- <%@ page
- contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- import="javax.servlet.*"
- import="javax.servlet.http.*"
- import="java.io.*"
- import="java.util.*"
- import="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*"
- import="org.apache.hadoop.util.*"
- import="java.lang.Integer"
- import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat"
- %>
- <%! static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") ; %>
- <%
- JobTracker tracker = (JobTracker) application.getAttribute("job.tracker");
- String trackerName =
- StringUtils.simpleHostname(tracker.getJobTrackerMachine());
- String jobid = request.getParameter("jobid");
- if (jobid == null) {
- out.println("<h2>Missing 'jobid'!</h2>");
- return;
- }
- String type = request.getParameter("type");
- String pagenum = request.getParameter("pagenum");
- String state = request.getParameter("state");
- state = (state!=null) ? state : "all";
- int pnum = Integer.parseInt(pagenum);
- int next_page = pnum+1;
- int numperpage = 2000;
- JobID jobidObj = JobID.forName(jobid);
- JobInProgress job = (JobInProgress) tracker.getJob(jobidObj);
- JobProfile profile = (job != null) ? (job.getProfile()) : null;
- JobStatus status = (job != null) ? (job.getStatus()) : null;
- TaskReport[] reports = null;
- int start_index = (pnum - 1) * numperpage;
- int end_index = start_index + numperpage;
- int report_len = 0;
- if ("map".equals(type)) {
- reports = (job != null) ? tracker.getMapTaskReports(jobidObj) : null;
- } else if ("reduce".equals(type)) {
- reports = (job != null) ? tracker.getReduceTaskReports(jobidObj) : null;
- } else if ("cleanup".equals(type)) {
- reports = (job != null) ? tracker.getCleanupTaskReports(jobidObj) : null;
- } else if ("setup".equals(type)) {
- reports = (job != null) ? tracker.getSetupTaskReports(jobidObj) : null;
- }
- %>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Hadoop <%=type%> task list for <%=jobid%> on <%=trackerName%></title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/hadoop.css">
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Hadoop <%=type%> task list for
- <a href="jobdetails.jsp?jobid=<%=jobid%>"><%=jobid%></a> on
- <a href="jobtracker.jsp"><%=trackerName%></a></h1>
- <%
- if (job == null) {
- out.print("<b>Job " + jobid + " not found.</b><br>n");
- return;
- }
- // Filtering the reports if some filter is specified
- if (!"all".equals(state)) {
- List<TaskReport> filteredReports = new ArrayList<TaskReport>();
- for (int i = 0; i < reports.length; ++i) {
- if (("completed".equals(state) && reports[i].getCurrentStatus() == TIPStatus.COMPLETE)
- || ("running".equals(state) && reports[i].getCurrentStatus() == TIPStatus.RUNNING)
- || ("killed".equals(state) && reports[i].getCurrentStatus() == TIPStatus.KILLED)
- || ("pending".equals(state) && reports[i].getCurrentStatus() == TIPStatus.PENDING)) {
- filteredReports.add(reports[i]);
- }
- }
- // using filtered reports instead of all the reports
- reports = filteredReports.toArray(new TaskReport[0]);
- filteredReports = null;
- }
- report_len = reports.length;
- if (report_len <= start_index) {
- out.print("<b>No such tasks</b>");
- } else {
- out.print("<hr>");
- out.print("<h2>" + Character.toUpperCase(state.charAt(0))
- + state.substring(1).toLowerCase() + " Tasks</h2>");
- out.print("<center>");
- out.print("<table border=2 cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2">");
- out.print("<tr><td align="center">Task</td><td>Complete</td><td>Status</td>" +
- "<td>Start Time</td><td>Finish Time</td><td>Errors</td><td>Counters</td></tr>");
- if (end_index > report_len){
- end_index = report_len;
- }
- for (int i = start_index ; i < end_index; i++) {
- TaskReport report = reports[i];
- out.print("<tr><td><a href="taskdetails.jsp?jobid=" + jobid +
- "&tipid=" + report.getTaskID() + "">" +
- report.getTaskID() + "</a></td>");
- out.print("<td>" + StringUtils.formatPercent(report.getProgress(),2) +
- ServletUtil.percentageGraph(report.getProgress() * 100f, 80) + "</td>");
- out.print("<td>" + report.getState() + "<br/></td>");
- out.println("<td>" + StringUtils.getFormattedTimeWithDiff(dateFormat, report.getStartTime(),0) + "<br/></td>");
- out.println("<td>" + StringUtils.getFormattedTimeWithDiff(dateFormat,
- report.getFinishTime(), report.getStartTime()) + "<br/></td>");
- String[] diagnostics = report.getDiagnostics();
- out.print("<td><pre>");
- for (int j = 0; j < diagnostics.length ; j++) {
- out.println(diagnostics[j]);
- }
- out.println("</pre><br/></td>");
- out.println("<td>" +
- "<a href="taskstats.jsp?jobid=" + jobid +
- "&tipid=" + report.getTaskID() +
- "">" + report.getCounters().size() +
- "</a></td></tr>");
- }
- out.print("</table>");
- out.print("</center>");
- }
- if (end_index < report_len) {
- out.print("<div style="text-align:right">" +
- "<a href="jobtasks.jsp?jobid="+ jobid + "&type=" + type +
- "&pagenum=" + next_page + "&state=" + state +
- "">" + "Next" + "</a></div>");
- }
- if (start_index != 0) {
- out.print("<div style="text-align:right">" +
- "<a href="jobtasks.jsp?jobid="+ jobid + "&type=" + type +
- "&pagenum=" + (pnum -1) + "&state=" + state + "">" + "Prev" + "</a></div>");
- }
- %>
- <hr>
- <a href="jobtracker.jsp">Go back to JobTracker</a><br>
- <%
- out.println(ServletUtil.htmlFooter());
- %>