- /**
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
- import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetworkTopology;
- import org.apache.hadoop.net.Node;
- import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeID;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.FSConstants;
- import junit.framework.TestCase;
- public class TestReplicationPolicy extends TestCase {
- private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
- private static final int NUM_OF_DATANODES = 6;
- private static final Configuration CONF = new Configuration();
- private static final NetworkTopology cluster;
- private static NameNode namenode;
- private static ReplicationTargetChooser replicator;
- private static DatanodeDescriptor dataNodes[] =
- new DatanodeDescriptor[] {
- new DatanodeDescriptor(new DatanodeID("h1:5020"), "/d1/r1"),
- new DatanodeDescriptor(new DatanodeID("h2:5020"), "/d1/r1"),
- new DatanodeDescriptor(new DatanodeID("h3:5020"), "/d1/r2"),
- new DatanodeDescriptor(new DatanodeID("h4:5020"), "/d1/r2"),
- new DatanodeDescriptor(new DatanodeID("h5:5020"), "/d2/r3"),
- new DatanodeDescriptor(new DatanodeID("h6:5020"), "/d2/r3")
- };
- private final static DatanodeDescriptor NODE =
- new DatanodeDescriptor(new DatanodeID("h7:5020"), "/d2/r4");
- static {
- try {
- FileSystem.setDefaultUri(CONF, "hdfs://localhost:0");
- NameNode.format(CONF);
- namenode = new NameNode(CONF);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- FSNamesystem fsNamesystem = FSNamesystem.getFSNamesystem();
- replicator = fsNamesystem.replicator;
- cluster = fsNamesystem.clusterMap;
- // construct network topology
- for(int i=0; i<NUM_OF_DATANODES; i++) {
- cluster.add(dataNodes[i]);
- }
- for(int i=0; i<NUM_OF_DATANODES; i++) {
- dataNodes[i].updateHeartbeat(
- }
- }
- /**
- * In this testcase, client is dataNodes[0]. So the 1st replica should be
- * placed on dataNodes[0], the 2nd replica should be placed on
- * different rack and third should be placed on different node
- * of rack chosen for 2nd node.
- * The only excpetion is when the <i>numOfReplicas</i> is 2,
- * the 1st is on dataNodes[0] and the 2nd is on a different rack.
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testChooseTarget1() throws Exception {
- dataNodes[0].updateHeartbeat(
- FSConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE*BLOCK_SIZE, 4); // overloaded
- DatanodeDescriptor[] targets;
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 0, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 0);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 1, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 1);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[0]);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 2, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 2);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[0]);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 3, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 3);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[0]);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 4, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 4);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[0]);
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]) ||
- cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[2], targets[3]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[2]));
- dataNodes[0].updateHeartbeat(
- }
- /**
- * In this testcase, client is dataNodes[0], but the dataNodes[1] is
- * not allowed to be chosen. So the 1st replica should be
- * placed on dataNodes[0], the 2nd replica should be placed on a different
- * rack, the 3rd should be on same rack as the 2nd replica, and the rest
- * should be placed on a third rack.
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testChooseTarget2() throws Exception {
- List<Node> excludedNodes;
- DatanodeDescriptor[] targets;
- excludedNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
- excludedNodes.add(dataNodes[1]);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 0, dataNodes[0], excludedNodes, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 0);
- excludedNodes.clear();
- excludedNodes.add(dataNodes[1]);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 1, dataNodes[0], excludedNodes, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 1);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[0]);
- excludedNodes.clear();
- excludedNodes.add(dataNodes[1]);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 2, dataNodes[0], excludedNodes, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 2);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[0]);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- excludedNodes.clear();
- excludedNodes.add(dataNodes[1]);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 3, dataNodes[0], excludedNodes, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 3);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[0]);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]));
- excludedNodes.clear();
- excludedNodes.add(dataNodes[1]);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 4, dataNodes[0], excludedNodes, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 4);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[0]);
- for(int i=1; i<4; i++) {
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[i]));
- }
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]) ||
- cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[2], targets[3]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[3]));
- }
- /**
- * In this testcase, client is dataNodes[0], but dataNodes[0] is not qualified
- * to be chosen. So the 1st replica should be placed on dataNodes[1],
- * the 2nd replica should be placed on a different rack,
- * the 3rd replica should be placed on the same rack as the 2nd replica,
- * and the rest should be placed on the third rack.
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testChooseTarget3() throws Exception {
- // make data node 0 to be not qualified to choose
- dataNodes[0].updateHeartbeat(
- (FSConstants.MIN_BLOCKS_FOR_WRITE-1)*BLOCK_SIZE, 0); // no space
- DatanodeDescriptor[] targets;
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 0, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 0);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 1, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 1);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[1]);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 2, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 2);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[1]);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 3, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 3);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[1]);
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 4, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 4);
- assertEquals(targets[0], dataNodes[1]);
- for(int i=1; i<4; i++) {
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[i]));
- }
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]) ||
- cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[2], targets[3]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[3]));
- dataNodes[0].updateHeartbeat(
- }
- /**
- * In this testcase, client is dataNodes[0], but none of the nodes on rack 1
- * is qualified to be chosen. So the 1st replica should be placed on either
- * rack 2 or rack 3.
- * the 2nd replica should be placed on a different rack,
- * the 3rd replica should be placed on the same rack as the 1st replica,
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testChoooseTarget4() throws Exception {
- // make data node 0 & 1 to be not qualified to choose: not enough disk space
- for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
- dataNodes[i].updateHeartbeat(
- }
- DatanodeDescriptor[] targets;
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 0, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 0);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 1, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 1);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], dataNodes[0]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 2, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 2);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], dataNodes[0]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 3, dataNodes[0], null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 3);
- for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[i], dataNodes[0]));
- }
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]) ||
- cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[2]));
- for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
- dataNodes[i].updateHeartbeat(
- }
- }
- /**
- * In this testcase, client is is a node outside of file system.
- * So the 1st replica can be placed on any node.
- * the 2nd replica should be placed on a different rack,
- * the 3rd replica should be placed on the same rack as the 2nd replica,
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testChooseTarget5() throws Exception {
- DatanodeDescriptor[] targets;
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 0, NODE, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 0);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 1, NODE, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 1);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 2, NODE, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 2);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 3, NODE, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 3);
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[1], targets[2]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- }
- /**
- * This testcase tests re-replication, when dataNodes[0] is already chosen.
- * So the 1st replica can be placed on random rack.
- * the 2nd replica should be placed on different node by same rack as
- * the 1st replica. The 3rd replica can be placed randomly.
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testRereplicate1() throws Exception {
- List<DatanodeDescriptor> chosenNodes = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();
- chosenNodes.add(dataNodes[0]);
- DatanodeDescriptor[] targets;
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 0, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 0);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 1, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 1);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 2, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 2);
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[1]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 3, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 3);
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(targets[0], targets[2]));
- }
- /**
- * This testcase tests re-replication,
- * when dataNodes[0] and dataNodes[1] are already chosen.
- * So the 1st replica should be placed on a different rack than rack 1.
- * the rest replicas can be placed randomly,
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testRereplicate2() throws Exception {
- List<DatanodeDescriptor> chosenNodes = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();
- chosenNodes.add(dataNodes[0]);
- chosenNodes.add(dataNodes[1]);
- DatanodeDescriptor[] targets;
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 0, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 0);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 1, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 1);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 2, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 2);
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[1]));
- }
- /**
- * This testcase tests re-replication,
- * when dataNodes[0] and dataNodes[2] are already chosen.
- * So the 1st replica should be placed on the rack that the writer resides.
- * the rest replicas can be placed randomly,
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testRereplicate3() throws Exception {
- List<DatanodeDescriptor> chosenNodes = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();
- chosenNodes.add(dataNodes[0]);
- chosenNodes.add(dataNodes[2]);
- DatanodeDescriptor[] targets;
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 0, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 0);
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 1, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 1);
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[2], targets[0]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 1, dataNodes[2], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 1);
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[2], targets[0]));
- assertFalse(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 2, dataNodes[0], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 2);
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[0], targets[0]));
- targets = replicator.chooseTarget(
- 2, dataNodes[2], chosenNodes, null, BLOCK_SIZE);
- assertEquals(targets.length, 2);
- assertTrue(cluster.isOnSameRack(dataNodes[2], targets[0]));
- }
- }