资源名称 [点击查看]
- /* This group of functions does the character class compression.
- It goes over the dfa and relabels the arcs with the partitions
- of characters in the NFA. The partitions are stored in the
- array class.
- *
- *
- * We reserve no LEGAL rights to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool
- * Set (PCCTS) -- PCCTS is in the public domain. An individual or
- * company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with
- * PCCTS or the code generated by PCCTS, including the incorporation of
- * PCCTS, or its output, into commerical software.
- *
- * We encourage users to develop software with PCCTS. However, we do ask
- * that credit is given to us for developing PCCTS. By "credit",
- * we mean that if you incorporate our source code into one of your
- * programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you
- * acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report,
- * etc... If you like PCCTS and have developed a nice tool with the
- * output, please mention that you developed it using PCCTS. In
- * addition, we ask that this header remain intact in our source code.
- * As long as these guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing
- * this system and expect to make other tools available as they are
- * completed.
- *
- * DLG 1.33
- * Will Cohen
- * With mods by Terence Parr; AHPCRC, University of Minnesota
- * 1989-1998
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "dlg.h"
- #ifdef MEMCHK
- #include "trax.h"
- #else
- #ifdef __STDC__
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #else
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif /* __STDC__ */
- #endif
- int class_no = CHAR_RANGE; /* number of classes for labels */
- int first_el[CHAR_RANGE]; /* first element in each class partition */
- set class_sets[CHAR_RANGE]; /* array holds partitions from class */
- /* compression */
- /* goes through labels on NFA graph and partitions the characters into
- * character classes. This reduces the amount of space required for each
- * dfa node, since only one arc is required each class instead of one arc
- * for each character
- * level:
- * 0 no compression done
- * 1 remove unused characters from classes
- * 2 compress equivalent characters into same class
- *
- * returns the number of character classes required
- */
- int relabel(start,level)
- int level;
- nfa_node *start;
- {
- if (level){
- set_free(used_classes);
- partition(start,level);
- label_with_classes(start);
- }else{
- /* classes equivalent to all characters in alphabet */
- class_no = CHAR_RANGE;
- }
- return class_no;
- }
- /* makes character class sets for new labels */
- void partition(start,level)
- nfa_node *start; /* beginning of nfa graph */
- int level; /* compression level to uses */
- {
- set current_class;
- set unpart_chars;
- set temp;
- unpart_chars = set_dup(used_chars);
- #if 0
- /* EOF (-1+1) alway in class 0 */
- class_sets[0] = set_of(0);
- first_el[0] = 0;
- used_classes = set_of(0);
- temp = set_dif(unpart_chars, class_sets[0]);
- set_free(unpart_chars);
- unpart_chars = temp;
- class_no = 1;
- #else
- class_no = 0;
- #endif
- while (!set_nil(unpart_chars)){
- /* don't look for equivalent labels if c <= 1 */
- if (level <= 1){
- current_class = set_of(set_int(unpart_chars));
- }else{
- current_class = set_dup(unpart_chars);
- intersect_nfa_labels(start,¤t_class);
- }
- set_orel(class_no,&used_classes);
- first_el[class_no] = set_int(current_class);
- class_sets[class_no] = current_class;
- temp = set_dif(unpart_chars,current_class);
- set_free(unpart_chars);
- unpart_chars = temp;
- ++class_no;
- }
- /* free unpart_chars -ATG 5/6/95 */
- set_free(unpart_chars);
- #if 0
- /* group all the other unused characters into a class */
- set_orel(class_no,&used_classes);
- first_el[class_no] = set_int(current_class);
- class_sets[class_no] = set_dif(normal_chars,used_chars);
- ++class_no;
- #endif
- }
- /* given pointer to beginning of graph and recursively walks it trying
- * to find a maximal partition. This partion in returned in maximal_class
- */
- void intersect_nfa_labels(start,maximal_class)
- nfa_node *start;
- set *maximal_class;
- {
- /* pick a new operation number */
- ++operation_no;
- r_intersect(start,maximal_class);
- }
- void r_intersect(start,maximal_class)
- nfa_node *start;
- set * maximal_class;
- {
- set temp;
- if(start && start->nfa_set != operation_no)
- {
- start->nfa_set = operation_no;
- temp = set_and(*maximal_class,start->label);
- if (!set_nil(temp))
- {
- set_free(*maximal_class);
- *maximal_class = temp;
- }else{
- set_free(temp);
- }
- r_intersect(start->trans[0],maximal_class);
- r_intersect(start->trans[1],maximal_class);
- }
- }
- /* puts class labels in place of old character labels */
- void label_with_classes(start)
- nfa_node *start;
- {
- ++operation_no;
- label_node(start);
- }
- void label_node(start)
- nfa_node *start;
- {
- set new_label;
- register int i;
- /* only do node if it hasn't been done before */
- if (start && start->nfa_set != operation_no){
- start->nfa_set = operation_no;
- new_label = empty;
- for (i = 0; i<class_no; ++i){
- /* if one element of class in old_label,
- all elements are. */
- if (set_el(first_el[i],start->label))
- set_orel(i,&new_label);
- }
- set_free(start->label);
- start->label = new_label;
- /* do any nodes that can be reached from this one */
- label_node(start->trans[0]);
- label_node(start->trans[1]);
- }
- }