- ### "Gridmix" Benchmark ###
- Contents:
- 0 Overview
- 1 Getting Started
- 1.0 Build
- 1.1 Configure
- 1.2 Generate test data
- 2 Running
- 2.0 General
- 2.1 Non-Hod cluster
- 2.2 Hod
- 2.2.0 Static cluster
- 2.2.1 Hod cluster
- * 0 Overview
- The scripts in this package model a cluster workload. The workload is
- simulated by generating random data and submitting map/reduce jobs that
- mimic observed data-access patterns in user jobs. The full benchmark
- generates approximately 2.5TB of (often compressed) input data operated on
- by the following simulated jobs:
- 1) Three stage map/reduce job
- Input: 500GB compressed (2TB uncompressed) SequenceFile
- (k,v) = (5 words, 100 words)
- hadoop-env: FIXCOMPSEQ
- Compute1: keep 10% map, 40% reduce
- Compute2: keep 100% map, 77% reduce
- Input from Compute1
- Compute3: keep 116% map, 91% reduce
- Input from Compute2
- Motivation: Many user workloads are implemented as pipelined map/reduce
- jobs, including Pig workloads
- 2) Large sort of variable key/value size
- Input: 500GB compressed (2TB uncompressed) SequenceFile
- (k,v) = (5-10 words, 100-10000 words)
- hadoop-env: VARCOMPSEQ
- Compute: keep 100% map, 100% reduce
- Motivation: Processing large, compressed datsets is common.
- 3) Reference select
- Input: 500GB compressed (2TB uncompressed) SequenceFile
- (k,v) = (5-10 words, 100-10000 words)
- hadoop-env: VARCOMPSEQ
- Compute: keep 0.2% map, 5% reduce
- 1 Reducer
- Motivation: Sampling from a large, reference dataset is common.
- 4) Indirect Read
- Input: 500GB compressed (2TB uncompressed) Text
- (k,v) = (5 words, 20 words)
- hadoop-env: FIXCOMPTEXT
- Compute: keep 50% map, 100% reduce Each map reads 1 input file,
- adding additional input files from the output of the
- previous iteration for 10 iterations
- Motivation: User jobs in the wild will often take input data without
- consulting the framework. This simulates an iterative job
- whose input data is all "indirect," i.e. given to the
- framework sans locality metadata.
- 5) API text sort (java, pipes, streaming)
- Input: 500GB uncompressed Text
- (k,v) = (1-10 words, 0-200 words)
- hadoop-env: VARINFLTEXT
- Compute: keep 100% map, 100% reduce
- Motivation: This benchmark should exercise each of the APIs to
- map/reduce
- Each of these jobs may be run individually or- using the scripts provided-
- as a simulation of user activity sized to run in approximately 4 hours on a
- 480-500 node cluster using Hadoop 0.15.0. The benchmark runs a mix of small,
- medium, and large jobs simultaneously, submitting each at fixed intervals.
- Notes(1-4): Since input data are compressed, this means that each mapper
- outputs a lot more bytes than it reads in, typically causing map output
- spills.
- * 1 Getting Started
- 1.0 Build
- 1) Compile the examples, including the C++ sources:
- > ant -Dcompile.c++=yes examples
- 2) Copy the pipe sort example to a location in the default filesystem
- (usually HDFS, default /gridmix/programs)
- > $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop dfs -mkdir $GRID_MIX_PROG
- > $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop dfs -put build/c++-examples/$PLATFORM_STR/bin/pipes-sort $GRID_MIX_PROG
- 1.1 Configure
- One must modify hadoop-env to supply the following information:
- HADOOP_HOME The hadoop install location
- GRID_MIX_HOME The location of these scripts
- APP_JAR The location of the hadoop example
- GRID_MIX_DATA The location of the datsets for these benchmarks
- GRID_MIX_PROG The location of the pipe-sort example
- Reasonable defaults are provided for all but HADOOP_HOME. The datasets used
- by each of the respective benchmarks are recorded in the Input::hadoop-env
- comment in section 0 and their location may be changed in hadoop-env. Note
- that each job expects particular input data and the parameters given to it
- must be changed in each script if a different InputFormat, keytype, or
- valuetype is desired.
- Note that NUM_OF_REDUCERS_FOR_*_JOB properties should be sized to the
- cluster on which the benchmarks will be run. The default assumes a large
- (450-500 node) cluster.
- 1.2 Generate test data
- Test data is generated using the script. While one may
- modify the structure and size of the data generated here, note that many of
- the scripts- particularly for medium and small sized jobs- rely not only on
- specific InputFormats and key/value types, but also on a particular
- structure to the input data. Changing these values will likely be necessary
- to run on small and medium-sized clusters, but any modifications must be
- informed by an explicit familiarity with the underlying scripts.
- It is sufficient to run the script without modification, though it may
- require up to 4TB of free space in the default filesystem. Changing the size
- INDIRECT_DATA_BYTES) is safe. A 4x compression ratio for generated, block
- compressed data is typical.
- * 2 Running
- 2.0 General
- The submissionScripts directory contains the high-level scripts submitting
- sized jobs for the gridmix benchmark. Each submits $NUM_OF_*_JOBS_PER_CLASS
- instances as specified in the gridmix-env script, where an instance is an
- invocation of a script as in $JOBTYPE/$JOBTYPE.$CLASS (e.g.
- javasort/text-sort.large). Each instance may submit one or more map/reduce
- jobs.
- There is a backoff script, submissionScripts/sleep_if_too_busy that can be
- modified to define throttling criteria. By default, it simply counts running
- java processes.
- 2.1 Non-Hod cluster
- The submissionScripts/allToSameCluster script will invoke each of the other
- submission scripts for the gridmix benchmark. Depending on how your cluster
- manages job submission, these scripts may require modification. The details
- are very context-dependent.
- 2.2 Hod
- Note that there are options in hadoop-env that control jobs sumitted thruogh
- Hod. One may specify the location of a config (HOD_CONFIG), the number of
- nodes to allocate for classes of jobs, and any additional options one wants
- to apply. The default includes an example for supplying a Hadoop tarball for
- testing platform changes (see Hod documentation).
- 2.2.0 Static Cluster
- > hod --hod.script=submissionScripts/allToSameCluster -m 500
- 2.2.1 Hod-allocated cluster
- > ./submissionScripts/allThroughHod