资源名称 [点击查看]
- /*
- * genmms -- a program to make VMS makefiles for PCCTS
- *
- * ANTLR 1.33MR10
- * Terence John Parr 1989 - 1998
- * Purdue University
- * U of MN
- *
- *
- * VMS version from J.F. Pieronne
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ssdef.h>
- #include "pcctscfg.h" /* be sensitive to what ANTLR/DLG call the files */
- #define DIE return SS$_ABORT;
- #define DONE return 1;
- #ifndef require
- #define require(expr, err) {if ( !(expr) ) fatal(err);}
- #endif
- #define MAX_FILES 50
- #define MAX_CLASSES 50
- char *RENAME_OBJ_FLAG="/obj=",
- *RENAME_EXE_FLAG="/exe=";
- char *dlg = "parser.dlg";
- char *err = "err.c";
- char *hdr = "stdpccts.h";
- char *tok = "tokens.h";
- char *mode = "mode.h";
- char *scan = "scan";
- char ATOKENBUFFER_O[100];
- char APARSER_O[100];
- char ASTBASE_O[100];
- char PCCTSAST_O[100];
- char LIST_O[100];
- char DLEXERBASE_O[100];
- /* Option flags */
- static char *project="t", *files[MAX_FILES], *classes[MAX_CLASSES];
- static int num_files = 0;
- static int num_classes = 0;
- static int user_lexer = 0;
- static char *user_token_types = NULL;
- static int gen_CPP = 0;
- static char *outdir=".";
- static char *dlg_class = "DLGLexer";
- static int gen_trees = 0;
- static int gen_hoist = 0;
- typedef struct _Opt {
- char *option;
- int arg;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- void (*process)(...);
- #else
- void (*process)();
- #endif
- char *descr;
- } Opt;
- #ifdef __STDC__
- static void ProcessArgs(int, char **, Opt *);
- #else
- static void ProcessArgs();
- #endif
- static void
- pProj( s, t )
- char *s;
- char *t;
- {
- project = t;
- }
- static void
- pUL( s )
- char *s;
- {
- user_lexer = 1;
- }
- static void
- pCPP( s )
- char *s;
- {
- gen_CPP = 1;
- }
- static void
- pUT( s, t )
- char *s;
- char *t;
- {
- user_token_types = t;
- }
- static void
- pTrees( s )
- char *s;
- {
- gen_trees = 1;
- }
- static void
- pHoist( s )
- char *s;
- {
- gen_hoist = 1;
- }
- static void
- #ifdef __STDC__
- pFile( char *s )
- #else
- pFile( s )
- char *s;
- #endif
- {
- if ( *s=='-' )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "invalid option: '%s'; ignored...",s);
- return;
- }
- require(num_files<MAX_FILES, "exceeded max # of input files");
- files[num_files++] = s;
- }
- static void
- #ifdef __STDC__
- pClass( char *s, char *t )
- #else
- pClass( s, t )
- char *s;
- char *t;
- #endif
- {
- require(num_classes<MAX_CLASSES, "exceeded max # of grammar classes");
- classes[num_classes++] = t;
- }
- static void
- #ifdef __STDC__
- pDLGClass( char *s, char *t )
- #else
- pDLGClass( s, t )
- char *s;
- char *t;
- #endif
- {
- if ( !gen_CPP ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "-dlg-class makes no sense without C++ mode; ignored...");
- }
- else dlg_class = t;
- }
- static void
- #ifdef __STDC__
- pOdir( char *s, char *t )
- #else
- pOdir( s, t )
- char *s;
- char *t;
- #endif
- {
- outdir = t;
- }
- static void
- #ifdef __STDC__
- pHdr( char *s, char *t )
- #else
- pHdr( s, t )
- char *s;
- char *t;
- #endif
- {
- hdr = t;
- }
- Opt options[] = {
- { "-cc", 0, pCPP, "Generate C++ output"},
- { "-class", 1, pClass, "Name of a grammar class defined in grammar (if C++)"},
- { "-dlg-class", 1,pDLGClass,"Name of DLG lexer class (default=DLGLexer) (if C++)"},
- { "-header", 1,pHdr, "Name of ANTLR standard header info (default=no file)"},
- { "-o", 1, pOdir, "Directory where output files should go (default=".")"},
- { "-project", 1, pProj, "Name of executable to create (default=t)"},
- { "-token-types", 1, pUT, "Token types are in this file (don't use tokens.h)"},
- { "-trees", 0, pTrees, "Generate ASTs"},
- { "-user-lexer", 0, pUL, "Do not create a DLG-based scanner"},
- { "-mrhoist",0,pHoist, "Maintenance release style hoisting"},
- { "*", 0, pFile, "" }, /* anything else is a file */
- { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL }
- };
- extern char *DIR();
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- if ( argc == 1 ) { help(); DIE; }
- ProcessArgs(argc-1, &(argv[1]), options);
- APARSER_O[strlen(APARSER_O)-strlen(CPP_FILE_SUFFIX)] = ' ';
- ASTBASE_O[strlen(ASTBASE_C)-strlen(CPP_FILE_SUFFIX)] = ' ';
- PCCTSAST_O[strlen(PCCTSAST_C)-strlen(CPP_FILE_SUFFIX)] = ' ';
- strcpy(LIST_O, LIST_C);
- LIST_O[strlen(LIST_C)-strlen(CPP_FILE_SUFFIX)] = ' ';
- if ( num_files == 0 ) fatal("no grammar files specified; exiting...");
- if ( !gen_CPP && num_classes>0 ) {
- warn("can't define classes w/o C++ mode; turning on C++ mode...n");
- gen_CPP=1;
- }
- if ( gen_CPP && num_classes==0 ) {
- fatal("must define classes >0 grammar classes in C++ moden");
- }
- mk(project, files, num_files, argc, argv);
- }
- help()
- {
- Opt *p = options;
- static char buf[1000+1];
- fprintf(stderr, "genmk [options] f1.g ...");
- while ( p->option!=NULL && *(p->option) != '*' )
- {
- buf[0]=' ';
- if ( p->arg ) sprintf(buf, "%s ___", p->option);
- else strcpy(buf, p->option);
- fprintf(stderr, "t%-16s %sn", buf, p->descr);
- p++;
- }
- }
- mk(project, files, n, argc, argv)
- char *project;
- char **files;
- int n;
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int i;
- printf("!n");
- printf("! PCCTS makefile for: ");
- pfiles(files, n, NULL);
- printf("n");
- printf("!n");
- printf("! Created from:");
- for (i=0; i<argc; i++) printf(" %s", argv[i]);
- printf("n");
- printf("!n");
- printf("! PCCTS release 1.33MR10n");
- printf("! Project: %sn", project);
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf("! C++ outputn");
- else printf("! C outputn");
- if ( user_lexer ) printf("! User-defined scannern");
- else printf("! DLG scannern");
- if ( user_token_types!=NULL ) printf("! User-defined token types in '%s'n", user_token_types);
- else printf("! ANTLR-defined token typesn");
- printf("!n");
- if ( user_token_types!=NULL ) {
- printf("! Make sure #tokdefs directive in ANTLR grammar lists this file:n");
- printf("TOKENS = %s", user_token_types);
- }
- else printf("TOKENS = %stokens.h", DIR());
- printf("n");
- printf("!n");
- printf("! The following filenames must be consistent with ANTLR/DLG flagsn");
- printf("DLG_FILE = %s%sn", DIR(), dlg);
- printf("ERR = %serrn", DIR());
- if ( strcmp(hdr,"stdpccts.h")!=0 ) printf("HDR_FILE = %s%sn", DIR(), hdr);
- else printf("HDR_FILE =n");
- if ( !gen_CPP ) printf("MOD_FILE = %s%sn", DIR(), mode);
- if ( !gen_CPP ) printf("SCAN = %sn", scan);
- else printf("SCAN = %s%sn", DIR(), dlg_class);
- printf("PCCTS = PCCTS_ROOTn");
- printf("ANTLR_H = $(PCCTS):[h]n");
- printf("BIN = $(PCCTS):[bin]n");
- printf("ANTLR = mcr $(BIN)antlrn");
- printf("DLG = mcr $(BIN)dlgn");
- printf("LNKFLAGS = /tracebackn");
- if (gen_CPP)
- printf("CFLAGS =/ASSUME=NOHEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT/define=(__STDC__)/include=($(ANTLR_H)");
- else
- printf("CFLAGS = /define=(__STDC__)/include=($(ANTLR_H)");
- if ( strcmp(outdir, ".")!=0 ) printf(", %s", outdir);
- printf(") $(COTHER)");
- printf("n");
- printf("AFLAGS =");
- if ( strcmp(outdir,".")!=0 ) printf(" -o %s", outdir);
- if ( user_lexer ) printf(" -gx");
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf(" -"CC"");
- if ( strcmp(hdr,"stdpccts.h")!=0 ) printf(" -gh %s", hdr);
- if ( gen_trees ) printf(" -gt");
- if ( gen_hoist ) {
- printf(" -mrhoist on") ;
- } else {
- printf(" -mrhoist off");
- };
- printf(" $(AOTHER)");
- printf("n");
- printf("DFLAGS = -"C2" -i");
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf(" -"CC"");
- if ( strcmp(dlg_class,"DLGLexer")!=0 ) printf(" -cl %s", dlg_class);
- if ( strcmp(outdir,".")!=0 ) printf(" -o %s", outdir);
- printf(" $(DOTHER)");
- printf("n");
- printf("GRM = ");
- pfiles(files, n, NULL);
- printf("n");
- printf("SRC = ");
- if ( gen_CPP ) pfiles(files, n, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- else pfiles(files, n, "c");
- if ( gen_CPP ) {
- printf(" ,-n ");
- printf(" ");
- pclasses(classes, num_classes, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- printf(" ,-n ");
- printf("$(ANTLR_H)%s", APARSER_C);
- if ( !user_lexer ) printf(", $(ANTLR_H)%s", DLEXERBASE_C);
- if ( gen_trees ) {
- printf(" ,-n ");
- printf("$(ANTLR_H)%s,", ASTBASE_C);
- printf(" $(ANTLR_H)%s", PCCTSAST_C);
- /* printf(" $(ANTLR_H)%s%s", DirectorySymbol, LIST_C); */
- }
- printf(" ,-n ");
- printf(" $(ANTLR_H)%s", ATOKENBUFFER_C);
- }
- if ( !user_lexer ) {
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf(", $(SCAN)%s", CPP_FILE_SUFFIX);
- else printf(", %s$(SCAN).c", DIR());
- }
- if ( !gen_CPP ) printf(" $(ERR).c");
- printf("n");
- printf("OBJ = ");
- pfiles(files, n, "obj");
- if ( gen_CPP ) {
- printf(" ,-n ");
- printf(" ");
- pclasses(classes, num_classes, "o");
- printf(" ,-n ");
- printf(" %s%s", DIR(), APARSER_O);
- if ( !user_lexer ) {
- printf(", %s%s", DIR(), DLEXERBASE_O);
- }
- if ( gen_trees ) {
- printf(" ,-n ");
- printf("%s%s", DIR(), ASTBASE_O);
- printf(", %s%s", DIR(), PCCTSAST_O);
- /* printf(" %s%s", DIR(), LIST_O); */
- }
- printf(", %s%s", DIR(), ATOKENBUFFER_O);
- }
- if ( !user_lexer ) {
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf(", $(SCAN)%s", OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX);
- else printf(", %s$(SCAN)%s", DIR(), OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX);
- }
- if ( !gen_CPP ) printf(", $(ERR)%s", OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX);
- printf("n");
- printf("ANTLR_SPAWN = ");
- if ( gen_CPP ) pfiles(files, n, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- else pfiles(files, n, "c");
- if ( gen_CPP ) {
- printf(", ");
- pclasses(classes, num_classes, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- printf(" ,-n ");
- pclasses(classes, num_classes, "h");
- if ( strcmp(hdr,"stdpccts.h")!=0 ) {
- printf(" ,-n ");
- printf("$(HDR_FILE), stdpccts.h");
- }
- }
- if ( user_lexer ) {
- if ( !user_token_types ) printf(", $(TOKENS)");
- }
- else {
- printf(", $(DLG_FILE)");
- if ( !user_token_types ) printf(", $(TOKENS)");
- }
- if ( !gen_CPP ) printf(", $(ERR).c");
- printf("n");
- if ( !user_lexer ) {
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf("DLG_SPAWN = $(SCAN)%s", CPP_FILE_SUFFIX);
- else printf("DLG_SPAWN = %s$(SCAN).c", DIR());
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf(", $(SCAN).h");
- else printf(", $(MOD_FILE)");
- printf("n");
- }
- if ( gen_CPP ) pfiles(files, n, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- else pfiles(files, n, "c");
- if ( gen_CPP ) {
- printf(";*, ");
- pclasses(classes, num_classes, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- printf(";* ,-n ");
- pclasses(classes, num_classes, "h");
- printf(";*");
- if ( strcmp(hdr,"stdpccts.h")!=0 ) {
- printf(" ,-n ");
- printf("$(HDR_FILE);*, stdpccts.h;*");
- }
- }
- if ( user_lexer ) {
- if ( !user_token_types ) printf(", $(TOKENS);*");
- }
- else {
- printf(", $(DLG_FILE);*");
- if ( !user_token_types ) printf(", $(TOKENS);*");
- }
- if ( !gen_CPP ) printf(", $(ERR).c;*");
- printf("n");
- if ( !user_lexer ) {
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf("DLG_SPAWN_ALL_VERSIONS = $(SCAN)%s;*", CPP_FILE_SUFFIX);
- else printf("DLG_SPAWN_ALL_VERSIONS = %s$(SCAN).c;*", DIR());
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf(", $(SCAN).h;*");
- else printf(", $(MOD_FILE);*");
- printf("n");
- }
- if ( gen_CPP ) {
- printf("CCC=CXXn");
- printf("CC=$(CCC)n");
- }
- else printf("CC=ccn");
- /* set up dependencies */
- printf("n%s.exe : $(OBJ), $(SRC)n", project);
- if (gen_CPP)
- printf(" CXXLINK %s %s $(LNKFLAGS) $(OBJ)n",
- project);
- else
- printf(" LINK %s %s $(LNKFLAGS) $(OBJ)n",
- project);
- printf("n");
- /* how to compile parser files */
- for (i=0; i<num_files; i++)
- {
- pfiles(&files[i], 1, "obj");
- if ( user_lexer ) {
- printf(" : $(TOKENS)");
- }
- else {
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf(" : $(TOKENS), $(SCAN).h");
- else printf(" : $(MOD_FILE), $(TOKENS)");
- }
- printf(", ");
- if ( gen_CPP ) pfiles(&files[i], 1, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- else pfiles(&files[i], 1, "c");
- if ( gen_CPP && strcmp(hdr,"stdpccts.h")!=0 ) printf(", $(HDR_FILE)");
- printf("n");
- printf(" %s $(CFLAGS) %s ",gen_CPP?"$(CCC)":"$(CC)",RENAME_OBJ_FLAG);
- pfiles(&files[i], 1, "obj");
- printf(" ");
- if ( gen_CPP ) pfiles(&files[i], 1, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- else pfiles(&files[i], 1, "c");
- printf("nn");
- }
- /* how to compile err.c */
- if ( !gen_CPP ) {
- printf("$(ERR)%s : $(ERR).c", OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX);
- if ( !user_lexer ) printf(", $(TOKENS)");
- printf("n");
- printf(" %s $(CFLAGS) %s $(ERR)%s $(ERR).c",
- gen_CPP?"$(CCC)":"$(CC)",
- printf("nn");
- }
- /* how to compile Class.c */
- for (i=0; i<num_classes; i++)
- {
- pclasses(&classes[i], 1, "obj");
- if ( user_lexer ) {
- printf(" : $(TOKENS)");
- }
- else {
- printf(" : $(TOKENS), $(SCAN).h");
- }
- printf(", ");
- pclasses(&classes[i], 1, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- printf(", ");
- pclasses(&classes[i], 1, "h");
- if ( gen_CPP && strcmp(hdr,"stdpccts.h")!=0 ) printf(", $(HDR_FILE)");
- printf("n");
- printf(" %s $(CFLAGS) %s ",
- gen_CPP?"$(CCC)":"$(CC)",
- pclasses(&classes[i], 1, "obj");
- printf(" ");
- pclasses(&classes[i], 1, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX_NO_DOT);
- printf("nn");
- }
- /* how to compile scan.c */
- if ( !user_lexer ) {
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf("$(SCAN)%s : $(SCAN)%s", OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX, CPP_FILE_SUFFIX);
- else printf("%s$(SCAN)%s : %s$(SCAN).c", DIR(), OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX, DIR());
- if ( !user_lexer ) printf(", $(TOKENS)");
- printf("n");
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf(" $(CCC) $(CFLAGS) %s $(SCAN)%s $(SCAN)%s",
- else printf(" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) %s %s$(SCAN)%s %s$(SCAN).c",
- DIR(),
- DIR());
- printf("nn");
- }
- printf("$(ANTLR_SPAWN) : $(GRM)n");
- printf(" $(ANTLR) $(AFLAGS) $(GRM)n");
- if ( !user_lexer )
- {
- printf("n");
- printf("$(DLG_SPAWN) : $(DLG_FILE)n");
- if ( gen_CPP ) printf(" $(DLG) $(DFLAGS) $(DLG_FILE)n");
- else printf(" $(DLG) $(DFLAGS) $(DLG_FILE) $(SCAN).cn");
- }
- /* do the makes for ANTLR/DLG support */
- if ( gen_CPP ) {
- printf("n");
- printf("%s%s : $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), APARSER_O, APARSER_C);
- printf(" %s $(CFLAGS) %s ",
- gen_CPP?"$(CCC)":"$(CC)",
- printf("%s%s $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), APARSER_O, APARSER_C);
- printf("n");
- printf("%s%s : $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), ATOKENBUFFER_O, ATOKENBUFFER_C);
- printf(" %s $(CFLAGS) %s ",
- gen_CPP?"$(CCC)":"$(CC)",
- printf("%s%s $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), ATOKENBUFFER_O, ATOKENBUFFER_C);
- if ( !user_lexer ) {
- printf("n");
- printf("%s%s : $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), DLEXERBASE_O, DLEXERBASE_C);
- printf(" %s $(CFLAGS) %s ",
- gen_CPP?"$(CCC)":"$(CC)",
- printf("%s%s $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), DLEXERBASE_O, DLEXERBASE_C);
- }
- if ( gen_trees ) {
- printf("n");
- printf("%s%s : $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), ASTBASE_O, ASTBASE_C);
- printf(" %s $(CFLAGS) %s ",
- gen_CPP?"$(CCC)":"$(CC)",
- printf("%s%s $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), ASTBASE_O, ASTBASE_C);
- printf("n");
- printf("%s%s : $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), PCCTSAST_O, PCCTSAST_C);
- printf(" %s $(CFLAGS) %s ",
- gen_CPP?"$(CCC)":"$(CC)",
- printf("%s%s $(ANTLR_H)%sn", DIR(), PCCTSAST_O, PCCTSAST_C);
- printf("n");
- /*
- printf("%s%s : $(ANTLR_H)%s%sn", DIR(), LIST_O, DirectorySymbol, LIST_C);
- printf(" %s -c $(CFLAGS) %s ",
- gen_CPP?"$(CCC)":"$(CC)",RENAME_OBJ_FLAG);
- printf("%s%s $(ANTLR_H)%s%sn", DIR(), LIST_O, DirectorySymbol, LIST_C);
- */
- }
- }
- /* clean and scrub targets */
- printf("nclean :n");
- printf(" delete *%s.*, %s.exe.*", OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX, project);
- if ( strcmp(outdir, ".")!=0 ) printf(" %s*%s;*", DIR(), OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX);
- printf("n");
- printf("nscrub :n");
- printf(" delete *%s.*, %s.exe;*", OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX, project);
- if ( strcmp(outdir, ".")!=0 ) printf(", %s*%s.*", DIR(), OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX);
- printf(", $(ANTLR_SPAWN_ALL_VERSIONS)");
- if ( !user_lexer ) printf(", $(DLG_SPAWN_ALL_VERSIONS)");
- printf("n");
- }
- pfiles(files, n, suffix)
- char **files;
- int n;
- char *suffix;
- {
- int first=1;
- while ( n>0 )
- {
- char *p = &(*files)[strlen(*files)-1];
- if ( !first ) putchar(' ');
- first=0;
- while ( p > *files && *p != '.' ) --p;
- if ( p == *files )
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "genmk: filenames must be file.suffix format: %sn",
- *files);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ( suffix == NULL ) printf("%s", *files);
- else
- {
- *p = ' ';
- printf("%s", DIR());
- if ( strcmp(suffix, "o")==0 ) printf("%s%s", *files, OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX);
- else printf("%s.%s", *files, suffix);
- *p = '.';
- }
- files++;
- --n;
- }
- }
- pclasses(classes, n, suffix)
- char **classes;
- int n;
- char *suffix;
- {
- int first=1;
- while ( n>0 )
- {
- if ( !first ) putchar(' ');
- first=0;
- if ( suffix == NULL ) printf("%s", *classes);
- else {
- printf("%s", DIR());
- if ( strcmp(suffix, "o")==0 ) printf("%s%s", *classes, OBJ_FILE_SUFFIX);
- else printf("%s.%s", *classes, suffix);
- }
- classes++;
- --n;
- }
- }
- static void
- #ifdef __STDC__
- ProcessArgs( int argc, char **argv, Opt *options )
- #else
- ProcessArgs( argc, argv, options )
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- Opt *options;
- #endif
- {
- Opt *p;
- require(argv!=NULL, "ProcessArgs: command line NULL");
- while ( argc-- > 0 )
- {
- p = options;
- while ( p->option != NULL )
- {
- if ( strcmp(p->option, "*") == 0 ||
- strcmp(p->option, *argv) == 0 )
- {
- if ( p->arg )
- {
- (*p->process)( *argv, *(argv+1) );
- argv++;
- argc--;
- }
- else
- (*p->process)( *argv );
- break;
- }
- p++;
- }
- argv++;
- }
- }
- fatal( err_)
- char *err_;
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "genmk: %sn", err_);
- exit(1);
- }
- warn( err_)
- char *err_;
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "genmk: %sn", err_);
- }
- char *DIR()
- {
- static char buf[200+1];
- if ( strcmp(outdir,TopDirectory)==0 ) return "";
- sprintf(buf, "%s", outdir);
- return buf;
- }