

  1.     BlockType     Constant
  2.     Name     "Lm2"
  3.     Position     [460, 541, 500, 559]
  4.     ShowName     off
  5.     Value     "Lm"
  6.     }
  7.     Block {
  8.     BlockType     Constant
  9.     Name     "Lm3"
  10.     Position     [460, 601, 500, 619]
  11.     ShowName     off
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  13.     }
  14.     Block {
  15.     BlockType     Constant
  16.     Name     "Lm4"
  17.     Position     [460, 121, 500, 139]
  18.     ShowName     off
  19.     Value     "Rr"
  20.     }
  21.     Block {
  22.     BlockType     Mux
  23.     Name     "Mux1"
  24.     Ports     [2, 1]
  25.     Position     [460, 348, 465, 412]
  26.     ShowName     off
  27.     Inputs     "2"
  28.     DisplayOption     "bar"
  29.     }
  30.     Block {
  31.     BlockType     Mux
  32.     Name     "Mux2"
  33.     Ports     [2, 1]
  34.     Position     [785, 355, 790, 410]
  35.     ShowName     off
  36.     Inputs     "2"
  37.     DisplayOption     "bar"
  38.     }
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  41.     Name     "Product1"
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  43.     Position     [520, 254, 535, 316]
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  45.     Inputs     "3"
  46.     InputSameDT     off
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  48.     }
  49.     Block {
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  51.     Name     "Product2"
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  53.     Position     [520, 184, 535, 246]
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  55.     Inputs     "3"
  56.     InputSameDT     off
  57.     RndMeth     "Floor"
  58.     }
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  61.     Name     "Product3"
  62.     Ports     [3, 1]
  63.     Position     [520, 444, 535, 506]
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  65.     Inputs     "3"
  66.     InputSameDT     off
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  68.     }
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  71.     Name     "Product4"
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  73.     Position     [520, 519, 535, 581]
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  75.     Inputs     "3"
  76.     InputSameDT     off
  77.     RndMeth     "Floor"
  78.     }
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  81.     Name     "Product5"
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  83.     Position     [520, 594, 535, 656]
  84.     ShowName     off
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  90.     Name     "Product6"
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  92.     Position     [520, 114, 535, 176]
  93.     ShowName     off
  94.     InputSameDT     off
  95.     RndMeth     "Floor"
  96.     }
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  99.     Name     "Sum1"
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  101.     Position     [295, 255, 325, 285]
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  111.     }
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  117.     ShowName     off
  118.     Inputs     "+--"
  119.     }
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  121.     BlockType     Sum
  122.     Name     "Sum3"
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  124.     Position     [325, 575, 355, 605]
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  126.     IconShape     "round"
  127.     Inputs     "-+|"
  128.     }
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  130.     BlockType     Sum
  131.     Name     "Sum4"
  132.     Ports     [2, 1]
  133.     Position     [325, 350, 355, 380]
  134.     ShowName     off
  135.     IconShape     "round"
  136.     Inputs     "|+-"
  137.     }
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  139.     BlockType     Sum
  140.     Name     "Sum5"
  141.     Ports     [2, 1]
  142.     Position     [700, 336, 715, 374]
  143.     ShowName     off
  144.     }
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  146.     BlockType     Sum
  147.     Name     "Sum6"
  148.     Ports     [3, 1]
  149.     Position     [615, 466, 630, 524]
  150.     ShowName     off
  151.     Inputs     "+++"
  152.     }
  153.     Block {
  154.     BlockType     Sum
  155.     Name     "Sum7"
  156.     Ports     [2, 1]
  157.     Position     [700, 387, 715, 423]
  158.     ShowName     off
  159.     }
  160.     Block {
  161.     BlockType     Outport
  162.     Name     "Vdq*"
  163.     Position     [825, 378, 855, 392]
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  166.     }
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  168.     SrcBlock     "Idq_r"
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  171.     DstPort     1
  172.     }
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  174.     SrcBlock     "Sum4"
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  177.     DstPort     1
  178.     }
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  180.     SrcBlock     "Sum3"
  181.     SrcPort     1
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  187.     Name     "Idr*"
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  200.     }
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  253.     DstPort     1
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  256.     Name     "w-wr"
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  261.     DstPort     1
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  270.     SrcBlock     "Llr+Lm1"
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  285.     DstPort     1
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  365.     DstPort     1
  366.     }
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  546.     Name     "Complex tonMagnitude-Angle"
  547.     Ports     [1, 2]
  548.     Position     [160, 48, 190, 77]
  549.     ShowName     off
  550.     Output     "Magnitude and angle"
  551.     }
  552.     Block {
  553.     BlockType     ComplexToMagnitudeAngle
  554.     Name     "Complex tonMagnitude-Angle1"
  555.     Ports     [1, 2]
  556.     Position     [160, 178, 190, 207]
  557.     ShowName     off
  558.     Output     "Magnitude and angle"
  559.     }
  560.     Block {
  561.     BlockType     ComplexToRealImag
  562.     Name     "Complex tonReal-Imag"
  563.     Ports     [1, 2]
  564.     Position     [325, 48, 355, 77]
  565.     ShowName     off
  566.     Output     "Real and imag"
  567.     }
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  569.     BlockType     ComplexToRealImag
  570.     Name     "Complex tonReal-Imag1"
  571.     Ports     [1, 2]
  572.     Position     [325, 178, 355, 207]
  573.     ShowName     off
  574.     Output     "Real and imag"
  575.     }
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  578.     Name     "Demux"
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  580.     Position     [70, 46, 75, 79]
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  584.     }
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  586.     BlockType     Demux
  587.     Name     "Demux1"
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  589.     Position     [70, 176, 75, 209]
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  591.     ShowName     off
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  593.     }
  594.     Block {
  595.     BlockType     MagnitudeAngleToComplex
  596.     Name     "Magnitude-Anglento Complex"
  597.     Ports     [2, 1]
  598.     Position     [275, 47, 305, 78]
  599.     ShowName     off
  600.     Input     "Magnitude and angle"
  601.     }
  602.     Block {
  603.     BlockType     MagnitudeAngleToComplex
  604.     Name     "Magnitude-Anglento Complex1"
  605.     Ports     [2, 1]
  606.     Position     [275, 177, 305, 208]
  607.     ShowName     off
  608.     Input     "Magnitude and angle"
  609.     }
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  611.     BlockType     Mux
  612.     Name     "Mux"
  613.     Ports     [2, 1]
  614.     Position     [385, 46, 390, 79]
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  618.     }
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  620.     BlockType     Mux
  621.     Name     "Mux1"
  622.     Ports     [2, 1]
  623.     Position     [385, 176, 390, 209]
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  626.     DisplayOption     "bar"
  627.     }
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  629.     BlockType     RealImagToComplex
  630.     Name     "Real-Imag tonComplex"
  631.     Ports     [2, 1]
  632.     Position     [100, 48, 130, 77]
  633.     ShowName     off
  634.     }
  635.     Block {
  636.     BlockType     RealImagToComplex
  637.     Name     "Real-Imag tonComplex1"
  638.     Ports     [2, 1]
  639.     Position     [100, 178, 130, 207]
  640.     ShowName     off
  641.     }
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  644.     Name     "Sum"
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  646.     Position     [230, 75, 250, 95]
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  652.     }
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  680.     SrcBlock     "Real-Imag tonComplex1"
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  683.     DstPort     1
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  689.     DstPort     2
  690.     }
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  695.     DstPort     1
  696.     }
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  701.     DstPort     1
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  707.     DstPort     1
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  720.     DstPort     1
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  763.     DstPort     1
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  769.     DstPort     1
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  775.     DstPort     1
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  782.     DstPort     2
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  788.     DstPort     1
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  795.     Points     [0, 115; 30, 0]
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  798.     }
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  801.     DstBlock     "Sum"
  802.     DstPort     2
  803.     }
  804.     }
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  816.     DstPort     1
  817.     }
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  823.     }
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  829.     }
  830.     }
  831.     }
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  873.     }
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  878.     Position     [365, 73, 400, 142]
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  880. "artesian tonPolar"
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  894.     }
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  916.     Position     [85, 56, 90, 94]
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  947.     }
  948.     }
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  953.     Position     [165, 51, 190, 104]
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  1553.     Name     "idqs"
  1554.     Position     [25, 78, 55, 92]
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  1557.     }
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  1560.     Name     "idq_grid_conv"
  1561.     Position     [25, 138, 55, 152]
  1562.     Port     "4"
  1563.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1564.     }
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  1568.     Position     [25, 168, 55, 182]
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  1571.     }
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  1578.     }
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  1582.     Ports     [2, 1]
  1583.     Position     [385, 107, 415, 138]
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  1587.     OutScaling     "2^-10"
  1588.     RndMeth     "Floor"
  1589.     SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1590.     }
  1591.     Block {
  1592.     BlockType     RateLimiter
  1593.     Name     "Rate Limiter"
  1594.     Position     [315, 100, 335, 130]
  1595.     RisingSlewLimit     "torque_slew_rate"
  1596.     FallingSlewLimit     "-torque_slew_rate"
  1597.     }
  1598.     Block {
  1599.     BlockType     RateLimiter
  1600.     Name     "Rate Limiter "
  1601.     Position     [530, 110, 560, 140]
  1602.     RisingSlewLimit     "current_slew_rate"
  1603.     FallingSlewLimit     "-current_slew_rate"
  1604.     }
  1605.     Block {
  1606.     BlockType     Saturate
  1607.     Name     "Saturation"
  1608.     Position     [455, 110, 485, 140]
  1609.     UpperLimit     "1"
  1610.     LowerLimit     "0"
  1611.     }
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  1614.     Name     "Subsystem"
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  1616.     Position     [180, 34, 255, 196]
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  1622.     Name     "Subsystem"
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  1638.     }
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  1640.     BlockType     Inport
  1641.     Name     "idqs"
  1642.     Position     [170, 438, 200, 452]
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  1645.     }
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  1648.     Name     "idqr"
  1649.     Position     [170, 498, 200, 512]
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  1652.     }
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  1654.     BlockType     Inport
  1655.     Name     "idq_grid_conv"
  1656.     Position     [170, 468, 200, 482]
  1657.     Port     "4"
  1658.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1659.     }
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  1662.     Name     "Freq"
  1663.     Position     [170, 528, 200, 542]
  1664.     Port     "5"
  1665.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1666.     }
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  1669.     Name     "0-1"
  1670.     Position     [625, 125, 655, 155]
  1671.     UpperLimit     "1"
  1672.     LowerLimit     "0"
  1673.     }
  1674.     Block {
  1675.     BlockType     Saturate
  1676.     Name     "0-inf"
  1677.     Position     [155, 80, 185, 110]
  1678.     UpperLimit     "inf"
  1679.     LowerLimit     "0"
  1680.     }
  1681.     Block {
  1682.     BlockType     Saturate
  1683.     Name     "0-inf "
  1684.     Position     [840, 125, 870, 155]
  1685.     UpperLimit     "inf"
  1686.     LowerLimit     "0"
  1687.     }
  1688.     Block {
  1689.     BlockType     Saturate
  1690.     Name     "0-power_C"
  1691.     Position     [400, 170, 430, 200]
  1692.     UpperLimit     "power_C"
  1693.     LowerLimit     "0"
  1694.     }
  1695.     Block {
  1696.     BlockType     Saturate
  1697.     Name     "1e-6-inf"
  1698.     Position     [920, 245, 950, 275]
  1699.     Orientation     "up"
  1700.     UpperLimit     "inf"
  1701.     LowerLimit     "1e-6"
  1702.     }
  1703.     Block {
  1704.     BlockType     Constant
  1705.     Name     "Constant"
  1706.     Position     [35, 80, 85, 110]
  1707.     Value     "speed_C"
  1708.     }
  1709.     Block {
  1710.     BlockType     Constant
  1711.     Name     "Constant1"
  1712.     Position     [190, 325, 240, 355]
  1713.     Value     "speed_A"
  1714.     }
  1715.     Block {
  1716.     BlockType     Gain
  1717.     Name     "Gain "
  1718.     Position     [290, 169, 370, 201]
  1719.     Gain     "power_C"
  1720.     }
  1721.     Block {
  1722.     BlockType     SubSystem
  1723.     Name     "Looses"
  1724.     Ports     [5, 1]
  1725.     Position     [255, 393, 370, 557]
  1726.     TreatAsAtomicUnit     off
  1727.     MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  1728.     RTWSystemCode     "Auto"
  1729.     MaskHideContents     off
  1730.     System {
  1731.     Name     "Looses"
  1732.     Location     [175, 268, 810, 533]
  1733.     Open     off
  1734.     ModelBrowserVisibility  off
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  1744.     Name     "wr"
  1745.     Position     [30, 43, 60, 57]
  1746.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1747.     }
  1748.     Block {
  1749.     BlockType     Inport
  1750.     Name     "idqs"
  1751.     Position     [180, 88, 210, 102]
  1752.     Port     "2"
  1753.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1754.     }
  1755.     Block {
  1756.     BlockType     Inport
  1757.     Name     "idq_grid_conv"
  1758.     Position     [35, 208, 65, 222]
  1759.     Port     "3"
  1760.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1761.     }
  1762.     Block {
  1763.     BlockType     Inport
  1764.     Name     "idqr"
  1765.     Position     [35, 153, 65, 167]
  1766.     Port     "4"
  1767.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1768.     }
  1769.     Block {
  1770.     BlockType     Inport
  1771.     Name     "Freq"
  1772.     Position     [410, 23, 440, 37]
  1773.     Port     "5"
  1774.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1775.     }
  1776.     Block {
  1777.     BlockType     Constant
  1778.     Name     "Constant3"
  1779.     Position     [125, 187, 165, 203]
  1780.     ShowName     off
  1781.     Value     "R_RL"
  1782.     }
  1783.     Block {
  1784.     BlockType     SubSystem
  1785.     Name     "DiscretenVariable FrequencynMea"
  1786. "n value"
  1787.     Ports     [3, 1]
  1788.     Position     [480, 56, 540, 114]
  1789.     TreatAsAtomicUnit     off
  1790.     MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  1791.     RTWSystemCode     "Auto"
  1792.     MaskHideContents     off
  1793.     MaskType     "Discrete Variable-Frequency Mean "
  1794. "Value"
  1795.     MaskDescription     "This discrete block computes the "
  1796. "mean value of the input signal (port In) over a running window of one cycle o"
  1797. "f a specified frequency (port Freq). nnFor the first cycle of simulation (s"
  1798. "pecified by the parameter "Initial frequency"), the ouput is held to the va"
  1799. "lue of the  "Initial input" parameter. nnThe value of the parameter "Min"
  1800. "imum frequency" is used to determine the buffer size of the "Variable Trans"
  1801. "port Delay" block found inside this subsystem.n"
  1802.     MaskPromptString     "Initial frequency (Hz):|Minimum f"
  1803. "requency (Hz):|Sample time:"
  1804.     MaskStyleString     "edit,edit,edit"
  1805.     MaskTunableValueString  "on,on,on"
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  1808.     MaskVisibilityString    "on,on,on"
  1809.     MaskToolTipString     "on,on,on"
  1810.     MaskVarAliasString     ",,"
  1811.     MaskVariables     "Finit=@1;Fmin=@2;Ts=@3;"
  1812.     MaskInitialization     "MaxDelay=1/Fmin+Ts;"
  1813.     MaskIconFrame     on
  1814.     MaskIconOpaque     on
  1815.     MaskIconRotate     "none"
  1816.     MaskIconUnits     "autoscale"
  1817.     MaskValueString     "Fnom|45|Ts_Control"
  1818.     MaskTabNameString     ",,"
  1819.     System {
  1820.     Name     "DiscretenVariable FrequencynMea"
  1821. "n value"
  1822.     Location     [84, 160, 847, 680]
  1823.     Open     off
  1824.     ModelBrowserVisibility  off
  1825.     ModelBrowserWidth     200
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  1834.     Name     "Freq"
  1835.     Position     [20, 218, 50, 232]
  1836.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1837.     PortDimensions     "1"
  1838.     Port {
  1839.     PortNumber     1
  1840.     Name     "Freq"
  1841.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  1842.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  1843.     }
  1844.     }
  1845.     Block {
  1846.     BlockType     Inport
  1847.     Name     "In"
  1848.     Position     [15, 143, 45, 157]
  1849.     Port     "2"
  1850.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1851.     PortDimensions     "1"
  1852.     Port {
  1853.     PortNumber     1
  1854.     Name     "In"
  1855.     PropagatedSignals     "Looses"
  1856.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  1857.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  1858.     }
  1859.     }
  1860.     Block {
  1861.     BlockType     Inport
  1862.     Name     "Init"
  1863.     Position     [595, 253, 625, 267]
  1864.     Port     "3"
  1865.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1866.     }
  1867.     Block {
  1868.     BlockType     Reference
  1869.     Name     "Correctionnsubsystem"
  1870.     Ports     [3, 1]
  1871.     Position     [370, 368, 410, 432]
  1872.     DropShadow     on
  1873.     SourceBlock     "powerlib_extras/DiscretenMeasure"
  1874. "ments/DiscretenVariable FrequencynMean value/Correctionnsubsystem"
  1875.     SourceType     "SubSystem"
  1876.     ShowPortLabels     "on"
  1877.     }
  1878.     Block {
  1879.     BlockType     Reference
  1880.     Name     "Discrete VariablenTransport Dela"
  1881. "y"
  1882.     Ports     [2, 1]
  1883.     Position     [210, 138, 250, 182]
  1884.     NamePlacement     "alternate"
  1885.     SourceBlock     "powerlib_extras/Discrete nContro"
  1886. "l Blocks/Discrete VariablenTransport Delay"
  1887.     SourceType     "Discrete variable transport delay"
  1888.     ShowPortLabels     "on"
  1889.     MaxDelay     "MaxDelay"
  1890.     InitialValue     "0"
  1891.     Ts     "Ts"
  1892.     }
  1893.     Block {
  1894.     BlockType     Gain
  1895.     Name     "Gain"
  1896.     Position     [345, 301, 380, 339]
  1897.     ShowName     off
  1898.     Gain     "Ts"
  1899.     Port {
  1900.     PortNumber     1
  1901.     Name     "Delay"
  1902.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  1903.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  1904.     }
  1905.     }
  1906.     Block {
  1907.     BlockType     DiscreteIntegrator
  1908.     Name     "Integ4"
  1909.     Ports     [1, 1]
  1910.     Position     [95, 132, 140, 168]
  1911.     ShowName     off
  1912.     IntegratorMethod     "Integration: Trapezoidal"
  1913.     ExternalReset     "none"
  1914.     InitialConditionSource  "internal"
  1915.     SampleTime     "Ts"
  1916.     IgnoreLimit     off
  1917.     ICPrevOutput     "DiscIntNeverNeededParam"
  1918.     ICPrevScaledInput     "DiscIntNeverNeededParam"
  1919.     }
  1920.     Block {
  1921.     BlockType     Fcn
  1922.     Name     "Number of samplesnper cycle"
  1923.     Position     [150, 307, 205, 333]
  1924.     Expr     "1/u[1]/Ts"
  1925.     }
  1926.     Block {
  1927.     BlockType     Product
  1928.     Name     "Product"
  1929.     Ports     [2, 1]
  1930.     Position     [335, 158, 370, 247]
  1931.     ShowName     off
  1932.     RndMeth     "Floor"
  1933.     Port {
  1934.     PortNumber     1
  1935.     Name     "Mean value"
  1936.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  1937.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  1938.     }
  1939.     }
  1940.     Block {
  1941.     BlockType     Rounding
  1942.     Name     "RoundingnFunction"
  1943.     Position     [260, 306, 295, 334]
  1944.     NamePlacement     "alternate"
  1945.     ShowName     off
  1946.     Operator     "ceil"
  1947.     }
  1948.     Block {
  1949.     BlockType     Step
  1950.     Name     "Step"
  1951.     Position     [600, 163, 620, 187]
  1952.     Time     "1/Finit"
  1953.     SampleTime     "Ts"
  1954.     }
  1955.     Block {
  1956.     BlockType     Sum
  1957.     Name     "Sum5"
  1958.     Ports     [2, 1]
  1959.     Position     [550, 188, 575, 252]
  1960.     ShowName     off
  1961.     }
  1962.     Block {
  1963.     BlockType     Sum
  1964.     Name     "Sum7"
  1965.     Ports     [2, 1]
  1966.     Position     [285, 140, 310, 220]
  1967.     ShowName     off
  1968.     Inputs     "-+"
  1969.     }
  1970.     Block {
  1971.     BlockType     Switch
  1972.     Name     "Switch"
  1973.     Position     [655, 209, 675, 271]
  1974.     ShowName     off
  1975.     Threshold     "0.5"
  1976.     SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1977.     }
  1978.     Block {
  1979.     BlockType     Saturate
  1980.     Name     "To avoidndivision by zero"
  1981.     Position     [82, 265, 108, 285]
  1982.     Orientation     "down"
  1983.     UpperLimit     "1e6"
  1984.     LowerLimit     "1e-6"
  1985.     Port {
  1986.     PortNumber     1
  1987.     Name     "Freq"
  1988.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  1989.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  1990.     }
  1991.     }
  1992.     Block {
  1993.     BlockType     Outport
  1994.     Name     "Mean"
  1995.     Position     [705, 233, 735, 247]
  1996.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  1997.     BusOutputAsStruct     off
  1998.     }
  1999.     Line {
  2000.     SrcBlock     "Step"
  2001.     SrcPort     1
  2002.     Points     [10, 0; 0, 65]
  2003.     DstBlock     "Switch"
  2004.     DstPort     2
  2005.     }
  2006.     Line {
  2007.     SrcBlock     "Correctionnsubsystem"
  2008.     SrcPort     1
  2009.     Points     [100, 0; 0, -165]
  2010.     DstBlock     "Sum5"
  2011.     DstPort     2
  2012.     }
  2013.     Line {
  2014.     Name     "Freq"
  2015.     Labels     [2, 0]
  2016.     SrcBlock     "To avoidndivision by zero"
  2017.     SrcPort     1
  2018.     Points     [0, 30]
  2019.     DstBlock     "Number of samplesnper cycle"
  2020.     DstPort     1
  2021.     }
  2022.     Line {
  2023.     SrcBlock     "Switch"
  2024.     SrcPort     1
  2025.     DstBlock     "Mean"
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  3445.     }
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  3531.     }
  3532.     Block {
  3533.     BlockType     Inport
  3534.     Name     "Vdc"
  3535.     Position     [290, 198, 320, 212]
  3536.     Port     "2"
  3537.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  3538.     }
  3539.     Block {
  3540.     BlockType     Inport
  3541.     Name     "Angle"
  3542.     Position     [540, 148, 570, 162]
  3543.     Port     "3"
  3544.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  3545.     }
  3546.     Block {
  3547.     BlockType     Saturate
  3548.     Name     "0-1"
  3549.     Position     [455, 45, 485, 75]
  3550.     NamePlacement     "alternate"
  3551.     UpperLimit     "1"
  3552.     LowerLimit     "0"
  3553.     }
  3554.     Block {
  3555.     BlockType     Saturate
  3556.     Name     "Avoid divisionnby zero"
  3557.     Position     [340, 145, 370, 175]
  3558.     Orientation     "up"
  3559.     UpperLimit     "1e6"
  3560.     LowerLimit     "1e-6"
  3561.     }
  3562.     Block {
  3563.     BlockType     Reference
  3564.     Name     "Cartesian tonPolar"
  3565.     Ports     [2, 2]
  3566.     Position     [130, 33, 165, 102]
  3567.     SourceBlock     "simulink_extras/Transformations/C"
  3568. "artesian tonPolar"
  3569.     SourceType     "Cart2Polar"
  3570.     ShowPortLabels     "on"
  3571.     }
  3572.     Block {
  3573.     BlockType     Demux
  3574.     Name     "Demux1"
  3575.     Ports     [1, 2]
  3576.     Position     [95, 31, 100, 104]
  3577.     BackgroundColor     "black"
  3578.     ShowName     off
  3579.     Outputs     "2"
  3580.     }
  3581.     Block {
  3582.     BlockType     Constant
  3583.     Name     "K"
  3584.     Position     [225, 102, 340, 118]
  3585.     Value     "Vnom*2*sqrt(2/3)"
  3586.     }
  3587.     Block {
  3588.     BlockType     Mux
  3589.     Name     "Mux1"
  3590.     Ports     [3, 1]
  3591.     Position     [625, 46, 630, 124]
  3592.     ShowName     off
  3593.     Inputs     "3"
  3594.     DisplayOption     "bar"
  3595.     Port {
  3596.     PortNumber     1
  3597.     Name     "Vdq0"
  3598.     PropagatedSignals     ", , "
  3599.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  3600.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  3601.     }
  3602.     }
  3603.     Block {
  3604.     BlockType     Mux
  3605.     Name     "Mux2"
  3606.     Ports     [2, 1]
  3607.     Position     [670, 143, 675, 192]
  3608.     ShowName     off
  3609.     Inputs     "2"
  3610.     DisplayOption     "bar"
  3611.     }
  3612.     Block {
  3613.     BlockType     Reference
  3614.     Name     "Polar tonCartesian"
  3615.     Ports     [2, 2]
  3616.     Position     [530, 46, 570, 99]
  3617.     SourceBlock     "simulink_extras/Transformations/P"
  3618. "olar tonCartesian"
  3619.     SourceType     "Polar2Cart"
  3620.     ShowPortLabels     "on"
  3621.     }
  3622.     Block {
  3623.     BlockType     Product
  3624.     Name     "Product2"
  3625.     Ports     [3, 1]
  3626.     Position     [380, 43, 400, 77]
  3627.     ShowName     off
  3628.     Inputs     "**/"
  3629.     RndMeth     "Floor"
  3630.     Port {
  3631.     PortNumber     1
  3632.     Name     "m"
  3633.     RTWStorageClass     "Auto"
  3634.     DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
  3635.     }
  3636.     }
  3637.     Block {
  3638.     BlockType     Trigonometry
  3639.     Name     "TrigonometricnFunction2"
  3640.     Ports     [1, 1]
  3641.     Position     [615, 144, 645, 166]
  3642.     ShowName     off
  3643.     }
  3644.     Block {
  3645.     BlockType     Trigonometry
  3646.     Name     "TrigonometricnFunction3"
  3647.     Ports     [1, 1]
  3648.     Position     [615, 169, 645, 191]
  3649.     ShowName     off
  3650.     Operator     "cos"
  3651.     }
  3652.     Block {
  3653.     BlockType     Constant
  3654.     Name     "V0"
  3655.     Position     [590, 103, 600, 117]
  3656.     ShowName     off
  3657.     Value     "0"
  3658.     }
  3659.     Block {
  3660.     BlockType     Reference
  3661.     Name     "dq0_to_abcnTransformation"
  3662.     Ports     [2, 1]
  3663.     Position     [715, 71, 780, 129]
  3664.     SourceBlock     "powerlib_extras/Measurements/dq0_"
  3665. "to_abcnTransformation"
  3666.     SourceType     "dq0 to abc Transformation"
  3667.     ShowPortLabels     "on"
  3668.     }
  3669.     Block {
  3670.     BlockType     Outport
  3671.     Name     "Uctrl_rotor_conv"
  3672.     Position     [820, 93, 850, 107]
  3673.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  3674.     BusOutputAsStruct     off
  3675.     }
  3676.     Line {
  3677.     SrcBlock     "Mux2"
  3678.     SrcPort     1
  3679.     Points     [5, 0; 0, -55]
  3680.     DstBlock     "dq0_to_abcnTransformation"
  3681.     DstPort     2
  3682.     }
  3683.     Line {
  3684.     SrcBlock     "TrigonometricnFunction2"
  3685.     SrcPort     1
  3686.     DstBlock     "Mux2"
  3687.     DstPort     1
  3688.     }
  3689.     Line {
  3690.     SrcBlock     "TrigonometricnFunction3"
  3691.     SrcPort     1
  3692.     DstBlock     "Mux2"
  3693.     DstPort     2
  3694.     }
  3695.     Line {
  3696.     SrcBlock     "Angle"
  3697.     SrcPort     1
  3698.     Points     [0, 0; 15, 0]
  3699.     Branch {
  3700.     Points     [0, 25]
  3701.     DstBlock     "TrigonometricnFunction3"
  3702.     DstPort     1
  3703.     }
  3704.     Branch {
  3705.     DstBlock     "TrigonometricnFunction2"
  3706.     DstPort     1
  3707.     }
  3708.     }
  3709.     Line {
  3710.     SrcBlock     "dq0_to_abcnTransformation"
  3711.     SrcPort     1
  3712.     DstBlock     "Uctrl_rotor_conv"
  3713.     DstPort     1
  3714.     }
  3715.     Line {
  3716.     SrcBlock     "V0"
  3717.     SrcPort     1
  3718.     DstBlock     "Mux1"
  3719.     DstPort     3
  3720.     }
  3721.     Line {
  3722.     SrcBlock     "Polar tonCartesian"
  3723.     SrcPort     1
  3724.     DstBlock     "Mux1"
  3725.     DstPort     1
  3726.     }
  3727.     Line {
  3728.     SrcBlock     "Polar tonCartesian"
  3729.     SrcPort     2
  3730.     DstBlock     "Mux1"
  3731.     DstPort     2
  3732.     }
  3733.     Line {
  3734.     SrcBlock     "0-1"
  3735.     SrcPort     1
  3736.     DstBlock     "Polar tonCartesian"
  3737.     DstPort     1
  3738.     }
  3739.     Line {
  3740.     Name     "m"
  3741.     Labels     [1, 0]
  3742.     SrcBlock     "Product2"
  3743.     SrcPort     1
  3744.     DstBlock     "0-1"
  3745.     DstPort     1
  3746.     }
  3747.     Line {
  3748.     SrcBlock     "Vdc"
  3749.     SrcPort     1
  3750.     Points     [30, 0]
  3751.     DstBlock     "Avoid divisionnby zero"
  3752.     DstPort     1
  3753.     }
  3754.     Line {
  3755.     SrcBlock     "K"
  3756.     SrcPort     1
  3757.     Points     [5, 0; 0, -50]
  3758.     DstBlock     "Product2"
  3759.     DstPort     2
  3760.     }
  3761.     Line {
  3762.     SrcBlock     "Avoid divisionnby zero"
  3763.     SrcPort     1
  3764.     Points     [0, -70]
  3765.     DstBlock     "Product2"
  3766.     DstPort     3
  3767.     }
  3768.     Line {
  3769.     SrcBlock     "Demux1"
  3770.     SrcPort     1
  3771.     DstBlock     "Cartesian tonPolar"
  3772.     DstPort     1
  3773.     }
  3774.     Line {
  3775.     SrcBlock     "Demux1"
  3776.     SrcPort     2
  3777.     DstBlock     "Cartesian tonPolar"
  3778.     DstPort     2
  3779.     }
  3780.     Line {
  3781.     SrcBlock     "Cartesian tonPolar"
  3782.     SrcPort     1
  3783.     DstBlock     "Product2"
  3784.     DstPort     1
  3785.     }
  3786.     Line {
  3787.     SrcBlock     "Cartesian tonPolar"
  3788.     SrcPort     2
  3789.     DstBlock     "Polar tonCartesian"
  3790.     DstPort     2
  3791.     }
  3792.     Line {
  3793.     SrcBlock     "Vdq*"
  3794.     SrcPort     1
  3795.     DstBlock     "Demux1"
  3796.     DstPort     1
  3797.     }
  3798.     Line {
  3799.     Name     "Vdq0"
  3800.     Labels     [0, 0]
  3801.     SrcBlock     "Mux1"
  3802.     SrcPort     1
  3803.     DstBlock     "dq0_to_abcnTransformation"
  3804.     DstPort     1
  3805.     }
  3806.     Annotation {
  3807.     Name     "Required value for modulation ind"
  3808. "ex "m" to obtain 1 pu generated voltage by the converter:"
  3809.     Position     [412, 280]
  3810.     UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
  3811.     FontSize     12
  3812.     }
  3813.     Annotation {
  3814.     Name     "m = Vnom_r * 2*sqrt(2/3) / Vdc"
  3815.     Position     [247, 310]
  3816.     UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
  3817.     FontSize     12
  3818.     }
  3819.     Annotation {
  3820.     Name     "Where  Vnom_r =  RMS ph-ph nomina"
  3821. "l voltage "
  3822.     Position     [292, 340]
  3823.     UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
  3824.     FontSize     12
  3825.     }
  3826.     }
  3827.     }
  3828.     Block {
  3829.     BlockType     Outport
  3830.     Name     "Uctrl_rotor_conv"
  3831.     Position     [1225, 278, 1255, 292]
  3832.     IconDisplay     "Port number"
  3833.     BusOutputAsStruct     off
  3834.     }
  3835.     Line {
  3836.     SrcBlock     "Mutual flux"
  3837.     SrcPort     2
  3838.     Points     [5, 0; 0, 45]
  3839.     Branch {
  3840.     Points     [0, 125]
  3841.     DstBlock     "Sum"
  3842.     DstPort     1
  3843.     }
  3844.     Branch {
  3845.     DstBlock     "IdqnMutual fluxnReference frame"
  3846.     DstPort     1
  3847.     }
  3848.     }
  3849.     Line {
  3850.     SrcBlock     "CurrentnRegulator"
  3851.     SrcPort     1
  3852.     DstBlock     "dq --> abc"
  3853.     DstPort     1
  3854.     }
  3855.     Line {
  3856.     SrcBlock     "Vdc"
  3857.     SrcPort     1
  3858.     DstBlock     "dq --> abc"
  3859.     DstPort     2
  3860.     }
  3861.     Line {
  3862.     SrcBlock     "Theta"
  3863.     SrcPort     1
  3864.     DstBlock     "Transformationnabc --> dq dansn"
  3865. "referentielnTension statorique "
  3866.     DstPort     1
  3867.     }
  3868.     Line {
  3869.     SrcBlock     "IdqnMutual fluxnReference frame"
  3870.     SrcPort     1
  3871.     Points     [35, 0]
  3872.     Branch {
  3873.     Points     [0, -175]
  3874.     DstBlock     "Torque control"
  3875.     DstPort     2
  3876.     }
  3877.     Branch {
  3878.     Points     [250, 0; 0, -195]
  3879.     DstBlock     "CurrentnRegulator"
  3880.     DstPort     2
  3881.     }
  3882.     }
  3883.     Line {
  3884.     SrcBlock     "Sum"
  3885.     SrcPort     1
  3886.     Points     [515, 0; 0, -205]
  3887.     DstBlock     "dq --> abc"
  3888.     DstPort     3
  3889.     }
  3890.     Line {
  3891.     SrcBlock     "dq --> abc"
  3892.     SrcPort     1
  3893.     DstBlock     "Uctrl_rotor_conv"
  3894.     DstPort     1
  3895.     }
  3896.     Line {
  3897.     SrcBlock     "IdqnMutual fluxnReference frame"
  3898.     SrcPort     2
  3899.     Points     [0, 0; 50, 0]
  3900.     Branch {
  3901.     Points     [0, -190]
  3902.     DstBlock     "Torque control"
  3903.     DstPort     3
  3904.     }
  3905.     Branch {
  3906.     Points     [250, 0; 0, -205]
  3907.     DstBlock     "CurrentnRegulator"
  3908.     DstPort     3
  3909.     }
  3910.     }
  3911.     Line {
  3912.     SrcBlock     "Iabc_rotor"
  3913.     SrcPort     1
  3914.     DstBlock     "Transformationnabc --> dq dansn"
  3915. "referentielnTension statorique "
  3916.     DstPort     2
  3917.     }
  3918.     Line {
  3919.     SrcBlock     "Iabc_stator"
  3920.     SrcPort     1
  3921.     DstBlock     "Transformationnabc --> dq dansn"
  3922. "referentielnTension statorique "
  3923.     DstPort     3
  3924.     }
  3925.     Line {
  3926.     SrcBlock     "Iabc_grid_conv"
  3927.     SrcPort     1
  3928.     DstBlock     "Transformationnabc --> dq dansn"
  3929. "referentielnTension statorique "
  3930.     DstPort     4
  3931.     }
  3932.     Line {
  3933.     SrcBlock     "Transformationnabc --> dq dansn"
  3934. "referentielnTension statorique "
  3935.     SrcPort     1
  3936.     Points     [0, 0; 45, 0]
  3937.     Branch {
  3938.     Points     [0, 110]
  3939.     DstBlock     "IdqnMutual fluxnReference frame"
  3940.     DstPort     2
  3941.     }
  3942.     Branch {
  3943.     DstBlock     "Mutual flux"
  3944.     DstPort     1
  3945.     }
  3946.     }
  3947.     Line {
  3948.     SrcBlock     "Transformationnabc --> dq dansn"
  3949. "referentielnTension statorique "
  3950.     SrcPort     2
  3951.     Points     [0, 0; 35, 0]
  3952.     Branch {
  3953.     Points     [0, 95]
  3954.     DstBlock     "IdqnMutual fluxnReference frame"
  3955.     DstPort     3
  3956.     }
  3957.     Branch {
  3958.     DstBlock     "Mutual flux"
  3959.     DstPort     2
  3960.     }
  3961.     }
  3962.     Line {
  3963.     SrcBlock     "angle_rotor"
  3964.     SrcPort     1
  3965.     DstBlock     "Transformationnabc --> dq dansn"
  3966. "referentielnTension statorique "
  3967.     DstPort     5
  3968.     }
  3969.     Line {
  3970.     SrcBlock     "Transformationnabc --> dq dansn"
  3971. "referentielnTension statorique "
  3972.     SrcPort     4
  3973.     Points     [20, 0; 0, 115]
  3974.     DstBlock     "Sum"
  3975.     DstPort     2
  3976.     }
  3977.     Line {
  3978.     SrcBlock     "Transformationnabc --> dq dansn"
  3979. "referentielnTension statorique "
  3980.     SrcPort     3
  3981.     Points     [20, 0; 0, -120]
  3982.     DstBlock     "Torque control"
  3983.     DstPort     4
  3984.     }
  3985.     Line {
  3986.     SrcBlock     "Q_B1"
  3987.     SrcPort     1
  3988.     DstBlock     "Q Regulator"
  3989.     DstPort     2
  3990.     }
  3991.     Line {
  3992.     SrcBlock     "Q_ref"
  3993.     SrcPort     1
  3994.     DstBlock     "Q Regulator"
  3995.     DstPort     1
  3996.     }
  3997.     Line {
  3998.     SrcBlock     "Freq"
  3999.     SrcPort     1
  4000.     Points     [15, 0; 0, 130]
  4001.     Branch {
  4002.     DstBlock     "Torque control"
  4003.     DstPort     5
  4004.     }
  4005.     Branch {
  4006.     Points     [0, 70; 245, 0]
  4007.     DstBlock     "CurrentnRegulator"
  4008.     DstPort     5
  4009.     }
  4010.     }
  4011.     Line {
  4012.     SrcBlock     "Mux3"
  4013.     SrcPort     1
  4014.     DstBlock     "Priority Idr"
  4015.     DstPort     1
  4016.     }
  4017.     Line {
  4018.     SrcBlock     "Q Regulator"
  4019.     SrcPort     1
  4020.     DstBlock     "Mux3"
  4021.     DstPort     1
  4022.     }
  4023.     Line {
  4024.     SrcBlock     "Mutual flux"
  4025.     SrcPort     1
  4026.     DstBlock     "Torque control"
  4027.     DstPort     6
  4028.     }
  4029.     Line {
  4030.     SrcBlock     "Priority Idr"
  4031.     SrcPort     1
  4032.     Points     [10, 0; 0, 60; -75, 0; 0, 40]
  4033.     DstBlock     "CurrentnRegulator"
  4034.     DstPort     1
  4035.     }
  4036.     Line {
  4037.     SrcBlock     "wr"
  4038.     SrcPort     1
  4039.     Points     [10, 0]
  4040.     Branch {
  4041.     Points     [0, -165]
  4042.     DstBlock     "Torque control"
  4043.     DstPort     1
  4044.     }
  4045.     Branch {
  4046.     Points     [210, 0; 0, -115]
  4047.     DstBlock     "CurrentnRegulator"
  4048.     DstPort     4
  4049.     }
  4050.     }
  4051.     Line {
  4052.     SrcBlock     "Torque control"
  4053.     SrcPort     1
  4054.     Points     [5, 0; 0, -165]
  4055.     DstBlock     "Mux3"
  4056.     DstPort     2
  4057.     }
  4058.     Annotation {
  4059.     Name     "Rotor-side converter control syst"
  4060. "em"
  4061.     Position     [222, 46]
  4062.     UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
  4063.     FontName     "Arial"
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  4067.   }
  4068. }
  4069. Block {
  4070.   BlockType   Sum
  4071.   Name   "Sum"
  4072.   Ports   [2, 1]
  4073.   Position   [410, 825, 430, 845]
  4074.   ShowName   off
  4075.   IconShape   "round"
  4076.   Inputs   "|+-"
  4077.   InputSameDT   off
  4078.   OutDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
  4079. }
  4080. Block {
  4081.   BlockType   Terminator
  4082.   Name   "Terminator"
  4083.   Position   [220, 188, 230, 202]
  4084.   ShowName   off
  4085. }
  4086. Block {
  4087.   BlockType   Gain
  4088.   Name   "pitch_gain"
  4089.   Position   [450, 820, 480, 850]
  4090.   Gain   "pitch_gain"
  4091. }
  4092. Block {
  4093.   BlockType   Outport
  4094.   Name   "Uctrl_grid_conv"
  4095.   Position   [705, 153, 735, 167]
  4096.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  4097.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  4098. }
  4099. Block {
  4100.   BlockType   Outport
  4101.   Name   "Uctrl_rotor_conv"
  4102.   Position   [705, 568, 735, 582]
  4103.   Port   "2"
  4104.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  4105.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  4106. }
  4107. Block {
  4108.   BlockType   Outport
  4109.   Name   "Theta_Freq"
  4110.   Position   [140, 318, 170, 332]
  4111.   Orientation   "left"
  4112.   Port   "3"
  4113.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
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  4115. }
  4116. Block {
  4117.   BlockType   Outport
  4118.   Name   "Pitch_angle"
  4119.   Position   [685, 828, 715, 842]
  4120.   Port   "4"
  4121.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  4122.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  4123. }
  4124. Line {
  4125.   SrcBlock   "Vdc"
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  4128.   Branch {
  4129.     Points     [0, -135]
  4130.     DstBlock     "Grid-side converternControl syst"
  4131. "em"
  4132.     DstPort     4
  4133.   }
  4134.   Branch {
  4135.     Points     [0, 125]
  4136.     DstBlock     "Rotor-side converternControl sys"
  4137. "tem"
  4138.     DstPort     2
  4139.   }
  4140. }
  4141. Line {
  4142.   SrcBlock   "Vabc_B1"
  4143.   SrcPort   1
  4144.   Points   [0, 0; 30, 0]
  4145.   Branch {
  4146.     DstBlock     "Grid-side converternControl syst"
  4147. "em"
  4148.     DstPort     1
  4149.   }
  4150.   Branch {
  4151.     Points     [0, 100]
  4152.     DstBlock     "Discreten3-phase PLL"
  4153.     DstPort     1
  4154.   }
  4155. }
  4156. Line {
  4157.   SrcBlock   "Iq_grid_conv_ref"
  4158.   SrcPort   1
  4159.   DstBlock   "Grid-side converternControl system"
  4160.   DstPort   5