资源名称:pccts133.zip [点击查看]
- /*
- * hash.h -- define hash table entries, sizes, hash function...
- *
- *
- * We reserve no LEGAL rights to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool
- * Set (PCCTS) -- PCCTS is in the public domain. An individual or
- * company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with
- * PCCTS or the code generated by PCCTS, including the incorporation of
- * PCCTS, or its output, into commerical software.
- *
- * We encourage users to develop software with PCCTS. However, we do ask
- * that credit is given to us for developing PCCTS. By "credit",
- * we mean that if you incorporate our source code into one of your
- * programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you
- * acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report,
- * etc... If you like PCCTS and have developed a nice tool with the
- * output, please mention that you developed it using PCCTS. In
- * addition, we ask that this header remain intact in our source code.
- * As long as these guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing
- * this system and expect to make other tools available as they are
- * completed.
- *
- * ANTLR 1.33
- * Terence Parr
- * Parr Research Corporation
- * with Purdue University and AHPCRC, University of Minnesota
- * 1989-1998
- */
- /* H a s h T a b l e S t u f f */
- #ifndef HashTableSize
- #define HashTableSize 553
- #endif
- #ifndef StrTableSize
- #define StrTableSize 1000000
- #endif
- typedef struct _entry { /* Minimum hash table entry -- superclass */
- char *str;
- struct _entry *next;
- } Entry;
- /* Hash 's' using 'size', place into h (s is modified) */
- #define Hash(s,h,size)
- {while ( *s != ' ' ) h = (h<<1) + *s++;
- h %= size;}
- #ifdef __USE_PROTOS
- Entry *hash_get(Entry **, char *),
- **newHashTable(void),
- *hash_add(Entry **, char *, Entry *);
- void killHashTable(Entry **);
- #else
- Entry *hash_get(), **newHashTable(), *hash_add();
- void killHashTable(); /* MR9 23-Sep-97 */
- #endif