- /***************************************************************
- NAME: sleep.c
- DESC: Sleep mode test
- 08.24.2002:purnnamu
- LCDVFn is connected the analog circuit in LCD.
- So, this signal should be output L.
- 05.xx.2003:DonGo modifid for 2440X, Power-off -> Sleep. naming change.
- ****************************************************************/
- #include "def.h"
- #include "option.h"
- #include "2440lib.h"
- #include "2440slib.h"
- #include "2440addr.h"
- #include "lcdlib.h"
- #include "sleep.h"
- #define TESTYEAR (0x00)
- #define TESTMONTH (0x12)
- #define TESTDATE (0x31)
- #define TESTDAY (0x06) // SUN:1 MON:2 TUE:3 WED:4 THU:5 FRI:6 SAT:7
- #define TESTHOUR (0x23)
- #define TESTMIN (0x59)
- #define TESTSEC (0x59)
- #define TESTYEAR2 (0x01)
- #define TESTMONTH2 (0x01)
- #define TESTDATE2 (0x01)
- #define TESTDAY2 (0x07) // SUN:1 MON:2 TUE:3 WED:4 THU:5 FRI:6 SAT:7
- #define TESTHOUR2 (0x00)
- #define TESTMIN2 (0x00)
- #define TESTSEC2 (0x00)
- //The SMDK2440X board has external databus buffer with bus hold function.
- #define CHOOSE_EINT_TYPE (1)
- #define ALARM_WAKEUP (1)
- void SelectEintType(void);
- #define SLEEP_COUNT (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x32000000)
- void Batt_Sleep(void);
- extern void Manual_Register_Set(void);
- //===========================================================================
- static void __irq Eint0Int(void)
- {
- ClearPending(BIT_EINT0);
- Uart_Printf("[WU]EINT0 interrupt is occurred for Sleep mode wake-up.n");
- }
- //===========================================================================
- static void __irq Eint8_23Int(void)
- {
- rEINTPEND=(1<<11); //EINT11 sub-pending bit.
- ClearPending(BIT_EINT8_23);
- Uart_Printf("[WU]EINT8_23 interrupt is occurred for Sleep mode wake-up.n");
- }
- //===========================================================================
- static void __irq Eint8_23Int_100Hz(void)
- {
- rEINTPEND=(1<<11); //EINT11 sub-pending bit.
- ClearPending(BIT_EINT8_23);
- Uart_Printf("wuin");
- }
- //===========================================================================
- static void __irq AlarmInt(void)
- {
- Uart_Printf("INTPND:%x, SRCPND:%x n", rINTPND, rSRCPND);
- ClearPending(BIT_RTC);
- Uart_Printf("[WU]ALARM interrupt is occurred for Sleep mode wake-up.n");
- }
- //===========================================================================
- void Test_InitSDRAM(void)
- //Initialize SDRAM for SDRAM self-refresh test.
- {
- int i;
- Uart_Printf("[SDRAM Initialization]n");
- Uart_Printf("Fill SDRAM for self-refresh test.n");
- *((U32 *)i)=i^0x55555555;
- Uart_Printf("Filling SDRAM is completed.n");
- *((volatile U32 *)0x33e00000)=0x0; //for Initialize the counter in Check_SleepWakeUp_100Hz().
- }
- //===========================================================================
- void SelectEintType(void)
- {
- int extintMode;
- Uart_Printf("1.L-level 2.H-level 3.F-edge 4.R-edge 5.B-edgen");
- Uart_Printf("Select the EINT0 trigger type:");
- extintMode=Uart_Getch();
- rGPFCON=rGPFCON & ~(3<<0)|(2<<0); //PF0=EINT0
- switch(extintMode)
- {
- case '1':
- rEXTINT0=rEXTINT0&~(7<<0)|(0x0<<0); //EINT0=low level triggered
- Uart_Printf("L-leveln");
- break;
- case '2':
- rEXTINT0=rEXTINT0&~(7<<0)|(0x1<<0); //EINT0=high level triggered
- Uart_Printf("H-leveln");
- break;
- case '3':
- rEXTINT0=rEXTINT0&~(7<<0)|(0x2<<0); //EINT0=falling edge triggered
- Uart_Printf("F-edgen");
- break;
- case '4':
- rEXTINT0=rEXTINT0&~(7<<0)|(0x4<<0); //EINT0=rising edge triggered
- Uart_Printf("R-edgen");
- break;
- case '5':
- rEXTINT0=rEXTINT0&~(7<<0)|(0x6<<0); //EINT0=both edge triggered
- Uart_Printf("B-edgen");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- //===========================================================================
- void ConfigSleepGPIO(void)
- {
- // Check point
- // 1) NC pin: input pull-up on
- // 2) If input is driver externally: input pull-up off
- // 3) If a connected component draws some current: output low.
- // 4) If a connected component draws no current: output high.
- // Follow the configuration order for setting the ports.
- // 1) setting value(GPnDAT)
- // 2) setting control register (GPnCON)
- // 3) configure pull-up resistor(GPnUP)
- //CAUTION: Below configurations are only for SMDK2440 eva. board
- //*** PORT A GROUP
- // [22:nFCE] [21:nRSTOUT] [20:nFRE] [19:nFWE] [18:ALE] [17:CLE] [16:nGCS5]
- // [15:nGCS4] [14:nGCS3] [13:nGCS2] [12:nGCS1] [11:ADR26] [10:ADR25] [9:ADR24] [8:ADR23]
- // [7:ADR22] [6:ADR21] [5:ADR20] [4:ADR19] [3:ADR18] [2:ADR17] [1:ADR16] [0:ADR0]
- rGPADAT = 0x200000;
- //rGPADAT = 0x0;
- rGPACON = 0x5effff;
- Uart_Printf("nrGPACON=%x rGPADAT=%xn", rGPACON, rGPADAT);
- //*** PORT B GROUP
- // [10:74LV00 Input] [9:nXDACK0] [8:74LVC573_LE]
- // [7:74LVC573_d5] [6:nSS_KBD] [5:nDIS_OFF] [4:L3CLOCK] [3:L3DATA] [2:L3MODE] [1:nIrDATXDEN] [0:Keyboard]
- // * nXDREQ0/1:ext.pD, nSS_KBD:ext.pU, nDIS_OFF:ext.pD, nIrDATXDEN:ext.pU, Keyboard:ext.pU
- //rGPBDAT = 0x0;
- rGPBDAT = 0x29f;
- rGPBCON = 0x0; //all input
- rGPBUP = (1<<10)+(1<<8)+(1<<6)+(1<<5)+(1<<1)+(1<<0);//0x563;
- //rGPBUP = (1<<10)+(1<<8)+(1<<5);//0x562;
- Uart_Printf("rGPBCON=%x rGPBDAT=%x rGPBUP=%xn", rGPBCON, rGPBDAT, rGPBUP);
- //modified for Voltage regulator /OE signal(GPB10), GPB10=output high.
- //rGPBCON = (1<<20)|(1<<16) | 0x0; // GPB10=output
- //rGPBUP = (0<<10)+(0<<8)+(1<<6)+(1<<5)+(1<<1)+(1<<0);//0x563;
- //*** PORT C GROUP
- // [15:VD7] [14:VD6] [13:VD5] [12:VD4] [11:VD3] [10:VD2] [9:VD1] [8:VD0]
- // * LCD_LPCREV and LCD_LPCREVB are connected the analog circuit in LCD or board. So, this signal should be output L.
- //rGPCDAT = 0x0;
- rGPCDAT = 0xff3f;
- rGPCCON = (1<<14)+(1<<12);//0x5000;
- rGPCUP = (1<<7)+(1<<6);//0xc0;
- Uart_Printf("rGPCCON=%x rGPCDAT=%x rGPCUP=%xn", rGPCCON, rGPCDAT, rGPCUP);
- //*** PORT D GROUP
- // [15:VD23] [14:VD22] [13:VD21] [12:VD20] [11:VD19] [10:VD18] [9:VD17] [8:VD16]
- // [7:VD15] [6:VD14] [5:VD13] [4:VD12] [3:VD11] [2:VD10] [1:VD9] [0:VD8]
- // * 5V tol. pad(GPD[10:8]) should be output L
- // * The input of Maxim IC may have current sink, so the port should have configured output 'H'(GPD0)
- // * The output of Maxim IC drives 'H', so disable the pull-up(GPD1)
- //rGPDDAT = (1<<0);//0x1;
- rGPDDAT = 0xf8fd;
- rGPDCON = (1<<20)+(1<<18)+(1<<16)+(1<<0);//0x150001;
- rGPDUP = (1<<10)+(1<<9)+(1<<8)+(1<<1);//0x702;
- Uart_Printf("rGPDCON=%x rGPDDAT=%x rGPDUP=%xn", rGPDCON, rGPDDAT, rGPDUP);
- //*** PORT E GROUP
- // [15:IICSDA] [14:IICSCL] [13:SPICLK] [12:SPIMOSI] [11:SPIMISO] [10:SDATA3] [9:SDDATA2] [8:SDDATA1]
- // [7:SDDATA0] [6:SDCMD] [5:SDCLK] [4:I2SSDO] [3:I2SSDI] [2:CDCLK] [1:I2SSCLK] [0:I2SLRCK]
- // * 5V tol. pad(GPE[13:11]) should be output L
- // * The output of CODEC IC drives 'H', so disable the pull-up
- // * IICSDA/IICSCL:ext pU, SDDAT[3:0]/SDCMD:ext pU
- // rGPEDAT = 0x0;
- rGPEDAT = 0xc7f7;
- rGPECON = (1<<26)+(1<<24)+(1<<22);//0x5400000;
- rGPEUP = (0xf<<12)+(0xf<<8)+(0x3<<6)+(1<<3);//0xffc8;
- //rGPEUP = (1<<13)+(1<<12)+(1<<11)+(1<<3);
- Uart_Printf("rGPECON=%x rGPEDAT=%x rGPEUP=%xn", rGPECON, rGPEDAT, rGPEUP);
- //*** PORT F GROUP
- // [7:nLED_8] [6:nLED_4] [5:nLED_2] [4:nLED_1] [3:nIRQ_PCMCIA] [2:EINT2] [1:KBDINT] [0:EINT0]
- // * GPF[7:4] are connected to 'H' through LED, so make output 'H'
- // * nIRQ_PCMCIA=Hi-Z Before initialize
- // * EINT0 is the wake-up source
- // * EINT2/0:ext pU, KBDINT:Keyboard controller drives high
- //rGPFDAT = (0xf<<4);//0xf0;
- rGPFDAT = 0xfe;
- rGPFCON = (0x5<<12)+(0x5<<8)+2;//0x5502;
- //rGPFCON = 0x5500;
- //rGPFUP = (0xf<<4)+7;//0xf7;
- rGPFUP = 0xf5;//0xf5;
- //rGPFUP = 0xf1;//0xf1;
- Uart_Printf("rGPFCON=%x rGPFDAT=%x rGPFUP=%xn", rGPFCON, rGPFDAT, rGPFUP);
- #if 1 // If CPU Board is rev0.19, The EINT20 is used for USB control signal(Changed to output low, pu-disable)
- //*** PORT G GROUP
- // [15:EINT23] [14:EINT22] [13:EINT21] [12:GPIO out] [11:EINT19] [10:nCD_SD] [9:DMAMODE] [8:DMASTART]
- // * 5V tol. pad(GPG[13:11]) should be output L
- // * GPG[15:13]:NAND boot config, EINT19:ext pU, nCD_SD:ext pU, EINT11:ext pU
- // * The input of Maxim IC may have current sink, so the port should have configured output 'H'(GPG9)
- // * The output of Maxim IC drives 'H', so disable the pull-up(GPG10)
- rGPGDAT = 0x0f1f;
- rGPGCON = (1<<24) +(1<<18)+(1<<14)+(1<<12)+(1<<10);//0x1045400;
- rGPGUP = (1<<12)+(0xe<<12)+(0xa<<8)+(0xe<<4)+(1<<3);//0xfae8;
- Uart_Printf("rGPGCON=%x rGPGDAT=%x rGPGUP=%xn", rGPGCON, rGPGDAT, rGPGUP);
- #else // If CPU Board is rev0.18
- //*** PORT G GROUP
- // [15:EINT23] [14:EINT22] [13:EINT21] [12:EINT20] [11:EINT19] [10:nCD_SD] [9:DMAMODE] [8:DMASTART]
- // * 5V tol. pad(GPG[13:11]) should be output L
- // * GPG[15:13]:NAND boot config, EINT19:ext pU, nCD_SD:ext pU, EINT11:ext pU
- // * The input of Maxim IC may have current sink, so the port should have configured output 'H'(GPG9)
- // * The output of Maxim IC drives 'H', so disable the pull-up(GPG10)
- //rGPGDAT = (1<<9);//0x200;
- rGPGDAT = 0x1f1f;
- rGPGCON = (1<<18)+(1<<14)+(1<<12)+(1<<10);//0x45400;
- //rGPGCON = 0x245400; //0x45400;
- //rGPGUP = (0xe<<12)+(0xe<<8)+(0xe<<4)+(1<<3);//0xeee8;
- rGPGUP = (0xe<<12)+(0xa<<8)+(0xe<<4)+(1<<3);//0xeae8;
- //rGPGUP = 0xe2e0;
- //rGPGUP = (0xf<<12)+(0xe<<8)+(0xe<<4)+(1<<3);//0xeee8;
- Uart_Printf("rGPGCON=%x rGPGDAT=%x rGPGUP=%xn", rGPGCON, rGPGDAT, rGPGUP);
- #endif
- //*** PORT H GROUP
- // [10:CLKOUT1] [9:CLKOUT0] [8:UCLK]
- // [7:nCTS1] [6:nRTS1] [5:RXD1] [4:TXD1] [3:RXD0] [2:TXD0] [1:nRTS0] [0:nCTS0]
- // * WP_SP:ext pU
- // * The input of Maxim IC may have current sink, so the port should have configured output 'H'(GPH4/2/1)
- // * The output of Maxim IC drives 'H', so disable the pull-up(GPH5/3/0)
- //rGPHDAT = (1<<4)+(1<<2)+(1<<1);
- rGPHDAT = 0x7d6;
- rGPHCON = (1<<8)+(1<<4)+(1<<2);//0x114;
- rGPHUP = (1<<8)+(1<<5)+(1<<3)+1;//0x129;
- //rGPHUP = (1<<5)+(1<<3)+1;//0x29;
- //rGPHUP = (1<<8);//0x100;
- //rGPHCON = (1<<20)+(1<<18)+(1<<8)+(1<<4)+(1<<2);
- //rGPHUP = (1<<10)+(1<<9)+(1<<8)+(1<<5)+(1<<3)+1;
- Uart_Printf("rGPHCON=%x rGPHDAT=%x rGPHUP=%xn", rGPHCON, rGPHDAT, rGPHUP);
- //*** PORT J GROUP
- // [7:CAMD7] [6:CAMD6] [5:CAMD5] [4:CAMD4] [3:CAMD3] [2:CAMD2] [1:CAMD1] [0:CAMD0]
- // * The output of buffer IC drives 'H', so disable the pull-up(GPJ[10:0])
- //rGPJDAT = 0x0;
- rGPJDAT = 0x1800;
- rGPJCON = 0x0; // all input
- rGPJUP = 0x7ff;
- Uart_Printf("rGPJCON=%x rGPJDAT=%x rGPJUP=%xnn", rGPJCON, rGPJDAT, rGPJUP);
- //*3
- /*
- rGPBUP = 0x0ffffffff;
- rGPCUP = 0x0ffffffff;
- rGPDUP = 0x0ffffffff;
- rGPEUP = 0x0ffffffff;
- rGPFUP = 0x0ffffffff;
- rGPGUP = 0x0ffffffff;
- rGPHUP = 0x0ffffffff;
- rGPJUP = 0x0ffffffff;
- */
- //External interrupt will be falling edge triggered.
- rEXTINT0 = 0x22222222; // EINT[7:0]
- rEXTINT1 = 0x22222222; // EINT[15:8]
- rEXTINT2 = 0x22222222; // EINT[23:16]
- }
- //================================================================================
- void SetAlarmWakeUp(void)
- {
- rRTCCON = 0x1; // R/W enable, 1/32768, Normal(merge), No reset
- rRTCALM=0x7f;
- rRTCCON=0x0; // R/W disable, 1/32768, Normal(merge), No reset
- }
- //================================================================================
- U32 dsc0_bak, dsc1_bak, mslcon_bak;
- void ConfigMiscIO(void)
- {
- // memory data/control signal pin status definition when sleep.
- mslcon_bak = rMSLCON;
- // In the evaluation board, Even though in sleep mode, the devices are all supplied the power.
- //rMSLCON = (0<<11)|(0<<10)|(0<<9)|(0<<8)|(0<<7)|(0<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(0<<1)|(0<<0);
- rMSLCON = (1<<11)|(0<<10)|(0<<9)|(1<<8)|(1<<7)|(1<<6)|(1<<5)|(1<<4)|(1<<3)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(1<<0);
- //rMSLCON = (0<<11)|(0<<10)|(0<<9)|(1<<8)|(1<<7)|(1<<6)|(1<<5)|(1<<4)|(1<<3)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(1<<0);
- // Memory interface signal definition when sleep mode.
- //PSC_DATA [11] DATA status, 0:output "0" ( All 32-bit data Low drive ), 1:Hi-Z
- //PSC_WAIT [10] nWAIT status, 0:output "0", 1: input
- //PSC_RnB [9] RnB status, 0:output "0", 1: input
- //PSC_NF [8] NAND Flash I/O status, 0:inactive nFCE,nFRE,nFWE,ALE,CLE = 11100, 1: Hi-Z
- //PSC_SDR [7] nSRAS, nSCAS status, 0:inactive( "11"), 1: Hi-Z
- //PSC_DQM [6] DQM[3:0]/nWE[3:0] status, 0:inactive( "0000"), 1:Hi-Z
- //PSC_OE [5] nOE status, 0:inactive( "1"), 1:Hi-Z
- //PSC_WE [4] nWE status, 0:inactive( "1"), 1:Hi-Z
- //PSC_GCS0 [3] nGCS[0] status, 0:inactive( "1"), 1:Hi-Z
- //PSC_GCS[5:1][2] nGCS[5:1] status, 0:inactive( "1"), 1:Hi-Z
- //PSC_GCS6 [1] nGCS[6] status, 0:inactive( "1"), 1:Hi-Z
- //PSC_GCS7 [0] nGCS[7] status, 0:inactive( "1"), 1:Hi-Z
- #if 1 // 0:*1, 1:*2.
- //Uart_Printf("Drive strength control(*2).n");
- dsc0_bak = rDSC0;
- dsc1_bak = rDSC1;
- rDSC0 = 0x7fffffff;
- rDSC0 &= ~(1<<31); //enable
- // nEN_DSC [31] Enable Drive strength control, 0:enable
- // DSC_ADR [9:8] Address bus drive strength. 0:10mA, 1:8mA, 2:6mA, 3:4mA
- // DSC_DATA [7:0] Data bus drive strength, 0:12mA, 1:10mA, 2:8mA, 3:6mA
- //rDSC1 = (3<<28)|(3<<26)|(3<24)|(3<<22)|(3<<20)|(3<<18);
- rDSC1 = 0x7fffffff;
- // 0:16mA, 1:12mA, 2:8mA, 3:6mA
- //DSC_SCK1 [29:28] SCLK1
- //DSC_SCK0 [27:26] SCLK0
- //DSC_SCKE [25:24] SCKE
- //DSC_SDR [23:22] nSRAS/nSCAS
- //DSC_NFC [21:20] Nand Flash(nFCWE, nFRE, nFWE,CLE,ALE) Control
- //DSC_BE [19:18] nBE[3:0]
- //DSC_WOE [17:16] nWE/nOE
- //DSC_CS7 [15:14] nGCS7
- //DSC_CS6 [13:12] nGCS6
- //DSC_CS5 [11:10] nGCS5
- //DSC_CS4 [9:8] nGCS4
- //DSC_CS3 [7:6] nGCS3
- //DSC_CS2 [5:4] nGCS2
- //DSC_CS1 [3:2] nGCS1
- //DSC_CS0 [1:0] nGCS0
- #else
- //Uart_Printf("Drive strength control(*1).n");
- rDSC0 |= (1<<31); //disable
- rDSC0 = (1<<31)|(3<<8)|(3<<0);
- // nEN_DSC [31] Enable Drive strength control, 1:enable
- // DSC_ADR [9:8] Address bus drive strength. 0:10mA, 1:8mA, 2:6mA, 3:4mA
- // DSC_DATA [7:0] Data bus drive strength, 0:12mA, 1:10mA, 2:8mA, 3:6mA
- rDSC1 = (3<<28)|(3<<26)|(3<24)|(3<<22)|(3<<20)|(3<<18);
- #endif
- }
- //================================================================================
- void Check_SleepWakeUp(void)
- {
- Uart_Printf("[Sleep related registers]n");
- Uart_Printf("GSTATUS2: PWRST=%d OFFRST=%d WDTRST=%dn",
- (rGSTATUS2&(1<<0))!=0,
- (rGSTATUS2&(1<<1))!=0,
- (rGSTATUS2&(1<<2))!=0);
- Uart_Printf("GSTATUS2:%x, GSTATUS2n");
- Uart_Printf("GSTATUS3:%x(0x0,0x%x), GSTATUS4=%x(0x0,0xaaaaaaaa)n",
- rGSTATUS3,(U32)StartPointAfterSleepWakeUp, rGSTATUS4);
- if(rGSTATUS2&(1<<0))
- {
- Uart_Printf("Power On Resetnn");
- rGSTATUS2=(1<<0);
- return;
- }
- if(rGSTATUS2&(1<<1))
- {
- Uart_Printf("Sleep Wake-upnn");
- rGSTATUS2=(1<<1);
- Uart_Printf("EINTPEND=0x%xn",rEINTPEND);
- Uart_Printf("SRCPND=0x%xn",rSRCPND);
- // Added for wake-up 100Hz.
- Uart_Printf("SLEEP_COUNT=%dn", SLEEP_COUNT);
- if(SLEEP_COUNT>1000000)
- {
- Uart_Printf("nnSleep count is %d... any key to continuenn", SLEEP_COUNT);
- Uart_Getch();
- }
- Test_SleepMode();// goto sleep mode again.
- }
- if(rGSTATUS2&(1<<2))
- {
- Uart_Printf("Watchdog Resetnn");
- rGSTATUS2=(1<<2);
- return;
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================
- void Test_SleepMode(void)
- {
- int i, mode, error=0;
- U32 portStatus[33+3];
- Uart_Printf("[Sleep Mode Test]n");
- //Added for battery fault...
- #if 0
- Uart_Printf("nBATT_FLT pin should be tested.n");
- Uart_Printf("nBattery fault interrupt setting.n");
- Uart_Printf("Detect low-level.n");
- Uart_Printf("0 : Reset system during nBATT_FLT=0.n");
- Uart_Printf("4 : System will be wake-up from sleep mode during nBATT_FLT=0.n");
- Uart_Printf("6 : System will ignore Eint0 signal during nBATT_FLT=0.n");
- Uart_Printf("7 : Disable Battery function.n");
- Uart_Printf("Select battery function : ");
- i = Uart_GetIntNum() & 0x7;
- rMISCCR = (rMISCCR & ~(0x1f<<20)) | (i<<20);
- // [22:20]
- // if 0, System will be Reset during nBATT_FLT=0.
- // if 4, System will be wake-up from sleep mode during nBATT_FLT=0.
- // if 6, System will ignore nBATT_FLT signal.
- // if 7, Disable Battery function.
- Uart_Printf("rMISCCR0:%xn", rMISCCR);
- rMISCCR |=(0x67<<3);
- Uart_Printf("rMISCCR1:%xn", rMISCCR);
- pISR_BAT_FLT = (U32)BattFaultInt;
- rINTMSK = rINTMSK & ~(BIT_BAT_FLT); // unmask.
- #endif
- //Added for battery fault... End
- #if 0
- Uart_Printf("Check SDRAM for self-refresh testn");
- {
- //Uart_Printf("%x=%x(%x)n",i,*((U32 *)i),i^0x55555555);
- if(*((U32 *)i)!=(i^0x55555555))
- {
- Uart_Printf("Mem Error:%x=%x(%x)n",i,*((U32 *)i),i^0x55555555);
- error++;
- }
- if(error>20)
- break;
- }
- if(error)
- Uart_Printf("SDRAM self-refresh test:FAILEDn");
- else
- Uart_Printf("SDRAM self-refresh test:O.K.n");
- #endif
- Uart_TxEmpty(1); //Wait until UART0 Tx buffer empty.
- #if 0
- SelectEintType();
- #else
- rGPFCON=rGPFCON & ~(3<<0)|(2<<0); //PF0=EINT0
- rEXTINT0=rEXTINT0&~(7<<0)|(2<<0); //EINT0=falling edge triggered
- #endif
- #if 1 //test whether or not the interrupt pending bit retain the wake-up source.
- pISR_EINT0=(U32)Eint0Int;
- pISR_EINT8_23=(U32)Eint8_23Int;
- pISR_RTC=(U32)AlarmInt;
- for(i=0;i<100;i++);
- #endif
- rEINTMASK = rEINTMASK&~(1<<11);
- //SRCPND: EINT8_23 will be set by EINT11 after wake-up.
- // NOTE:
- // Any interrupt can't be available in Sleep mode.
- // because SDRAM enters into self-refresh mode during Sleep mode.
- // ISR code is on the SDRAM.
- Uart_Printf("nAlarm Wake-Up (y/n)? ");
- if(Uart_Getch()=='y')
- {
- Uart_Printf("nS3C2440 will wake up by RTC alarm(10 sec) or EINT0 .n");
- SetAlarmWakeUp();
- }
- else
- {
- Uart_Printf("nPush EINT0 button for wake-up from sleep mode.n");
- }
- rRTCCON=0x0; // R/W disable, 1/32768, Normal(merge), No reset
- rADCCON|=(1<<2);
- /* Pin Configuration in Sleep Mode */
- rMISCCR|=(1<<12); //USB port0 = suspend
- rMISCCR|=(1<<13); //USB port1 = suspend
- //rMISCCR|=(1<<2); //Previous state at STOP(?) mode (???)
- //rMISCCR &= ~(1<<2); //Previous state at STOP(?) mode (???)
- Uart_Printf("nrMISCCR0 = %xn", rMISCCR);
- //rMISCCR |=(0x67<<3);
- //Uart_Printf("rMISCCR1 = %xn", rMISCCR);
- rGSTATUS3=(U32)StartPointAfterSleepWakeUp; // mmory control part in startup code.
- Uart_Printf("nrGSTATUS(Restart target address after wake-up):%xn", rGSTATUS3);
- rGSTATUS4=0xaaaaaaaa;
- Uart_TxEmpty(1); //Wait until UART0 Tx buffer empty.
- ConfigSleepGPIO();
- ConfigMiscIO();
- //Max1718_Set(110);
- rMISCCR=rMISCCR|(3<<0); //Data[31:0] Pull-Up Disable
- Lcd_EnvidOnOff(0); //LCD must be off before entering Sleep mode.
- //rMISCCR = (rMISCCR & ~(0x1f<<20)) | (6<<20); // set 6.
- //===================================================
- // To enter SLEEP/SLIDLE mode, MMU TLB-fill operation should be prohibited
- // because MTT table is in SDRAM and SDRAM is in the self-refresh mode.
- // So, we will fill TLB before entering SDRAM self-refresh
- // instead of disabling MMU.
- rREFRESH;//To fill TLB for the special register used in EnterPWDN
- //===================================================
- EnterPWDN(0xffff8); //Sleep Mode
- //Never return here.
- }
- int batt_flag=0;
- //=========================================================================
- static void __irq BattFaultInt(void)
- {
- rINTMSK |= (BIT_BAT_FLT); // mask.
- ClearPending(BIT_BAT_FLT)
- Uart_Printf("BATT_FLT interrupt occuredn");
- batt_flag=1;
- //Batt_Sleep();
- }
- //================================================================================
- void Test_BattFaultInterrupt(void)
- {
- int i;
- Uart_Printf("Battery fault interrupt test.n");
- Uart_Printf("Detect low-level.n");
- Uart_Printf("0 : Reset system during nBATT_FLT=0.n");
- Uart_Printf("4 : System will be wake-up from sleep mode during nBATT_FLT=0.n");
- Uart_Printf("6 : System will ignore Eint0 signal during nBATT_FLT=0.n");
- Uart_Printf("7 : Disable Battery function.n");
- Uart_Printf("Select battery function : ");
- i = Uart_GetIntNum() & 0x7;
- rMISCCR = (rMISCCR & ~(0x1f<<20)) | (i<<20);
- // [22:20]
- // if 0, System will be Reset during nBATT_FLT=0.
- // if 4, System will be wake-up from sleep mode during nBATT_FLT=0.
- // if 6, System will ignore nBATT_FLT signal.
- // if 7, Disable Battery function.
- pISR_BAT_FLT = (U32)BattFaultInt;
- rINTMSK = rINTMSK & ~(BIT_BAT_FLT); // unmask.
- while(batt_flag==0)
- {
- if(Uart_GetKey()){
- break;
- }
- }
- batt_flag=0;
- //Batt_Sleep();
- Uart_Printf("exit.n");
- }
- void Batt_Sleep(void)
- {
- int i;
- U32 portStatus[33+3];
- int error=0;
- int mode;
- Uart_Printf("[Sleep Mode Test]n");
- Uart_Printf("nBATT_FLT pin should be tested.n");
- Uart_Printf("S3C2440 will wake up by EINT0 .n");
- /////////////////////////////////////////// add for battery fault...
- #if 1
- Uart_Printf("6 : System will ignore Eint0 signal during nBATT_FLT=0.n");
- Uart_Printf("rMISCCR:%xn", rMISCCR);
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////// add for battery fault...end
- Uart_TxEmpty(1); //Wait until UART0 Tx buffer empty.
- #if 0
- SelectEintType();
- #else
- rGPFCON=rGPFCON & ~(3<<0)|(2<<0); //PF0=EINT0
- rEXTINT0=rEXTINT0&~(7<<0)|(2<<0); //EINT0=falling edge triggered
- #endif
- #if 1 //test whether or not the interrupt pending bit retain the wake-up source.
- pISR_EINT0=(U32)Eint0Int;
- pISR_EINT8_23=(U32)Eint8_23Int;
- pISR_RTC=(U32)AlarmInt;
- for(i=0;i<100;i++);
- #endif
- rEINTMASK = rEINTMASK&~(1<<11); //SRCPND:EINT8_23 will be set by EINT11 after wake-up.
- // NOTE: Any interrupt can't be used in Sleep mode.
- // because SDRAM is in self-refresh mode and ISR code will access SDRAM.
- Uart_Printf("Alarm wake-up (y/n)? ");
- if(Uart_Getch()=='y')
- {
- Uart_Printf("S3C2440 will wake up by RTC alarm(10 sec) or EINT0 .n");
- SetAlarmWakeUp();
- }
- rRTCCON=0x0; // R/W disable, 1/32768, Normal(merge), No reset
- rADCCON|=(1<<2);
- rMISCCR|=(1<<12); //USB port0 = suspend
- rMISCCR|=(1<<13); //USB port1 = suspend
- //rMISCCR|=(1<<2); //Previous state at STOP(?) mode (???)
- rMISCCR &= ~(1<<2); //Previous state at STOP(?) mode (???)
- rGSTATUS3=(U32)StartPointAfterSleepWakeUp; // memory control part in startup code.
- Uart_Printf("set restart address:%xn", rGSTATUS3);
- rGSTATUS4=0xaaaaaaaa;
- Uart_TxEmpty(1); //Wait until UART0 Tx buffer empty.
- ConfigSleepGPIO();
- ConfigMiscIO();
- rMISCCR=rMISCCR|(3<<0);
- Lcd_EnvidOnOff(0); //Before entering Sleep mode, LCD must be off
- rMISCCR = (rMISCCR & ~(0x7<<20)) | (6<<20); // set 6.
- //=================================================================
- // To enter SLEEP/SLIDLE mode, MMU TLB-fill operation should be prohibited
- // because MTT table is in SDRAM and SDRAM is in the self-refresh mode.
- // So, we will fill TLB before entering SDRAM self-refresh
- // instead of disabling MMU.
- rREFRESH;//To fill TLB for the special register used in EnterPWDN
- //=================================================================
- EnterPWDN(0xffff8); //Sleep mode
- }
- /************************ Sleep Mode by 100hz test ************************/
- //================================================================================
- void Check_SleepWakeUp_100Hz(void)
- {
- }
- //================================================================================
- void Test_SleepMode_100Hz(void)
- {
- }
- void Test_StopMode(void)
- {
- int i;
- U32 portStatus[33+3]; // +3 is for 2440 GPJ port.
- int error=0;
- int mode;
- Uart_Printf("[STOP Mode Test]n");
- Uart_Printf("S3C2440 will wake up by EINT0 .n");
- Uart_TxEmpty(1); //Wait until UART0 Tx buffer empty.
- rMISCCR = (rMISCCR & ~(7<<8) & ~(7<<4)) | (3<<8) | (2<<4); // CLKSEL0=FCLK, CLKSEL1=HCLK
- // Save the port configurations
- for(i=0;i<33;i++) {
- portStatus[i]=*( (volatile U32 *)0x56000000 + i); // 0x5600_0000:GPACON addr.
- }
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- portStatus[i+33]=*( (volatile U32 *)0x560000d0 + i); // 0x5600_00d0:GPJCON addr. added ffor 2440
- ConfigSleepGPIO();
- ConfigMiscIO();
- //Uart_Printf("S3C2440 will wake up by EINT0 (Falling Edge Triggered).n");
- rGPFCON=rGPFCON & ~(3<<0)|(2<<0); //GPF0=EINT0
- rEXTINT0=rEXTINT0&~(7<<0)|(0x2<<0); //EINT0=falling edge triggered
- //Uart_Printf("S3C2440 will wake up by EINT11 (Falling Edge Triggered).n");
- rGPGCON=rGPGCON & ~(3<<6)|(2<<6); //GPG3=EINT11
- rEXTINT1=rEXTINT1&~(7<<12)|(2<<12); //EINT11=falling edge triggered
- //Uart_Printf("nNow, I am entering Stop mode.n");
- Uart_TxEmpty(1); //Wait until UART0 Tx buffer empty.
- pISR_EINT0 = (U32)Eint0Int;
- pISR_EINT8_23 = (U32)Eint8_23Int;
- pISR_RTC = (U32)AlarmInt;
- rEINTPEND = (1<<11); // clear EINT11 pending bit in rEINTPEND
- // NOTE: Any interrupt can't be used in Sleep mode
- // because SDRAM is in self-refresh mode and ISR code will access SDRAM.
- rRTCCON=0x0; // R/W disable, 1/32768, Normal(merge), No reset
- rADCCON|=(1<<2); // ADC stanby.
- rMISCCR|=(1<<12); //USB port0 = suspend
- rMISCCR|=(1<<13); //USB port1 = suspend
- //rMISCCR|=(1<<2); //Previous state at Sleep mode.
- rMISCCR &= ~(1<<2); //Previous state at STOP(?) mode (???)
- //For SDRAM self-refresh mode, rMISCCR[2] should be 1.
- rMISCCR=rMISCCR|(3<<0);
- Lcd_EnvidOnOff(0); //Before entering Sleep mode, LCD must be off
- Delay(1);
- Led_Display(0x5);
- //rCLKSLOW=0x34; //csh (???)debug
- //=====================================================
- // To enter STOP/SLIDLE mode, MMU TLB-fill operation should be prohibited
- // because MTT table is in SDRAM and SDRAM is in the self-refresh mode.
- // So, we will fill TLB before entering SDRAM self-refresh
- // instead of disabling MMU.
- rREFRESH; //To fill TLB for the special register used in EnterPWDN
- //=====================================================
- rGPGDAT=rGPGDAT&~(1<<11)|(0<<11); //GPG11(EINT19)=L
- EnterPWDN(0xffff1); //Sleep mode added for 2440 bit[19] camera.
- rCLKCON=0xffff0; //Clear STOP_BIT & IDLE_BIT just after exiting Sleep mode.
- //rCLKSLOW=0x4; //csh (???) debug
- Uart_Printf("wake-upn");
- // Restore I/O drive strength
- rDSC0 = (1<<31)|(0<<8)|(0<<0);
- rDSC1 = (0<<28)|(0<<26)|(0<24)|(0<<22)|(0<<20)|(0<<18);
- //Restore the port configurations
- for(i=0;i<33;i++){
- *( (volatile U32 *)0x56000000 + i)=portStatus[i];
- }
- for(i=0;i<3;i++) // GPJ port
- *( (volatile U32 *)0x560000d0 + i)=portStatus[i+33];
- Led_Display(0xa);
- Lcd_EnvidOnOff(1);
- Uart_Printf("SRCPND=%x,INTPND=%xn",rSRCPND,rINTPND);
- for(i=0;i<10;i++);
- //The Wake-up source is indicated by rSRCPND.
- //The corresponding interrupt wiil be occurred here.
- Uart_Printf("Return to Normal Mode.n");
- }