资源名称:00011511.rar [点击查看]
- {
- PSM firewall rule.
- Created on Feb, 09 2004
- by Luu Truong Huy <>
- }
- unit PSMFWRule;
- interface
- uses Windows, Registry,SysUtils,Classes,StrUtils;
- type TPSMFWRule=class
- private
- function MakePathRule(Path: PChar;IsPermit:Integer): string;
- function MakeIPRule(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar;FromPort:Integer;ToPort:Integer;IsPermit:Integer):string;
- function PortStd(port:Integer): string ;
- protected
- public
- function IPStd(IP : Pchar): string;
- {defind functions for IP rules}
- procedure AddIPRule(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar;
- FromPort:Integer;ToPort:Integer;IsPermit:Integer);
- procedure RemoveIPRule(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar);
- //procedure ModifyIPrule(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar;
- // FromPort:Integer;ToPort:Integer;IsPermit:Integer);
- procedure ModifyIPrule(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar;
- oldFromPort:Integer;oldToPort:integer;
- FromPort:Integer;ToPort:Integer;IsPermit:Integer);
- Procedure GetIPRuleList( var ipRuleList: TStringList);
- procedure ExtractIPRule(rule:string; var fromIP: string;var toip:String;
- var fromPort: Integer;var toPort:Integer;
- var Permit:Integer);
- function IPRuleExisted(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar;
- FromPort:Integer;ToPort:Integer;IsPermit:Integer): Boolean;
- {defind functions for Path rules}
- procedure AddPathRule(Path: PChar; IsPermit: Integer);
- function PathRuleExisted(Path: PChar; IsPermit: Integer):Boolean;
- procedure RemovePathRule(Path: PChar);
- procedure ModifyPathrule(Path: PChar; NewPermitValue: Integer);
- Procedure GetPathRuleList( var pathRuleList: TStringList);
- procedure ExtractPathRule(rule: string; var path: string; var permitted: integer);
- {Security level Functions}
- procedure SetSecurityLevel(level: Integer);
- function GetSecurityLevel(): Integer;
- end;
- var
- ROOT_IP_RULE: PChar ='SOFTWAREPSMFirewallRules';
- implementation
- {make IP be standard format like}
- function TPSMFWRule.IPStd(IP : Pchar): string;
- var
- IpItems: TStringList;
- strTmp,strTmp1: PChar;
- I: Integer;
- sTmp1:string;
- begin
- IpItems:=TStringList.Create;
- ExtractStrings(['.'],[' '],IP,IpItems);
- for i:=0 to IpItems.Count-1 do
- begin
- sTmp1:= Trim(IpItems[i]);
- strTmp1:=PChar(AnsiReplaceStr(Format('%3s',[sTmp1]),' ','0'));
- IpItems[i]:=strTmp1;
- end;
- IpItems.Delimiter:='.';
- Result:= IpItems.DelimitedText;
- IpItems.Free;
- end;
- function TPSMFWRule.PortStd(port:Integer): string ;
- var
- FormatedPorts:string[5];
- begin
- FormatedPorts:=Format('%5d',[Port]);
- FormatedPorts:=Pchar(AnsiReplaceStr((FormatedPorts),' ','0'));
- result:= FormatedPorts;
- end;
- function TPSMFWRule.MakePathRule(Path: PChar;IsPermit:Integer): string;
- var
- strTmp: String;
- begin
- if IsPermit<>0 then IsPermit:=1;
- strTmp:=AnsiReplaceStr(Format('%1d',[IsPermit]),' ','0');
- strTmp:=Format('%s|%s',[Path,strTmp]);
- Result:= PChar(strTmp);
- end;
- function TPSMFWRule.MakeIPRule(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar;
- FromPort:Integer;ToPort:Integer;IsPermit:Integer):string;
- var
- FormatedPorts:string[11];
- strTmp: string[255];
- Buffer: array[0..250] of char;
- begin
- if IsPermit<>0 then IsPermit:=1;
- FromIP:=Pchar(IPStd(FromIP));
- ToIP:=Pchar(IPStd(ToIP));
- FormatedPorts:=Format('%5d|%5d',[FromPort,ToPort]);
- FormatedPorts:=Pchar(AnsiReplaceStr((FormatedPorts),' ','0'));
- StrFmt(Pchar(@strTmp),'%s|%s|%s|%1d|%1d',[FromIP,ToIP,FormatedPorts,0,IsPermit]);
- Result:= PChar(@strTmp);
- end;
- procedure TPSMFWRule.AddIPRule(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar;
- FromPort:Integer;ToPort:Integer;IsPermit:Integer);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- IsOK: Boolean;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- FromIP:=PChar(IPStd(FromIP));
- ToIP:=PChar(IPStd(ToIP));
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(ROOT_IP_RULE,True);
- if IsOK then
- begin
- Reg.WriteString(MakeIPRule(FromIP,ToIP,FromPort,ToPort,IsPermit),'');
- Reg.CloseKey;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function TPSMFWRule.IPRuleExisted(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar;
- FromPort:Integer;ToPort:Integer;IsPermit:Integer): Boolean;
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- IsOK: Boolean;
- IsFound:Boolean;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- IsFound:=False;
- FromIP:=PChar(IPStd(FromIP));
- ToIP:=PChar(IPStd(ToIP));
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(ROOT_IP_RULE,True);
- if IsOK then
- begin
- IsFound:=Reg.ValueExists(MakeIPRule(FromIP,ToIP,FromPort,ToPort,IsPermit));
- Reg.CloseKey;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- Result:=isFound;
- end;
- procedure TPSMFWRule.RemoveIPRule(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- KeyNameList: TStringList;
- Index: Integer;
- RuleIdendify,StrTmp:String;
- isOK: Boolean;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- KeyNameList:=TStringList.Create;
- FromIP:=PChar(IPStd(FromIP));
- ToIP:=PChar(IPStd(ToIP));
- RuleIdendify:=Format('%s|%s',[FromIP,ToIP]);
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(ROOT_IP_RULE,False);
- if isOK then
- begin
- Reg.GetValueNames(KeyNameList);
- for Index:=0 to KeyNameList.Count-1 do
- begin
- StrTmp:= PChar(KeyNameList[Index]);
- if Pos(RuleIdendify,StrTmp)>=1 then
- begin
- Reg.DeleteValue(StrTmp);
- Reg.CloseKey;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- KeyNameList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPSMFWRule.ModifyIPrule(FromIP:PChar; ToIP: PChar;
- oldFromPort:Integer;oldToPort:integer;
- FromPort:Integer;ToPort:Integer;IsPermit:Integer);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- KeyNameList: TStringList;
- Index: Integer;
- RuleIdendify,StrTmp:String;
- isOK: Boolean;
- //strTmp :string;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- KeyNameList:=TStringList.Create;
- FromIP:=PChar(IPStd(FromIP));
- ToIP:=Pchar(IPStd(ToIP));
- strTmp:=PortStd(oldFromPort)+'|'+PortStd(oldToPort);
- RuleIdendify:=Format('%s|%s|%s',[FromIP,ToIP,strTmp]);
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(ROOT_IP_RULE,False);
- if isOK then
- begin
- Reg.GetValueNames(KeyNameList);
- for Index:=0 to KeyNameList.Count-1 do
- begin
- StrTmp:= KeyNameList[Index];
- if Pos(RuleIdendify,StrTmp)>=1 then
- begin
- Reg.DeleteValue(StrTmp);
- Reg.WriteString(MakeIPRule(FromIP,ToIP,FromPort,ToPort,IsPermit),'');
- Reg.CloseKey;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- KeyNameList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPSMFWRule.AddPathRule(Path: PChar; IsPermit: Integer);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- IsOK: Boolean;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(ROOT_PATH_RULE,True);
- if IsOK then
- begin
- Reg.WriteString(MakePathRule(Path,IsPermit),'');
- Reg.CloseKey;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function TPSMFWRule.PathRuleExisted(Path: PChar; IsPermit: Integer):Boolean;
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- IsOK: Boolean;
- IsFound:Boolean;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- IsFound:=False;
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(ROOT_PATH_RULE,True);
- if IsOK then
- begin
- IsFound:=Reg.ValueExists(MakePathRule(Path,IsPermit));
- Reg.CloseKey;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- Result:=IsFound;
- end;
- procedure TPSMFWRule.RemovePathRule(Path: PChar);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- IsOK: Boolean;
- KeyNameList: TStringList;
- Index: Integer;
- StrTmp: PChar;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- KeyNameList:=TStringList.Create;
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(ROOT_PATH_RULE,False);
- if IsOK then
- begin
- Reg.GetValueNames(KeyNameList);
- for Index:=0 to KeyNameList.Count-1 do
- begin
- StrTmp:= PChar(KeyNameList[Index]);
- if (Pos(Path,StrTmp)>= 1) then
- begin
- Reg.DeleteValue(StrTmp);
- Reg.CloseKey;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- KeyNameList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPSMFWRule.ModifyPathrule(Path: PChar; NewPermitValue: Integer);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- KeyNameList: TStringList;
- Index: Integer;
- StrTmp: PChar;
- IsOK: Boolean;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- KeyNameList:=TStringList.Create;
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(ROOT_PATH_RULE,False);
- if(IsOK) then
- begin
- Reg.GetValueNames(KeyNameList);
- for Index:=0 to KeyNameList.Count-1 do
- begin
- StrTmp:= PChar(KeyNameList[Index]);
- if (Pos(Path,StrTmp)>= 1) then
- begin
- Reg.DeleteValue(StrTmp);
- Reg.WriteString(MakePathRule(Path,NewPermitValue),'');
- Reg.CloseKey;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- KeyNameList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPSMFWRule.SetSecurityLevel(level:Integer);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- isOK:Boolean;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- if level<0 then level:=0;
- if level>2 then level:=2;
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(PSM_FW_ROOT,TRUE);
- if(IsOk) then
- begin
- Reg.WriteInteger('Level',level);
- Reg.CloseKey;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function TPSMFWRule.GetSecurityLevel(): Integer;
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- isOK:Boolean;
- retValue:Integer;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(PSM_FW_ROOT,TRUE);
- if(IsOk) then
- begin
- if(Reg.ValueExists('Level')) then
- retValue:=Reg.ReadInteger('Level')
- else
- begin
- Reg.WriteInteger('Level',1);
- retValue:=1;
- end;
- Reg.CloseKey;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- Result:= retValue;
- end;
- {Implement functions that get the list of rules}
- Procedure TPSMFWRule.GetIPRuleList( var ipRuleList: TStringList);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- isOK: Boolean;
- begin
- reg:=TRegistry.Create;
- try
- IsOk:=Reg.OpenKey(ROOT_IP_RULE,TRUE);
- if(IsOk) then
- begin
- Reg.GetValueNames(ipRuleList);
- end;
- Reg.CloseKey;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TPSMFWRule.GetPathRuleList( var pathRuleList: TStringList);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- isOK: Boolean;
- begin
- reg:=TRegistry.Create;
- try
- if(IsOk) then
- begin
- Reg.GetValueNames(pathRuleList);
- end;
- Reg.CloseKey;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPSMFWRule.ExtractPathRule(rule: string; var path: string; var permitted: integer);
- var
- intPos: integer;
- begin
- intPos:=Pos('|',rule);
- path:=LeftStr(rule,intPos-1);
- permitted:=StrtoInt(RightStr(rule,Length(rule)- intPos));
- end;
- procedure TPSMFWRule.ExtractIPRule(rule:string; var fromIP: string; var toip:String;
- var fromPort: Integer;var toPort:Integer;
- var Permit:Integer);
- var
- strList:TStringList;
- begin
- strList:=TSTringList.Create;
- ExtractStrings(['|'],[' '],PChar(rule),strList);
- fromIP:=strList[0];
- toIp:=strList[1];
- fromPort:=strtoint(strList[2]);
- toPort:=strtoint(strList[3]);
- //Item in 4th position is reserved
- permit:=strtoint(strList[5]);
- strList.Free;
- end;
- end.