- //====================================================================
- // File Name : flash.c
- // Function : S3C2440 Flash Program
- // Program : Kong, In Wook (KIW)
- // Date : May 30, 2002
- // Version : 0.0
- // History
- // 0.0 : Programming start (May 30,2002) -> KIW
- // Arrangement source code(8/01/2002)-> SOP
- // Edited for SMDK2440(07/07/2003) -> Junon
- //====================================================================
- #include <string.h>
- #include "def.h"
- #include "option.h"
- #include "2440addr.h"
- #include "2440lib.h"
- #include "2440slib.h"
- #include "mmu.h"
- #include "am29f800.h"
- #include "strata32.h"
- static int DownloadData(void);
- //#if 1
- // removed because of multiple definition
- U32 downloadAddress;
- U32 downloadProgramSize;
- //#else
- // U32 downloadAddress;
- // U32 downloadProgramSize;
- //#endif
- //==========================================================================================
- void *flashType[][2]=
- {
- (void *)ProgramAM29F800, "AM29LV800BB x1 ",
- // (void *)Program28F640J3A, "28F640J3A x2 ",
- (void *)Program28F128J3A, "28F128J3A(16MB) x2 ",
- (void *)Erase28F128J3A, "Erase 28F128J3A ", // added by junon 10/29
- 0,0
- };
- //==========================================================================================
- void ProgramFlash(void)
- {
- int i=0,whichFlash;
- char key;
- Uart_Printf("n[ NOR Flash Memory Writer Ver 0.1 ]nn");
- Uart_Printf("The program buffer : 0x31000000 ~ 0x33ff0000n");
- downloadAddress=0x31000000;
- downloadProgramSize=0x0;
- //MMU_Init();
- ChangeRomCacheStatus(RW_NCNB);
- while(1)
- { //display menu
- Uart_Printf("%c : %s",'a'+i,flashType[i][1]);
- i++;
- if((int)(flashType[i][0])==0)
- {
- Uart_Printf("n");
- break;
- }
- if((i%4)==0)
- Uart_Printf("n");
- }
- Uart_Printf("Select the type of a flash memory ? ");
- whichFlash=Uart_Getch()-'a';
- Uart_Printf("%cn",(whichFlash+'a'));
- //Uart_Printf("n");
- if( i<0 || (i>=(sizeof(flashType)/8)) )
- return;
- Uart_Printf("Do you want to download through UART0 from 0x%x? [y/n] : ",downloadAddress);
- key=Uart_Getch();
- Uart_Printf("%cn",key);
- if(key=='y')
- {
- if(!DownloadData())
- return;
- }
- ( (void (*)(void))(flashType[whichFlash][0]) )();
- }
- //==========================================================================================
- static int DownloadData(void)
- {
- int i,tmp;
- U16 checkSum=0,dnCS;
- U32 fileSize=10;
- U8 *downPt;
- downPt=(U8 *)downloadAddress;
- Uart_Printf("ndownloadAddress = %xn",downloadAddress);
- Uart_Printf("Download the plain binary file(.BHC) to be writtenn");
- Uart_Printf("The file format : <n+6>(4)+(n)+CS(2)n");
- Uart_Printf("To transmit .BIN file : wkocm2 xxx.BIN /1 /d:1n");
- Uart_Printf("Download methods : COM:8Bit,NP,1STOPn");
- Uart_Printf("nSTATUS : ");
- tmp=RdURXH1(); //To remove overrun error state.
- i=0;
- while(i<fileSize)
- {
- while(!(rUTRSTAT1&0x1));
- *(downPt+i)=RdURXH1();
- if(i==3)
- {
- fileSize=*((U8 *)(downloadAddress+0))+
- (*((U8 *)(downloadAddress+1))<<8)+
- (*((U8 *)(downloadAddress+2))<<16)+
- (*((U8 *)(downloadAddress+3))<<24);
- }
- if((i%1000)==0)
- WrUTXH1('#');
- i++;
- }
- downloadProgramSize=fileSize-6;
- for(i=4;i<(fileSize-2);i++)
- {
- checkSum+=*((U8 *)(i+downloadAddress));
- }
- dnCS=*((U8 *)(downloadAddress+fileSize-2))+
- (*( (U8 *)(downloadAddress+fileSize-1) )<<8);
- if(checkSum!=dnCS)
- {
- Uart_Printf("Checksum Error!!! MEM : %x DN : %xn",checkSum,dnCS);
- return 0;
- }
- Uart_Printf("nDownload O.K.n");
- return 1;
- }