- /* smLib.c - VxWorks common shared memory library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02s,03may02,mas cache flush and volatile fix (SPR 68334); bridge flush fix
- (SPR 68844)
- 02r,14nov01,mas added smLibInit() for future common code base upgrade
- 02q,24oct01,mas doc update (SPR 71149)
- 02p,20sep01,jws eliminate min 5000 tries in smLockTake() (SPR68418)
- 02o,17mar99,dat added docs about SM_INT_USER_1/2, SPR 25804
- 02n,21feb99,jdi doc: listed errnos.
- 02m,18mar98,dat added exponential backoff with limits, (more SPR 9312)
- 02l,05dec97,dat rework SPR 9312, add global variable smLockTakeDelayCnt.
- 02k,29sep97,dat SPR 9312, fixed smLockTake retry loop.
- 02j,14jul93,wmd Removed ntohl for anchorLocalAddr in smSetup() (SPR #2282).
- 02i,10feb93,pme Changed smLockTake retry time calculation.
- 02h,29sep92,pme Suppressed warning message in smLockTake.
- Added write pipe flush calls where needed.
- 02g,02aug92,kdl Uncommented include of "copyright_wrs.h".
- 02f,24jul92,elh Moved heartbeat from anchor to header.
- 02e,13jul92,elh Added tasClear functionality. Added pme's changes to
- smLockTake.
- 02d,02jun92,elh the tree shuffle
- 02c,27may92,elh Further split up the library. Changed to use offsets,
- Made completely independent. General cleanup.
- 02b,20may92,pme+ Removed pkt specific data structures (and routines
- elh that use them to their corrosponding files.
- 02a,14may92,pme Splitted to keep only routines common to backplane driver
- and shared memory objects.
- 01e,20feb92,elh Added in ntohl, and htonl for 960, Added USE_OFFSET.
- Extracted and renamed OS specific calls & moved to
- smUtilLib. Also removed function pointers
- shMemIntGenFunc and shMemHwTasFunc.
- made TAS_CHECKS 10 TAS_TRIES 5000.
- modified parameters passed to intGen function.
- 01d,10feb92,kdl+ Changed shMemDetach to flush input queue.
- elh Removed references to OK_WAS{EMPTY, NT_EMPTY}.
- Made shMemSend return an ERROR if packet too large.
- Changed shMemSend to return silently (no
- interrupts generated) if sending to self.
- Misc code review changes.
- 01c,05feb92,elh ansified.
- 01b,27jan92,elh added masterCpu to shared memory anchor.
- changed shMemBeat to take pAnchor as argument.
- changed arguments to shMemIsAlive.
- changed shMemSetup to probe memory.
- changed copyright.
- 01a,15aug90,kdl written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains the shared memory routines which are common
- to the shared memory libraries: smPktLib and smObjLib.
- It provides basic shared memory functionality such as shared
- memory attachment, detachment and lock synchronization.
- One CPU node acts as the shared memory master. This CPU initializes
- the shared memory header and sets up the shared memory anchor. These
- steps are performed by the master calling the smSetup() routine.
- This routine should be called only by the shared memory master CPU,
- and it should only be called once for a given shared memory region.
- (It is, however, possible to maintain and use multiple separate
- shared memory regions.)
- Once smSetup() has completed successfully, there is little functional
- difference between the master CPU and other CPU's using shared memory,
- except that the master is responsible for maintaining the shared memory
- packet and shared memory object heartbeats in
- the shared memory header regions.
- The shared memory anchor is a small data structure which is at
- a predetermined location, to allow all CPU's using shared memory to
- find it. The shared memory anchor contains the base offset to the
- actual shared memory header. (This allows the master CPU to
- dynamically allocate the shared memory region.) Another field in
- the anchor contains a "ready value" which is set to a specific
- value when the master CPU has completed initializing the shared memory
- region.
- The shared memory anchor does not have to be defined as part of the
- shared memory region. However, it must be located in a similar
- address space; the address translation constants which CPU boards use
- to convert local addresses to bus addresses must apply equally to the
- anchor and the regular shared memory region.
- Each CPU, master or non-master, which will use the shared memory region
- must attach itself to the shared memory. The shared memory region must
- have already been initialized by the master CPU calling smSetup().
- The first step in attaching to shared memory is for each CPU to allocate and
- initialize a shared memory descriptor (SM_DESC). This structure describes
- the individual CPU's attachment to the shared memory region and is used
- in all subsequent shared memory calls to identify which shared memory
- region is being used. Since the shared memory descriptor is used only
- by the local CPU, it is not necessary for the descriptor itself to be
- located in shared memory. In fact, it is preferable for the descriptor
- to be allocated from the CPU's local memory, since local memory is usually
- more efficient to access.
- The shared memory descriptor is initialized by calling the smInit()
- routine. This routine takes a number of parameters which specify the
- characteristics of this CPU and its access to shared memory.
- After the shared memory descriptor has been initialized, the CPU may
- attach itself to the shared memory region. This is done by calling the
- smAttach() routine.
- The attachment of a CPU to shared memory may be ended by calling
- smDetach(). This routine will mark the calling CPU as no longer
- attached. The CPU may re-attach itself to the shared memory region by
- later calling smAttach(). (When re-attaching, the original shared
- memory descriptor may be re-used if the CPU's configuration remains
- the same, or new values may be specified via smInit().)
- There must be some method for a CPU to be notified of an occuring event.
- The preferred method is for the CPU initiating the event to interrupt the
- affected CPU. This will be highly dependent on the specific hardware being
- used. If interrupts cannot be used, a polling scheme may be employed, but
- this is much less efficient.
- Three types of interrupts are supported, mailbox interrupts, vme
- bus interrupts, and user defined interrupts. Mailbox interrupts are the
- first preferred method (SM_INT_MAILBOX), followed by bus (backplane) interrupts
- (SM_INT_BUS). If interrupts cannot be used, a polling scheme may be employed
- (SM_INT_NONE), but this is much less efficient.
- The user interrupt types (SM_INT_USER_1 and SM_INT_USER_2) allow the BSP
- writer to specify a routine to be used
- to generate an interrupt in another CPU. The three interrupt arguments
- are passed to the
- user's routine. When using this method, the user is responsible for calling
- the smUtilIntRoutine(), when an incoming signal (interrupt) is detected.
- The routine smUtilIntRoutine() will process any data packets in the list
- for the local cpu. The global variable <smUtilUser1Rtn> is a pointer to the
- user routine for SM_INT_USER_1 . The variable <smUtilUser2Rtn> is the pointer
- for the SM_INT_USER_2 routine.
- When a CPU initailizes its shared memory descriptor via the smInit() call,
- it passes in an interrupt type as well as three interrupt arguments. This
- describes how the cpu wishes to be notified of events. The interrupt
- types recognized by this library are listed in smLib.h. These values may
- be obtained for any attached CPU by calling smCpuInfoGet().
- The default interrupt method for a particular target is defined by
- the configuration parameters: SM_INT_TYPE, SM_INT_ARG1, SM_INT_ARG2,
- and SM_INT_ARG3 .
- When a CPU wishs to notify a destination CPU of an event, the sending
- CPU will call smUtilIntGen(), to interrupt the destination CPU.
- smUtilIntGen() should return OK if the destination CPU was
- successfully notified, or ERROR if it was not.
- If it is not possible to use interrupts to notify receiving CPU's, a
- polling method may be used.
- This file runs under only vxWorks. SunOS is no longer supported.
- The shared memory libaries are split into mulitple files.
- Below is the internal layout of the shared memory libraries:
- ___________
- shared memory object | smObjLib|
- library / __________
- /
- shared memory ____________ /
- packet library | smPktLib | /
- ____________ /
- | /
- v /
- ____________v
- common shared memory | smLib |
- library _____________
- |
- v
- shared memory _____________
- support routines | smUtilLib |
- _____________
- is
- i `smObjLib'
- Contains the share memory object routines.
- i `smPktLib'
- Contains the shared memory packet routines. It provides
- packet passing functionality to send and retreive data packets over
- the backplane using shared memory. It is used by the backplane driver.
- i `smLib'
- Contains routines the shared memory routines that are common
- to backplane driver and the shared memory objects:
- i `smUtilLib'
- Contains the OS specific routines needed by the shared
- memory libraries. This module should be provided for each OS
- for which shared memory is ported and must
- contain at a minimum the following routines:
- cs
- smUtilMemProbe - probe memory to see if it exists
- smUtilSofTas - software test-and-set routine
- smUtilTas - hardware test-and-set routine
- smUtilTasClear - clear hardware test-and-set routine
- smUtilProcNumGet- get processor number
- smUtilDelay - delay for specified number of time
- smUtilRateGet - get number of ticks per second
- intLock - lock out interrupts
- intUnlock - unlock interrupts
- smUtilIntGen - interrupt generation routine
- smUtilIntConnect- connect one or more routine to shared memory
- interrupt.
- smUtilIntRoutine- shared memory interrupt routine
- smUtilPollTask - shared memory polling task
- ce
- ie
- The routines smLockTake() and smLockGive() are used to achieve the necessary
- inter-processor locks. The routine that is called to perform a Test and
- Set (TAS) primitive is one of the calling arguments. The delay algorithm
- between TAS attempts is an exponential one. The delay between retries is
- twice as great as the previous delay, until the delay reaches a maximum
- value and is then reset to its starting value. The following variables
- can be tuned to give best performance for any specific CPU and clock
- combination.
- cs
- int smLockTakeDelayMin = 256;
- int smLockTakeDelayMax = 1*1024*1024;
- ce
- The minimum number of retries (>= 1) to be attempted is specified as an
- argument to smLockTake(). (One retry is always made if the first attempt
- fails, even if the minimum number of retries is specified as zero.)
- There needs to be better documentation discussing the interfaces
- and functionality of the OS specific library, smUtilLib.
- SEE ALSO: tb VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Shared-Memory Objects,
- tb VxWorks Network Programmer's Guide: Data Link Layer Network Components.
- */
- /* Includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "smLib.h"
- #include "smUtilLib.h"
- /* Defines */
- #define SM_VERSION 1 /* protocol version for sh mem anchor */
- /* Globals */
- int smAliveTimeout = DEFAULT_ALIVE_TIMEOUT;
- /* current maximum # of tries to get lock used for statistics */
- int smCurMaxTries = 0;
- int smLockTakeDelayMin = 256;
- int smLockTakeDelayMax = 1*1024*1024;
- /* Locals */
- LOCAL BOOL smLibInitialized = FALSE;
- LOCAL int smRegionsMax = SM_REGIONS_MAX;
- /* Forward declarations */
- LOCAL int smRegionGet (SM_ANCHOR * anchorLocalAdrs);
- LOCAL int smRegionFind (SM_ANCHOR * anchorLocalAdrs);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smLibInit - initialize the shared memory library and shared memory region
- *
- * This routine is normally called only by the system startup code during
- * kernel initialization. It prepares the library and locates the shared
- * memory region via either static lookup or dynamic allocation. A static
- * lookup is first attempted if <pRgnCfgTbl> is not NULL. If the shared
- * memory region is not found or <pRgnCfgTbl> is NULL, an uncached shared
- * memory region of size <objSize> + <netSize> is allocated from the kernel
- * heap.
- *
- * This routine is a place holder until a common code base version of smLib is
- * created. The input arguments are identical with those used in AE.
- *
- *
- */
- void smLibInit
- (
- void * pRgnCfgTbl, /* address of memory configuration table */
- UINT objSize, /* shared object region size */
- UINT netSize /* shared memory network region size */
- )
- {
- if (pRgnCfgTbl == NULL)
- ;
- if (objSize == netSize)
- ;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smSetup - set up shared memory (master CPU only)
- *
- * This routine should be called only by the master CPU using shared
- * memory. It initializes the specified memory area for use by the
- * shared memory protocol. This includes initializing the shared memory
- * anchor and the shared memory header.
- *
- * After the shared memory has been initialized, this and other CPU's
- * may initialize a shared memory descriptor to it, using smInit(),
- * and then attach to the shared memory area, using smAttach().
- *
- * The <anchorLocalAdrs> parameter is the memory address by which the master
- * CPU accesses the actual shared memory anchor region to be initialized.
- *
- * The <smLocalAdrs> parameter is the memory address by which the master
- * CPU accesses the actual shared memory region to be initialized.
- *
- * The shared memory routines must be able to obtain exclusive access to
- * shared data structures. To allow this, a test-and-set operation is
- * used. It is preferable to use a genuine test-and-set instruction, if
- * the hardware being used permits this. If this is not possible, smLib
- * provides a software emulation of test-and-set. The <tasType> parameter
- * specifies what method of test-and-set is to be used.
- *
- * The <maxCpus> parameter specifies the maximum number of CPU's which may
- * use the shared memory region.
- *
- * The amount of shared memory taken as a result of the call, gets returned
- * in <pMemUsed>
- *
- * The first item in the shared memory area is the shared memory header (SM_HDR).
- * Following this is an array of CPU descriptors (SM_CPU_DESC); this table
- * contains one CPU descriptor for each possible CPU, as specified by <maxCpus>.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS smSetup
- (
- SM_ANCHOR * anchorLocalAdrs, /* local addr of anchor */
- char * smLocalAdrs, /* local addr of sh mem area */
- int tasType, /* method of test-and-set */
- int maxCpus, /* max number of cpu's */
- int * pMemUsed /* amount of memory used */
- )
- {
- SM_ANCHOR volatile * pAnchorv = (SM_ANCHOR volatile *) anchorLocalAdrs;
- SM_HDR volatile * pHdr; /* local addr of sh mem hdr */
- char temp = 0; /* temp location */
- /* Initialize shared memory region table */
- if (!smLibInitialized)
- {
- bzero ((char *) smRegions, sizeof (smRegions));
- smLibInitialized = TRUE;
- }
- /* Probe shared memory */
- if (smUtilMemProbe (smLocalAdrs, VX_WRITE, sizeof (char), &temp) != OK)
- {
- errno = S_smLib_MEMORY_ERROR;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Find the Region */
- if (smRegionFind (anchorLocalAdrs) != ERROR)
- {
- pHdr = SM_OFFSET_TO_LOCAL (ntohl (pAnchorv->smHeader), (int) pAnchorv,
- SM_HDR volatile *);
- if ((ntohl (pHdr->maxCpus) != maxCpus) ||
- (ntohl (pHdr->tasType) != tasType))
- printf ("smSetup:Warning! previous parameters differ!n");
- *pMemUsed = 0;
- return (OK);
- }
- if (smRegionGet (anchorLocalAdrs) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- *pMemUsed = sizeof (SM_HDR) + (maxCpus * sizeof (SM_CPU_DESC));
- /* Partially initialize shared memory header */
- bzero (smLocalAdrs, *pMemUsed);
- pHdr = (SM_HDR volatile *) smLocalAdrs; /* header = SM start */
- pHdr->tasType = htonl (tasType); /* test-and-set method */
- pHdr->maxCpus = htonl (maxCpus); /* max number of cpu's */
- pHdr->cpuTable = htonl (SM_LOCAL_TO_OFFSET (pHdr + sizeof (SM_HDR),
- (int) anchorLocalAdrs));
- /* Set up the anchor */
- bzero ((char *) pAnchorv, sizeof (SM_ANCHOR));
- pAnchorv->version = htonl (SM_VERSION); /* sh mem version */
- pAnchorv->smHeader = htonl (SM_LOCAL_TO_OFFSET (pHdr, (int) pAnchorv));
- pAnchorv->masterCpu = htonl (SM_MASTER); /* sh mem master */
- pAnchorv->readyValue = htonl (SM_READY); /* sh mem available */
- maxCpus = pHdr->maxCpus; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK); /* shared mem init complete */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smInit - initialize shared memory descriptor
- *
- * This routine initializes a shared memory descriptor. The descriptor
- * must have been previously allocated (generally in the CPU's local
- * memory). Once the descriptor has been initialized by this routine,
- * the CPU may attach itself to the shared memory area by calling
- * smAttach().
- *
- * Only the shared memory descriptor itself is modified by this routine.
- * No structures in shared memory are affected.
- *
- * The <pSmDesc> paramter is the address of the shared memory descriptor
- * which is to be initialized; this structure must have already been
- * allocated before smInit() is called.
- *
- * The <anchorLocalAdrs> parameter is the memory address by which the local
- * CPU may access the shared memory anchor. This address may vary for
- * different CPU's because of address offsets (particularly if the anchor is
- * located in one CPU's dual-ported memory).
- *
- * The <ticksPerBeat> parameter specifies the frequency of the shared memory
- * anchor's heartbeat. The frequency is expressed in terms of how many CPU
- * ticks on the local CPU correspond to one heartbeat period.
- *
- * The <intType>, <intArg1>, <intArg2>, and <intArg3> parameters allow a
- * CPU to announce the method by which it is to be notified of input packets
- * which have been queued to it. Once this CPU has attached to the shared
- * memory region, other CPU's will be able to determine these interrupt
- * parameters by calling smCpuInfoGet().
- *
- */
- void smInit
- (
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc, /* sh mem descr to init*/
- SM_ANCHOR * anchorLocalAdrs, /* local addr of sh mem anchor*/
- int ticksPerBeat, /* cpu ticks per heartbeat */
- int intType, /* interrupt method */
- int intArg1, /* interrupt argument #1 */
- int intArg2, /* interrupt argument #2 */
- int intArg3 /* interrupt argument #3 */
- )
- {
- if (pSmDesc == NULL)
- return; /* don't use null ptr */
- bzero ((char *) pSmDesc, sizeof (SM_DESC));
- /* Copy input parameters */
- pSmDesc->anchorLocalAdrs = anchorLocalAdrs;
- pSmDesc->base = (int) anchorLocalAdrs;
- pSmDesc->cpuNum = smUtilProcNumGet ();
- pSmDesc->ticksPerBeat = (ticksPerBeat == 0) ? smUtilRateGet () :
- ticksPerBeat;
- pSmDesc->intType = intType;
- pSmDesc->intArg1 = intArg1;
- pSmDesc->intArg2 = intArg2;
- pSmDesc->intArg3 = intArg3;
- pSmDesc->status = SM_CPU_NOT_ATTACHED; /* initial status */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smIsAlive - determine if shared memory is initialized and active
- *
- * This routine examines the shared memory anchor and heartbeat to
- * determine whether the shared memory has been initialized and that
- * it is running. The shared memory is specified by <pAnchor>, the
- * address of the shared memory anchor. If the shared
- * memory network is active, TRUE is returned; otherwise, FALSE is
- * returned. <pHeader> points to the location of the header containing
- * the heartbeat. <base> is the base address from which to calculate the
- * address of the heartbeat counter in the header in shared memory.
- *
- * The anchor ready-value must contain the special value SM_READY to
- * indicate that the master CPU has successfully initialized the shared
- * memory region. The heartbeat must increment at least twice
- * within the timeout period to be recognized as active.
- *
- * <heartBeats> specifies the number of beats to wait for a correct
- * ready-value and active heartbeat before timing out. A zero value
- * indicates the use of a default value, specified by the global variable
- * 'smAliveTimeout'.
- *
- * <ticksPerBeat> specifies the number of ticks per heartbeat.
- *
- * This routine safely probes the anchor addresses to avoid bus errors
- * (in case the anchor address is not yet accessable). Occasional
- * messages are written to standard output if a bus error occurs but is
- * handled. Occasional messages will also appear to indicate the most
- * recently obtained values for the ready-value and heartbeat.
- *
- * This routine may not be called from interrupt level.
- *
- * This routine does not set errno.
- *
- */
- BOOL smIsAlive
- (
- SM_ANCHOR * pAnchor, /* ptr to shared mem anchor */
- int * pHeader, /* {smObj/smPkt} header */
- int base, /* base */
- int heartBeats, /* heartbeat periods */
- int ticksPerBeat /* ticks per beat */
- )
- {
- UINT readyValue; /* ready value from anchor */
- UINT newHeartBeat; /* beat value from anchor */
- UINT oldHeartBeat; /* saved beat value */
- int incCnt; /* number of beat increments observed*/
- int * pHeartBeat = NULL; /* ptr to heartbeat */
- int temp; /* temp storage */
- newHeartBeat = 0; /* init beat values */
- oldHeartBeat = 0;
- incCnt = 0;
- /* Determine number of heartbeat periods to wait */
- if (ticksPerBeat == 0)
- {
- ticksPerBeat = smUtilRateGet ();
- }
- if (heartBeats == 0)
- {
- heartBeats = smAliveTimeout * (smUtilRateGet ()) / ticksPerBeat;
- }
- /* Check anchor and heartbeat until ready or countdown expires */
- while (heartBeats-- > 0)
- {
- /* XXX - invalidate data cache here ?? */
- /* Probe and get anchor ready-value */
- if (smUtilMemProbe ((char *) &pAnchor->readyValue, VX_READ,
- sizeof (int), (char *) &readyValue) != OK)
- {
- if ((heartBeats % 10) == 8) /* print error occasionally */
- {
- printf ("nsmIsAlive: bus error checking anchorn");
- }
- }
- readyValue = ntohl (readyValue);
- if (readyValue == SM_READY) /* if anchor appears ready */
- {
- /*
- * Calculate the location of the heartbeat.
- * The heartbeat must be the first location in {smPkt/smObj}
- * header.
- */
- temp = *(int *)pHeader; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- pHeartBeat = SM_OFFSET_TO_LOCAL (ntohl (*pHeader), base, int *);
- /* Probe and get heartbeat value */
- if (smUtilMemProbe ((char *) pHeartBeat, VX_READ, sizeof (int),
- (char *) &newHeartBeat) == OK)
- {
- newHeartBeat = ntohl (newHeartBeat);
- /* Check if heartbeat incremented */
- if ((newHeartBeat <= oldHeartBeat) || (oldHeartBeat == 0))
- {
- oldHeartBeat = newHeartBeat; /* no beat - try again */
- }
- else /* beat incremented! */
- {
- if (++incCnt >= 2) /* if 2 incr's have been seen*/
- {
- return (TRUE); /* SHARED MEM IS ALIVE & WELL*/
- }
- }
- }
- else /* could not probe heartbeat */
- {
- if ((heartBeats % 10) == 8) /* print error occasionally */
- {
- printf ("nsmIsAlive: bus error getting heartbeatn");
- }
- }
- } /* end if (readyValue) */
- /* Occasionally display last obtained ready-value and heartbeat */
- if ((heartBeats % 10) == 6)
- {
- printf ("smIsAlive: readyValue = 0x%x, heartbeat = 0x%xn",
- readyValue, newHeartBeat);
- }
- /* Wait before checking heartbeat again */
- if (smUtilDelay ((char *) pHeartBeat, ticksPerBeat) != OK)
- { /* wait enough for 1 beat */
- return (FALSE); /* called from int level?? */
- }
- } /* end while */
- return (FALSE); /* timed out */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smAttach - attach a node to shared memory
- *
- * This routine "attaches" the local CPU to a shared memory area. The
- * shared memory area is identified by the shared memory descriptor
- * whose address specified by <pSmDesc>. The descriptor must have
- * already been initialized by calling smInit().
- *
- * This routine should get called only after and when the shared memory has
- * been initialized by the master CPU. To determine this, smIsAlive() must
- * have been called to check the shared memory anchor for both the proper
- * value (SM_READY_VALUE) in the anchor's ready-value field and an
- * active heartbeat.
- *
- * The attachment to shared memory may be ended by calling smDetach().
- *
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: smIsAlive(), smInit()
- */
- STATUS smAttach
- (
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc /* ptr to shared mem descriptor */
- )
- {
- SM_HDR volatile * pHdr; /* ptr to shared mem header */
- SM_CPU_DESC volatile * pCpuDesc; /* ptr to shared mem cpu descriptor */
- int cpuNum; /* this cpu's number */
- int temp; /* temp storage */
- cpuNum = pSmDesc->cpuNum;
- /* Get local address for shared mem header */
- temp = pSmDesc->anchorLocalAdrs->smHeader; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- pHdr = SM_OFFSET_TO_LOCAL (ntohl (pSmDesc->anchorLocalAdrs->smHeader),
- pSmDesc->base, SM_HDR volatile *);
- pSmDesc->headerLocalAdrs = (SM_HDR *) pHdr;
- /* Copy data from shared mem header */
- pSmDesc->maxCpus = ntohl (pHdr->maxCpus);
- pSmDesc->cpuTblLocalAdrs = SM_OFFSET_TO_LOCAL (ntohl (pHdr->cpuTable),
- pSmDesc->base,
- /* Determine test-and-set routine to use */
- pSmDesc->tasClearRoutine = NULL;
- if (ntohl (pHdr->tasType) == SM_TAS_HARD) /* if using hardware tas */
- {
- pSmDesc->tasRoutine = smUtilTas;
- pSmDesc->tasClearRoutine = (FUNCPTR) smUtilTasClear;
- }
- else
- pSmDesc->tasRoutine = smUtilSoftTas; /* use software tas routine */
- /* Init entry in cpu table */
- if (cpuNum < 0 || cpuNum >= pSmDesc->maxCpus)
- {
- errno = S_smLib_INVALID_CPU_NUMBER;
- return (ERROR); /* cpu number out of range */
- }
- /* calculate addr of cpu desc in global table. */
- pCpuDesc = (SM_CPU_DESC volatile *) &((pSmDesc->cpuTblLocalAdrs) [cpuNum]);
- pCpuDesc->intType = htonl (pSmDesc->intType); /* interrupt method */
- pCpuDesc->intArg1 = htonl (pSmDesc->intArg1); /* interrupt argument #1 */
- pCpuDesc->intArg2 = htonl (pSmDesc->intArg2); /* interrupt argument #2 */
- pCpuDesc->intArg3 = htonl (pSmDesc->intArg3); /* interrupt argument #3 */
- pCpuDesc->status = htonl (SM_CPU_ATTACHED); /* mark cpu as attached */
- pSmDesc->status = SM_CPU_ATTACHED; /* also mark sh mem descr */
- cpuNum = pCpuDesc->intArg1; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK); /* attach complete */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smDetach - detach CPU from shared memory
- *
- * This routine ends the "attachment" between the calling CPU and
- * the shared memory area specified by <pSmDesc>. No further shared
- * memory operations may be performed until a subsequent smAttach()
- * is completed.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS smDetach
- (
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc /* ptr to shared mem descriptor */
- )
- {
- SM_CPU_DESC volatile * pCpuDesc; /* ptr to cpu descriptor in sh mem hdr*/
- int temp; /* temp value */
- /* Check that this cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- /* get addr of cpu descriptor */
- pCpuDesc = (SM_CPU_DESC volatile *) &((pSmDesc->cpuTblLocalAdrs)
- [pSmDesc->cpuNum]);
- pCpuDesc->status = htonl (SM_CPU_NOT_ATTACHED);/* mark as not attached */
- pSmDesc->status = SM_CPU_NOT_ATTACHED; /* also mark sh mem descr */
- temp = pCpuDesc->status; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smInfoGet - get current status information about shared memory
- *
- * This routine obtains various pieces of information which describe the
- * current state of the shared memory area specified by <pSmDesc>. The
- * current information is returned in a special data structure, SM_INFO,
- * whose address is specified by <pInfo>. The structure must have been
- * allocated before this routine is called.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if this CPU is not attached to shared memory area.
- *
- */
- STATUS smInfoGet
- (
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc, /* ptr to shared memory descriptor */
- SM_INFO * pInfo /* ptr to info structure to fill */
- )
- {
- SM_HDR volatile * pHdr; /* ptr to shared memory header */
- SM_CPU_DESC volatile * pCpuDesc; /* ptr to cpu descriptor */
- int ix; /* index variable */
- int temp; /* temp value */
- /* Check that this cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- /* Get protocol version number */
- temp = pSmDesc->anchorLocalAdrs->version; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- pInfo->version = ntohl (pSmDesc->anchorLocalAdrs->version);
- /* Get info from shared memory header */
- pHdr = (SM_HDR volatile *) pSmDesc->headerLocalAdrs;
- pInfo->tasType = ntohl (pHdr->tasType); /* test-and-set method */
- pInfo->maxCpus = ntohl (pHdr->maxCpus); /* max number of cpu's */
- /* Get count of attached cpu's starting with first cpu table entry */
- pCpuDesc = (SM_CPU_DESC volatile *) pSmDesc->cpuTblLocalAdrs;
- pInfo->attachedCpus = 0;
- for (ix = 0; ix < pInfo->maxCpus; ix++)
- {
- if (ntohl (pCpuDesc->status) == SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- pInfo->attachedCpus++;
- pCpuDesc++; /* next entry */
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smCpuInfoGet - get information about a single CPU using shared memory
- *
- * This routine obtains a variety of information describing the CPU specified
- * by <cpuNum>. If <cpuNum> is NONE (-1), this routine returns information
- * about the local (calling) CPU. The information is returned in a special
- * structure, SM_CPU_INFO, whose address is specified by <pCpuInfo>. (The
- * structure must have been allocated before this routine is called.)
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS smCpuInfoGet
- (
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc, /* ptr to shared memory descriptor */
- int cpuNum, /* number of cpu to get info about */
- SM_CPU_INFO * pCpuInfo /* cpu info structure to fill */
- )
- {
- SM_CPU_DESC volatile * pCpuDesc; /* ptr to cpu descriptor */
- int temp; /* temp value */
- /* Check that the local cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- /* Report on local cpu if NONE specified */
- if (cpuNum == NONE)
- {
- cpuNum = pSmDesc->cpuNum;
- }
- /* Get info from cpu descriptor */
- if (cpuNum < 0 || cpuNum >= pSmDesc->maxCpus)
- {
- errno = S_smLib_INVALID_CPU_NUMBER;
- return (ERROR); /* cpu number out of range */
- }
- /* get address of cpu descr */
- pCpuDesc = (SM_CPU_DESC volatile *) &(pSmDesc->cpuTblLocalAdrs [cpuNum]);
- pCpuInfo->cpuNum = cpuNum; /* actual cpu number */
- temp = pCpuDesc->status; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- pCpuInfo->status = ntohl (pCpuDesc->status); /* attached/not attached */
- pCpuInfo->intType = ntohl (pCpuDesc->intType); /* interrupt type */
- pCpuInfo->intArg1 = ntohl (pCpuDesc->intArg1); /* interrupt argument #1 */
- pCpuInfo->intArg2 = ntohl (pCpuDesc->intArg2); /* interrupt argument #2 */
- pCpuInfo->intArg3 = ntohl (pCpuDesc->intArg3); /* interrupt argument #3 */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smLockTake - take a mutual exclusion lock
- *
- * This routine repeatedly attempts to obtain a mutual exclusion lock
- * by using the specified test-and-set routine. If the lock is not
- * obtained within the specified number of attempts, an error is returned.
- *
- * If the lock was successfully taken, interrupts will be disabled when
- * this routine returns and the old interrupt mask level will be copied
- * to the location pointed to by <pOldLvl>.
- *
- * If the lock was not taken, interrupts will be enabled upon return (at
- * the interrupt level which was in effect prior to calling this routine).
- *
- * This routine does not set errno.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if lock not taken.
- */
- STATUS smLockTake
- (
- int * lockLocalAdrs, /* local addr of lock */
- FUNCPTR tasRoutine, /* test-and-set routine to use */
- int numTries, /* number of times to try to take lock */
- int * pOldLvl /* where to put old int lvl if success */
- )
- {
- int oldLvl; /* previous interrupt level */
- int delay; /* time between tries to get lock */
- int ix; /* index */
- int dummy = 0; /* dummy counter for delay */
- volatile int dummy2; /* dummy to avoid warning in delay */
- int curNumTries; /* current number of tries */
- /* First try to get lock. */
- oldLvl = intLock (); /* lock out interrupts */
- if ((*tasRoutine) (lockLocalAdrs) == TRUE)
- {
- *pOldLvl = oldLvl; /* pass back old int level */
- /*
- * XXXdat These PIPE_FLUSH operations should not be needed.
- * The tasRoutine should be taking care of the cache issues
- * related to tas activity.
- */
- CACHE_PIPE_FLUSH (); /* flush write buffer */
- dummy2 = *(int *)lockLocalAdrs; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK); /* done! */
- }
- intUnlock (oldLvl); /* unlock interrupts before retry */
- /*
- * The first try has failed so now we insert a decrementing
- * delay between each tries to reduce bus contention and deadlock.
- *
- * Set maximum delay to a different value for each processor.
- * Note that this scheme gives a lowest priority to CPUs with
- * high processor number. A better version would implement
- * a random delay.
- */
- delay = smLockTakeDelayMin;
- curNumTries = 1;
- do
- {
- for (ix = 0; ix <= delay; ix++) /* delay loop */
- dummy2 = dummy++; /* volatile!! */
- oldLvl = intLock (); /* lock out interrupts */
- if ((*tasRoutine) (lockLocalAdrs) == TRUE)
- {
- *pOldLvl = oldLvl; /* pass back old int level */
- CACHE_PIPE_FLUSH (); /* flush write buffer */
- dummy2 = *(int *)lockLocalAdrs; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK); /* done! */
- }
- intUnlock (oldLvl); /* unlock interrupts before retry */
- /* Exponential delay, with a limit */
- delay <<= 1;
- if (delay > smLockTakeDelayMax)
- {
- delay = smLockTakeDelayMin;
- }
- curNumTries++;
- /* keep track of maximum number of attempts */
- if (curNumTries > smCurMaxTries)
- {
- smCurMaxTries = curNumTries;
- }
- } while (--numTries > 0); /* do for spec'd number of tries */
- return (ERROR); /* cannot take lock */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smLockGive - give a mutual exclusion lock
- *
- * This routine gives up a mutual exclusion lock taken previously by smLockTake.
- *
- */
- void smLockGive
- (
- int * lockLocalAdrs, /* local address of lock */
- FUNCPTR tasClearRoutine, /* test and set clear routine to use */
- int oldLvl /* old interrupt level */
- )
- {
- int volatile * pLockv = (int volatile *) lockLocalAdrs;
- int temp; /* temp value */
- if (tasClearRoutine != NULL) /* hardware test-and-set */
- {
- (*tasClearRoutine) (lockLocalAdrs);
- }
- else
- {
- *pLockv = 0;
- }
- temp = *pLockv; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- intUnlock (oldLvl);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smRegionFind - find a shared memory region.
- *
- * This routine finds the shared memory region associated with
- * <anchorLocalAdrs>.
- *
- * RETURNS: index of the region, or ERROR if not found
- */
- LOCAL int smRegionFind
- (
- SM_ANCHOR * anchorLocalAdrs /* local address of anchor */
- )
- {
- int ix; /* index */
- for (ix = 0; (smRegions [ix].anchor != NULL) && (ix < smRegionsMax); ix++)
- {
- if (smRegions [ix].anchor == anchorLocalAdrs)
- {
- return (ix); /* region already initialized*/
- }
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smRegionGet - get a shared memory region
- *
- * smRegionGet reserves a space in the smRegion table for a shared memory
- * region specified by <anchorLocalAdrs>.
- *
- * RETURNS: the index of the region, or ERROR if out of space.
- */
- LOCAL int smRegionGet
- (
- SM_ANCHOR * anchorLocalAdrs /* anchor address */
- )
- {
- int ix; /* index */
- for (ix = 0; (smRegions [ix].anchor != NULL) && (ix < smRegionsMax); ix++)
- ;
- if (ix == smRegionsMax)
- {
- printf ("Out of shared memory regions!!n");
- errno = S_smLib_NO_REGIONS;
- return (ERROR); /* no space in table */
- }
- smRegions [ix].anchor = anchorLocalAdrs;
- return (ix);
- }