- /**
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.apache.hadoop.mapred;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.TreeMap;
- import junit.framework.TestCase;
- import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
- import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
- import org.apache.hadoop.io.BytesWritable;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobStatusChangeEvent.EventType;
- import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
- import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
- public class TestCapacityScheduler extends TestCase {
- static final Log LOG =
- LogFactory.getLog(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TestCapacityScheduler.class);
- private static int jobCounter;
- /**
- * Test class that removes the asynchronous nature of job initialization.
- *
- * The run method is a dummy which just waits for completion. It is
- * expected that test code calls the main method, initializeJobs, directly
- * to trigger initialization.
- */
- class ControlledJobInitializer extends
- JobInitializationPoller.JobInitializationThread {
- boolean stopRunning;
- public ControlledJobInitializer(JobInitializationPoller p) {
- p.super();
- }
- @Override
- public void run() {
- while (!stopRunning) {
- try {
- synchronized(this) {
- this.wait();
- }
- } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void stopRunning() {
- stopRunning = true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test class that removes the asynchronous nature of job initialization.
- *
- * The run method is a dummy which just waits for completion. It is
- * expected that test code calls the main method, selectJobsToInitialize,
- * directly to trigger initialization.
- *
- * The class also creates the test worker thread objects of type
- * ControlledJobInitializer instead of the objects of the actual class
- */
- class ControlledInitializationPoller extends JobInitializationPoller {
- private boolean stopRunning;
- private ArrayList<ControlledJobInitializer> workers;
- public ControlledInitializationPoller(JobQueuesManager mgr,
- CapacitySchedulerConf rmConf,
- Set<String> queues) {
- super(mgr, rmConf, queues);
- }
- @Override
- public void run() {
- // don't do anything here.
- while (!stopRunning) {
- try {
- synchronized (this) {
- this.wait();
- }
- } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- JobInitializationThread createJobInitializationThread() {
- ControlledJobInitializer t = new ControlledJobInitializer(this);
- if (workers == null) {
- workers = new ArrayList<ControlledJobInitializer>();
- }
- workers.add(t);
- return t;
- }
- @Override
- void selectJobsToInitialize() {
- super.cleanUpInitializedJobsList();
- super.selectJobsToInitialize();
- for (ControlledJobInitializer t : workers) {
- t.initializeJobs();
- }
- }
- void stopRunning() {
- stopRunning = true;
- for (ControlledJobInitializer t : workers) {
- t.stopRunning();
- t.interrupt();
- }
- }
- }
- private ControlledInitializationPoller controlledInitializationPoller;
- static class FakeJobInProgress extends JobInProgress {
- private FakeTaskTrackerManager taskTrackerManager;
- private int mapTaskCtr;
- private int redTaskCtr;
- private Set<TaskInProgress> mapTips =
- new HashSet<TaskInProgress>();
- private Set<TaskInProgress> reduceTips =
- new HashSet<TaskInProgress>();
- public FakeJobInProgress(JobID jId, JobConf jobConf,
- FakeTaskTrackerManager taskTrackerManager, String user) {
- super(jId, jobConf);
- this.taskTrackerManager = taskTrackerManager;
- this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- this.status = new JobStatus(jId, 0f, 0f, JobStatus.PREP);
- this.status.setJobPriority(JobPriority.NORMAL);
- this.status.setStartTime(startTime);
- if (null == jobConf.getQueueName()) {
- this.profile = new JobProfile(user, jId,
- null, null, null);
- }
- else {
- this.profile = new JobProfile(user, jId,
- null, null, null, jobConf.getQueueName());
- }
- mapTaskCtr = 0;
- redTaskCtr = 0;
- super.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(jobConf.getMaxVirtualMemoryForTask());
- super.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(jobConf.getMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask());
- }
- @Override
- public synchronized void initTasks() throws IOException {
- getStatus().setRunState(JobStatus.RUNNING);
- }
- @Override
- public Task obtainNewMapTask(final TaskTrackerStatus tts, int clusterSize,
- int ignored) throws IOException {
- if (mapTaskCtr == numMapTasks) return null;
- TaskAttemptID attemptId = getTaskAttemptID(true);
- Task task = new MapTask("", attemptId, 0, "", new BytesWritable()) {
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return String.format("%s on %s", getTaskID(), tts.getTrackerName());
- }
- };
- taskTrackerManager.startTask(tts.getTrackerName(), task);
- runningMapTasks++;
- // create a fake TIP and keep track of it
- mapTips.add(new FakeTaskInProgress(getJobID(),
- getJobConf(), task, true, this));
- return task;
- }
- @Override
- public Task obtainNewReduceTask(final TaskTrackerStatus tts,
- int clusterSize, int ignored) throws IOException {
- if (redTaskCtr == numReduceTasks) return null;
- TaskAttemptID attemptId = getTaskAttemptID(false);
- Task task = new ReduceTask("", attemptId, 0, 10) {
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return String.format("%s on %s", getTaskID(), tts.getTrackerName());
- }
- };
- taskTrackerManager.startTask(tts.getTrackerName(), task);
- runningReduceTasks++;
- // create a fake TIP and keep track of it
- reduceTips.add(new FakeTaskInProgress(getJobID(),
- getJobConf(), task, false, this));
- return task;
- }
- public void mapTaskFinished() {
- runningMapTasks--;
- finishedMapTasks++;
- }
- public void reduceTaskFinished() {
- runningReduceTasks--;
- finishedReduceTasks++;
- }
- private TaskAttemptID getTaskAttemptID(boolean isMap) {
- JobID jobId = getJobID();
- return new TaskAttemptID(jobId.getJtIdentifier(),
- jobId.getId(), isMap, (isMap)?++mapTaskCtr: ++redTaskCtr, 0);
- }
- @Override
- Set<TaskInProgress> getNonLocalRunningMaps() {
- return (Set<TaskInProgress>)mapTips;
- }
- @Override
- Set<TaskInProgress> getRunningReduces() {
- return (Set<TaskInProgress>)reduceTips;
- }
- }
- static class FakeTaskInProgress extends TaskInProgress {
- private boolean isMap;
- private FakeJobInProgress fakeJob;
- private TreeMap<TaskAttemptID, String> activeTasks;
- private TaskStatus taskStatus;
- FakeTaskInProgress(JobID jId, JobConf jobConf, Task t,
- boolean isMap, FakeJobInProgress job) {
- super(jId, "", new JobClient.RawSplit(), null, jobConf, job, 0);
- this.isMap = isMap;
- this.fakeJob = job;
- activeTasks = new TreeMap<TaskAttemptID, String>();
- activeTasks.put(t.getTaskID(), "tt");
- // create a fake status for a task that is running for a bit
- this.taskStatus = TaskStatus.createTaskStatus(isMap);
- taskStatus.setProgress(0.5f);
- taskStatus.setRunState(TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
- }
- @Override
- TreeMap<TaskAttemptID, String> getActiveTasks() {
- return activeTasks;
- }
- @Override
- public TaskStatus getTaskStatus(TaskAttemptID taskid) {
- // return a status for a task that has run a bit
- return taskStatus;
- }
- @Override
- boolean killTask(TaskAttemptID taskId, boolean shouldFail) {
- if (isMap) {
- fakeJob.mapTaskFinished();
- }
- else {
- fakeJob.reduceTaskFinished();
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- static class FakeQueueManager extends QueueManager {
- private Set<String> queues = null;
- FakeQueueManager() {
- super(new Configuration());
- }
- void setQueues(Set<String> queues) {
- this.queues = queues;
- }
- public synchronized Set<String> getQueues() {
- return queues;
- }
- }
- static class FakeTaskTrackerManager implements TaskTrackerManager {
- int maps = 0;
- int reduces = 0;
- int maxMapTasksPerTracker = 2;
- int maxReduceTasksPerTracker = 1;
- List<JobInProgressListener> listeners =
- new ArrayList<JobInProgressListener>();
- FakeQueueManager qm = new FakeQueueManager();
- private Map<String, TaskTrackerStatus> trackers =
- new HashMap<String, TaskTrackerStatus>();
- private Map<String, TaskStatus> taskStatuses =
- new HashMap<String, TaskStatus>();
- private Map<JobID, JobInProgress> jobs =
- new HashMap<JobID, JobInProgress>();
- public FakeTaskTrackerManager() {
- this(2, 2, 1);
- }
- public FakeTaskTrackerManager(int numTaskTrackers,
- int maxMapTasksPerTracker, int maxReduceTasksPerTracker) {
- this.maxMapTasksPerTracker = maxMapTasksPerTracker;
- this.maxReduceTasksPerTracker = maxReduceTasksPerTracker;
- for (int i = 1; i < numTaskTrackers + 1; i++) {
- String ttName = "tt" + i;
- trackers.put(ttName, new TaskTrackerStatus(ttName, ttName + ".host", i,
- new ArrayList<TaskStatus>(), 0, maxMapTasksPerTracker,
- maxReduceTasksPerTracker));
- }
- }
- public void addTaskTracker(String ttName) {
- trackers.put(ttName, new TaskTrackerStatus(ttName, ttName + ".host", 1,
- new ArrayList<TaskStatus>(), 0,
- maxMapTasksPerTracker, maxReduceTasksPerTracker));
- }
- public ClusterStatus getClusterStatus() {
- int numTrackers = trackers.size();
- return new ClusterStatus(numTrackers, maps, reduces,
- numTrackers * maxMapTasksPerTracker,
- numTrackers * maxReduceTasksPerTracker,
- JobTracker.State.RUNNING);
- }
- public int getNumberOfUniqueHosts() {
- return 0;
- }
- public int getNextHeartbeatInterval() {
- }
- @Override
- public void killJob(JobID jobid) throws IOException {
- JobInProgress job = jobs.get(jobid);
- finalizeJob(job, JobStatus.KILLED);
- job.kill();
- }
- @Override
- public JobInProgress getJob(JobID jobid) {
- return jobs.get(jobid);
- }
- Collection<JobInProgress> getJobs() {
- return jobs.values();
- }
- public Collection<TaskTrackerStatus> taskTrackers() {
- return trackers.values();
- }
- public void addJobInProgressListener(JobInProgressListener listener) {
- listeners.add(listener);
- }
- public void removeJobInProgressListener(JobInProgressListener listener) {
- listeners.remove(listener);
- }
- public void submitJob(JobInProgress job) throws IOException {
- jobs.put(job.getJobID(), job);
- for (JobInProgressListener listener : listeners) {
- listener.jobAdded(job);
- }
- }
- public TaskTrackerStatus getTaskTracker(String trackerID) {
- return trackers.get(trackerID);
- }
- public void startTask(String taskTrackerName, final Task t) {
- if (t.isMapTask()) {
- maps++;
- } else {
- reduces++;
- }
- TaskStatus status = new TaskStatus() {
- @Override
- public TaskAttemptID getTaskID() {
- return t.getTaskID();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean getIsMap() {
- return t.isMapTask();
- }
- };
- taskStatuses.put(t.getTaskID().toString(), status);
- status.setRunState(TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
- trackers.get(taskTrackerName).getTaskReports().add(status);
- }
- public void finishTask(String taskTrackerName, String tipId,
- FakeJobInProgress j) {
- TaskStatus status = taskStatuses.get(tipId);
- if (status.getIsMap()) {
- maps--;
- j.mapTaskFinished();
- } else {
- reduces--;
- j.reduceTaskFinished();
- }
- status.setRunState(TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED);
- }
- void finalizeJob(FakeJobInProgress fjob) {
- finalizeJob(fjob, JobStatus.SUCCEEDED);
- }
- void finalizeJob(JobInProgress fjob, int state) {
- // take a snapshot of the status before changing it
- JobStatus oldStatus = (JobStatus)fjob.getStatus().clone();
- fjob.getStatus().setRunState(state);
- JobStatus newStatus = (JobStatus)fjob.getStatus().clone();
- JobStatusChangeEvent event =
- new JobStatusChangeEvent (fjob, EventType.RUN_STATE_CHANGED, oldStatus,
- newStatus);
- for (JobInProgressListener listener : listeners) {
- listener.jobUpdated(event);
- }
- }
- public void setPriority(FakeJobInProgress fjob, JobPriority priority) {
- // take a snapshot of the status before changing it
- JobStatus oldStatus = (JobStatus)fjob.getStatus().clone();
- fjob.setPriority(priority);
- JobStatus newStatus = (JobStatus)fjob.getStatus().clone();
- JobStatusChangeEvent event =
- new JobStatusChangeEvent (fjob, EventType.PRIORITY_CHANGED, oldStatus,
- newStatus);
- for (JobInProgressListener listener : listeners) {
- listener.jobUpdated(event);
- }
- }
- public void setStartTime(FakeJobInProgress fjob, long start) {
- // take a snapshot of the status before changing it
- JobStatus oldStatus = (JobStatus)fjob.getStatus().clone();
- fjob.startTime = start; // change the start time of the job
- fjob.status.setStartTime(start); // change the start time of the jobstatus
- JobStatus newStatus = (JobStatus)fjob.getStatus().clone();
- JobStatusChangeEvent event =
- new JobStatusChangeEvent (fjob, EventType.START_TIME_CHANGED, oldStatus,
- newStatus);
- for (JobInProgressListener listener : listeners) {
- listener.jobUpdated(event);
- }
- }
- void addQueues(String[] arr) {
- Set<String> queues = new HashSet<String>();
- for (String s: arr) {
- queues.add(s);
- }
- qm.setQueues(queues);
- }
- public QueueManager getQueueManager() {
- return qm;
- }
- }
- // represents a fake queue configuration info
- static class FakeQueueInfo {
- String queueName;
- float gc;
- int reclaimTimeLimit;
- boolean supportsPrio;
- int ulMin;
- public FakeQueueInfo(String queueName, float gc,
- int reclaimTimeLimit, boolean supportsPrio, int ulMin) {
- this.queueName = queueName;
- this.gc = gc;
- this.reclaimTimeLimit = reclaimTimeLimit;
- this.supportsPrio = supportsPrio;
- this.ulMin = ulMin;
- }
- }
- static class FakeResourceManagerConf extends CapacitySchedulerConf {
- // map of queue names to queue info
- private Map<String, FakeQueueInfo> queueMap =
- new LinkedHashMap<String, FakeQueueInfo>();
- String firstQueue;
- private long reclaimCapacityInterval = 1000;
- void setFakeQueues(List<FakeQueueInfo> queues) {
- for (FakeQueueInfo q: queues) {
- queueMap.put(q.queueName, q);
- }
- firstQueue = new String(queues.get(0).queueName);
- }
- public synchronized Set<String> getQueues() {
- return queueMap.keySet();
- }
- /*public synchronized String getFirstQueue() {
- return firstQueue;
- }*/
- public float getGuaranteedCapacity(String queue) {
- if(queueMap.get(queue).gc == -1) {
- return super.getGuaranteedCapacity(queue);
- }
- return queueMap.get(queue).gc;
- }
- public int getReclaimTimeLimit(String queue) {
- return queueMap.get(queue).reclaimTimeLimit;
- }
- public int getMinimumUserLimitPercent(String queue) {
- return queueMap.get(queue).ulMin;
- }
- public boolean isPrioritySupported(String queue) {
- return queueMap.get(queue).supportsPrio;
- }
- @Override
- public long getSleepInterval() {
- return 1;
- }
- @Override
- public int getMaxWorkerThreads() {
- return 1;
- }
- @Override
- public long getReclaimCapacityInterval() {
- return reclaimCapacityInterval ;
- }
- @Override
- public void setReclaimCapacityInterval(long value) {
- this.reclaimCapacityInterval = value;
- }
- }
- protected class FakeClock extends CapacityTaskScheduler.Clock {
- private long time = 0;
- public void advance(long millis) {
- time += millis;
- }
- @Override
- long getTime() {
- return time;
- }
- }
- protected JobConf conf;
- protected CapacityTaskScheduler scheduler;
- private FakeTaskTrackerManager taskTrackerManager;
- private FakeResourceManagerConf resConf;
- private FakeClock clock;
- @Override
- protected void setUp() {
- setUp(2, 2, 1);
- }
- private void setUp(int numTaskTrackers, int numMapTasksPerTracker,
- int numReduceTasksPerTracker) {
- jobCounter = 0;
- taskTrackerManager =
- new FakeTaskTrackerManager(numTaskTrackers, numMapTasksPerTracker,
- numReduceTasksPerTracker);
- clock = new FakeClock();
- scheduler = new CapacityTaskScheduler(clock);
- scheduler.setTaskTrackerManager(taskTrackerManager);
- conf = new JobConf();
- // Don't let the JobInitializationPoller come in our way.
- resConf = new FakeResourceManagerConf();
- controlledInitializationPoller = new ControlledInitializationPoller(
- scheduler.jobQueuesManager,
- resConf,
- resConf.getQueues());
- scheduler.setInitializationPoller(controlledInitializationPoller);
- scheduler.setConf(conf);
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- if (scheduler != null) {
- scheduler.terminate();
- }
- }
- private FakeJobInProgress submitJob(int state, JobConf jobConf) throws IOException {
- FakeJobInProgress job =
- new FakeJobInProgress(new JobID("test", ++jobCounter),
- (jobConf == null ? new JobConf() : jobConf), taskTrackerManager,
- jobConf.getUser());
- job.getStatus().setRunState(state);
- taskTrackerManager.submitJob(job);
- return job;
- }
- private FakeJobInProgress submitJobAndInit(int state, JobConf jobConf)
- throws IOException {
- FakeJobInProgress j = submitJob(state, jobConf);
- scheduler.jobQueuesManager.jobUpdated(initTasksAndReportEvent(j));
- return j;
- }
- private FakeJobInProgress submitJob(int state, int maps, int reduces,
- String queue, String user) throws IOException {
- JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(conf);
- jobConf.setNumMapTasks(maps);
- jobConf.setNumReduceTasks(reduces);
- if (queue != null)
- jobConf.setQueueName(queue);
- jobConf.setUser(user);
- return submitJob(state, jobConf);
- }
- // Submit a job and update the listeners
- private FakeJobInProgress submitJobAndInit(int state, int maps, int reduces,
- String queue, String user)
- throws IOException {
- FakeJobInProgress j = submitJob(state, maps, reduces, queue, user);
- scheduler.jobQueuesManager.jobUpdated(initTasksAndReportEvent(j));
- return j;
- }
- // Note that there is no concept of setup tasks here. So init itself should
- // report the job-status change
- private JobStatusChangeEvent initTasksAndReportEvent(FakeJobInProgress jip)
- throws IOException {
- JobStatus oldStatus = (JobStatus)jip.getStatus().clone();
- jip.initTasks();
- JobStatus newStatus = (JobStatus)jip.getStatus().clone();
- return new JobStatusChangeEvent(jip, EventType.RUN_STATE_CHANGED,
- oldStatus, newStatus);
- }
- // test job run-state change
- public void testJobRunStateChange() throws IOException {
- // start the scheduler
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(new String[] {"default"});
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1, true, 1));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // submit the job
- FakeJobInProgress fjob1 =
- submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 0, "default", "user");
- FakeJobInProgress fjob2 =
- submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 0, "default", "user");
- // test if changing the job priority/start-time works as expected in the
- // waiting queue
- testJobOrderChange(fjob1, fjob2, true);
- // Init the jobs
- // simulate the case where the job with a lower priority becomes running
- // first (may be because of the setup tasks).
- // init the lower ranked job first
- JobChangeEvent event = initTasksAndReportEvent(fjob2);
- // inform the scheduler
- scheduler.jobQueuesManager.jobUpdated(event);
- // init the higher ordered job later
- event = initTasksAndReportEvent(fjob1);
- // inform the scheduler
- scheduler.jobQueuesManager.jobUpdated(event);
- // check if the jobs are missing from the waiting queue
- // The jobs are not removed from waiting queue until they are scheduled
- assertEquals("Waiting queue is garbled on job init", 2,
- scheduler.jobQueuesManager.getWaitingJobs("default")
- .size());
- // test if changing the job priority/start-time works as expected in the
- // running queue
- testJobOrderChange(fjob1, fjob2, false);
- // schedule a task
- List<Task> tasks = scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1"));
- // complete the job
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", tasks.get(0).getTaskID().toString(),
- fjob1);
- // mark the job as complete
- taskTrackerManager.finalizeJob(fjob1);
- Collection<JobInProgress> rqueue =
- scheduler.jobQueuesManager.getRunningJobQueue("default");
- // check if the job is removed from the scheduler
- assertFalse("Scheduler contains completed job",
- rqueue.contains(fjob1));
- // check if the running queue size is correct
- assertEquals("Job finish garbles the queue",
- 1, rqueue.size());
- }
- // test if the queue reflects the changes
- private void testJobOrderChange(FakeJobInProgress fjob1,
- FakeJobInProgress fjob2,
- boolean waiting) {
- String queueName = waiting ? "waiting" : "running";
- // check if the jobs in the queue are the right order
- JobInProgress[] jobs = getJobsInQueue(waiting);
- assertTrue(queueName + " queue doesnt contain job #1 in right order",
- jobs[0].getJobID().equals(fjob1.getJobID()));
- assertTrue(queueName + " queue doesnt contain job #2 in right order",
- jobs[1].getJobID().equals(fjob2.getJobID()));
- // I. Check the start-time change
- // Change job2 start-time and check if job2 bumps up in the queue
- taskTrackerManager.setStartTime(fjob2, fjob1.startTime - 1);
- jobs = getJobsInQueue(waiting);
- assertTrue("Start time change didnt not work as expected for job #2 in "
- + queueName + " queue",
- jobs[0].getJobID().equals(fjob2.getJobID()));
- assertTrue("Start time change didnt not work as expected for job #1 in"
- + queueName + " queue",
- jobs[1].getJobID().equals(fjob1.getJobID()));
- // check if the queue is fine
- assertEquals("Start-time change garbled the " + queueName + " queue",
- 2, jobs.length);
- // II. Change job priority change
- // Bump up job1's priority and make sure job1 bumps up in the queue
- taskTrackerManager.setPriority(fjob1, JobPriority.HIGH);
- // Check if the priority changes are reflected
- jobs = getJobsInQueue(waiting);
- assertTrue("Priority change didnt not work as expected for job #1 in "
- + queueName + " queue",
- jobs[0].getJobID().equals(fjob1.getJobID()));
- assertTrue("Priority change didnt not work as expected for job #2 in "
- + queueName + " queue",
- jobs[1].getJobID().equals(fjob2.getJobID()));
- // check if the queue is fine
- assertEquals("Priority change has garbled the " + queueName + " queue",
- 2, jobs.length);
- // reset the queue state back to normal
- taskTrackerManager.setStartTime(fjob1, fjob2.startTime - 1);
- taskTrackerManager.setPriority(fjob1, JobPriority.NORMAL);
- }
- private JobInProgress[] getJobsInQueue(boolean waiting) {
- Collection<JobInProgress> queue =
- waiting
- ? scheduler.jobQueuesManager.getWaitingJobs("default")
- : scheduler.jobQueuesManager.getRunningJobQueue("default");
- return queue.toArray(new JobInProgress[0]);
- }
- /*protected void submitJobs(int number, int state, int maps, int reduces)
- throws IOException {
- for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
- submitJob(state, maps, reduces);
- }
- }*/
- // tests if tasks can be assinged when there are multiple jobs from a same
- // user
- public void testJobFinished() throws Exception {
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(new String[] {"default"});
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 10, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // submit 2 jobs
- FakeJobInProgress j1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 3, 0, "default", "u1");
- FakeJobInProgress j2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 3, 0, "default", "u1");
- // I. Check multiple assignments with running tasks within job
- // ask for a task from first job
- Task t = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // ask for another task from the first job
- t = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- // complete tasks
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0", j1);
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0", j1);
- // II. Check multiple assignments with running tasks across jobs
- // ask for a task from first job
- t = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0 on tt1");
- // ask for a task from the second job
- t = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // complete tasks
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0", j2);
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0", j1);
- // III. Check multiple assignments with completed tasks across jobs
- // ask for a task from the second job
- t = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- // complete task
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000002_0", j2);
- // IV. Check assignment with completed job
- // finish first job
- scheduler.jobCompleted(j1);
- // ask for another task from the second job
- // if tasks can be assigned then the structures are properly updated
- t = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000003_0 on tt1");
- // complete task
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000003_0", j2);
- }
- // basic tests, should be able to submit to queues
- public void testSubmitToQueues() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // submit a job with no queue specified. It should be accepted
- // and given to the default queue.
- JobInProgress j = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- // when we ask for a task, we should get one, from the job submitted
- Task t;
- t = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // submit another job, to a different queue
- j = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u1");
- // now when we get a task, it should be from the second job
- t = checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt2");
- }
- public void testGetJobs() throws Exception {
- // need only one queue
- String[] qs = { "default" };
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 300, true, 100));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- HashMap<String, ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress>> subJobsList =
- submitJobs(1, 4, "default");
- JobQueuesManager mgr = scheduler.jobQueuesManager;
- while(mgr.getWaitingJobs("default").size() < 4){
- Thread.sleep(1);
- }
- //Raise status change events for jobs submitted.
- raiseStatusChangeEvents(mgr);
- Collection<JobInProgress> jobs = scheduler.getJobs("default");
- assertTrue("Number of jobs returned by scheduler is wrong"
- ,jobs.size() == 4);
- assertTrue("Submitted jobs and Returned jobs are not same",
- subJobsList.get("u1").containsAll(jobs));
- }
- //Basic test to test GC allocation across the queues which have no
- //GC configured.
- public void testGCAllocationToQueues() throws Exception {
- String[] qs = {"default","q1","q2","q3","q4"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default",25.0f,5000,true,25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q1",-1.0f,5000,true,25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2",-1.0f,5000,true,25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q3",-1.0f,5000,true,25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q4",-1.0f,5000,true,25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- assertEquals(18.75f, resConf.getGuaranteedCapacity("q1"));
- assertEquals(18.75f, resConf.getGuaranteedCapacity("q2"));
- assertEquals(18.75f, resConf.getGuaranteedCapacity("q3"));
- assertEquals(18.75f, resConf.getGuaranteedCapacity("q4"));
- }
- // Tests how GC is computed and assignment of tasks done
- // on the basis of the GC.
- public void testCapacityBasedAllocation() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- // set the gc % as 10%, so that gc will be zero initially as
- // the cluster capacity increase slowly.
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 10.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 90.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // submit a job to the default queue
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 0, "default", "u1");
- // submit a job to the second queue
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 0, "q2", "u1");
- // job from q2 runs first because it has some non-zero capacity.
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- verifyGuaranteedCapacity("0", "default");
- verifyGuaranteedCapacity("3", "q2");
- // add another tt to increase tt slots
- taskTrackerManager.addTaskTracker("tt3");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0002_m_000002_0 on tt2");
- verifyGuaranteedCapacity("0", "default");
- verifyGuaranteedCapacity("5", "q2");
- // add another tt to increase tt slots
- taskTrackerManager.addTaskTracker("tt4");
- checkAssignment("tt3", "attempt_test_0002_m_000003_0 on tt3");
- verifyGuaranteedCapacity("0", "default");
- verifyGuaranteedCapacity("7", "q2");
- // add another tt to increase tt slots
- taskTrackerManager.addTaskTracker("tt5");
- // now job from default should run, as it is furthest away
- // in terms of runningMaps / gc.
- checkAssignment("tt4", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt4");
- verifyGuaranteedCapacity("1", "default");
- verifyGuaranteedCapacity("9", "q2");
- }
- private void verifyGuaranteedCapacity(String expectedCapacity,
- String queue) throws IOException {
- String schedInfo = taskTrackerManager.getQueueManager().
- getSchedulerInfo(queue).toString();
- assertTrue(schedInfo.contains("Map tasksnGuaranteed Capacity: "
- + expectedCapacity));
- }
- // test capacity transfer
- public void testCapacityTransfer() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // submit a job
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u1");
- // for queue 'q2', the GC for maps is 2. Since we're the only user,
- // we should get a task
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // I should get another map task.
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- // Now we're at full capacity for maps. If I ask for another map task,
- // I should get a map task from the default queue's capacity.
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0 on tt2");
- // and another
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000004_0 on tt2");
- }
- // test user limits
- public void testUserLimits() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // submit a job
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u1");
- // for queue 'q2', the GC for maps is 2. Since we're the only user,
- // we should get a task
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // Submit another job, from a different user
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u2");
- // Now if I ask for a map task, it should come from the second job
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // Now we're at full capacity for maps. If I ask for another map task,
- // I should get a map task from the default queue's capacity.
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt2");
- // and another
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0002_m_000002_0 on tt2");
- }
- // test user limits when a 2nd job is submitted much after first job
- public void testUserLimits2() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // submit a job
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u1");
- // for queue 'q2', the GC for maps is 2. Since we're the only user,
- // we should get a task
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // since we're the only job, we get another map
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- // Submit another job, from a different user
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u2");
- // Now if I ask for a map task, it should come from the second job
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt2");
- // and another
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0002_m_000002_0 on tt2");
- }
- // test user limits when a 2nd job is submitted much after first job
- // and we need to wait for first job's task to complete
- public void testUserLimits3() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 50.0f, 5000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // submit a job
- FakeJobInProgress j1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u1");
- // for queue 'q2', the GC for maps is 2. Since we're the only user,
- // we should get a task
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // since we're the only job, we get another map
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- // we get two more maps from 'default queue'
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000004_0 on tt2");
- // Submit another job, from a different user
- FakeJobInProgress j2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u2");
- // one of the task finishes
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0", j1);
- // Now if I ask for a map task, it should come from the second job
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // another task from job1 finishes, another new task to job2
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0", j1);
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- // now we have equal number of tasks from each job. Whichever job's
- // task finishes, that job gets a new task
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0", j1);
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000005_0 on tt2");
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0", j2);
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000003_0 on tt1");
- }
- // test user limits with many users, more slots
- public void testUserLimits4() throws Exception {
- // set up one queue, with 10 slots
- String[] qs = {"default"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 10000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // add some more TTs
- taskTrackerManager.addTaskTracker("tt3");
- taskTrackerManager.addTaskTracker("tt4");
- taskTrackerManager.addTaskTracker("tt5");
- // u1 submits job
- FakeJobInProgress j1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- // it gets the first 5 slots
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000004_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt3", "attempt_test_0001_m_000005_0 on tt3");
- // u2 submits job with 4 slots
- FakeJobInProgress j2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 4, 4, null, "u2");
- // u2 should get next 4 slots
- checkAssignment("tt3", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt3");
- checkAssignment("tt4", "attempt_test_0002_m_000002_0 on tt4");
- checkAssignment("tt4", "attempt_test_0002_m_000003_0 on tt4");
- checkAssignment("tt5", "attempt_test_0002_m_000004_0 on tt5");
- // last slot should go to u1, since u2 has no more tasks
- checkAssignment("tt5", "attempt_test_0001_m_000006_0 on tt5");
- // u1 finishes a task
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt5", "attempt_test_0001_m_000006_0", j1);
- // u1 submits a few more jobs
- // All the jobs are inited when submitted
- // because of addition of Eager Job Initializer all jobs in this
- //case would e initialised.
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- // u2 also submits a job
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u2");
- // now u3 submits a job
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 2, 2, null, "u3");
- // next slot should go to u3, even though u2 has an earlier job, since
- // user limits have changed and u1/u2 are over limits
- checkAssignment("tt5", "attempt_test_0007_m_000001_0 on tt5");
- // some other task finishes and u3 gets it
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt5", "attempt_test_0002_m_000004_0", j1);
- checkAssignment("tt5", "attempt_test_0007_m_000002_0 on tt5");
- // now, u2 finishes a task
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt4", "attempt_test_0002_m_000002_0", j1);
- // next slot will go to u1, since u3 has nothing to run and u1's job is
- // first in the queue
- checkAssignment("tt4", "attempt_test_0001_m_000007_0 on tt4");
- }
- // test code to reclaim capacity
- public void testReclaimCapacity() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2", "q3"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 25.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q3", 25.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- resConf.setReclaimCapacityInterval(500);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // set up a situation where q2 is under capacity, and default & q3
- // are at/over capacity
- FakeJobInProgress j1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- FakeJobInProgress j2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q3", "u1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0 on tt2");
- // now submit a job to q2
- FakeJobInProgress j3 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u1");
- // get scheduler to notice that q2 needs to reclaim
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // our queue reclaim time is 1000s, heartbeat interval is 5 sec, so
- // we start reclaiming when 15 secs are left.
- clock.advance(400000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // no tasks should have been killed yet
- assertEquals(j1.runningMapTasks, 3);
- assertEquals(j2.runningMapTasks, 1);
- clock.advance(200000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // task from j1 will be killed
- assertEquals(j1.runningMapTasks, 2);
- assertEquals(j2.runningMapTasks, 1);
- }
- // test code to reclaim multiple capacity
- public void testReclaimCapacity2() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2", "q3", "q4"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 20.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q3", 20.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q4", 10.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- resConf.setReclaimCapacityInterval(500);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // add some more TTs so our total map capacity is 10
- taskTrackerManager.addTaskTracker("tt3");
- taskTrackerManager.addTaskTracker("tt4");
- taskTrackerManager.addTaskTracker("tt5");
- // q2 has nothing running, default is under cap, q3 and q4 are over cap
- FakeJobInProgress j1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 2, 2, null, "u1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- FakeJobInProgress j2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q3", "u1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- FakeJobInProgress j3 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q4", "u1");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0003_m_000001_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt3", "attempt_test_0002_m_000002_0 on tt3");
- checkAssignment("tt3", "attempt_test_0002_m_000003_0 on tt3");
- checkAssignment("tt4", "attempt_test_0003_m_000002_0 on tt4");
- checkAssignment("tt4", "attempt_test_0002_m_000004_0 on tt4");
- checkAssignment("tt5", "attempt_test_0002_m_000005_0 on tt5");
- checkAssignment("tt5", "attempt_test_0003_m_000003_0 on tt5");
- // at this point, q3 is running 5 tasks (with a cap of 2), q4 is
- // running 3 tasks (with a cap of 1).
- // If we submit a job to 'default', we need to get 3 slots back.
- FakeJobInProgress j4 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- // get scheduler to notice that q2 needs to reclaim
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // our queue reclaim time is 1000s, heartbeat interval is 5 sec, so
- // we start reclaiming when 15 secs are left.
- clock.advance(400000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // nothing should have happened
- assertEquals(j2.runningMapTasks, 5);
- assertEquals(j3.runningMapTasks, 3);
- // 3 tasks to kill, 5 running over cap. q3 should give up 3*3/5 = 2 slots.
- // q4 should give up 2*3/5 = 1 slot.
- clock.advance(200000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- assertEquals(j2.runningMapTasks, 3);
- assertEquals(j3.runningMapTasks, 2);
- }
- // test code to reclaim capacity when the cluster is completely occupied
- public void testReclaimCapacityWithFullCluster() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "queue"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- int maxSlots = taskTrackerManager.maxMapTasksPerTracker
- * taskTrackerManager.taskTrackers().size();
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("queue", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- resConf.setReclaimCapacityInterval(500);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // now submit 1 job to queue "default" which should take up the cluster
- FakeJobInProgress j1 =
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, maxSlots, 0, "default", "u1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000004_0 on tt2");
- // now submit a job to queue "queue"
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, maxSlots, 0, "queue", "u2");
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- clock.advance(scheduler.schedConf.getReclaimTimeLimit("default") * 1000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // check if the tasks are killed
- assertEquals("Failed to reclaim tasks", j1.runningMapTasks, 2);
- }
- // test code to reclaim capacity in steps
- public void testReclaimCapacityInSteps() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- resConf.setReclaimCapacityInterval(500);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // set up a situation where q2 is under capacity, and default is
- // at/over capacity
- FakeJobInProgress j1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000004_0 on tt2");
- // now submit a job to q2
- FakeJobInProgress j2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 1, "q2", "u1");
- // get scheduler to notice that q2 needs to reclaim
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // our queue reclaim time is 1000s, heartbeat interval is 5 sec, so
- // we start reclaiming when 15 secs are left.
- clock.advance(400000);
- // submit another job to q2 which causes more capacity to be reclaimed
- j2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u2");
- clock.advance(200000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // one task from j1 will be killed
- assertEquals(j1.runningMapTasks, 3);
- clock.advance(300000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // timer for 2nd job hasn't fired, so nothing killed
- assertEquals(j1.runningMapTasks, 3);
- clock.advance(400000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // one task from j1 will be killed
- assertEquals(j1.runningMapTasks, 2);
- }
- /*
- * Test case for checking the reclaim capacity with uninitalized jobs.
- *
- * Configure 2 queue with capacity scheduler.
- *
- * Submit a single job to the default queue and make it go above the gc
- * of the queue.
- *
- * Then submit another job to the second queue but don't initialize it.
- *
- * Run reclaim capacity thread for the scheduler, in order to let scheduler
- * know that it has to reclaim capacity.
- *
- * Advance the scheduler clock by appropriate milliseconds.
- *
- * Run scheduler.reclaimCapacity() to kill the appropriate tasks.
- *
- * Check running task count of the running job.
- *
- */
- public void testReclaimCapacityWithUninitializedJobs() throws IOException {
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- //Submit one job to the default queue and get the capacity over the
- //gc of the particular queue.
- FakeJobInProgress j1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000004_0 on tt2");
- //Submit another job to the second queue but not initialize it.
- submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u1");
- //call scheduler's reclaim capacity in order to start reclaim capacity
- //process.
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- //advance the clock to the position when the two task of the job would
- //be killed.
- clock.advance(600000);
- //run reclaim capacity
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- //check the count of the running tasks.
- assertEquals(j1.runningMapTasks, 2);
- }
- // test code to reclaim capacity with one queue haveing zero GC
- // (HADOOP-4988).
- // Simple test: reclaim capacity should work even if one of the
- // queues has a gc of 0.
- public void testReclaimCapacityWithZeroGC() throws Exception {
- // set up some queues
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2", "q3"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- // we want q3 to have 0 GC. Map slots = 4.
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 40.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q3", 10.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- // note: because of the way we convert gc% into actual gc, q2's gc
- // will be 1, not 2.
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- resConf.setReclaimCapacityInterval(500);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // set up a situation where q2 is under capacity, and default
- // is over capacity
- FakeJobInProgress j1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, null, "u1");
- //FakeJobInProgress j2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q3", "u1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000003_0 on tt2");
- checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0001_m_000004_0 on tt2");
- // now submit a job to q2
- FakeJobInProgress j3 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, 10, 10, "q2", "u1");
- // get scheduler to notice that q2 needs to reclaim
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // our queue reclaim time is 1000s, heartbeat interval is 5 sec, so
- // we start reclaiming when 15 secs are left.
- clock.advance(400000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // no tasks should have been killed yet
- assertEquals(j1.runningMapTasks, 4);
- clock.advance(200000);
- scheduler.reclaimCapacity();
- // task from j1 will be killed
- assertEquals(j1.runningMapTasks, 3);
- }
- /*
- * Following is the testing strategy for testing scheduling information.
- * - start capacity scheduler with two queues.
- * - check the scheduling information with respect to the configuration
- * which was used to configure the queues.
- * - Submit 5 jobs to a queue.
- * - Check the waiting jobs count, it should be 5.
- * - Then run initializationPoller()
- * - Check once again the waiting queue, it should be 5 jobs again.
- * - Then raise status change events.
- * - Assign one task to a task tracker. (Map)
- * - Check waiting job count, it should be 4 now and used map (%) = 100
- * - Assign another one task (Reduce)
- * - Check waiting job count, it should be 4 now and used map (%) = 100
- * and used reduce (%) = 100
- * - finish the job and then check the used percentage it should go
- * back to zero
- * - Then pick an initialized job but not scheduled job and fail it.
- * - Run the poller
- * - Check the waiting job count should now be 3.
- * - Now fail a job which has not been initialized at all.
- * - Run the poller, so that it can clean up the job queue.
- * - Check the count, the waiting job count should be 2.
- * - Now raise status change events to move the initialized jobs which
- * should be two in count to running queue.
- * - Then schedule a map of the job in running queue.
- * - Run the poller because the poller is responsible for waiting
- * jobs count. Check the count, it should be using 100% map and one
- * waiting job
- * - fail the running job.
- * - Check the count, it should be now one waiting job and zero running
- * tasks
- */
- public void testSchedulingInformation() throws Exception {
- String[] qs = {"default", "q2"};
- taskTrackerManager = new FakeTaskTrackerManager(2, 1, 1);
- scheduler.setTaskTrackerManager(taskTrackerManager);
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("q2", 50.0f, 1000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")); // heartbeat
- scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt2")); // heartbeat
- int totalMaps = taskTrackerManager.getClusterStatus().getMaxMapTasks();
- int totalReduces = taskTrackerManager.getClusterStatus().getMaxReduceTasks();
- QueueManager queueManager = scheduler.taskTrackerManager.getQueueManager();
- String schedulingInfo = queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- String schedulingInfo2 = queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("q2").getSchedulingInfo();
- String[] infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 17);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[1] , "Guaranteed Capacity Percentage: 50.0%");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[7] , "Guaranteed Capacity: " + totalMaps * 50/100);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[11] , "Guaranteed Capacity: " + totalReduces * 50/100);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[2] , "User Limit: 25%");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[3] , "Reclaim Time limit: " +
- StringUtils.formatTime(1000000));
- assertEquals(infoStrings[4] , "Priority Supported: YES");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[12],"Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[15] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 0");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[16] , "Number of users who have submitted jobs: 0");
- assertEquals(schedulingInfo, schedulingInfo2);
- //Testing with actual job submission.
- ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress> userJobs =
- submitJobs(1, 5, "default").get("u1");
- schedulingInfo =
- queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- //waiting job should be equal to number of jobs submitted.
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 17);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[12],"Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[15] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 5");
- //Initalize the jobs but don't raise events
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- schedulingInfo =
- queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 17);
- //should be previous value as nothing is scheduled because no events
- //has been raised after initialization.
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[12],"Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[15] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 5");
- //Raise status change event so that jobs can move to running queue.
- raiseStatusChangeEvents(scheduler.jobQueuesManager);
- //assign one job
- Task t1 = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- //Initalize extra job.
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- //Get scheduling information, now the number of waiting job should have
- //changed to 4 as one is scheduled and has become running.
- // make sure we update our stats
- scheduler.updateQSIInfoForTests();
- schedulingInfo =
- queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 19);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 100.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[14],"Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[17] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 4");
- //assign a reduce task
- Task t2 = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_r_000001_0 on tt1");
- // make sure we update our stats
- scheduler.updateQSIInfoForTests();
- schedulingInfo =
- queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 21);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 100.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[14],"Running tasks: 100.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[19] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 4");
- //Complete the job and check the running tasks count
- FakeJobInProgress u1j1 = userJobs.get(0);
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", t1.getTaskID().toString(), u1j1);
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", t2.getTaskID().toString(), u1j1);
- taskTrackerManager.finalizeJob(u1j1);
- // make sure we update our stats
- scheduler.updateQSIInfoForTests();
- schedulingInfo =
- queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 17);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[12],"Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[15] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 4");
- //Fail a job which is initialized but not scheduled and check the count.
- FakeJobInProgress u1j2 = userJobs.get(1);
- assertTrue("User1 job 2 not initalized ",
- u1j2.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING);
- taskTrackerManager.finalizeJob(u1j2, JobStatus.FAILED);
- //Run initializer to clean up failed jobs
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- // make sure we update our stats
- scheduler.updateQSIInfoForTests();
- schedulingInfo =
- queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 17);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[12],"Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[15] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 3");
- //Fail a job which is not initialized but is in the waiting queue.
- FakeJobInProgress u1j5 = userJobs.get(4);
- assertFalse("User1 job 5 initalized ",
- u1j5.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING);
- taskTrackerManager.finalizeJob(u1j5, JobStatus.FAILED);
- //run initializer to clean up failed job
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- // make sure we update our stats
- scheduler.updateQSIInfoForTests();
- schedulingInfo =
- queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 17);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[12],"Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[15] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 2");
- //Raise status change events as none of the intialized jobs would be
- //in running queue as we just failed the second job which was initialized
- //and completed the first one.
- raiseStatusChangeEvents(scheduler.jobQueuesManager);
- //Now schedule a map should be job3 of the user as job1 succeeded job2
- //failed and now job3 is running
- t1 = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0003_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- FakeJobInProgress u1j3 = userJobs.get(2);
- assertTrue("User Job 3 not running ",
- u1j3.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING);
- //now the running count of map should be one and waiting jobs should be
- //one. run the poller as it is responsible for waiting count
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- // make sure we update our stats
- scheduler.updateQSIInfoForTests();
- schedulingInfo =
- queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 19);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 100.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[14],"Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[17] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 1");
- //Fail the executing job
- taskTrackerManager.finalizeJob(u1j3, JobStatus.FAILED);
- // make sure we update our stats
- scheduler.updateQSIInfoForTests();
- //Now running counts should become zero
- schedulingInfo =
- queueManager.getJobQueueInfo("default").getSchedulingInfo();
- infoStrings = schedulingInfo.split("n");
- assertEquals(infoStrings.length, 17);
- assertEquals(infoStrings[8], "Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[12],"Running tasks: 0.0% of Guaranteed Capacity");
- assertEquals(infoStrings[15] , "Number of Waiting Jobs: 1");
- }
- /**
- * Test to verify that highMemoryJobs are scheduled like all other jobs when
- * memory-based scheduling is not enabled.
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public void testDisabledMemoryBasedScheduling()
- throws IOException {
- LOG.debug("Starting the scheduler.");
- taskTrackerManager = new FakeTaskTrackerManager(1, 1, 1);
- // Limited TT - 1GB vmem and 512MB pmem
- taskTrackerManager.getTaskTracker("tt1").getResourceStatus()
- .setTotalVirtualMemory(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- taskTrackerManager.getTaskTracker("tt1").getResourceStatus()
- .setTotalPhysicalMemory(512 * 1024 * 1024L);
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(new String[] { "default" });
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1000000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.setTaskTrackerManager(taskTrackerManager);
- // memory-based scheduling disabled by default.
- scheduler.start();
- LOG.debug("Submit one high memory(3GB vmem, 1GBpmem) job of 1 map task "
- + "and 1 reduce task.");
- JobConf jConf = new JobConf();
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L); // 3GB vmem
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L); // 1 GB pmem
- jConf.setNumMapTasks(1);
- jConf.setNumReduceTasks(1);
- jConf.setQueueName("default");
- jConf.setUser("u1");
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.RUNNING, jConf);
- // assert that all tasks are launched even though they transgress the
- // scheduling limits.
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_r_000001_0 on tt1");
- }
- /**
- * Test to verify that highPmemJobs are scheduled like all other jobs when
- * physical-memory based scheduling is not enabled.
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public void testDisabledPmemBasedScheduling()
- throws IOException {
- LOG.debug("Starting the scheduler.");
- taskTrackerManager = new FakeTaskTrackerManager(1, 1, 1);
- // Limited TT - 100GB vmem and 500MB pmem
- TaskTrackerStatus.ResourceStatus ttStatus =
- taskTrackerManager.getTaskTracker("tt1").getResourceStatus();
- ttStatus.setTotalVirtualMemory(100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- ttStatus.setReservedVirtualMemory(0);
- ttStatus.setTotalPhysicalMemory(500 * 1024 * 1024L);
- ttStatus.setReservedPhysicalMemory(0);
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(new String[] { "default" });
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1000000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.setTaskTrackerManager(taskTrackerManager);
- // enable vmem-based scheduling. pmem based scheduling disabled by default.
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.MAPRED_TASK_DEFAULT_MAXVMEM_PROPERTY,
- 1536 * 1024 * 1024L);
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.UPPER_LIMIT_ON_TASK_VMEM_PROPERTY,
- 3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- scheduler.start();
- LOG.debug("Submit one high pmem(3GB vmem, 1GBpmem) job of 1 map task "
- + "and 1 reduce task.");
- JobConf jConf = new JobConf();
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L); // 3GB vmem
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L); // 1 GB pmem
- jConf.setNumMapTasks(1);
- jConf.setNumReduceTasks(1);
- jConf.setQueueName("default");
- jConf.setUser("u1");
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.RUNNING, jConf);
- // assert that all tasks are launched even though they transgress the
- // scheduling limits.
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_r_000001_0 on tt1");
- }
- /**
- * Test HighMemoryJobs.
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public void testHighMemoryJobs()
- throws IOException {
- LOG.debug("Starting the scheduler.");
- taskTrackerManager = new FakeTaskTrackerManager(1, 1, 1);
- TaskTrackerStatus.ResourceStatus ttStatus =
- taskTrackerManager.getTaskTracker("tt1").getResourceStatus();
- ttStatus.setTotalVirtualMemory(3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- ttStatus.setReservedVirtualMemory(0);
- ttStatus.setTotalPhysicalMemory(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- ttStatus.setReservedPhysicalMemory(0);
- // Normal job on this TT would be 1.5GB vmem, 0.5GB pmem
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(new String[] { "default" });
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1000000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setTaskTrackerManager(taskTrackerManager);
- // enabled memory-based scheduling
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.MAPRED_TASK_DEFAULT_MAXVMEM_PROPERTY,
- 1536 * 1024 * 1024L);
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.UPPER_LIMIT_ON_TASK_VMEM_PROPERTY,
- 3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- resConf.setDefaultPercentOfPmemInVmem(33.3f);
- resConf.setLimitMaxPmemForTasks(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- LOG.debug("Submit one high memory(1600MB vmem, 400MB pmem) job of "
- + "1 map task and 1 reduce task.");
- JobConf jConf = new JobConf();
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(1600 * 1024 * 1024L); // 1.6GB vmem
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(400 * 1024 * 1024L); // 400MB pmem
- jConf.setNumMapTasks(1);
- jConf.setNumReduceTasks(1);
- jConf.setQueueName("default");
- jConf.setUser("u1");
- FakeJobInProgress job1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, jConf);
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // No more tasks of this job can run on the TT because of lack of vmem
- assertNull(scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")));
- // Let attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 finish, task assignment should succeed.
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0", job1);
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_r_000001_0 on tt1");
- LOG.debug("Submit another high memory(1200MB vmem, 800MB pmem) job of "
- + "1 map task and 0 reduces.");
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(1200 * 1024 * 1024L);
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(800 * 1024 * 1024L);
- jConf.setNumMapTasks(1);
- jConf.setNumReduceTasks(0);
- jConf.setQueueName("default");
- jConf.setUser("u1");
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, jConf); // job2
- // This job shouldn't run the TT now because of lack of pmem
- assertNull(scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")));
- // Let attempt_test_0001_m_000002_0 finish, task assignment should succeed.
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_r_000001_0", job1);
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- LOG.debug("Submit a normal memory(200MB vmem, 100MB pmem) job of "
- + "0 maps and 1 reduce task.");
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(200 * 1024 * 1024L);
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(100 * 1024 * 1024L);
- jConf.setNumMapTasks(0);
- jConf.setNumReduceTasks(1);
- jConf.setQueueName("default");
- jConf.setUser("u1");
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, jConf); // job3
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0003_r_000001_0 on tt1");
- }
- /**
- * Test HADOOP-4979.
- * Bug fix for making sure we always return null to TT if there is a
- * high-mem job, and not look at reduce jobs (if map tasks are high-mem)
- * or vice-versa.
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public void testHighMemoryBlocking()
- throws IOException {
- // 2 map and 1 reduce slots
- taskTrackerManager = new FakeTaskTrackerManager(1, 2, 1);
- TaskTrackerStatus.ResourceStatus ttStatus =
- taskTrackerManager.getTaskTracker("tt1").getResourceStatus();
- ttStatus.setTotalVirtualMemory(3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- ttStatus.setReservedVirtualMemory(0);
- ttStatus.setTotalPhysicalMemory(1536 * 1024 * 1024L);
- ttStatus.setReservedPhysicalMemory(0);
- // Normal job on this TT would be 1GB vmem, 0.5GB pmem
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(new String[] { "default" });
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1000000, true, 25));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setTaskTrackerManager(taskTrackerManager);
- // enabled memory-based scheduling
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.MAPRED_TASK_DEFAULT_MAXVMEM_PROPERTY,
- 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.UPPER_LIMIT_ON_TASK_VMEM_PROPERTY,
- 3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- resConf.setDefaultPercentOfPmemInVmem(33.3f);
- resConf.setLimitMaxPmemForTasks(1536 * 1024 * 1024L);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- // We need a situation where the scheduler needs to run a map task,
- // but the available one has a high-mem requirement. There should
- // be another job whose maps or reduces can run, but they shouldn't
- // be scheduled.
- LOG.debug("Submit one high memory(2GB vmem, 400MB pmem) job of "
- + "2 map tasks");
- JobConf jConf = new JobConf();
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L); // 2GB vmem
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(400 * 1024 * 1024L); // 400MB pmem
- jConf.setNumMapTasks(2);
- jConf.setNumReduceTasks(0);
- jConf.setQueueName("default");
- jConf.setUser("u1");
- FakeJobInProgress job1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, jConf);
- LOG.debug("Submit another regular memory(900MB vmem, 200MB pmem) job of "
- + "2 map/red tasks");
- jConf = new JobConf();
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(900 * 1024 * 1024L); // 900MB vmem
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(200 * 1024 * 1024L); // 200MB pmem
- jConf.setNumMapTasks(2);
- jConf.setNumReduceTasks(2);
- jConf.setQueueName("default");
- jConf.setUser("u1");
- FakeJobInProgress job2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, jConf);
- // first, a map from j1 will run
- checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- // at this point, the scheduler tries to schedule another map from j1.
- // there isn't enough space. There is space to run the second job's
- // map or reduce task, but they shouldn't be scheduled
- assertNull(scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")));
- }
- /**
- * test invalid highMemoryJobs
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public void testHighMemoryJobWithInvalidRequirements()
- throws IOException {
- LOG.debug("Starting the scheduler.");
- taskTrackerManager = new FakeTaskTrackerManager(1, 1, 1);
- TaskTrackerStatus.ResourceStatus ttStatus =
- taskTrackerManager.getTaskTracker("tt1").getResourceStatus();
- ttStatus.setTotalVirtualMemory(3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
- ttStatus.setReservedVirtualMemory(0);
- ttStatus.setTotalPhysicalMemory(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
- ttStatus.setReservedPhysicalMemory(0);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1000000, true, 25));
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(new String[] { "default" });
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setTaskTrackerManager(taskTrackerManager);
- // enabled memory-based scheduling
- long vmemUpperLimit = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L;
- long vmemDefault = 1536 * 1024 * 1024L;
- long pmemUpperLimit = vmemUpperLimit;
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.MAPRED_TASK_DEFAULT_MAXVMEM_PROPERTY,
- vmemDefault);
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.UPPER_LIMIT_ON_TASK_VMEM_PROPERTY,
- vmemUpperLimit);
- resConf.setDefaultPercentOfPmemInVmem(33.3f);
- resConf.setLimitMaxPmemForTasks(pmemUpperLimit);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- LOG.debug("Submit one invalid high ram(5GB vmem, 3GB pmem) job of "
- + "1 map, 0 reduce tasks.");
- long jobMaxVmem = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L;
- long jobMaxPmem = 3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L;
- JobConf jConf = new JobConf();
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(jobMaxVmem);
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(jobMaxPmem);
- jConf.setNumMapTasks(1);
- jConf.setNumReduceTasks(0);
- jConf.setQueueName("default");
- jConf.setUser("u1");
- boolean throwsException = false;
- String msg = null;
- FakeJobInProgress job;
- try {
- job = submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, jConf);
- } catch (IOException ioe) {
- // job has to fail
- throwsException = true;
- msg = ioe.getMessage();
- }
- assertTrue(throwsException);
- job = (FakeJobInProgress) taskTrackerManager.getJobs().toArray()[0];
- assertTrue(msg.matches(job.getJobID() + " \(" + jobMaxVmem + "vmem, "
- + jobMaxPmem + "pmem\) exceeds the cluster's max-memory-limits \("
- + vmemUpperLimit + "vmem, " + pmemUpperLimit
- + "pmem\). Cannot run in this cluster, so killing it."));
- // For job, no cleanup task needed so gets killed immediately.
- assertTrue(job.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.KILLED);
- }
- /**
- * Test blocking of cluster for lack of memory.
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public void testClusterBlockingForLackOfMemory()
- throws IOException {
- LOG.debug("Starting the scheduler.");
- taskTrackerManager = new FakeTaskTrackerManager(1, 1, 1);
- TaskTrackerStatus.ResourceStatus ttStatus =
- taskTrackerManager.getTaskTracker("tt1").getResourceStatus();
- ttStatus.setTotalVirtualMemory(3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- ttStatus.setReservedVirtualMemory(0);
- ttStatus.setTotalPhysicalMemory(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- ttStatus.setReservedPhysicalMemory(0);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1000000, true, 25));
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(new String[] { "default" });
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setTaskTrackerManager(taskTrackerManager);
- // enabled memory-based scheduling
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.MAPRED_TASK_DEFAULT_MAXVMEM_PROPERTY,
- 1536 * 1024 * 1024L);
- scheduler.getConf().setLong(JobConf.UPPER_LIMIT_ON_TASK_VMEM_PROPERTY,
- 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- resConf.setDefaultPercentOfPmemInVmem(33.3f);
- resConf.setLimitMaxPmemForTasks(2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- LOG.debug("Submit one high memory(4GB vmem, 512MB pmem) job of "
- + "1 map, 0 reduce tasks.");
- JobConf jConf = new JobConf();
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(512 * 1024 * 1024L);
- jConf.setNumMapTasks(1);
- jConf.setNumReduceTasks(0);
- jConf.setQueueName("default");
- jConf.setUser("u1");
- FakeJobInProgress job1 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, jConf);
- // TTs should not run these jobs i.e. cluster blocked because of lack of
- // vmem
- assertNull(scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")));
- assertNull(scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")));
- // Job should still be alive
- assertTrue(job1.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING);
- LOG.debug("Submit a normal job of 1 map, 0 reduce tasks.");
- // Use cluster-wide defaults
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(JobConf.DISABLED_MEMORY_LIMIT);
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(JobConf.DISABLED_MEMORY_LIMIT);
- FakeJobInProgress job2 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, jConf);
- // cluster should still be blocked for job1 and so even job2 should not run
- // even though it is a normal job
- assertNull(scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")));
- scheduler.taskTrackerManager.killJob(job2.getJobID());
- scheduler.taskTrackerManager.killJob(job1.getJobID());
- LOG.debug("Submit one high memory(2GB vmem, 2GB pmem) job of "
- + "1 map, 0 reduce tasks.");
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
- FakeJobInProgress job3 = submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, jConf);
- // TTs should not run these jobs i.e. cluster blocked because of lack of
- // pmem now.
- assertNull(scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")));
- assertNull(scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")));
- // Job should still be alive
- assertTrue(job3.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING);
- LOG.debug("Submit a normal job of 1 map, 0 reduce tasks.");
- // Use cluster-wide defaults
- jConf.setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(JobConf.DISABLED_MEMORY_LIMIT);
- jConf.setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(JobConf.DISABLED_MEMORY_LIMIT);
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.PREP, jConf); // job4
- // cluster should still be blocked for job3 and so even job4 should not run
- // even though it is a normal job
- assertNull(scheduler.assignTasks(tracker("tt1")));
- }
- protected TaskTrackerStatus tracker(String taskTrackerName) {
- return taskTrackerManager.getTaskTracker(taskTrackerName);
- }
- protected Task checkAssignment(String taskTrackerName,
- String expectedTaskString) throws IOException {
- List<Task> tasks = scheduler.assignTasks(tracker(taskTrackerName));
- assertNotNull(expectedTaskString, tasks);
- assertEquals(expectedTaskString, 1, tasks.size());
- assertEquals(expectedTaskString, tasks.get(0).toString());
- return tasks.get(0);
- }
- /*
- * Test cases for Job Initialization poller.
- */
- /*
- * This test verifies that the correct number of jobs for
- * correct number of users is initialized.
- * It also verifies that as jobs of users complete, new jobs
- * from the correct users are initialized.
- */
- public void testJobInitialization() throws Exception {
- // set up the scheduler
- String[] qs = { "default" };
- taskTrackerManager = new FakeTaskTrackerManager(2, 1, 1);
- scheduler.setTaskTrackerManager(taskTrackerManager);
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1000000, true, 100));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- JobQueuesManager mgr = scheduler.jobQueuesManager;
- JobInitializationPoller initPoller = scheduler.getInitializationPoller();
- // submit 4 jobs each for 3 users.
- HashMap<String, ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress>> userJobs = submitJobs(3,
- 4, "default");
- // get the jobs submitted.
- ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress> u1Jobs = userJobs.get("u1");
- ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress> u2Jobs = userJobs.get("u2");
- ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress> u3Jobs = userJobs.get("u3");
- // reference to the initializedJobs data structure
- // changes are reflected in the set as they are made by the poller
- Set<JobID> initializedJobs = initPoller.getInitializedJobList();
- // we should have 12 (3 x 4) jobs in the job queue
- assertEquals(mgr.getWaitingJobs("default").size(), 12);
- // run one poller iteration.
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- // the poller should initialize 6 jobs
- // 3 users and 2 jobs from each
- assertEquals(initializedJobs.size(), 6);
- assertTrue("Initialized jobs didnt contain the user1 job 1",
- initializedJobs.contains(u1Jobs.get(0).getJobID()));
- assertTrue("Initialized jobs didnt contain the user1 job 2",
- initializedJobs.contains(u1Jobs.get(1).getJobID()));
- assertTrue("Initialized jobs didnt contain the user2 job 1",
- initializedJobs.contains(u2Jobs.get(0).getJobID()));
- assertTrue("Initialized jobs didnt contain the user2 job 2",
- initializedJobs.contains(u2Jobs.get(1).getJobID()));
- assertTrue("Initialized jobs didnt contain the user3 job 1",
- initializedJobs.contains(u3Jobs.get(0).getJobID()));
- assertTrue("Initialized jobs didnt contain the user3 job 2",
- initializedJobs.contains(u3Jobs.get(1).getJobID()));
- // now submit one more job from another user.
- FakeJobInProgress u4j1 =
- submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 1, "default", "u4");
- // run the poller again.
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- // since no jobs have started running, there should be no
- // change to the initialized jobs.
- assertEquals(initializedJobs.size(), 6);
- assertFalse("Initialized jobs contains user 4 jobs",
- initializedJobs.contains(u4j1.getJobID()));
- // This event simulates raising the event on completion of setup task
- // and moves the job to the running list for the scheduler to pick up.
- raiseStatusChangeEvents(mgr);
- // get some tasks assigned.
- Task t1 = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- Task t2 = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_r_000001_0 on tt1");
- Task t3 = checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0002_m_000001_0 on tt2");
- Task t4 = checkAssignment("tt2", "attempt_test_0002_r_000001_0 on tt2");
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", t1.getTaskID().toString(), u1Jobs.get(0));
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", t2.getTaskID().toString(), u1Jobs.get(0));
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt2", t3.getTaskID().toString(), u1Jobs.get(1));
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt2", t4.getTaskID().toString(), u1Jobs.get(1));
- // as some jobs have running tasks, the poller will now
- // pick up new jobs to initialize.
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- // count should still be the same
- assertEquals(initializedJobs.size(), 6);
- // new jobs that have got into the list
- assertTrue(initializedJobs.contains(u1Jobs.get(2).getJobID()));
- assertTrue(initializedJobs.contains(u1Jobs.get(3).getJobID()));
- raiseStatusChangeEvents(mgr);
- // the first two jobs are done, no longer in the initialized list.
- assertFalse("Initialized jobs contains the user1 job 1",
- initializedJobs.contains(u1Jobs.get(0).getJobID()));
- assertFalse("Initialized jobs contains the user1 job 2",
- initializedJobs.contains(u1Jobs.get(1).getJobID()));
- // finish one more job
- t1 = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0003_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- t2 = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0003_r_000001_0 on tt1");
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", t1.getTaskID().toString(), u1Jobs.get(2));
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", t2.getTaskID().toString(), u1Jobs.get(2));
- // no new jobs should be picked up, because max user limit
- // is still 3.
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- assertEquals(initializedJobs.size(), 5);
- // run 1 more jobs..
- t1 = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0004_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- t1 = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0004_r_000001_0 on tt1");
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", t1.getTaskID().toString(), u1Jobs.get(3));
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", t2.getTaskID().toString(), u1Jobs.get(3));
- // Now initialised jobs should contain user 4's job, as
- // user 1's jobs are all done and the number of users is
- // below the limit
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- assertEquals(initializedJobs.size(), 5);
- assertTrue(initializedJobs.contains(u4j1.getJobID()));
- controlledInitializationPoller.stopRunning();
- }
- /*
- * testHighPriorityJobInitialization() shows behaviour when high priority job
- * is submitted into a queue and how initialisation happens for the same.
- */
- public void testHighPriorityJobInitialization() throws Exception {
- String[] qs = { "default"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1000000, true, 100));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- JobInitializationPoller initPoller = scheduler.getInitializationPoller();
- Set<JobID> initializedJobsList = initPoller.getInitializedJobList();
- // submit 3 jobs for 3 users
- submitJobs(3,3,"default");
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- assertEquals(initializedJobsList.size(), 6);
- // submit 2 job for a different user. one of them will be made high priority
- FakeJobInProgress u4j1 = submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 1, "default", "u4");
- FakeJobInProgress u4j2 = submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 1, "default", "u4");
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- // shouldn't change
- assertEquals(initializedJobsList.size(), 6);
- assertFalse("Contains U4J1 high priority job " ,
- initializedJobsList.contains(u4j1.getJobID()));
- assertFalse("Contains U4J2 Normal priority job " ,
- initializedJobsList.contains(u4j2.getJobID()));
- // change priority of one job
- taskTrackerManager.setPriority(u4j1, JobPriority.VERY_HIGH);
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- // the high priority job should get initialized, but not the
- // low priority job from u4, as we have already exceeded the
- // limit.
- assertEquals(initializedJobsList.size(), 7);
- assertTrue("Does not contain U4J1 high priority job " ,
- initializedJobsList.contains(u4j1.getJobID()));
- assertFalse("Contains U4J2 Normal priority job " ,
- initializedJobsList.contains(u4j2.getJobID()));
- controlledInitializationPoller.stopRunning();
- }
- public void testJobMovement() throws Exception {
- String[] qs = { "default"};
- taskTrackerManager.addQueues(qs);
- ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo> queues = new ArrayList<FakeQueueInfo>();
- queues.add(new FakeQueueInfo("default", 100.0f, 1000000, true, 100));
- resConf.setFakeQueues(queues);
- scheduler.setResourceManagerConf(resConf);
- scheduler.start();
- JobQueuesManager mgr = scheduler.jobQueuesManager;
- // check proper running job movement and completion
- checkRunningJobMovementAndCompletion();
- // check failed running job movement
- checkFailedRunningJobMovement();
- // Check job movement of failed initalized job
- checkFailedInitializedJobMovement();
- // Check failed waiting job movement
- checkFailedWaitingJobMovement();
- }
- private void checkRunningJobMovementAndCompletion() throws IOException {
- JobQueuesManager mgr = scheduler.jobQueuesManager;
- JobInitializationPoller p = scheduler.getInitializationPoller();
- // submit a job
- FakeJobInProgress job =
- submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 1, "default", "u1");
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- assertEquals(p.getInitializedJobList().size(), 1);
- // make it running.
- raiseStatusChangeEvents(mgr);
- // it should be there in both the queues.
- assertTrue("Job not present in Job Queue",
- mgr.getWaitingJobs("default").contains(job));
- assertTrue("Job not present in Running Queue",
- mgr.getRunningJobQueue("default").contains(job));
- // assign a task
- Task t = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0 on tt1");
- t = checkAssignment("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_r_000001_0 on tt1");
- controlledInitializationPoller.selectJobsToInitialize();
- // now this task should be removed from the initialized list.
- assertTrue(p.getInitializedJobList().isEmpty());
- // the job should also be removed from the job queue as tasks
- // are scheduled
- assertFalse("Job present in Job Queue",
- mgr.getWaitingJobs("default").contains(job));
- // complete tasks and job
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_m_000001_0", job);
- taskTrackerManager.finishTask("tt1", "attempt_test_0001_r_000001_0", job);
- taskTrackerManager.finalizeJob(job);
- // make sure it is removed from the run queue
- assertFalse("Job present in running queue",
- mgr.getRunningJobQueue("default").contains(job));
- }
- private void checkFailedRunningJobMovement() throws IOException {
- JobQueuesManager mgr = scheduler.jobQueuesManager;
- //submit a job and initalized the same
- FakeJobInProgress job =
- submitJobAndInit(JobStatus.RUNNING, 1, 1, "default", "u1");
- //check if the job is present in running queue.
- assertTrue("Running jobs list does not contain submitted job",
- mgr.getRunningJobQueue("default").contains(job));
- taskTrackerManager.finalizeJob(job, JobStatus.KILLED);
- //check if the job is properly removed from running queue.
- assertFalse("Running jobs list does not contain submitted job",
- mgr.getRunningJobQueue("default").contains(job));
- }
- private void checkFailedInitializedJobMovement() throws IOException {
- JobQueuesManager mgr = scheduler.jobQueuesManager;
- JobInitializationPoller p = scheduler.getInitializationPoller();
- //submit a job
- FakeJobInProgress job = submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 1, "default", "u1");
- //Initialize the job
- p.selectJobsToInitialize();
- //Don't raise the status change event.
- //check in waiting and initialized jobs list.
- assertTrue("Waiting jobs list does not contain the job",
- mgr.getWaitingJobs("default").contains(job));
- assertTrue("Initialized job does not contain the job",
- p.getInitializedJobList().contains(job.getJobID()));
- //fail the initalized job
- taskTrackerManager.finalizeJob(job, JobStatus.KILLED);
- //Check if the job is present in waiting queue
- assertFalse("Waiting jobs list contains failed job",
- mgr.getWaitingJobs("default").contains(job));
- //run the poller to do the cleanup
- p.selectJobsToInitialize();
- //check for failed job in the initialized job list
- assertFalse("Initialized jobs contains failed job",
- p.getInitializedJobList().contains(job.getJobID()));
- }
- private void checkFailedWaitingJobMovement() throws IOException {
- JobQueuesManager mgr = scheduler.jobQueuesManager;
- // submit a job
- FakeJobInProgress job = submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 1, "default",
- "u1");
- // check in waiting and initialized jobs list.
- assertTrue("Waiting jobs list does not contain the job", mgr
- .getWaitingJobs("default").contains(job));
- // fail the waiting job
- taskTrackerManager.finalizeJob(job, JobStatus.KILLED);
- // Check if the job is present in waiting queue
- assertFalse("Waiting jobs list contains failed job", mgr
- .getWaitingJobs("default").contains(job));
- }
- private void raiseStatusChangeEvents(JobQueuesManager mgr) {
- Collection<JobInProgress> jips = mgr.getWaitingJobs("default");
- for(JobInProgress jip : jips) {
- if(jip.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING) {
- JobStatusChangeEvent evt = new JobStatusChangeEvent(jip,
- EventType.RUN_STATE_CHANGED,jip.getStatus());
- mgr.jobUpdated(evt);
- }
- }
- }
- private HashMap<String, ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress>> submitJobs(
- int numberOfUsers, int numberOfJobsPerUser, String queue)
- throws Exception{
- HashMap<String, ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress>> userJobs =
- new HashMap<String, ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress>>();
- for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfUsers; i++) {
- String user = String.valueOf("u" + i);
- ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress> jips = new ArrayList<FakeJobInProgress>();
- for (int j = 1; j <= numberOfJobsPerUser; j++) {
- jips.add(submitJob(JobStatus.PREP, 1, 1, queue, user));
- }
- userJobs.put(user, jips);
- }
- return userJobs;
- }
- }