- /* fppShow.c - floating-point show routines */
- /* Copyright 1984-1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01j,21jun02,h_k changed showing FPU reg val to float from double for SH4 (SPR
- #78976).
- 01i,24apr01,mem Fix reg swapping for MIPS32/MIPS64.
- 01h,03mar00,zl merged SH support into T2
- 01h,20dec00,agf Adapt to MIPS32/MIPS64 CPU architectures
- 01g,17mar99,jdi doc: updated w/ info about proj facility (SPR 25727).
- 01f,10dec96,tam added code to word swap FP reg. and to display FP reg. in
- single precision for MIPS (spr #7628).
- 01e,03feb93,jdi changed INCLUDE_SHOW_RTNS to ...ROUTINES.
- 01d,21jan93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 01c,30jul92,smb changed format for printf to avoid zero padding.
- 01b,12jul92,jcf tuned floating point register show format.
- 01a,04jul92,jcf written/extracted from v3k fppLib.
- */
- /*
- This library provides the routines necessary to show a task's optional
- floating-point context. To use this facility, it must first be
- installed using fppShowInit(), which is called automatically
- when the floating-point show facility is configured into VxWorks
- using either of the following methods:
- .iP
- If you use the configuration header files, define
- .iP
- If you use the Tornado project facility, select INCLUDE_HW_FP_SHOW.
- .LP
- This library enhances task information routines, such as ti(), to display
- the floating-point context.
- SEE ALSO: fppLib
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- #include "fppLib.h"
- #include "private/funcBindP.h"
- /* global variables */
- char *fppTaskRegsCFmt = "%-6.6s = %8x";
- char *fppTaskRegsDFmt = "%-6.6s = %8g";
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppShowInit - initialize the floating-point show facility
- *
- * This routine links the floating-point show facility into the VxWorks system.
- * It is called automatically when the floating-point show facility is
- * configured into VxWorks using either of the following methods:
- * .iP
- * If you use the configuration header files, define
- * INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES in config.h.
- * .iP
- * If you use the Tornado project facility, select INCLUDE_HW_FP_SHOW.
- *
- */
- void fppShowInit (void)
- {
- /* avoid direct coupling with fppShow with this global variable */
- _func_fppTaskRegsShow = (FUNCPTR) fppTaskRegsShow;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fppTaskRegsShow - print the contents of a task's floating-point registers
- *
- * This routine prints to standard output the contents of a task's
- * floating-point registers.
- *
- */
- void fppTaskRegsShow
- (
- int task /* task to display floating point registers for */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == SH)
- float * fpTmp;
- #else
- double * fpTmp;
- #endif
- int * fpCtlTmp;
- FPREG_SET fpRegSet;
- #if (CPU == MIPS32)
- double doubleTmp;
- double * fpDoubleTmp = &doubleTmp;
- #endif /* CPU == MIPS32 */
- if ((fppProbe() != OK) || (fppTaskRegsGet (task, &fpRegSet) == ERROR))
- return;
- /* Some architectures organize floats sequentially, but to
- * display them as doubles the floats need to be word swapped.
- */
- if (fppDisplayHookRtn != NULL)
- (* fppDisplayHookRtn) (&fpRegSet);
- /* print floating point control registers */
- for (ix = 0; fpCtlRegName[ix].regName != (char *) NULL; ix++)
- {
- if ((ix % 4) == 0)
- printf ("n");
- else
- printf ("%3s","");
- fpCtlTmp = (int *) ((int)&fpRegSet + fpCtlRegName[ix].regOff);
- printf (fppTaskRegsCFmt, fpCtlRegName[ix].regName, *fpCtlTmp);
- }
- /* print floating point data registers */
- for (ix = 0; fpRegName[ix].regName != (char *) NULL; ix++)
- {
- if ((ix % 4) == 0)
- printf ("n");
- else
- printf ("%3s","");
- #if (CPU == MIPS32)
- /*
- * word swap the 32 bits FP Reg. pair before printing double
- * value - R4000 and R3000.
- */
- *(UINT32 *) fpDoubleTmp = *(UINT32 *) (((UINT32)&fpRegSet +
- fpRegName[ix].regOff +
- sizeof(UINT32)));
- *(UINT32 *) ((UINT32) fpDoubleTmp + sizeof(UINT32)) =
- *(UINT32 *) (((UINT32)&fpRegSet + fpRegName[ix].regOff));
- fpTmp = fpDoubleTmp;
- #elif (CPU_FAMILY == SH)
- fpTmp = (float *) ((int)&fpRegSet + fpRegName[ix].regOff);
- #else /* CPU */
- fpTmp = (double *) ((int)&fpRegSet + fpRegName[ix].regOff);
- #endif /* CPU */
- printf (fppTaskRegsDFmt, fpRegName[ix].regName, *fpTmp);
- }
- printf ("n");
- }