Visual C++
- /*
- * DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM c:/builds/tinderbox/XR-Mozilla1.8.0-Release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/xpfe/components/shistory/public/nsISHistoryListener.idl
- */
- #ifndef __gen_nsISHistoryListener_h__
- #define __gen_nsISHistoryListener_h__
- #ifndef __gen_nsISupports_h__
- #include "nsISupports.h"
- #endif
- /* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
- #ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
- #define NS_NO_VTABLE
- #endif
- class nsIURI; /* forward declaration */
- #define NS_SHISTORYLISTENER_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/browser/shistorylistener;1"
- /* starting interface: nsISHistoryListener */
- #define NS_ISHISTORYLISTENER_IID_STR "3b07f591-e8e1-11d4-9882-00c04fa02f40"
- {0x3b07f591, 0xe8e1, 0x11d4,
- { 0x98, 0x82, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xa0, 0x2f, 0x40 }}
- /**
- * nsISHistoryListener defines the interface for an object that wishes
- * to receive notifications about activities in History. A history
- * listener will be notified when pages are added, removed and loaded
- * from session history. A listener to session history can be registered
- * using the interface nsISHistory.
- *
- * @status FROZEN
- */
- class NS_NO_VTABLE nsISHistoryListener : public nsISupports {
- public:
- /**
- * called to notify a listener when a new document is
- * added to session history. New documents are added to
- * session history by docshell when new pages are loaded
- * in a frame or content area.
- *
- * @param aNewURI The uri of the document to be added to session history
- *
- * @return <CODE>NS_OK</CODE> notification sent out successfully
- */
- /* void OnHistoryNewEntry (in nsIURI aNewURI); */
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryNewEntry(nsIURI *aNewURI) = 0;
- /**
- * called to notify a listener when the user presses the 'back' button
- * of the browser OR when the user attempts to go back one page
- * in history thro' other means, from javascript or using nsIWebNavigation
- *
- * @param aBackURI The uri of the previous page which is to be
- * loaded.
- *
- * @return aReturn A boolean flag returned by the listener to
- * indicate if the back operation is to be aborted
- * or continued. If the listener returns 'true', it indicates
- * that the back operation can be continued. If the listener
- * returns 'false', then the back operation will be aborted.
- * This is a mechanism for the listener to control user's
- * operations with history.
- *
- */
- /* boolean OnHistoryGoBack (in nsIURI aBackURI); */
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGoBack(nsIURI *aBackURI, PRBool *_retval) = 0;
- /**
- * called to notify a listener when the user presses the 'forward' button
- * of the browser OR when the user attempts to go forward one page
- * in history thro' other means, from javascript or using nsIWebNavigation
- *
- * @param aForwardURI The uri of the next page which is to be
- * loaded.
- *
- * @return aReturn A boolean flag returned by the listener to
- * indicate if the forward operation is to be aborted
- * or continued. If the listener returns 'true', it indicates
- * that the forward operation can be continued. If the listener
- * returns 'false', then the forward operation will be aborted.
- * This is a mechanism for the listener to control user's
- * operations with history.
- *
- */
- /* boolean OnHistoryGoForward (in nsIURI aForwardURI); */
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGoForward(nsIURI *aForwardURI, PRBool *_retval) = 0;
- /**
- * called to notify a listener when the user presses the 'reload' button
- * of the browser OR when the user attempts to reload the current document
- * through other means, like from javascript or using nsIWebNavigation
- *
- * @param aReloadURI The uri of the current document to be reloaded.
- * @param aReloadFlags Flags that indicate how the document is to be
- * refreshed. For example, from cache or bypassing
- * cache and/or Proxy server.
- * @return aReturn A boolean flag returned by the listener to indicate
- * if the reload operation is to be aborted or continued.
- * If the listener returns 'true', it indicates that the
- * reload operation can be continued. If the listener
- * returns 'false', then the reload operation will be aborted.
- * This is a mechanism for the listener to control user's
- * operations with history.
- * @see nsIWebNavigation
- *
- */
- /* boolean OnHistoryReload (in nsIURI aReloadURI, in unsigned long aReloadFlags); */
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryReload(nsIURI *aReloadURI, PRUint32 aReloadFlags, PRBool *_retval) = 0;
- /**
- * called to notify a listener when the user visits a page using the 'Go' menu
- * of the browser OR when the user attempts to go to a page at a particular index
- * through other means, like from javascript or using nsIWebNavigation
- *
- * @param aIndex The index in history of the document to be loaded.
- * @param aGotoURI The uri of the document to be loaded.
- *
- * @return aReturn A boolean flag returned by the listener to
- * indicate if the GotoIndex operation is to be aborted
- * or continued. If the listener returns 'true', it indicates
- * that the GotoIndex operation can be continued. If the listener
- * returns 'false', then the GotoIndex operation will be aborted.
- * This is a mechanism for the listener to control user's
- * operations with history.
- *
- */
- /* boolean OnHistoryGotoIndex (in long aIndex, in nsIURI aGotoURI); */
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGotoIndex(PRInt32 aIndex, nsIURI *aGotoURI, PRBool *_retval) = 0;
- /**
- * called to notify a listener when documents are removed from session
- * history. Documents can be removed from session history for various
- * reasons. For example to control the memory usage of the browser, to
- * prevent users from loading documents from history, to erase evidence of
- * prior page loads etc... To purge documents from session history call
- * nsISHistory::PurgeHistory()
- *
- * @param aNumEntries The number of documents to be removed from session history.
- *
- * @return aReturn A boolean flag returned by the listener to
- * indicate if the purge operation is to be aborted
- * or continued. If the listener returns 'true', it indicates
- * that the purge operation can be continued. If the listener
- * returns 'false', then the purge operation will be aborted.
- * This is a mechanism for the listener to control user's
- * operations with history.
- *
- * @note While purging history, the older documents are removed
- * and newly loaded documents are kept. For example if there
- * are 5 documents in history, and nsISHistory::PurgeHistory(3)
- * is called, then, document 1, 2 and 3 are removed from history
- * and most recently loaded document 4 and 5 are kept.
- *
- */
- /* boolean OnHistoryPurge (in long aNumEntries); */
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryPurge(PRInt32 aNumEntries, PRBool *_retval) = 0;
- };
- /* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryNewEntry(nsIURI *aNewURI);
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGoBack(nsIURI *aBackURI, PRBool *_retval);
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGoForward(nsIURI *aForwardURI, PRBool *_retval);
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryReload(nsIURI *aReloadURI, PRUint32 aReloadFlags, PRBool *_retval);
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGotoIndex(PRInt32 aIndex, nsIURI *aGotoURI, PRBool *_retval);
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryPurge(PRInt32 aNumEntries, PRBool *_retval);
- /* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryNewEntry(nsIURI *aNewURI) { return _to OnHistoryNewEntry(aNewURI); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGoBack(nsIURI *aBackURI, PRBool *_retval) { return _to OnHistoryGoBack(aBackURI, _retval); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGoForward(nsIURI *aForwardURI, PRBool *_retval) { return _to OnHistoryGoForward(aForwardURI, _retval); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryReload(nsIURI *aReloadURI, PRUint32 aReloadFlags, PRBool *_retval) { return _to OnHistoryReload(aReloadURI, aReloadFlags, _retval); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGotoIndex(PRInt32 aIndex, nsIURI *aGotoURI, PRBool *_retval) { return _to OnHistoryGotoIndex(aIndex, aGotoURI, _retval); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryPurge(PRInt32 aNumEntries, PRBool *_retval) { return _to OnHistoryPurge(aNumEntries, _retval); }
- /* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryNewEntry(nsIURI *aNewURI) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->OnHistoryNewEntry(aNewURI); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGoBack(nsIURI *aBackURI, PRBool *_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->OnHistoryGoBack(aBackURI, _retval); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGoForward(nsIURI *aForwardURI, PRBool *_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->OnHistoryGoForward(aForwardURI, _retval); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryReload(nsIURI *aReloadURI, PRUint32 aReloadFlags, PRBool *_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->OnHistoryReload(aReloadURI, aReloadFlags, _retval); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryGotoIndex(PRInt32 aIndex, nsIURI *aGotoURI, PRBool *_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->OnHistoryGotoIndex(aIndex, aGotoURI, _retval); }
- NS_IMETHOD OnHistoryPurge(PRInt32 aNumEntries, PRBool *_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->OnHistoryPurge(aNumEntries, _retval); }
- #if 0
- /* Use the code below as a template for the implementation class for this interface. */
- /* Header file */
- class nsSHistoryListener : public nsISHistoryListener
- {
- public:
- nsSHistoryListener();
- private:
- ~nsSHistoryListener();
- protected:
- /* additional members */
- };
- /* Implementation file */
- NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsSHistoryListener, nsISHistoryListener)
- nsSHistoryListener::nsSHistoryListener()
- {
- /* member initializers and constructor code */
- }
- nsSHistoryListener::~nsSHistoryListener()
- {
- /* destructor code */
- }
- /* void OnHistoryNewEntry (in nsIURI aNewURI); */
- NS_IMETHODIMP nsSHistoryListener::OnHistoryNewEntry(nsIURI *aNewURI)
- {
- }
- /* boolean OnHistoryGoBack (in nsIURI aBackURI); */
- NS_IMETHODIMP nsSHistoryListener::OnHistoryGoBack(nsIURI *aBackURI, PRBool *_retval)
- {
- }
- /* boolean OnHistoryGoForward (in nsIURI aForwardURI); */
- NS_IMETHODIMP nsSHistoryListener::OnHistoryGoForward(nsIURI *aForwardURI, PRBool *_retval)
- {
- }
- /* boolean OnHistoryReload (in nsIURI aReloadURI, in unsigned long aReloadFlags); */
- NS_IMETHODIMP nsSHistoryListener::OnHistoryReload(nsIURI *aReloadURI, PRUint32 aReloadFlags, PRBool *_retval)
- {
- }
- /* boolean OnHistoryGotoIndex (in long aIndex, in nsIURI aGotoURI); */
- NS_IMETHODIMP nsSHistoryListener::OnHistoryGotoIndex(PRInt32 aIndex, nsIURI *aGotoURI, PRBool *_retval)
- {
- }
- /* boolean OnHistoryPurge (in long aNumEntries); */
- NS_IMETHODIMP nsSHistoryListener::OnHistoryPurge(PRInt32 aNumEntries, PRBool *_retval)
- {
- }
- /* End of implementation class template. */
- #endif
- #endif /* __gen_nsISHistoryListener_h__ */