- #Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- #or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- #distributed with this work for additional information
- #regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- #to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- #"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- #with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- #Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- #distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- #See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- #limitations under the License.
- # $ 5158 2007-04-09 00:14:35Z zim $
- # $ 5158 2007-04-09 00:14:35Z zim $
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- """'setup' provides for reading and verifing configuration files based on
- Python's SafeConfigParser class."""
- import sys, os, re, pprint
- from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
- from optparse import OptionParser, IndentedHelpFormatter, OptionGroup
- from util import get_perms, replace_escapes
- from types import typeValidator, typeValidatorInstance, is_valid_type,
- typeToString
- from hodlib.Hod.hod import hodHelp
- reEmailAddress = re.compile("^.*@.*$")
- reEmailDelimit = re.compile("@")
- reComma = re.compile("s*,s*")
- reDot = re.compile(".")
- reCommentHack = re.compile("^.*?s+#|;.*", flags=re.S)
- reCommentNewline = re.compile("n|r$")
- reKeyVal = r"(?<!\)="
- reKeyVal = re.compile(reKeyVal)
- reKeyValList = r"(?<!\),"
- reKeyValList = re.compile(reKeyValList)
- errorPrefix = 'error'
- requiredPerms = '0660'
- class definition:
- def __init__(self):
- """Generates a configuration definition object."""
- self.__def = {}
- self.__defOrder = []
- def __repr__(self):
- return pprint.pformat(self.__def)
- def __getitem__(self, section):
- return self.__def[section]
- def __iter__(self):
- return iter(self.__def)
- def sections(self):
- """Returns a list of sections/groups."""
- if len(self.__defOrder):
- return self.__defOrder
- else:
- return self.__def.keys()
- def add_section(self, section):
- """Add a configuration section / option group."""
- if self.__def.has_key(section):
- raise Exception("Section already exists: '%s'" % section)
- else:
- self.__def[section] = {}
- def add_def(self, section, var, type, desc, help = True, default = None,
- req = True, validate = True, short = None):
- """ Add a variable definition.
- section - section name
- var - variable name
- type - valid hodlib.types
- desc - description of variable
- help - display help for this variable
- default - default value
- req - bool, requried?
- validate - bool, validate type value?
- short - short symbol (1 character),
- help - bool, display help?"""
- if self.__def.has_key(section):
- if not is_valid_type(type):
- raise Exception("Type (type) is invalid: %s.%s - '%s'" % (section, var,
- type))
- if not isinstance(desc, str):
- raise Exception("Description (desc) must be a string: %s.%s - '%s'" % (
- section, var, desc))
- if not isinstance(req, bool):
- raise Exception("Required (req) must be a bool: %s.%s - '%s'" % (section,
- var,
- req))
- if not isinstance(validate, bool):
- raise Exception("Validate (validate) must be a bool: %s.%s - '%s'" % (
- section, var, validate))
- if self.__def[section].has_key(var):
- raise Exception("Variable name already defined: '%s'" % var)
- else:
- self.__def[section][var] = { 'type' : type,
- 'desc' : desc,
- 'help' : help,
- 'default' : default,
- 'req' : req,
- 'validate' : validate,
- 'short' : short }
- else:
- raise Exception("Section does not exist: '%s'" % section)
- def add_defs(self, defList, defOrder=None):
- """ Add a series of definitions.
- defList = { section0 : ((name0,
- type0,
- desc0,
- help0,
- default0,
- req0,
- validate0,
- short0),
- ....
- (nameN,
- typeN,
- descN,
- helpN,
- defaultN,
- reqN,
- validateN,
- shortN)),
- ....
- sectionN : ... }
- Where the short synmbol is optional and can only be one char."""
- for section in defList.keys():
- self.add_section(section)
- for defTuple in defList[section]:
- if isinstance(defTuple, tuple):
- if len(defTuple) < 7:
- raise Exception(
- "section %s is missing an element: %s" % (
- section, pprint.pformat(defTuple)))
- else:
- raise Exception("section %s of defList is not a tuple" %
- section)
- if len(defTuple) == 7:
- self.add_def(section, defTuple[0], defTuple[1],
- defTuple[2], defTuple[3], defTuple[4],
- defTuple[5], defTuple[6])
- else:
- self.add_def(section, defTuple[0], defTuple[1],
- defTuple[2], defTuple[3], defTuple[4],
- defTuple[5], defTuple[6], defTuple[7])
- if defOrder:
- for section in defOrder:
- if section in self.__def:
- self.__defOrder.append(section)
- for section in self.__def:
- if not section in defOrder:
- raise Exception(
- "section %s is missing from specified defOrder." %
- section)
- class baseConfig:
- def __init__(self, configDef, originalDir=None):
- self.__toString = typeToString()
- self.__validated = False
- self._configDef = configDef
- self._options = None
- self._mySections = []
- self._dict = {}
- self.configFile = None
- self.__originalDir = originalDir
- if self._configDef:
- self._mySections = configDef.sections()
- def __repr__(self):
- """Returns a string representation of a config object including all
- normalizations."""
- print_string = '';
- for section in self._mySections:
- print_string = "%s[%s]n" % (print_string, section)
- options = self._dict[section].keys()
- for option in options:
- print_string = "%s%s = %sn" % (print_string, option,
- self._dict[section][option])
- print_string = "%sn" % (print_string)
- print_string = re.sub("nn$", "", print_string)
- return print_string
- def __getitem__(self, section):
- """ Returns a dictionary of configuration name and values by section.
- """
- return self._dict[section]
- def __setitem__(self, section, value):
- self._dict[section] = value
- def __iter__(self):
- return iter(self._dict)
- def has_key(self, section):
- status = False
- if section in self._dict:
- status = True
- return status
- # Prints configuration error messages
- def var_error(self, section, option, *addData):
- errorStrings = []
- if not self._dict[section].has_key(option):
- self._dict[section][option] = None
- errorStrings.append("%s: invalid '%s' specified in section %s (--%s.%s): %s" % (
- errorPrefix, option, section, section, option, self._dict[section][option]))
- if addData:
- errorStrings.append("%s: additional info: %sn" % (errorPrefix,
- addData[0]))
- return errorStrings
- def var_error_suggest(self, errorStrings):
- if self.configFile:
- errorStrings.append("Check your command line options and/or " +
- "your configuration file %s" % self.configFile)
- def __get_args(self, section):
- def __dummyToString(type, value):
- return value
- toString = __dummyToString
- if self.__validated:
- toString = self.__toString
- args = []
- if isinstance(self._dict[section], dict):
- for option in self._dict[section]:
- if section in self._configDef and
- option in self._configDef[section]:
- if self._configDef[section][option]['type'] == 'bool':
- if self._dict[section][option] == 'True' or
- self._dict[section][option] == True:
- args.append("--%s.%s" % (section, option))
- else:
- args.append("--%s.%s" % (section, option))
- args.append(toString(
- self._configDef[section][option]['type'],
- self._dict[section][option]))
- else:
- if section in self._configDef:
- if self._configDef[section][option]['type'] == 'bool':
- if self._dict[section] == 'True' or
- self._dict[section] == True:
- args.append("--%s" % section)
- else:
- if self._dict[section] != 'config':
- args.append("--%s" % section)
- args.append(toString(self._configDef[section]['type'],
- self._dict[section]))
- return args
- def values(self):
- return self._dict.values()
- def keys(self):
- return self._dict.keys()
- def get_args(self, exclude=None, section=None):
- """Retrieve a tuple of config arguments."""
- args = []
- if section:
- args = self.__get_args(section)
- else:
- for section in self._dict:
- if exclude:
- if not section in exclude:
- args.extend(self.__get_args(section))
- else:
- args.extend(self.__get_args(section))
- return tuple(args)
- def verify(self):
- """Verifies each configuration variable, using the configValidator
- class, based on its type as defined by the dictionary configDef.
- Upon encountering a problem an error is printed to STDERR and
- false is returned."""
- oldDir = os.getcwd()
- if self.__originalDir:
- os.chdir(self.__originalDir)
- status = True
- statusMsgs = []
- if self._configDef:
- errorCount = 0
- configValidator = typeValidator(self.__originalDir)
- # foreach section and option by type string as defined in configDef
- # add value to be validated to validator
- for section in self._mySections:
- for option in self._configDef[section].keys():
- configVarName = "%s.%s" % (section, option)
- if self._dict[section].has_key(option):
- if self._configDef[section][option].has_key('validate'):
- if self._configDef[section][option]['validate']:
- # is the section.option needed to be validated?
- configValidator.add(configVarName,
- self._configDef[section][option]['type'],
- self._dict[section][option])
- else:
- # If asked not to validate, just normalize
- self[section][option] =
- configValidator.normalize(
- self._configDef[section][option]['type'],
- self._dict[section][option])
- if self._configDef[section][option]['default'] !=
- None:
- self._configDef[section][option]['default'] =
- configValidator.normalize(
- self._configDef[section][option]['type'],
- self._configDef[section][option]['default']
- )
- self._configDef[section][option]['default'] =
- self.__toString(
- self._configDef[section][option]['type'],
- self._configDef[section][option]['default']
- )
- else:
- # This should not happen. Just in case, take this as 'to be validated' case.
- configValidator.add(configVarName,
- self._configDef[section][option]['type'],
- self._dict[section][option])
- elif self._configDef[section][option]['req']:
- statusMsgs.append("%s: %s.%s is not defined."
- % (errorPrefix, section, option))
- errorCount = errorCount + 1
- configValidator.validate()
- for valueInfo in configValidator.validatedInfo:
- sectionsOptions = reDot.split(valueInfo['name'])
- if valueInfo['isValid'] == 1:
- self._dict[sectionsOptions[0]][sectionsOptions[1]] =
- valueInfo['normalized']
- else:
- if valueInfo['errorData']:
- statusMsgs.extend(self.var_error(sectionsOptions[0],
- sectionsOptions[1], valueInfo['errorData']))
- else:
- statusMsgs.extend(self.var_error(sectionsOptions[0],
- sectionsOptions[1]))
- errorCount = errorCount + 1
- if errorCount > 1:
- statusMsgs.append( "%s: %s problems found." % (
- errorPrefix, errorCount))
- self.var_error_suggest(statusMsgs)
- status = False
- elif errorCount > 0:
- statusMsgs.append( "%s: %s problem found." % (
- errorPrefix, errorCount))
- self.var_error_suggest(statusMsgs)
- status = False
- self.__validated = True
- if self.__originalDir:
- os.chdir(oldDir)
- return status,statusMsgs
- def normalizeValue(self, section, option) :
- return typeValidatorInstance.normalize(
- self._configDef[section][option]['type'],
- self[section][option])
- def validateValue(self, section, option):
- # Validates a section.option and exits on error
- valueInfo = typeValidatorInstance.verify(
- self._configDef[section][option]['type'],
- self[section][option])
- if valueInfo['isValid'] == 1:
- return []
- else:
- if valueInfo['errorData']:
- return self.var_error(section, option, valueInfo['errorData'])
- else:
- return self.var_error(section, option)
- class config(SafeConfigParser, baseConfig):
- def __init__(self, configFile, configDef=None, originalDir=None,
- options=None, checkPerms=False):
- """Constructs config object.
- configFile - configuration file to read
- configDef - definition object
- options - options object
- checkPerms - check file permission on config file, 0660
- sample configuration file:
- [snis]
- modules_dir = modules/ ; location of infoModules
- md5_defs_dir = etc/md5_defs ; location of infoTree md5 defs
- info_store = var/info ; location of nodeInfo store
- cam_daemon = localhost:8200 ; cam daemon address"""
- SafeConfigParser.__init__(self)
- baseConfig.__init__(self, configDef, originalDir)
- if(os.path.exists(configFile)):
- self.configFile = configFile
- else:
- raise IOError
- self._options = options
- ## UNUSED CODE : checkPerms is never True
- ## zim: this code is used if one instantiates config() with checkPerms set to
- ## True.
- if checkPerms: self.__check_perms()
- self._configDef = configDef
- if not self._configDef:
- self._mySections = self.sections()
- self.__initialize_config_dict()
- def __initialize_config_dict(self):
- """ build a dictionary of config vars keyed by section name defined in
- configDef, if options defined override config"""
- for section in self._mySections:
- items = self.items(section)
- self._dict[section] = {}
- # First fill self._dict with whatever is given in hodrc.
- # Going by this, options given at the command line either override
- # options in hodrc, or get appended to the list, like for
- # hod.client-params. Note that after this dict has _only_ hodrc
- # params
- for keyValuePair in items:
- # stupid commenting bug in ConfigParser class, lines without an
- # option value pair or section required that ; or # are at the
- # beginning of the line, :(
- newValue = reCommentHack.sub("", keyValuePair[1])
- newValue = reCommentNewline.sub("", newValue)
- self._dict[section][keyValuePair[0]] = newValue
- # end of filling with options given in hodrc
- # now start filling in command line options
- if self._options:
- for option in self._configDef[section].keys():
- if self._options[section].has_key(option):
- # the user has given an option
- compoundOpt = "%s.%s" %(section,option)
- if ( compoundOpt ==
- ''
- or compoundOpt ==
- ''
- or compoundOpt ==
- 'gridservice-mapred.server-params'
- or compoundOpt ==
- 'gridservice-hdfs.server-params'
- or compoundOpt ==
- 'hod.client-params' ):
- if ( compoundOpt ==
- ''
- or compoundOpt ==
- '' ):
- overwrite = False
- else: overwrite = True
- # Append to the current list of values in self._dict
- if not self._dict[section].has_key(option):
- self._dict[section][option] = ""
- dictOpts = reKeyValList.split(self._dict[section][option])
- dictOptsKeyVals = {}
- for opt in dictOpts:
- if opt != '':
- # when dict _has_ params from hodrc
- if
- (key, val) = reKeyVal.split(opt,1)
- # we only consider the first '=' for splitting
- # we do this to support passing params like
- #
- # Even in case of an invalid error like unescaped '=',
- # we don't want to fail here itself. We leave such errors
- # to be caught during validation which happens after this
- dictOptsKeyVals[key] = val
- else:
- # this means an invalid option. Leaving it
- #for config.verify to catch
- dictOptsKeyVals[opt] = None
- cmdLineOpts = reKeyValList.split(self._options[section][option])
- for opt in cmdLineOpts:
- if
- # Same as for hodrc options. only consider
- # the first =
- ( key, val ) = reKeyVal.split(opt,1)
- else:
- key = opt
- val = None
- # whatever is given at cmdline overrides
- # what is given in hodrc only for non-final params
- if dictOptsKeyVals.has_key(key):
- if overwrite:
- dictOptsKeyVals[key] = val
- else: dictOptsKeyVals[key] = val
- self._dict[section][option] = ""
- for key in dictOptsKeyVals:
- if self._dict[section][option] == "":
- if dictOptsKeyVals[key]:
- self._dict[section][option] = key + "=" +
- dictOptsKeyVals[key]
- else: #invalid option. let config.verify catch
- self._dict[section][option] = key
- else:
- if dictOptsKeyVals[key]:
- self._dict[section][option] =
- self._dict[section][option] + "," + key +
- "=" + dictOptsKeyVals[key]
- else: #invalid option. let config.verify catch
- self._dict[section][option] =
- self._dict[section][option] + "," + key
- else:
- # for rest of the options, that don't need
- # appending business.
- # options = cmdline opts + defaults
- # dict = hodrc opts only
- # only non default opts can overwrite any opt
- # currently in dict
- if not self._dict[section].has_key(option):
- # options not mentioned in hodrc
- self._dict[section][option] =
- self._options[section][option]
- elif self._configDef[section][option]['default'] !=
- self._options[section][option]:
- # option mentioned in hodrc but user has given a
- # non-default option
- self._dict[section][option] =
- self._options[section][option]
- ## zim: is too :)
- def __check_perms(self):
- perms = None
- if self._options:
- try:
- perms = get_perms(self.configFile)
- except OSError, data:
- self._options.print_help()
- raise Exception("*** could not find config file: %s" % data)
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- perms = get_perms(self.configFile)
- if perms != requiredPerms:
- error = "*** '%s' has invalid permission: %s should be %sn" %
- (self.configFile, perms, requiredPerms)
- raise Exception( error)
- sys.exit(1)
- def replace_escape_seqs(self):
- """ replace any escaped characters """
- replace_escapes(self)
- class formatter(IndentedHelpFormatter):
- def format_option_strings(self, option):
- """Return a comma-separated list of option strings & metavariables."""
- if option.takes_value():
- metavar = option.metavar or option.dest.upper()
- short_opts = [sopt
- for sopt in option._short_opts]
- long_opts = [self._long_opt_fmt % (lopt, metavar)
- for lopt in option._long_opts]
- else:
- short_opts = option._short_opts
- long_opts = option._long_opts
- if self.short_first:
- opts = short_opts + long_opts
- else:
- opts = long_opts + short_opts
- return ", ".join(opts)
- class options(OptionParser, baseConfig):
- def __init__(self, optionDef, usage, version, originalDir=None,
- withConfig=False, defaultConfig=None, defaultLocation=None,
- name=None):
- """Constructs and options object.
- optionDef - definition object
- usage - usage statement
- version - version string
- withConfig - used in conjunction with a configuration file
- defaultConfig - default configuration file
- """
- OptionParser.__init__(self, usage=usage)
- baseConfig.__init__(self, optionDef, originalDir)
- self.formatter = formatter(4, max_help_position=100, width=180,
- short_first=1)
- self.__name = name
- self.__version = version
- self.__withConfig = withConfig
- self.__defaultConfig = defaultConfig
- self.__defaultLoc = defaultLocation
- self.args = []
- self.__optionList = []
- self.__compoundOpts = []
- self.__shortMap = {}
- self.__alphaString = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ1234567890'
- self.__alpha = []
- self.__parsedOptions = {}
- self.__reserved = [ 'h' ]
- self.__orig_grps = []
- self.__orig_grp_lists = {}
- self.__orig_option_list = []
- self.__display_grps = []
- self.__display_grp_lists = {}
- self.__display_option_list = []
- self.config = None
- if self.__withConfig:
- self.__reserved.append('c')
- self.__reserved.append('v')
- self.__gen_alpha()
- # build self.__optionList, so it contains all the options that are
- # possible. the list elements are of the form section.option
- for section in self._mySections:
- if self.__withConfig and section == 'config':
- raise Exception(
- "withConfig set 'config' cannot be used as a section name")
- for option in self._configDef[section].keys():
- if '.' in option:
- raise Exception("Options cannot contain: '.'")
- elif self.__withConfig and option == 'config':
- raise Exception(
- "With config set, option config is not allowed.")
- elif self.__withConfig and option == 'verbose-help':
- raise Exception(
- "With config set, option verbose-help is not allowed.")
- self.__optionList.append(self.__splice_compound(section,
- option))
- self.__build_short_map()
- self.__add_options()
- self.__init_display_options()
- (self.__parsedOptions, self.args) = self.parse_args()
- # Now process the positional arguments only for the client side
- if self.__name == 'hod':
- hodhelp = hodHelp()
- _operation = getattr(self.__parsedOptions,'hod.operation')
- _script = getattr(self.__parsedOptions, 'hod.script')
- nArgs = self.args.__len__()
- if _operation:
- # -o option is given
- if nArgs != 0:
- self.error('invalid syntax : command and operation(-o) cannot coexist')
- elif nArgs == 0 and _script:
- # for a script option, without subcommand: hod -s script ...
- pass
- elif nArgs == 0:
- print "Usage: ",
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- # subcommand is given
- cmdstr = self.args[0] # the subcommand itself
- cmdlist = hodhelp.ops
- if cmdstr not in cmdlist:
- print "Usage: ",
- sys.exit(2)
- numNodes = None
- clusterDir = None
- # Check which subcommand. cmdstr = subcommand itself now.
- if cmdstr == "allocate":
- clusterDir = getattr(self.__parsedOptions, 'hod.clusterdir')
- numNodes = getattr(self.__parsedOptions, 'hod.nodecount')
- if not clusterDir or not numNodes:
- print hodhelp.usage(cmdstr)
- sys.exit(3)
- cmdstr = cmdstr + ' ' + clusterDir + ' ' + numNodes
- setattr(self.__parsedOptions,'hod.operation', cmdstr)
- elif cmdstr == "deallocate" or cmdstr == "info":
- clusterDir = getattr(self.__parsedOptions, 'hod.clusterdir')
- if not clusterDir:
- print hodhelp.usage(cmdstr)
- sys.exit(3)
- cmdstr = cmdstr + ' ' + clusterDir
- setattr(self.__parsedOptions,'hod.operation', cmdstr)
- elif cmdstr == "list":
- setattr(self.__parsedOptions,'hod.operation', cmdstr)
- pass
- elif cmdstr == "script":
- clusterDir = getattr(self.__parsedOptions, 'hod.clusterdir')
- numNodes = getattr(self.__parsedOptions, 'hod.nodecount')
- originalDir = getattr(self.__parsedOptions, 'hod.original-dir')
- if originalDir and clusterDir:
- self.remove_exit_code_file(originalDir, clusterDir)
- if not _script or not clusterDir or not numNodes:
- print hodhelp.usage(cmdstr)
- sys.exit(3)
- pass
- elif cmdstr == "help":
- if nArgs == 1:
- self.print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif nArgs != 2:
- self.print_help()
- sys.exit(3)
- elif self.args[1] == 'options':
- self.print_options()
- sys.exit(0)
- cmdstr = cmdstr + ' ' + self.args[1]
- setattr(self.__parsedOptions,'hod.operation', cmdstr)
- # end of processing for arguments on the client side
- if self.__withConfig:
- self.config = self.__parsedOptions.config
- if not self.config:
- self.error("configuration file must be specified")
- if not os.path.isabs(self.config):
- # A relative path. Append the original directory which would be the
- # current directory at the time of launch
- try:
- origDir = getattr(self.__parsedOptions, 'hod.original-dir')
- if origDir is not None:
- self.config = os.path.join(origDir, self.config)
- self.__parsedOptions.config = self.config
- except AttributeError, e:
- self.error("hod.original-dir is not defined.
- Cannot get current directory")
- if not os.path.exists(self.config):
- if self.__defaultLoc and not"/", self.config):
- self.__parsedOptions.config = os.path.join(
- self.__defaultLoc, self.config)
- self.__build_dict()
- def norm_cluster_dir(self, orig_dir, directory):
- directory = os.path.expanduser(directory)
- if not os.path.isabs(directory):
- directory = os.path.join(orig_dir, directory)
- directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
- return directory
- def remove_exit_code_file(self, orig_dir, dir):
- try:
- dir = self.norm_cluster_dir(orig_dir, dir)
- if os.path.exists(dir):
- exit_code_file = os.path.join(dir, "script.exitcode")
- if os.path.exists(exit_code_file):
- os.remove(exit_code_file)
- except:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Could not remove the script.exitcode file."
- def __init_display_options(self):
- self.__orig_option_list = self.option_list[:]
- optionListTitleMap = {}
- for option in self.option_list:
- optionListTitleMap[option._long_opts[0]] = option
- self.__orig_grps = self.option_groups[:]
- for group in self.option_groups:
- self.__orig_grp_lists[group.title] = group.option_list[:]
- groupTitleMap = {}
- optionTitleMap = {}
- for group in self.option_groups:
- groupTitleMap[group.title] = group
- optionTitleMap[group.title] = {}
- for option in group.option_list:
- (sectionName, optionName) =
- self.__split_compound(option._long_opts[0])
- optionTitleMap[group.title][optionName] = option
- for section in self._mySections:
- for option in self._configDef[section]:
- if self._configDef[section][option]['help']:
- if groupTitleMap.has_key(section):
- if not self.__display_grp_lists.has_key(section):
- self.__display_grp_lists[section] = []
- self.__display_grp_lists[section].append(
- optionTitleMap[section][option])
- try:
- self.__display_option_list.append(
- optionListTitleMap["--" + self.__splice_compound(
- section, option)])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- self.__display_option_list.append(optionListTitleMap['--config'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- self.__display_option_list.append(optionListTitleMap['--help'])
- self.__display_option_list.append(optionListTitleMap['--verbose-help'])
- self.__display_option_list.append(optionListTitleMap['--version'])
- self.__display_grps = self.option_groups[:]
- for section in self._mySections:
- if self.__display_grp_lists.has_key(section):
- self.__orig_grp_lists[section] =
- groupTitleMap[section].option_list
- else:
- try:
- self.__display_grps.remove(groupTitleMap[section])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def __gen_alpha(self):
- assignedOptions = []
- for section in self._configDef:
- for option in self._configDef[section]:
- if self._configDef[section][option]['short']:
- assignedOptions.append(
- self._configDef[section][option]['short'])
- for symbol in self.__alphaString:
- if not symbol in assignedOptions:
- self.__alpha.append(symbol)
- def __splice_compound(self, section, option):
- return "%s.%s" % (section, option)
- def __split_compound(self, compound):
- return compound.split('.')
- def __build_short_map(self):
- """ build a short_map of parametername : short_option. This is done
- only for those parameters that don't have short options already
- defined in configDef.
- If possible, the first letter in the option that is not already
- used/reserved as a short option is allotted. Otherwise the first
- letter in __alpha that isn't still used is allotted.
- e.g. { '': 'T', 'resource_manager.batch-home': 'B' }
- """
- optionsKey = {}
- for compound in self.__optionList:
- (section, option) = self.__split_compound(compound)
- if not optionsKey.has_key(section):
- optionsKey[section] = []
- optionsKey[section].append(option)
- for section in self._configDef.sections():
- options = optionsKey[section]
- options.sort()
- for option in options:
- if not self._configDef[section][option]['short']:
- compound = self.__splice_compound(section, option)
- shortOptions = self.__shortMap.values()
- for i in range(0, len(option)):
- letter = option[i]
- letter = letter.lower()
- if letter in self.__alpha:
- if not letter in shortOptions and
- not letter in self.__reserved:
- self.__shortMap[compound] = letter
- break
- if not self.__shortMap.has_key(compound):
- for i in range(0, len(self.__alpha)):
- letter = self.__alpha[i]
- if not letter in shortOptions and
- not letter in self.__reserved:
- self.__shortMap[compound] = letter
- def __add_option(self, config, compoundOpt, section, option, group=None):
- addMethod = self.add_option
- if group: addMethod=group.add_option
- self.__compoundOpts.append(compoundOpt)
- if compoundOpt == '' or
- compoundOpt == '' or
- compoundOpt == 'gridservice-mapred.server-params' or
- compoundOpt == 'gridservice-hdfs.server-params' or
- compoundOpt == 'hod.client-params':
- _action = 'append'
- elif config[section][option]['type'] == 'bool':
- _action = 'store_true'
- else:
- _action = 'store'
- if self.__shortMap.has_key(compoundOpt):
- addMethod("-" + self.__shortMap[compoundOpt],
- "--" + compoundOpt, dest=compoundOpt,
- action= _action,
- metavar=config[section][option]['type'],
- default=config[section][option]['default'],
- help=config[section][option]['desc'])
- else:
- if config[section][option]['short']:
- addMethod("-" + config[section][option]['short'],
- "--" + compoundOpt, dest=compoundOpt,
- action= _action,
- metavar=config[section][option]['type'],
- default=config[section][option]['default'],
- help=config[section][option]['desc'])
- else:
- addMethod('', "--" + compoundOpt, dest=compoundOpt,
- action= _action,
- metavar=config[section][option]['type'],
- default=config[section][option]['default'],
- help=config[section][option]['desc'])
- def __add_options(self):
- if self.__withConfig:
- self.add_option("-c", "--config", dest='config',
- action='store', default=self.__defaultConfig,
- metavar='config_file',
- help="Full path to configuration file.")
- self.add_option("", "--verbose-help",
- action='help', default=None,
- metavar='flag',
- help="Display verbose help information.")
- self.add_option("-v", "--version",
- action='version', default=None,
- metavar='flag',
- help="Display version information.")
- self.version = self.__version
- if len(self._mySections) > 1:
- for section in self._mySections:
- group = OptionGroup(self, section)
- for option in self._configDef[section]:
- compoundOpt = self.__splice_compound(section, option)
- self.__add_option(self._configDef, compoundOpt, section,
- option, group)
- self.add_option_group(group)
- else:
- for section in self._mySections:
- for option in self._configDef[section]:
- compoundOpt = self.__splice_compound(section, option)
- self.__add_option(self._configDef, compoundOpt, section,
- option)
- def __build_dict(self):
- if self.__withConfig:
- self._dict['config'] = str(getattr(self.__parsedOptions, 'config'))
- for compoundOption in dir(self.__parsedOptions):
- if compoundOption in self.__compoundOpts:
- (section, option) = self.__split_compound(compoundOption)
- if not self._dict.has_key(section):
- self._dict[section] = {}
- if getattr(self.__parsedOptions, compoundOption):
- _attr = getattr(self.__parsedOptions, compoundOption)
- # when we have multi-valued parameters passed separately
- # from command line, python optparser pushes them into a
- # list. So converting all such lists to strings
- if type(_attr) == type([]):
- import string
- _attr = string.join(_attr,',')
- self._dict[section][option] = _attr
- for section in self._configDef:
- for option in self._configDef[section]:
- if self._configDef[section][option]['type'] == 'bool':
- compoundOption = self.__splice_compound(section, option)
- if not self._dict.has_key(section):
- self._dict[section] = {}
- if option not in self._dict[section]:
- self._dict[section][option] = False
- def __set_display_groups(self):
- if not '--verbose-help' in sys.argv:
- self.option_groups = self.__display_grps
- self.option_list = self.__display_option_list
- for group in self.option_groups:
- group.option_list = self.__display_grp_lists[group.title]
- def __unset_display_groups(self):
- if not '--verbose-help' in sys.argv:
- self.option_groups = self.__orig_grps
- self.option_list = self.__orig_option_list
- for group in self.option_groups:
- group.option_list = self.__orig_grp_lists[group.title]
- def print_help(self, file=None):
- self.__set_display_groups()
- OptionParser.print_help(self, file)
- self.__unset_display_groups()
- def print_options(self):
- _usage = self.usage
- self.set_usage('')
- self.print_help()
- self.set_usage(_usage)
- def verify(self):
- return baseConfig.verify(self)
- def replace_escape_seqs(self):
- replace_escapes(self)