- /* symShow.c - symbol table show routines */
- /* Copyright 1984-1993 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01i,17mar99,jdi doc: updated w/ info about proj facility (SPR 25727).
- 01h,30sep93,dvs changed default value of symLkupPgSz to 22.
- 01g,24aug93,dvs modified symSysTblPrint() to display symbols in sets of
- symLkupPgSz, user can now quit from lkup() (SPR #921)
- 01f,13feb93,kdl changed cplusLib.h to private/cplusLibP.h (SPR #1917).
- 01e,03feb93,jdi changed INCLUDE_SHOW_RTNS to ...ROUTINES.
- 01d,01aug92,srh added C++ demangling idiom to symSysTblPrint and symPrint
- 01c,20jul92,jmm added group param to symSysTblPrint, lkup() now displays module
- 01b,12jul92,jcf changed symShow (NULL) to summarize symbol table struct.
- 01a,04jul92,jcf created.
- */
- /*
- This library provides a routine for showing symbol table information.
- The routine symShowInit() links the symbol table show facility into
- the VxWorks system. It is called automatically when this
- facility is configured into VxWorks using either of the
- following methods:
- .iP
- If you use the configuration header files, define
- .iP
- If you use the Tornado project facility, select INCLUDE_SYM_TABLE_SHOW.
- INCLUDE FILE: symLib.h
- SEE ALSO: symLib
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "a_out.h"
- #include "sysSymTbl.h"
- #include "symLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "moduleLib.h"
- #include "fioLib.h"
- #include "types.h"
- #include "private/cplusLibP.h"
- /* locals */
- LOCAL char *typeName [] = /* system symbol table types */
- {
- "????",
- "abs",
- "text",
- "data",
- "bss",
- };
- LOCAL int symCount = 0; /* number of symbols printed */
- /* globals */
- uint32_t symLkupPgSz = 22; /* max symbols displayed at a time */
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL BOOL symPrint (char *name, int val, INT8 type, char *substr);
- LOCAL BOOL symSysTblPrint (char *name, int val, INT8 type, char *substr,
- UINT16 group);
- LOCAL char *strMatch (FAST char *str1, FAST char *str2);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * symShowInit - initialize symbol table show routine
- *
- * This routine links the symbol table show facility into the VxWorks system.
- * It is called automatically when the symbol table show facility is
- * configured into VxWorks using either of the following methods:
- * .iP
- * If you use the configuration header files, define
- * INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES in config.h.
- * .iP
- * If you use the Tornado project facility, select INCLUDE_SYM_TABLE_SHOW.
- *
- */
- void symShowInit (void)
- {
- classShowConnect (symTblClassId, (FUNCPTR)symShow);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * symShow - show the symbols of specified symbol table with matching substring
- *
- * This routine lists all symbols in the specified symbol table whose names
- * contain the string <substr>. If <substr> is is an empty * string (""), all
- * symbols in the table will be listed. If <substr> is NULL then the symbol
- * table structure will be summarized.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if invalid symbol table id.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: symLib, symEach()
- */
- STATUS symShow
- (
- SYMTAB * pSymTbl, /* pointer to symbol table to summarize */
- char * substr /* substring to match */
- )
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (pSymTbl, symTblClassId) != OK)
- return (ERROR); /* invalid symbol table ID */
- if (substr == NULL)
- {
- printf ("%-20s: %-10dn", "Number of Symbols", pSymTbl->nsymbols);
- printf ("%-20s: 0x%-10xn", "Symbol Mutex Id", &pSymTbl->symMutex);
- printf ("%-20s: 0x%-10xn", "Symbol Hash Id", pSymTbl->nameHashId);
- printf ("%-20s: 0x%-10xn", "Symbol memPartId", pSymTbl->symPartId);
- printf ("%-20s: %-10sn", "Name Clash Policy",
- (pSymTbl->sameNameOk) ? "Allowed" : "Disallowed");
- }
- else
- {
- if (pSymTbl == sysSymTbl)
- {
- symEach (pSymTbl, (FUNCPTR) symSysTblPrint, (int) substr);
- symCount = 0;
- }
- else
- symEach (pSymTbl, (FUNCPTR) symPrint, (int) substr);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * symSysTblPrint - support routine for symShow()
- *
- * This routine is called by symEach() to deal with each symbol in the
- * system symbol table. If the symbol's name contains <substr>, this routine
- * prints the symbol. Otherwise, it doesn't. If <substr> is NULL, every
- * symbol is printed. The type is printed along with the symbol value.
- */
- LOCAL BOOL symSysTblPrint
- (
- char * name,
- int val,
- INT8 type,
- char * substr,
- UINT16 group
- )
- {
- char moduleName [NAME_MAX];
- MODULE_ID moduleId;
- char demangled [MAX_SYS_SYM_LEN + 1];
- char * nameToPrint;
- char quitChar; /* q to quit displaying symbols */
- /*
- * If group is the system group default, don't print anything. If
- * it's not the default, try to get a corresponding module name.
- * If you can't find a module, just print the group number.
- */
- if (group == symGroupDefault)
- moduleName [0] = EOS;
- else if ((moduleId = moduleFindByGroup (group)) != NULL)
- sprintf (moduleName, "(%s)", moduleId->name);
- else
- sprintf (moduleName, "(%d)", group);
- if (substr == NULL || strMatch (name, substr) != NULL)
- {
- nameToPrint = cplusDemangle (name, demangled, MAX_SYS_SYM_LEN + 1);
- printf ("%-25s 0x%08x %-8s %s", nameToPrint, val,
- typeName [(type >> 1) & 7], moduleName);
- if ((type & N_EXT) == 0)
- printf (" (local)");
- printf ("n");
- if (symLkupPgSz != 0) /* do paging */
- {
- symCount++;
- if ((symCount % symLkupPgSz) == 0) /* prompt user to continue */
- {
- printf ("nType <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop: ");
- fioRdString (STD_IN, &quitChar, 1);
- if ((quitChar == 'q') || (quitChar == 'Q'))
- return (FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * symPrint - support routine for symShow()
- *
- * This routine is called by symEach() to deal with each symbol in the table.
- * If the symbol's name contains <substr>, this routine prints the symbol.
- * Otherwise, it doesn't. If <substr> is NULL, every symbol is printed.
- */
- LOCAL BOOL symPrint
- (
- char * name,
- int val,
- INT8 type,
- char * substr
- )
- {
- char demangled [MAX_SYS_SYM_LEN + 1];
- char * nameToPrint;
- if (substr == NULL || strMatch (name, substr) != NULL)
- {
- nameToPrint = cplusDemangle (name, demangled, MAX_SYS_SYM_LEN + 1);
- printf ("%-25s 0x%08xn", nameToPrint, val);
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * strMatch - find an occurrence of a string in another string
- *
- * This is a simple pattern matcher used by symPrint(). It looks for an
- * occurence of <str2> in <str1> and returns a pointer to that occurrence in
- * <str1>. If it doesn't find one, it returns 0.
- */
- LOCAL char *strMatch
- (
- FAST char *str1, /* where to look for match */
- FAST char *str2 /* string to find a match for */
- )
- {
- FAST int str2Length = strlen (str2);
- FAST int ntries = strlen (str1) - str2Length;
- for (; ntries >= 0; str1++, --ntries)
- {
- if (strncmp (str1, str2, str2Length) == 0)
- return (str1); /* we've found a match */
- }
- return (NULL);
- }