- /* selectLib.c - UNIX BSD 4.3 select library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02b,20may02,gls Added semTake to select to prevent race condition (SPR #77032)
- 02a,30nov01,sbs Added documentation about FD_SETSIZE (SPR 9377)
- 01z,12oct01,brk added SELECT functionality to ptyLib (SPR 65498)
- 01y,20sep01,aeg removed dependence on FD_SETSIZE from select() (SPR #31319).
- 01x,10jul97,dgp doc: fix SPR 6476, correct no. bits examined by select()
- 01w,09jul97,dgp doc: add max number of file descripters (SPR 7695)
- 01v,13feb95,jdi doc tweaks.
- 01u,03feb93,jdi doc changes based on review by rdc.
- 01t,21jan93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 01s,23aug92,jcf added tyLib select stuff here to make tyLib standalone.
- 01r,18jul92,smb Changed errno.h to errnoLib.h.
- 01q,04jul92,jcf scalable/ANSI/cleanup effort.
- 01p,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01o,10jan92,rdc Fixed bug in selNodeAdd - release semaphore after malloc error.
- 01n,09jan92,rdc integrated fix from 5.0.2 that fixed timeout bug in select
- causing incorrect return fdsets.
- 01m,13dec91,gae ANSI cleanup.
- 01l,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01k,01aug91,yao fixed to pass 6 args to excJobAdd() call.
- 01j,29apr91,hdn changed how quitTime is calculated to optimize code
- 01i,05apr91,jdi documentation -- removed header parens and x-ref numbers;
- doc review by rdc.
- 01h,24mar91,jaa documentation cleanup.
- 01g,25oct90,dnw deleted include of utime.h.
- 01f,01aug90,jcf changed tcb selWakeupNode to pSelWakeupNode.
- 01e,13jul90,rdc added mechanism to clean up after tasks that get deleted
- while pended in select.
- 01d,26jun90,jcf changed binary semaphore interface
- 01c,17may90,rdc changed to use binary sem's and timeouts instead of WDOGS.
- 01b,14apr90,jcf removed tcb extension dependencies.
- 01a,02jan90,rdc written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides a BSD 4.3 compatible f2selectfP facility to wait
- for activity on a set of file descriptors. selectLib provides a mechanism
- that gives a driver the ability to detect pended tasks that are awaiting
- activity on the driver's device. This allows a driver's interrupt service
- routine to wake up such tasks directly, eliminating the need for polling.
- Applications can use select() with pipes and serial devices, in addition
- to sockets. Also, select() examines f2writef1 file descriptors in addition
- to f2readf1 file descriptors; however, exception file descriptors remain
- unsupported.
- Typically, application developers need concern themselves only with the
- select() call. However, driver developers should become familiar with the
- other routines that may be used with select(), if they wish to support the
- select() mechanism.
- The select facility is included in a system when VxWorks is configured
- with the INCLUDE_SELECT component.
- INCLUDE FILES: selectLib.h
- .pG "I/O System"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "vwModNum.h"
- #include "net/systm.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "taskHookLib.h"
- #include "selectLib.h"
- #include "tyLib.h"
- #include "ptyDrv.h"
- #include "private/funcBindP.h"
- #include "private/selectLibP.h"
- #include "private/iosLibP.h" /* maxFiles */
- /* global variables */
- int mutexOptionsSelectLib = SEM_Q_FIFO | SEM_DELETE_SAFE;
- /* forward declarations */
- void selWakeupAll ();
- /* forward static functions */
- LOCAL void selTyAdd (TY_DEV *pTyDev, int arg);
- LOCAL void selTyDelete (TY_DEV *pTyDev, int arg);
- LOCAL void selPtyAdd (PSEUDO_DEV *pPtyDev, int arg);
- LOCAL void selPtyDelete (PSEUDO_DEV *pPtyDev, int arg);
- LOCAL void selTaskDeleteHook (WIND_TCB *pTcb);
- LOCAL STATUS selTaskCreateHook (WIND_TCB *pNewTcb);
- LOCAL STATUS selDoIoctls (fd_set *pFdSet, int fdSetWidth, int ioctlFunc,
- SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *pWakeupNode, BOOL stopOnErr);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * selectInit - initialize the select facility
- *
- * This routine initializes the UNIX BSD 4.3 select facility. It should be
- * called only once, and typically is called from the root task, usrRoot(),
- * in usrConfig.c. It installs a task create hook such that a select context
- * is initialized for each task.
- *
- *
- * The <numFiles> parameter is supplied so that the root task can have a
- * properly defined select context area. This is needed for any init routines
- * executed as part of the root task which call select, e.g. nfsMountAll().
- */
- void selectInit
- (
- int numFiles /* maximum number of open files */
- )
- {
- _func_selTyAdd = (FUNCPTR) selTyAdd;
- _func_selTyDelete = (FUNCPTR) selTyDelete;
- _func_selPtyAdd = (FUNCPTR) selPtyAdd;
- _func_selPtyDelete = (FUNCPTR) selPtyDelete;
- _func_selWakeupAll = (FUNCPTR) selWakeupAll;
- _func_selWakeupListInit = (FUNCPTR) selWakeupListInit;
- _func_selWakeupListTerm = (FUNCPTR) selWakeupListTerm;
- if (taskCreateHookAdd ((FUNCPTR) selTaskCreateHook) != OK)
- {
- if (_func_logMsg != NULL)
- {
- _func_logMsg ("selectInit: couldn't install task create hook!n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure maxFiles has the correct value in it. This will be overridden
- * later, but this will allow the root task to use select too.
- */
- if (maxFiles == 0)
- maxFiles = numFiles;
- /*
- * Create the select context for the calling task too. This should be
- * the root task, but we don't check. Instead we just make sure that
- * the task doesn't already have a select context.
- */
- if (taskIdCurrent->pSelectContext == NULL)
- {
- if (selTaskCreateHook (taskIdCurrent) == ERROR)
- {
- if (_func_logMsg != NULL)
- {
- _func_logMsg ("selectInit: couldn't install create hook for the caller! 0x%xn",
- errno, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * selTaskDeleteHookAdd - initialize the select facility (part 2)
- *
- * This routine installs a select task delete hook so that tasks pended in
- * select() can be cleaned up properly. This routine should only be called
- * once, and typically is called from the root task, usrRoot(), in usrConfig.c.
- * It should be called after RPC initialization so that the select task delete
- * hook is invoked before the RPC task delete hook whenever a task dies.
- *
- *
- */
- void selTaskDeleteHookAdd
- (
- void
- )
- {
- if (taskDeleteHookAdd ((FUNCPTR) selTaskDeleteHook) != OK)
- {
- if (_func_logMsg != NULL)
- {
- _func_logMsg ("selTaskDeleteHookAdd: couldn't install task delete hook!n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * select - pend on a set of file descriptors
- *
- * This routine permits a task to pend until one of a set of file descriptors
- * becomes ready. Three parameters -- <pReadFds>, <pWriteFds>, and
- * <pExceptFds> -- point to file descriptor sets in which each bit
- * corresponds to a particular file descriptor. Bits set in the read file
- * descriptor set (<pReadFds>) will cause select() to pend until data is
- * available on any of the corresponding file descriptors, while bits set in
- * the write file descriptor set (<pWriteFds>) will cause select() to pend
- * until any of the corresponding file descriptors become writable. (The
- * <pExceptFds> parameter is currently unused, but is provided for UNIX call
- * compatibility.)
- *
- * The following macros are available for setting the appropriate bits
- * in the file descriptor set structure:
- * .CS
- * FD_SET(fd, &fdset)
- * FD_CLR(fd, &fdset)
- * FD_ZERO(&fdset)
- * .CE
- *
- * If either <pReadFds> or <pWriteFds> is NULL, they are ignored. The
- * <width> parameter defines how many bits will be examined in the file
- * descriptor sets, and should be set to either the maximum file descriptor
- * value in use plus one, or simply to FD_SETSIZE. When select() returns,
- * it zeros out the file descriptor sets, and sets only the bits that
- * correspond to file descriptors that are ready. The FD_ISSET macro may
- * be used to determine which bits are set.
- *
- * If <pTimeOut> is NULL, select() will block indefinitely. If <pTimeOut> is
- * not NULL, but points to a `timeval' structure with an effective time of
- * zero, the file descriptors in the file descriptor sets will be polled and
- * the results returned immediately. If the effective time value is greater
- * than zero, select() will return after the specified time has elapsed, even
- * if none of the file descriptors are ready.
- *
- * Applications can use select() with pipes and serial devices, in addition
- * to sockets. Also, select() now examines write file descriptors in
- * addition to read file descriptors; however, exception file descriptors
- * remain unsupported.
- *
- * The value for the maximum number of file descriptors configured in the
- * system (NUM_FILES) should be less than or equal to the value of
- * FD_SETSIZE (2048).
- *
- * Driver developers should consult the
- * .I "VxWorks Programmer's Guide: I/O System"
- * for details on writing drivers that will use select().
- *
- * The select library can handle arbitrarily large fd_sets, i.e. up to
- * the maximum number of file descriptors configured in the system
- * (NUM_FILES). To maintain this capability, the use of the macro
- * FD_SETSIZE must be restricted. For example, instead of using FD_ZERO,
- * use bzero().
- *
- * The number of file descriptors with activity, 0 if timed out, or
- * ERROR if an error occurred when the driver's select() routine
- * was invoked via ioctl().
- *
- * Possible errnos generated by this routine include:
- * A driver associated with one or more fds does not support select().
- * .iP 'S_selectLib_NO_SELECT_CONTEXT'
- * The task's select context was not initialized at task creation time.
- * .iP 'S_selectLib_WIDTH_OUT_OF_RANGE'
- * The width parameter is greater than the maximum possible fd.
- * .LP
- *
- * .pG "I/O System"
- */
- int select
- (
- int width, /* number of bits to examine from 0 */
- FAST fd_set *pReadFds, /* read fds */
- FAST fd_set *pWriteFds, /* write fds */
- fd_set *pExceptFds, /* exception fds (unsupported) */
- struct timeval *pTimeOut /* max time to wait, NULL = forever */
- )
- {
- FAST int fd;
- FAST int partMask;
- SEL_WAKEUP_NODE wakeupNode;
- int widthInBytes;
- int status;
- int numFound = 0;
- int quitTime = 0;
- int clockRate;
- SEL_CONTEXT *pSelectContext = taskIdCurrent->pSelectContext;
- /* ensure that the task's select context was successfully initialized */
- if (pSelectContext == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_selectLib_NO_SELECT_CONTEXT;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* gracefully handle situation where width is larger than maxFiles */
- if ((width < 0) || ((width > maxFiles) && (width > FD_SETSIZE)))
- {
- errno = S_selectLib_WIDTH_OUT_OF_RANGE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* truncate width to maxFiles for cases when FD_SETSIZE is specifed */
- if (width > maxFiles)
- width = maxFiles;
- widthInBytes = howmany(width, NFDBITS) * sizeof (fd_mask);
- /*
- * Make a copy of the original read/write fd_set for potential use
- * by the task delete hook. Note that FD_ZERO is not used since it
- * uses FD_SETSIZE.
- */
- if (pReadFds != NULL)
- bcopy ((char*) pReadFds, (char *) pSelectContext->pOrigReadFds,
- widthInBytes);
- else
- bzero ((char *) pSelectContext->pOrigReadFds, widthInBytes);
- if (pWriteFds != NULL)
- bcopy ((char*) pWriteFds, (char *) pSelectContext->pOrigWriteFds,
- widthInBytes);
- else
- bzero ((char *) pSelectContext->pOrigWriteFds, widthInBytes);
- if (pTimeOut != NULL)
- {
- clockRate = sysClkRateGet ();
- /* convert to ticks */
- quitTime = (pTimeOut->tv_sec * clockRate) +
- ((((pTimeOut->tv_usec * clockRate) / 100)/100)/100);
- }
- /* initialize select context and wakeup node fields */
- pSelectContext->pReadFds = pReadFds;
- pSelectContext->pWriteFds = pWriteFds;
- /*
- * The reason we would want to take the semaphore here is that it
- * serves to prevent a race condition. Without this semTake it is
- * possible for the call to select to be interrupted after acquiring
- * the semaphore but BEFORE the driver's FIOUNSELECT routine is called.
- * If another 'event' occurs on the driver's device during this time
- * it will be handled by the current call to select(), but not detected.
- * That is to say, the wakeup semaphore will remain available. The next
- * call to select will take this semaphore but find that there is no
- * 'event' to handle and return this, which is interpreted as a
- * timeout.
- *
- * By taking the semaphore prior to calling the FIOSELECT routine of the
- * driver we will then properly wait for a valid 'event' in this case.
- * If the semaphore is already empty we will pass through as NO_WAIT
- * is specified.
- */
- semTake(&pSelectContext->wakeupSem, NO_WAIT);
- wakeupNode.taskId = taskIdSelf ();
- /* clear out the read and write fd_sets in task's context */
- if (pReadFds != NULL)
- bzero ((char *)pReadFds, widthInBytes);
- if (pWriteFds != NULL)
- bzero ((char *)pWriteFds, widthInBytes);
- /* Clear out caller's copy of exception fds for completeness */
- if (pExceptFds != NULL)
- bzero ((char *)pExceptFds, widthInBytes);
- status = OK;
- /* do the read fd's */
- if (pReadFds != NULL)
- {
- wakeupNode.type = SELREAD;
- if (selDoIoctls (pSelectContext->pOrigReadFds, width,
- FIOSELECT, &wakeupNode, TRUE) != OK)
- {
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- /* do the write fd's */
- if (status != ERROR)
- if (pWriteFds != NULL)
- {
- wakeupNode.type = SELWRITE;
- if (selDoIoctls (pSelectContext->pOrigWriteFds, width,
- FIOSELECT, &wakeupNode, TRUE) != OK)
- {
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (status != OK)
- {
- status = errnoGet ();
- wakeupNode.type = SELREAD;
- selDoIoctls (pSelectContext->pOrigReadFds, width, FIOUNSELECT,
- &wakeupNode, FALSE);
- wakeupNode.type = SELWRITE;
- selDoIoctls (pSelectContext->pOrigWriteFds, width, FIOUNSELECT,
- &wakeupNode, FALSE);
- /* if no select support in driver, inform the naive user */
- if (status == S_ioLib_UNKNOWN_REQUEST)
- errnoSet (S_selectLib_NO_SELECT_SUPPORT_IN_DRIVER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* if the user specified a zero quittime, we don't pend.
- * a NULL pointer indicates wait for ever
- */
- if ((pTimeOut != NULL) && (quitTime == 0))
- quitTime = NO_WAIT;
- else
- if (pTimeOut == NULL)
- quitTime = WAIT_FOREVER;
- /*
- * Indicate that the current task is pended in select(). In the
- * event the current task is deleted, the task delete hook will
- * be able to remove the various wakeup nodes from driver lists.
- */
- pSelectContext->width = width;
- pSelectContext->pendedOnSelect = TRUE;
- semTake (&pSelectContext->wakeupSem, quitTime);
- /* clean up after ourselves */
- /* first the read fd's ... */
- status = OK;
- if (pReadFds != NULL)
- {
- wakeupNode.type = SELREAD;
- if (selDoIoctls (pSelectContext->pOrigReadFds, width,
- FIOUNSELECT, &wakeupNode, FALSE) != OK)
- {
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- /* ... now the write fd's. */
- if (pWriteFds != NULL)
- {
- wakeupNode.type = SELWRITE;
- if (selDoIoctls (pSelectContext->pOrigWriteFds, width,
- FIOUNSELECT, &wakeupNode, FALSE) != OK)
- {
- status = ERROR;
- }
- }
- /* indicate that current task is no longer pended in select() */
- pSelectContext->pendedOnSelect = FALSE;
- if (status == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* find out how many bits are set in the read and write fd sets */
- if (pReadFds != NULL)
- for (fd = 0; fd < width; fd++)
- {
- /* look at the fd_set a long word at a time */
- partMask = pReadFds->fds_bits[((unsigned)fd) / NFDBITS];
- if (partMask == 0)
- {
- fd += NFDBITS - 1;
- }
- else if (partMask & (1 << (((unsigned) fd) % NFDBITS)))
- {
- numFound++;
- }
- }
- if (pWriteFds != NULL)
- for (fd = 0; fd < width; fd++)
- {
- /* look at the fd_set a long word at a time */
- partMask = pWriteFds->fds_bits[((unsigned)fd) / NFDBITS];
- if (partMask == 0)
- fd += NFDBITS - 1;
- else if (partMask & (1 << (((unsigned) fd) % NFDBITS)))
- {
- numFound++;
- }
- }
- return (numFound);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selDoIoctls - perform the given ioctl on all the fd's in a mask
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if ioctl failed.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS selDoIoctls
- (
- FAST fd_set *pFdSet,
- FAST int fdSetWidth,
- FAST int ioctlFunc,
- BOOL stopOnErr
- )
- {
- FAST int fd;
- FAST int partMask;
- int status = OK;
- for (fd = 0; fd < fdSetWidth; fd++)
- {
- /* look at the fd_set a long word at a time */
- partMask = pFdSet->fds_bits[((unsigned)fd)/NFDBITS];
- if (partMask == 0)
- fd += NFDBITS - 1;
- else if (partMask & (1 << (((unsigned) fd) % NFDBITS)))
- {
- pWakeupNode->fd = fd;
- if (ioctl (fd, ioctlFunc, (int)pWakeupNode) != OK)
- {
- status = ERROR;
- if (stopOnErr)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /* The following routines are available to drivers to manage wake-up lists */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selWakeup - wake up a task pended in select()
- *
- * This routine wakes up a task pended in select(). Once a driver's
- * FIOSELECT function installs a wake-up node in a device's wake-up list
- * (using selNodeAdd()) and checks to make sure the device is ready, this
- * routine ensures that the select() call does not pend.
- *
- */
- void selWakeup
- (
- SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *pWakeupNode /* node to wake up */
- )
- {
- SEL_CONTEXT *pSelectContext;
- pSelectContext = ((WIND_TCB *)pWakeupNode->taskId)->pSelectContext;
- switch (pWakeupNode->type)
- {
- case SELREAD:
- FD_SET(pWakeupNode->fd, pSelectContext->pReadFds);
- break;
- case SELWRITE:
- FD_SET(pWakeupNode->fd, pSelectContext->pWriteFds);
- break;
- }
- semGive (&pSelectContext->wakeupSem);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selWakeupAll - wake up all tasks in a select() wake-up list
- *
- * This routine wakes up all tasks pended in select() that are waiting for
- * a device; it is called by a driver when the device becomes ready. The
- * <type> parameter specifies the task to be awakened, either reader tasks
- * (SELREAD) or writer tasks (SELWRITE).
- *
- */
- void selWakeupAll
- (
- SEL_WAKEUP_LIST *pWakeupList, /* list of tasks to wake up */
- FAST SELECT_TYPE type /* readers (SELREAD) or writers (SELWRITE) */
- )
- {
- if (lstCount (&pWakeupList->wakeupList) == 0)
- return;
- if (intContext ())
- {
- excJobAdd (selWakeupAll, (int)pWakeupList, (int)type, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return;
- }
- semTake (&pWakeupList->listMutex, WAIT_FOREVER);
- for (pWakeupNode = (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) lstFirst (&pWakeupList->wakeupList);
- pWakeupNode != NULL;
- pWakeupNode = (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) lstNext ((NODE *) pWakeupNode))
- {
- if (pWakeupNode->type == type)
- selWakeup (pWakeupNode);
- }
- semGive (&pWakeupList->listMutex);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selNodeAdd - add a wake-up node to a select() wake-up list
- *
- * This routine adds a wake-up node to a device's wake-up list. It is
- * typically called from a driver's FIOSELECT function.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if memory is insufficient.
- */
- STATUS selNodeAdd
- (
- SEL_WAKEUP_LIST *pWakeupList, /* list of tasks to wake up */
- SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *pWakeupNode /* node to add to list */
- )
- {
- BOOL dontFree;
- semTake (&pWakeupList->listMutex, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (lstCount (&pWakeupList->wakeupList) == 0)
- {
- pCopyOfNode = &pWakeupList->firstNode;
- dontFree = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- pCopyOfNode = (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) malloc (sizeof (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE));
- dontFree = FALSE;
- }
- if (pCopyOfNode == NULL)
- {
- semGive (&pWakeupList->listMutex);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- *pCopyOfNode = *pWakeupNode;
- pCopyOfNode->dontFree = dontFree;
- lstAdd (&pWakeupList->wakeupList, (NODE *) pCopyOfNode);
- semGive (&pWakeupList->listMutex);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selNodeDelete - find and delete a node from a select() wake-up list
- *
- * This routine deletes a specified wake-up node from a specified wake-up
- * list. Typically, it is called by a driver's FIOUNSELECT function.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the node is not found in the wake-up list.
- */
- STATUS selNodeDelete
- (
- SEL_WAKEUP_LIST *pWakeupList, /* list of tasks to wake up */
- SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *pWakeupNode /* node to delete from list */
- )
- {
- semTake (&pWakeupList->listMutex, WAIT_FOREVER); /* get exclusion */
- for (pWorkNode = (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) lstFirst (&pWakeupList->wakeupList);
- pWorkNode != NULL;
- pWorkNode = (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) lstNext ((NODE *) pWorkNode))
- {
- if ((pWorkNode->taskId == pWakeupNode->taskId) &&
- (pWorkNode->type == pWakeupNode->type))
- {
- lstDelete (&pWakeupList->wakeupList, (NODE *) pWorkNode);
- if (!(pWorkNode->dontFree))
- free ((char *) pWorkNode); /* deallocate node */
- semGive (&pWakeupList->listMutex); /* release exclusion */
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- semGive (&pWakeupList->listMutex); /* release exclusion */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selWakeupListInit - initialize a select() wake-up list
- *
- * This routine should be called in a device's create routine to
- * initialize the SEL_WAKEUP_LIST structure.
- *
- *
- */
- void selWakeupListInit
- (
- SEL_WAKEUP_LIST *pWakeupList /* wake-up list to initialize */
- )
- {
- lstInit (&pWakeupList->wakeupList);
- semMInit (&pWakeupList->listMutex, mutexOptionsSelectLib);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selWakeupListTerm - terminate a select() wake-up list
- *
- * This routine should be called in a device's terminate routine to
- * terminate the SEL_WAKEUP_LIST structure.
- *
- *
- */
- void selWakeupListTerm
- (
- SEL_WAKEUP_LIST *pWakeupList /* wake-up list to terminate */
- )
- {
- semTerminate (&pWakeupList->listMutex);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selWakeupListLen - get the number of nodes in a select() wake-up list
- *
- * This routine returns the number of nodes in a specified SEL_WAKEUP_LIST.
- * It can be used by a driver to determine if any tasks are currently
- * pended in select() on this device, and whether these tasks need to be
- * activated with selWakeupAll().
- *
- * The number of nodes currently in a select() wake-up list, or ERROR.
- *
- */
- int selWakeupListLen
- (
- SEL_WAKEUP_LIST *pWakeupList /* list of tasks to wake up */
- )
- {
- return (lstCount (&pWakeupList->wakeupList));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selWakeupType - get the type of a select() wake-up node
- *
- * This routine returns the type of a specified SEL_WAKEUP_NODE.
- * It is typically used in a device's FIOSELECT function to determine
- * if the device is being selected for read or write operations.
- *
- * RETURNS: SELREAD (read operation) or SELWRITE (write operation).
- *
- */
- SELECT_TYPE selWakeupType
- (
- SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *pWakeupNode /* node to get type of */
- )
- {
- return (pWakeupNode->type);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selTaskCreateHook - select task create hook
- *
- * This routine creates a select context for the task. The select context
- * for the root task is not created by this routine. Instead, it is created
- * by the selectInit() routine.
- *
- * The memory for the context is allocated from the system heap. The amount
- * of memory allocated for the context is enough to support fd_sets of size
- * maxFiles, instead of the compile time value of FD_SETSIZE.
- *
- * This routine is installed as a create hook by selectInit.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS selTaskCreateHook
- (
- WIND_TCB *pNewTcb
- )
- {
- SEL_CONTEXT *pSelectContext;
- int fdSetBytes;
- /*
- * Allocate sufficient memory from the heap to contain the select
- * context. This memory includes space for the various fd_sets to
- * handle file descriptors up to maxFiles, i.e. select() will not be
- * limited to FD_SETSIZE.
- */
- fdSetBytes = sizeof (fd_mask) * howmany (maxFiles, NFDBITS);
- pSelectContext = (SEL_CONTEXT *) malloc (sizeof (SEL_CONTEXT) +
- 2 * fdSetBytes);
- if (pSelectContext == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* assign various convenience fd_set pointers */
- pSelectContext->pOrigReadFds = (fd_set *) ((int) pSelectContext +
- sizeof (SEL_CONTEXT));
- pSelectContext->pOrigWriteFds = (fd_set *)
- ((int) pSelectContext->pOrigReadFds +
- fdSetBytes);
- pSelectContext->pendedOnSelect = FALSE; /* task is not pending */
- /* initialize the task's wakeup binary semaphore */
- if (semBInit (&pSelectContext->wakeupSem, SEM_Q_PRIORITY,
- {
- free ((char*) pSelectContext);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* initialization succeeded so set task's select context pointer */
- pNewTcb->pSelectContext = pSelectContext;
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * selTaskDeleteHook - select task delete hook
- *
- * If a task is deleted while it is pended in select, this delete hook
- * tells all the relevent devices to delete the wake-up node associated
- * with this task. This routine is installed as a delete hook by
- * selTaskDeleteHookAdd(). RPC adds a delete hook to close the client and
- * server handle sockets -- we insure that the select delete hook gets
- * called before the RPC delete hook (so that the socket device still exists)
- * by installing it AFTER RPC initialization (see usrConfig.c).
- */
- LOCAL void selTaskDeleteHook
- (
- WIND_TCB *pTcb
- )
- {
- SEL_CONTEXT *pSelectContext = pTcb->pSelectContext;
- /*
- * A wakeup node is created on the deleting task's stack since
- * the work node on the stack of the task being deleting may
- * be inaccessible to the current task.
- */
- SEL_WAKEUP_NODE wakeupNode;
- if (pSelectContext != NULL)
- {
- /* task pended in select()? */
- if (pSelectContext->pendedOnSelect == TRUE)
- {
- wakeupNode.taskId = (int) pTcb;
- /* unregister all the read fd's */
- wakeupNode.type = SELREAD;
- selDoIoctls (pSelectContext->pOrigReadFds, pSelectContext->width,
- FIOUNSELECT, &wakeupNode, FALSE);
- /* unregister all the write fd's */
- wakeupNode.type = SELWRITE;
- selDoIoctls (pSelectContext->pOrigWriteFds, pSelectContext->width,
- FIOUNSELECT, &wakeupNode, FALSE);
- }
- semTerminate (&pSelectContext->wakeupSem);
- free ((char *) pSelectContext);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * selTyAdd - tyLib FIOSELECT ioctl
- *
- * This is located here to keep tyLib from dragging in selectLib.
- */
- LOCAL void selTyAdd
- (
- TY_DEV *pTyDev,
- int arg
- )
- {
- selNodeAdd (&pTyDev->selWakeupList, (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg);
- if ((selWakeupType ((SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg) == SELREAD) &&
- (rngNBytes (pTyDev->rdBuf) > 0))
- {
- selWakeup ((SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg);
- }
- if ((selWakeupType ((SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg) == SELWRITE) &&
- rngFreeBytes (pTyDev->wrtBuf) > 0)
- {
- selWakeup ((SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * selTyDelete - tyLib FIOUNSELECT ioctl
- *
- * This is located here to keep tyLib from dragging in selectLib.
- */
- LOCAL void selTyDelete
- (
- TY_DEV *pTyDev,
- int arg
- )
- {
- selNodeDelete (&pTyDev->selWakeupList, (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *)arg);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * selPtyAdd - ptyLib FIOSELECT ioctl
- *
- * This is located here to keep ptyLib from dragging in selectLib.
- */
- LOCAL void selPtyAdd
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPtyDev,
- int arg
- )
- {
- selNodeAdd (&pPtyDev->masterSelWakeupList, (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg);
- if ((selWakeupType ((SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg) == SELREAD) &&
- rngNBytes (pPtyDev->tyDev.wrtBuf) > 0)
- /* reversed read criteria for master */
- {
- selWakeup ((SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg);
- }
- if ((selWakeupType ((SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg) == SELWRITE) &&
- rngFreeBytes (pPtyDev->tyDev.rdBuf) > 0 )
- /* reversed write criteria for master */
- {
- selWakeup ((SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *) arg);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * selPtyDelete - ptyLib FIOUNSELECT ioctl
- *
- * This is located here to keep ptyLib from dragging in selectLib.
- */
- LOCAL void selPtyDelete
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPtyDev,
- int arg
- )
- {
- selNodeDelete (&pPtyDev->masterSelWakeupList, (SEL_WAKEUP_NODE *)arg);
- }