- /**
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.apache.hadoop.mapred;
- import java.util.Properties;
- import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ControlledMapReduceJob.ControlledMapReduceJobRunner;
- /**
- * End to end tests based on MiniMRCluster to verify that queue capacities are
- * honored. Automates the tests related to queue capacities: submits jobs to
- * different queues simultaneously and ensures that capacities are honored
- */
- public class TestQueueCapacities extends ClusterWithCapacityScheduler {
- /**
- * Test single queue.
- *
- * <p>
- *
- * Submit a job with more M/R tasks than total capacity. Full queue capacity
- * should be utilized and remaining M/R tasks should wait for slots to be
- * available.
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testSingleQueue()
- throws Exception {
- Properties schedulerProps = new Properties();
- schedulerProps.put(
- "mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.guaranteed-capacity", "100");
- Properties clusterProps = new Properties();
- clusterProps
- .put("mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum", String.valueOf(3));
- clusterProps.put("mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum", String
- .valueOf(3));
- // cluster capacity 12 maps, 12 reduces
- startCluster(4, 2, clusterProps, schedulerProps);
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner jobRunner =
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner.getControlledMapReduceJobRunner(
- getJobConf(), 16, 16);
- jobRunner.start();
- ControlledMapReduceJob controlledJob = jobRunner.getJob();
- JobID myJobID = jobRunner.getJobID();
- JobInProgress myJob = getJobTracker().getJob(myJobID);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, true, 12);
- // Wait till the cluster reaches steady state. This confirms that the rest
- // of the tasks are not running and waiting for slots
- // to be freed.
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 2 maps");
- controlledJob.finishNTasks(true, 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(myJob, true, 2);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", myJob.finishedMaps() == 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, true, 12);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 2 more maps");
- controlledJob.finishNTasks(true, 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(myJob, true, 4);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", myJob.finishedMaps() == 4);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, true, 12);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish the last 12 maps");
- controlledJob.finishNTasks(true, 12);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(myJob, true, 16);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", myJob.finishedMaps() == 16);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, true, 0);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.haveAllTasksFinished(myJob, true);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, false, 12);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(false);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 4 reduces");
- controlledJob.finishNTasks(false, 4);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(myJob, false, 4);
- assertTrue("Number of reduces finished", myJob.finishedReduces() == 4);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, false, 12);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(false);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish the last 12 reduces");
- controlledJob.finishNTasks(false, 12);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(myJob, false, 16);
- assertTrue("Number of reduces finished", myJob.finishedReduces() == 16);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, false, 0);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.haveAllTasksFinished(myJob, false);
- jobRunner.join();
- }
- /**
- * Test single queue with multiple jobs.
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testSingleQueueMultipleJobs()
- throws Exception {
- Properties schedulerProps = new Properties();
- schedulerProps.put(
- "mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.guaranteed-capacity", "100");
- Properties clusterProps = new Properties();
- clusterProps
- .put("mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum", String.valueOf(3));
- clusterProps.put("mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum", String
- .valueOf(0));
- // cluster capacity 12 maps, 0 reduces
- startCluster(4, 2, clusterProps, schedulerProps);
- singleQMultipleJobs1();
- singleQMultipleJobs2();
- }
- /**
- * Test multiple queues.
- *
- * These tests use 4 queues default, Q2, Q3 and Q4 with guaranteed capacities
- * 10, 20, 30, 40 respectively), user limit 100%, priority not respected, one
- * user per queue. Reclaim time 5 minutes.
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testMultipleQueues()
- throws Exception {
- Properties schedulerProps = new Properties();
- String[] queues = new String[] { "default", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4" };
- int GC = 0;
- for (String q : queues) {
- GC += 10;
- schedulerProps.put(CapacitySchedulerConf.toFullPropertyName(q,
- "guaranteed-capacity"), String.valueOf(GC)); // TODO: use strings
- schedulerProps.put(CapacitySchedulerConf.toFullPropertyName(q,
- "minimum-user-limit-percent"), String.valueOf(100));
- schedulerProps.put(CapacitySchedulerConf.toFullPropertyName(q,
- "reclaim-time-limit"), String.valueOf(300));
- }
- Properties clusterProps = new Properties();
- clusterProps
- .put("mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum", String.valueOf(2));
- clusterProps.put("mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum", String
- .valueOf(2));
- clusterProps.put("mapred.queue.names", queues[0] + "," + queues[1] + ","
- + queues[2] + "," + queues[3]);
- // cluster capacity 10 maps, 10 reduces and 4 queues with capacities 1, 2,
- // 3, 4 respectively.
- startCluster(5, 2, clusterProps, schedulerProps);
- multipleQsWithOneQBeyondCapacity(queues);
- multipleQueuesWithinCapacities(queues);
- }
- /**
- * Submit a job with more M/R tasks than total queue capacity and then submit
- * another job. First job utilizes all the slots. When the second job is
- * submitted, the tasks of the second job wait for slots to be available. As
- * the tasks of the first jobs finish and there are no more tasks pending, the
- * tasks of the second job start running on the freed up slots.
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- private void singleQMultipleJobs1()
- throws Exception {
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner jobRunner1 =
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner.getControlledMapReduceJobRunner(
- getJobConf(), 16, 0);
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner jobRunner2 =
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner.getControlledMapReduceJobRunner(
- getJobConf(), 12, 0);
- jobRunner1.start();
- ControlledMapReduceJob controlledJob1 = jobRunner1.getJob();
- JobID jobID1 = jobRunner1.getJobID();
- JobInProgress jip1 = getJobTracker().getJob(jobID1);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip1, true, 12);
- // Confirm that the rest of the tasks are not running and waiting for slots
- // to be freed.
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- // Now start the second job.
- jobRunner2.start();
- JobID jobID2 = jobRunner2.getJobID();
- ControlledMapReduceJob controlledJob2 = jobRunner2.getJob();
- JobInProgress jip2 = getJobTracker().getJob(jobID2);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 2 map");
- controlledJob1.finishNTasks(true, 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jip1, true, 2);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", jip1.finishedMaps() == 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip1, true, 12);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 2 more maps");
- controlledJob1.finishNTasks(true, 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jip1, true, 4);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", jip1.finishedMaps() == 4);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip1, true, 12);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- // All tasks of Job1 started running/finished. Now job2 should start
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 2 more maps");
- controlledJob1.finishNTasks(true, 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jip1, true, 6);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", jip1.finishedMaps() == 6);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip1, true, 10);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip2, true, 2);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip1, true, 10);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip2, true, 2);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 10 more maps and hence job1");
- controlledJob1.finishNTasks(true, 10);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jip1, true, 16);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", jip1.finishedMaps() == 16);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip2, true, 12);
- controlledJob1.finishJob();
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip1, true, 0);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip2, true, 12);
- // Finish job2 also
- controlledJob2.finishJob();
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jip2, true, 12);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip2, true, 0);
- jobRunner1.join();
- jobRunner2.join();
- }
- /**
- * Submit a job with less M/R tasks than total capacity and another job with
- * more M/R tasks than the remaining capacity. First job should utilize the
- * required slots and other job should utilize the available slots and its
- * remaining tasks wait for slots to become free.
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- private void singleQMultipleJobs2()
- throws Exception {
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner jobRunner1 =
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner.getControlledMapReduceJobRunner(
- getJobConf(), 8, 0);
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner jobRunner2 =
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner.getControlledMapReduceJobRunner(
- getJobConf(), 12, 0);
- jobRunner1.start();
- ControlledMapReduceJob controlledJob1 = jobRunner1.getJob();
- JobID jobID1 = jobRunner1.getJobID();
- JobInProgress jip1 = getJobTracker().getJob(jobID1);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip1, true, 8);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip1, true, 8);
- // Now start the second job.
- jobRunner2.start();
- JobID jobID2 = jobRunner2.getJobID();
- ControlledMapReduceJob controlledJob2 = jobRunner2.getJob();
- JobInProgress jip2 = getJobTracker().getJob(jobID2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip2, true, 4);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip1, true, 8);
- // The rest of the tasks of job2 should wait.
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip2, true, 4);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 2 maps of job1");
- controlledJob1.finishNTasks(true, 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jip1, true, 2);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", jip1.finishedMaps() == 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip1, true, 6);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip2, true, 6);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip1, true, 6);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip2, true, 6);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 6 more maps of job1");
- controlledJob1.finishNTasks(true, 6);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jip1, true, 8);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", jip1.finishedMaps() == 8);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jip2, true, 12);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip1, true, 0);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip2, true, 12);
- // Finish job2 also
- controlledJob2.finishJob();
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jip2, true, 12);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jip2, true, 0);
- jobRunner1.join();
- jobRunner2.join();
- }
- /**
- * Test to verify running of tasks in a queue going over its capacity. In
- * queue default, user U1 starts a job J1, having more M/R tasks than the
- * total slots. M/R tasks of job J1 should start running on all the nodes (100
- * % utilization).
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- private void multipleQsWithOneQBeyondCapacity(String[] queues)
- throws Exception {
- JobConf conf = getJobConf();
- conf.setQueueName(queues[0]);
- conf.setUser("U1");
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner jobRunner =
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner.getControlledMapReduceJobRunner(conf, 15,
- 0);
- jobRunner.start();
- ControlledMapReduceJob controlledJob = jobRunner.getJob();
- JobID myJobID = jobRunner.getJobID();
- JobInProgress myJob = getJobTracker().getJob(myJobID);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, true, 10);
- // Confirm that the rest of the tasks are not running and waiting for slots
- // to be freed.
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(myJob, true, 10);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 3 maps");
- controlledJob.finishNTasks(true, 3);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(myJob, true, 3);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", myJob.finishedMaps() == 3);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, true, 10);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(myJob, true, 10);
- LOG.info("Trying to finish 2 more maps");
- controlledJob.finishNTasks(true, 2);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(myJob, true, 5);
- assertTrue("Number of maps finished", myJob.finishedMaps() == 5);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(myJob, true, 10);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(myJob, true, 10);
- // Finish job
- controlledJob.finishJob();
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(myJob, true, 15);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(myJob, true, 0);
- jobRunner.join();
- }
- /**
- * Test to verify queue capacities across multiple queues. In this test, jobs
- * are submitted to different queues - all below the queue's capacity and
- * verifies that all the jobs are running. This will test code paths related
- * to job initialization, considering multiple queues for scheduling jobs etc.
- *
- * <p>
- *
- * One user per queue. Four jobs are submitted to the four queues such that
- * they exactly fill up the queues. No queue should be beyond capacity. All
- * jobs should be running.
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- private void multipleQueuesWithinCapacities(String[] queues)
- throws Exception {
- String[] users = new String[] { "U1", "U2", "U3", "U4" };
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner[] jobRunners =
- new ControlledMapReduceJobRunner[4];
- ControlledMapReduceJob[] controlledJobs = new ControlledMapReduceJob[4];
- JobInProgress[] jips = new JobInProgress[4];
- // Initialize all the jobs
- // Start all the jobs in parallel
- JobConf conf = getJobConf();
- int numTasks = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- conf.setQueueName(queues[i]);
- conf.setUser(users[i]);
- jobRunners[i] =
- ControlledMapReduceJobRunner.getControlledMapReduceJobRunner(
- getJobConf(), numTasks, numTasks);
- jobRunners[i].start();
- controlledJobs[i] = jobRunners[i].getJob();
- JobID jobID = jobRunners[i].getJobID();
- jips[i] = getJobTracker().getJob(jobID);
- // Wait till all the jobs start running all of their tasks
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jips[i], true,
- numTasks);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTasksStartRunning(jips[i], false,
- numTasks);
- numTasks += 1;
- }
- // Ensure steady state behavior
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(true);
- waitTillAllSlotsAreOccupied(false);
- numTasks = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jips[i], true, numTasks);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jips[i], false, numTasks);
- numTasks += 1;
- }
- // Finish the jobs and join them
- numTasks = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- controlledJobs[i].finishJob();
- ControlledMapReduceJob
- .waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jips[i], true, numTasks);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jips[i], true, 0);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.waitTillNTotalTasksFinish(jips[i], false,
- numTasks);
- ControlledMapReduceJob.assertNumTasksRunning(jips[i], false, 0);
- jobRunners[i].join();
- numTasks += 1;
- }
- }
- }