- %%%%最大似然ML 最大似然方法联合实现符号定时同步和载波同步仿真
- clear all;
- %********************** preparation part ***************************
- para=128; % Number of parallel channel to transmit (points) %并行信道传输个数
- fftlen=128; % FFT length %fft 长度
- noc=1024; % Number of carrier %载波的个数
- nd=6; % Number of information OFDM symbol for one loop%OFDM symbol 循环个数的说明?
- ml=2; % Modulation level : QPSK %调制方式:QPSK
- sr=250000; % Symbol rate %符号的比特率
- br=sr.*ml; % Bit rate per carrier %每个载波的比特率?
- gilen=128; % Length of guard interval (points)%%保护间隔的长度
- ebn0=3; % Eb/N0 %Eb为单位比特的平均信号的能量;n0为噪声的单边功率普密度
- SNR=15; % ENR %信噪比
- T=10^(-6); % Sampling time : 1us%%采样时间1us 抽样频率1024kHz
- %************************** transmitter发射机 *********************************
- %************************** Data generation 数据生成程序****************************
- seldata=rand(1,para*nd*ml)>0.5; % rand : built in function %产生1x(128*6*2)=1X1536的数据
- M=length(seldata)/noc;
- %****************** Serial to parallel conversion串并转换 ***********************
- paradata=reshape(seldata,para,nd*ml); % reshape : built in function
- %************************** QPSK modulation %QPSK 调制*****************************
- [ich,qch]=qpskmod(paradata,para,nd,ml);
- kmod=1/sqrt(2); % sqrt : built in function
- ich1=ich.*kmod;%实部的数据
- qch1=qch.*kmod;%虚部的数据
- %******************* IFFT ************************
- x=ich1+qch1.*i;
- y=ifft(x); % ifft : built in function
- ich2=real(y); % real : built in function
- qch2=imag(y); % imag : built in function
- %********* cyclic perfix insertion 循环保护间隔**********
- [ich3,qch3]= giins(ich2,qch2,fftlen,gilen,nd);
- fftlen2=fftlen+gilen;
- %***************** AWGN addition 叠加在 AWGN信道上*********
- ich4=AWGN(ich3,SNR);
- qch4=AWGN(qch3,SNR);
- rx=ich4+qch4.*i;%叠加噪声之后的数据
- %****************** Calculate gamma(m) & PI(m) *******************
- gamma =zeros(M,noc);
- lamda =zeros(M,noc);
- pii =zeros(M,noc);
- ro = SNR/(SNR+1);
- e=0.25;
- for n=1:M
- for theta=1:noc
- sampling_rx(n,:)=[rx(n,1:theta) rx(n,:) rx(n,1:noc-theta)];
- %sampling_rx=[rx(n,1:theta) rx(n,:) rx(n,1:noc-theta)];
- %sampling_rx(n,:)=[zeros(1,theta) rx(n,:) zeros(1,noc-theta)];
- for k=theta:theta+gilen-1
- %equation 2-(6),2-(7)
- gamma(n,theta)= gamma(n,theta)+sampling_rx(n,k)*conj(sampling_rx(n,k+noc));
- pii(n,theta)=pii(n,theta)+abs(sampling_rx(n,k))^2 + abs(sampling_rx(k+noc))^2;
- end
- gamma(n,theta)
- pii(n,theta)=0.5*pii(n,theta);
- %equation 2-(5)
- lamda(n,theta)=abs(gamma(n,theta))*cos(2*pi*e+angle(gamma(n,theta))) - ro*pii(n,theta);
- end
- end
- t=T:T:noc*T;
- figure(1);
- plot(abs(gamma(1,:)))
- figure(2);
- plot(pii(1,:))
- figure(3);
- plot(lamda(1,:))
- figure(4)
- plot(real(sampling_rx(1,:)))
- figure(5);
- plot(t,lamda(1,:))