- /************************************************
- DESC : Analyze where the speed bottleneck is.
- 1) the code runs only on the cache.
- Revision: 2001.5.17: purnnamu: draft
- Revision: 2003.3.xx: DonGo: modified for 5410.
- ************************************************/
- #include <string.h>
- #include "def.h"
- #include "option.h"
- #include "2440addr.h"
- #include "2440lib.h"
- #include "mmu.h"
- #include "cpuspeed.h"
- void CpuSpeedFunc1(void);
- void CpuSpeedFunc2(void);
- #define LED_DISPLAY(data) (rGPFDAT = (rGPFDAT & ~(0xf<<4)) | ((~data & 0xf)<<4))
- #define WHICH_CPU 2440 // 2440.
- #define TEST_STADDR (0x30f00000)
- #define TEST_ENDADDR (TEST_STADDR+0xff) //256 bytes
- void Test_CpuSpeed(void)
- {
- int i,j,base;
- U32 uLockPt,bypass;
- // added for testing 2440.
- Uart_Printf("[CPU Core Speed Test]n");
- // Set MMU enable and on/off I/D-cache.
- Uart_Printf("[MMU enable]n");
- MMU_EnableMMU();
- Uart_Printf("[ICache enable]n");
- MMU_EnableICache();
- Uart_Printf("[DCache enable]n");
- MMU_EnableDCache(); //DCache should be turned on after MMU is turned on.
- //Uart_Printf("[FCLK:HCLK:PCLK] = [%d:%d:%d]MHzn", FCLK/1000000, HCLK/1000000, PCLK/1000000);
- Uart_Printf("DCache locked area: %xH~%xHn", TEST_STADDR, TEST_ENDADDR);
- Uart_Printf("ICache locked area: %x~%x(256B boundary)n",
- (U32)CpuSpeedFunc1,(U32)CpuSpeedFunc2);
- Uart_Printf("LCD is disabled.n");
- //LCD_DisplayControl(0);
- rLCDCON1&=~1; // ENVID=OFF
- LED_DISPLAY(0x1); // LED 1
- Uart_Printf("<<LED status>>n");
- Uart_Printf("(1) LED4 blink: R/W OK.n");
- Uart_Printf("(2) LED4 OFF: Multiply error(R/W OK).n");
- Uart_Printf("(3) LED4/7 ON: R/W Error.n");
- Uart_Printf("Cache lock-down.n");
- //========== ICache lock-down ==========
- MMU_SetICacheLockdownBase(10<<26); // The following code will be filled between cache line 10~63.
- base=10;
- bypass=1;
- uLockPt=(U32)CpuSpeedFunc1&0xffffffe0;
- for(;uLockPt<(U32)CpuSpeedFunc2;uLockPt+=0x20)
- {
- if(((uLockPt%0x100)==0)&&(uLockPt>(U32)CpuSpeedFunc1)) base++;
- MMU_InvalidateICacheMVA(uLockPt);
- if(bypass==1) MMU_SetICacheLockdownBase(base<<26);
- MMU_PrefetchICacheMVA(uLockPt);
- if(bypass==1) //to put the current code outside base 9
- {
- bypass=0;
- base=0;
- uLockPt-=0x20; //restore uLockPt
- }
- }
- base++;
- MMU_SetICacheLockdownBase(base<<26); // 256
- if(base>10)
- Uart_Printf("ERROR:ICache lockdown base overflown");
- Uart_Printf("lockdown ICache line=0~%dn",base-1);
- //========== DCache lock-down ==========
- base=0;
- uLockPt=(U32)CpuSpeedFunc1&0xffffffe0;
- //Function should be cached in DCache because of the literal pool(LDR Rn,=0xxxxx). ??
- for(;uLockPt<(U32)CpuSpeedFunc2;uLockPt+=0x20)
- {
- if(((uLockPt%0x100)==0)&&(uLockPt>(U32)CpuSpeedFunc1))
- base++;
- MMU_CleanInvalidateDCacheMVA(uLockPt);
- MMU_SetDCacheLockdownBase(base<<26);
- *((volatile U32 *)(uLockPt));
- }
- base++;
- MMU_SetDCacheLockdownBase(base<<26);
- for(i=TEST_STADDR;i<TEST_ENDADDR;i+=4)*((U32 *)i)=0x55555555;
- for(i=0;i<0x100;i+=0x20)
- {
- MMU_CleanInvalidateDCacheMVA(TEST_STADDR+i);
- MMU_SetDCacheLockdownBase(base<<26);
- *((volatile U32 *)(TEST_STADDR+i));
- }
- base++;
- MMU_SetDCacheLockdownBase(base<<26);
- Uart_Printf("lockdown DCache line=0~%dn",base-1);
- //========== Check the line is really cache-filled ==========
- #if 1
- for(uLockPt=(U32)CpuSpeedFunc1;uLockPt<(U32)CpuSpeedFunc2-4*8;uLockPt+=4)
- {
- //*((U32 *)uLockPt)=0xffffffff; //*((U32 *)uLockPt);
- *((U32 *)uLockPt)=*((U32 *)uLockPt);
- }
- #endif
- // SDRAM Self refresh
- //Uart_Getch();
- // Set clock out pad.
- rGPHCON = (rGPHCON & ~(3<<20)) | (2<<20); // GPH10 = CLKOUT1.
- rMISCCR = (rMISCCR & ~(7<<8)) | (2<<8); // CLKOUT1 = FCLK
- CpuSpeedFunc1();
- }
- void CpuSpeedFunc1(void)
- {
- int i,j;
- i=0;
- for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
- LED_DISPLAY(i%16);
- for(j=0;j<600000;j++);
- }
- //The following code should not use the stack memory.
- // because the stack memory is not DCache-locked.
- // It's should be checked using disassembly code.
- #if 1
- // Set clock frequency.
- ChangeClockDivider(14,12);
- // ChangeMPllValue(0xa1, 0x3,0x1); // FCLK=202MHz
- // ChangeMPllValue(150, 6, 0); // FCLK=237MHz
- // ChangeMPllValue(180, 3, 0); // FCLK=451MHz
- ChangeMPllValue(214, 3, 0); // FCLK=523.8MHz
- // ChangeMPllValue(0xa7,0x4,0x0); // FCLK=350MHz
- // ChangeMPllValue(0x55,0x1,0x0); // FCLK=372MHz
- // ChangeClockDivider(14,12); // 400:100:50
- // ChangeMPllValue(92,1,0); // FCLK=400MHz
- #endif
- #if 0
- rREFRESH |= 1<<22; // SDRAM1 self refresh.
- #endif
- while(1) // only for test: caching area
- {
- for(i=0;i<0x100;i+=4)
- *(volatile U32 *)(TEST_STADDR+i)=0x12345678*i+i; // Write data.
- for(i=0;i<0x100;i+=4) {
- if(*(volatile U32 *)(TEST_STADDR+i)!=0x12345678*i+i) { // Error
- while(1);
- }
- *(volatile U32 *)(TEST_STADDR+i)=0x0; // Clear memory.
- }
- i=0;
- i++;
- i=i*0x12345678; // i=1.
- if(i==0x12345678) LED_DISPLAY(0x1); //OK.
- else LED_DISPLAY(0x0);
- }
- }
- void CpuSpeedFunc2(void){}