} = dtag, d1{1:0} = stag
- | | Tag values:
- | | 00 = norm or denorm
- | | 01 = zero
- | | 10 = inf
- | | 11 = nan
- lea __l_premt,a1
- movel a1@(d1:w:4),a1
- jmp a1@
- __l_srem_snan:
- jra __l_src_nan
- __l_srem_dnan:
- jra __l_dst_nan
- __l_srem_oper:
- jra __l_t_operr
- __l_srem_zro:
- moveb a6@(ETEMP),d1 | get sign of src op
- moveb a6@(FPTEMP),d0 | get sign of dst op
- eorb d0,d1 | get exor of sign bits
- btst #7,d1 | test for sign
- jeq __l_srem_zsn | if clr, do not set sign big
- bset #q_sn_bit,a6@(FPSR_QBYTE) | set q-byte sign bit
- __l_srem_zsn:
- btst #7,d0 | test if + or -
- jeq __l_ld_pzero | if pos then load +0
- jra __l_ld_mzero | else neg load -0
- __l_srem_fpn:
- moveb a6@(ETEMP),d1 | get sign of src op
- moveb a6@(FPTEMP),d0 | get sign of dst op
- eorb d0,d1 | get exor of sign bits
- btst #7,d1 | test for sign
- jeq __l_srem_fsn | if clr, do not set sign big
- bset #q_sn_bit,a6@(FPSR_QBYTE) | set q-byte sign bit
- __l_srem_fsn:
- tstb a6@(DTAG) | filter out denormal destination case
- jpl __l_srem_nrm |
- lea a6@(FPTEMP),a0 | a0<- addr(FPTEMP)
- jra __l_t_resdnrm | force UNFL(but exact) result
- __l_srem_nrm:
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr /* | use user's rmode and precision */
- fmovex a6@(FPTEMP),fp0 | return dest to fp0
- rts
- |
- |
- __l_pscalet:
- | | 0x26 fscale
- | | dtag,stag
- .long __l_sscale | 00,00 norm,norm = result
- .long __l_sscale | 00,01 norm,zero = fpn
- .long scl_opr | 00,10 norm,inf = nan with operr
- .long scl_snan | 00,11 norm,nan = nan
- .long scl_zro | 01,00 zero,norm = +-zero
- .long scl_zro | 01,01 zero,zero = +-zero
- .long scl_opr | 01,10 zero,inf = nan with operr
- .long scl_snan | 01,11 zero,nan = nan
- .long scl_inf | 10,00 inf,norm = +-inf
- .long scl_inf | 10,01 inf,zero = +-inf
- .long scl_opr | 10,10 inf,inf = nan with operr
- .long scl_snan | 10,11 inf,nan = nan
- .long scl_dnan | 11,00 nan,norm = nan
- .long scl_dnan | 11,01 nan,zero = nan
- .long scl_dnan | 11,10 nan,inf = nan
- .long scl_dnan | 11,11 nan,nan = nan
- .globl __l_pscale
- __l_pscale:
- bfextu a6@(STAG){#0:#3},d0 | stag in d0
- bfextu a6@(DTAG){#0:#3},d1 | dtag in d1
- bclr #2,d0 | alias denorm into norm
- bclr #2,d1 | alias denorm into norm
- lslb #2,d1
- orb d0,d1 | d1{4:2} = dtag, d1{1:0} = stag
- | | dtag values stag values:
- | | 000 = norm 00 = norm
- | | 001 = zero 01 = zero
- | | 010 = inf 10 = inf
- | | 011 = nan 11 = nan
- | | 100 = dnrm
- |
- |
- lea __l_pscalet,a1 | load start of jump table
- movel a1@(d1:w:4),a1 | load a1 with label depending on tag
- jmp a1@ | go to the routine
- scl_opr:
- jra __l_t_operr
- scl_dnan:
- jra __l_dst_nan
- scl_zro:
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(FPTEMP_EX) | test if + or -
- jeq __l_ld_pzero | if pos then load +0
- jra __l_ld_mzero | if neg then load -0
- scl_inf:
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(FPTEMP_EX) | test if + or -
- jeq __l_ld_pinf | if pos then load +inf
- jra __l_ld_minf | else neg load -inf
- scl_snan:
- jra __l_src_nan
- |
- |
- .globl __l_ssincosz
- __l_ssincosz:
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(ETEMP) | get sign
- jeq sincosp
- fmovex MZERO,fp0
- jra sincoscom
- sincosp:
- fmovex PZERO,fp0
- sincoscom:
- fmovemx PONE,fp1-fp1 | do not allow FPSR to be affected
- jra __l_sto_cos | store cosine result
- .globl __l_ssincosi
- __l_ssincosi:
- fmovex QNAN,fp1 | load NAN
- bsrl __l_sto_cos | store cosine result
- fmovex QNAN,fp0 | load NAN
- jra __l_t_operr
- .globl __l_ssincosnan
- __l_ssincosnan:
- movel a6@(ETEMP_EX),a6@(FP_SCR1)
- movel a6@(ETEMP_HI),a6@(FP_SCR1+4)
- movel a6@(ETEMP_LO),a6@(FP_SCR1+8)
- bset #signan_bit,a6@(FP_SCR1+4)
- fmovemx a6@(FP_SCR1),fp1-fp1
- bsrl __l_sto_cos
- jra __l_src_nan
- |
- | This code forces default values for the zero, inf, and nan cases
- | in the transcendentals code. The CC bits must be set in the
- | stacked FPSR to be correctly reported.
- |
- |**Returns +PI/2
- .globl __l_ld_ppi2
- __l_ld_ppi2:
- fmovex PPIBY2,fp0 | load +pi/2
- jra __l_t_inx2 | set inex2 exc
- |**Returns -PI/2
- .globl __l_ld_mpi2
- __l_ld_mpi2:
- fmovex MPIBY2,fp0 | load -pi/2
- orl #neg_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set N bit
- jra __l_t_inx2 | set inex2 exc
- |**Returns +inf
- .globl __l_ld_pinf
- __l_ld_pinf:
- fmovex PINF,fp0 | load +inf
- orl #inf_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set I bit
- rts
- |**Returns -inf
- .globl __l_ld_minf
- __l_ld_minf:
- fmovex MINF,fp0 | load -inf
- orl #neg_mask+inf_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set N and I bits
- rts
- |**Returns +1
- .globl __l_ld_pone
- __l_ld_pone:
- fmovex PONE,fp0 | load +1
- rts
- |**Returns -1
- .globl __l_ld_mone
- __l_ld_mone:
- fmovex MONE,fp0 | load -1
- orl #neg_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set N bit
- rts
- |**Returns +0
- .globl __l_ld_pzero
- __l_ld_pzero:
- fmovex PZERO,fp0 | load +0
- orl #z_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set Z bit
- rts
- |**Returns -0
- .globl __l_ld_mzero
- __l_ld_mzero:
- fmovex MZERO,fp0 | load -0
- orl #neg_mask+z_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set N and Z bits
- rts
- | end