- /**
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.apache.hadoop.examples;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Random;
- import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
- import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
- import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
- import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ClusterStatus;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputFormat;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat;
- import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
- import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
- /**
- * This program uses map/reduce to just run a distributed job where there is
- * no interaction between the tasks and each task writes a large unsorted
- * random sequence of words.
- * In order for this program to generate data for terasort with a 5-10 words
- * per key and 20-100 words per value, have the following config:
- * <xmp>
- * <?xml version="1.0"?>
- * <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
- * <configuration>
- * <property>
- * <name>test.randomtextwrite.min_words_key</name>
- * <value>5</value>
- * </property>
- * <property>
- * <name>test.randomtextwrite.max_words_key</name>
- * <value>10</value>
- * </property>
- * <property>
- * <name>test.randomtextwrite.min_words_value</name>
- * <value>20</value>
- * </property>
- * <property>
- * <name>test.randomtextwrite.max_words_value</name>
- * <value>100</value>
- * </property>
- * <property>
- * <name>test.randomtextwrite.total_bytes</name>
- * <value>1099511627776</value>
- * </property>
- * </configuration></xmp>
- *
- * Equivalently, {@link RandomTextWriter} also supports all the above options
- * and ones supported by {@link Tool} via the command-line.
- *
- * To run: bin/hadoop jar hadoop-${version}-examples.jar randomtextwriter
- * [-outFormat <i>output format class</i>] <i>output</i>
- */
- public class RandomTextWriter extends Configured implements Tool {
- static int printUsage() {
- System.out.println("randomtextwriter " +
- "[-outFormat <output format class>] " +
- "<output>");
- ToolRunner.printGenericCommandUsage(System.out);
- return -1;
- }
- /**
- * User counters
- */
- static enum Counters { RECORDS_WRITTEN, BYTES_WRITTEN }
- static class Map extends MapReduceBase
- implements Mapper<Text, Text, Text, Text> {
- private long numBytesToWrite;
- private int minWordsInKey;
- private int wordsInKeyRange;
- private int minWordsInValue;
- private int wordsInValueRange;
- private Random random = new Random();
- /**
- * Save the configuration value that we need to write the data.
- */
- public void configure(JobConf job) {
- numBytesToWrite = job.getLong("test.randomtextwrite.bytes_per_map",
- 1*1024*1024*1024);
- minWordsInKey =
- job.getInt("test.randomtextwrite.min_words_key", 5);
- wordsInKeyRange =
- (job.getInt("test.randomtextwrite.max_words_key", 10) -
- minWordsInKey);
- minWordsInValue =
- job.getInt("test.randomtextwrite.min_words_value", 10);
- wordsInValueRange =
- (job.getInt("test.randomtextwrite.max_words_value", 100) -
- minWordsInValue);
- }
- /**
- * Given an output filename, write a bunch of random records to it.
- */
- public void map(Text key, Text value,
- OutputCollector<Text, Text> output,
- Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
- int itemCount = 0;
- while (numBytesToWrite > 0) {
- // Generate the key/value
- int noWordsKey = minWordsInKey +
- (wordsInKeyRange != 0 ? random.nextInt(wordsInKeyRange) : 0);
- int noWordsValue = minWordsInValue +
- (wordsInValueRange != 0 ? random.nextInt(wordsInValueRange) : 0);
- Text keyWords = generateSentence(noWordsKey);
- Text valueWords = generateSentence(noWordsValue);
- // Write the sentence
- output.collect(keyWords, valueWords);
- numBytesToWrite -= (keyWords.getLength() + valueWords.getLength());
- // Update counters, progress etc.
- reporter.incrCounter(Counters.BYTES_WRITTEN,
- (keyWords.getLength()+valueWords.getLength()));
- reporter.incrCounter(Counters.RECORDS_WRITTEN, 1);
- if (++itemCount % 200 == 0) {
- reporter.setStatus("wrote record " + itemCount + ". " +
- numBytesToWrite + " bytes left.");
- }
- }
- reporter.setStatus("done with " + itemCount + " records.");
- }
- private Text generateSentence(int noWords) {
- StringBuffer sentence = new StringBuffer();
- String space = " ";
- for (int i=0; i < noWords; ++i) {
- sentence.append(words[random.nextInt(words.length)]);
- sentence.append(space);
- }
- return new Text(sentence.toString());
- }
- }
- /**
- * This is the main routine for launching a distributed random write job.
- * It runs 10 maps/node and each node writes 1 gig of data to a DFS file.
- * The reduce doesn't do anything.
- *
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
- if (args.length == 0) {
- return printUsage();
- }
- JobConf job = new JobConf(getConf());
- job.setJarByClass(RandomTextWriter.class);
- job.setJobName("random-text-writer");
- job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class);
- job.setOutputValueClass(Text.class);
- job.setInputFormat(RandomWriter.RandomInputFormat.class);
- job.setMapperClass(Map.class);
- JobClient client = new JobClient(job);
- ClusterStatus cluster = client.getClusterStatus();
- int numMapsPerHost = job.getInt("test.randomtextwrite.maps_per_host", 10);
- long numBytesToWritePerMap = job.getLong("test.randomtextwrite.bytes_per_map",
- 1*1024*1024*1024);
- if (numBytesToWritePerMap == 0) {
- System.err.println("Cannot have test.randomtextwrite.bytes_per_map set to 0");
- return -2;
- }
- long totalBytesToWrite = job.getLong("test.randomtextwrite.total_bytes",
- numMapsPerHost*numBytesToWritePerMap*cluster.getTaskTrackers());
- int numMaps = (int) (totalBytesToWrite / numBytesToWritePerMap);
- if (numMaps == 0 && totalBytesToWrite > 0) {
- numMaps = 1;
- job.setLong("test.randomtextwrite.bytes_per_map", totalBytesToWrite);
- }
- Class<? extends OutputFormat> outputFormatClass =
- SequenceFileOutputFormat.class;
- List<String> otherArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
- for(int i=0; i < args.length; ++i) {
- try {
- if ("-outFormat".equals(args[i])) {
- outputFormatClass =
- Class.forName(args[++i]).asSubclass(OutputFormat.class);
- } else {
- otherArgs.add(args[i]);
- }
- } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException except) {
- System.out.println("ERROR: Required parameter missing from " +
- args[i-1]);
- return printUsage(); // exits
- }
- }
- job.setOutputFormat(outputFormatClass);
- FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(otherArgs.get(0)));
- job.setNumMapTasks(numMaps);
- System.out.println("Running " + numMaps + " maps.");
- // reducer NONE
- job.setNumReduceTasks(0);
- Date startTime = new Date();
- System.out.println("Job started: " + startTime);
- JobClient.runJob(job);
- Date endTime = new Date();
- System.out.println("Job ended: " + endTime);
- System.out.println("The job took " +
- (endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) /1000 +
- " seconds.");
- return 0;
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- int res = ToolRunner.run(new Configuration(), new RandomTextWriter(), args);
- System.exit(res);
- }
- /**
- * A random list of 100 words from /usr/share/dict/words
- */
- private static String[] words = {
- "diurnalness", "Homoiousian",
- "spiranthic", "tetragynian",
- "silverhead", "ungreat",
- "lithograph", "exploiter",
- "physiologian", "by",
- "hellbender", "Filipendula",
- "undeterring", "antiscolic",
- "pentagamist", "hypoid",
- "cacuminal", "sertularian",
- "schoolmasterism", "nonuple",
- "gallybeggar", "phytonic",
- "swearingly", "nebular",
- "Confervales", "thermochemically",
- "characinoid", "cocksuredom",
- "fallacious", "feasibleness",
- "debromination", "playfellowship",
- "tramplike", "testa",
- "participatingly", "unaccessible",
- "bromate", "experientialist",
- "roughcast", "docimastical",
- "choralcelo", "blightbird",
- "peptonate", "sombreroed",
- "unschematized", "antiabolitionist",
- "besagne", "mastication",
- "bromic", "sviatonosite",
- "cattimandoo", "metaphrastical",
- "endotheliomyoma", "hysterolysis",
- "unfulminated", "Hester",
- "oblongly", "blurredness",
- "authorling", "chasmy",
- "Scorpaenidae", "toxihaemia",
- "Dictograph", "Quakerishly",
- "deaf", "timbermonger",
- "strammel", "Thraupidae",
- "seditious", "plerome",
- "Arneb", "eristically",
- "serpentinic", "glaumrie",
- "socioromantic", "apocalypst",
- "tartrous", "Bassaris",
- "angiolymphoma", "horsefly",
- "kenno", "astronomize",
- "euphemious", "arsenide",
- "untongued", "parabolicness",
- "uvanite", "helpless",
- "gemmeous", "stormy",
- "templar", "erythrodextrin",
- "comism", "interfraternal",
- "preparative", "parastas",
- "frontoorbital", "Ophiosaurus",
- "diopside", "serosanguineous",
- "ununiformly", "karyological",
- "collegian", "allotropic",
- "depravity", "amylogenesis",
- "reformatory", "epidymides",
- "pleurotropous", "trillium",
- "dastardliness", "coadvice",
- "embryotic", "benthonic",
- "pomiferous", "figureheadship",
- "Megaluridae", "Harpa",
- "frenal", "commotion",
- "abthainry", "cobeliever",
- "manilla", "spiciferous",
- "nativeness", "obispo",
- "monilioid", "biopsic",
- "valvula", "enterostomy",
- "planosubulate", "pterostigma",
- "lifter", "triradiated",
- "venialness", "tum",
- "archistome", "tautness",
- "unswanlike", "antivenin",
- "Lentibulariaceae", "Triphora",
- "angiopathy", "anta",
- "Dawsonia", "becomma",
- "Yannigan", "winterproof",
- "antalgol", "harr",
- "underogating", "ineunt",
- "cornberry", "flippantness",
- "scyphostoma", "approbation",
- "Ghent", "Macraucheniidae",
- "scabbiness", "unanatomized",
- "photoelasticity", "eurythermal",
- "enation", "prepavement",
- "flushgate", "subsequentially",
- "Edo", "antihero",
- "Isokontae", "unforkedness",
- "porriginous", "daytime",
- "nonexecutive", "trisilicic",
- "morphiomania", "paranephros",
- "botchedly", "impugnation",
- "Dodecatheon", "obolus",
- "unburnt", "provedore",
- "Aktistetae", "superindifference",
- "Alethea", "Joachimite",
- "cyanophilous", "chorograph",
- "brooky", "figured",
- "periclitation", "quintette",
- "hondo", "ornithodelphous",
- "unefficient", "pondside",
- "bogydom", "laurinoxylon",
- "Shiah", "unharmed",
- "cartful", "noncrystallized",
- "abusiveness", "cromlech",
- "japanned", "rizzomed",
- "underskin", "adscendent",
- "allectory", "gelatinousness",
- "volcano", "uncompromisingly",
- "cubit", "idiotize",
- "unfurbelowed", "undinted",
- "magnetooptics", "Savitar",
- "diwata", "ramosopalmate",
- "Pishquow", "tomorn",
- "apopenptic", "Haversian",
- "Hysterocarpus", "ten",
- "outhue", "Bertat",
- "mechanist", "asparaginic",
- "velaric", "tonsure",
- "bubble", "Pyrales",
- "regardful", "glyphography",
- "calabazilla", "shellworker",
- "stradametrical", "havoc",
- "theologicopolitical", "sawdust",
- "diatomaceous", "jajman",
- "temporomastoid", "Serrifera",
- "Ochnaceae", "aspersor",
- "trailmaking", "Bishareen",
- "digitule", "octogynous",
- "epididymitis", "smokefarthings",
- "bacillite", "overcrown",
- "mangonism", "sirrah",
- "undecorated", "psychofugal",
- "bismuthiferous", "rechar",
- "Lemuridae", "frameable",
- "thiodiazole", "Scanic",
- "sportswomanship", "interruptedness",
- "admissory", "osteopaedion",
- "tingly", "tomorrowness",
- "ethnocracy", "trabecular",
- "vitally", "fossilism",
- "adz", "metopon",
- "prefatorial", "expiscate",
- "diathermacy", "chronist",
- "nigh", "generalizable",
- "hysterogen", "aurothiosulphuric",
- "whitlowwort", "downthrust",
- "Protestantize", "monander",
- "Itea", "chronographic",
- "silicize", "Dunlop",
- "eer", "componental",
- "spot", "pamphlet",
- "antineuritic", "paradisean",
- "interruptor", "debellator",
- "overcultured", "Florissant",
- "hyocholic", "pneumatotherapy",
- "tailoress", "rave",
- "unpeople", "Sebastian",
- "thermanesthesia", "Coniferae",
- "swacking", "posterishness",
- "ethmopalatal", "whittle",
- "analgize", "scabbardless",
- "naught", "symbiogenetically",
- "trip", "parodist",
- "columniform", "trunnel",
- "yawler", "goodwill",
- "pseudohalogen", "swangy",
- "cervisial", "mediateness",
- "genii", "imprescribable",
- "pony", "consumptional",
- "carposporangial", "poleax",
- "bestill", "subfebrile",
- "sapphiric", "arrowworm",
- "qualminess", "ultraobscure",
- "thorite", "Fouquieria",
- "Bermudian", "prescriber",
- "elemicin", "warlike",
- "semiangle", "rotular",
- "misthread", "returnability",
- "seraphism", "precostal",
- "quarried", "Babylonism",
- "sangaree", "seelful",
- "placatory", "pachydermous",
- "bozal", "galbulus",
- "spermaphyte", "cumbrousness",
- "pope", "signifier",
- "Endomycetaceae", "shallowish",
- "sequacity", "periarthritis",
- "bathysphere", "pentosuria",
- "Dadaism", "spookdom",
- "Consolamentum", "afterpressure",
- "mutter", "louse",
- "ovoviviparous", "corbel",
- "metastoma", "biventer",
- "Hydrangea", "hogmace",
- "seizing", "nonsuppressed",
- "oratorize", "uncarefully",
- "benzothiofuran", "penult",
- "balanocele", "macropterous",
- "dishpan", "marten",
- "absvolt", "jirble",
- "parmelioid", "airfreighter",
- "acocotl", "archesporial",
- "hypoplastral", "preoral",
- "quailberry", "cinque",
- "terrestrially", "stroking",
- "limpet", "moodishness",
- "canicule", "archididascalian",
- "pompiloid", "overstaid",
- "introducer", "Italical",
- "Christianopaganism", "prescriptible",
- "subofficer", "danseuse",
- "cloy", "saguran",
- "frictionlessly", "deindividualization",
- "Bulanda", "ventricous",
- "subfoliar", "basto",
- "scapuloradial", "suspend",
- "stiffish", "Sphenodontidae",
- "eternal", "verbid",
- "mammonish", "upcushion",
- "barkometer", "concretion",
- "preagitate", "incomprehensible",
- "tristich", "visceral",
- "hemimelus", "patroller",
- "stentorophonic", "pinulus",
- "kerykeion", "brutism",
- "monstership", "merciful",
- "overinstruct", "defensibly",
- "bettermost", "splenauxe",
- "Mormyrus", "unreprimanded",
- "taver", "ell",
- "proacquittal", "infestation",
- "overwoven", "Lincolnlike",
- "chacona", "Tamil",
- "classificational", "lebensraum",
- "reeveland", "intuition",
- "Whilkut", "focaloid",
- "Eleusinian", "micromembrane",
- "byroad", "nonrepetition",
- "bacterioblast", "brag",
- "ribaldrous", "phytoma",
- "counteralliance", "pelvimetry",
- "pelf", "relaster",
- "thermoresistant", "aneurism",
- "molossic", "euphonym",
- "upswell", "ladhood",
- "phallaceous", "inertly",
- "gunshop", "stereotypography",
- "laryngic", "refasten",
- "twinling", "oflete",
- "hepatorrhaphy", "electrotechnics",
- "cockal", "guitarist",
- "topsail", "Cimmerianism",
- "larklike", "Llandovery",
- "pyrocatechol", "immatchable",
- "chooser", "metrocratic",
- "craglike", "quadrennial",
- "nonpoisonous", "undercolored",
- "knob", "ultratense",
- "balladmonger", "slait",
- "sialadenitis", "bucketer",
- "magnificently", "unstipulated",
- "unscourged", "unsupercilious",
- "packsack", "pansophism",
- "soorkee", "percent",
- "subirrigate", "champer",
- "metapolitics", "spherulitic",
- "involatile", "metaphonical",
- "stachyuraceous", "speckedness",
- "bespin", "proboscidiform",
- "gul", "squit",
- "yeelaman", "peristeropode",
- "opacousness", "shibuichi",
- "retinize", "yote",
- "misexposition", "devilwise",
- "pumpkinification", "vinny",
- "bonze", "glossing",
- "decardinalize", "transcortical",
- "serphoid", "deepmost",
- "guanajuatite", "wemless",
- "arval", "lammy",
- "Effie", "Saponaria",
- "tetrahedral", "prolificy",
- "excerpt", "dunkadoo",
- "Spencerism", "insatiately",
- "Gilaki", "oratorship",
- "arduousness", "unbashfulness",
- "Pithecolobium", "unisexuality",
- "veterinarian", "detractive",
- "liquidity", "acidophile",
- "proauction", "sural",
- "totaquina", "Vichyite",
- "uninhabitedness", "allegedly",
- "Gothish", "manny",
- "Inger", "flutist",
- "ticktick", "Ludgatian",
- "homotransplant", "orthopedical",
- "diminutively", "monogoneutic",
- "Kenipsim", "sarcologist",
- "drome", "stronghearted",
- "Fameuse", "Swaziland",
- "alen", "chilblain",
- "beatable", "agglomeratic",
- "constitutor", "tendomucoid",
- "porencephalous", "arteriasis",
- "boser", "tantivy",
- "rede", "lineamental",
- "uncontradictableness", "homeotypical",
- "masa", "folious",
- "dosseret", "neurodegenerative",
- "subtransverse", "Chiasmodontidae",
- "palaeotheriodont", "unstressedly",
- "chalcites", "piquantness",
- "lampyrine", "Aplacentalia",
- "projecting", "elastivity",
- "isopelletierin", "bladderwort",
- "strander", "almud",
- "iniquitously", "theologal",
- "bugre", "chargeably",
- "imperceptivity", "meriquinoidal",
- "mesophyte", "divinator",
- "perfunctory", "counterappellant",
- "synovial", "charioteer",
- "crystallographical", "comprovincial",
- "infrastapedial", "pleasurehood",
- "inventurous", "ultrasystematic",
- "subangulated", "supraoesophageal",
- "Vaishnavism", "transude",
- "chrysochrous", "ungrave",
- "reconciliable", "uninterpleaded",
- "erlking", "wherefrom",
- "aprosopia", "antiadiaphorist",
- "metoxazine", "incalculable",
- "umbellic", "predebit",
- "foursquare", "unimmortal",
- "nonmanufacture", "slangy",
- "predisputant", "familist",
- "preaffiliate", "friarhood",
- "corelysis", "zoonitic",
- "halloo", "paunchy",
- "neuromimesis", "aconitine",
- "hackneyed", "unfeeble",
- "cubby", "autoschediastical",
- "naprapath", "lyrebird",
- "inexistency", "leucophoenicite",
- "ferrogoslarite", "reperuse",
- "uncombable", "tambo",
- "propodiale", "diplomatize",
- "Russifier", "clanned",
- "corona", "michigan",
- "nonutilitarian", "transcorporeal",
- "bought", "Cercosporella",
- "stapedius", "glandularly",
- "pictorially", "weism",
- "disilane", "rainproof",
- "Caphtor", "scrubbed",
- "oinomancy", "pseudoxanthine",
- "nonlustrous", "redesertion",
- "Oryzorictinae", "gala",
- "Mycogone", "reappreciate",
- "cyanoguanidine", "seeingness",
- "breadwinner", "noreast",
- "furacious", "epauliere",
- "omniscribent", "Passiflorales",
- "uninductive", "inductivity",
- "Orbitolina", "Semecarpus",
- "migrainoid", "steprelationship",
- "phlogisticate", "mesymnion",
- "sloped", "edificator",
- "beneficent", "culm",
- "paleornithology", "unurban",
- "throbless", "amplexifoliate",
- "sesquiquintile", "sapience",
- "astucious", "dithery",
- "boor", "ambitus",
- "scotching", "uloid",
- "uncompromisingness", "hoove",
- "waird", "marshiness",
- "Jerusalem", "mericarp",
- "unevoked", "benzoperoxide",
- "outguess", "pyxie",
- "hymnic", "euphemize",
- "mendacity", "erythremia",
- "rosaniline", "unchatteled",
- "lienteria", "Bushongo",
- "dialoguer", "unrepealably",
- "rivethead", "antideflation",
- "vinegarish", "manganosiderite",
- "doubtingness", "ovopyriform",
- "Cephalodiscus", "Muscicapa",
- "Animalivora", "angina",
- "planispheric", "ipomoein",
- "cuproiodargyrite", "sandbox",
- "scrat", "Munnopsidae",
- "shola", "pentafid",
- "overstudiousness", "times",
- "nonprofession", "appetible",
- "valvulotomy", "goladar",
- "uniarticular", "oxyterpene",
- "unlapsing", "omega",
- "trophonema", "seminonflammable",
- "circumzenithal", "starer",
- "depthwise", "liberatress",
- "unleavened", "unrevolting",
- "groundneedle", "topline",
- "wandoo", "umangite",
- "ordinant", "unachievable",
- "oversand", "snare",
- "avengeful", "unexplicit",
- "mustafina", "sonable",
- "rehabilitative", "eulogization",
- "papery", "technopsychology",
- "impressor", "cresylite",
- "entame", "transudatory",
- "scotale", "pachydermatoid",
- "imaginary", "yeat",
- "slipped", "stewardship",
- "adatom", "cockstone",
- "skyshine", "heavenful",
- "comparability", "exprobratory",
- "dermorhynchous", "parquet",
- "cretaceous", "vesperal",
- "raphis", "undangered",
- "Glecoma", "engrain",
- "counteractively", "Zuludom",
- "orchiocatabasis", "Auriculariales",
- "warriorwise", "extraorganismal",
- "overbuilt", "alveolite",
- "tetchy", "terrificness",
- "widdle", "unpremonished",
- "rebilling", "sequestrum",
- "equiconvex", "heliocentricism",
- "catabaptist", "okonite",
- "propheticism", "helminthagogic",
- "calycular", "giantly",
- "wingable", "golem",
- "unprovided", "commandingness",
- "greave", "haply",
- "doina", "depressingly",
- "subdentate", "impairment",
- "decidable", "neurotrophic",
- "unpredict", "bicorporeal",
- "pendulant", "flatman",
- "intrabred", "toplike",
- "Prosobranchiata", "farrantly",
- "toxoplasmosis", "gorilloid",
- "dipsomaniacal", "aquiline",
- "atlantite", "ascitic",
- "perculsive", "prospectiveness",
- "saponaceous", "centrifugalization",
- "dinical", "infravaginal",
- "beadroll", "affaite",
- "Helvidian", "tickleproof",
- "abstractionism", "enhedge",
- "outwealth", "overcontribute",
- "coldfinch", "gymnastic",
- "Pincian", "Munychian",
- "codisjunct", "quad",
- "coracomandibular", "phoenicochroite",
- "amender", "selectivity",
- "putative", "semantician",
- "lophotrichic", "Spatangoidea",
- "saccharogenic", "inferent",
- "Triconodonta", "arrendation",
- "sheepskin", "taurocolla",
- "bunghole", "Machiavel",
- "triakistetrahedral", "dehairer",
- "prezygapophysial", "cylindric",
- "pneumonalgia", "sleigher",
- "emir", "Socraticism",
- "licitness", "massedly",
- "instructiveness", "sturdied",
- "redecrease", "starosta",
- "evictor", "orgiastic",
- "squdge", "meloplasty",
- "Tsonecan", "repealableness",
- "swoony", "myesthesia",
- "molecule", "autobiographist",
- "reciprocation", "refective",
- "unobservantness", "tricae",
- "ungouged", "floatability",
- "Mesua", "fetlocked",
- "chordacentrum", "sedentariness",
- "various", "laubanite",
- "nectopod", "zenick",
- "sequentially", "analgic",
- "biodynamics", "posttraumatic",
- "nummi", "pyroacetic",
- "bot", "redescend",
- "dispermy", "undiffusive",
- "circular", "trillion",
- "Uraniidae", "ploration",
- "discipular", "potentness",
- "sud", "Hu",
- "Eryon", "plugger",
- "subdrainage", "jharal",
- "abscission", "supermarket",
- "countergabion", "glacierist",
- "lithotresis", "minniebush",
- "zanyism", "eucalypteol",
- "sterilely", "unrealize",
- "unpatched", "hypochondriacism",
- "critically", "cheesecutter",
- };
- }