资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* sizewndw.c module of WiZ.
- * Author: Robert A. Heath
- * I, Robert Heath, place this source code module in the public domain.
- *
- * Modifications Mike White 1995, 1996
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "wiz.h"
- /* Call this when the window size changes or needs to change. */
- void SizeWindow(void)
- {
- static WORD wOriWidth =1;
- WORD wClientWidth; /* width of hWndMain client area */
- RECT rectT;
- static BOOL doneOnce = FALSE;
- /* Set up to do button sizing */
- BtnMult = (float)BTNWIDTH; /* Reset multiplier to original setting */
- BtnSeparator = 1; /* Set distance between buttons back to 1 */
- Width = (int)(BtnMult*dxChar);
- WinAssert(hWndMain);
- if (!doneOnce)
- {
- MoveWindow(hWndMain,
- MainRc.left,
- MainRc.right,
- MainRc.bottom,
- }
- GetClientRect(hWndMain, &rectT);
- wClientWidth = (WORD)(rectT.right-rectT.left+1); /* x size of client area */
- if (((Width * NUMOFBUTTONS) + NUMOFBUTTONS) > rectT.right)
- {
- /* Okay, we've got to reduce the button sizes to get them to fit on the
- * screen.
- */
- while (BtnMult > MIN_BTN_WIDTH)
- {
- BtnMult = (float)(BtnMult - 0.1);
- Width = (int)(BtnMult*dxChar);
- if (((Width * NUMOFBUTTONS) + NUMOFBUTTONS) < rectT.right)
- break;
- }
- if (((Width * NUMOFBUTTONS) + NUMOFBUTTONS) > rectT.right)
- BtnSeparator = 0;
- }
- #endif
- if (wClientWidth != wOriWidth)
- {
- wOriWidth = wClientWidth;
- WinAssert(hWndButtonBar);
- MoveWindow(hWndButtonBar,
- 0, 1,
- wClientWidth,(int)(2.1 * dyChar),
- TRUE);
- MoveButtons();
- }
- /*
- * Position the archive display listbox.
- */
- WinAssert(hWndList);
- GetClientRect(hWndMain, &rectT);
- #ifndef WIN32
- rectT.bottom = rectT.bottom - (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME)) -
- (5 * dyChar); /* This 5 * dyChar is to allow for the two lines we're
- * being dropped down for the button row, two lines for
- * the actual "trailers", and one additional line so the
- * totals line doesn't show up on the very edge of the
- * main window.
- */
- MoveWindow(hWndList,
- 0, (3 * dyChar), /* drop listbox two lines down for buttons, and one for */
- rectT.right, /* headings */
- rectT.bottom,
- TRUE);
- #else
- rectT.bottom = rectT.bottom - (2 * dyChar);
- /* This 2 * dyChar is to allow for the two lines we're
- * being dropped down for the button row
- */
- MoveWindow(hWndList,
- 0, (2 * dyChar), /* drop listbox two lines down for buttons */
- rectT.right,
- rectT.bottom,
- TRUE);
- #endif
- if (!doneOnce)
- {
- int top;
- HMENU hSysMenu;
- /* Limit user actions on window */
- hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(hWndStatic, FALSE);
- DeleteMenu(hSysMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
- DeleteMenu(hSysMenu, SC_TASKLIST, MF_BYCOMMAND);
- /* walk thru menu and delete all separator bars */
- for (top = GetMenuItemCount(hSysMenu); top; top--)
- if (GetMenuState(hSysMenu, top-1, MF_BYPOSITION) & MF_SEPARATOR)
- DeleteMenu(hSysMenu, top-1, MF_BYPOSITION);
- doneOnce = TRUE;
- }
- }