资源名称:Ajax.rar [点击查看]
- <%@ page contentType="text/plain; charset=UTF-8"%>
- <%@ page language="java"%>
- <%@ page import="java.sql.*,ajax.db.DBUtils,org.json.simple.JSONObject,org.json.simple.JSONArray"%>
- <%!
- String sessionKey = "_LOGIN_USER_"; //session内登录key
- //用户登录
- String login(String userName, String password, HttpSession session) {
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
- String sql = "select id, name, password from task_users where name = ?";//定义SQL语句
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- ResultSet rs = null; //声明ResultSet对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //根据sql创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, userName); //设置参数
- rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); //执行查询,返回结果集
- if (rs.next()) {
- String dbPass = rs.getString("password"); //获取密码
- //根据密码匹配结果设置不同输出结果
- if (dbPass.equals(password)) { //登录成功
- session.setAttribute(sessionKey, rs.getString("id")); //设置session值
- result.append("1"); //结果第一个字符设置为1
- result.append("<div>欢迎用户 " + userName + " 登录系统。</div>");
- result.append("<input type='button' value='退出' onclick='logout()'>");
- } else { //登录失败
- result.append("0"); //结果第一个字符设置为0
- result.append("密码错误。");
- }
- } else { //登录失败
- result.append("0"); //结果第一个字符设置为0
- result.append("该用户不存在。");
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(rs); //关闭结果集
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- return result.toString();
- }
- //获取任务列表
- String getLists(String userId) {
- JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); //定义JSON数组
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("[");
- String sql = "select id, listname from task_lists where userid = ? order by listname asc"; //定义SQL语句
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- ResultSet rs = null; //声明ResultSet对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //根据sql创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, userId); //设置参数
- rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- //遍历结果集,给JSON数组中加入JSONObject
- while (rs.next()) {
- JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
- obj.put("id", rs.getString(1));
- obj.put("name", rs.getString(2));
- array.add(obj);
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(rs); //关闭结果集
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- return array.toString();
- }
- //获取任务
- String getTasks(String userId, String listId) {
- JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); //定义JSON数组
- String sql = "select id, taskname, status from task_tasks where userid = ? and listid = ? order by taskname asc"; //定义SQL语句
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- ResultSet rs = null; //声明ResultSet对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //根据sql创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, userId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(2, listId); //设置参数
- rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- //遍历结果集,给JSON数组中加入JSONObject
- while (rs.next()) {
- JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
- obj.put("id", rs.getString(1));
- obj.put("name", rs.getString(2));
- obj.put("status", rs.getString(3));
- array.add(obj);
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(rs); //关闭结果集
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- return array.toString();
- }
- //改变任务状态
- void changeTaskStatus(String userId, String taskId, String status) {
- String sql = "update task_tasks set status = ? where userid = ? and id = ?"; //定义SQL语句
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //根据sql创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, status); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(2, userId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(3, taskId); //设置参数
- pstmt.executeUpdate(); //执行更新
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- }
- //添加任务列表
- void addList(String userId, String listName) {
- String sql = "insert into task_lists(userid, listname) values(?,?)"; //定义SQL语句
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //根据sql创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, userId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(2, listName); //设置参数
- pstmt.executeUpdate(); //执行插入
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- }
- //删除任务列表
- void delList(String userId, String listId) {
- String sql1 = "delete from task_tasks where userid = ? and listid = ?"; //删除任务SQL
- String sql2 = "delete from task_lists where userid = ? and id = ?"; //删除列表SQL
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql1);//根据sql1创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, userId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(2, listId); //设置参数
- pstmt.executeUpdate(); //执行删除
- pstmt.close(); //关闭
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql2);//根据sql2创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, userId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(2, listId); //设置参数
- pstmt.executeUpdate(); //执行删除
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- }
- //更新任务列表
- void updateList(String userId, String listId, String listName) {
- String sql = "update task_lists set listname = ? where userid = ? and id = ?"; //定义SQL语句
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //根据sql创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, listName); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(2, userId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(3, listId); //设置参数
- pstmt.executeUpdate(); //执行更新
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- }
- //添加任务
- void addTask(String userId, String listId, String taskName) {
- String sql = "insert into task_tasks(userid, listid, taskname) values(?,?,?)"; //定义SQL语句
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //根据sql创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, userId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(2, listId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(3, taskName); //设置参数
- pstmt.executeUpdate(); //执行插入
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- }
- //删除任务
- void delTask(String userId, String taskId) {
- String sql = "delete from task_tasks where userid = ? and id = ?"; //定义SQL语句
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //根据sql创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, userId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(2, taskId); //设置参数
- pstmt.executeUpdate(); //执行删除
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- }
- //更新任务
- void updateTask(String userId, String taskId, String taskName) {
- String sql = "update task_tasks set taskname = ? where userid = ? and id = ?"; //定义SQL语句
- Connection conn = null; //声明Connection对象
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //声明PreparedStatement对象
- try {
- conn = DBUtils.getConnection(); //获取数据库连接
- pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //根据sql创建PreparedStatement
- pstmt.setString(1, taskName); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(2, userId); //设置参数
- pstmt.setString(3, taskId); //设置参数
- pstmt.executeUpdate(); //执行更新
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- } finally {
- DBUtils.close(pstmt); //关闭PreparedStatement
- DBUtils.close(conn); //关闭连接
- }
- }
- %>
- <%
- out.clear(); //清空当前的输出内容(空格和换行符)
- request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); //设置请求字符集为UTF-8
- String userId = (String) session.getAttribute(sessionKey); //获取当前登录用户编号
- String action = request.getParameter("action"); //获取title
- //根据action参数不同执行不同的操作
- if ("login".equals(action)) { //登录操作
- String userName = request.getParameter("userName");
- String password = request.getParameter("password");
- String result = login(userName, password, session);
- out.print(result);
- } else if ("logout".equals(action)) { //退出操作
- session.removeAttribute(sessionKey);
- } else if ("getLists".equals(action)) { //获取任务列表
- out.print(getLists(userId));
- } else if ("getTasks".equals(action)) { //获取任务
- String listId = request.getParameter("listId");
- out.print(getTasks(userId, listId));
- } else if ("changeTaskStatus".equals(action)) { //改变任务状态
- String taskId = request.getParameter("taskId");
- String status = request.getParameter("status");
- changeTaskStatus(userId, taskId, status);
- out.print("任务状态修改成功。");
- } else if ("addList".equals(action)) { //添加任务列表
- String listName = request.getParameter("listName");
- addList(userId, listName);
- out.print("列表添加成功。");
- } else if ("delList".equals(action)) { //删除任务列表
- String listId = request.getParameter("listId");
- delList(userId, listId);
- out.print("列表删除成功。");
- } else if ("updateList".equals(action)) { //更新任务列表
- String listId = request.getParameter("listId");
- String listName = request.getParameter("listName");
- updateList(userId, listId, listName);
- out.print("列表更新成功。");
- } else if ("addTask".equals(action)) { //添加任务
- String listId = request.getParameter("listId");
- String taskName = request.getParameter("taskName");
- addTask(userId, listId, taskName);
- out.print("任务添加成功。");
- } else if ("delTask".equals(action)) { //删除任务
- String taskId = request.getParameter("taskId");
- delTask(userId, taskId);
- out.print("任务删除成功。");
- } else if ("updateTask".equals(action)) { //更新任务
- String taskId = request.getParameter("taskId");
- String taskName = request.getParameter("taskName");
- updateTask(userId, taskId, taskName);
- out.print("任务更新成功。");
- }
- %>