- /****************************************************************
- NAME: retarget.c
- DESC: console I/O redirection, heap base, stack base.
- Jan.01.2002:purnnamu: first draft. rewrite 'retarget.c' from ARM.
- Jul.30.2002:purnnamu: first draft for S3C2420X.
- Nov.29.2003:junon: first draft for S3C2440.
- ****************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "option.h"
- #include "2440lib.h"
- #if ADS10==TRUE
- #include <rt_misc.h>
- #endif
- #if USE_MAIN
- #ifdef __thumb
- /* Thumb Semihosting SWI */
- #define SemiSWI 0xAB
- #else
- /* ARM Semihosting SWI */
- #define SemiSWI 0x123456
- #endif
- /* Exit */
- __swi(SemiSWI) void _Exit(unsigned op, unsigned except);
- #define Exit() _Exit (0x18,0x20026)
- #endif //SEMIHOSTING
- struct __FILE { int handle; /* Add whatever you need here */};
- FILE __stdout;
- FILE __stdin;
- //NOTE.
- // 1. If __FILE is redefined by user, the fgetc(),fputc(),ferror(),defined by user,are used.
- // 2. __stdout,__stdin should be redefined .
- #endif //!SEMIHOSTING
- // If the semihosting is not used,
- // redefine fputc(),fgetc(),ferror() for printf/scanf through UART
- int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
- {
- /* Place your implementation of fputc here */
- /* e.g. write a character to a UART, or to the debugger console with SWI WriteC */
- Uart_SendByte(ch);
- return ch;
- }
- int ferror(FILE *f)
- { /* Your implementation of ferror */
- return EOF;
- }
- int fgetc(FILE *f)
- {
- char ch;
- ch=Uart_Getch();
- Uart_SendByte(ch);
- if(ch=='b')Uart_SendString(" b");
- return ch;
- }
- void _ttywrch(int ch)
- {
- Uart_SendByte(ch);
- }
- #endif //!SEMIHOSTING
- void _sys_exit(int return_code)
- {
- while(1);
- #else
- Exit(); /* for debugging */
- label: goto label; /* endless loop */
- #endif
- }
- extern unsigned int Image$$ZI$$Limit;
- __value_in_regs struct __initial_stackheap __user_initial_stackheap(
- unsigned R0, unsigned SP, unsigned R2, unsigned SL)
- {
- struct __initial_stackheap config;
- config.heap_base = (unsigned int)&Image$$ZI$$Limit;
- config.stack_base = SP; //SP has the current mode sp register value.
- return config;
- }
- #endif //USE_MAIN
- /*
- To place heap_base directly above the ZI area, use e.g:
- extern unsigned int Image$$ZI$$Limit;
- config.heap_base = (unsigned int)&Image$$ZI$$Limit;
- (or &Image$$region_name$$ZI$$Limit for scatterloaded images)
- To specify the limits for the heap & stack, use e.g:
- config.heap_limit = SL;
- config.stack_limit = SL;
- */