

  1. Model {
  2.   Name   "power_wind_ig"
  3.   Version   6.3
  4.   MdlSubVersion   0
  5.   GraphicalInterface {
  6.     NumRootInports     0
  7.     NumRootOutports     0
  8.     ParameterArgumentNames  ""
  9.     ComputedModelVersion    "1.259"
  10.     NumModelReferences     0
  11.     NumTestPointedSignals   0
  12.   }
  13.   SavedCharacterEncoding  "ibm-5348_P100-1997"
  14.   SaveDefaultBlockParams  on
  15.   SampleTimeColors   off
  16.   LibraryLinkDisplay   "none"
  17.   WideLines   off
  18.   ShowLineDimensions   off
  19.   ShowPortDataTypes   off
  20.   ShowLoopsOnError   on
  21.   IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
  22.   ShowStorageClass   off
  23.   ShowTestPointIcons   on
  24.   ShowViewerIcons   on
  25.   SortedOrder   off
  26.   ExecutionContextIcon   off
  27.   ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
  28.   RecordCoverage   off
  29.   CovPath   "/"
  30.   CovSaveName   "covdata"
  31.   CovMetricSettings   "dw"
  32.   CovNameIncrementing   off
  33.   CovHtmlReporting   on
  34.   covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on
  35.   CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on
  36.   CovCumulativeVarName   "covCumulativeData"
  37.   CovCumulativeReport   off
  38.   CovReportOnPause   on
  39.   ScopeRefreshTime   0.035000
  40.   OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
  41.   DisableAllScopes   off
  42.   DataTypeOverride   "UseLocalSettings"
  43.   MinMaxOverflowLogging   "UseLocalSettings"
  44.   MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
  45.   BlockNameDataTip   off
  46.   BlockParametersDataTip  off
  47.   BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off
  48.   ToolBar   on
  49.   StatusBar   on
  50.   BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
  51.   BrowserLookUnderMasks   off
  52.   InitFcn   "load power_wind_ig_xinit"
  53.   Created   "Wed Apr 28 15:37:51 2004"
  54.   Creator   "batserve"
  55.   UpdateHistory   "UpdateHistoryNever"
  56.   ModifiedByFormat   "%<Auto>"
  57.   LastModifiedBy   "batserve"
  58.   ModifiedDateFormat   "%<Auto>"
  59.   LastModifiedDate   "Mon Aug  8 15:01:24 2005"
  60.   ModelVersionFormat   "1.%<AutoIncrement:259>"
  61.   ConfigurationManager   "None"
  62.   LinearizationMsg   "none"
  63.   Profile   off
  64.   ParamWorkspaceSource   "MATLABWorkspace"
  65.   AccelSystemTargetFile   "accel.tlc"
  66.   AccelTemplateMakefile   "accel_default_tmf"
  67.   AccelMakeCommand   "make_rtw"
  68.   TryForcingSFcnDF   off
  69.   ExtModeBatchMode   off
  70.   ExtModeEnableFloating   on
  71.   ExtModeTrigType   "manual"
  72.   ExtModeTrigMode   "normal"
  73.   ExtModeTrigPort   "1"
  74.   ExtModeTrigElement   "any"
  75.   ExtModeTrigDuration   1000
  76.   ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto"
  77.   ExtModeTrigHoldOff   0
  78.   ExtModeTrigDelay   0
  79.   ExtModeTrigDirection   "rising"
  80.   ExtModeTrigLevel   0
  81.   ExtModeArchiveMode   "off"
  82.   ExtModeAutoIncOneShot   off
  83.   ExtModeIncDirWhenArm   off
  84.   ExtModeAddSuffixToVar   off
  85.   ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
  86.   ExtModeArmWhenConnect   on
  87.   ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
  88.   ExtModeLogAll   on
  89.   ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock off
  90.   BufferReuse   on
  91.   StrictBusMsg   "None"
  92.   ProdHWDeviceType   "32-bit Generic"
  93.   ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
  94.   ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
  95.   Array {
  96.     Type     "Handle"
  97.     Dimension     1
  98.     Simulink.ConfigSet {
  99.       $ObjectID       1
  100.       Version       "1.1.0"
  101.       Array {
  102. Type "Handle"
  103. Dimension 7
  104. Simulink.SolverCC {
  105.   $ObjectID   2
  106.   Version   "1.1.0"
  107.   StartTime   "0.0"
  108.   StopTime   "20"
  109.   AbsTol   "1e-3"
  110.   FixedStep   "auto"
  111.   InitialStep   "auto"
  112.   MaxNumMinSteps   "-1"
  113.   MaxOrder   5
  114.   ExtrapolationOrder   4
  115.   NumberNewtonIterations  1
  116.   MaxStep   "1/60"
  117.   MinStep   "auto"
  118.   RelTol   "1e-4"
  119.   SolverMode   "Auto"
  120.   Solver   "ode23tb"
  121.   SolverName   "ode23tb"
  122.   ZeroCrossControl   "UseLocalSettings"
  123.   AlgebraicLoopSolver   "TrustRegion"
  124.   SolverResetMethod   "Fast"
  125.   PositivePriorityOrder   off
  126.   AutoInsertRateTranBlk   off
  127.   SampleTimeConstraint   "Unconstrained"
  128.   RateTranMode   "Deterministic"
  129. }
  130. Simulink.DataIOCC {
  131.   $ObjectID   3
  132.   Version   "1.1.0"
  133.   Decimation   "1"
  134.   ExternalInput   "[t, u]"
  135.   FinalStateName   "xFinal"
  136.   InitialState   "xInitial"
  137.   LimitDataPoints   on
  138.   MaxDataPoints   "1000"
  139.   LoadExternalInput   off
  140.   LoadInitialState   on
  141.   SaveFinalState   on
  142.   SaveFormat   "Array"
  143.   SaveOutput   on
  144.   SaveState   off
  145.   SignalLogging   on
  146.   InspectSignalLogs   off
  147.   SaveTime   on
  148.   StateSaveName   "xout"
  149.   TimeSaveName   "tout"
  150.   OutputSaveName   "yout"
  151.   SignalLoggingName   "logsOut"
  152.   OutputOption   "RefineOutputTimes"
  153.   OutputTimes   "[]"
  154.   Refine   "1"
  155. }
  156. Simulink.OptimizationCC {
  157.   $ObjectID   4
  158.   Array {
  159.     Type     "Cell"
  160.     Dimension     5
  161.     Cell     "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
  162.     Cell     "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
  163.     Cell     "InitFltsAndDblsToZero"
  164.     Cell     "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
  165.     Cell     "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
  166.     PropName     "DisabledProps"
  167.   }
  168.   Version   "1.1.0"
  169.   BlockReduction   on
  170.   BooleanDataType   on
  171.   ConditionallyExecuteInputs on
  172.   InlineParams   off
  173.   InlineInvariantSignals  on
  174.   OptimizeBlockIOStorage  on
  175.   BufferReuse   on
  176.   EnforceIntegerDowncast  on
  177.   ExpressionFolding   on
  178.   FoldNonRolledExpr   on
  179.   LocalBlockOutputs   on
  180.   ParameterPooling   on
  181.   RollThreshold   5
  182.   SystemCodeInlineAuto   off
  183.   StateBitsets   off
  184.   DataBitsets   off
  185.   UseTempVars   off
  186.   ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
  187.   ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
  188.   InitFltsAndDblsToZero   on
  189.   NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
  190.   EfficientFloat2IntCast  off
  191.   OptimizeModelRefInitCode off
  192.   LifeSpan   "inf"
  193.   BufferReusableBoundary  on
  194. }
  195. Simulink.DebuggingCC {
  196.   $ObjectID   5
  197.   Version   "1.1.0"
  198.   RTPrefix   "error"
  199.   ConsistencyChecking   "none"
  200.   ArrayBoundsChecking   "none"
  201.   SignalInfNanChecking   "none"
  202.   ReadBeforeWriteMsg   "UseLocalSettings"
  203.   WriteAfterWriteMsg   "UseLocalSettings"
  204.   WriteAfterReadMsg   "UseLocalSettings"
  205.   AlgebraicLoopMsg   "warning"
  206.   ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
  207.   CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
  208.   CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg on
  209.   CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg on
  210.   SignalResolutionControl "TryResolveAllWithWarning"
  211.   BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
  212.   MinStepSizeMsg   "warning"
  213.   SolverPrmCheckMsg   "warning"
  214.   InheritedTsInSrcMsg   "warning"
  215.   DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"
  216.   MultiTaskDSMMsg   "warning"
  217.   MultiTaskRateTransMsg   "error"
  218.   SingleTaskRateTransMsg  "none"
  219.   TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
  220.   SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
  221.   CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
  222.   IntegerOverflowMsg   "warning"
  223.   Int32ToFloatConvMsg   "warning"
  224.   ParameterDowncastMsg   "error"
  225.   ParameterOverflowMsg   "error"
  226.   ParameterUnderflowMsg   "none"
  227.   ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
  228.   UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
  229.   UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
  230.   VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
  231.   InvalidFcnCallConnMsg   "error"
  232.   FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "Use local settings"
  233.   SignalLabelMismatchMsg  "none"
  234.   UnconnectedInputMsg   "warning"
  235.   UnconnectedOutputMsg   "warning"
  236.   UnconnectedLineMsg   "warning"
  237.   SFcnCompatibilityMsg   "none"
  238.   UniqueDataStoreMsg   "none"
  239.   BusObjectLabelMismatch  "warning"
  240.   RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
  241.   AssertControl   "UseLocalSettings"
  242.   EnableOverflowDetection off
  243.   ModelReferenceIOMsg   "none"
  244.   ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
  245.   ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
  246.   ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none"
  247.   ModelReferenceSimTargetVerbose off
  248.   UnknownTsInhSupMsg   "warning"
  249.   ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
  250.   ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
  251.   ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
  252. }
  253. Simulink.HardwareCC {
  254.   $ObjectID   6
  255.   Version   "1.1.0"
  256.   ProdBitPerChar   8
  257.   ProdBitPerShort   16
  258.   ProdBitPerInt   32
  259.   ProdBitPerLong   32
  260.   ProdIntDivRoundTo   "Undefined"
  261.   ProdEndianess   "Unspecified"
  262.   ProdWordSize   32
  263.   ProdShiftRightIntArith  on
  264.   ProdHWDeviceType   "32-bit Generic"
  265.   TargetBitPerChar   8
  266.   TargetBitPerShort   16
  267.   TargetBitPerInt   32
  268.   TargetBitPerLong   32
  269.   TargetShiftRightIntArith on
  270.   TargetIntDivRoundTo   "Undefined"
  271.   TargetEndianess   "Unspecified"
  272.   TargetWordSize   32
  273.   TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0
  274.   TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
  275.   TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
  276.   TargetHWDeviceType   "Specified"
  277.   TargetUnknown   off
  278.   ProdEqTarget   on
  279. }
  280. Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
  281.   $ObjectID   7
  282.   Version   "1.1.0"
  283.   UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
  284.   CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
  285.   ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
  286.   ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
  287.   ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
  288. }
  289. Simulink.RTWCC {
  290.   $BackupClass   "Simulink.RTWCC"
  291.   $ObjectID   8
  292.   Array {
  293.     Type     "Cell"
  294.     Dimension     1
  295.     Cell     "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
  296.     PropName     "DisabledProps"
  297.   }
  298.   Version   "1.1.0"
  299.   SystemTargetFile   "grt.tlc"
  300.   GenCodeOnly   off
  301.   MakeCommand   "make_rtw"
  302.   TemplateMakefile   "grt_default_tmf"
  303.   GenerateReport   off
  304.   SaveLog   off
  305.   RTWVerbose   on
  306.   RetainRTWFile   off
  307.   ProfileTLC   off
  308.   TLCDebug   off
  309.   TLCCoverage   off
  310.   TLCAssert   off
  311.   ProcessScriptMode   "Default"
  312.   ConfigurationMode   "Optimized"
  313.   ConfigAtBuild   off
  314.   IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
  315.   LaunchReport   off
  316.   TargetLang   "C"
  317.   Array {
  318.     Type     "Handle"
  319.     Dimension     2
  320.     Simulink.CodeAppCC {
  321.       $ObjectID       9
  322.       Array {
  323. Type "Cell"
  324. Dimension 9
  325. Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
  326. Cell "InsertBlockDesc"
  327. Cell "SFDataObjDesc"
  328. Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc"
  329. Cell "DefineNamingRule"
  330. Cell "SignalNamingRule"
  331. Cell "ParamNamingRule"
  332. Cell "InlinedPrmAccess"
  333. Cell "CustomSymbolStr"
  334. PropName "DisabledProps"
  335.       }
  336.       Version       "1.1.0"
  337.       ForceParamTrailComments off
  338.       GenerateComments       on
  339.       IgnoreCustomStorageClasses on
  340.       IncHierarchyInIds       off
  341.       MaxIdLength       31
  342.       PreserveName       off
  343.       PreserveNameWithParent  off
  344.       ShowEliminatedStatement off
  345.       IncAutoGenComments      off
  346.       SimulinkDataObjDesc     off
  347.       SFDataObjDesc       off
  348.       IncDataTypeInIds       off
  349.       PrefixModelToSubsysFcnNames on
  350.       CustomSymbolStr       "$R$N$M"
  351.       MangleLength       1
  352.       DefineNamingRule       "None"
  353.       ParamNamingRule       "None"
  354.       SignalNamingRule       "None"
  355.       InsertBlockDesc       off
  356.       SimulinkBlockComments   on
  357.       EnableCustomComments    off
  358.       InlinedPrmAccess       "Literals"
  359.       ReqsInCode       off
  360.     }
  361.     Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
  362.       $BackupClass       "Simulink.TargetCC"
  363.       $ObjectID       10
  364.       Array {
  365. Type "Cell"
  366. Dimension 12
  367. Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
  368. Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns"
  369. Cell "SuppressErrorStatus"
  370. Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners"
  371. Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"
  372. Cell "MultiInstanceERTCode"
  373. Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"
  374. Cell "SupportNonFinite"
  375. Cell "SupportComplex"
  376. Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"
  377. Cell "SupportContinuousTime"
  378. Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
  379. PropName "DisabledProps"
  380.       }
  381.       Version       "1.1.0"
  382.       TargetFcnLib       "ansi_tfl_tmw.mat"
  383.       TargetLibSuffix       ""
  384.       TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
  385.       GenFloatMathFcnCalls    "ANSI_C"
  386.       UtilityFuncGeneration   "Auto"
  387.       GenerateFullHeader      on
  388.       GenerateSampleERTMain   off
  389.       IsPILTarget       off
  390.       ModelReferenceCompliant on
  391.       IncludeMdlTerminateFcn  on
  392.       CombineOutputUpdateFcns off
  393.       SuppressErrorStatus     off
  394.       IncludeFileDelimiter    "Auto"
  395.       ERTCustomFileBanners    off
  396.       SupportAbsoluteTime     on
  397.       LogVarNameModifier      "rt_"
  398.       MatFileLogging       on
  399.       MultiInstanceERTCode    off
  400.       SupportNonFinite       on
  401.       SupportComplex       on
  402.       PurelyIntegerCode       off
  403.       SupportContinuousTime   on
  404.       SupportNonInlinedSFcns  on
  405.       ExtMode       off
  406.       ExtModeStaticAlloc      off
  407.       ExtModeTesting       off
  408.       ExtModeStaticAllocSize  1000000
  409.       ExtModeTransport       0
  410.       ExtModeMexFile       "ext_comm"
  411.       RTWCAPISignals       off
  412.       RTWCAPIParams       off
  413.       RTWCAPIStates       off
  414.       GenerateASAP2       off
  415.     }
  416.     PropName     "Components"
  417.   }
  418. }
  419. PropName "Components"
  420.       }
  421.       Name       "Configuration"
  422.       SimulationMode       "normal"
  423.       CurrentDlgPage       "Data Import//Export"
  424.     }
  425.     PropName     "ConfigurationSets"
  426.   }
  427.   Simulink.ConfigSet {
  428.     $PropName     "ActiveConfigurationSet"
  429.     $ObjectID     1
  430.   }
  431.   BlockDefaults {
  432.     Orientation     "right"
  433.     ForegroundColor     "black"
  434.     BackgroundColor     "white"
  435.     DropShadow     off
  436.     NamePlacement     "normal"
  437.     FontName     "Helvetica"
  438.     FontSize     10
  439.     FontWeight     "normal"
  440.     FontAngle     "normal"
  441.     ShowName     on
  442.   }
  443.   BlockParameterDefaults {
  444.     Block {
  445.       BlockType       BusCreator
  446.       Inputs       "4"
  447.       DisplayOption       "none"
  448.       UseBusObject       off
  449.       BusObject       "BusObject"
  450.       NonVirtualBus       off
  451.     }
  452.     Block {
  453.       BlockType       BusSelector
  454.       OutputAsBus       off
  455.     }
  456.     Block {
  457.       BlockType       Clock
  458.       DisplayTime       off
  459.     }
  460.     Block {
  461.       BlockType       ComplexToMagnitudeAngle
  462.       Output       "Magnitude and angle"
  463.       SampleTime       "-1"
  464.     }
  465.     Block {
  466.       BlockType       ComplexToRealImag
  467.       Output       "Real and imag"
  468.       SampleTime       "-1"
  469.     }
  470.     Block {
  471.       BlockType       Constant
  472.       Value       "1"
  473.       VectorParams1D       on
  474.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
  475.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  476.       ConRadixGroup       "Use specified scaling"
  477.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  478.       SampleTime       "inf"
  479.     }
  480.     Block {
  481.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  482.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via back propagation"
  483.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  484.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  485.       LockScale       off
  486.       ConvertRealWorld       "Real World Value (RWV)"
  487.       RndMeth       "Zero"
  488.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  489.       SampleTime       "-1"
  490.     }
  491.     Block {
  492.       BlockType       Demux
  493.       Outputs       "4"
  494.       DisplayOption       "none"
  495.       BusSelectionMode       off
  496.     }
  497.     Block {
  498.       BlockType       Derivative
  499.       LinearizePole       "inf"
  500.     }
  501.     Block {
  502.       BlockType       Display
  503.       Format       "short"
  504.       Decimation       "10"
  505.       Floating       off
  506.       SampleTime       "-1"
  507.     }
  508.     Block {
  509.       BlockType       EnablePort
  510.       StatesWhenEnabling      "held"
  511.       ShowOutputPort       off
  512.       ZeroCross       on
  513.     }
  514.     Block {
  515.       BlockType       From
  516.       IconDisplay       "Tag"
  517.     }
  518.     Block {
  519.       BlockType       Fcn
  520.       Expr       "sin(u[1])"
  521.       SampleTime       "-1"
  522.     }
  523.     Block {
  524.       BlockType       Gain
  525.       Gain       "1"
  526.       Multiplication       "Element-wise(K.*u)"
  527.       ParameterDataTypeMode   "Same as input"
  528.       ParameterDataType       "sfix(16)"
  529.       ParameterScalingMode    "Best Precision: Matrix-wise"
  530.       ParameterScaling       "2^0"
  531.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as input"
  532.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  533.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  534.       LockScale       off
  535.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  536.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  537.       SampleTime       "-1"
  538.     }
  539.     Block {
  540.       BlockType       Goto
  541.       IconDisplay       "Tag"
  542.     }
  543.     Block {
  544.       BlockType       Ground
  545.     }
  546.     Block {
  547.       BlockType       HitCross
  548.       HitCrossingOffset       "0"
  549.       HitCrossingDirection    "either"
  550.       ShowOutputPort       on
  551.       ZeroCross       on
  552.       SampleTime       "-1"
  553.     }
  554.     Block {
  555.       BlockType       Inport
  556.       Port       "1"
  557.       UseBusObject       off
  558.       BusObject       "BusObject"
  559.       BusOutputAsStruct       off
  560.       PortDimensions       "-1"
  561.       SampleTime       "-1"
  562.       DataType       "auto"
  563.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  564.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  565.       SignalType       "auto"
  566.       SamplingMode       "auto"
  567.       LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
  568.       LatchByCopyingInsideSignal off
  569.       Interpolate       on
  570.     }
  571.     Block {
  572.       BlockType       Integrator
  573.       ExternalReset       "none"
  574.       InitialConditionSource  "internal"
  575.       InitialCondition       "0"
  576.       LimitOutput       off
  577.       UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
  578.       LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
  579.       ShowSaturationPort      off
  580.       ShowStatePort       off
  581.       AbsoluteTolerance       "auto"
  582.       IgnoreLimit       off
  583.       ZeroCross       on
  584.     }
  585.     Block {
  586.       BlockType       Logic
  587.       Operator       "AND"
  588.       Inputs       "2"
  589.       AllPortsSameDT       on
  590.       OutDataTypeMode       "Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimiza"
  591. "tion)"
  592.       LogicDataType       "uint(8)"
  593.       SampleTime       "-1"
  594.     }
  595.     Block {
  596.       BlockType       Lookup
  597.       InputValues       "[-4:5]"
  598.       OutputValues       " rand(1,10)-0.5"
  599.       LookUpMeth       "Interpolation-Extrapolation"
  600.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as input"
  601.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  602.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  603.       LockScale       off
  604.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  605.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  606.       SampleTime       "-1"
  607.       LUTDesignTableMode      "Redesign Table"
  608.       LUTDesignDataSource     "Block Dialog"
  609.       LUTDesignFunctionName   "sqrt(x)"
  610.       LUTDesignUseExistingBP  on
  611.       LUTDesignRelError       "0.01"
  612.       LUTDesignAbsError       "1e-6"
  613.     }
  614.     Block {
  615.       BlockType       MagnitudeAngleToComplex
  616.       Input       "Magnitude and angle"
  617.       ConstantPart       "0"
  618.       SampleTime       "-1"
  619.     }
  620.     Block {
  621.       BlockType       Math
  622.       Operator       "exp"
  623.       OutputSignalType       "auto"
  624.       SampleTime       "-1"
  625.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as first input"
  626.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  627.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  628.       LockScale       off
  629.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  630.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  631.     }
  632.     Block {
  633.       BlockType       Memory
  634.       X0       "0"
  635.       InheritSampleTime       off
  636.       LinearizeMemory       off
  637.       StateMustResolveToSignalObject off
  638.       RTWStateStorageClass    "Auto"
  639.     }
  640.     Block {
  641.       BlockType       MinMax
  642.       Function       "min"
  643.       Inputs       "1"
  644.       InputSameDT       on
  645.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  646.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  647.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  648.       LockScale       off
  649.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  650.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  651.       ZeroCross       on
  652.       SampleTime       "-1"
  653.     }
  654.     Block {
  655.       BlockType       MultiPortSwitch
  656.       Inputs       "4"
  657.       zeroidx       off
  658.       InputSameDT       on
  659.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  660.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  661.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  662.       SampleTime       "-1"
  663.     }
  664.     Block {
  665.       BlockType       Mux
  666.       Inputs       "4"
  667.       DisplayOption       "none"
  668.       UseBusObject       off
  669.       BusObject       "BusObject"
  670.       NonVirtualBus       off
  671.     }
  672.     Block {
  673.       BlockType       Outport
  674.       Port       "1"
  675.       UseBusObject       off
  676.       BusObject       "BusObject"
  677.       BusOutputAsStruct       off
  678.       PortDimensions       "-1"
  679.       SampleTime       "-1"
  680.       DataType       "auto"
  681.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  682.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  683.       SignalType       "auto"
  684.       SamplingMode       "auto"
  685.       OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
  686.       InitialOutput       "[]"
  687.     }
  688.     Block {
  689.       BlockType       PMComponent
  690.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  691.     }
  692.     Block {
  693.       BlockType       PMIOPort
  694.     }
  695.     Block {
  696.       BlockType       Product
  697.       Inputs       "2"
  698.       Multiplication       "Element-wise(.*)"
  699.       InputSameDT       on
  700.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as first input"
  701.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  702.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  703.       LockScale       off
  704.       RndMeth       "Zero"
  705.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  706.       SampleTime       "-1"
  707.     }
  708.     Block {
  709.       BlockType       RateLimiter
  710.       RisingSlewLimit       "1"
  711.       FallingSlewLimit       "-1"
  712.       SampleTimeMode       "continuous"
  713.       InitialCondition       "0"
  714.       LinearizeAsGain       on
  715.     }
  716.     Block {
  717.       BlockType       RealImagToComplex
  718.       Input       "Real and imag"
  719.       ConstantPart       "0"
  720.       SampleTime       "-1"
  721.     }
  722.     Block {
  723.       BlockType       RelationalOperator
  724.       Operator       ">="
  725.       InputSameDT       on
  726.       LogicOutDataTypeMode    "Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimiza"
  727. "tion)"
  728.       LogicDataType       "uint(8)"
  729.       ZeroCross       on
  730.       SampleTime       "-1"
  731.     }
  732.     Block {
  733.       BlockType       Rounding
  734.       Operator       "floor"
  735.       SampleTime       "-1"
  736.     }
  737.     Block {
  738.       BlockType       Saturate
  739.       UpperLimit       "0.5"
  740.       LowerLimit       "-0.5"
  741.       LinearizeAsGain       on
  742.       ZeroCross       on
  743.       SampleTime       "-1"
  744.     }
  745.     Block {
  746.       BlockType       Scope
  747.       ModelBased       off
  748.       TickLabels       "OneTimeTick"
  749.       ZoomMode       "on"
  750.       Grid       "on"
  751.       TimeRange       "auto"
  752.       YMin       "-5"
  753.       YMax       "5"
  754.       SaveToWorkspace       off
  755.       SaveName       "ScopeData"
  756.       LimitDataPoints       on
  757.       MaxDataPoints       "5000"
  758.       Decimation       "1"
  759.       SampleInput       off
  760.       SampleTime       "-1"
  761.     }
  762.     Block {
  763.       BlockType       Selector
  764.       InputType       "Vector"
  765.       IndexMode       "One-based"
  766.       ElementSrc       "Internal"
  767.       Elements       "1"
  768.       RowSrc       "Internal"
  769.       Rows       "1"
  770.       ColumnSrc       "Internal"
  771.       Columns       "1"
  772.       InputPortWidth       "-1"
  773.       IndexIsStartValue       off
  774.       OutputPortSize       "1"
  775.     }
  776.     Block {
  777.       BlockType       "S-Function"
  778.       FunctionName       "system"
  779.       SFunctionModules       "''"
  780.       PortCounts       "[]"
  781.     }
  782.     Block {
  783.       BlockType       Signum
  784.       ZeroCross       on
  785.       SampleTime       "-1"
  786.     }
  787.     Block {
  788.       BlockType       Sin
  789.       SineType       "Time based"
  790.       TimeSource       "Use simulation time"
  791.       Amplitude       "1"
  792.       Bias       "0"
  793.       Frequency       "1"
  794.       Phase       "0"
  795.       Samples       "10"
  796.       Offset       "0"
  797.       SampleTime       "-1"
  798.       VectorParams1D       on
  799.     }
  800.     Block {
  801.       BlockType       StateSpace
  802.       A       "1"
  803.       B       "1"
  804.       C       "1"
  805.       D       "1"
  806.       X0       "0"
  807.       AbsoluteTolerance       "auto"
  808.       Realization       "auto"
  809.     }
  810.     Block {
  811.       BlockType       Step
  812.       Time       "1"
  813.       Before       "0"
  814.       After       "1"
  815.       SampleTime       "-1"
  816.       VectorParams1D       on
  817.       ZeroCross       on
  818.     }
  819.     Block {
  820.       BlockType       SubSystem
  821.       ShowPortLabels       on
  822.       Permissions       "ReadWrite"
  823.       PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
  824.       SystemSampleTime       "-1"
  825.       RTWFcnNameOpts       "Auto"
  826.       RTWFileNameOpts       "Auto"
  827.       SimViewingDevice       off
  828.       DataTypeOverride       "UseLocalSettings"
  829.       MinMaxOverflowLogging   "UseLocalSettings"
  830.     }
  831.     Block {
  832.       BlockType       Sum
  833.       IconShape       "rectangular"
  834.       Inputs       "++"
  835.       InputSameDT       on
  836.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as first input"
  837.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  838.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  839.       LockScale       off
  840.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  841.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  842.       SampleTime       "-1"
  843.     }
  844.     Block {
  845.       BlockType       Switch
  846.       Criteria       "u2 >= Threshold"
  847.       Threshold       "0"
  848.       InputSameDT       on
  849.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  850.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  851.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  852.       ZeroCross       on
  853.       SampleTime       "-1"
  854.     }
  855.     Block {
  856.       BlockType       Terminator
  857.     }
  858.     Block {
  859.       BlockType       TransportDelay
  860.       DelayTime       "1"
  861.       InitialOutput       "0"
  862.       BufferSize       "1024"
  863.       FixedBuffer       off
  864.       TransDelayFeedthrough   off
  865.       PadeOrder       "0"
  866.     }
  867.     Block {
  868.       BlockType       Trigonometry
  869.       Operator       "sin"
  870.       OutputSignalType       "auto"
  871.       SampleTime       "-1"
  872.     }
  873.   }
  874.   AnnotationDefaults {
  875.     HorizontalAlignment     "center"
  876.     VerticalAlignment     "middle"
  877.     ForegroundColor     "black"
  878.     BackgroundColor     "white"
  879.     DropShadow     off
  880.     FontName     "Helvetica"
  881.     FontSize     10
  882.     FontWeight     "normal"
  883.     FontAngle     "normal"
  884.   }
  885.   LineDefaults {
  886.     FontName     "Helvetica"
  887.     FontSize     9
  888.     FontWeight     "normal"
  889.     FontAngle     "normal"
  890.   }
  891.   System {
  892.     Name     "power_wind_ig"
  893.     Location     [32, 88, 932, 697]
  894.     Open     off
  895.     ModelBrowserVisibility  off
  896.     ModelBrowserWidth     200
  897.     ScreenColor     "white"
  898.     PaperOrientation     "landscape"
  899.     PaperPositionMode     "auto"
  900.     PaperType     "usletter"
  901.     PaperUnits     "inches"
  902.     ZoomFactor     "100"
  903.     ReportName     "simulink-default.rpt"
  904.     Block {
  905.       BlockType       Scope
  906.       Name       " Wind Turbines"
  907.       Ports       [5]
  908.       Position       [505, 333, 565, 497]
  909.       BackgroundColor       "green"
  910.       Floating       off
  911.       Location       [477, 60, 993, 710]
  912.       Open       off
  913.       NumInputPorts       "5"
  914.       ZoomMode       "yonly"
  915.       List {
  916. ListType AxesTitles
  917. axes1 "%<SignalLabel>"
  918. axes2 "%<SignalLabel>"
  919. axes3 "%<SignalLabel>"
  920. axes4 "%<SignalLabel>"
  921. axes5 "%<SignalLabel>"
  922.       }
  923.       TimeRange       "20"
  924.       YMin       "0~0~0.999~6~0"
  925.       YMax       "4~3~1.01~12~10"
  926.       DataFormat       "StructureWithTime"
  927.       LimitDataPoints       off
  928.       SampleTime       "0"
  929.     }
  930.     Block {
  931.       BlockType       Reference
  932.       Name       "120 kV"
  933.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3]
  934.       Position       [55, 84, 100, 126]
  935.       BackgroundColor       "yellow"
  936.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/ElectricalnSources/Three-PhasenProgr"
  937. "ammablenVoltage Source"
  938.       SourceType       "Three-Phase Programmable Voltage Source"
  939.       ShowPortLabels       on
  940.       PositiveSequence       "[120e3 0 60]"
  941.       VariationEntity       "None"
  942.       VariationType       "Table of time-amplitude pairs"
  943.       VariationStep       "-0.15"
  944.       VariationRate       "10"
  945.       VariationMagnitude      "0.3"
  946.       VariationFrequency      "2"
  947.       VariationTiming       "[5 5.5]"
  948.       VariationPhaseA       off
  949.       Amplitudes       "[1.0  0.5  1.0 ]"
  950.       TimeValues       "[0  10  10.1]"
  951.       HarmonicGeneration      off
  952.       HarmonicA       "[1 -0.1 0 1]"
  953.       HarmonicB       "[2 0.15 35 2]"
  954.       Timing       "[5  5.5]"
  955.     }
  956.     Block {
  957.       BlockType       Reference
  958.       Name       "120 kV/25 kVn47 MVA"
  959.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3]
  960.       Position       [205, 80, 260, 130]
  961.       BackgroundColor       "yellow"
  962.       AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  963.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Three-PhasenTransformern(Tw"
  964. "o Windings)"
  965.       SourceType       "Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings)"
  966.       ShowPortLabels       on
  967.       NominalPower       "[47e6 60 ]"
  968.       Winding1Connection      "Yg"
  969.       Winding1       "[ 120e3  0.08/30   0.08 ]"
  970.       Winding2Connection      "Delta (D1)"
  971.       Winding2       "[ 25e3  0.08/30  0.08]"
  972.       SetSaturation       off
  973.       Rm       "500"
  974.       Lm       "500"
  975.       Saturation       "[ 0,0  ;  0.005,1.2  ;  1.0,1.4 ]"
  976.       Hysteresis       off
  977.       DataFile       "'basic_model'"
  978.       SetInitialFlux       off
  979.       InitialFluxes       "[ 0.8 , -0.8 , 0.7 ]"
  980.       Measurements       "None"
  981.       TransfoNumber       "0"
  982.       MoreParameters       off
  983.       BreakLoop       off
  984.     }
  985.     Block {
  986.       BlockType       Reference
  987.       Name       "25 km line"
  988.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3]
  989.       Position       [345, 83, 425, 127]
  990.       BackgroundColor       "yellow"
  991.       AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  992.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Three-PhasenPI Section Line"
  993.       SourceType       "Three-Phase PI Section Line"
  994.       PhysicalDomain       "powersysdomain"
  995.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  996.       LeftPortType       "p1"
  997.       RightPortType       "p1"
  998.       LConnTagsString       "a|b|c"
  999.       RConnTagsString       "A|B|C"
  1000.       Frequency       "60"
  1001.       Resistances       "[0.1153 0.413]"
  1002.       Inductances       "[1.05e-3 3.32e-3]"
  1003.       Capacitances       "[11.33e-009 5.01e-009]"
  1004.       Length       "25"
  1005.     }
  1006.     Block {
  1007.       BlockType       Reference
  1008.       Name       "2500 MVAnX0/X1=3"
  1009.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3]
  1010.       Position       [120, 83, 175, 127]
  1011.       BackgroundColor       "yellow"
  1012.       AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  1013.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Three-PhasenMutual Inductanc"
  1014. "enZ1-Z0"
  1015.       SourceType       "Three-Phase Mutual Inductance Z1-Z0"
  1016.       PhysicalDomain       "powersysdomain"
  1017.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  1018.       LeftPortType       "p1"
  1019.       RightPortType       "p1"
  1020.       LConnTagsString       "a|b|c"
  1021.       RConnTagsString       "A|B|C"
  1022.       PositiveSequence       "[0.1  1.0/(2*pi*60)] *120e3^2/2500e6"
  1023.       ZeroSequence       "[0.3  3.0/(2*pi*60)] *120e3^2/2500e6"
  1024.     }
  1025.     Block {
  1026.       BlockType       Reference
  1027.       Name       "3.3ohms "
  1028.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  1029.       Position       [284, 225, 306, 245]
  1030.       Orientation       "down"
  1031.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Series RLC Branch"
  1032.       SourceType       "Series RLC Branch"
  1033.       PhysicalDomain       "powersysdomain"
  1034.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  1035.       LeftPortType       "p1"
  1036.       RightPortType       "p1"
  1037.       LConnTagsString       "__new0"
  1038.       RConnTagsString       "__new0"
  1039.       BranchType       "R"
  1040.       Resistance       "3.3"
  1041.       Inductance       "[]"
  1042.       SetiL0       off
  1043.       InitialCurrent       "0"
  1044.       Capacitance       "[]"
  1045.       Setx0       off
  1046.       InitialVoltage       "0"
  1047.       Measurements       "None"
  1048.     }
  1049.     Block {
  1050.       BlockType       Reference
  1051.       Name       "B25n(25 kV)"
  1052.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3]
  1053.       Position       [495, 82, 500, 128]
  1054.       BackgroundColor       "black"
  1055.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Measurements/Three-PhasenV-I Measurem"
  1056. "ent"
  1057.       SourceType       "Three-Phase VI Measurement"
  1058.       ShowPortLabels       on
  1059.       VoltageMeasurement      "phase-to-ground"
  1060.       SetLabelV       on
  1061.       LabelV       "Vabc_B25"
  1062.       Vpu       on
  1063.       CurrentMeasurement      "yes"
  1064.       SetLabelI       on
  1065.       LabelI       "Iabc_B25"
  1066.       Ipu       on
  1067.       Pbase       "10e6"
  1068.       Vbase       "25e3"
  1069.       OutputType       "Complex"
  1070.       PhasorSimulation       on
  1071.       PSBequivalent       "0"
  1072.     }
  1073.     Block {
  1074.       BlockType       Scope
  1075.       Name       "B25 Bus"
  1076.       Ports       [5]
  1077.       Position       [235, 341, 295, 489]
  1078.       BackgroundColor       "green"
  1079.       Floating       off
  1080.       Location       [26, 59, 461, 711]
  1081.       Open       off
  1082.       NumInputPorts       "5"
  1083.       ZoomMode       "yonly"
  1084.       List {
  1085. ListType AxesTitles
  1086. axes1 "%<SignalLabel>"
  1087. axes2 "%<SignalLabel>"
  1088. axes3 "%<SignalLabel>"
  1089. axes4 "%<SignalLabel>"
  1090. axes5 "%<SignalLabel>"
  1091.       }
  1092.       TimeRange       "20"
  1093.       YMin       "0.95~0~0~0.97~0.4"
  1094.       YMax       "1.05~10~3~1.04~1.1"
  1095.       SaveName       "ScopeData1"
  1096.       DataFormat       "StructureWithTime"
  1097.       LimitDataPoints       off
  1098.       SampleTime       "0"
  1099.     }
  1100.     Block {
  1101.       BlockType       SubSystem
  1102.       Name       "B25_WF BusnData acquisition"
  1103.       Ports       [0, 5]
  1104.       Position       [25, 341, 95, 489]
  1105.       TreatAsAtomicUnit       off
  1106.       MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  1107.       RTWSystemCode       "Auto"
  1108.       MaskHideContents       off
  1109.       Port {
  1110. PortNumber 1
  1111. Name "Vabc_B25 (pu)"
  1112. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  1113. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  1114.       }
  1115.       Port {
  1116. PortNumber 2
  1117. Name "P_B25 (MW)"
  1118. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  1119. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  1120.       }
  1121.       Port {
  1122. PortNumber 3
  1123. Name "Q_B25 (Mvar)"
  1124. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  1125. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  1126.       }
  1127.       Port {
  1128. PortNumber 4
  1129. Name "V_B25 pos. seq. (pu)"
  1130. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  1131. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  1132.       }
  1133.       Port {
  1134. PortNumber 5
  1135. Name "I_B25 pos. seq. (pu/10 MVA) "
  1136. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  1137. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  1138.       }
  1139.       System {
  1140. Name "B25_WF BusnData acquisition"
  1141. Location [276, 91, 945, 603]
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  1152.   BlockType   Gain
  1153.   Name   "-1"
  1154.   Position   [525, 202, 555, 228]
  1155.   Gain   "-1"
  1156. }
  1157. Block {
  1158.   BlockType   Reference
  1159.   Name   "3-PhasenActive & Reactive Powern(Phasor T"
  1160. "ype)"
  1161.   Ports   [2, 1]
  1162.   Position   [220, 139, 275, 201]
  1163.   SourceBlock   "powerlib_extras/PhasornLibrary/3-PhasenAc"
  1164. "tive & Reactive Powern(Phasor Type)"
  1165.   SourceType   "3-Phase Active & Reactive Power (Phasor Typ"
  1166. "e)"
  1167.   ShowPortLabels   on
  1168. }
  1169. Block {
  1170.   BlockType   ComplexToMagnitudeAngle
  1171.   Name   "Complex tonMagnitude-Angle "
  1172.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1173.   Position   [175, 29, 195, 51]
  1174.   ShowName   off
  1175.   Output   "Magnitude"
  1176. }
  1177. Block {
  1178.   BlockType   Constant
  1179.   Name   "Constant"
  1180.   Position   [370, 245, 400, 265]
  1181.   ShowName   off
  1182.   Value   "0"
  1183. }
  1184. Block {
  1185.   BlockType   Demux
  1186.   Name   "Demux"
  1187.   Ports   [1, 2]
  1188.   Position   [365, 134, 370, 201]
  1189.   BackgroundColor   "black"
  1190.   ShowName   off
  1191.   Outputs   "2"
  1192. }
  1193. Block {
  1194.   BlockType   From
  1195.   Name   "From"
  1196.   Position   [50, 30, 115, 50]
  1197.   ShowName   off
  1198.   CloseFcn   "tagdialog Close"
  1199.   GotoTag   "Vabc_B25"
  1200. }
  1201. Block {
  1202.   BlockType   From
  1203.   Name   "From2"
  1204.   Position   [40, 176, 110, 194]
  1205.   ShowName   off
  1206.   CloseFcn   "tagdialog Close"
  1207.   GotoTag   "Iabc_B25"
  1208. }
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  1210.   BlockType   Gain
  1211.   Name   "MW"
  1212.   Position   [295, 146, 345, 194]
  1213.   Gain   "-1/1e6"
  1214. }
  1215. Block {
  1216.   BlockType   SubSystem
  1217.   Name   "Mean Value1"
  1218.   Ports   [2, 1]
  1219.   Position   [435, 144, 490, 171]
  1220.   TreatAsAtomicUnit   off
  1221.   MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  1222.   RTWSystemCode   "Auto"
  1223.   MaskHideContents   off
  1224.   MaskType   "Mean value"
  1225.   MaskDescription   "This block uses the running window averagin"
  1226. "g technique to compute the mean value of the input signal over the specified "
  1227. "period.n"
  1228.   MaskPromptString   "Averaging period (s):"
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  1241.   System {
  1242.     Name     "Mean Value1"
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  1256.       Position       [20, 73, 50, 87]
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  1258.     }
  1259.     Block {
  1260.       BlockType       Inport
  1261.       Name       "Init"
  1262.       Position       [380, 143, 410, 157]
  1263.       Port       "2"
  1264.       IconDisplay       "Port number"
  1265.     }
  1266.     Block {
  1267.       BlockType       Gain
  1268.       Name       "Gain"
  1269.       Position       [310, 73, 385, 117]
  1270.       Gain       "1/Period"
  1271.     }
  1272.     Block {
  1273.       BlockType       Step
  1274.       Name       "Step"
  1275.       Position       [370, 25, 400, 55]
  1276.       Time       "Period+eps"
  1277.       SampleTime       "0"
  1278.     }
  1279.     Block {
  1280.       BlockType       Sum
  1281.       Name       "Sum"
  1282.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1283.       Position       [250, 69, 270, 116]
  1284.       Inputs       "+-"
  1285.     }
  1286.     Block {
  1287.       BlockType       Switch
  1288.       Name       "Switch"
  1289.       Position       [435, 90, 465, 120]
  1290.       Threshold       "0.5"
  1291.       InputSameDT       off
  1292.     }
  1293.     Block {
  1294.       BlockType       TransportDelay
  1295.       Name       "TransportnDelay"
  1296.       Position       [175, 90, 205, 120]
  1297.       DelayTime       "Period"
  1298.     }
  1299.     Block {
  1300.       BlockType       Integrator
  1301.       Name       "integrator"
  1302.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1303.       Position       [85, 59, 115, 101]
  1304.       IgnoreLimit       off
  1305.     }
  1306.     Block {
  1307.       BlockType       Outport
  1308.       Name       "Mean"
  1309.       Position       [490, 98, 520, 112]
  1310.       IconDisplay       "Port number"
  1311.       BusOutputAsStruct       off
  1312.     }
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  1314.       SrcBlock       "TransportnDelay"
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  1318.     }
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  1321.       SrcPort       1
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  1323.       Branch {
  1324. Points [0, 25]
  1325. DstBlock "TransportnDelay"
  1326. DstPort 1
  1327.       }
  1328.       Branch {
  1329. DstBlock "Sum"
  1330. DstPort 1
  1331.       }
  1332.     }
  1333.     Line {
  1334.       SrcBlock       "In"
  1335.       SrcPort       1
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  1337.       DstPort       1
  1338.     }
  1339.     Line {
  1340.       SrcBlock       "Sum"
  1341.       SrcPort       1
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  1343.       DstPort       1
  1344.     }
  1345.     Line {
  1346.       SrcBlock       "Gain"
  1347.       SrcPort       1
  1348.       DstBlock       "Switch"
  1349.       DstPort       1
  1350.     }
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  1352.       SrcBlock       "Switch"
  1353.       SrcPort       1
  1354.       DstBlock       "Mean"
  1355.       DstPort       1
  1356.     }
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  1359.       SrcPort       1
  1360.       Points       [10, 0; 0, 65]
  1361.       DstBlock       "Switch"
  1362.       DstPort       2
  1363.     }
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  1366.       SrcPort       1
  1367.       Points       [0, -35]
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  1369.       DstPort       3
  1370.     }
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  1379. }
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  1383.   Ports   [2, 1]
  1384.   Position   [435, 199, 490, 226]
  1385.   TreatAsAtomicUnit   off
  1386.   MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
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  1388.   MaskHideContents   off
  1389.   MaskType   "Mean value"
  1390.   MaskDescription   "This block uses the running window averagin"
  1391. "g technique to compute the mean value of the input signal over the specified "
  1392. "period.n"
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  1425.       BlockType       Inport
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  1427.       Position       [380, 143, 410, 157]
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  1430.     }
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  1432.       BlockType       Gain
  1433.       Name       "Gain"
  1434.       Position       [310, 73, 385, 117]
  1435.       Gain       "1/Period"
  1436.     }
  1437.     Block {
  1438.       BlockType       Step
  1439.       Name       "Step"
  1440.       Position       [370, 25, 400, 55]
  1441.       Time       "Period+eps"
  1442.       SampleTime       "0"
  1443.     }
  1444.     Block {
  1445.       BlockType       Sum
  1446.       Name       "Sum"
  1447.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1448.       Position       [250, 69, 270, 116]
  1449.       Inputs       "+-"
  1450.     }
  1451.     Block {
  1452.       BlockType       Switch
  1453.       Name       "Switch"
  1454.       Position       [435, 90, 465, 120]
  1455.       Threshold       "0.5"
  1456.       InputSameDT       off
  1457.     }
  1458.     Block {
  1459.       BlockType       TransportDelay
  1460.       Name       "TransportnDelay"
  1461.       Position       [175, 90, 205, 120]
  1462.       DelayTime       "Period"
  1463.     }
  1464.     Block {
  1465.       BlockType       Integrator
  1466.       Name       "integrator"
  1467.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1468.       Position       [85, 59, 115, 101]
  1469.       IgnoreLimit       off
  1470.     }
  1471.     Block {
  1472.       BlockType       Outport
  1473.       Name       "Mean"
  1474.       Position       [490, 98, 520, 112]
  1475.       IconDisplay       "Port number"
  1476.       BusOutputAsStruct       off
  1477.     }
  1478.     Line {
  1479.       SrcBlock       "Init"
  1480.       SrcPort       1
  1481.       Points       [0, -35]
  1482.       DstBlock       "Switch"
  1483.       DstPort       3
  1484.     }
  1485.     Line {
  1486.       SrcBlock       "Step"
  1487.       SrcPort       1
  1488.       Points       [10, 0; 0, 65]
  1489.       DstBlock       "Switch"
  1490.       DstPort       2
  1491.     }
  1492.     Line {
  1493.       SrcBlock       "Switch"
  1494.       SrcPort       1
  1495.       DstBlock       "Mean"
  1496.       DstPort       1
  1497.     }
  1498.     Line {
  1499.       SrcBlock       "Gain"
  1500.       SrcPort       1
  1501.       DstBlock       "Switch"
  1502.       DstPort       1
  1503.     }
  1504.     Line {
  1505.       SrcBlock       "Sum"
  1506.       SrcPort       1
  1507.       DstBlock       "Gain"
  1508.       DstPort       1
  1509.     }
  1510.     Line {
  1511.       SrcBlock       "In"
  1512.       SrcPort       1
  1513.       DstBlock       "integrator"
  1514.       DstPort       1
  1515.     }
  1516.     Line {
  1517.       SrcBlock       "integrator"
  1518.       SrcPort       1
  1519.       Points       [0, 0; 25, 0]
  1520.       Branch {
  1521. DstBlock "Sum"
  1522. DstPort 1
  1523.       }
  1524.       Branch {
  1525. Points [0, 25]
  1526. DstBlock "TransportnDelay"
  1527. DstPort 1
  1528.       }
  1529.     }
  1530.     Line {
  1531.       SrcBlock       "TransportnDelay"
  1532.       SrcPort       1
  1533.       DstBlock       "Sum"
  1534.       DstPort       2
  1535.     }
  1536.     Annotation {
  1537.       Name       "Mean value"
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  1542.     }
  1543.   }
  1544. }
  1545. Block {
  1546.   BlockType   Reference
  1547.   Name   "Sequence Analyzern(Phasor Type)"
  1548.   Ports   [1, 2]
  1549.   Position   [220, 271, 270, 324]
  1550.   SourceBlock   "powerlib_extras/PhasornLibrary/Sequence An"
  1551. "alyzern(Phasor Type)"
  1552.   SourceType   "Sequence Analyzer (Phasor Type)"
  1553.   ShowPortLabels   on
  1554.   seq   "Positive"
  1555. }
  1556. Block {
  1557.   BlockType   Reference
  1558.   Name   "Sequence Analyzern(Phasor Type)1"
  1559.   Ports   [1, 2]
  1560.   Position   [220, 356, 270, 409]
  1561.   SourceBlock   "powerlib_extras/PhasornLibrary/Sequence An"
  1562. "alyzern(Phasor Type)"
  1563.   SourceType   "Sequence Analyzer (Phasor Type)"
  1564.   ShowPortLabels   on
  1565.   seq   "Positive"
  1566. }
  1567. Block {
  1568.   BlockType   Terminator
  1569.   Name   "Terminator"
  1570.   Position   [290, 302, 305, 318]
  1571.   ShowName   off
  1572. }
  1573. Block {
  1574.   BlockType   Terminator
  1575.   Name   "Terminator1"
  1576.   Position   [290, 387, 305, 403]
  1577.   ShowName   off
  1578. }
  1579. Block {
  1580.   BlockType   Gain
  1581.   Name   "pu->A"
  1582.   Position   [180, 174, 200, 196]
  1583.   Gain   "10e6/sqrt(3)/25e3*sqrt(2)"
  1584. }
  1585. Block {
  1586.   BlockType   Gain
  1587.   Name   "pu->V"
  1588.   Position   [180, 144, 200, 166]
  1589.   NamePlacement   "alternate"
  1590.   Gain   "25e3*sqrt(2)/sqrt(3)"
  1591. }
  1592. Block {
  1593.   BlockType   Outport
  1594.   Name   "Vabc_B25 "
  1595.   Position   [245, 33, 275, 47]
  1596.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1597.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  1598. }
  1599. Block {
  1600.   BlockType   Outport
  1601.   Name   "P_B25"
  1602.   Position   [530, 153, 560, 167]
  1603.   Port   "2"
  1604.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1605.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  1606. }
  1607. Block {
  1608.   BlockType   Outport
  1609.   Name   "Q_B25"
  1610.   Position   [590, 208, 620, 222]
  1611.   Port   "3"
  1612.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1613.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  1614. }
  1615. Block {
  1616.   BlockType   Outport
  1617.   Name   "V1_B25"
  1618.   Position   [335, 278, 365, 292]
  1619.   Port   "4"
  1620.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1621.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  1622. }
  1623. Block {
  1624.   BlockType   Outport
  1625.   Name   "I1_B25"
  1626.   Position   [335, 363, 365, 377]
  1627.   Port   "5"
  1628.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1629.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  1630. }
  1631. Line {
  1632.   SrcBlock   "pu->A"
  1633.   SrcPort   1
  1634.   DstBlock   "3-PhasenActive & Reactive Powern(Phasor T"
  1635. "ype)"
  1636.   DstPort   2
  1637. }
  1638. Line {
  1639.   SrcBlock   "pu->V"
  1640.   SrcPort   1
  1641.   DstBlock   "3-PhasenActive & Reactive Powern(Phasor T"
  1642. "ype)"
  1643.   DstPort   1
  1644. }
  1645. Line {
  1646.   SrcBlock   "3-PhasenActive & Reactive Powern(Phasor T"
  1647. "ype)"
  1648.   SrcPort   1
  1649.   DstBlock   "MW"
  1650.   DstPort   1
  1651. }
  1652. Line {
  1653.   SrcBlock   "Complex tonMagnitude-Angle "
  1654.   SrcPort   1
  1655.   DstBlock   "Vabc_B25 "
  1656.   DstPort   1
  1657. }
  1658. Line {
  1659.   SrcBlock   "From"
  1660.   SrcPort   1
  1661.   Points   [20, 0]
  1662.   Branch {
  1663.     Points     [0, 115]
  1664.     Branch {
  1665.       Points       [0, 145]
  1666.       DstBlock       "Sequence Analyzern(Phasor Type)"
  1667.       DstPort       1
  1668.     }
  1669.     Branch {
  1670.       DstBlock       "pu->V"
  1671.       DstPort       1
  1672.     }
  1673.   }
  1674.   Branch {
  1675.     DstBlock     "Complex tonMagnitude-Angle "
  1676.     DstPort     1
  1677.   }
  1678. }
  1679. Line {
  1680.   SrcBlock   "From2"
  1681.   SrcPort   1
  1682.   Points   [10, 0]
  1683.   Branch {
  1684.     Points     [0, 200]
  1685.     DstBlock     "Sequence Analyzern(Phasor Type)1"
  1686.     DstPort     1
  1687.   }
  1688.   Branch {
  1689.     DstBlock     "pu->A"
  1690.     DstPort     1
  1691.   }
  1692. }
  1693. Line {
  1694.   SrcBlock   "MW"
  1695.   SrcPort   1
  1696.   DstBlock   "Demux"
  1697.   DstPort   1
  1698. }
  1699. Line {
  1700.   SrcBlock   "Demux"
  1701.   SrcPort   1
  1702.   DstBlock   "Mean Value1"
  1703.   DstPort   1
  1704. }
  1705. Line {
  1706.   SrcBlock   "Demux"
  1707.   SrcPort   2
  1708.   Points   [0, 20]
  1709.   DstBlock   "Mean Value2"
  1710.   DstPort   1
  1711. }
  1712. Line {
  1713.   SrcBlock   "Constant"
  1714.   SrcPort   1
  1715.   Points   [5, 0; 0, -35]
  1716.   Branch {
  1717.     Points     [0, -55]
  1718.     DstBlock     "Mean Value1"
  1719.     DstPort     2
  1720.   }
  1721.   Branch {
  1722.     DstBlock     "Mean Value2"
  1723.     DstPort     2
  1724.   }
  1725. }
  1726. Line {
  1727.   SrcBlock   "Mean Value1"
  1728.   SrcPort   1
  1729.   DstBlock   "P_B25"
  1730.   DstPort   1
  1731. }
  1732. Line {
  1733.   SrcBlock   "Mean Value2"
  1734.   SrcPort   1
  1735.   DstBlock   "-1"
  1736.   DstPort   1
  1737. }
  1738. Line {
  1739.   SrcBlock   "Sequence Analyzern(Phasor Type)"
  1740.   SrcPort   1
  1741.   DstBlock   "V1_B25"
  1742.   DstPort   1
  1743. }
  1744. Line {
  1745.   SrcBlock   "Sequence Analyzern(Phasor Type)"
  1746.   SrcPort   2
  1747.   DstBlock   "Terminator"
  1748.   DstPort   1
  1749. }
  1750. Line {
  1751.   SrcBlock   "Sequence Analyzern(Phasor Type)1"
  1752.   SrcPort   1
  1753.   DstBlock   "I1_B25"
  1754.   DstPort   1
  1755. }
  1756. Line {
  1757.   SrcBlock   "Sequence Analyzern(Phasor Type)1"
  1758.   SrcPort   2
  1759.   DstBlock   "Terminator1"
  1760.   DstPort   1
  1761. }
  1762. Line {
  1763.   SrcBlock   "-1"
  1764.   SrcPort   1
  1765.   DstBlock   "Q_B25"
  1766.   DstPort   1
  1767. }
  1768.       }
  1769.     }
  1770.     Block {
  1771.       BlockType       Goto
  1772.       Name       "Goto"
  1773.       Position       [770, 95, 810, 115]
  1774.       ShowName       off
  1775.       GotoTag       "m"
  1776.       TagVisibility       "global"
  1777.     }
  1778.     Block {
  1779.       BlockType       Goto
  1780.       Name       "Goto1"
  1781.       Position       [765, 246, 825, 264]
  1782.       ShowName       off
  1783.       GotoTag       "mstatcom"
  1784.       TagVisibility       "global"
  1785.     }
  1786.     Block {
  1787.       BlockType       Reference
  1788.       Name       "Ground1"
  1789.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
  1790.       Position       [29, 125, 41, 140]
  1791.       Orientation       "down"
  1792.       ShowName       off
  1793.       AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  1794.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Ground"
  1795.       SourceType       "Ground"
  1796.       PhysicalDomain       "powersysdomain"
  1797.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  1798.       LeftPortType       "p1"
  1799.       RightPortType       "p1"
  1800.       LConnTagsString       "a"
  1801.     }
  1802.     Block {
  1803.       BlockType       Reference
  1804.       Name       "Ground3"
  1805.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
  1806.       Position       [289, 265, 301, 280]
  1807.       Orientation       "down"
  1808.       ShowName       off
  1809.       AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  1810.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Ground"
  1811.       SourceType       "Ground"
  1812.       PhysicalDomain       "powersysdomain"
  1813.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  1814.       LeftPortType       "p1"
  1815.       RightPortType       "p1"
  1816.       LConnTagsString       "a"
  1817.     }
  1818.     Block {
  1819.       BlockType       Reference
  1820.       Name       "GroundingnTransformernX0=4.7 Ohms"
  1821.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 3]
  1822.       Position       [205, 165, 255, 215]
  1823.       Orientation       "left"
  1824.       BackgroundColor       "yellow"
  1825.       AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  1826.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Three-PhasenTransformern(Tw"
  1827. "o Windings)"
  1828.       SourceType       "Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings)"
  1829.       ShowPortLabels       on
  1830.       NominalPower       "[100e6 60]"
  1831.       Winding1Connection      "Yn"
  1832.       Winding1       "[ 25e3  4.7/(25e3^2/100e6)/30    4.7/(25e3^2/10"
  1833. "0e6)]"
  1834.       Winding2Connection      "Delta (D11)"
  1835.       Winding2       "[ 25e3  1e-6  0]"
  1836.       SetSaturation       off
  1837.       Rm       "500"
  1838.       Lm       "500"
  1839.       Saturation       "[ 0,0  ;  0.005,1.2  ;  1.0,1.4 ]"
  1840.       Hysteresis       off
  1841.       DataFile       "'basic_model'"
  1842.       SetInitialFlux       off
  1843.       InitialFluxes       "[ 0.8 , -0.8 , 0.7 ]"
  1844.       Measurements       "None"
  1845.       TransfoNumber       "0"
  1846.       MoreParameters       off
  1847.       BreakLoop       off
  1848.     }
  1849.     Block {
  1850.       BlockType       Reference
  1851.       Name       "Manual Switch"
  1852.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1853.       Position       [545, 212, 575, 248]
  1854.       SourceBlock       "simulink/SignalnRouting/Manual Switch"
  1855.       SourceType       "Manual Switch"
  1856.       ShowPortLabels       on
  1857.       sw       "1"
  1858.       action       "0"
  1859.     }
  1860.     Block {
  1861.       BlockType       Constant
  1862.       Name       "No trip"
  1863.       Position       [480, 195, 500, 215]
  1864.       Value       "0"
  1865.     }
  1866.     Block {
  1867.       BlockType       Reference
  1868.       Name       "STATCOMn(Phasor Type)"
  1869.       Ports       [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3]
  1870.       Position       [665, 219, 745, 286]
  1871.       BackgroundColor       "cyan"
  1872.       FontName       "Arial"
  1873.       SourceBlock       "factslib/Power-Electronics BasednFACTS/Static "
  1874. "SynchronousnCompensatorn(Phasor Type)"
  1875.       SourceType       "Static Synchronous Compensator (Phasor Type)"
  1876.       ShowPortLabels       on
  1877.       ShowParameters       "Power data"
  1878.       SystemNominal       "[ 25e3, 60 ]"
  1879.       Pnom_SH       "3e6"
  1880.       RL_SH       "[ 0.22/30, 0.22 ]"
  1881.       Iinit_SH       "[0, 0 ]"
  1882.       VnomDC       "40000/10"
  1883.       C_DC       "375e-6*(3/100)*10^2"
  1884.       OpMode_SH       "Voltage regulation"
  1885.       ExternalVref       off
  1886.       Vref_SH       "1.00"
  1887.       MaxRateChangeVref_SH    "10"
  1888.       Droop_SH       "0.03"
  1889.       Par_VacReg       "[5 1000]"
  1890.       Qref_SH       "0"
  1891.       MaxRateChangeQref_SH    "2"
  1892.       Par_VdcReg       "[0.1e-3 20e-3]"
  1893.       Par_IReg_SH       "[0.3 10 0.22]"
  1894.     }
  1895.     Block {
  1896.       BlockType       SubSystem
  1897.       Name       "STATCOMnData acquisition"
  1898.       Ports       [0, 2]
  1899.       Position       [600, 340, 655, 400]
  1900.       TreatAsAtomicUnit       off
  1901.       MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  1902.       RTWSystemCode       "Auto"
  1903.       MaskHideContents       off
  1904.       Port {
  1905. PortNumber 1
  1906. Name "Vm (pu)"
  1907. PropagatedSignals "Vm (pu)"
  1908. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  1909. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  1910.       }
  1911.       Port {
  1912. PortNumber 2
  1913. Name "Generated Q (Mvar)"
  1914. PropagatedSignals "Generated Q (Mvar)"
  1915. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  1916. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  1917.       }
  1918.       System {
  1919. Name "STATCOMnData acquisition"
  1920. Location [169, 195, 666, 421]
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  1930. Block {
  1931.   BlockType   BusSelector
  1932.   Name   "BusnSelector"
  1933.   Ports   [1, 2]
  1934.   Position   [180, 55, 185, 135]
  1935.   ShowName   off
  1936.   OutputSignals   "Control.Vm (pu),Control.Qm (pu)"
  1937.   Port {
  1938.     PortNumber     1
  1939.     Name     "<Vm (pu)>"
  1940.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  1941.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  1942.   }
  1943.   Port {
  1944.     PortNumber     2
  1945.     Name     "<Qm (pu)>"
  1946.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  1947.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  1948.   }
  1949. }
  1950. Block {
  1951.   BlockType   From
  1952.   Name   "From11"
  1953.   Position   [50, 84, 110, 106]
  1954.   ShowName   off
  1955.   CloseFcn   "tagdialog Close"
  1956.   GotoTag   "mstatcom"
  1957. }
  1958. Block {
  1959.   BlockType   Gain
  1960.   Name   "pu->Mvar"
  1961.   Position   [260, 100, 290, 130]
  1962.   Gain   "-3e6/1e6"
  1963.   Port {
  1964.     PortNumber     1
  1965.     Name     "Generated Q (Mvar)"
  1966.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  1967.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  1968.   }
  1969. }
  1970. Block {
  1971.   BlockType   Outport
  1972.   Name   "Vm (pu)"
  1973.   Position   [400, 68, 430, 82]
  1974.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1975.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  1976. }
  1977. Block {
  1978.   BlockType   Outport
  1979.   Name   "Q (Mvar)"
  1980.   Position   [400, 108, 430, 122]
  1981.   Port   "2"
  1982.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1983.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  1984. }
  1985. Line {
  1986.   Name   "<Vm (pu)>"
  1987.   Labels   [0, 0]
  1988.   SrcBlock   "BusnSelector"
  1989.   SrcPort   1
  1990.   DstBlock   "Vm (pu)"
  1991.   DstPort   1
  1992. }
  1993. Line {
  1994.   Name   "<Qm (pu)>"
  1995.   Labels   [0, 0]
  1996.   SrcBlock   "BusnSelector"
  1997.   SrcPort   2
  1998.   DstBlock   "pu->Mvar"
  1999.   DstPort   1
  2000. }
  2001. Line {
  2002.   Name   "Generated Q (Mvar)"
  2003.   Labels   [0, 0]
  2004.   SrcBlock   "pu->Mvar"
  2005.   SrcPort   1
  2006.   DstBlock   "Q (Mvar)"
  2007.   DstPort   1
  2008. }
  2009. Line {
  2010.   SrcBlock   "From11"
  2011.   SrcPort   1
  2012.   DstBlock   "BusnSelector"
  2013.   DstPort   1
  2014. }
  2015.       }
  2016.     }
  2017.     Block {
  2018.       BlockType       Scope
  2019.       Name       "Statcom"
  2020.       Ports       [2]
  2021.       Position       [770, 338, 815, 402]
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  2024.       Location       [100, 218, 735, 563]
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  2030. axes1 "%<SignalLabel>"
  2031. axes2 "%<SignalLabel>"
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  2041.     Block {
  2042.       BlockType       Constant
  2043.       Name       "Trip"
  2044.       Position       [480, 230, 500, 250]
  2045.     }
  2046.     Block {
  2047.       BlockType       SubSystem
  2048.       Name       "Wind Farm"
  2049.       Ports       [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3]
  2050.       Position       [670, 62, 735, 148]
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  2053.       MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
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  2056.       MaskDisplay       "plot(0,0,118,100)nplot([56 62],[4 4],[56 57],["
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  2058. ",[52 52.2 52.5 54 56])nplot([63 59 57.6 57.3 56 55],[56 58 57.8 55.6 54.2 54"
  2059. "])nplot([55 57],[54 52],[57.3 63],[55.6 54])nplot([57.6 57 55 54.7 60 81],["
  2060. "57.6 57.3 58 59.4 64 82])nplot([81 83 84 84.2 83 81],[82 83.6 83.4 83 80.8 7"
  2061. "8.7])nplot([81 60.5 57.6],[78.7 60 57.6])nplot([54.7 53 51 51.3 52.5],[59.4"
  2062. " 58.8 58 56 55])nplot([52.5 53.7 54.5 55],[55 54.9 54.6 54])nplot([51 47 35"
  2063. " 33 32 33 35],[58 59 66 67.7 68.5 68.4 68])nplot([35 45 52 53 53.7],[68 64 6"
  2064. "1 60 59.2])nplot([52.5 51 50.8 51.5 55],[55 26 21 26 54])"
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  2068.       MaskIconUnits       "autoscale"
  2069.       System {
  2070. Name "Wind Farm"
  2071. Location [97, 64, 1082, 807]
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  2081. Block {
  2082.   BlockType   Reference
  2083.   Name   " 66ohms "
  2084.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  2085.   Position   [309, 635, 331, 655]
  2086.   Orientation   "down"
  2087.   NamePlacement   "alternate"
  2088.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Series RLC Branch"
  2089.   SourceType   "Series RLC Branch"
  2090.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  2091.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  2092.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  2093.   RightPortType   "p1"
  2094.   LConnTagsString   "__new0"
  2095.   RConnTagsString   "__new0"
  2096.   BranchType   "R"
  2097.   Resistance   "66"
  2098.   Inductance   "[]"
  2099.   SetiL0   off
  2100.   InitialCurrent   "0"
  2101.   Capacitance   "[]"
  2102.   Setx0   off
  2103.   InitialVoltage   "0"
  2104.   Measurements   "None"
  2105. }
  2106. Block {
  2107.   BlockType   Reference
  2108.   Name   "1 km line 1 "
  2109.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3]
  2110.   Position   [145, 113, 215, 157]
  2111.   BackgroundColor   "yellow"
  2112.   AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  2113.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Three-PhasenPI Section L"
  2114. "ine"
  2115.   SourceType   "Three-Phase PI Section Line"
  2116.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  2117.   SubClassName   "unknown"
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  2119.   RightPortType   "p1"
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  2121.   RConnTagsString   "A|B|C"
  2122.   Frequency   "60"
  2123.   Resistances   "[0.1153 0.413]"
  2124.   Inductances   "[1.05e-3 3.32e-3]"
  2125.   Capacitances   "[11.33e-009 5.01e-009]"
  2126.   Length   "1"
  2127. }
  2128. Block {
  2129.   BlockType   Reference
  2130.   Name   "1 km line 2"
  2131.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3]
  2132.   Position   [155, 332, 225, 378]
  2133.   BackgroundColor   "yellow"
  2134.   AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  2135.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Three-PhasenPI Section L"
  2136. "ine"
  2137.   SourceType   "Three-Phase PI Section Line"
  2138.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  2139.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  2140.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  2141.   RightPortType   "p1"
  2142.   LConnTagsString   "a|b|c"
  2143.   RConnTagsString   "A|B|C"
  2144.   Frequency   "60"
  2145.   Resistances   "[0.1153 0.413]"
  2146.   Inductances   "[1.05e-3 3.32e-3]"
  2147.   Capacitances   "[11.33e-009 5.01e-009]"
  2148.   Length   "1"
  2149. }
  2150. Block {
  2151.   BlockType   Reference
  2152.   Name   "1 km line 3"
  2153.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3]
  2154.   Position   [145, 563, 225, 607]
  2155.   BackgroundColor   "yellow"
  2156.   AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  2157.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Three-PhasenPI Section L"
  2158. "ine"
  2159.   SourceType   "Three-Phase PI Section Line"
  2160.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  2161.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  2162.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  2163.   RightPortType   "p1"
  2164.   LConnTagsString   "a|b|c"
  2165.   RConnTagsString   "A|B|C"
  2166.   Frequency   "60"
  2167.   Resistances   "[0.1153 0.413]"
  2168.   Inductances   "[1.05e-3 3.32e-3]"
  2169.   Capacitances   "[11.33e-009 5.01e-009]"
  2170.   Length   "1"
  2171. }
  2172. Block {
  2173.   BlockType   Reference
  2174.   Name   "25 kV/ 575 Vn4 MVA"
  2175.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4]
  2176.   Position   [240, 110, 285, 160]
  2177.   BackgroundColor   "yellow"
  2178.   AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  2179.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Three-PhasenTransformer"
  2180. "n(Two Windings)"
  2181.   SourceType   "Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings)"
  2182.   ShowPortLabels   on
  2183.   NominalPower   "[4e6  60]"
  2184.   Winding1Connection   "Yg"
  2185.   Winding1   "[25e3 , 0.025/30 , 0.025]"
  2186.   Winding2Connection   "Yn"
  2187.   Winding2   "[ 575, 0.025/30 , 0.025]"
  2188.   SetSaturation   off
  2189.   Rm   "500"
  2190.   Lm   "inf"
  2191.   Saturation   "[ 0,0 ; 0.0024,1.2 ; 1.0,1.52 ]"
  2192.   Hysteresis   off
  2193.   DataFile   "'hysteresis'"
  2194.   SetInitialFlux   off
  2195.   InitialFluxes   "[ 0.8 , -0.8 , 0.7 ]"
  2196.   Measurements   "None"
  2197.   TransfoNumber   "0"
  2198.   MoreParameters   off
  2199.   BreakLoop   off
  2200. }
  2201. Block {
  2202.   BlockType   Reference
  2203.   Name   "25 kV/ 575 Vn4 MVA "
  2204.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4]
  2205.   Position   [260, 330, 305, 380]
  2206.   BackgroundColor   "yellow"
  2207.   AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  2208.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Three-PhasenTransformer"
  2209. "n(Two Windings)"
  2210.   SourceType   "Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings)"
  2211.   ShowPortLabels   on
  2212.   NominalPower   "[4e6  60]"
  2213.   Winding1Connection   "Yg"
  2214.   Winding1   "[25e3 , 0.025/30 , 0.025]"
  2215.   Winding2Connection   "Yn"
  2216.   Winding2   "[ 575, 0.025/30 , 0.025]"
  2217.   SetSaturation   off
  2218.   Rm   "500"
  2219.   Lm   "inf"
  2220.   Saturation   "[ 0,0 ; 0.0024,1.2 ; 1.0,1.52 ]"
  2221.   Hysteresis   off
  2222.   DataFile   "'hysteresis'"
  2223.   SetInitialFlux   off
  2224.   InitialFluxes   "[ 0.8 , -0.8 , 0.7 ]"
  2225.   Measurements   "None"
  2226.   TransfoNumber   "0"
  2227.   MoreParameters   off
  2228.   BreakLoop   off
  2229. }
  2230. Block {
  2231.   BlockType   Reference
  2232.   Name   "25 kV/ 575 Vn4 MVA  "
  2233.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4]
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  2238. "n(Two Windings)"
  2239.   SourceType   "Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings)"
  2240.   ShowPortLabels   on
  2241.   NominalPower   "[4e6  60]"
  2242.   Winding1Connection   "Yg"
  2243.   Winding1   "[25e3 , 0.025/30 , 0.025]"
  2244.   Winding2Connection   "Yn"
  2245.   Winding2   "[ 575, 0.025/30 , 0.025]"
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  2247.   Rm   "500"
  2248.   Lm   "inf"
  2249.   Saturation   "[ 0,0 ; 0.0024,1.2 ; 1.0,1.52 ]"
  2250.   Hysteresis   off
  2251.   DataFile   "'hysteresis'"
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  2253.   InitialFluxes   "[ 0.8 , -0.8 , 0.7 ]"
  2254.   Measurements   "None"
  2255.   TransfoNumber   "0"
  2256.   MoreParameters   off
  2257.   BreakLoop   off
  2258. }
  2259. Block {
  2260.   BlockType   Reference
  2261.   Name   "400 kvar"
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  2268. "oad"
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  2273.   RightPortType   "p1"
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  2275.   Configuration   "Delta"
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  2280.   CapacitivePower   "400e3"
  2281.   Measurements   "None"
  2282. }
  2283. Block {
  2284.   BlockType   Reference
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  2287.   Position   [500, 410, 530, 450]
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  2292. "oad"
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  2295.   SubClassName   "unknown"
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  2299.   Configuration   "Delta"
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  2301.   NominalFrequency   "60"
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  2304.   CapacitivePower   "400e3"
  2305.   Measurements   "None"
  2306. }
  2307. Block {
  2308.   BlockType   Reference
  2309.   Name   "400 kvar  "
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  2316. "oad"
  2317.   SourceType   "Three-Phase Series RLC Load"
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  2319.   SubClassName   "unknown"
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  2321.   RightPortType   "p1"
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  2323.   Configuration   "Delta"
  2324.   NominalVoltage   "575"
  2325.   NominalFrequency   "60"
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  2327.   InductivePower   "0"
  2328.   CapacitivePower   "400e3"
  2329.   Measurements   "None"
  2330. }
  2331. Block {
  2332.   BlockType   Reference
  2333.   Name   "66ohms "
  2334.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  2335.   Position   [294, 185, 316, 205]
  2336.   Orientation   "down"
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  2339.   SourceType   "Series RLC Branch"
  2340.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  2341.   SubClassName   "unknown"
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  2343.   RightPortType   "p1"
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  2345.   RConnTagsString   "__new0"
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  2347.   Resistance   "66"
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  2351.   Capacitance   "[]"
  2352.   Setx0   off
  2353.   InitialVoltage   "0"
  2354.   Measurements   "None"
  2355. }
  2356. Block {
  2357.   BlockType   Reference
  2358.   Name   "66ohms  "
  2359.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  2360.   Position   [309, 405, 331, 425]
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  2364.   SourceType   "Series RLC Branch"
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  2366.   SubClassName   "unknown"
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  2370.   RConnTagsString   "__new0"
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  2372.   Resistance   "66"
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  2379.   Measurements   "None"
  2380. }
  2381. Block {
  2382.   BlockType   Reference
  2383.   Name   "B575_1n(575 V)"
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  2385.   Position   [400, 115, 405, 155]
  2386.   BackgroundColor   "black"
  2387.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Measurements/Three-PhasenV-I Meas"
  2388. "urement"
  2389.   SourceType   "Three-Phase VI Measurement"
  2390.   ShowPortLabels   on
  2391.   VoltageMeasurement   "phase-to-ground"
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  2393.   LabelV   "Vabc_B575_1"
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  2400.   Vbase   "575"
  2401.   OutputType   "Complex"
  2402.   PhasorSimulation   on
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  2404. }
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  2406.   BlockType   Reference
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  2411.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Measurements/Three-PhasenV-I Meas"
  2412. "urement"
  2413.   SourceType   "Three-Phase VI Measurement"
  2414.   ShowPortLabels   on
  2415.   VoltageMeasurement   "phase-to-ground"
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  2423.   Pbase   "2*1.5e6/0.9"
  2424.   Vbase   "575"
  2425.   OutputType   "Complex"
  2426.   PhasorSimulation   on
  2427.   PSBequivalent   "0"
  2428. }
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  2430.   BlockType   Reference
  2431.   Name   "B575_3n(575 V)"
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  2435.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Measurements/Three-PhasenV-I Meas"
  2436. "urement"
  2437.   SourceType   "Three-Phase VI Measurement"
  2438.   ShowPortLabels   on
  2439.   VoltageMeasurement   "phase-to-ground"
  2440.   SetLabelV   on
  2441.   LabelV   "Vabc_B575_3"
  2442.   Vpu   on
  2443.   CurrentMeasurement   "yes"
  2444.   SetLabelI   on
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  2446.   Ipu   on
  2447.   Pbase   "2*1.5e6/0.9"
  2448.   Vbase   "575"
  2449.   OutputType   "Complex"
  2450.   PhasorSimulation   on
  2451.   PSBequivalent   "0"
  2452. }
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  2465.     Name     "Data acquisition"
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  2479.       Ports       [1, 4]
  2480.       Position       [140, 19, 145, 116]
  2481.       ShowName       off
  2482.       OutputSignals       "P (pu),Q (pu),wr (pu),Pitch_angle (deg)"
  2483.       Port {
  2484. PortNumber 1
  2485. Name "<P (pu)>"
  2486. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2487. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2488.       }
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  2490. PortNumber 2
  2491. Name "<Q (pu)>"
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  2494.       }
  2495.       Port {
  2496. PortNumber 3
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  2500.       }
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  2502. PortNumber 4
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  2506.       }
  2507.     }
  2508.     Block {
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  2511.       Ports       [1, 4]
  2512.       Position       [405, 20, 410, 115]
  2513.       ShowName       off
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  2515.       Port {
  2516. PortNumber 1
  2517. Name "<P (pu)>"
  2518. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2519. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2520.       }
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  2522. PortNumber 2
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  2526.       }
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  2534. PortNumber 4
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  2538.       }
  2539.     }
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  2543.       Ports       [1, 4]
  2544.       Position       [140, 140, 145, 235]
  2545.       ShowName       off
  2546.       OutputSignals       "P (pu),Q (pu),wr (pu),Pitch_angle (deg)"
  2547.       Port {
  2548. PortNumber 1
  2549. Name "<P (pu)>"
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  2552.       }
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  2554. PortNumber 2
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  2558.       }
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  2560. PortNumber 3
  2561. Name "<wr (pu)>"
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  2564.       }
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  2566. PortNumber 4
  2567. Name "<Pitch_angle (deg)>"
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  2570.       }
  2571.     }
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  2575.       Position       [45, 306, 110, 324]
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  2579.     }
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  2583.       Position       [45, 551, 110, 569]
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  2591.       Position       [340, 416, 405, 434]
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  2596. PortNumber 1
  2597. Name "wr3 (pu)"
  2598. PropagatedSignals "wr (pu)"
  2599. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2600. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2601.       }
  2602.     }
  2603.     Block {
  2604.       BlockType       From
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  2611. PortNumber 1
  2612. Name "wr1 (pu)"
  2613. PropagatedSignals "wr (pu)"
  2614. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2615. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2616.       }
  2617.     }
  2618.     Block {
  2619.       BlockType       From
  2620.       Name       "From16"
  2621.       Position       [340, 391, 405, 409]
  2622.       ShowName       off
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  2626. PortNumber 1
  2627. Name "wr2 (pu)"
  2628. PropagatedSignals "wr (pu)"
  2629. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2630. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2631.       }
  2632.     }
  2633.     Block {
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  2636.       Position       [340, 621, 405, 639]
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  2641. PortNumber 1
  2642. Name "pitch3 (deg)"
  2643. PropagatedSignals "Pitch_angle (deg)"
  2644. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2645. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2646.       }
  2647.     }
  2648.     Block {
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  2651.       Position       [340, 571, 405, 589]
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  2656. PortNumber 1
  2657. Name "pitch1 (deg)"
  2658. PropagatedSignals "Pitch_angle (deg)"
  2659. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2660. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2661.       }
  2662.     }
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  2666.       Position       [45, 351, 110, 369]
  2667.       ShowName       off
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  2670.     }
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  2672.       BlockType       From
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  2674.       Position       [340, 596, 405, 614]
  2675.       ShowName       off
  2676.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
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  2678.       Port {
  2679. PortNumber 1
  2680. Name "pitch2 (deg)"
  2681. PropagatedSignals "Pitch_angle (deg)"
  2682. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2683. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2684.       }
  2685.     }
  2686.     Block {
  2687.       BlockType       From
  2688.       Name       "From21"
  2689.       Position       [340, 511, 405, 529]
  2690.       ShowName       off
  2691.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
  2692.       GotoTag       "wind3"
  2693.       Port {
  2694. PortNumber 1
  2695. Name "wind3 (m_s)"
  2696. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2697. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2698.       }
  2699.     }
  2700.     Block {
  2701.       BlockType       From
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  2703.       Position       [340, 461, 405, 479]
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  2707.       Port {
  2708. PortNumber 1
  2709. Name "wind1 (m_s)"
  2710. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2711. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2712.       }
  2713.     }
  2714.     Block {
  2715.       BlockType       From
  2716.       Name       "From24"
  2717.       Position       [340, 486, 405, 504]
  2718.       ShowName       off
  2719.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
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  2722. PortNumber 1
  2723. Name "wind2 (m_s)"
  2724. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2725. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2726.       }
  2727.     }
  2728.     Block {
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  2731.       Position       [45, 181, 110, 199]
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  2735.     }
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  2737.       BlockType       From
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  2739.       Position       [45, 61, 110, 79]
  2740.       ShowName       off
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  2743.     }
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  2745.       BlockType       From
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  2747.       Position       [305, 61, 370, 79]
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  2751.     }
  2752.     Block {
  2753.       BlockType       From
  2754.       Name       "From4"
  2755.       Position       [45, 396, 110, 414]
  2756.       ShowName       off
  2757.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
  2758.       GotoTag       "P3"
  2759.     }
  2760.     Block {
  2761.       BlockType       From
  2762.       Name       "From8"
  2763.       Position       [45, 461, 110, 479]
  2764.       ShowName       off
  2765.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
  2766.       GotoTag       "Q1"
  2767.     }
  2768.     Block {
  2769.       BlockType       From
  2770.       Name       "From9"
  2771.       Position       [45, 506, 110, 524]
  2772.       ShowName       off
  2773.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
  2774.       GotoTag       "Q2"
  2775.     }
  2776.     Block {
  2777.       BlockType       Goto
  2778.       Name       "Goto10"
  2779.       Position       [505, 94, 540, 116]
  2780.       ShowName       off
  2781.       GotoTag       "pitch3"
  2782.       TagVisibility       "local"
  2783.     }
  2784.     Block {
  2785.       BlockType       Goto
  2786.       Name       "Goto17"
  2787.       Position       [240, 19, 275, 41]
  2788.       ShowName       off
  2789.       GotoTag       "P1"
  2790.       TagVisibility       "local"
  2791.     }
  2792.     Block {
  2793.       BlockType       Goto
  2794.       Name       "Goto18"
  2795.       Position       [240, 44, 275, 66]
  2796.       ShowName       off
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  2798.       TagVisibility       "local"
  2799.     }
  2800.     Block {
  2801.       BlockType       Goto
  2802.       Name       "Goto19"
  2803.       Position       [240, 189, 275, 211]
  2804.       ShowName       off
  2805.       GotoTag       "wr2"
  2806.       TagVisibility       "global"
  2807.     }
  2808.     Block {
  2809.       BlockType       Goto
  2810.       Name       "Goto20"
  2811.       Position       [240, 214, 275, 236]
  2812.       ShowName       off
  2813.       GotoTag       "pitch2"
  2814.       TagVisibility       "local"
  2815.     }
  2816.     Block {
  2817.       BlockType       Goto
  2818.       Name       "Goto21"
  2819.       Position       [505, 19, 540, 41]
  2820.       ShowName       off
  2821.       GotoTag       "P3"
  2822.       TagVisibility       "local"
  2823.     }
  2824.     Block {
  2825.       BlockType       Goto
  2826.       Name       "Goto22"
  2827.       Position       [505, 44, 540, 66]
  2828.       ShowName       off
  2829.       GotoTag       "Q3"
  2830.       TagVisibility       "local"
  2831.     }
  2832.     Block {
  2833.       BlockType       Goto
  2834.       Name       "Goto3"
  2835.       Position       [240, 69, 275, 91]
  2836.       ShowName       off
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  2838.       TagVisibility       "global"
  2839.     }
  2840.     Block {
  2841.       BlockType       Goto
  2842.       Name       "Goto4"
  2843.       Position       [240, 94, 275, 116]
  2844.       ShowName       off
  2845.       GotoTag       "pitch1"
  2846.       TagVisibility       "local"
  2847.     }
  2848.     Block {
  2849.       BlockType       Goto
  2850.       Name       "Goto5"
  2851.       Position       [240, 139, 275, 161]
  2852.       ShowName       off
  2853.       GotoTag       "P2"
  2854.       TagVisibility       "local"
  2855.     }
  2856.     Block {
  2857.       BlockType       Goto
  2858.       Name       "Goto7"
  2859.       Position       [240, 164, 275, 186]
  2860.       ShowName       off
  2861.       GotoTag       "Q2"
  2862.       TagVisibility       "local"
  2863.     }
  2864.     Block {
  2865.       BlockType       Goto
  2866.       Name       "Goto9"
  2867.       Position       [505, 69, 540, 91]
  2868.       ShowName       off
  2869.       GotoTag       "wr3"
  2870.       TagVisibility       "global"
  2871.     }
  2872.     Block {
  2873.       BlockType       Mux
  2874.       Name       "Mux"
  2875.       Ports       [3, 1]
  2876.       Position       [250, 292, 255, 428]
  2877.       ShowName       off
  2878.       Inputs       "3"
  2879.       DisplayOption       "bar"
  2880.       Port {
  2881. PortNumber 1
  2882. Name "P1_3 (MW)"
  2883. PropagatedSignals "P1 (MW), P2 (MW), P3 (MW)"
  2884. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2885. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2886.       }
  2887.     }
  2888.     Block {
  2889.       BlockType       Mux
  2890.       Name       "Mux1"
  2891.       Ports       [3, 1]
  2892.       Position       [250, 447, 255, 583]
  2893.       ShowName       off
  2894.       Inputs       "3"
  2895.       DisplayOption       "bar"
  2896.       Port {
  2897. PortNumber 1
  2898. Name "Q1_3 (Mvar)"
  2899. PropagatedSignals "Q1 (Mvar), Q2 (Mvar), Q3 (Mvar)"
  2900. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2901. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2902.       }
  2903.     }
  2904.     Block {
  2905.       BlockType       Mux
  2906.       Name       "Mux2"
  2907.       Ports       [3, 1]
  2908.       Position       [485, 363, 490, 437]
  2909.       ShowName       off
  2910.       Inputs       "3"
  2911.       DisplayOption       "bar"
  2912.       Port {
  2913. PortNumber 1
  2914. Name "wr1_3"
  2915. PropagatedSignals "wr1 (pu), wr2 (pu), wr3 (pu)"
  2916. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2917. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2918.       }
  2919.     }
  2920.     Block {
  2921.       BlockType       Mux
  2922.       Name       "Mux3"
  2923.       Ports       [3, 1]
  2924.       Position       [485, 568, 490, 642]
  2925.       ShowName       off
  2926.       Inputs       "3"
  2927.       DisplayOption       "bar"
  2928.       Port {
  2929. PortNumber 1
  2930. Name "pitch1_3"
  2931. PropagatedSignals "pitch1 (deg), pitch2 (deg), pitch3 (d"
  2932. "eg)"
  2933. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2934. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2935.       }
  2936.     }
  2937.     Block {
  2938.       BlockType       Mux
  2939.       Name       "Mux4"
  2940.       Ports       [5, 1]
  2941.       Position       [590, 318, 595, 392]
  2942.       ShowName       off
  2943.       Inputs       "5"
  2944.       DisplayOption       "bar"
  2945.     }
  2946.     Block {
  2947.       BlockType       Mux
  2948.       Name       "Mux5"
  2949.       Ports       [3, 1]
  2950.       Position       [485, 458, 490, 532]
  2951.       ShowName       off
  2952.       Inputs       "3"
  2953.       DisplayOption       "bar"
  2954.       Port {
  2955. PortNumber 1
  2956. Name "wind1_3 (m_s)"
  2957. PropagatedSignals "wind1 (m_s), wind2 (m_s), wind3 (m_s)"
  2958. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2959. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2960.       }
  2961.     }
  2962.     Block {
  2963.       BlockType       Gain
  2964.       Name       "pu->MW"
  2965.       Position       [125, 304, 145, 326]
  2966.       Gain       "2*1.5/0.9"
  2967.       Port {
  2968. PortNumber 1
  2969. Name "P1 (MW)"
  2970. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2971. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2972.       }
  2973.     }
  2974.     Block {
  2975.       BlockType       Gain
  2976.       Name       "pu->MW1"
  2977.       Position       [160, 349, 180, 371]
  2978.       Gain       "2*1.5/0.9"
  2979.       Port {
  2980. PortNumber 1
  2981. Name "P2 (MW)"
  2982. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2983. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2984.       }
  2985.     }
  2986.     Block {
  2987.       BlockType       Gain
  2988.       Name       "pu->MW2"
  2989.       Position       [130, 394, 150, 416]
  2990.       Gain       "2*1.5/0.9"
  2991.       Port {
  2992. PortNumber 1
  2993. Name "P3 (MW)"
  2994. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  2995. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  2996.       }
  2997.     }
  2998.     Block {
  2999.       BlockType       Gain
  3000.       Name       "pu->Mvar"
  3001.       Position       [130, 459, 150, 481]
  3002.       Gain       "2*1.5/0.9"
  3003.       Port {
  3004. PortNumber 1
  3005. Name "Q1 (Mvar)"
  3006. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  3007. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  3008.       }
  3009.     }
  3010.     Block {
  3011.       BlockType       Gain
  3012.       Name       "pu->Mvar1"
  3013.       Position       [165, 504, 185, 526]
  3014.       Gain       "2*1.5/0.9"
  3015.       Port {
  3016. PortNumber 1
  3017. Name "Q2 (Mvar)"
  3018. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  3019. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  3020.       }
  3021.     }
  3022.     Block {
  3023.       BlockType       Gain
  3024.       Name       "pu->Mvar2"
  3025.       Position       [130, 549, 150, 571]
  3026.       Gain       "2*1.5/0.9"
  3027.       Port {
  3028. PortNumber 1
  3029. Name "Q3 (Mvar)"
  3030. RTWStorageClass "Auto"
  3031. DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
  3032.       }
  3033.     }
  3034.     Block {
  3035.       BlockType       Outport
  3036.       Name       "m"
  3037.       Position       [615, 348, 645, 362]
  3038.       IconDisplay       "Port number"
  3039.       BusOutputAsStruct       off
  3040.     }
  3041.     Line {
  3042.       SrcBlock       "From27"
  3043.       SrcPort       1
  3044.       DstBlock       "BusnSelector2"
  3045.       DstPort       1
  3046.     }
  3047.     Line {
  3048.       SrcBlock       "From26"
  3049.       SrcPort       1
  3050.       DstBlock       "BusnSelector1"
  3051.       DstPort       1
  3052.     }
  3053.     Line {
  3054.       SrcBlock       "From25"
  3055.       SrcPort       1
  3056.       DstBlock       "BusnSelector3"
  3057.       DstPort       1
  3058.     }
  3059.     Line {
  3060.       Name       "<Q (pu)>"
  3061.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3062.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector1"
  3063.       SrcPort       2
  3064.       DstBlock       "Goto18"
  3065.       DstPort       1
  3066.     }
  3067.     Line {
  3068.       Name       "<P (pu)>"
  3069.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3070.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector1"
  3071.       SrcPort       1
  3072.       DstBlock       "Goto17"
  3073.       DstPort       1
  3074.     }
  3075.     Line {
  3076.       Name       "<Pitch_angle (deg)>"
  3077.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3078.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector1"
  3079.       SrcPort       4
  3080.       DstBlock       "Goto4"
  3081.       DstPort       1
  3082.     }
  3083.     Line {
  3084.       Name       "<wr (pu)>"
  3085.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3086.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector1"
  3087.       SrcPort       3
  3088.       DstBlock       "Goto3"
  3089.       DstPort       1
  3090.     }
  3091.     Line {
  3092.       Name       "<Pitch_angle (deg)>"
  3093.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3094.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector3"
  3095.       SrcPort       4
  3096.       DstBlock       "Goto20"
  3097.       DstPort       1
  3098.     }
  3099.     Line {
  3100.       Name       "<wr (pu)>"
  3101.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3102.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector3"
  3103.       SrcPort       3
  3104.       DstBlock       "Goto19"
  3105.       DstPort       1
  3106.     }
  3107.     Line {
  3108.       Name       "<Q (pu)>"
  3109.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3110.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector3"
  3111.       SrcPort       2
  3112.       DstBlock       "Goto7"
  3113.       DstPort       1
  3114.     }
  3115.     Line {
  3116.       Name       "<Pitch_angle (deg)>"
  3117.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3118.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector2"
  3119.       SrcPort       4
  3120.       DstBlock       "Goto10"
  3121.       DstPort       1
  3122.     }
  3123.     Line {
  3124.       Name       "<wr (pu)>"
  3125.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3126.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector2"
  3127.       SrcPort       3
  3128.       DstBlock       "Goto9"
  3129.       DstPort       1
  3130.     }
  3131.     Line {
  3132.       Name       "<Q (pu)>"
  3133.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3134.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector2"
  3135.       SrcPort       2
  3136.       DstBlock       "Goto22"
  3137.       DstPort       1
  3138.     }
  3139.     Line {
  3140.       Name       "<P (pu)>"
  3141.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3142.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector2"
  3143.       SrcPort       1
  3144.       DstBlock       "Goto21"
  3145.       DstPort       1
  3146.     }
  3147.     Line {
  3148.       Name       "<P (pu)>"
  3149.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3150.       SrcBlock       "BusnSelector3"
  3151.       SrcPort       1
  3152.       DstBlock       "Goto5"
  3153.       DstPort       1
  3154.     }
  3155.     Line {
  3156.       Name       "wind1_3 (m_s)"
  3157.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3158.       SrcBlock       "Mux5"
  3159.       SrcPort       1
  3160.       Points       [30, 0; 0, -125]
  3161.       DstBlock       "Mux4"
  3162.       DstPort       4
  3163.     }
  3164.     Line {
  3165.       Name       "pitch1_3"
  3166.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3167.       SrcBlock       "Mux3"
  3168.       SrcPort       1
  3169.       Points       [70, 0; 0, -220]
  3170.       DstBlock       "Mux4"
  3171.       DstPort       5
  3172.     }
  3173.     Line {
  3174.       Name       "wind3 (m_s)"
  3175.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3176.       SrcBlock       "From21"
  3177.       SrcPort       1
  3178.       DstBlock       "Mux5"
  3179.       DstPort       3
  3180.     }
  3181.     Line {
  3182.       Name       "wind2 (m_s)"
  3183.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3184.       SrcBlock       "From24"
  3185.       SrcPort       1
  3186.       DstBlock       "Mux5"
  3187.       DstPort       2
  3188.     }
  3189.     Line {
  3190.       Name       "wind1 (m_s)"
  3191.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3192.       SrcBlock       "From23"
  3193.       SrcPort       1
  3194.       DstBlock       "Mux5"
  3195.       DstPort       1
  3196.     }
  3197.     Line {
  3198.       SrcBlock       "Mux4"
  3199.       SrcPort       1
  3200.       DstBlock       "m"
  3201.       DstPort       1
  3202.     }
  3203.     Line {
  3204.       Name       "wr1_3"
  3205.       Labels       [3, 0]
  3206.       SrcBlock       "Mux2"
  3207.       SrcPort       1
  3208.       Points       [5, 0; 0, -45]
  3209.       DstBlock       "Mux4"
  3210.       DstPort       3
  3211.     }
  3212.     Line {
  3213.       Name       "Q1_3 (Mvar)"
  3214.       Labels       [3, 0]
  3215.       SrcBlock       "Mux1"
  3216.       SrcPort       1
  3217.       Points       [30, 0; 0, -175]
  3218.       DstBlock       "Mux4"
  3219.       DstPort       2
  3220.     }
  3221.     Line {
  3222.       Name       "P1_3 (MW)"
  3223.       Labels       [3, 0]
  3224.       SrcBlock       "Mux"
  3225.       SrcPort       1
  3226.       Points       [10, 0; 0, -35]
  3227.       DstBlock       "Mux4"
  3228.       DstPort       1
  3229.     }
  3230.     Line {
  3231.       Name       "Q3 (Mvar)"
  3232.       Labels       [-1, 0]
  3233.       SrcBlock       "pu->Mvar2"
  3234.       SrcPort       1
  3235.       DstBlock       "Mux1"
  3236.       DstPort       3
  3237.     }
  3238.     Line {
  3239.       Name       "Q2 (Mvar)"
  3240.       Labels       [-1, 0]
  3241.       SrcBlock       "pu->Mvar1"
  3242.       SrcPort       1
  3243.       DstBlock       "Mux1"
  3244.       DstPort       2
  3245.     }
  3246.     Line {
  3247.       Name       "Q1 (Mvar)"
  3248.       Labels       [-1, 0]
  3249.       SrcBlock       "pu->Mvar"
  3250.       SrcPort       1
  3251.       DstBlock       "Mux1"
  3252.       DstPort       1
  3253.     }
  3254.     Line {
  3255.       SrcBlock       "From8"
  3256.       SrcPort       1
  3257.       DstBlock       "pu->Mvar"
  3258.       DstPort       1
  3259.     }
  3260.     Line {
  3261.       SrcBlock       "From9"
  3262.       SrcPort       1
  3263.       DstBlock       "pu->Mvar1"
  3264.       DstPort       1
  3265.     }
  3266.     Line {
  3267.       SrcBlock       "From10"
  3268.       SrcPort       1
  3269.       DstBlock       "pu->Mvar2"
  3270.       DstPort       1
  3271.     }
  3272.     Line {
  3273.       Name       "P3 (MW)"
  3274.       Labels       [-1, 0]
  3275.       SrcBlock       "pu->MW2"
  3276.       SrcPort       1
  3277.       DstBlock       "Mux"
  3278.       DstPort       3
  3279.     }
  3280.     Line {
  3281.       Name       "P2 (MW)"
  3282.       Labels       [-1, 0]
  3283.       SrcBlock       "pu->MW1"
  3284.       SrcPort       1
  3285.       DstBlock       "Mux"
  3286.       DstPort       2
  3287.     }
  3288.     Line {
  3289.       Name       "P1 (MW)"
  3290.       Labels       [-1, 0]
  3291.       SrcBlock       "pu->MW"
  3292.       SrcPort       1
  3293.       DstBlock       "Mux"
  3294.       DstPort       1
  3295.     }
  3296.     Line {
  3297.       Name       "pitch3 (deg)"
  3298.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3299.       SrcBlock       "From17"
  3300.       SrcPort       1
  3301.       DstBlock       "Mux3"
  3302.       DstPort       3
  3303.     }
  3304.     Line {
  3305.       Name       "pitch2 (deg)"
  3306.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3307.       SrcBlock       "From20"
  3308.       SrcPort       1
  3309.       DstBlock       "Mux3"
  3310.       DstPort       2
  3311.     }
  3312.     Line {
  3313.       Name       "pitch1 (deg)"
  3314.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3315.       SrcBlock       "From19"
  3316.       SrcPort       1
  3317.       DstBlock       "Mux3"
  3318.       DstPort       1
  3319.     }
  3320.     Line {
  3321.       Name       "wr3 (pu)"
  3322.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3323.       SrcBlock       "From13"
  3324.       SrcPort       1
  3325.       DstBlock       "Mux2"
  3326.       DstPort       3
  3327.     }
  3328.     Line {
  3329.       Name       "wr2 (pu)"
  3330.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3331.       SrcBlock       "From16"
  3332.       SrcPort       1
  3333.       DstBlock       "Mux2"
  3334.       DstPort       2
  3335.     }
  3336.     Line {
  3337.       Name       "wr1 (pu)"
  3338.       Labels       [0, 0]
  3339.       SrcBlock       "From15"
  3340.       SrcPort       1
  3341.       DstBlock       "Mux2"
  3342.       DstPort       1
  3343.     }
  3344.     Line {
  3345.       SrcBlock       "From4"
  3346.       SrcPort       1
  3347.       DstBlock       "pu->MW2"
  3348.       DstPort       1
  3349.     }
  3350.     Line {
  3351.       SrcBlock       "From2"
  3352.       SrcPort       1
  3353.       DstBlock       "pu->MW1"
  3354.       DstPort       1
  3355.     }
  3356.     Line {
  3357.       SrcBlock       "From1"
  3358.       SrcPort       1
  3359.       DstBlock       "pu->MW"
  3360.       DstPort       1
  3361.     }
  3362.   }
  3363. }
  3364. Block {
  3365.   BlockType   Demux
  3366.   Name   "Demux"
  3367.   Ports   [1, 3]
  3368.   Position   [825, 65, 830, 125]
  3369.   BackgroundColor   "black"
  3370.   ShowName   off
  3371.   Outputs   "3"
  3372.   DisplayOption   "bar"
  3373. }
  3374. Block {
  3375.   BlockType   SubSystem
  3376.   Name   "Fault"
  3377.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]
  3378.   Position   [330, 269, 370, 311]
  3379.   Orientation   "left"
  3380.   ForegroundColor   "red"
  3381.   AncestorBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Three-Phase Fault"
  3382.   LoadFcn   "find_system(gcs,'FollowLinks', 'on', 'LookU"
  3383. "nderMasks', 'all');"
  3384.   TreatAsAtomicUnit   off
  3385.   MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  3386.   RTWSystemCode   "Auto"
  3387.   MaskHideContents   off
  3388.   MaskType   "Three-Phase Fault"
  3389.   MaskDescription   "Use this block to program a fault (short-ci"
  3390. "rcuit) betweennany phase and the ground. You can define the fault timingndi"
  3391. "rectly from the dialog box or apply an external logical signal.nIf you check"
  3392. " the 'External control' box , the external controlninput will appear."
  3393.   MaskHelp   "web(psbhelp)n"
  3394.   MaskPromptString   "Phase A Fault|Phase B Fault|Phase C Fault|F"
  3395. "ault resistances  Ron (ohms) :|Ground Fault|Ground resistance Rg (ohms) :|Ext"
  3396. "ernal control of fault timing :|Transition status [1,0,1 ...):|Transition tim"
  3397. "es (s):|Initial status of fault [Phase A  Phase B  Phase C]:|Snubbers resista"
  3398. "nce Rp (ohms) :|Snubbers Capacitance Cp (Farad)|Measurements"
  3399.   MaskStyleString   "checkbox,checkbox,checkbox,edit,checkbox,ed"
  3400. "it,checkbox,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,popup(None|Fault voltages|Fault currents"
  3401. "|Fault voltages and currents)"
  3402.   MaskTunableValueString  "on,on,on,off,on,off,off,on,on,off,off,off,o"
  3403. "ff"
  3404.   MaskCallbackString   "||||powericon('ThreePhaseFaultCback',gcb);|"
  3405. "|powericon('ThreePhaseFaultCback',gcb);||||||"
  3406.   MaskEnableString   "on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on"
  3407.   MaskVisibilityString   "on,on,on,on,on,off,on,on,on,off,on,on,on"
  3408.   MaskToolTipString   "on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on"
  3409.   MaskVarAliasString   ",,,,,,,,,,,,"
  3410.   MaskVariables   "FaultA=&1;FaultB=&2;FaultC=&3;FaultResistan"
  3411. "ce=@4;GroundFault=&5;GroundResistance=@6;External=@7;SwitchStatus=@8;SwitchTi"
  3412. "mes=@9;InitialStates=@10;SnubberResistance=@11;SnubberCapacitance=@12;Measure"
  3413. "ments=@13;"
  3414.   MaskInitialization   "powerlibroot = which('powersysdomain');npo"
  3415. "wericon('ThreePhaseFaultCback',gcb);nPSBroot = powerlibroot(1:end-16);n%n["
  3416. "st_a,st_b,st_c,Rground,init_a,init_b,init_c,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11]=powericon('Thre"
  3417. "e-Phase Fault',FaultResistance,GroundResistance,SwitchTimes,SwitchStatus,Faul"
  3418. "tA,FaultB,FaultC,GroundFault,InitialStates,External);n%n"
  3419.   MaskDisplay   "image(imread([PSBroot,'Fault.bmp'],'bmp'))"
  3420. "nport_label('LConn', 1, 'A')nport_label('LConn', 2, 'B')nport_label('LConn"
  3421. "', 3, 'C')"
  3422.   MaskSelfModifiable   on
  3423.   MaskIconFrame   on
  3424.   MaskIconOpaque   off
  3425.   MaskIconRotate   "none"
  3426.   MaskIconUnits   "autoscale"
  3427.   MaskValueString   "on|on|off|0.001|off|0.001|off|[1 0]|[ 15 15"
  3428. ".1]|[0 0 1]|1e6|inf|None"
  3429.   MaskTabNameString   ",,,,,,,,,,,,"
  3430.   System {
  3431.     Name     "Fault"
  3432.     Location     [212, 378, 859, 776]
  3433.     Open     off
  3434.     ModelBrowserVisibility  off
  3435.     ModelBrowserWidth     200
  3436.     ScreenColor     "white"
  3437.     PaperOrientation     "landscape"
  3438.     PaperPositionMode     "auto"
  3439.     PaperType     "usletter"
  3440.     PaperUnits     "inches"
  3441.     ZoomFactor     "100"
  3442.     Block {
  3443.       BlockType       Constant
  3444.       Name       "C4"
  3445.       Position       [5, 196, 65, 224]
  3446.       NamePlacement       "alternate"
  3447.       ShowName       off
  3448.       Value       "External"
  3449.     }
  3450.     Block {
  3451.       BlockType       Constant
  3452.       Name       "Constant1"
  3453.       Position       [220, 79, 240, 101]
  3454.       ShowName       off
  3455.       Value       "st_a"
  3456.     }
  3457.     Block {
  3458.       BlockType       Constant
  3459.       Name       "Constant2"
  3460.       Position       [220, 149, 240, 171]
  3461.       ShowName       off
  3462.       Value       "st_b"
  3463.     }
  3464.     Block {
  3465.       BlockType       Constant
  3466.       Name       "Constant3"
  3467.       Position       [220, 219, 240, 241]
  3468.       ShowName       off
  3469.       Value       "st_c"
  3470.     }
  3471.     Block {
  3472.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  3473.       Name       "Data Type nConversion"
  3474.       Position       [140, 198, 155, 222]
  3475.       ShowName       off
  3476.       OutDataTypeMode       "boolean"
  3477.     }
  3478.     Block {
  3479.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  3480.       Name       "Data Type nConversion1"
  3481.       Position       [265, 218, 280, 242]
  3482.       ShowName       off
  3483.       OutDataTypeMode       "boolean"
  3484.     }
  3485.     Block {
  3486.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  3487.       Name       "Data Type nConversion2"
  3488.       Position       [265, 148, 280, 172]
  3489.       ShowName       off
  3490.       OutDataTypeMode       "boolean"
  3491.     }
  3492.     Block {
  3493.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  3494.       Name       "Data Type nConversion3"
  3495.       Position       [265, 78, 280, 102]
  3496.       ShowName       off
  3497.       OutDataTypeMode       "boolean"
  3498.     }
  3499.     Block {
  3500.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  3501.       Name       "Data Type nConversion4"
  3502.       Position       [345, 68, 360, 92]
  3503.       ShowName       off
  3504.       OutDataTypeMode       "double"
  3505.     }
  3506.     Block {
  3507.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  3508.       Name       "Data Type nConversion5"
  3509.       Position       [345, 138, 360, 162]
  3510.       ShowName       off
  3511.       OutDataTypeMode       "double"
  3512.     }
  3513.     Block {
  3514.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  3515.       Name       "Data Type nConversion6"
  3516.       Position       [345, 208, 360, 232]
  3517.       ShowName       off
  3518.       OutDataTypeMode       "double"
  3519.     }
  3520.     Block {
  3521.       BlockType       Reference
  3522.       Name       "Fault A"
  3523.       Ports       [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  3524.       Position       [455, 71, 495, 109]
  3525.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Breaker"
  3526.       SourceType       "Breaker"
  3527.       ShowPortLabels       on
  3528.       BreakerResistance       "FaultResistance"
  3529.       InitialState       "init_a"
  3530.       SnubberResistance       "SnubberResistance"
  3531.       SnubberCapacitance      "SnubberCapacitance"
  3532.       SwitchingTimes       "[ 1/60  5/60 ]"
  3533.       External       on
  3534.       Measurements       "None"
  3535.       MoreParameters       off
  3536.       NoBreakLoop       off
  3537.     }
  3538.     Block {
  3539.       BlockType       Reference
  3540.       Name       "Fault B"
  3541.       Ports       [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  3542.       Position       [455, 141, 495, 179]
  3543.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Breaker"
  3544.       SourceType       "Breaker"
  3545.       ShowPortLabels       on
  3546.       BreakerResistance       "FaultResistance"
  3547.       InitialState       "init_b"
  3548.       SnubberResistance       "SnubberResistance"
  3549.       SnubberCapacitance      "SnubberCapacitance"
  3550.       SwitchingTimes       "[ 1/60  5/60 ]"
  3551.       External       on
  3552.       Measurements       "None"
  3553.       MoreParameters       off
  3554.       NoBreakLoop       off
  3555.     }
  3556.     Block {
  3557.       BlockType       Reference
  3558.       Name       "Fault C"
  3559.       Ports       [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  3560.       Position       [455, 211, 495, 249]
  3561.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Breaker"
  3562.       SourceType       "Breaker"
  3563.       ShowPortLabels       on
  3564.       BreakerResistance       "FaultResistance"
  3565.       InitialState       "init_c"
  3566.       SnubberResistance       "SnubberResistance"
  3567.       SnubberCapacitance      "SnubberCapacitance"
  3568.       SwitchingTimes       "[ 1/60  5/60 ]"
  3569.       External       on
  3570.       Measurements       "None"
  3571.       MoreParameters       off
  3572.       NoBreakLoop       off
  3573.     }
  3574.     Block {
  3575.       BlockType       Reference
  3576.       Name       "Ground"
  3577.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  3578.       Position       [530, 330, 560, 360]
  3579.       Orientation       "down"
  3580.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Ground"
  3581.       SourceType       "Ground"
  3582.       PhysicalDomain       "powersysdomain"
  3583.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  3584.       LeftPortType       "p1"
  3585.       RightPortType       "p1"
  3586.       LConnTagsString       "a"
  3587.       RConnTagsString       "__newr0"
  3588.     }
  3589.     Block {
  3590.       BlockType       Logic
  3591.       Name       "LogicalnOperator1"
  3592.       Ports       [2, 1]
  3593.       Position       [300, 61, 325, 99]
  3594.       ShowName       off
  3595.     }
  3596.     Block {
  3597.       BlockType       Logic
  3598.       Name       "LogicalnOperator2"
  3599.       Ports       [2, 1]
  3600.       Position       [300, 131, 325, 169]
  3601.       ShowName       off
  3602.     }
  3603.     Block {
  3604.       BlockType       Logic
  3605.       Name       "LogicalnOperator3"
  3606.       Ports       [2, 1]
  3607.       Position       [300, 201, 325, 239]
  3608.       ShowName       off
  3609.     }
  3610.     Block {
  3611.       BlockType       Reference
  3612.       Name       "Rground"
  3613.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  3614.       Position       [530, 255, 560, 290]
  3615.       Orientation       "down"
  3616.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Elements/Series RLC Branch"
  3617.       SourceType       "Series RLC Branch"
  3618.       PhysicalDomain       "powersysdomain"
  3619.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  3620.       LeftPortType       "p1"
  3621.       RightPortType       "p1"
  3622.       LConnTagsString       "__new0"
  3623.       RConnTagsString       "__new0"
  3624.       BranchType       "R"
  3625.       Resistance       "Rground"
  3626.       Inductance       "[]"
  3627.       SetiL0       off
  3628.       InitialCurrent       "0"
  3629.       Capacitance       "[]"
  3630.       Setx0       off
  3631.       InitialVoltage       "0"
  3632.       Measurements       "None"
  3633.     }
  3634.     Block {
  3635.       BlockType       Switch
  3636.       Name       "Switch3"
  3637.       Position       [90, 195, 120, 225]
  3638.       ShowName       off
  3639.       Threshold       "0.5"
  3640.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  3641.       ZeroCross       off
  3642.     }
  3643.     Block {
  3644.       BlockType       Reference
  3645.       Name       "Timer"
  3646.       Ports       [0, 1]
  3647.       Position       [20, 248, 60, 282]
  3648.       SourceBlock       "powerlib_extras/Control nBlocks/Timer"
  3649.       SourceType       "Timer"
  3650.       ShowPortLabels       on
  3651.       t       "SwitchTimes"
  3652.       e       "SwitchStatus"
  3653.     }
  3654.     Block {
  3655.       BlockType       Constant
  3656.       Name       "com"
  3657.       Position       [20, 157, 50, 173]
  3658.     }
  3659.     Block {
  3660.       BlockType       PMIOPort
  3661.       Name       "A"
  3662.       Position       [380, 93, 410, 107]
  3663.       Port       "1"
  3664.       Side       "Left"
  3665.     }
  3666.     Block {
  3667.       BlockType       PMIOPort
  3668.       Name       "B"
  3669.       Position       [380, 163, 410, 177]
  3670.       Port       "2"
  3671.       Side       "Left"
  3672.     }
  3673.     Block {
  3674.       BlockType       PMIOPort
  3675.       Name       "C"
  3676.       Position       [380, 233, 410, 247]
  3677.       Port       "3"
  3678.       Side       "Left"
  3679.     }
  3680.     Line {
  3681.       SrcBlock       "com"
  3682.       SrcPort       1
  3683.       Points       [20, 0]
  3684.       DstBlock       "Switch3"
  3685.       DstPort       1
  3686.     }
  3687.     Line {
  3688.       SrcBlock       "Timer"
  3689.       SrcPort       1
  3690.       Points       [10, 0]
  3691.       DstBlock       "Switch3"
  3692.       DstPort       3
  3693.     }
  3694.     Line {
  3695.       SrcBlock       "C4"
  3696.       SrcPort       1
  3697.       DstBlock       "Switch3"
  3698.       DstPort       2
  3699.     }
  3700.     Line {
  3701.       SrcBlock       "Switch3"
  3702.       SrcPort       1
  3703.       DstBlock       "Data Type nConversion"
  3704.       DstPort       1
  3705.     }
  3706.     Line {
  3707.       SrcBlock       "Data Type nConversion"
  3708.       SrcPort       1
  3709.       Points       [5, 0]
  3710.       Branch {
  3711. DstBlock "LogicalnOperator3"
  3712. DstPort 1
  3713.       }
  3714.       Branch {
  3715. Points [0, -70]
  3716. Branch {
  3717.   DstBlock   "LogicalnOperator2"
  3718.   DstPort   1
  3719. }
  3720. Branch {
  3721.   Points   [0, -70]
  3722.   DstBlock   "LogicalnOperator1"
  3723.   DstPort   1
  3724. }
  3725.       }
  3726.     }
  3727.     Line {
  3728.       SrcBlock       "Constant3"
  3729.       SrcPort       1
  3730.       DstBlock       "Data Type nConversion1"
  3731.       DstPort       1
  3732.     }
  3733.     Line {
  3734.       SrcBlock       "Data Type nConversion1"
  3735.       SrcPort       1
  3736.       DstBlock       "LogicalnOperator3"
  3737.       DstPort       2
  3738.     }
  3739.     Line {
  3740.       SrcBlock       "Constant2"
  3741.       SrcPort       1
  3742.       DstBlock       "Data Type nConversion2"
  3743.       DstPort       1
  3744.     }
  3745.     Line {
  3746.       SrcBlock       "Data Type nConversion2"
  3747.       SrcPort       1
  3748.       DstBlock       "LogicalnOperator2"
  3749.       DstPort       2
  3750.     }
  3751.     Line {
  3752.       SrcBlock       "Constant1"
  3753.       SrcPort       1
  3754.       DstBlock       "Data Type nConversion3"
  3755.       DstPort       1
  3756.     }
  3757.     Line {
  3758.       SrcBlock       "Data Type nConversion3"
  3759.       SrcPort       1
  3760.       DstBlock       "LogicalnOperator1"
  3761.       DstPort       2
  3762.     }
  3763.     Line {
  3764.       SrcBlock       "LogicalnOperator1"
  3765.       SrcPort       1
  3766.       DstBlock       "Data Type nConversion4"
  3767.       DstPort       1
  3768.     }
  3769.     Line {
  3770.       SrcBlock       "LogicalnOperator2"
  3771.       SrcPort       1
  3772.       DstBlock       "Data Type nConversion5"
  3773.       DstPort       1
  3774.     }
  3775.     Line {
  3776.       SrcBlock       "LogicalnOperator3"
  3777.       SrcPort       1
  3778.       DstBlock       "Data Type nConversion6"
  3779.       DstPort       1
  3780.     }
  3781.     Line {
  3782.       SrcBlock       "Data Type nConversion4"
  3783.       SrcPort       1
  3784.       DstBlock       "Fault A"
  3785.       DstPort       1
  3786.     }
  3787.     Line {
  3788.       SrcBlock       "Data Type nConversion5"
  3789.       SrcPort       1
  3790.       DstBlock       "Fault B"
  3791.       DstPort       1
  3792.     }
  3793.     Line {
  3794.       SrcBlock       "Data Type nConversion6"
  3795.       SrcPort       1
  3796.       DstBlock       "Fault C"
  3797.       DstPort       1
  3798.     }
  3799.     Line {
  3800.       LineType       "Connection"
  3801.       SrcBlock       "Rground"
  3802.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3803.       Points       [0, 0]
  3804.       DstBlock       "Ground"
  3805.       DstPort       LConn1
  3806.     }
  3807.     Line {
  3808.       LineType       "Connection"
  3809.       SrcBlock       "A"
  3810.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3811.       Points       [0, 0]
  3812.       DstBlock       "Fault A"
  3813.       DstPort       LConn1
  3814.     }
  3815.     Line {
  3816.       LineType       "Connection"
  3817.       SrcBlock       "B"
  3818.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3819.       Points       [0, 0]
  3820.       DstBlock       "Fault B"
  3821.       DstPort       LConn1
  3822.     }
  3823.     Line {
  3824.       LineType       "Connection"
  3825.       SrcBlock       "C"
  3826.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3827.       Points       [0, 0]
  3828.       DstBlock       "Fault C"
  3829.       DstPort       LConn1
  3830.     }
  3831.     Line {
  3832.       LineType       "Connection"
  3833.       SrcBlock       "Fault A"
  3834.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3835.       Points       [35, 0; 0, 70]
  3836.       Branch {
  3837. ConnectType "DEST_DEST"
  3838. SrcBlock "Fault B"
  3839. SrcPort RConn1
  3840. Points [0, 0; 35, 0]
  3841.       }
  3842.       Branch {
  3843. ConnectType "DEST_SRC"
  3844. Points [0, 70]
  3845. Branch {
  3846.   ConnectType   "DEST_SRC"
  3847.   DstBlock   "Rground"
  3848.   DstPort   LConn1
  3849. }
  3850. Branch {
  3851.   ConnectType   "DEST_DEST"
  3852.   SrcBlock   "Fault C"
  3853.   SrcPort   RConn1
  3854.   Points   [0, 0; 35, 0]
  3855. }
  3856.       }
  3857.     }
  3858.   }
  3859. }
  3860. Block {
  3861.   BlockType   From
  3862.   Name   "From1"
  3863.   Position   [505, 316, 570, 334]
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  3867. }
  3868. Block {
  3869.   BlockType   From
  3870.   Name   "From12"
  3871.   Position   [340, 96, 405, 114]
  3872.   ShowName   off
  3873.   CloseFcn   "tagdialog Close"
  3874.   GotoTag   "Trip_WT1"
  3875. }
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  3877.   BlockType   From
  3878.   Name   "From2"
  3879.   Position   [345, 546, 410, 564]
  3880.   ShowName   off
  3881.   CloseFcn   "tagdialog Close"
  3882.   GotoTag   "Trip_WT3"
  3883. }
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  3885.   BlockType   Goto
  3886.   Name   "Goto1"
  3887.   Position   [435, 35, 480, 55]
  3888.   ShowName   off
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  3890.   TagVisibility   "global"
  3891. }
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  3893.   BlockType   Goto
  3894.   Name   "Goto2"
  3895.   Position   [600, 255, 645, 275]
  3896.   ShowName   off
  3897.   GotoTag   "wind2"
  3898.   TagVisibility   "global"
  3899. }
  3900. Block {
  3901.   BlockType   Goto
  3902.   Name   "Goto25"
  3903.   Position   [550, 110, 595, 130]
  3904.   ShowName   off
  3905.   GotoTag   "m_wt1"
  3906.   TagVisibility   "global"
  3907. }
  3908. Block {
  3909.   BlockType   Goto
  3910.   Name   "Goto3"
  3911.   Position   [715, 330, 760, 350]
  3912.   ShowName   off
  3913.   GotoTag   "m_wt2"
  3914.   TagVisibility   "global"
  3915. }
  3916. Block {
  3917.   BlockType   Goto
  3918.   Name   "Goto4"
  3919.   Position   [440, 485, 485, 505]
  3920.   ShowName   off
  3921.   GotoTag   "wind3"
  3922.   TagVisibility   "global"
  3923. }
  3924. Block {
  3925.   BlockType   Goto
  3926.   Name   "Goto5"
  3927.   Position   [555, 560, 600, 580]
  3928.   ShowName   off
  3929.   GotoTag   "m_wt3"
  3930.   TagVisibility   "global"
  3931. }
  3932. Block {
  3933.   BlockType   Goto
  3934.   Name   "Goto6"
  3935.   Position   [865, 67, 925, 83]
  3936.   ShowName   off
  3937.   GotoTag   "Trip_WT1"
  3938.   TagVisibility   "local"
  3939. }
  3940. Block {
  3941.   BlockType   Goto
  3942.   Name   "Goto7"
  3943.   Position   [865, 87, 925, 103]
  3944.   ShowName   off
  3945.   GotoTag   "Trip_WT2"
  3946.   TagVisibility   "local"
  3947. }
  3948. Block {
  3949.   BlockType   Goto
  3950.   Name   "Goto8"
  3951.   Position   [865, 107, 925, 123]
  3952.   ShowName   off
  3953.   GotoTag   "Trip_WT3"
  3954.   TagVisibility   "local"
  3955. }
  3956. Block {
  3957.   BlockType   Reference
  3958.   Name   "Ground1"
  3959.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
  3960.   Position   [314, 445, 326, 460]
  3961.   Orientation   "down"
  3962.   ShowName   off
  3963.   AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  3964.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Ground"
  3965.   SourceType   "Ground"
  3966.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  3967.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  3968.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  3969.   RightPortType   "p1"
  3970.   LConnTagsString   "a"
  3971. }
  3972. Block {
  3973.   BlockType   Reference
  3974.   Name   "Ground2"
  3975.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
  3976.   Position   [314, 675, 326, 690]
  3977.   Orientation   "down"
  3978.   ShowName   off
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  3980.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Ground"
  3981.   SourceType   "Ground"
  3982.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  3983.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  3984.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  3985.   RightPortType   "p1"
  3986.   LConnTagsString   "a"
  3987. }
  3988. Block {
  3989.   BlockType   Reference
  3990.   Name   "Ground3"
  3991.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
  3992.   Position   [299, 220, 311, 235]
  3993.   Orientation   "down"
  3994.   ShowName   off
  3995.   AttributesFormatString  "\n"
  3996.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Ground"
  3997.   SourceType   "Ground"
  3998.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  3999.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  4000.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  4001.   RightPortType   "p1"
  4002.   LConnTagsString   "a"
  4003. }
  4004. Block {
  4005.   BlockType   RateLimiter
  4006.   Name   "Rate Limiter1"
  4007.   Position   [515, 255, 535, 275]
  4008.   ShowName   off
  4009. }
  4010. Block {
  4011.   BlockType   RateLimiter
  4012.   Name   "Rate Limiter2"
  4013.   Position   [355, 485, 375, 505]
  4014.   ShowName   off
  4015. }
  4016. Block {
  4017.   BlockType   RateLimiter
  4018.   Name   "Rate Limiter5"
  4019.   Position   [350, 35, 370, 55]
  4020.   ShowName   off
  4021. }
  4022. Block {
  4023.   BlockType   Display
  4024.   Name   "Trip1"
  4025.   Ports   [1]
  4026.   Position   [750, 18, 810, 82]
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  4032. }
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  4034.   BlockType   Display
  4035.   Name   "Trip2"
  4036.   Ports   [1]
  4037.   Position   [750, 133, 810, 197]
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  4040.   FontSize   12
  4041.   Decimation   "1"
  4042.   Lockdown   off
  4043. }
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  4045.   BlockType   SubSystem
  4046.   Name   "Wind TurbinenProtections"
  4047.   Ports   [0, 2]
  4048.   Position   [635, 61, 705, 199]
  4049.   ForegroundColor   "blue"
  4050.   DropShadow   on
  4051.   TreatAsAtomicUnit   off
  4052.   MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  4053.   RTWSystemCode   "Auto"
  4054.   MaskHideContents   off
  4055.   System {
  4056.     Name     "Wind TurbinenProtections"
  4057.     Location     [95, 137, 954, 688]
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  4070.       Position       [20, 387, 80, 403]
  4071.       ShowName       off
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  4074.     }
  4075.     Block {
  4076.       BlockType       From
  4077.       Name       "From11"
  4078.       Position       [20, 127, 80, 143]
  4079.       ShowName       off
  4080.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
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  4082.     }
  4083.     Block {
  4084.       BlockType       From
  4085.       Name       "From2"
  4086.       Position       [15, 310, 100, 330]
  4087.       ShowName       off
  4088.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
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  4090.     }
  4091.     Block {
  4092.       BlockType       From
  4093.       Name       "From3"
  4094.       Position       [15, 285, 100, 305]
  4095.       ShowName       off
  4096.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
  4097.       GotoTag       "Vabc_B575_2"
  4098.     }
  4099.     Block {
  4100.       BlockType       From
  4101.       Name       "From4"
  4102.       Position       [20, 647, 80, 663]
  4103.       ShowName       off
  4104.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
  4105.       GotoTag       "wr3"
  4106.     }
  4107.     Block {
  4108.       BlockType       From
  4109.       Name       "From5"
  4110.       Position       [15, 570, 100, 590]
  4111.       ShowName       off
  4112.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
  4113.       GotoTag       "Iabc_B575_3"
  4114.     }
  4115.     Block {
  4116.       BlockType       From
  4117.       Name       "From6"
  4118.       Position       [15, 545, 100, 565]
  4119.       ShowName       off
  4120.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
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  4122.     }
  4123.     Block {
  4124.       BlockType       From
  4125.       Name       "From7"
  4126.       Position       [15, 50, 100, 70]
  4127.       ShowName       off
  4128.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
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  4130.     }
  4131.     Block {
  4132.       BlockType       From
  4133.       Name       "From9"
  4134.       Position       [15, 25, 100, 45]
  4135.       ShowName       off
  4136.       CloseFcn       "tagdialog Close"
  4137.       GotoTag       "Vabc_B575_1"
  4138.     }
  4139.     Block {
  4140.       BlockType       Ground
  4141.       Name       "Ground1"
  4142.       Position       [75, 78, 85, 92]
  4143.       ShowName       off
  4144.     }
  4145.     Block {
  4146.       BlockType       Ground
  4147.       Name       "Ground2"
  4148.       Position       [75, 103, 85, 117]
  4149.       ShowName       off
  4150.     }
  4151.     Block {
  4152.       BlockType       Ground
  4153.       Name       "Ground3"
  4154.       Position       [75, 338, 85, 352]
  4155.       ShowName       off
  4156.     }
  4157.     Block {
  4158.       BlockType       Ground
  4159.       Name       "Ground4"
  4160.       Position       [75, 363, 85, 377]
  4161.       ShowName       off
  4162.     }
  4163.     Block {
  4164.       BlockType       Ground
  4165.       Name       "Ground5"
  4166.       Position       [75, 598, 85, 612]
  4167.       ShowName       off
  4168.     }
  4169.     Block {
  4170.       BlockType       Ground
  4171.       Name       "Ground6"
  4172.       Position       [75, 623, 85, 637]
  4173.       ShowName       off
  4174.     }
  4175.     Block {
  4176.       BlockType       Mux
  4177.       Name       "Mux"
  4178.       Ports       [3, 1]
  4179.       Position       [345, 35, 350, 85]
  4180.       ShowName       off
  4181.       Inputs       "3"
  4182.       DisplayOption       "bar"
  4183.     }
  4184.     Block {
  4185.       BlockType       Mux
  4186.       Name       "Mux1"
  4187.       Ports       [3, 1]
  4188.       Position       [340, 320, 345, 370]
  4189.       ShowName       off
  4190.       Inputs       "3"
  4191.       DisplayOption       "bar"
  4192.     }
  4193.     Block {
  4194.       BlockType       SubSystem
  4195.       Name       "ProtectionnSystem1"
  4196.       Ports       [5, 3]
  4197.       Position       [125, 23, 215, 147]
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  4199.       TreatAsAtomicUnit       off
  4200.       MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  4201.       RTWSystemCode       "Auto"
  4202.       MaskHideContents       off
  4203.       MaskType       "Protection System"
  4204.       MaskDescription       "Protection type:n1.    Instantaneous A"
  4205. "C Overcurrentn2.    AC Overcurrent (positive-sequence)n3.    AC Current Unb"
  4206. "alancen4.    AC Undervoltage (positive-sequence)n5.    AC Overvoltage (posi"
  4207. "tive-sequence)n6.    AC Voltage Unbalance (Negative-sequence)n7.    AC Volt"
  4208. "age Unbalance (Zero-sequence)n8.    DC Overvoltage n9.    Under Speedn10. "
  4209. " Over Speedn"
  4210.       MaskPromptString       "Fundamental frequency f1 (Hz):|Instanta"
  4211. "neous AC Overcurrent (pu):|Maximum AC Current [ I1max(pu), Delay(s) ]:|Maximu"
  4212. "m AC Current Unbalance [ I2/I1max(pu), Delay(s) ]|AC Under/Over Voltage [ V1m"
  4213. "in(pu), V1max(pu), Delay(s) ]:|Maximum Voltage Unbalance [ V2/V1max(pu), V0/V"
  4214. "1max(pu), Delay(s)]:|Maximum DC Voltage  [ Vmax(V), Delay(s) ]:|Under/Over Sp"
  4215. "eed [ Speedmin (pu), Speedmax (pu), Delay(s)]:|Start time for protection syst"
  4216. "em (s):"
  4217.       MaskStyleString       "edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit"
  4218. ",edit"
  4219.       MaskTunableValueString  "on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on"
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  4221.       MaskEnableString       "on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on"
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  4223.       MaskToolTipString       "on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on"
  4224.       MaskVarAliasString      ",,,,,,,,"
  4225.       MaskVariables       "Freq=@1;Max_Iinst=@2;MaxI1=@3;MaxI2I1=@"
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