- #Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- #or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- #distributed with this work for additional information
- #regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- #to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- #"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- #with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- #distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- #See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- #limitations under the License.
- import unittest, os, sys, re, threading, time
- myDirectory = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])
- rootDirectory = re.sub("/testing/.*", "", myDirectory)
- sys.path.append(rootDirectory)
- from testing.lib import BaseTestSuite
- excludes = ['']
- import tempfile, shutil, getpass, random
- from hodlib.Common.types import typeValidator
- # All test-case classes should have the naming convention test_.*
- class test_typeValidator(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.originalDir = os.getcwd()
- self.validator = typeValidator(self.originalDir)
- self.tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/tmp/hod-%s' % getpass.getuser(),
- prefix='test_Types_typeValidator_tempDir')
- self.tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tempDir)
- # verification : error strings
- self.errorStringsForVerify = {
- 'pos_int' : 0,
- 'uri' : '%s is an invalid uri',
- 'directory' : 0,
- 'file' : 0,
- }
- # verification : valid vals
- self.verifyValidVals = [
- ('pos_int', 0),
- ('pos_int', 1),
- ('directory', self.tempDir),
- ('directory', '/tmp/hod-%s/../../%s' %
- (getpass.getuser(), self.tempDir)),
- ('file', self.tempFile.name),
- ('file', '/tmp/hod-%s/../../%s' %
- (getpass.getuser(), self.tempFile.name)),
- ('uri', 'file://localhost/' + self.tempDir),
- ('uri', 'file:///' + self.tempDir),
- ('uri', 'file:///tmp/hod-%s/../../%s' %
- (getpass.getuser(), self.tempDir)),
- ('uri', 'file://localhost/tmp/hod-%s/../../%s' %
- (getpass.getuser(), self.tempDir)),
- ('uri', 'http://hadoop.apache.org/core/'),
- ('uri', self.tempDir),
- ('uri', '/tmp/hod-%s/../../%s' %
- (getpass.getuser(), self.tempDir)),
- ]
- # generate an invalid uri
- randomNum = random.random()
- while os.path.exists('/%s' % randomNum):
- # Just to be sure :)
- randomNum = random.random()
- invalidUri = 'file://localhost/%s' % randomNum
- # verification : invalid vals
- self.verifyInvalidVals = [
- ('pos_int', -1),
- ('uri', invalidUri),
- ('directory', self.tempFile.name),
- ('file', self.tempDir),
- ]
- # normalization : vals
- self.normalizeVals = [
- ('pos_int', 1, 1),
- ('pos_int', '1', 1),
- ('directory', self.tempDir, self.tempDir),
- ('directory', '/tmp/hod-%s/../../%s' %
- (getpass.getuser(), self.tempDir),
- self.tempDir),
- ('file', self.tempFile.name, self.tempFile.name),
- ('file', '/tmp/hod-%s/../../%s' %
- (getpass.getuser(), self.tempFile.name),
- self.tempFile.name),
- ('uri', 'file://localhost' + self.tempDir,
- 'file://' + self.tempDir),
- ('uri', 'file://' + self.tempDir,
- 'file://' + self.tempDir),
- ('uri', 'http://hadoop.apache.org/core',
- 'http://hadoop.apache.org/core'),
- ('uri', self.tempDir, self.tempDir),
- ('uri', '/tmp/hod-%s/../../%s' %
- (getpass.getuser(), self.tempDir),
- self.tempDir),
- ]
- pass
- # All testMethods have to have their names start with 'test'
- def testnormalize(self):
- for (type, originalVal, normalizedVal) in self.normalizeVals:
- # print type, originalVal, normalizedVal,
- # self.validator.normalize(type, originalVal)
- assert(self.validator.normalize(type, originalVal) == normalizedVal)
- pass
- def test__normalize(self):
- # Special test for functionality of private method __normalizedPath
- tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.originalDir) #create in self.originalDir
- oldWd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir('/')
- tmpdirName = re.sub(".*/","",tmpdir)
- # print re.sub(".*/","",tmpdirName)
- # print os.path.join(self.originalDir,tmpdir)
- (type, originalVal, normalizedVal) =
- ('file', tmpdirName,
- os.path.join(self.originalDir,tmpdirName))
- assert(self.validator.normalize(type, originalVal) == normalizedVal)
- os.chdir(oldWd)
- os.rmdir(tmpdir)
- pass
- def testverify(self):
- # test verify method
- # test valid vals
- for (type,value) in self.verifyValidVals:
- valueInfo = { 'isValid' : 0, 'normalized' : 0, 'errorData' : 0 }
- valueInfo = self.validator.verify(type,value)
- # print type, value, valueInfo
- assert(valueInfo['isValid'] == 1)
- # test invalid vals
- for (type,value) in self.verifyInvalidVals:
- valueInfo = { 'isValid' : 0, 'normalized' : 0, 'errorData' : 0 }
- valueInfo = self.validator.verify(type,value)
- # print type, value, valueInfo
- assert(valueInfo['isValid'] == 0)
- if valueInfo['errorData'] != 0:
- # if there is any errorData, check
- assert(valueInfo['errorData'] ==
- self.errorStringsForVerify[type] % value)
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- self.tempFile.close()
- if os.path.exists(self.tempDir):
- shutil.rmtree(self.tempDir)
- pass
- class TypesTestSuite(BaseTestSuite):
- def __init__(self):
- # suite setup
- BaseTestSuite.__init__(self, __name__, excludes)
- pass
- def cleanUp(self):
- # suite tearDown
- pass
- def RunTypesTests():
- # modulename_suite
- suite = TypesTestSuite()
- testResult = suite.runTests()
- suite.cleanUp()
- return testResult
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- RunTypesTests()