- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- hdfs.py is a python client for the thrift interface to HDFS.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- and limitations under the License.
- """
- import sys
- sys.path.append('../gen-py')
- from optparse import OptionParser
- from thrift import Thrift
- from thrift.transport import TSocket
- from thrift.transport import TTransport
- from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
- from hadoopfs import ThriftHadoopFileSystem
- from hadoopfs.ttypes import *
- from readline import *
- from cmd import *
- import os
- import re
- import readline
- import subprocess
- #
- # The address of the FileSystemClientProxy. If the host and port are
- # not specified, then a proxy server is automatically spawned.
- #
- host = 'localhost'
- port = 4677 # use any port
- proxyStartScript = './start_thrift_server.sh'
- startServer = True # shall we start a proxy server?
- #
- # The hdfs interactive shell. The Cmd class is a builtin that uses readline + implements
- # a whole bunch of utility stuff like help and custom tab completions.
- # It makes everything real easy.
- #
- class hadoopthrift_cli(Cmd):
- # my custom prompt looks better than the default
- prompt = 'hdfs>> '
- #############################
- # Class constructor
- #############################
- def __init__(self, server_name, server_port):
- Cmd.__init__(self)
- self.server_name = server_name
- self.server_port = server_port
- #############################
- # Start the ClientProxy Server if we can find it.
- # Read in its stdout to determine what port it is running on
- #############################
- def startProxyServer(self):
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen(proxyStartScript, self.server_port, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- content = p.stdout.readline()
- p.stdout.close()
- val = re.split( '[|]', content)
- print val[1]
- self.server_port = val[1]
- return True
- except Exception, ex:
- print "ERROR in starting proxy server " + proxyStartScript
- print '%s' % (ex.message)
- return False
- #############################
- # Connect to clientproxy
- #############################
- def connect(self):
- try:
- # connect to hdfs thrift server
- self.transport = TSocket.TSocket(self.server_name, self.server_port)
- self.transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(self.transport)
- self.protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(self.transport)
- # Create a client to use the protocol encoder
- self.client = ThriftHadoopFileSystem.Client(self.protocol)
- self.transport.open()
- # tell the HadoopThrift server to die after 60 minutes of inactivity
- self.client.setInactivityTimeoutPeriod(60*60)
- return True
- except Thrift.TException, tx:
- print "ERROR in connecting to ", self.server_name, ":", self.server_port
- print '%s' % (tx.message)
- return False
- #
- # Disconnect from client proxy
- #
- def shutdown(self):
- try :
- self.transport.close()
- except Exception, tx:
- return False
- #############################
- # Create the specified file. Returns a handle to write data.
- #############################
- def do_create(self, name):
- if name == "":
- print " ERROR usage: create <pathname>"
- print
- return 0
- # Create the file, and immediately closes the handle
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = name;
- status = self.client.create(path)
- self.client.close(status)
- return 0
- #############################
- # Delete the specified file.
- #############################
- def do_rm(self, name):
- if name == "":
- print " ERROR usage: rm <pathname>n"
- return 0
- # delete file
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = name;
- status = self.client.rm(path, False)
- if status == False:
- print " ERROR in deleting path: " + name
- return 0
- #############################
- # Rename the specified file/dir
- #############################
- def do_mv(self, line):
- params = line.split()
- if (len(params) != 2):
- print " ERROR usage: mv <srcpathname> <destpathname>n"
- return 0
- src = params[0].strip()
- dest = params[1].strip()
- if src == "":
- print " ERROR usage: mv <srcpathname> <destpathname>n"
- return 0
- if dest == "":
- print " ERROR usage: mv <srcpathname> <destpathname>n"
- return 0
- # move file
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = src;
- destpath = Pathname();
- destpath.pathname = dest;
- status = self.client.rename(path, destpath)
- if status == False:
- print " ERROR in renaming path: " + name
- return 0
- #############################
- # Delete the specified file.
- #############################
- def do_mkdirs(self, name):
- if name == "":
- print " ERROR usage: mkdirs <pathname>n"
- return 0
- # create directory
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = name;
- fields = self.client.mkdirs(path)
- return 0
- #############################
- # does the pathname exist?
- #############################
- def do_exists(self, name):
- if name == "":
- print " ERROR usage: exists <pathname>n"
- return 0
- # check existence of pathname
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = name;
- fields = self.client.exists(path)
- if (fields == True):
- print name + " exists."
- else:
- print name + " does not exist."
- return 0
- #############################
- # copy local file into hdfs
- #############################
- def do_put(self, line):
- params = line.split()
- if (len(params) != 2):
- print " ERROR usage: put <localpathname> <hdfspathname>n"
- return 0
- local = params[0].strip()
- hdfs = params[1].strip()
- if local == "":
- print " ERROR usage: put <localpathname> <hdfspathname>n"
- return 0
- if hdfs == "":
- print " ERROR usage: put <localpathname> <hdfspathname>n"
- return 0
- # open local file
- input = open(local, 'rb')
- # open output file
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = hdfs;
- output = self.client.create(path)
- # read 1MB at a time and upload to hdfs
- while True:
- chunk = input.read(1024*1024)
- if not chunk: break
- self.client.write(output, chunk)
- self.client.close(output)
- input.close()
- #############################
- # copy hdfs file into local
- #############################
- def do_get(self, line):
- params = line.split()
- if (len(params) != 2):
- print " ERROR usage: get <hdfspathname> <localpathname>n"
- return 0
- hdfs = params[0].strip()
- local = params[1].strip()
- if local == "":
- print " ERROR usage: get <hdfspathname> <localpathname>n"
- return 0
- if hdfs == "":
- print " ERROR usage: get <hdfspathname> <localpathname>n"
- return 0
- # open output local file
- output = open(local, 'wb')
- # open input hdfs file
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = hdfs;
- input = self.client.open(path)
- # find size of hdfs file
- filesize = self.client.stat(path).length
- # read 1MB bytes at a time from hdfs
- offset = 0
- chunksize = 1024 * 1024
- while True:
- chunk = self.client.read(input, offset, chunksize)
- if not chunk: break
- output.write(chunk)
- offset += chunksize
- if (offset >= filesize): break
- self.client.close(input)
- output.close()
- #############################
- # List attributes of this path
- #############################
- def do_ls(self, name):
- if name == "":
- print " ERROR usage: list <pathname>n"
- return 0
- # list file status
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = name;
- status = self.client.stat(path)
- if (status.isdir == False):
- self.printStatus(status)
- return 0
- # This is a directory, fetch its contents
- liststatus = self.client.listStatus(path)
- for item in liststatus:
- self.printStatus(item)
- #############################
- # Set permissions for a file
- #############################
- def do_chmod(self, line):
- params = line.split()
- if (len(params) != 2):
- print " ERROR usage: chmod 774 <pathname>n"
- return 0
- perm = params[0].strip()
- name = params[1].strip()
- if name == "":
- print " ERROR usage: chmod 774 <pathname>n"
- return 0
- if perm == "":
- print " ERROR usage: chmod 774 <pathname>n"
- return 0
- # set permissions (in octal)
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = name;
- status = self.client.chmod(path, int(perm,8))
- return 0
- #############################
- # Set owner for a file. This is not an atomic operation.
- # A change to the group of a file may be overwritten by this one.
- #############################
- def do_chown(self, line):
- params = line.split()
- if (len(params) != 2):
- print " ERROR usage: chown <ownername> <pathname>n"
- return 0
- owner = params[0].strip()
- name = params[1].strip()
- if name == "":
- print " ERROR usage: chown <ownername> <pathname>n"
- return 0
- # get the current owner and group
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = name;
- cur = self.client.stat(path)
- # set new owner, keep old group
- status = self.client.chown(path, owner, cur.group)
- return 0
- #######################################
- # Set the replication factor for a file
- ######################################
- def do_setreplication(self, line):
- params = line.split()
- if (len(params) != 2):
- print " ERROR usage: setreplication <replication factor> <pathname>n"
- return 0
- repl = params[0].strip()
- name = params[1].strip()
- if name == "":
- print " ERROR usage: setreplication <replication factor> <pathname>n"
- return 0
- if repl == "":
- print " ERROR usage: setreplication <replication factor> <pathname>n"
- return 0
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = name;
- status = self.client.setReplication(path, int(repl))
- return 0
- #############################
- # Display the locations of the blocks of this file
- #############################
- def do_getlocations(self, name):
- if name == "":
- print " ERROR usage: getlocations <pathname>n"
- return 0
- path = Pathname();
- path.pathname = name;
- # find size of hdfs file
- filesize = self.client.stat(path).length
- # getlocations file
- blockLocations = self.client.getFileBlockLocations(path, 0, filesize)
- for item in blockLocations:
- self.printLocations(item)
- return 0
- #############################
- # Utility methods from here
- #############################
- #
- # If I don't do this, the last command is always re-executed which is annoying.
- #
- def emptyline(self):
- pass
- #
- # print the status of a path
- #
- def printStatus(self, stat):
- print str(stat.block_replication) + "t" + str(stat.length) + "t" + str(stat.modification_time) + "t" + stat.permission + "t" + stat.owner + "t" + stat.group + "t" + stat.path
- #
- # print the locations of a block
- #
- def printLocations(self, location):
- print str(location.names) + "t" + str(location.offset) + "t" + str(location.length)
- #
- # Various ways to exit the hdfs shell
- #
- def do_quit(self,ignored):
- try:
- if startServer:
- self.client.shutdown(1)
- return -1
- except Exception, ex:
- return -1
- def do_q(self,ignored):
- return self.do_quit(ignored)
- # ctl-d
- def do_EOF(self,ignored):
- return self.do_quit(ignored)
- #
- # Give the user some amount of help - I am a nice guy
- #
- def help_create(self):
- print "create <pathname>"
- def help_rm(self):
- print "rm <pathname>"
- def help_mv(self):
- print "mv <srcpathname> <destpathname>"
- def help_mkdirs(self):
- print "mkdirs <pathname>"
- def help_exists(self):
- print "exists <pathname>"
- def help_put(self):
- print "put <localpathname> <hdfspathname>"
- def help_get(self):
- print "get <hdfspathname> <localpathname>"
- def help_ls(self):
- print "ls <hdfspathname>"
- def help_chmod(self):
- print "chmod 775 <hdfspathname>"
- def help_chown(self):
- print "chown <ownername> <hdfspathname>"
- def help_setreplication(self):
- print "setrep <replication factor> <hdfspathname>"
- def help_getlocations(self):
- print "getlocations <pathname>"
- def help_EOF(self):
- print '<ctl-d> will quit this program.'
- def help_quit(self):
- print 'if you need to know what quit does, you shouldn't be using a computer.'
- def help_q(self):
- print 'quit and if you need to know what quit does, you shouldn't be using a computer.'
- def help_help(self):
- print 'duh'
- def usage(exec_name):
- print "Usage: "
- print " %s [proxyclientname [proxyclientport]]" % exec_name
- print " %s -v" % exec_name
- print " %s --help" % exec_name
- print " %s -h" % exec_name
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #
- # Rudimentary command line processing.
- #
- # real parsing:
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option("-e", "--execute", dest="command_str",
- help="execute this command and exit")
- parser.add_option("-s","--proxyclient",dest="host",help="the proxyclient's hostname")
- parser.add_option("-p","--port",dest="port",help="the proxyclient's port number")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- #
- # Save host and port information of the proxy server
- #
- if (options.host):
- host = options.host
- startServer = False
- if (options.port):
- port = options.port
- startServer = False
- #
- # Retrieve the user's readline history.
- #
- historyFileName = os.path.expanduser("~/.hdfs_history")
- if (os.path.exists(historyFileName)):
- readline.read_history_file(historyFileName)
- #
- # Create class and connect to proxy server
- #
- c = hadoopthrift_cli(host,port)
- if startServer:
- if c.startProxyServer() == False:
- sys.exit(1)
- if c.connect() == False:
- sys.exit(1)
- #
- # If this utility was invoked with one argument, process it
- #
- if (options.command_str):
- c.onecmd(options.command_str)
- sys.exit(0)
- #
- # Start looping over user commands.
- #
- c.cmdloop('Welcome to the Thrift interactive shell for Hadoop File System. - how can I help you? ' + 'n'
- 'Press tab twice to see the list of commands. ' + 'n' +
- 'To complete the name of a command press tab once. n'
- )
- c.shutdown();
- readline.write_history_file(historyFileName)
- print '' # I am nothing if not courteous.
- sys.exit(0)