- <%@ page
- contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- import="javax.servlet.*"
- import="javax.servlet.http.*"
- import="*"
- import="java.util.*"
- import="*"
- import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.*"
- import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.*"
- import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.*"
- import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.*"
- import="*"
- import="org.apache.hadoop.conf.*"
- import=""
- import="org.apache.hadoop.util.*"
- import="java.text.DateFormat"
- %>
- <%!
- static JspHelper jspHelper = new JspHelper();
- public void generateFileDetails(JspWriter out, HttpServletRequest req)
- throws IOException {
- int chunkSizeToView = 0;
- long startOffset = 0;
- int datanodePort;
- String blockIdStr = null;
- long currBlockId = 0;
- blockIdStr = req.getParameter("blockId");
- if (blockIdStr == null) {
- out.print("Invalid input (blockId absent)");
- return;
- }
- currBlockId = Long.parseLong(blockIdStr);
- String datanodePortStr = req.getParameter("datanodePort");
- if (datanodePortStr == null) {
- out.print("Invalid input (datanodePort absent)");
- return;
- }
- datanodePort = Integer.parseInt(datanodePortStr);
- String namenodeInfoPortStr = req.getParameter("namenodeInfoPort");
- int namenodeInfoPort = -1;
- if (namenodeInfoPortStr != null)
- namenodeInfoPort = Integer.parseInt(namenodeInfoPortStr);
- String chunkSizeToViewStr = req.getParameter("chunkSizeToView");
- if (chunkSizeToViewStr != null && Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr) > 0)
- chunkSizeToView = Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr);
- else chunkSizeToView = jspHelper.defaultChunkSizeToView;
- String startOffsetStr = req.getParameter("startOffset");
- if (startOffsetStr == null || Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr) < 0)
- startOffset = 0;
- else startOffset = Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr);
- String filename = req.getParameter("filename");
- if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) {
- out.print("Invalid input");
- return;
- }
- String blockSizeStr = req.getParameter("blockSize");
- long blockSize = 0;
- if (blockSizeStr == null || blockSizeStr.length() == 0) {
- out.print("Invalid input");
- return;
- }
- blockSize = Long.parseLong(blockSizeStr);
- DFSClient dfs = new DFSClient(jspHelper.nameNodeAddr, jspHelper.conf);
- List<LocatedBlock> blocks =
- dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(filename, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).getLocatedBlocks();
- //Add the various links for looking at the file contents
- //URL for downloading the full file
- String downloadUrl = "http://" + req.getServerName() + ":" +
- + req.getServerPort() + "/streamFile?" + "filename=" +
- URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8");
- out.print("<a name="viewOptions"></a>");
- out.print("<a href="" + downloadUrl + "">Download this file</a><br>");
- DatanodeInfo chosenNode;
- //URL for TAIL
- LocatedBlock lastBlk = blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1);
- long blockId = lastBlk.getBlock().getBlockId();
- try {
- chosenNode = jspHelper.bestNode(lastBlk);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- out.print(e.toString());
- dfs.close();
- return;
- }
- String fqdn =
- InetAddress.getByName(chosenNode.getHost()).getCanonicalHostName();
- String tailUrl = "http://" + fqdn + ":" +
- chosenNode.getInfoPort() +
- "/tail.jsp?filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8") +
- "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort +
- "&chunkSizeToView=" + chunkSizeToView +
- "&referrer=" +
- URLEncoder.encode(req.getRequestURL() + "?" + req.getQueryString(),
- "UTF-8");
- out.print("<a href="" + tailUrl + "">Tail this file</a><br>");
- out.print("<form action="/browseBlock.jsp" method=GET>");
- out.print("<b>Chunk size to view (in bytes, up to file's DFS block size): </b>");
- out.print("<input type="hidden" name="blockId" value="" + currBlockId +
- "">");
- out.print("<input type="hidden" name="blockSize" value="" +
- blockSize + "">");
- out.print("<input type="hidden" name="startOffset" value="" +
- startOffset + "">");
- out.print("<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" + filename +
- "">");
- out.print("<input type="hidden" name="datanodePort" value="" +
- datanodePort+ "">");
- out.print("<input type="hidden" name="namenodeInfoPort" value="" +
- namenodeInfoPort + "">");
- out.print("<input type="text" name="chunkSizeToView" value=" +
- chunkSizeToView + " size=10 maxlength=10>");
- out.print(" <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Refresh">");
- out.print("</form>");
- out.print("<hr>");
- out.print("<a name="blockDetails"></a>");
- out.print("<B>Total number of blocks: "+blocks.size()+"</B><br>");
- //generate a table and dump the info
- out.println("n<table>");
- for (LocatedBlock cur : blocks) {
- out.print("<tr>");
- blockId = cur.getBlock().getBlockId();
- blockSize = cur.getBlock().getNumBytes();
- String blk = "blk_" + Long.toString(blockId);
- out.print("<td>"+Long.toString(blockId)+":</td>");
- DatanodeInfo[] locs = cur.getLocations();
- for(int j=0; j<locs.length; j++) {
- String datanodeAddr = locs[j].getName();
- datanodePort = Integer.parseInt(datanodeAddr.substring(
- datanodeAddr.indexOf(':') + 1,
- datanodeAddr.length()));
- fqdn = InetAddress.getByName(locs[j].getHost()).getCanonicalHostName();
- String blockUrl = "http://"+ fqdn + ":" +
- locs[j].getInfoPort() +
- "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId=" + Long.toString(blockId) +
- "&blockSize=" + blockSize +
- "&filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8")+
- "&datanodePort=" + datanodePort +
- "&genstamp=" + cur.getBlock().getGenerationStamp() +
- "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort +
- "&chunkSizeToView=" + chunkSizeToView;
- out.print("<td> </td>"
- + "<td><a href="" + blockUrl + "">" + datanodeAddr + "</a></td>");
- }
- out.println("</tr>");
- }
- out.println("</table>");
- out.print("<hr>");
- String namenodeHost = jspHelper.nameNodeAddr.getHostName();
- out.print("<br><a href="http://" +
- InetAddress.getByName(namenodeHost).getCanonicalHostName() + ":" +
- namenodeInfoPort + "/dfshealth.jsp">Go back to DFS home</a>");
- dfs.close();
- }
- public void generateFileChunks(JspWriter out, HttpServletRequest req)
- throws IOException {
- long startOffset = 0;
- int datanodePort = 0;
- int chunkSizeToView = 0;
- String namenodeInfoPortStr = req.getParameter("namenodeInfoPort");
- int namenodeInfoPort = -1;
- if (namenodeInfoPortStr != null)
- namenodeInfoPort = Integer.parseInt(namenodeInfoPortStr);
- String filename = req.getParameter("filename");
- if (filename == null) {
- out.print("Invalid input (filename absent)");
- return;
- }
- String blockIdStr = null;
- long blockId = 0;
- blockIdStr = req.getParameter("blockId");
- if (blockIdStr == null) {
- out.print("Invalid input (blockId absent)");
- return;
- }
- blockId = Long.parseLong(blockIdStr);
- String blockGenStamp = null;
- long genStamp = 0;
- blockGenStamp = req.getParameter("genstamp");
- if (blockGenStamp == null) {
- out.print("Invalid input (genstamp absent)");
- return;
- }
- genStamp = Long.parseLong(blockGenStamp);
- String blockSizeStr;
- long blockSize = 0;
- blockSizeStr = req.getParameter("blockSize");
- if (blockSizeStr == null) {
- out.print("Invalid input (blockSize absent)");
- return;
- }
- blockSize = Long.parseLong(blockSizeStr);
- String chunkSizeToViewStr = req.getParameter("chunkSizeToView");
- if (chunkSizeToViewStr != null && Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr) > 0)
- chunkSizeToView = Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr);
- else chunkSizeToView = jspHelper.defaultChunkSizeToView;
- String startOffsetStr = req.getParameter("startOffset");
- if (startOffsetStr == null || Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr) < 0)
- startOffset = 0;
- else startOffset = Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr);
- String datanodePortStr = req.getParameter("datanodePort");
- if (datanodePortStr == null) {
- out.print("Invalid input (datanodePort absent)");
- return;
- }
- datanodePort = Integer.parseInt(datanodePortStr);
- out.print("<h3>File: ");
- JspHelper.printPathWithLinks(filename, out, namenodeInfoPort);
- out.print("</h3><hr>");
- String parent = new File(filename).getParent();
- JspHelper.printGotoForm(out, namenodeInfoPort, parent);
- out.print("<hr>");
- out.print("<a href="http://" + req.getServerName() + ":" +
- req.getServerPort() +
- "/browseDirectory.jsp?dir=" +
- URLEncoder.encode(parent, "UTF-8") +
- "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort +
- ""><i>Go back to dir listing</i></a><br>");
- out.print("<a href="#viewOptions">Advanced view/download options</a><br>");
- out.print("<hr>");
- //Determine the prev & next blocks
- DFSClient dfs = new DFSClient(jspHelper.nameNodeAddr, jspHelper.conf);
- long nextStartOffset = 0;
- long nextBlockSize = 0;
- String nextBlockIdStr = null;
- String nextGenStamp = null;
- String nextHost = req.getServerName();
- int nextPort = req.getServerPort();
- int nextDatanodePort = datanodePort;
- //determine data for the next link
- if (startOffset + chunkSizeToView >= blockSize) {
- //we have to go to the next block from this point onwards
- List<LocatedBlock> blocks =
- dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(filename, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).getLocatedBlocks();
- for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) {
- if (blocks.get(i).getBlock().getBlockId() == blockId) {
- if (i != blocks.size() - 1) {
- LocatedBlock nextBlock = blocks.get(i+1);
- nextBlockIdStr = Long.toString(nextBlock.getBlock().getBlockId());
- nextGenStamp = Long.toString(nextBlock.getBlock().getGenerationStamp());
- nextStartOffset = 0;
- nextBlockSize = nextBlock.getBlock().getNumBytes();
- DatanodeInfo d = jspHelper.bestNode(nextBlock);
- String datanodeAddr = d.getName();
- nextDatanodePort = Integer.parseInt(
- datanodeAddr.substring(
- datanodeAddr.indexOf(':') + 1,
- datanodeAddr.length()));
- nextHost = InetAddress.getByName(d.getHost()).getCanonicalHostName();
- nextPort = d.getInfoPort();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- //we are in the same block
- nextBlockIdStr = blockIdStr;
- nextStartOffset = startOffset + chunkSizeToView;
- nextBlockSize = blockSize;
- nextGenStamp = blockGenStamp;
- }
- String nextUrl = null;
- if (nextBlockIdStr != null) {
- nextUrl = "http://" + nextHost + ":" +
- nextPort +
- "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId=" + nextBlockIdStr +
- "&blockSize=" + nextBlockSize + "&startOffset=" +
- nextStartOffset +
- "&genstamp=" + nextGenStamp +
- "&filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8") +
- "&chunkSizeToView=" + chunkSizeToView +
- "&datanodePort=" + nextDatanodePort +
- "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort;
- out.print("<a href="" + nextUrl + "">View Next chunk</a> ");
- }
- //determine data for the prev link
- String prevBlockIdStr = null;
- String prevGenStamp = null;
- long prevStartOffset = 0;
- long prevBlockSize = 0;
- String prevHost = req.getServerName();
- int prevPort = req.getServerPort();
- int prevDatanodePort = datanodePort;
- if (startOffset == 0) {
- List<LocatedBlock> blocks =
- dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(filename, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).getLocatedBlocks();
- for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) {
- if (blocks.get(i).getBlock().getBlockId() == blockId) {
- if (i != 0) {
- LocatedBlock prevBlock = blocks.get(i-1);
- prevBlockIdStr = Long.toString(prevBlock.getBlock().getBlockId());
- prevGenStamp = Long.toString(prevBlock.getBlock().getGenerationStamp());
- prevStartOffset = prevBlock.getBlock().getNumBytes() - chunkSizeToView;
- if (prevStartOffset < 0)
- prevStartOffset = 0;
- prevBlockSize = prevBlock.getBlock().getNumBytes();
- DatanodeInfo d = jspHelper.bestNode(prevBlock);
- String datanodeAddr = d.getName();
- prevDatanodePort = Integer.parseInt(
- datanodeAddr.substring(
- datanodeAddr.indexOf(':') + 1,
- datanodeAddr.length()));
- prevHost = InetAddress.getByName(d.getHost()).getCanonicalHostName();
- prevPort = d.getInfoPort();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- //we are in the same block
- prevBlockIdStr = blockIdStr;
- prevStartOffset = startOffset - chunkSizeToView;
- if (prevStartOffset < 0) prevStartOffset = 0;
- prevBlockSize = blockSize;
- prevGenStamp = blockGenStamp;
- }
- String prevUrl = null;
- if (prevBlockIdStr != null) {
- prevUrl = "http://" + prevHost + ":" +
- prevPort +
- "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId=" + prevBlockIdStr +
- "&blockSize=" + prevBlockSize + "&startOffset=" +
- prevStartOffset +
- "&filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8") +
- "&chunkSizeToView=" + chunkSizeToView +
- "&genstamp=" + prevGenStamp +
- "&datanodePort=" + prevDatanodePort +
- "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort;
- out.print("<a href="" + prevUrl + "">View Prev chunk</a> ");
- }
- out.print("<hr>");
- out.print("<textarea cols="100" rows="25" wrap="virtual" style="width:100%" READONLY>");
- try {
- jspHelper.streamBlockInAscii(
- new InetSocketAddress(req.getServerName(), datanodePort), blockId,
- genStamp, blockSize, startOffset, chunkSizeToView, out);
- } catch (Exception e){
- out.print(e);
- }
- out.print("</textarea>");
- dfs.close();
- }
- %>
- <html>
- <head>
- <%JspHelper.createTitle(out, request, request.getParameter("filename")); %>
- </head>
- <body onload="document.goto.dir.focus()">
- <%
- generateFileChunks(out,request);
- %>
- <hr>
- <%
- generateFileDetails(out,request);
- %>
- <h2>Local logs</h2>
- <a href="/logs/">Log</a> directory
- <%
- out.println(ServletUtil.htmlFooter());
- %>