- /* ptyDrv.c - pseudo-terminal driver */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01z,12oct01,brk added SELECT functionality to Master (SPR #65498)
- 01y,19oct01,dcb Fix the routine title line to match the coding conventions.
- 01x,14feb01,spm merged from version 01x of tor2_0_x branch (base 01w):
- added removal of pty device (SPR #28675)
- 01w,12mar99,p_m Fixed SPR 9124 by mentioning that there is no way to delete a
- pty device.
- 01v,03feb93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 01u,13nov92,dnw added include of semLibP.h
- 01t,21oct92,jdi removed mangen SECTION designation.
- 01s,18jul92,smb Changed errno.h to errnoLib.h.
- 01r,04jul92,jcf scalable/ANSI/cleanup effort.
- 01q,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01p,19nov91,rrr shut up some ansi warnings.
- 01o,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01n,05apr91,jdi documentation -- removed header parens and x-ref numbers;
- doc review by rdc.
- 01m,27feb91,jaa documentation update.
- 01l,26jun90,jcf changed semaphore type for 5.0. Embedded semaphore.
- 01k,23mar90,dab removed ptyMasterDelete() and ptySlaveDelete().
- 01j,15feb90,dab added ptyMasterDelete() and ptySlaveDelete(). documentation.
- 01i,30may88,dnw changed to v4 names.
- 01h,04may88,jcf changed semaphores to be consistent with new semLib.
- 01g,06nov87,ecs documentation.
- 01f,24oct87,gae added pty{Master,Slave}Close() so that reads on
- corresponding would return 0/ERROR.
- 01e,20oct87,gae made ptyDrv() return correct status on succesive calls.
- documentation.
- 01d,25mar87,jlf documentation
- 01c,21dec86,dnw changed to not get include files from default directories.
- 01b,02jul86,jlf documentation
- 01a,01apr86,rdc wrotten.
- */
- /*
- The pseudo-terminal driver provides a tty-like interface between a master and
- slave process, typically in network applications. The master process
- simulates the "hardware" side of the driver (e.g., a USART serial chip), while
- the slave process is the application program that normally talks to the driver.
- Most of the routines in this driver are accessible only through the I/O
- system. However, the following routines must be called directly: ptyDrv() to
- initialize the driver, ptyDevCreate() to create devices, and ptyDevRemove()
- to remove an existing device.
- Before using the driver, it must be initialized by calling ptyDrv().
- This routine must be called before any reads, writes, or calls to
- ptyDevCreate().
- Before a pseudo-terminal can be used, it must be created by calling
- ptyDevCreate():
- .CS
- STATUS ptyDevCreate
- (
- char *name, /@ name of pseudo terminal @/
- int rdBufSize, /@ size of terminal read buffer @/
- int wrtBufSize /@ size of write buffer @/
- )
- .CE
- For instance, to create the device pair "/pty/0.M" and "/pty/0.S",
- with read and write buffer sizes of 512 bytes, the proper call would be:
- .CS
- ptyDevCreate ("/pty/0.", 512, 512);
- .CE
- When ptyDevCreate() is called, two devices are created, a master and
- slave. One is called <name>M and the other <name>S. They can
- then be opened by the master and slave processes. Data written to the
- master device can then be read on the slave device, and vice versa. Calls
- to ioctl() may be made to either device, but they should only apply to the
- slave side, since the master and slave are the same device.
- The ptyDevRemove() routine will delete an existing pseudo-terminal device
- and reclaim the associated memory. Any file descriptors associated with
- the device will be closed.
- Pseudo-terminal drivers respond to the same ioctl() functions used by
- tty devices. These functions are defined in ioLib.h and documented in
- the manual entry for tyLib.
- INCLUDE FILES: ioLib.h, ptyDrv.h
- SEE ALSO: tyLib,
- .pG "I/O System"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "iosLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "wdLib.h"
- #include "selectLib.h"
- #include "tyLib.h"
- #include "ptyDrv.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "private/funcBindP.h"
- IMPORT STATUS tyDevRemove(TY_DEV_ID pTyDev);
- /* local variables */
- LOCAL int ptySlaveDrvNum; /* driver number assigned to slave driver */
- LOCAL int ptyMasterDrvNum; /* driver number assigned to master drv */
- LOCAL int ptyWrtThreshold = PTY_WRITE_THRESHOLD;
- /* min bytes free in output buffer */
- /* forward static functions */
- static int ptyMasterOpen (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, char *name, int mode);
- static int ptySlaveOpen (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, char *name, int mode);
- static STATUS ptySlaveClose (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev);
- static STATUS ptyMasterClose (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev);
- static int ptySlaveRead (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, char *buffer, int maxbytes);
- static int ptyMasterRead (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, char *buffer, int
- maxbytes);
- static int ptySlaveWrite (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, char *buffer, int nbytes);
- static int ptyMasterWrite (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, char *buffer, int nbytes);
- static STATUS ptySlaveIoctl (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, int request, int arg);
- static STATUS ptyMasterIoctl (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, int request, int arg);
- static void ptyMasterStartup (PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyDrv - initialize the pseudo-terminal driver
- *
- * This routine initializes the pseudo-terminal driver.
- * It must be called before any other routine in this module.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the master or slave devices cannot be installed.
- */
- STATUS ptyDrv (void)
- {
- static BOOL done; /* FALSE = not done, TRUE = done */
- static STATUS status;
- if (!done)
- {
- done = TRUE;
- ptySlaveDrvNum = iosDrvInstall (ptySlaveOpen, (FUNCPTR) NULL,
- ptySlaveOpen, ptySlaveClose,
- ptySlaveRead, ptySlaveWrite,
- ptySlaveIoctl);
- ptyMasterDrvNum = iosDrvInstall (ptyMasterOpen, (FUNCPTR) NULL,
- ptyMasterOpen, ptyMasterClose,
- ptyMasterRead, ptyMasterWrite,
- ptyMasterIoctl);
- status = (ptySlaveDrvNum != ERROR && ptyMasterDrvNum != ERROR) ? OK
- : ERROR;
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyDevCreate - create a pseudo terminal
- *
- * This routine creates a master and slave device which can then be opened by
- * the master and slave processes. The master process simulates the "hardware"
- * side of the driver, while the slave process is the application program that
- * normally talks to a tty driver. Data written to the master device can then
- * be read on the slave device, and vice versa.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if memory is insufficient.
- */
- STATUS ptyDevCreate
- (
- char *name, /* name of pseudo terminal */
- int rdBufSize, /* size of terminal read buffer */
- int wrtBufSize /* size of write buffer */
- )
- {
- STATUS status;
- char nameBuf [MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev;
- if (ptySlaveDrvNum < 1 || ptyMasterDrvNum < 1)
- {
- errnoSet (S_ioLib_NO_DRIVER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pPseudoDev = (PSEUDO_DEV *) malloc (sizeof (PSEUDO_DEV));
- if (pPseudoDev == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* initialize device descriptor */
- if (tyDevInit ((TY_DEV_ID) pPseudoDev, rdBufSize, wrtBufSize,
- (FUNCPTR)ptyMasterStartup) != OK)
- {
- free ((char *)pPseudoDev);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* initialize the select stuff for the master pty fd */
- if (_func_selWakeupListInit != NULL)
- (* _func_selWakeupListInit) (&pPseudoDev->masterSelWakeupList);
- semBInit (&pPseudoDev->masterReadSyncSem, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_EMPTY);
- /* add Slave and Master devices */
- strcpy (nameBuf, name);
- strcat (nameBuf, "S");
- status = iosDevAdd (&pPseudoDev->slaveDev, nameBuf, ptySlaveDrvNum);
- if (status == OK)
- {
- strcpy (nameBuf, name);
- strcat (nameBuf, "M");
- status = iosDevAdd ((DEV_HDR *) pPseudoDev, nameBuf, ptyMasterDrvNum);
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyDevRemove - destroy a pseudo terminal
- *
- * This routine removes an existing master and slave device and releases all
- * allocated memory. It will close any open files using either device.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if terminal not found
- *
- * This routine reverses the ptyDevCreate() routine operations.
- */
- STATUS ptyDevRemove
- (
- char * pName /* name of pseudo terminal to remove */
- )
- {
- char * pTail = NULL; /* Pointer to tail of device name. */
- DEV_HDR * pMasterDev;
- DEV_HDR * pSlaveDev;
- char nameBuf [MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev;
- if (ptySlaveDrvNum < 1 || ptyMasterDrvNum < 1)
- {
- errnoSet (S_ioLib_NO_DRIVER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- strcpy (nameBuf, pName);
- strcat (nameBuf, "M");
- pMasterDev = iosDevFind (nameBuf, &pTail);
- if (pMasterDev == NULL || pTail == nameBuf) /* Device not found? */
- return (ERROR);
- strcpy (nameBuf, pName);
- strcat (nameBuf, "S");
- pSlaveDev = iosDevFind (nameBuf, &pTail);
- if (pSlaveDev == NULL || pTail == nameBuf) /* Device not found? */
- return (ERROR);
- /* Close any open files and remove the master and slave devices. */
- iosDevDelete (pSlaveDev);
- iosDevDelete (pMasterDev);
- /*
- * The master device header is also the header for the ty device and
- * a pointer to the overall pseudo device structure. Remove those
- * data structures.
- */
- pPseudoDev = (PSEUDO_DEV *)pMasterDev;
- tyDevRemove ( (TY_DEV_ID)pMasterDev);
- free (pPseudoDev);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyMasterOpen - open the Master side of a pseudo terminal
- *
- */
- LOCAL int ptyMasterOpen
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev,
- char *name,
- int mode
- )
- {
- return ((int) pPseudoDev);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptySlaveOpen - open the Slave side of a pseudo terminal
- *
- */
- LOCAL int ptySlaveOpen
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev,
- char *name,
- int mode
- )
- {
- return ((int) pPseudoDev - (OFFSET(PSEUDO_DEV, slaveDev)));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptySlaveClose - close the Slave side of a pseudo terminal
- *
- * Closing the slave side should cause the master to read 0 bytes.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ptySlaveClose
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev
- )
- {
- pPseudoDev->ateof = FALSE; /* indicate to master read of close */
- semGive (&pPseudoDev->masterReadSyncSem);
- if(_func_selWakeupAll != NULL)
- {
- /* wake up any process waiting so they read the 0 bytes */
- (* _func_selWakeupAll) (&pPseudoDev->masterSelWakeupList, SELREAD);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyMasterClose - close the Master side of a pseudo terminal
- *
- * Closing the master side will cause the slave's read to return ERROR.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ptyMasterClose
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev
- )
- {
- tyIoctl ((TY_DEV_ID) pPseudoDev, FIOCANCEL, 0 /*XXX*/);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptySlaveRead - slave read routine
- *
- * The slave device simply calls tyRead to get data out of the ring buffer.
- *
- * RETURNS: whatever tyRead returns (number of bytes actually read)
- */
- LOCAL int ptySlaveRead
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev,
- char *buffer,
- int maxbytes
- )
- {
- int i;
- i=tyRead ((TY_DEV_ID) pPseudoDev, buffer, maxbytes);
- if (_func_selWakeupAll != NULL)
- {
- /* When anything gets read from the slave and the buffer is below
- * the threshhold wake processes waiting
- * on SELWRITE of master pty fd
- */
- if (rngNBytes (pPseudoDev->tyDev.rdBuf) < ptyWrtThreshold )
- (* _func_selWakeupAll) (&pPseudoDev->masterSelWakeupList, SELWRITE );
- }
- return(i);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyMasterRead - master read routine
- *
- * The master read routine calls tyITx to empty the pseudo terminal's buffer.
- *
- * RETURNS: number of characters actually read
- */
- LOCAL int ptyMasterRead
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev,
- char *buffer, /* where to return characters read */
- int maxbytes
- )
- {
- int i;
- char ch;
- pPseudoDev->ateof = TRUE;
- for (i = 0; i == 0;)
- {
- while ((i < maxbytes) && (tyITx ((TY_DEV_ID) pPseudoDev, &ch) == OK))
- buffer [i++] = ch;
- if (!pPseudoDev->ateof)
- break;
- if (i == 0)
- semTake (&pPseudoDev->masterReadSyncSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- }
- return (i);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptySlaveWrite - pseudo terminal Slave write routine
- *
- * This routine simply calls tyWrite.
- *
- * RETURNS: whatever tyWrite returns (number of bytes actually written)
- */
- LOCAL int ptySlaveWrite
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev,
- char *buffer,
- int nbytes
- )
- {
- int written;
- written = tyWrite ((TY_DEV_ID) pPseudoDev, buffer, nbytes);
- if(_func_selWakeupAll != NULL)
- {
- /* When anything gets written to the slave wake processes waiting
- * on SELREAD of master pty fd
- */
- if(rngNBytes(pPseudoDev->tyDev.wrtBuf))
- (* _func_selWakeupAll) (&pPseudoDev->masterSelWakeupList, SELREAD);
- }
- return(written);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyMasterWrite - pseudo terminal Master write routine
- *
- * This routine calls tyIRd to put data in the pseudo terminals ring buffer.
- *
- * RETURNS: nbytes
- */
- LOCAL int ptyMasterWrite
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev,
- char *buffer,
- int nbytes
- )
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++)
- (void)tyIRd ((TY_DEV_ID) pPseudoDev, buffer [i]);
- return (i);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptySlaveIoctl - special device control
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ptySlaveIoctl
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, /* device to control */
- int request, /* request code */
- int arg /* some argument */
- )
- {
- return (tyIoctl ((TY_DEV_ID) pPseudoDev, request, arg));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyMasterIoctl - special device control
- */
- LOCAL STATUS ptyMasterIoctl
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev, /* device to control */
- int request, /* request code */
- int arg /* some argument */
- )
- {
- switch (request)
- {
- if ( _func_selPtyAdd != NULL )
- _func_selPtyAdd(pPseudoDev, arg);
- break;
- if ( _func_selPtyDelete != NULL )
- _func_selPtyDelete(pPseudoDev, arg);
- break;
- default:
- return (tyIoctl ((TY_DEV_ID) pPseudoDev, request, arg));
- }
- return(OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyMasterStartup - start up the Master read routine
- */
- LOCAL void ptyMasterStartup
- (
- PSEUDO_DEV *pPseudoDev
- )
- {
- semGive (&pPseudoDev->masterReadSyncSem);
- }
- #undef PTY_DEBUG
- #ifdef PTY_DEBUG
- extern DL_LIST iosDvList; /* list of I/O device headers */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ptyShow - show the state of the Pty Buffers
- */
- void ptyShow(void)
- {
- PSEUDO_DEV *pDevHdr;
- int rd,wrt;
- logMsg("%-20s %-8s %-8sn", "name","read","write",0,0,0);
- for (pDevHdr = (PSEUDO_DEV *) DLL_FIRST (&iosDvList); pDevHdr != NULL;
- pDevHdr = (PSEUDO_DEV *) DLL_NEXT (&pDevHdr->tyDev.devHdr.node))
- {
- if( pDevHdr->tyDev.devHdr.drvNum == ptyMasterDrvNum )
- {
- rd = rngNBytes (pDevHdr->tyDev.rdBuf);
- wrt = rngNBytes (pDevHdr->tyDev.wrtBuf);
- logMsg("%-20s %-8d %-8dn", pDevHdr->, wrt,rd,0,0,0);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif