资源名称:C语言编译器.rar [点击查看]
- /****************************************************/
- /* File: symtab.c */
- /* Symbol table implementation */
- /* for the C_Minus compiler */
- /****************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "symtab.h"
- Symtab * GlobalTable; //global symble table for variables
- Symtab * pTable;
- FunEntry * FunTable[SIZE]; //symble table for functions
- /* the hash function */
- static int hash(char * key)
- {
- int temp = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; key[i] != ' '; i++)
- temp = ((temp << SHIFT) + key[i]) % SIZE;
- return temp;
- }
- /* create a new variable table
- * and link it to its parent
- */
- Symtab * Createtab(Symtab * pTable, FunEntry *pEntry)
- {
- Symtab * newtab = (Symtab *)malloc(sizeof(Symtab));
- if (newtab == NULL)
- return NULL; //out of memory
- newtab->parent = pTable;
- newtab->nestlevel = (pTable == NULL)? 0 : pTable->nestlevel+1;
- newtab->memloc = 0;
- memset(newtab->valTable, 0, SIZE * sizeof(ValEntry *));
- newtab->funEntry = pEntry;
- return newtab;
- }
- /* insert a new entry to the variable table */
- ValEntry * Insert_Var(Symtab * pTable, char * name, Type type, int count)
- {
- int hashnumber = hash(name), size;
- ValEntry * pnew = (ValEntry *)malloc(sizeof(ValEntry));
- switch(type) {
- case Integer: size = sizeofint; break;
- case Float: size = sizeoffloat; break;
- case Char: size = sizeofchar; break;
- default: size = sizeofint;
- }
- pTable->memloc += size * count;
- pnew->name = copyString(name);
- pnew->type = type;
- pnew->offset = -pTable->memloc;
- pnew->next = pTable->valTable[hashnumber];
- pTable->valTable[hashnumber] = pnew;
- return pnew;
- }
- /* lookup a variable in the symbol table */
- int Lookup_Var(Symtab * pTable, FunEntry * pFun, char * name, ValEntry * pEntry)
- {
- int hashnumber = hash(name);
- ValEntry * ptemp;
- for ( ; pTable != NULL; pTable = pTable->parent) {
- for (ptemp = pTable->valTable[hashnumber]; ptemp != NULL; ptemp = ptemp->next)
- if (strcmp(ptemp->name, name) == 0) {
- pEntry->name = copyString(ptemp->name);
- pEntry->type = ptemp->type;
- pEntry->offset = ptemp->offset;
- pEntry->next = NULL;
- return pTable->nestlevel;
- }
- }
- if (pFun != NULL) {
- for (ptemp = pFun->para; ptemp != NULL; ptemp = ptemp->next)
- if (strcmp(name, ptemp->name) == 0) {
- pEntry->name = copyString(ptemp->name);
- pEntry->type = ptemp->type;
- pEntry->offset = ptemp->offset;
- pEntry->next = NULL;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /* insert a new entry to the function table */
- FunEntry * Insert_Fun(char * name, Type type, TreeNode * pTreeNode)
- {
- int hashnumber = hash(name), size = 14;
- FunEntry * pnew = (FunEntry *)malloc(sizeof(FunEntry));
- ValEntry * para;
- TreeNode * ptemp;
- pnew->name = copyString(name);
- pnew->type = type;
- pnew->para = NULL;
- if (strcmp(name, "main") == 0)
- size += 4;
- if (pTreeNode != NULL) {
- pnew->para = (ValEntry *)malloc(sizeof(ValEntry));
- pnew->para->name = copyString(pTreeNode->;
- pnew->para->type = pTreeNode->type;
- pnew->para->offset = size;
- if (pTreeNode->child[0] == NULL)
- switch (pnew->para->type) {
- case Integer: size += sizeofint; break;
- case Float: size += sizeoffloat; break;
- case Char: size += sizeofchar; break;
- default: size += sizeofint;
- }
- else
- size += sizeofint;
- for (ptemp = pTreeNode->sibling, para = pnew->para;
- ptemp != NULL; ptemp = ptemp->sibling, para = para->next) {
- para->next = (ValEntry *)malloc(sizeof(ValEntry));
- para->next->name = copyString(ptemp->;
- para->next->type = ptemp->type;
- para->next->offset = size;
- if (ptemp->child[0] == NULL)
- switch (para->next->type) {
- case Integer: size += sizeofint; break;
- case Float: size += sizeoffloat; break;
- case Char: size += sizeofchar; break;
- default: size += sizeofint;
- }
- else
- size += sizeofint;
- }
- para->next = NULL;
- }
- pnew->ret_val = size;
- pnew->next = FunTable[hashnumber];
- FunTable[hashnumber] = pnew;
- return pnew;
- }
- /* lookup a function in the symbol table */
- FunEntry * Lookup_Fun(char * name)
- {
- int hashnumber = hash(name);
- FunEntry * pEntry;
- for (pEntry = FunTable[hashnumber]; pEntry != NULL; pEntry = pEntry->next)
- if (strcmp(pEntry->name, name) == 0)
- return pEntry;
- return NULL;
- }
- /* procedure printFunTab prints a formatted
- * listing of the function table contents
- * to the listing file
- */
- void printFunTab(void)
- {
- int i;
- fprintf(listing, "nFunction table:n");
- fprintf(listing,"nFunction Name Type n");
- fprintf(listing,"------------- ---- n");
- for (i=0; i<SIZE; ++i) {
- FunEntry * pEntry;
- for (pEntry = FunTable[i]; pEntry != NULL; pEntry = pEntry->next) {
- ValEntry * para;
- fprintf(listing, "%-14s ", pEntry->name);
- printType(pEntry->type);
- fprintf(listing, "nParametern");
- fprintf(listing, "---------n");
- for (para = pEntry->para ; para != NULL; para = para->next) {
- fprintf(listing, "%s ", para->name);
- printType(para->type);
- fprintf(listing, " %-dn", para->offset);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* procedure printSymTab prints a formatted
- * listing of the symbol table contents
- * to the listing file
- */
- void printSymTab(TreeNode * tree)
- {
- static int Globalprinted = FALSE;
- Symtab * pTable;
- if (!Globalprinted) {
- int i;
- fprintf(listing, "nSymbol table:n");
- fprintf(listing, "nNestlevel: %dn", GlobalTable->nestlevel);
- fprintf(listing,"Variable Name Type && Offsetn");
- fprintf(listing,"------------- --------------n");
- for (i=0; i<SIZE; ++i) {
- ValEntry * pEntry;
- for (pEntry = GlobalTable->valTable[i]; pEntry != NULL; pEntry = pEntry->next) {
- fprintf(listing, "%-14s ", pEntry->name);
- printType(pEntry->type);
- fprintf(listing, " %-dn", pEntry->offset);
- }
- }
- Globalprinted = TRUE;
- }
- while (tree != NULL) {
- int i;
- if (tree ->nodekind == Dec && tree->kind.dec == CompK) {
- pTable = tree->attr.table;
- fprintf(listing, "nNestlevel: %dn", pTable->nestlevel);
- fprintf(listing,"Variable Name Type && Offsetn");
- fprintf(listing,"------------- --------------n");
- for (i=0; i<SIZE; ++i) {
- ValEntry * pEntry;
- for (pEntry = pTable->valTable[i]; pEntry != NULL; pEntry = pEntry->next) {
- fprintf(listing, "%-14s ", pEntry->name);
- printType(pEntry->type);
- fprintf(listing, " %-dn", pEntry->offset);
- }
- }
- }
- for (i=0; i<MAXCHILDREN; i++)
- printSymTab(tree->child[i]);
- tree = tree->sibling;
- }
- }